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作者 李其胜 娄贵书 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2019年第5期132-142,共11页
深谙西方近代合理主义精髓的军人政治家山县有朋,从武力至上主义和地缘政治战略的视角,观察19世纪中叶以来西方列强对东亚的殖民扩张,力主以武力维护民族独立,以武力扩张跻身于世界列强的行列。山县作为政界元老和军界元帅,以“布国威... 深谙西方近代合理主义精髓的军人政治家山县有朋,从武力至上主义和地缘政治战略的视角,观察19世纪中叶以来西方列强对东亚的殖民扩张,力主以武力维护民族独立,以武力扩张跻身于世界列强的行列。山县作为政界元老和军界元帅,以“布国威于海外”的国家目标为己任,为近代日本以战争促发展的发展方式推波助澜。自1870年任兵部少辅至1922年去世,孜孜以求的就是建造一支到海外武力扩张的军队,以武力扩张变岛国日本为“大陆国家”,既是日本陆军之父,也是日本殖民帝国和“远东霸主”的奠基人。 展开更多
关键词 山县有朋 布国威于海外 皇军
日本军用汉语教科书《皇军必携:实用支那语》探究 被引量:1
作者 寇振锋 《日本侵华南京大屠杀研究》 CSSCI 2021年第4期30-39,M0004,共11页
《皇军必携:实用支那语》是日本在全面侵华战争时期为侵华日军行军作战之便而编纂的一部纯军用汉语教科书。该教科书发行于全面抗战初期日军取得暂时性胜利之际,且发行量较大,至少发行了110版。该书内容囊括了行军宿营、侦察战斗、工事... 《皇军必携:实用支那语》是日本在全面侵华战争时期为侵华日军行军作战之便而编纂的一部纯军用汉语教科书。该教科书发行于全面抗战初期日军取得暂时性胜利之际,且发行量较大,至少发行了110版。该书内容囊括了行军宿营、侦察战斗、工事修筑、日常生活、舆论宣传、国情介绍等多个方面,系日军在战场上随身“必携”的一部纯军用汉语教科书。该汉语教科书的军用特色及侵略属性十分突出,从一个侧面为深化日本侵华史研究、抗日战争史研究提供了新的史料和视角。 展开更多
关键词 日本全面侵华战争 军用汉语教科书 皇军必携:实用支那语》
作者 李庆辉 《抗战史料研究》 2018年第1期63-71,共9页
明治政府成立伊始, 内有士族叛乱、外有列强入侵的局面使日本面临着亡国灭种的危机, 促使日本政府加快军事近代化的步伐, 完成了国家军队的初建.进入法西斯军国主义时期, 以建立'大东亚共荣圈'为己任的日本'国军'蜕化为... 明治政府成立伊始, 内有士族叛乱、外有列强入侵的局面使日本面临着亡国灭种的危机, 促使日本政府加快军事近代化的步伐, 完成了国家军队的初建.进入法西斯军国主义时期, 以建立'大东亚共荣圈'为己任的日本'国军'蜕化为'私兵'性质的'皇军', 进而发动侵华战争.通过对日本建军、发展及近代化过程, 以及其从'国军'到'皇军'转变的探讨, 可以对近代史上的日本军队有一个总体的概观, 亦可一窥其穷兵黩武的'内核'所在. 展开更多
关键词 日本 军事近代化 '国军' '皇军'
明治维新与近代日本军国主义再研究 被引量:2
作者 徐勇 《军事政治学研究》 2013年第3期1-17,共17页
近代日本军人阶级源流及其军制演变,是明治维新研究的焦点问题之一,研究成果极为丰富,但存在较多分歧与遗漏。由明治维新所确立的日本军国主义体制,是世界近代政治史上的典型形态。传统武士阶级转换为"皇军",继续保有其政治经济特权,... 近代日本军人阶级源流及其军制演变,是明治维新研究的焦点问题之一,研究成果极为丰富,但存在较多分歧与遗漏。由明治维新所确立的日本军国主义体制,是世界近代政治史上的典型形态。传统武士阶级转换为"皇军",继续保有其政治经济特权,支配、垄断了对内和对外政策的制定,实以中世纪的皇家私兵形态,扭曲了工业化时代的国家军政关系,铸就了一部在国内充斥暴力、在国外持续战争的流血历史。从政治主导层面考察,明治维新是由武士与军人阶层控制的"和魂洋才"式国家权力调整,是一场为适应近代技术环境与对外战争需求而进行的军人政治运动。由明治维新带来的、从幕藩体制向天皇制绝对主义与军国主义体制的转变,并无时代的政治的进步意义可言。 展开更多
关键词 明治维新 日本军国主义 武士 皇军 军政关系
C-reactive protein aggravates myocardial ischemia/reperfusion injury through activation of extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2 被引量:10
作者 Wei-Na PEI Hai-Juan HU +3 位作者 Fan LIU Bing XIAO Ya-Bei ZUO Wei CUI 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第7期502-513,共12页
Background Ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) is an inflammatory response that occurs when tissue is reperfused following a prolonged period of ischemia. Several studies have indicated that C-reactive protein (CRP)... Background Ischemia/reperfusion injury (IRI) is an inflammatory response that occurs when tissue is reperfused following a prolonged period of ischemia. Several studies have indicated that C-reactive protein (CRP) might play an important role in inducing IRI. However, the effects of CRP on myocardial IRI and the underlying mechanisms have not been fully elucidated. This study aimed to investigate the association between CRP and myocardial IRI and the underlying mechanisms. Methods We simulated ischemia/reperfusion using oxygen-glucose deprivation/ reoxygenation (OGD/R) in neonatal Sprague-Dawley rat cardiomyocytes; reperfusion injury was induced by three hours of hypoxia with glucose and serum deprivation followed by one hour of reperfusion. Cell viability was tested with MTS assays, and cardiomyocyte damage was evaluated by lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) leakage. Mitochondrial membrane potential was measured using tetramethylrhodamine ethyl ester (TMRE) and mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) opening was measured using calcein/AM; both TMRE and caocein/AM were visualized with laser scanning confocal microscopy. In addition, we studied the signaling pathways underlying CRP-mediated ischemia/reperfusion injury via Western blot analysis. Results Compared with the simple OGD/R group, after intervention with 10 pg/mL CRP, cell viability decreased markedly (82.36 % ± 6.18% vs. 64.84% ± 4.06%, P = 0.0007), and the LDH leakage significantly increased (145.3 U/L ± 16.06 U/L vs. 208.2 U/L ± 19.23 U/L, P = 0.0122). CRP also activated mPTP opening and reduced mitochondrial membrane potential during myocardial ischemia/reperfusion. Pretreatment with 1 pM atorvastatin (Ator) before CRP intervention protected cardiomyocytes from IRI. Mitochondrial KATP channel opener diazoxide and mPTP inhibitor cyclosporin A also offset the effects of CRP in this process. The level of phosphorylated extracellular-signal-regulated kinase (ERK) 1/2 was significantly higher after pre-treatment with CRP compared with the OGD/R group (170.4% ± 3.00% v.v. 93.53% ± 1.94%, P 〈 0.0001). Western blot analysis revealed that Akt expression was markedly activated (184.2% ± 6.96% vs. 122.7% ± 5.30%, P = 0.0003) and ERK 1/2 phosphorylation significantly reduced after co-treatment with Ator and CRP compared with the level after CRP pretreatment alone. Conclusions Our results suggested that CRP directly aggravates myocardial IRI in myocardial cells and that this effect is primarily mediated by inhibiting mitochondrial ATP- sensitive potassium (mitoKATp) channels and promoting mPTP opening. Ator counteracts these effects and can reduce CRP-induced IRI. One of the mechanisms of CRP-induced IRI may be related to the sustained activation of the ERK signaling pathway. 展开更多
关键词 C-reactive protein Ischemia/reperfusion injury Mitochondrial permeability transition pore Mitochondrial KATP channel STATIN
作者 曹亚坤 《中国纪念馆研究》 2021年第1期98-104,共7页
日本侵华期间,为了弥补优质兵员,征召日本国内中高等院校学生服役参战,催生了学生兵群体的大规模涌现。这些学生兵深受日本军国主义蒙骗,把青春年华乃至生命都奉献给"圣战",实际充当了侵略战争的炮灰。中国战场上曾出现过大... 日本侵华期间,为了弥补优质兵员,征召日本国内中高等院校学生服役参战,催生了学生兵群体的大规模涌现。这些学生兵深受日本军国主义蒙骗,把青春年华乃至生命都奉献给"圣战",实际充当了侵略战争的炮灰。中国战场上曾出现过大量日本学生兵,但由于战后以"学徒出阵"为中心的学生兵战争叙事和日本战争责任追究的不彻底等,导致这些学生兵被长期忽视、遗忘。研究日本学生兵与侵华战争的关系,可以从一个新的视角来深化日本侵华战争研究,充实日本侵华的多维面相,并借以批判某些错误的战争历史认知。 展开更多
关键词 学生兵 “学徒出阵” 皇军 《兵役法》 战争记忆
Host cellular signaling induced by influenza virus 被引量:13
作者 DAI XinXian ZHANG LiShu HONG Tao 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2011年第1期68-74,共7页
A wide range of host cellular signal transduction pathways can be stimulated by influenza virus infection. Some of these signal transduction pathways induce the host cell's innate immune response against influenza... A wide range of host cellular signal transduction pathways can be stimulated by influenza virus infection. Some of these signal transduction pathways induce the host cell's innate immune response against influenza virus, while others are essential for efficient influenza virus replication. This review examines the cellular signaling induced by influenza virus infection in host cells, including host pattern recognition receptor (PRR)-related signaling, protein kinase C (PKC), Raf/MEK/ERK and phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt signaling, and the corresponding effects on the host cell and/or virus, such as recognition of virus by the host cell, viral absorption and entry, viral ribonucleoprotein (vRNP) export, translation control of cellular and viral proteins, and virus-induced cell apoptosis. Research into influenza virus-induced cell signaling promotes a clearer understanding of influenza virus-host interactions and assists in the identification of novel antiviral targets and antiviral strategies. 展开更多
关键词 influenza virus virus-host interaction signal transduction
Imbalanced expression of mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 and phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinases in lung squamous cell carcinoma 被引量:2
作者 Kai WANG Min ZHANG +3 位作者 Ying-ying QIAN Zhe-vuan DING Jun-hui LV Hua-hao SHEN 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第10期828-834,共7页
Objective: Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are correlated with a more malignant phenotype in many cancers. This study was designed to evaluate the predictive value of the expression of MAPK phosphatase-1 ... Objective: Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) are correlated with a more malignant phenotype in many cancers. This study was designed to evaluate the predictive value of the expression of MAPK phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) and phosphorylated extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (p-ERKl/2), as the key regulatory mechanism of the MAPKs, in lung squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Methods: We assessed the expressions of MKP-1 and p-ERK1/2 in twenty subjects at different differentiation degree of SCC and five normal lungs by immunohistochemistry and real-time reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) analysis. Results: Immunohistochemistry and real-time RT-PCR assay showed that the expression of MKP-1 was gradually decreased as tissue type went from normal lung tissues to increasingly undifferentiated carcinoma, and it was negatively correlated with tumor differentiation (P〈0.01). However, the expression of p-ERK1/2 or ERKl/2 was gradually increased as tissue type went from normal lung tissues to increasingly undifferentiated carcinoma, and it was positively correlated with tumor differentiation (P〈0.01). Conclusions: Our data indicates the relevance of MKP-1 and p-ERK1/2 in SCC as a potential positive and negative prognostic factor. The imbalanced expression of MKP-1 and p-ERKl/2 may play a role in the development of SCC and these two molecules may be new targets for the therapy and prognosis of SCC. 展开更多
关键词 Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase-1 (MKP-1) Extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK) Lung squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) Prognostic factor
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