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白足蚜小蜂对桃蚜的取食和寄生功能反应及搜寻效应 被引量:1
作者 赵艳丽 韩丽 +3 位作者 田秀峰 刘青娴 萨出拉 段立清 《中国森林病虫》 2022年第1期27-32,共6页
为评估白足蚜小蜂Aphelinus albipodus对桃蚜Myzus persicae的防控效果,在室内测定了白足蚜小蜂对不同发育阶段桃蚜的功能反应和搜寻效应,并对种内干扰和分摊竞争强度进行了比较。结果表明:白足蚜小蜂对不同发育阶段桃蚜的取食量和寄生... 为评估白足蚜小蜂Aphelinus albipodus对桃蚜Myzus persicae的防控效果,在室内测定了白足蚜小蜂对不同发育阶段桃蚜的功能反应和搜寻效应,并对种内干扰和分摊竞争强度进行了比较。结果表明:白足蚜小蜂对不同发育阶段桃蚜的取食量和寄生量均随着蚜虫密度增加而增加,取食量和寄生功能反应均符合HollingⅡ模型。白足蚜小蜂对桃蚜的理论最大取食量2.809头,瞬时攻击率0.218,处理时间0.023 d;白足蚜小蜂对3~4日龄桃蚜寄生量最大,为47.62头,寄生瞬时攻击率0.723,处理时间0.021 d。搜寻效应均随蚜虫密度的增加而下降,且与蚜虫密度呈负相关。白足蚜小蜂个体之间存在种内干扰作用,随着自身密度增加,单头寄生率相对下降,分摊竞争强度增大,干扰效应符合Hassell-varley模型。由功能反应、种内干扰等指标可见白足蚜小蜂对桃蚜具有较好的防控作用。 展开更多
关键词 白足蚜小蜂 桃蚜 功能反应 搜寻效应 生物防治
作者 萨出拉 李可琢 +2 位作者 刘青娴 赵艳丽 段立清 《西北农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期930-937,共8页
白足蚜小蜂(Aphelinus albipodus)是蚜虫重要内寄生蜂之一,为更好地利用白足蚜小蜂防控农林害虫,在室内以桃蚜(Myzus persicae)饲养并在体视显微镜下观察记录,对其成虫生物学特性进行研究。结果表明,白足蚜小蜂羽化时间集中在6:00-10:0... 白足蚜小蜂(Aphelinus albipodus)是蚜虫重要内寄生蜂之一,为更好地利用白足蚜小蜂防控农林害虫,在室内以桃蚜(Myzus persicae)饲养并在体视显微镜下观察记录,对其成虫生物学特性进行研究。结果表明,白足蚜小蜂羽化时间集中在6:00-10:00。羽化当天即可进行交配,交配过程可分为4个阶段,分别为求偶、交配前期、交配及交配后期。交配过程耗时148.5 s±10 s。雌雄同性间存在交配竞争。一头雌蜂在观察的3 h内可与1.8±0.2头未交配雄蜂交配,雄蜂可与10.4±2.0个雌蜂交配。白足蚜小蜂可进行孤雌生殖和两性生殖,孤雌生殖的后代均为雄性,一头雌蜂24 h孤雌生殖18.8±1.0头雄性子蜂;两性生殖可产9.9±1.1头雌蜂及6.6±0.4头雄蜂。寄生过程可划分为搜寻寄主、试探寄主、产卵寄生或取食寄主及清扫梳理5个步骤。从产卵寄生到成蜂羽化需要10~14 d。白足蚜小蜂喜欢在上午羽化,羽化后即可交配,雌雄蜂均可多次交配,同性个体间存在交配竞争,以孤雌和两性生殖繁衍后代,完成一个生活史需10~14 d。 展开更多
关键词 白足蚜小蜂 行为 生殖 桃蚜
作者 郭映普 《新闻与写作》 北大核心 1992年第8期13-18,共2页
一篇新闻报道能够恰当地运用背景材料即可以缩短新闻事实与读者之间的距离,提高新闻价值。《委内瑞拉向可怕的白足蚊宣战》,就是这样一个范例。这篇由法新社1990年1月13日发自加勒加斯的电稿,一开始就向读者提了一个很吸引人的问题——... 一篇新闻报道能够恰当地运用背景材料即可以缩短新闻事实与读者之间的距离,提高新闻价值。《委内瑞拉向可怕的白足蚊宣战》,就是这样一个范例。这篇由法新社1990年1月13日发自加勒加斯的电稿,一开始就向读者提了一个很吸引人的问题——作为一国政府为何向白足蚊这种昆虫宣战呢? 展开更多
关键词 背景材料 白足 新闻报道 新闻价值 电稿 勒加 何向 新闻主题 阿朗古伦 动员起来
作者 贞素 《五台山研究》 1988年第2期48-,共1页
关键词 内供奉 灵仙 八年 溟渤 尘心 长庆 白足 白猿 金书 足痛
作者 王方大 《现代中药研究与实践》 CAS 1994年第4期38-39,共2页
关键词 药物美容 传统康复医学 抗衰老 柏实 首乌 熊脂 皮肤衰老 《本草经疏》 酪氨酸酶 白足
古代学者 名言摘录
《教学研究》 1983年第1期20-,共1页
关键词 大诗人杜甫 白足 文中 下笔如有神
作者 田克恭 李秋艳 《实验动物科学》 1990年第3期27-28,共2页
一、前言朝鲜战争期间,数千名联合国士兵染上一种称为朝鲜出血热或出血热肾综合症的严重疾病。由于潜心研究于1978年在啮齿类动物姬鼠发现了致病因子,经鉴定属布尼病毒群成员,称为汉坦病毒(Hataan virus)。业已认识到,汉坦病毒存在于许... 一、前言朝鲜战争期间,数千名联合国士兵染上一种称为朝鲜出血热或出血热肾综合症的严重疾病。由于潜心研究于1978年在啮齿类动物姬鼠发现了致病因子,经鉴定属布尼病毒群成员,称为汉坦病毒(Hataan virus)。业已认识到,汉坦病毒存在于许多国家的野生啮齿类动物中(表1)。在美国,许多城镇的野生大鼠均发现汉坦病毒,但迄今尚未发现与该病毒有关的严重的人类疾病。在美国。 展开更多
关键词 汉坦病毒 朝鲜出血热 控制指南 致病因子 大鼠 实验动物 动物种群 病毒群 人类疾病 白足
作者 姜宝珠 《阴山学刊》 1990年第2期114-115,共2页
无论是在中国历史上还是在中国文学史上,曹操都是一个很了不起但又很特殊的人物。其特殊就在于,他在历史上和文学上的巨大作用,往往被种种偏见所淹没。尤其在历史上,他被持有历史偏见的封建史家所诋毁。本文结合曹操的文学创作和他艰难... 无论是在中国历史上还是在中国文学史上,曹操都是一个很了不起但又很特殊的人物。其特殊就在于,他在历史上和文学上的巨大作用,往往被种种偏见所淹没。尤其在历史上,他被持有历史偏见的封建史家所诋毁。本文结合曹操的文学创作和他艰难曲折的经历。 展开更多
关键词 中国文学史 文学创作 吴淇 白足 中所
作者 晓角 《淮北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1989年第4期65-72,共8页
“非崇高”是有害的倾向当“玩主”们“玩”出第一批作品时,“玩文学”倾向便受到了应有的批评。这是理所当然的。起于玩世不恭地对待人生,继而玩世不恭地对待文学,最终又自觉不自觉地玩弄了读者——这种玩笑人生,故弄玄虚,不负社会责任... “非崇高”是有害的倾向当“玩主”们“玩”出第一批作品时,“玩文学”倾向便受到了应有的批评。这是理所当然的。起于玩世不恭地对待人生,继而玩世不恭地对待文学,最终又自觉不自觉地玩弄了读者——这种玩笑人生,故弄玄虚,不负社会责任,失去艺术真诚的东西,任何一个有良知,有自尊,不愿被玩弄的读者,不可能不对此产生“愤懑的情绪”; 展开更多
关键词 《觉醒》 创作动机 自我价值 创作态度 温柔敦厚 文化哲学 不自觉 谋生手段 白足 李诗
作者 刘刚 《农业知识》 1996年第2期33-34,共2页
关键词 新鲜猪肉 熟制 原料肉 腿肉 灌肠机 生熟 白足 细盐 煮制 粘膜层
作者 安雅 《绿色中国》 2007年第8X期90-92,共3页
关键词 绿色生活 传统认知 职业身份 工作时间 白足 天然材质 有机食品 市中 金领 生产效率
《中国科技信息》 1990年第3期31-31,共1页
对于自给自足的经济来说,商品的出处会自然而然地明确起来,因此没有必要制作区别于其他商品的标志。 但是在大量生产、大量销售的时代,商品失去了个性,因此就有必要制作区别于其他商品和厂家的商标或标识,有必要制作能识别产地的标志。... 对于自给自足的经济来说,商品的出处会自然而然地明确起来,因此没有必要制作区别于其他商品的标志。 但是在大量生产、大量销售的时代,商品失去了个性,因此就有必要制作区别于其他商品和厂家的商标或标识,有必要制作能识别产地的标志。各企业长期使用这一标志,这个标志也就成了企业信用的体现。需要者就会信任这一标志,购买这一商品。 展开更多
关键词 大量生产 地理名称 宣传广告 国语词典 白足 生产流水线 市场开拓 不自觉
《科学之友》 1994年第7期19-19,共1页
关键词 碟形 废旧橡胶 旧轮胎 研究成果 白足 再生胶 真实形状 春田 容器壁 旋转方向
Effects of Warm Needling at Zusanli(ST 36)on NO and IL-2 Levels in the Middle-Aged and Old People 被引量:2
作者 李苏 陈开阳 +3 位作者 吴英 焦健慧 陶立富 王友京 《Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2003年第2期127-128,共2页
42 middle-aged and old people at the age between 55-70 years were selected and given the warm needling at Zusanli (ST 36), and their IL-2 and NO contents of peripheral blood before and after acupuncture were determine... 42 middle-aged and old people at the age between 55-70 years were selected and given the warm needling at Zusanli (ST 36), and their IL-2 and NO contents of peripheral blood before and after acupuncture were determined. The results showed that IL-2 and NO contents increased significantly after the warm needling (P<0.01). 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Acupuncture Points Aged Female Humans Hypertension INTERLEUKIN-2 Male Middle Aged MOXIBUSTION Nitric Oxide Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders
Treatment of etoposide capsule combined with cisplatin or carboplatin in elderly patients with small cell lung cancer
作者 Guanzhong Zhang Zhaozhe Liu +5 位作者 Tao Han Fang Guo Qingqing Sun Yanan Ge Yaling Han Xiaodong Xie 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2014年第11期528-531,共4页
We aimed to explore the efficacy and safety of etoposide capsule combined with cisplatin or carboplatin in the treatment of elderly patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Methods: From October 2011 to Novembe... We aimed to explore the efficacy and safety of etoposide capsule combined with cisplatin or carboplatin in the treatment of elderly patients with small cell lung cancer (SCLC). Methods: From October 2011 to November 2013, 32 elderly patients (71-79 years old) with histopathologically confirmed SCLC in General Hospital of Shenyang Military Region (China) were enrolled in the research. The patients were administrated with lastet capsule 150-175 mg, dl-5, combined with cisplatin 20 mg/m^2 dl-3 or carbopiatin AUC = 5, applied over 2 days. Twenty-one days were 1 treatment cycle. Results:After treatments, 2 cases acquired complete response (CR), 19 cases acquired partial response (PR), 8 cases acquired stable disease (SD), and 3 cases had progression of disease (PD). The objective response rate was 65.6% (21/32), disease control rate was 90.6% (29/32). The median time of progression-free survival (PFS) was 6.9 months, the median survival time was 14.0 months, and 1 year survival rate was 62.4%. The main adverse reactions of 1/11 leukopenia and gastrointestinal reaction were observed. Conclusion: Etoposide capsule combined with cisplatin or carboplatin therapy have curative effect and good tolerance in elderly patients with SCLC. 展开更多
关键词 small cell lung cancer (SCLC) etoposide capsule CISPLATIN CARBOPLATIN ELDERLY
作者 彭娜 常小荣 +2 位作者 易受乡 彭艳 严洁 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2006年第2期22-28,共7页
To observe effect of moxibustion at Zusanli (足三里 ST 36) and Liangmen (梁门 ST 21 ) on expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in gastric mucosa of the rat of stress ulcer (SU) to explore the mechanism o... To observe effect of moxibustion at Zusanli (足三里 ST 36) and Liangmen (梁门 ST 21 ) on expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) in gastric mucosa of the rat of stress ulcer (SU) to explore the mechanism of moxibustion in resisting oxidative injury of the gastric mucosa. Methods: Sixty SD rats were evenly randomized into 4 groups, a blank group, a model group, an acupoint moxibustion group and a non-acupoint moxibustion group. Water restraint stress (WRS) method was used to make stress gastric ulcer rat model. The ulcerative index (Ul) of gastric mucosa was evaluated by using GUTH method, the gastric mu- cosa blood flux (GMBF) was detected by a laser Doppler bloodflow monitor, and HSP70 expression and malondialdehyde (MDA) content in the gastric mucosa were determined respectively with immunohistochemical and thiobarbiturate methods. Results: Moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) and Liangmen (ST 21 ) significantly de- creased Ul, up-regulated HSP70 expression, increased GMBF, and decreased MDA content in the gastric mucosa in the rat of stress gastric ulcer, with significant differences as compared with the model group and the non-acupoint moxibustion group (P 〈 0.05 or P 〈 0.01 ). Conclusion: Moxibustion at Zusanli (ST 36) and Liangmen (ST 21 ) can induce high expression of HSP70 and decrease MDA content in the gastric mucosa, so as to resist oxidative injury, with relative acupoint specificity. 展开更多
关键词 Moxibustion Zusanli (ST 36) Liangmen (ST 21 Heat Shock Protein 70 Malondialdehyde
作者 赵景波 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1980年第1期78-80,共3页
在我国唐代,随着音乐的普遍发展,出现了许多以琴声为描写对象的诗篇。清人方扶南在《李长吉诗集批注》中说:“白香山 ‘江上琵琶’,韩退之‘颖师琴’,李长吉‘李凭箜篌’,皆摹写声音至文。韩足以惊天,李足以泣鬼,白足以移人。”象这样... 在我国唐代,随着音乐的普遍发展,出现了许多以琴声为描写对象的诗篇。清人方扶南在《李长吉诗集批注》中说:“白香山 ‘江上琵琶’,韩退之‘颖师琴’,李长吉‘李凭箜篌’,皆摹写声音至文。韩足以惊天,李足以泣鬼,白足以移人。”象这样摹写声音的“至文”,我们还可以举出李白的《听蜀僧浚弹琴》、李贺的《听颖师弹琴歌》和李颀的《听董大弹胡笳弄兼寄语房给事》等。在这些诗篇里,诗人们八仙过海。 展开更多
关键词 李长吉 听蜀僧浚弹琴 听颖师弹琴 描写对象 李颀 李凭 白足 中说 董大 白香
An assessment of Charter airline benefits for Port Elizabeth and the Eastern Cape
作者 Radu Mihailescu 《Chinese Business Review》 2010年第2期34-45,共12页
Tourism is becoming a vital component for economic development in South Africa. The income generated by the tourism industry is about 6% of the GDP, which is significant but still falls short of the goal set by the Wh... Tourism is becoming a vital component for economic development in South Africa. The income generated by the tourism industry is about 6% of the GDP, which is significant but still falls short of the goal set by the White Paper on Tourism in 2000. In the light of South Africa hosting the 2010 Football World Cup, it is important to identify ways of sustainable tourism development that would continue to increase the benefits to the economy long after the event's over. The main objective of the research was to explore an idea for increasing the level of tourist income generated in the Port Elizabeth (Eastern Cape) area. The idea was researched by means of conducting a cost-benefit analysis of two tourist related projects. These projects would introduce Charter airline services between Europe and Port Elizabeth. A second objective was to identify constraints on the project or market failures which would prevent their implementation. The economic theory behind the operation of an airline showed that lease costs and aeroplane operating costs are the two most important factors determine Charter airline's profitability. In order to offset these costs, airlines must achieve high passenger load factors. Charter airlines have the advantage over scheduled airlines, in that they will only fly if a minimum level of people has pre-booked seats. Two aeroplanes were chosen for comparison purpose: an Airbus A 340-300 and a Boeing 767-300ER. The private benefits calculated were based on load factors between 80 and 95 percent for ticket prices of USD 667 and USD 773. In addition, to private costs and benefits, social benefits were also estimated in the form of additional secondary revenue generated. With the introduction of net social benefits, both projects become profitable. A 50 percent substitution of revenue generated by the Charter tourists reduces the profits for the both projects drastically. A project based on a Boeing 767-300ER is the most efficient project as it has the highest NPV and BCR values. A reduction in the lease cost of the Airbus 340-300 could make projects based on it more competitive. A few constraints on the establishment of a Charter airline operator based in Port Elizabeth are: the lack of adequate runway for the landing of the long-haul carriers and the need of a larger liberalisation of the aviation policy by eliminating protectionism. The cost benefit analysis undertaken in this research does not take into account social costs and benefits to the economy of establishing a Charter airline based in Port Elizabeth, such as an employment, infrastructure development and poverty alleviation. Nevertheless the analysis does suggest that there are strong private and social benefits warranting the establishment of an airline business between Europe and Port Elizabeth. The economic benefits of the tourism industry and its link to airline travel are outlined in section 3. It is shown that the growth of the airline industry is a major component and contributor to tourism growth. 展开更多
关键词 cost-benefit analysis private cost/benefits Airbus A 340-300 Boeing 767-300ER substitution effect load factor discount rate.
作者 付小兵 杨银辉 +2 位作者 孙同柱 王亚平 盛志勇 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2002年第2期90-94,共5页
Objective.To explore the expression characteristic of fibronectin gene in hypertr ophic scars and diabetic ul-cer tissues.Methods.The biopsies from normal skins,hypertrophic scars and diabetic foot ulc ers were taken.... Objective.To explore the expression characteristic of fibronectin gene in hypertr ophic scars and diabetic ul-cer tissues.Methods.The biopsies from normal skins,hypertrophic scars and diabetic foot ulc ers were taken.The tech-nique of quantitative polymerase ch ain reaction(PCR)was used to evaluate the gene express ion of fibronectin in the above biopsies.Results.Fibronectin gene expression was enhanced in hypertrophic scars and decreased in diabetic foot ul-cers compared with that in normal ski ns.Quantitative comparison showed about 2-fold increase of fibronectin mR-NA level in hypertrophic scars and ab out 3-fold decrease of fibronectin mRNA level in diabetic ulcers as com-pared with that in normal skins.Conclusions.Fibronectin gene expression is influenced by the tissue environment.Di fferent expression and synthesis of fibronectin may cause d ifferent outcomes in wound healing. 展开更多
关键词 wound healing FIBRONECTIN gene c hronic ulcer SCAR
Effect of acupuncture at Bǎihuì (百会GV 20) and Zúsānlǐ (足三里ST 36) on the level of serum inflammatory cytokines in patients with depression 被引量:2
作者 孙华 赵慧 +4 位作者 张捷 包飞 魏镜 王道海 张云祥 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2010年第4期1-8,共8页
Objective To investigate the immunologic mechanism of acupuncture at Bǎihuì(百 会 GV 20) and Zúsānlǐ(足三里 ST 36) for treatment of depression. Methods Eighty-four cases of depression patients were ra... Objective To investigate the immunologic mechanism of acupuncture at Bǎihuì(百 会 GV 20) and Zúsānlǐ(足三里 ST 36) for treatment of depression. Methods Eighty-four cases of depression patients were randomly divided into an electroacupuncture observation group(group A), an electroacupuncture control group(group B) and a medication control group(group C), 28 cases in each group. Bǎihuì(百会 GV 20) and Zúsānlǐ(足三里 ST 36) were used in the group A; Tàichōng (太冲 LR 3), Sānyīnjiāo (三阴交 SP 6), Nèiguān (内关 PC 6) and Shénmén (神门 HT 7) were used in the group B; and the group C was treated with oral administration of Fluoxetine. The scores of Hamilton Depression Scale (HAMD) were tested and the level of serum interleukin 1(IL-1β), interleukin 6 (IL-6), and tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) were measured by Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)before and after treatment. Results Their scores of HAMD were obviously decreased after treatment in three groups(all P0.01). In the group A, 2 cases were cured, 19 cases were markedly effective, 5 cases were effective and 2 cases were failed. In the group B, 16 cases were markedly effective, 12 cases were effective. While in the group C, 1 case was cured, 17 cases were markedly effective, 7 cases were effective and 3 cases were failed. The grade distribution of clinical effect showed that the effect of group A was better (P0.05). The levels of serum IL-1β and IL-6 in the three groups were obviously decreased after treatment (P0.05, P0.01), while there was no significant difference between the level of serum TNF-α before and after treatment. Conclusion The effect of electroacupuncture observation group is superior to those of electroacupuncture control group and medication control group.All of these three methods can clear the inflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β and IL-6 away and improve the symptoms of depression. 展开更多
关键词 DEPRESSION Acupuncture Therapy Point GV 20 (Bǎihuì) Point ST 36 (Zúsānlǐ) INTERLEUKIN-1 INTERLEUKIN-6
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