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作者 朱健 《浙商》 2011年第6期96-97,共2页
关键词 皮化行业 股份 科技 兄弟 资本市场 产业链 皮革 道路
作者 石碧 《精细与专用化学品》 CAS 1996年第13期1-3,共3页
我国现已成为世界上最重要的皮革及皮革制品生产中心之一。根据有关部门的统计,1995年我国皮革及皮革制品出口创汇额已达到85亿美元,是我国轻工行业的第一创汇大户,正对我国国民经济的发展起着积极推动作用。 “七五”和“八五”期间,... 我国现已成为世界上最重要的皮革及皮革制品生产中心之一。根据有关部门的统计,1995年我国皮革及皮革制品出口创汇额已达到85亿美元,是我国轻工行业的第一创汇大户,正对我国国民经济的发展起着积极推动作用。 “七五”和“八五”期间,皮革化工厂增加了不少,现在有一定规模的皮革化工厂已有数百家,皮化材料的品种也枚不胜数。但水平较高、经济效益较好的皮化厂并不多。 展开更多
关键词 科技发展战略 皮化行业 皮化材料 加脂剂 皮革化工 中间体 植物鞣剂 复鞣剂 科研院 制革工艺
《化工科技市场》 CAS 2002年第10期4-4,61,共2页
作为国际皮革和皮制品生产中心之一,目前我国各类皮 化助剂产品总需求量已超过21万吨,生产能力虽远超过21万吨,但由于产品结构极其不合理,国内自给率仅占50%-60%,其余全靠进口来弥补。专家指出,我国皮化助剂行业亟待向精细化、商品化... 作为国际皮革和皮制品生产中心之一,目前我国各类皮 化助剂产品总需求量已超过21万吨,生产能力虽远超过21万吨,但由于产品结构极其不合理,国内自给率仅占50%-60%,其余全靠进口来弥补。专家指出,我国皮化助剂行业亟待向精细化、商品化、规模化方向发展。皮革化工产品具有批量小、品种多、产品质量要求严、技术含量高、附加值较高的特点。 展开更多
关键词 皮化助剂行业 转型 中国 皮革制品 皮革
作者 杨建国 《中国皮革》 CAS 北大核心 2000年第7期15-16,共2页
关键词 中国 皮革工业 皮化行业 经济全球化 影响
《中国皮革》 CAS 北大核心 2004年第13期35-35,共1页
关键词 四川 皮化行业 合作交流 皮革行业
《中国皮革》 CAS 1995年第11期3-3,共1页
随着世界皮革工业重心向发展中国家转移,近年来我国皮革工业迅速发展,尤其是高档皮革产品需求的增加,带动了我国皮化行业的迅速发展。 皮革产品的多元化、高档化,导致我国皮化产品新品迭出,档次不断提高,皮化企业也如雨后春笋般迅速增... 随着世界皮革工业重心向发展中国家转移,近年来我国皮革工业迅速发展,尤其是高档皮革产品需求的增加,带动了我国皮化行业的迅速发展。 皮革产品的多元化、高档化,导致我国皮化产品新品迭出,档次不断提高,皮化企业也如雨后春笋般迅速增长。为推动我国皮化行业的进一步发展,使广大制革工作者及相关用户对我国皮化产品有一个比较全面的了解和认识,我们编辑出版了这期“国产皮化材料专辑”。 展开更多
关键词 皮革工业 皮化行业 皮革产品 精品 皮化材料 信息中心 编辑出版 制革 迅速发展 产品筛选
《中国皮革》 CAS 北大核心 2005年第11期53-53,共1页
意大利Neochimica与Chimes公司合并,新公司名为Letex。Neochimica是一家有30多年生产经验的皮化公司,产品范围覆盖从浸灰到加脂的水场化料。2家公司的合并是基于双赢的原则,一方面双方各自侧重不同的市场和产品领域.另一方面,2个... 意大利Neochimica与Chimes公司合并,新公司名为Letex。Neochimica是一家有30多年生产经验的皮化公司,产品范围覆盖从浸灰到加脂的水场化料。2家公司的合并是基于双赢的原则,一方面双方各自侧重不同的市场和产品领域.另一方面,2个公司距离很近,具有地理位置上的便利性。Neochimica在远东市场有影响,而Chimes则侧重于拉美市场和欧洲市场。显然,合并后双方的销售网络可以共享,产品系列也比较完整,成为意大利少数几家能够提供从浸灰到成品的所有化料的公司之一。 展开更多
关键词 Letex皮革化工公司 皮化行业 经营策略 市场
Technical Approaches and in-vitro Evaluation Methods for Scalp Care 被引量:1
作者 Akira Nomachi Yang Jianzhong 《China Detergent & Cosmetics》 2018年第1期57-62,共6页
Scalp care is important in maintaining good conditions of scalp and hair. Key technical approaches for scalp care include reducing the chance of scalp inflammation, improving scalp defense, and activating hair follicl... Scalp care is important in maintaining good conditions of scalp and hair. Key technical approaches for scalp care include reducing the chance of scalp inflammation, improving scalp defense, and activating hair follicle cells. As the cosmetics industry is moving toward to alternative methods to animal testing based on the 3 Rs(Replacement, Reduction and Refinement), in vitro methods will be widely used to evaluate the effects of scalp care. In this paper, we describe the detailed technical approaches for scalp care and the in vitro evaluation methods for skin irritation, anti-inflammation, barrier function, blood circulation, hair growth and male pattern hair loss prevention, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 scalp health skin irritation scalp inflammation SEBUM barrier function hair growth hair loss
我国皮革化工的研发进展 被引量:3
作者 汪晓鹏 《西部皮革》 2018年第1期17-20,共4页
关键词 皮革行业 皮化材料 研究开发 未来发展
Sensory Evaluation of Hydroxy Ethyl Cellulose (HEC) in Facial Mask
作者 Li Yanan Zhao Xiaomin Qu Xin 《China Detergent & Cosmetics》 2018年第2期75-79,共5页
An equipment test and sensory evaluation were conducted to identify the compatibility and sensory characteristics of HEC in facial masks. These results were then compared to xanthan gum usage. The equipment test resul... An equipment test and sensory evaluation were conducted to identify the compatibility and sensory characteristics of HEC in facial masks. These results were then compared to xanthan gum usage. The equipment test results showed that HEC promoted proper tensile capacity in masks which are made from strong structured fabrics such as medium thick, thick and cross woven & homogenous thin mask fabrics. HEC was found to be more compatible with mask fabrics than xanthan gum. HEC improved mask softness and dampness and had an improved water binding and water retention ability compared to xanthan gum. The split face sensory evaluation results demonstrated that sheet masks containing HEC had improved adhesion and lubricity, provided more moisture to the skin, better elasticity and gloss after use and took longer to dry out. Overall, the panel preferred facial masks which contain HEC. 展开更多
关键词 hydroxy ethyl cellulose (HEC) xanthan gum sheet facial mask sensory evaluation
Influence of Shaving Behavior on Skin Physiological Properties and Sensory Discomfort of Chinese Men
作者 Xia Xue llyoung Kwack +3 位作者 Jin Xan Zhang Ping He Quanquan Jaeho Yeon 《China Detergent & Cosmetics》 2017年第4期46-56,共11页
Men's facial skin is ubiquitously affected by their shaving behaviors. Skin physiological parameters and the degree of discomfort were investigated on healthy Chinese male volunteers. The effect of immediate shavi... Men's facial skin is ubiquitously affected by their shaving behaviors. Skin physiological parameters and the degree of discomfort were investigated on healthy Chinese male volunteers. The effect of immediate shaving and long-term shaving was compared, and more parameters such as skin integrity, pigmentation and texture were significantly influenced by long-term shaving. Sensory assessment also showed severer discomfort degree after long-term shaving. The results indicated that long-term shaving has more impact on skin condition than immediate shaving. Furthermore, the skin damage caused by shaving can be relieved by appropriate shaving care habits. 展开更多
关键词 beard hair shaving skin physiology sensory evaluation long term effect shaving care habit
Resourceful Utilization of Tannery Wastewater
作者 Wang Chen Wang Xikui Ding Maochen Zhang Chaoyu 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第1期116-121,共6页
Leather industry is an important light industry in China.Leather making requires a series of chemical treatment.Degreasing,unhairing and chrome tanning wastewaters are the main portions of tannery wastewater.Reclaimin... Leather industry is an important light industry in China.Leather making requires a series of chemical treatment.Degreasing,unhairing and chrome tanning wastewaters are the main portions of tannery wastewater.Reclaiming and reusing these wastewaters can eliminate 80% of COD,75% of BOD,95% of chromium and 93% of sulfuret,furthermore reduce environment impact,decrease treatment costs,save chemicals and water.Some application methods of wastewater reclamation and reuse for different operations were reported.The suitable reclamation and reuse technologies can enable leather making processes more rational,and realize the recovery and recycle of several chemicals in the tannery.Resourceful utilization of tannery wastewater should mate with renovating production technology,updating equipment,and must be guaranteed sufficiently by environmental protection measures. 展开更多
关键词 leather industry WASTEWATER waste liquor treatment resourceful utilization
The Global Fur Industry: Trends, Globalization and Specialization
作者 Henning Otte Hansen 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第7期543-551,共9页
The fur industry and the entire fur cluster are in many ways an interesting and instructive example from which many lessons can be learned. Up to now, the international fur industry has not been thoroughly described o... The fur industry and the entire fur cluster are in many ways an interesting and instructive example from which many lessons can be learned. Up to now, the international fur industry has not been thoroughly described or analyzed. A major reason is the rather limited availability of national and international statistics about the fur sector. This article analyzes the production and international trade in fur based on information from official statistics, trade associations, companies, scientific papers and reports, interviews with experts, etc.. Markets and market conditions play a very important role with regards to the fur sector, and the price of fur is volatile in the short and long run. A new world trade pattern and international specialization have emerged in recent years. The comparative advantages of the fur sector change along the fur value chain, while China's position on the global fur market has changed significantly. 展开更多
关键词 Fur industry mink production fur garment international trade fur cluster.
作者 范玉杰 王宝才 《北京皮革(中外皮革信息版)(中)》 2004年第1期20-21,共2页
2003年过去了,在温州鞋业、皮革业蓬勃发展的同时,温州皮化行业也日渐发展壮大,国内外皮化品牌增多,市场容量越来越大。在皮化市场表面繁荣的背后,其实也凸现出诸多问题,这其中包括:制革企业严重拖欠皮化商货款,制革企业与皮化... 2003年过去了,在温州鞋业、皮革业蓬勃发展的同时,温州皮化行业也日渐发展壮大,国内外皮化品牌增多,市场容量越来越大。在皮化市场表面繁荣的背后,其实也凸现出诸多问题,这其中包括:制革企业严重拖欠皮化商货款,制革企业与皮化企业不公平交易,缺乏完善的市场信用体系,没有约束机制;欧盟、巴西等化料出口地区货币升值,进口化料价格大幅攀升;受美国疯牛病影响,牛原皮价格持续增长已不可避免,制革企业如何应对包括国产皮化在内的原材料成本提升等等。2004年,对皮化行业来说,将是一个充满机遇和挑战的一年。 展开更多
关键词 温州市 皮化行业 品牌 市场 信用体系
作者 陈万日 《北京皮革(中外皮革信息版)(中)》 2004年第12期49-49,共1页
河南作为中国重要的制革、毛皮生产大省.其所蕴含的皮化产品的庞大需求.多年来一直没有引起各大皮化巨头们的足够重视,以致到现在在河南都鲜有各大皮化公司直接设立的办事处或一级代理商.所以河南皮化市场多是一些二级或三级代理商... 河南作为中国重要的制革、毛皮生产大省.其所蕴含的皮化产品的庞大需求.多年来一直没有引起各大皮化巨头们的足够重视,以致到现在在河南都鲜有各大皮化公司直接设立的办事处或一级代理商.所以河南皮化市场多是一些二级或三级代理商把持着。由于这些代理商大多实力不够强大,经营的产品不够齐全,所以有些企业为了公司生产的便利,只好专门派人到广州等皮化公司比较集中的地区采购皮化产品。这对于竞争激烈,能找到并抓住一个客户都求之不得的皮化行业来说,的确是一个大损失。 展开更多
关键词 河南 市场 皮化行业 一级代理商
作者 陈万日 《北京皮革(中外皮革信息版)(中)》 2002年第14期14-15,共2页
关键词 皮化材料 中国 皮化行业 市场需求 前景
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