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作者 林慧光 傅乃萍 《福建中医学院学报》 1996年第4期1-3,共3页
关键词 瘦生 自汗 中医药疗法 症瘕 癃闭 牙痛
作者 胡正武 《台州师专学报》 2001年第1期43-47,58,共6页
刘晨阮肇入天台山采谷皮实为“榖皮”,是一种造纸和织布的原料。“瘦生”的“生”当为“省”之音借,亦即瘦义。“兰若”除了香草之名以外,唐诗中较多的用例是指佛教的寺院、僧舍。刀剑的许多雅名如“白刃”是由于修辞手法产生的,用训诂... 刘晨阮肇入天台山采谷皮实为“榖皮”,是一种造纸和织布的原料。“瘦生”的“生”当为“省”之音借,亦即瘦义。“兰若”除了香草之名以外,唐诗中较多的用例是指佛教的寺院、僧舍。刀剑的许多雅名如“白刃”是由于修辞手法产生的,用训诂的方法来释义,只能得出错误的结论。 展开更多
关键词 谷皮 榖皮 瘦生 兰若 寺院 白刃 修辞 训诂
论当代高效课堂改革的理论架构 被引量:5
作者 龙宝新 《教育理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第10期52-56,共5页
当代高效课堂改革的最大短板是先天理论思维发育滞后,理清这场课堂改革的整体性改革理念、目标思路,廓清整个课堂改革的理论框架是当务之急。当代高效课堂改革的整体性改革理念是"瘦身+生本",其微观目标是创建一种适应时代要... 当代高效课堂改革的最大短板是先天理论思维发育滞后,理清这场课堂改革的整体性改革理念、目标思路,廓清整个课堂改革的理论框架是当务之急。当代高效课堂改革的整体性改革理念是"瘦身+生本",其微观目标是创建一种适应时代要求的"新课堂"。"新课堂"的三种基本形态是简约课堂、绿色课堂、生本课堂。重置课改目标、创建"三优课堂"是我国高效课堂改革的基本蓝图。高效课堂改革的实践思路是重构"教—学"关系,努力建构以"共存、互促、和谐、有序"精神为主调的新型"教—学"组合样式。 展开更多
关键词 高效课堂 身+本” “新课堂” “教-学”关系
作者 陈维雄 《湖州师范学院学报》 1983年第2期36-38,共3页
花亦无知,月亦无聊,酒亦无灵.把天桃斫断,煞他风景;鹦哥煮熟,佐我怀羹.焚砚烧书,椎琴裂画,毁尽文章抹尽名.荥阳郑,有慕歌家世,乞食风情.单寒骨相难更,笑席帽青衫太瘦生.看蓬门秋草,年年破巷;疏窗细雨,夜夜孤灯.难道天公,还箝恨口,不许... 花亦无知,月亦无聊,酒亦无灵.把天桃斫断,煞他风景;鹦哥煮熟,佐我怀羹.焚砚烧书,椎琴裂画,毁尽文章抹尽名.荥阳郑,有慕歌家世,乞食风情.单寒骨相难更,笑席帽青衫太瘦生.看蓬门秋草,年年破巷;疏窗细雨,夜夜孤灯.难道天公,还箝恨口,不许长吁一两声?颠狂甚,取鸟丝百幅,细写凄情.这是郑板桥填的“沁园春”,题为《恨》.以“恨”命篇而为人熟知的作品,首推江文通的《恨赋》.“已矣哉.春草暮兮秋风惊,秋风罢兮春草生;绮罗毕兮池馆尽,琴瑟灭兮丘垄平.自古皆有死,莫不饮恨而吞声.”但是,如果把这两篇作品并读,它们的深沉浮浅、真挚矫作便不待明人指点了.尽管江文通自称“仆本恨人,心惊不已”,然而他的《恨赋》只不过排比铺陈,罗列史实,写的是异代的兴亡。 展开更多
关键词 江文通 凄情 席帽 沁园春 瘦生 悍吏 春草 风惊 沉着痛快 秋草
作者 江慰庐 《内蒙古大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1981年第3期68-70,共3页
《红楼梦》著者曹雪芹年寿推估:向有“四十八九”与“四十岁”两说。前者据张宜泉《春柳堂诗稿·伤芹溪居士》题下“自注”:“其人素性放达,好饮,又善诗画,年未五旬而卒。”说者认为:对诗人遣词用字固不应拘泥、抠死,但宜泉这里是... 《红楼梦》著者曹雪芹年寿推估:向有“四十八九”与“四十岁”两说。前者据张宜泉《春柳堂诗稿·伤芹溪居士》题下“自注”:“其人素性放达,好饮,又善诗画,年未五旬而卒。”说者认为:对诗人遣词用字固不应拘泥、抠死,但宜泉这里是“题注”,不是必须受字数、音律限制、只可“举成数”的“诗句”,因而,应系很清楚的“实际数字”,正确性较强。后者根据教诚《鹪鹩庵杂记》抄本《挽曹雪芹》两首之一中的首句“四十萧然太瘦生”及其后的《四松堂集(付刻底本和《诗钞》抄本)》同题首句“四十年华付杳冥”,认为从字句看:“四十萧然”还比较活络,而定稿改写作“四十年华”,对其年时已很肯定和具体,因此说,敦诚在这儿应是把清楚记住的曹雪芹时年岁写入诗中的,知“ 展开更多
关键词 张宜泉 春柳堂诗稿 四松堂集 悼红轩 敦诚 杳冥 瘦生 沈园 梦断香消 老大无成
作者 郑沐 《中国储运》 1994年第2期46-46,共1页
关键词 浪淘沙 瘦生
作者 林华 《中国食品》 2005年第20期30-31,共2页
2005年9月28日,来自广东省佛山市、顺德市、中山市三地的"美极精英俱乐部"40多位会员,其中包括顺德顺峰山庄的总经理罗福南先生、顺德仙泉酒店行政总厨洪永祥先生、中山京华集团、佛山鸿福山庄行政总厨郭锦雄先生、佛山禅城... 2005年9月28日,来自广东省佛山市、顺德市、中山市三地的"美极精英俱乐部"40多位会员,其中包括顺德顺峰山庄的总经理罗福南先生、顺德仙泉酒店行政总厨洪永祥先生、中山京华集团、佛山鸿福山庄行政总厨郭锦雄先生、佛山禅城酒店的行政总厨何金灿先生、中山交通海港大酒楼副总厨林国禧先生、中山颐东大酒楼卢泉勇先生等,在雀巢餐饮部华南区有关人员的带领下,来到位于广东省高要市蛟塘镇的金龙水库,开始了主题为"美极精英俱乐部珠三角特色食材之旅"的活动. 展开更多
关键词 粤菜 饮食文化 身鳝 制作材料 制作方法 菜谱
西德黑白花奶牛在合肥地区的适应性 被引量:1
作者 江宗元 《家畜生态学报》 1992年第1期24-29,共6页
对于从西德下萨克森州引进的79头黑白花奶牛青年牛经过一年饲养后进行了各种指标观察,并与合肥的中国黑白花奶牛及西德原产地的黑白花牛进行对照比较。结果,引进牛的体高、体长、体重、胸围均超过合肥牛;公牛采精量也明显较高。母牛初... 对于从西德下萨克森州引进的79头黑白花奶牛青年牛经过一年饲养后进行了各种指标观察,并与合肥的中国黑白花奶牛及西德原产地的黑白花牛进行对照比较。结果,引进牛的体高、体长、体重、胸围均超过合肥牛;公牛采精量也明显较高。母牛初配年龄早,受胎率略低,产犊间隔短,200天平均产奶3530.5kg,奶中干物质12.48%,乳脂率4%以上,达到了西德原产地的水平。 展开更多
关键词 黑白花奶牛 体型外貌 行为 指标 繁殖性能
作者 张传洲 《山东省农业管理干部学院学报》 2001年第3期117-118,共2页
黄庭坚作为一代诗派的创始人 ,在诗歌创作上刻意求新求奇 ,创造了独特的艺术风格 :诗的层次分明 ,上下文之间转折陡急 ;句意凝练新奇 ,音节矫健峭拔 ;语言务去雕饰 ,平常中生新意。三点融为一体 ,构成了黄诗生新瘦硬的独特艺术风格 ,在... 黄庭坚作为一代诗派的创始人 ,在诗歌创作上刻意求新求奇 ,创造了独特的艺术风格 :诗的层次分明 ,上下文之间转折陡急 ;句意凝练新奇 ,音节矫健峭拔 ;语言务去雕饰 ,平常中生新意。三点融为一体 ,构成了黄诗生新瘦硬的独特艺术风格 ,在宋诗中独树一帜 ,鲜明地体现了一代诗歌的艺术特征。 展开更多
关键词 诗歌 新奇 转折
Leptin: a multifunctional hormone 被引量:35
作者 HUANG Lu, CAI LI(Tel: (214)-648-3340 Fax: (214)-648-9191 E-mail: li03@utsw.swmed.edu)(1 Touchstone Center for Diabetes Research1 Departments of Physiology and,2 Departments of Internal MedicineThe University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center5323 H. 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第2期81-92,共12页
Leptin is the protein product encoded by the obese (ob)gene. It is a circulating hormone produced primarily by the adipose tissue. ob/ob mice with mutations of the gene encoding leptin become morbidly obese, infertile... Leptin is the protein product encoded by the obese (ob)gene. It is a circulating hormone produced primarily by the adipose tissue. ob/ob mice with mutations of the gene encoding leptin become morbidly obese, infertile, hyperphagic, hypothermic,and diabetic. Since the cloning of leptin in 1994, our knowledge in body weight regulation and the role played by leptin has increased substantially. We now know that leptin signals through its receptor, OB-R, which is a member of the cytokine receptor superfamily. Leptin serves as an adiposity signal to inform the brain the adipose tissue mass in a negative feedback loop regulating food intake and energy expenditure. Leptin also plays important roles in angiogenesis, immune function, fertility and bone formation. Humans with mutations in the gene encoding leptin are also morbidly obese and respond to leptin treatment,demonstrating that enhancing or inhibiting leptin’s activities in vivo may have potential therapeutic benefits. 展开更多
关键词 LEPTIN OB-R HYPOTHALAMUS adipose tissue obesity diabetes cytokine receptor
作者 曾子鲁 《江西社会科学》 CSSCI 1991年第2期77-80,共4页
谢工薖是被吕本中列入《江西诗社宗派图》的诗人之一。据清人赵之谦所编的《江西通志》记载:“谢薖,字幼槃,逸(谢逸)弟,自号竹友。尝为漕司首荐,省闱报罢,以琴弈诗酒自娱,诗文不亚其兄,时称‘二谢’。”(见《江西通志》卷一五一列传引... 谢工薖是被吕本中列入《江西诗社宗派图》的诗人之一。据清人赵之谦所编的《江西通志》记载:“谢薖,字幼槃,逸(谢逸)弟,自号竹友。尝为漕司首荐,省闱报罢,以琴弈诗酒自娱,诗文不亚其兄,时称‘二谢’。”(见《江西通志》卷一五一列传引《林志》)他的诗作虽然只有272首,且多局限于个人生活的圈子,但却反映了北宋末年一批落拓不遇的知识分子的好尚、心态与情趣,体现了江西诗派诗人的创作共性与幼槃的创作个性。 展开更多
关键词 诗歌创作 江西诗派 吕本中 隐逸 北宋末年 典故 通志 虚词 山林
Serum leptin and ghrelin in chronic hepatitis C patients with steatosis 被引量:6
作者 Christos Pavlidis Georgios I Panoutsopoulos +3 位作者 Dina Tiniakos Sotirios Koutsounas John Vlachogiannakos Irini Zouboulis-Vafiadis 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第46期5097-5104,共8页
AIM:To determine the associations between leptin and ghrelin concentrations and sustained virological response(SVR)in chronic hepatitis C patients with ste-atosis.METHODS:We retrospectively assessed 56 patients infect... AIM:To determine the associations between leptin and ghrelin concentrations and sustained virological response(SVR)in chronic hepatitis C patients with ste-atosis.METHODS:We retrospectively assessed 56 patients infected with hepatitis C virus(HCV)genotype-1 and 40 with HCV genotype-3.Patients with decompensated cirrhosis,and those with other causes of chronic liver disease,were excluded.Serum HCV-RNA concentra-tions were measured before the initiation of treatment;at weeks 12(for genotype 1 patients),24 and 48 during treatment;and 24 wk after the end of treatment.Genotype was determined using INNO-LIPA HCV as-says,and serum leptin and ghrelin concentrations were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.Biopsy specimens were scored according to the Ishak system and steatosis was graded as mild,moderate,or severe,according to the Brunt classif ication.RESULTS:Overall,SVR was positively related to the presence of genotype-3,to biopsy-determined lower histological stage of liver disease,and lower grade of steatosis.Patients ≥ 40 years old tended to be less responsive to therapy.In genotype-1 infected pa-tients,SVR was associated with a lower grade of liver steatosis,milder fibrosis,and an absence of insulin resistance.Genotype-1 infected patients who did not achieve SVR had significantly higher leptin concen-trations at baseline,with significant increases as the severity of steatosis worsened,whereas those who achieved SVR had higher ghrelin concentrations.In genotype-3 infected patients,SVR was associated only with fibrosis stage and lower homeostasis model as-sessment insulin resistance at baseline,but not with the degree of steatosis or leptin concentrations.Geno-type-3 infected patients who achieved SVR showed signif icant decreases in ghrelin concentration at end of treatment.Baseline ghrelin concentrations were elevat-ed in responders of both genotypes who had moderate and severe steatosis.CONCLUSION:Increased serum leptin before treat-ment may predict non-SVR,especially in HCV geno-type-1 infected patients,whereas increased ghrelin may predict SVR in genotype-1. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatitis C virus STEATOSIS LEPTIN GHRELIN Sustained virological response
沉郁的忧愁 从容的逃难——读周茂源的《鹧鸪天·夏雨生寒》
作者 赵静涛 《文史知识》 北大核心 1991年第12期30-32,共3页
夜雨空阶滴到明,香篝拨火熨桃笙。残莺唤起无聊赖,晓镜看来太瘦生。人似雁,屋如萍,江城水涨白鼍鸣。冲泥细马猩红罽,五月披裘半老兵。周茂源字宿来,号釜山。清顺治六年(1649)进士,曾为处州(今浙江丽水)知府。并参加几社,与陈子龙、李雯... 夜雨空阶滴到明,香篝拨火熨桃笙。残莺唤起无聊赖,晓镜看来太瘦生。人似雁,屋如萍,江城水涨白鼍鸣。冲泥细马猩红罽,五月披裘半老兵。周茂源字宿来,号釜山。清顺治六年(1649)进士,曾为处州(今浙江丽水)知府。并参加几社,与陈子龙、李雯等友善,有《鹤静堂集》传世。 展开更多
关键词 周茂源 五月披裘 鹤静堂集 瘦生 宿来 如萍 鹧鸪天 几社 浙江丽水 夏雨
作者 徐忆农 《江苏政协》 2016年第4期28-30,共3页
记得十几年前,翻阅清代顾禄详记苏州风土岁时的专著《清嘉录》,对其中"冬至大如年"一节印象最深,书中引用宋人"吴门风俗多重至节"之语,又录清人"冬肥年瘦生分别,尚袭姬家建子春"诗句,来说明这一节俗由来... 记得十几年前,翻阅清代顾禄详记苏州风土岁时的专著《清嘉录》,对其中"冬至大如年"一节印象最深,书中引用宋人"吴门风俗多重至节"之语,又录清人"冬肥年瘦生分别,尚袭姬家建子春"诗句,来说明这一节俗由来已久。因为我们知道,"吴门"为苏州的别称,"姬家"指周朝。与此同时,古人认为冬至所在的月(夏历十一月)为建子之月,周朝历法以此月为春正月,故可称周历岁首为"建子春"。现在用的农历又称夏历。 展开更多
关键词 让国 仲雍 建子 清嘉录 瘦生 周历 节俗 顾禄 季历 言偃
Placental leptin correlates with intrauterine fetal growth and development
作者 贲晓明 秦玉明 +2 位作者 吴圣楣 张伟利 蔡威 《Chinese Medical Journal》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第6期76-79,109,共5页
Objective To study the role of placental leptin in intrauterine cord leptin production and its relationship with neonatal anthropometry. Methods Forty women and their babies (40) were enrolled in this study. Placent... Objective To study the role of placental leptin in intrauterine cord leptin production and its relationship with neonatal anthropometry. Methods Forty women and their babies (40) were enrolled in this study. Placental tissues were assayed for leptin mRNA by reverse transcription/polymerase chain reaction (RT/PCR), and assayed for the obese gene protein leptin by Western-blot and immunohistochemistry. Blood was taken from the umbilical cord of the babies at delivery. Serum leptin was measured by radio-immunoassay. Neonatal anthropometric measurements were recorded within 48 hours after delivery. Linear regression analysis was used to explore the relationship between placental leptin, cord leptin and neonatal anthropometric measures. Results The obese gene was expressed in placental tissue at comparable or greater levels than that in adipose tissue. The placentas of the small for gestational age (SGA) neonates expressed leptin mRNA and protein at significantly lower levels than those of the appropriate for gestational age (AGA) neonates (P=0.0034 and 0.0076), while the placentas of the large for gestational age (LGA) neonates expressed leptin mRNA and protein at significantly higher levels than those of the AGA neonates (P=0.043 and 0.021). Linear regression analysis showed placental ob gene transcription and leptin translation correlated significantly with cord leptin (r=0.39 and 0.43), and neonatal Ponderal Index (r=0.66 and 0.69). Conclusion The placenta provides a source of leptin for the growing fetus, and this placental leptin might be a growth factor in intrauterine fetal development. 展开更多
关键词 leptin · placenta · intrauterine fetal growth
作者 彭向前 《辽金历史与考古》 2017年第1期189-191,共3页
北宋欧阳修《六一诗话》记载:李白《戏杜甫》云:'借问别来太瘦生,总为从前作诗苦'。'太瘦生',唐人语也,至今犹以'生'为语助,如'作么生、何似生'之类是也。陶尚书谷尝曰:'尖檐帽子卑凡厮,短靿靴儿... 北宋欧阳修《六一诗话》记载:李白《戏杜甫》云:'借问别来太瘦生,总为从前作诗苦'。'太瘦生',唐人语也,至今犹以'生'为语助,如'作么生、何似生'之类是也。陶尚书谷尝曰:'尖檐帽子卑凡厮,短靿靴儿末厥兵。''末厥'亦当时语。余天圣、景祐间已闻此句,时去陶公尚未远,人皆莫晓其义。王原叔博学多闻见称于世,最为多识,前言者,亦云不知为何说也。第记之,必有知者耳。这里欧阳修考证了李白'借问别来太瘦生'句末的'生'为语助;而对陶谷'尖檐帽子卑凡厮,短靿靴儿末厥兵'中之'末厥'一词,则不得其解。 展开更多
关键词 瘦生 临汉隐居诗话 《中山诗话》 博学多闻 欧阳修
作者 詹曼 《中国农村金融》 2016年第10期103-103,共1页
亲爱的小董:想必,昨夜的你又是疼痛难忍、彻夜未眠吧?请你一定要坚强,因为你的背后除了家人,还有支持你的我们。你知道吗?你在家养病的这段日子里,每天都有客户问起你。很多老人一进门就喊:"小董小董,我家停电了,赶快帮我交电费!&q... 亲爱的小董:想必,昨夜的你又是疼痛难忍、彻夜未眠吧?请你一定要坚强,因为你的背后除了家人,还有支持你的我们。你知道吗?你在家养病的这段日子里,每天都有客户问起你。很多老人一进门就喊:"小董小董,我家停电了,赶快帮我交电费!"对面的小英姐来了,说是在网上看中了一条裙子,让你教她怎么网购; 展开更多
关键词 小伙伴 段日 一封信 网购 子里 对我说 农商行 瘦生 天都 不知道
Effects of leptin-modified human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells on angiogenic potential and peripheral inflammation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs) after X-ray radiation 被引量:2
作者 Shu CHEN Qian WANG +5 位作者 Bing HAN Jia WU Ding-kun LIU Jun-dong ZOU Mi WANG Zhi-hui LIU 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2020年第4期327-340,共14页
Combined radiation-wound injury(CRWI) is characterized by blood vessel damage and pro-inflammatory cytokine deficiency. Studies have identified that the direct application of leptin plays a significant role in angioge... Combined radiation-wound injury(CRWI) is characterized by blood vessel damage and pro-inflammatory cytokine deficiency. Studies have identified that the direct application of leptin plays a significant role in angiogenesis and inflammation. We established a sustained and stable leptin expression system to study the mechanism. A lentivirus method was employed to explore the angiogenic potential and peripheral inflammation of irradiated human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs). Leptin was transfected into human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells(HPMSCs) with lentiviral vectors. HUVECs were irradiated by X-ray at a single dose of 20 Gy. Transwell migration assay was performed to assess the migration of irradiated HUVECs. Based on the Transwell systems, co-culture systems of HPMSCs and irradiated HUVECs were established. Cell proliferation was measured by cell counting kit-8(CCK-8) assay. The secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines(human granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor(GM-CSF), interleukin(IL)-1α, IL-6, and IL-8) was detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The expression of pro-angiogenic factors(vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor(b FGF)) mRNA was detected by real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction(RT-qPCR) assay. Relevant molecules of the nuclear factor-κB(NF-κB) and Janus kinase(JAK)/signal transducer and activator of transcription(STAT) signaling pathways were detected by western blot assay. Results showed that leptin-modified HPMSCs(HPMSCs/leptin) exhibited better cell proliferation, migration, and angiogenic potential(expressed more VEGF and bFGF). In both the single HPMSCs/leptin and the co-culture systems of HPMSCs/leptin and irradiated HUVECs, the increased secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines(human GM-CSF, IL-1α, and IL-6) was associated with the interaction of the NF-κB and JAK/STAT signaling pathways. We conclude that HPMSCs/leptin could promote angiogenic potential and peripheral inflammation of HUVECs after X-ray radiation. 展开更多
关键词 LEPTIN ANGIOGENESIS Pro-inflammatory cytokines X-ray radiation Human placenta-derived mesenchymal stem cells(HPMSCs) Human umbilical vein endothelial cells(HUVECs)
Leptin in normal physiology and leptin resistance 被引量:10
作者 Shufen Li Xi Li 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第19期1480-1488,共9页
Since the discovery of leptin as an adipokine in 1994, much progress has been made in the research about leptin. Circulating leptin binds to leptin receptor, activates STAT3-dependent and STAT3-independent signaling p... Since the discovery of leptin as an adipokine in 1994, much progress has been made in the research about leptin. Circulating leptin binds to leptin receptor, activates STAT3-dependent and STAT3-independent signaling pathways, and plays an effective role in energy home- ostasis, neuroendocrine function and metabolism mainly through acting on the central nervous system, especially the hypothalamus. Leptin resistance is considered as a key risk factor for obesity. Various mechanisms have been formu- lated in order to explain leptin resistance, including impairment in leptin transport, attenuation in leptin sig- naling, ER stress, inflammation and deficiency in autop- hagy. Here, we review our current knowledge about leptin action, leptin signaling and leptin resistance, hoping to provide new ideas for the battle against obesity. 展开更多
关键词 Leptin biology Leptin function. Leptinsignaling Leptin resistance Energy homeostasis
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