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作者 王亮 《林业勘查设计》 2024年第4期32-36,共5页
根据青檀人工林的价值及其在宁阳县的立地条件下,分析其生长影响和生产力。详细分析宁阳县的立地条件特点以及对青檀生长的影响,并提出改进措施,以提高青檀人工林的生产力和檀皮产量。研究结果表明,青檀人工林在宁阳县具有重要的生态、... 根据青檀人工林的价值及其在宁阳县的立地条件下,分析其生长影响和生产力。详细分析宁阳县的立地条件特点以及对青檀生长的影响,并提出改进措施,以提高青檀人工林的生产力和檀皮产量。研究结果表明,青檀人工林在宁阳县具有重要的生态、经济和社会价值。 展开更多
关键词 立地条件 青檀人工林 生物生产力 皮产量 宁阳县
经营措施对青檀人工林生物量及檀皮产量的影响 被引量:25
作者 方升佐 李光友 +1 位作者 李同顺 惠超 《植物资源与环境学报》 CAS CSCD 2001年第1期21-24,共4页
调查了青檀 (PteroceltistatarinowiiMaxim .)人工林不同经营措施对林分地上部分生物生产力及檀皮产量的影响。结果表明 :(1)在密度及墩龄相同条件下 ,单位面积檀皮产量与年龄成正比 ,出皮率与年龄成反比 ;(2 )单位面积檀皮产量年增长以... 调查了青檀 (PteroceltistatarinowiiMaxim .)人工林不同经营措施对林分地上部分生物生产力及檀皮产量的影响。结果表明 :(1)在密度及墩龄相同条件下 ,单位面积檀皮产量与年龄成正比 ,出皮率与年龄成反比 ;(2 )单位面积檀皮产量年增长以第 3年为最高 ,分别是第 2年和第 4年年增长量的 1 5 8倍和 4 12倍 ;(3)在密度、留萌数及萌发年龄相同条件下 ,单位面积檀皮产量以条墩年龄 12年为最高 ,分别是 6年生和 9年生的 3 32倍和 1 11倍 ;(4)四种造林密度类型 (2 5 0 0、3333、42 0 0和 5 35 0墩 hm2 )中 ,檀皮产量大小顺序为 42 0 0 >3333>5 35 0 >2 5 0 0。 42 0 0墩 hm2 (株行距 1.4m× 1 7m)的林分檀皮产量是 2 5 0 0墩 hm2 (株行距 2m× 2m)林分檀皮产量的 1 6 8倍 ;(5 )在密度、墩龄相同条件下 ,每墩留萌数为 10时 ,单位面积檀皮产量最高。从收获经济生物量 (檀皮 )的角度考虑 ,青檀人工林密度应在 3333~ 42 0 0墩 hm2 之间 ,轮伐期为 3年 ;在条墩年龄为 9年以上的人工林中 ,留萌数以 10条为好。 展开更多
关键词 青檀 人工林 生物生产力 皮产量 经营措施
作者 张鹏 沈海龙 刘继生 《经济林研究》 2009年第2期78-80,共3页
为了探索龙芽楤木食药兼用林的人工栽培模式,对不同培育年龄和林地位置的龙芽楤木的根产量和根皮产量进行了调查。结果表明:龙芽楤木的根皮率随着根龄的增加而下降,培育年限越短,单位面积根皮的年产量就越高;龙芽楤木栽培的边缘优势非... 为了探索龙芽楤木食药兼用林的人工栽培模式,对不同培育年龄和林地位置的龙芽楤木的根产量和根皮产量进行了调查。结果表明:龙芽楤木的根皮率随着根龄的增加而下降,培育年限越短,单位面积根皮的年产量就越高;龙芽楤木栽培的边缘优势非常明显,林地边缘植株的根产量、根皮产量及根皮率均高于林地中间植株。 展开更多
关键词 龙芽楤木 培育年龄 边缘效应 皮产量
作者 缪仙顺 《现代农业科技》 2011年第5期103-104,共2页
关键词 肉桂 皮产量 相关因子 闽东地区
作者 吴文桂 廖声熙 +1 位作者 王子芝 董琼 《林业科技通讯》 2023年第9期47-51,共5页
以金沙江干热河谷鹤庆县龙开口镇构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)人工林为研究对象,重点研究构树树皮产量及其预测模型,调查了1~5年生构树干枝数量、长度、直径及构皮鲜质量等因子,进行统计分析,探讨构树树皮产量与林木个体生长的相关关... 以金沙江干热河谷鹤庆县龙开口镇构树(Broussonetia papyrifera)人工林为研究对象,重点研究构树树皮产量及其预测模型,调查了1~5年生构树干枝数量、长度、直径及构皮鲜质量等因子,进行统计分析,探讨构树树皮产量与林木个体生长的相关关系。结果表明:1)金沙江干热河谷构树生长迅速,2年生的构皮年增长率最高,达到1 799.82 kg/hm^(2),较上年增长3.8倍,其次为3年生的构皮产量较上年增长了1 499.85 kg/hm^(2);2)构树采收后通过根蘖萌生实现短周期持续经营,构树皮产量与萌发枝径阶、枝长呈正相关关系;3)构树林构皮产量与干枝年龄成正比,随着年龄增加出皮率呈下降趋势,1~5年生构树出皮率为19.6%~29.1%;4)构树皮当地传统经营周期是“三年两头砍”,因此以2年生构树干枝生长数据构建构树韧皮产量预测模型,通过模型拟合检验,得出金沙江干热河谷构树皮产量最优预测模型为y=0.032×D2.246,相关系数R2=0.922。研究结果实现了对干热河谷构树皮产量进行评估和预测,为当地构树的开发利用,人工定向培育及造林设计提供了参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 构树 Broussonetia papyrifera 皮产量 短周期经营 预测模型 干热河谷
施肥水平和方式对红麻生长和产量的影响 被引量:10
作者 王道波 李伏生 周瑞阳 《华中农业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期13-18,共6页
采用2个红麻品种,即福红992与红优2号;设3种施肥水平,即低肥(FL:N0.10g/kg,P2O5 0.05g/kg和K200.10g/kg)、中肥(FM:N0.15g/kg,P2O5 0.75g/kg和K2O 0.15g/kg)和高肥(FH:N 0.20g/kg,P2O50.10g/kg和K200.20... 采用2个红麻品种,即福红992与红优2号;设3种施肥水平,即低肥(FL:N0.10g/kg,P2O5 0.05g/kg和K200.10g/kg)、中肥(FM:N0.15g/kg,P2O5 0.75g/kg和K2O 0.15g/kg)和高肥(FH:N 0.20g/kg,P2O50.10g/kg和K200.20g/kg),以及3种施肥方式,即全部氮和钾肥作基肥(T1),60%氮和钾肥作基肥和40%氮和钾肥作追肥(T2)以及全部氮和钾肥作追肥(T3),通过盆栽试验探讨施肥水平和方式对不同红麻品种干皮产量与农艺性状的影响。与FL相比,FM处理显著增加红麻干皮产量,红优2号和福红992分别增加16.31%~32.33%和6.51%~17.72%,且FM处理均显著提高茎粗、地上部于质量、皮骨比和根干质量。与T3相比,T1和T2处理显著增加干皮产量,红优2号分别增加21.30%~34.16%和12.65%~29.36%,福红992分别增加19.09%~40.92%和7.45%~32.50%,且T1和T2处理株高、茎粗和地上部干质量均提高,T2处理皮厚和主根长提高,而T,处理根冠比和皮骨比均降低,但是T1和T2处理上述各指标之间的差异不显著。对于红优2号和福红992,中肥水平下T1和T2方式均有利于红麻生长和干皮产量的增加。 展开更多
关键词 红麻 施肥方式 施肥水平 皮产量 农艺性状
3个苎麻品种三年间产量及其构成因子的变化研究 被引量:4
作者 王辉 白玉超 +5 位作者 付虹雨 王继龙 刘婕仪 崔丹丹 苏小慧 崔国贤 《中国麻业科学》 2020年第2期76-82,共7页
通过田间试验,研究了苎麻(Boehmeria nivea L.)品种中苎1号(Zhongzhu No.1)、多倍体1号(Tri-1)和湘苎3号(Xiangzhu NO.3)株高、茎粗、分株数、有效株率、鲜皮厚度、鲜皮出麻率6个产量构成因素和鲜皮产量、原麻产量在2017-2019年变化特... 通过田间试验,研究了苎麻(Boehmeria nivea L.)品种中苎1号(Zhongzhu No.1)、多倍体1号(Tri-1)和湘苎3号(Xiangzhu NO.3)株高、茎粗、分株数、有效株率、鲜皮厚度、鲜皮出麻率6个产量构成因素和鲜皮产量、原麻产量在2017-2019年变化特征和趋势,并对苎麻产量构成因素与苎麻产量之间进行了相关性分析。结果表明,3年田间试验中3个苎麻品种的鲜皮产量和原麻产量变化趋势不同。随着年份增加,湘苎3号的原麻产量和鲜皮产量呈明显上升趋势;中苎1号的鲜皮产量有明显上升趋势,但原麻产量上升趋势不明显;多倍体1号则是鲜皮产量呈上升趋势,上升幅度与中苎1号相近,而原麻产量则变化趋于稳定。3个苎麻品种鲜皮产量的变异系数按照大小排列为:湘苎3号>多倍体1号>中苎1号,分别为12.43%、6.00%和4.83%;原麻产量的变异系数为湘苎3号>中苎1号>多倍体1号,分别是10.01%、9.63%和6.62%,3个苎麻品种的株高、分株数、有效株率与原麻产量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),相关系数按大小顺序依次为分株数(r=0.71)>株高(r=0.62)=有效株率(r=0.62);苎麻的株高、茎粗、分株数和有效株率与鲜皮产量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),相关系数r分别为0.72、0.48、0.72和0.64。 展开更多
关键词 苎麻 产量构成因素 皮产量 原麻产量 相关性分析
龙芽楤木食药兼用林的培育技术 被引量:4
作者 张鹏 沈海龙 《经济林研究》 2011年第3期69-73,共5页
为了探寻食药兼用龙芽楤木的培育技术,以有效开发与合理利用这一野生植物资源,以1年生龙芽楤木容器苗为试材进行了人工栽培试验。结果表明:栽植密度对龙芽楤木苗木当年高生长和地径生长没有明显的影响。栽植当年,龙芽楤木单株苗木地上部... 为了探寻食药兼用龙芽楤木的培育技术,以有效开发与合理利用这一野生植物资源,以1年生龙芽楤木容器苗为试材进行了人工栽培试验。结果表明:栽植密度对龙芽楤木苗木当年高生长和地径生长没有明显的影响。栽植当年,龙芽楤木单株苗木地上部分(茎干)的鲜质量为88.9g,根系鲜质量达到299.7g,单株根皮干质量达到了53.3g,根皮出皮率可达69.06%。采用平茬处理的植株,越冬后根桩上的侧芽能够完全萌发,形成新的茎干;采用原地越冬处理的植株其顶芽死亡率较高,达到了31.53%。还对11月中旬采条的植株直接进行了水培生产,其嫩芽的萌发率较低;水培时茎段过长(超过50cm)则芽不易萌发,茎段较短(小于50cm)时芽的萌发率相对较高。 展开更多
关键词 龙芽楤木 密度 生物量 皮产量 栽培试验
Relation Analysis of Several Agronomic Traits and Single Plant Lint Yield in Upland Cotton with High Quality 被引量:8
作者 汤飞宇 王晓芳 +1 位作者 莫旺成 肖文俊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期90-92,共3页
[ Objective] The purpose was to study the correlation between main agronomic traits and single plant lint yield in upland cotton with high quality. [ Method] Twenty-four upland cotton lines with high quality were anal... [ Objective] The purpose was to study the correlation between main agronomic traits and single plant lint yield in upland cotton with high quality. [ Method] Twenty-four upland cotton lines with high quality were analyzed for single plant lint yield and 10 agronomic traits in a randomized, complete block at the agriculture experimental station of JXAU, Nanchang, China in 2007. They were divided into three types ( high, medium, low yield) based on single plant lint yield by Ward's method. A total of 11 traits of three types were compared. Correlation a- nalysis and stepwise regression analysis of 10 agronomic traits to single plant lint yield were carried out. [ Result] There existed statistically sig- nificant difference in bolls per plant, ~int percentage, lint index, fruit node numbers, growth period for three yield types. The high yield type ex- hibited the highest bolls per plant, lint percentage and lint index, the lowest fruit node numbers and the shortest growth period. Bolls per plant, boll weight and single plant lint yield were significantly and positively correlated. Fruit node numbers and single plant lint yield were significantly and negatively correlated. Bolls per plant, boll weight, and fruiting position number were the most important factors influencing single plant lint yield of upland cotton lines with high quality. [ Conclusion ] The results will have certain significance for the development of upland cotton variety with high quality. 展开更多
关键词 Upland cotton High quality Lint yield Agronomic trait
Effects of Nitrogen Application Amount on Growth Characteristics,Boll Development and Lint Yield of High Quality Cotton 被引量:1
作者 周桂生 林岩 +2 位作者 童晨 安琳琳 刘贵娟 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第11期1667-1670,共4页
[Objective] This study aimed to explore an optimum application amount of nitrogen for cotton cultivation. [Method] In this study, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of nitrogen application amo... [Objective] This study aimed to explore an optimum application amount of nitrogen for cotton cultivation. [Method] In this study, a field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of nitrogen application amount on the growth characteristics, boll development and lint yield of high quality cotton line FZ-1. [Result] Compared with the nitrogen level of 225 kg/hm2, the lint yield had increased by 28.46% and 18.73%, respectively, with the nitrogen application amount of 300 and 375 kg/hm2. When the nitrogen application amount had increased from 225 to 300 kg/hm2, boll number per plant, boll weight and lint yield had significantly increased. At the nitrogen level of 375 kg/hm2, however, the effects of increasing lint yield were significantly less than that at the nitrogen level of 300 kg/hm2. Compared with the nitrogen levels of 225 and 375, 300 kg/hm2 of nitrogen was the optimum application amount to improve the plant height, daily increment of plant height, number of fruit branches, number ratio of nodes to fruit branches, boll volume and seed cotton weight per boll. [Conclusion] The rational management of nitrogen is the most effective way to promote the growth and development of cotton plants, ensure high yielding ability and minimize the environmental pollution caused by the overuse of nitrogen. This study had provided a sound nitrogen application strategy for the cultivation of this high-quality cotton line in the field plantation. 展开更多
关键词 Nitrogen application amount Growth characteristics Boll development Lint yield
Effect of Cowshed Design and Cooling Strategy on Welfare and Productivity of Dairy Cows 被引量:2
作者 M. Samer 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2011年第6期848-857,共10页
Nine cowsheds were used, the differences between each cowshed are orientation (east-west or north-south), cooling (with or without), and height (3 m, 5 m or 8 m height). Dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, ... Nine cowsheds were used, the differences between each cowshed are orientation (east-west or north-south), cooling (with or without), and height (3 m, 5 m or 8 m height). Dry-bulb temperature, relative humidity, dew point, shaded area, air velocity, and maximum temperature were measured beneath each shed. The temperature-humidity index (THI) and the shading efficiency were calculated for each cowshed. The trials were conducted using 180 lactating Holstein Friesian cows; twenty cows housed beneath each shade structure. Measurements performed on cows were respiration rate, skin temperature, and rectal temperature; moreover, the milk produced by each cow was recorded, and the feed intake. High air velocities were recorded under high shade structures which enhance the aeration; consequently, maximum temperatures, and THI recorded beneath high sheds were less than those recorded beneath low sheds; also, skin temperatures, and respiration rates for cows housed under high sheds were less than those measured for animals housed under low sheds(differences were found to be significant). Thereby, increasing shed height enhances dairy cows' microclimate under Egyptian conditions (hot climate); consequently, the milk production increases. The best orientation is the east-west orientation, which is preferable for hot climates. The exploitation of cooling has significant effect on microclimate, cooling enhances the ambient environment and provides comfortable zone for dairy cows within which cows reach high production levels. 展开更多
关键词 Open housing system heat stress shade structure cooling strategy animal welfare.
Some Agronomic and Chemical Traits of Blue Aleurone and Purple Pericarp Wheat (Triticum L.)
作者 F. Eticha G. Heinrich +1 位作者 S. Susanne B. Emmerich 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2011年第1期48-58,共11页
Thirteen diverse anthocyanin pigmented wheat genotypes originating from different countries were investigated for agronomic and chemical traits. The results showed significant variation among wheat genotypes in yield ... Thirteen diverse anthocyanin pigmented wheat genotypes originating from different countries were investigated for agronomic and chemical traits. The results showed significant variation among wheat genotypes in yield and grain physical characteristics, Released cultivars were superior in grain yield, but other genetic resources exceeded the cultivars in regard to test weight, grain mass, or seed plumpness. In case of phytochemical content both genotypic and environmental effects were important for the observed variations. The total phenolic content varied from 120 to 177 mg ferulic acid equivalent per 100 g dry weight; total anthocyanin content from 3.4 to 75.2 ppm cyanidin glucoside equivalent; yellow pigment content from 2.6 and 7.6 ppm beta-carotene equivalent; protein content from 11.3 to 19.1%. The study demonstrated that Ethiopian wheats are a source of high levels of anthocyanins and protein content. 展开更多
关键词 Anthocyanins carotenoids ethiopia PHYTOCHEMICALS pigments seed colour TRITICUM
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