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作者 F·F·林斯 刘永强 《国外金属矿选矿》 1997年第7期34-39,共6页
此项工作得出了在KCl溶液中用细粒天然疏水性矿物一滑石(-19μm)的团聚所得的结果。经典的DLVO理论很好地描述了KCl稀溶液中滑石的团聚。当KCl浓度大于1M时,粒子间非DLVO力,即水化力(排斥力)起作用。这种结构力可能是造成未料到... 此项工作得出了在KCl溶液中用细粒天然疏水性矿物一滑石(-19μm)的团聚所得的结果。经典的DLVO理论很好地描述了KCl稀溶液中滑石的团聚。当KCl浓度大于1M时,粒子间非DLVO力,即水化力(排斥力)起作用。这种结构力可能是造成未料到的滑石悬浮体再分散的原因。然而,在较高的离子强度(KCl浓度高至3M)下,在滑石的盐浮选中没有观察到排斥力(抑制作用)。 展开更多
关键词 滑石 团聚 盐浮选 浮选理论 选矿
作者 严秀英 周君 《盐科学与化工》 CAS 2024年第7期48-51,共4页
通过对冷分解—正浮选工艺生产氯化钾排出尾盐的研究,针对不同氯化钾含量的尾盐,利用水盐相图进行尾盐分解最佳需水量的确定,并对尾盐分解液蒸发分析,对在相图中处于钾石盐结晶区的尾盐分解液进行兑卤研究,确定最佳兑卤比例,兑卤完成液... 通过对冷分解—正浮选工艺生产氯化钾排出尾盐的研究,针对不同氯化钾含量的尾盐,利用水盐相图进行尾盐分解最佳需水量的确定,并对尾盐分解液蒸发分析,对在相图中处于钾石盐结晶区的尾盐分解液进行兑卤研究,确定最佳兑卤比例,兑卤完成液经盐田摊晒可得到生产氯化钾所需光卤石,提高钾资源利用率,为企业创造可观的经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 浮选 分解加水量 相图计算 兑卤 蒸发
钾肥生产浮选尾盐氯化钠一次精制过程分析 被引量:8
作者 刘够生 汪瑾 +2 位作者 罗妍 宋兴福 于建国 《盐业与化工》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第2期23-26,共4页
利用青海盐湖工业(集团)公司氯化钾生产过程产生的浮选尾盐进行氯化钠一次精制试验,在对原盐进行充分的成份分析和粒度分析的基础上,通过二段洗涤工艺过程,一次精制后氯化钠干基含量达到98%以上,氯化钾含量从原盐的3.6%下降到0.12%,钙... 利用青海盐湖工业(集团)公司氯化钾生产过程产生的浮选尾盐进行氯化钠一次精制试验,在对原盐进行充分的成份分析和粒度分析的基础上,通过二段洗涤工艺过程,一次精制后氯化钠干基含量达到98%以上,氯化钾含量从原盐的3.6%下降到0.12%,钙镁离子含量从原盐的1.62%下降到0.29%,硫酸根从原盐的1.36%下降到0.48%。分别对二段洗涤工艺过程中氯化钠、氯化钾、钙、镁、硫酸根等成份进行了全流程的物料衡算,为工程放大提供数据依据。通过二段洗涤工艺过程,达到了原盐的一次精制质量要求,为后续的二次精制节约了药剂消耗,为青海盐湖集团氯化钾二期工程十万吨离子膜烧碱提供合格的精制氯化钠原料作好了技术和原料准备。 展开更多
关键词 浮选 一次精制 氯化钠 二段洗涤
钾肥生产浮选尾盐氯化钠赋存状态及相图分析 被引量:7
作者 刘够生 罗妍 +2 位作者 宋兴福 李小松 李辉林 《盐业与化工》 CAS 北大核心 2008年第6期5-8,共4页
有效分离钾肥生产浮选尾盐中的各种杂质如氯化钾、氯化镁、硫酸钙等,是制备高品质氯化钠的关键,研究浮选尾盐中各种杂质的赋存状态是建立有效的氯化钠一次精制工艺路线的理论基础。文章通过化学分析方法,分析各种杂质成分在浮选尾盐中... 有效分离钾肥生产浮选尾盐中的各种杂质如氯化钾、氯化镁、硫酸钙等,是制备高品质氯化钠的关键,研究浮选尾盐中各种杂质的赋存状态是建立有效的氯化钠一次精制工艺路线的理论基础。文章通过化学分析方法,分析各种杂质成分在浮选尾盐中的分布,通过X射线衍射、扫描电镜表征各杂质成份在浮选尾盐中的赋存状态,并利用复杂盐水体系的三元相图,对氯化钠的精制过程进行相图分析,这些研究结果将对钾肥生产浮选尾盐氯化钠一次精制过程工艺提供有益的理论指导。 展开更多
关键词 浮选 氯化钠 赋存状态 相图分析
钾肥生产浮选尾盐钠镁分离试验研究 被引量:3
作者 谭秀民 赵恒勤 +1 位作者 张利珍 李琦 《无机盐工业》 CAS 北大核心 2010年第12期55-56,共2页
某硫酸钾镁肥厂在生产钾镁肥过程中产生大量浮选尾盐,其主要成分是硫酸镁和氯化钠,而且钠含量高镁含量低。针对钾镁肥浮选尾盐高钠低镁的情况,以某硫酸钾厂浮选尾盐为原料,采用分步溶解的方法分离钠而富集镁。经分步溶解,钠的收率(存在... 某硫酸钾镁肥厂在生产钾镁肥过程中产生大量浮选尾盐,其主要成分是硫酸镁和氯化钠,而且钠含量高镁含量低。针对钾镁肥浮选尾盐高钠低镁的情况,以某硫酸钾厂浮选尾盐为原料,采用分步溶解的方法分离钠而富集镁。经分步溶解,钠的收率(存在于固相中)为47.2%,而镁有98.3%进入液相,经冷却结晶得到镁产品,镁的收率为56%,钠镁得到较好的分离。 展开更多
关键词 浮选 硫酸钾镁肥 钠镁分离
氯化钾浮选尾盐溶矿回收钾工艺探究 被引量:6
作者 王振 《盐科学与化工》 CAS 2018年第9期35-37,共3页
关键词 浮选 溶出率 回收钾
兑卤法回收浮选尾盐中钾的研究 被引量:4
作者 徐盛 《盐科学与化工》 CAS 2017年第8期17-19,共3页
关键词 氯化钾 兑卤 浮选
利用浮选尾盐精制氯化钠的相图分析和计算 被引量:3
作者 包玉存 蒋中华 《盐科学与化工》 CAS 2017年第8期37-39,共3页
反浮选—冷结晶法是我国氯化钾生产的主要工艺,每年副产尾盐数百万吨。尾盐中氯化钠含量达80%以上,氯化钾和氯化镁含量较低。由于尾盐成分复杂,开发利用难度大,不少加工厂附近浮选尾盐堆积如山。如何利用浮选尾盐生产烧碱和纯碱车间所... 反浮选—冷结晶法是我国氯化钾生产的主要工艺,每年副产尾盐数百万吨。尾盐中氯化钠含量达80%以上,氯化钾和氯化镁含量较低。由于尾盐成分复杂,开发利用难度大,不少加工厂附近浮选尾盐堆积如山。如何利用浮选尾盐生产烧碱和纯碱车间所需的合格氯化钠一直是盐湖科技工作者努力奋斗的目标。文章以常温四元水盐体系相图为依据,分析浮选尾盐精制氯化钠的过程,并对分解加水量和洗涤加水量进行计算,绘制精制过程的物料平衡图。以期为浮选尾盐的利用和开发起到抛砖引玉的作用。 展开更多
关键词 浮选 氯化钠 相图
作者 金青明 《化工管理》 2019年第35期199-200,共2页
关键词 钾肥 浮选 氯化钠 精制
作者 P.克利福德 小迈克尔.劳埃德 +1 位作者 P.赞格 许孙曲 《现代矿业》 CAS 1999年第4期6-9,共4页
佛罗里达磷酸盐研究院(FIPR)是美国佛罗里达州独立的研究机构。它创立于1978年,其任务是开展提高佛罗里达磷酸盐工业竞争力的研究。该院也开展关于防止、减弱和消除这种工业引起的环境影响的研究。同时,它也协助开展与磷酸盐有关的技术... 佛罗里达磷酸盐研究院(FIPR)是美国佛罗里达州独立的研究机构。它创立于1978年,其任务是开展提高佛罗里达磷酸盐工业竞争力的研究。该院也开展关于防止、减弱和消除这种工业引起的环境影响的研究。同时,它也协助开展与磷酸盐有关的技术和理论的培训。其工艺研究程序探索了如何改进露采和管道运输,以降低用于泵送磷酸盐矿石的能量费用。发展了新型的改进的选矿方法和化肥的生产方法。 展开更多
关键词 磷酸矿床 佛罗里达 脂肪酸 工艺研究 经济效益 白云石 研究程序 浮选化学 磷酸工业 盐浮选
卤水兑盐-保温蒸发制备低钠光卤石研究 被引量:1
作者 张云云 郭剑锋 +1 位作者 成怀刚 程芳琴 《无机盐工业》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第9期27-30,共4页
针对青海类型盐湖生产的光卤石普遍存在夹带较多、品位低的问题,利用25℃K+、Na+、Mg2+∥Cl-、SO42-—H2O五元体系介稳相图,开展了使用低钾卤水溶解浮选尾盐—兑卤—恒温蒸发方法制取低钠含硫酸镁光卤石的研究。实验表明,用低品位含钾... 针对青海类型盐湖生产的光卤石普遍存在夹带较多、品位低的问题,利用25℃K+、Na+、Mg2+∥Cl-、SO42-—H2O五元体系介稳相图,开展了使用低钾卤水溶解浮选尾盐—兑卤—恒温蒸发方法制取低钠含硫酸镁光卤石的研究。实验表明,用低品位含钾卤水溶解浮选尾盐可将卤水中的氯化钾质量分数由0.85%提高到2.93%,使用老卤兑卤可将卤水中的氯化镁与氯化钾的质量比调整至6.716,接近预期的理论值6.732。采用25℃恒温蒸发可以有效分离卤水中的氯化钠,最终得到氯化钾质量分数为14.40%的低钠含硫酸镁光卤石。与传统摊晒盐田方法相比,该方法实现了缩短光卤石生产周期、提高光卤石品位的目的。 展开更多
关键词 低钾卤水 浮选 光卤石 蒸发
Synthesis of γ-alkoxy-propylamines and their collecting properties on aluminosilicate minerals 被引量:12
作者 曹学锋 胡岳华 徐兢 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2004年第3期280-285,共6页
alkoxy-propylamines, C12H25O(CH2)3NH2, C14H29O(CH2)3NH2, C16H33O(CH2)3NH2, C18H37O-(CH2)3NH2 were synthesized from aliphatic alcohol and acrylonitrile. The flotation tests of kaolinite, pyrophyllite and illite... alkoxy-propylamines, C12H25O(CH2)3NH2, C14H29O(CH2)3NH2, C16H33O(CH2)3NH2, C18H37O-(CH2)3NH2 were synthesized from aliphatic alcohol and acrylonitrile. The flotation tests of kaolinite, pyrophyllite and illite were conducted. The flotation mechanisms were explained in view of the structures of reagents and aluminium silicate minerals, zeta potential and Fourier transform infrared spectrum measurements. The results show that the synthesized r-alkoxy-propylamines are more effective than dodecyl amine for flotation of kaolinite, pyrophyllite and illite. For flotation kaolinite and illite, the collecting ability is in the order of C18H37O(CH2)3NH2>C16H33O-(CH2)3NH2>C14H29O(CH2)3NH2>C12H25O(CH2)3NH2, but the r-alkoxy-propylamines types of collectors have almost the same collecting ability on pyrophyllite, which demonstrating that γ-alkoxy-propylamines are new selective collectors for reverse floatation to remove aluminium silicate minerals from bauxite. 展开更多
关键词 alkoxy-propylamine synthesis ALUMINOSILICATE reverse floatation structure-reactivity
Effect of quaternary ammonium salts on flotation behavior of aluminosilicate minerals 被引量:8
作者 赵声贵 钟宏 刘广义 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2007年第4期500-503,共4页
The electrokinetic properties and flotation of diaspore, kaolinite, pyrophyllite and illite with quaternary ammonium salts collectors were studied. The results of flotation tests show that the collecting ability of qu... The electrokinetic properties and flotation of diaspore, kaolinite, pyrophyllite and illite with quaternary ammonium salts collectors were studied. The results of flotation tests show that the collecting ability of quaternary ammonium salts for the four minerals is in the order(from strong to weak) ofoctadecyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride(ODBA), cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide(CTAB), dodecyl trimethyl ammonium chloride(DTAC). Under the condition of alkalescence, it is possible to separate the diaspore from the silicate minerals such as kaolinite, illite and pyrophyllite using quaternary ammonium salts as collector. Isoelectric points (IEP) of diaspore, kaolinite, pyrophyllite and illite are pH=6.0, 3.4, 2.3 and 3.2, respectively. Quaternary ammonium salts can change ζ-potential of the aluminosilicate minerals obviously. The flotation mechanisms were explained by ζ-potential and Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FT-IR) measurements. The results demonstrate that only electrostatic interaction takes place between aluminosilicate minerals (diaspore, kaolinite, pyrophyllite and illite) and quaternary ammonium salts. 展开更多
关键词 aluminosilicate mineral quaternary ammonium salt FLOTATION
Nanobubble generation and its applications in froth flotation(partⅢ):specially designed laboratory scale column flotation of phosphate 被引量:19
作者 FAN Maoming TAO Daniel +1 位作者 HONAKER Rick LUO Zhenfu 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第3期317-338,共22页
Froth flotation is used widely for upgrading raw phosphate.The flotation recovery of coarse phosphate(-1.18+0.425 mm) is much lower than that achieved on the-0.425+0.15 mm size fraction.Enhanced recovery of coarse pho... Froth flotation is used widely for upgrading raw phosphate.The flotation recovery of coarse phosphate(-1.18+0.425 mm) is much lower than that achieved on the-0.425+0.15 mm size fraction.Enhanced recovery of coarse phosphate particles is of great economic and environmental importance for phosphate industry.In this investigation,four different phosphate samples were aquired,characterized and tested in a specially designed laboratory-scale flotation column.Significant recovery improvement of coarse phosphate flotation was achieved using cavitation-generated nanobubble though its effects differ among the four testing phosphate samples.The laboratory-scale flotation column test results indicate that nanobubble increased P_2O_5 recovery by up to 10%~30%for a given Acid Insoluble(A.I.) rejection,depending on the characteristic of phosphate samples.The improvement effect of nanobubble on the hard-to-float particles was more significant than that on easy-to-float particles,especially at lower collector dosages.Nanobubbles reduced the collector dosage by 1/3 to 1/2.Nanobubbles almost doubled the coarse phosphate flotation rate constant and increased the flotation selectivity index by up to 25%. 展开更多
关键词 PHOSPHATE froth flotation CAVITATION NANOBUBBLE flotation kinetics
Typical roles of metal ions in mineral flotation:A review 被引量:14
作者 Zhi-yong GAO Zhe-yi JIANG +1 位作者 Wei SUN Yue-sheng GAO 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第7期2081-2101,共21页
In flotation,metal ions possess significant roles that are usually fulfilled by either selectively activating or depressing the target minerals.Despite that tremendous efforts have been made to address the roles of me... In flotation,metal ions possess significant roles that are usually fulfilled by either selectively activating or depressing the target minerals.Despite that tremendous efforts have been made to address the roles of metal ions in flotation,it still lacks a comprehensive review,especially to compare various ions instead of focusing on a specific one.This review begins by elaborately categorizing the factors involved in affecting the roles of metal ions in flotation.After that,well-accepted mechanisms are updated and discussed from the ore type.Furthermore,typical approaches to explore the underlying mechanisms are emphasized,including traditional techniques such as micro-flotation,contact angle measurement,zeta potential measurement,and other recent prevailing methodologies,like computational method,solution chemistry calculation,and cyclic voltammetry.This work will pave the way to promote flotations via activities like selectively adding/reducing metal ions,choosing reagents,and regulating the slurry chemistry. 展开更多
关键词 metal ions FLOTATION oxide mineral silicate mineral sulfide mineral
On the optimization of froth flotation by the use of an artificial neural network 被引量:6
作者 AL-THYABATS 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2008年第3期418-426,共9页
A multi layered, feed forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used to study the effect of feed mean size, collector dosage and impeller speed on flotation recovery and grade. The results of 30 flotation experiment... A multi layered, feed forward Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was used to study the effect of feed mean size, collector dosage and impeller speed on flotation recovery and grade. The results of 30 flotation experiments conducted on Jordanian siliceous phosphate were used for training the network while another 10 experiments were used for validation. Simulation results showed that a four layer network with a [9 11 5 9 2] architecture was the one that gave the least mean squared error (MSE). Using this ANN to optimize the flotation process showed that the optimum flotation parameters were 321.28 μm for the feed mean size, 0.7354 kg/TOF for the collector dosage and 1225.25 RPM for the impeller speed. Studying the effect of these parameters on flotation recovery and grade was done by analysis of variance, ANOVA. The results showed that grade was more sensitive to changes in flotation parameters than was recovery. They also showed that changes in collector dosage had a more significant effect on flotation grade and recovery than did changes in feed mean size or impeller speed. 展开更多
关键词 neural network froth flotation OPTIMIZATION phosphate beneficiation Jordanian phosphate
Effects of BaCl_2 on K-feldspar flotation using dodecyl amine chloride under natural pH 被引量:3
作者 Chao SONG Yuan-yuan ZHOU +4 位作者 Quan-jun LIU Jian-ying DENG Shi-mei LI Li-kun GAO Li YU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第11期2336-2342,共7页
The effects of BaCl2 on the flotation of K-feldspar using dodecyl amine chloride as the collector under natural pH wereinvestigated by flotation tests, absorption measurements, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ... The effects of BaCl2 on the flotation of K-feldspar using dodecyl amine chloride as the collector under natural pH wereinvestigated by flotation tests, absorption measurements, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and X-ray photoelectronspectroscopy (XPS). The results indicated that lower BaCl2 concentration can increase the floatability of K-feldspar, whereas higherBaCl2 concentration can significantly inhibit the flotation of K-feldspar. Peaks at 3548.18, 3475.56 and 3414.35 cm?1in the FTIRspectra of K-feldspar adsorbed by dodecyl amine chloride revealed three forms of -OH. XPS analyses of K-feldspar adsorbed byBa2+ showed that the concentration of K atom was reduced by nearly twice as those of Si, Al, and O. The activation of BaCl2 at a lowconcentration was mainly caused by Ba2+ in the form of the ion exchange between K+ and Ba2+. The inhibitory action of BaCl2 at ahigh concentration is mainly attributed to the physical absorption of Ba2+ on the surface of K-feldspar and the fact that a highconcentration of Cl? causes the chemical equilibrium of dodecyl amine chloride to be changed, and the dodecyl amine chloride in theform of RNH2H+ is reduced. 展开更多
关键词 K-FELDSPAR BACL2 dodecyl amine chloride ACTIVATION FLOTATION
Degradation of ethyl xanthate in flotation residues by hydrogen peroxide 被引量:3
作者 陈兴华 胡岳华 +1 位作者 彭宏 曹学锋 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期495-501,共7页
The degradation behavior of ethyl xanthate(EX) salt was the most widely used collector in sulfide mineral flotation and emission of flotation tailings with residual EX was harmful to environment. In this work, hydroge... The degradation behavior of ethyl xanthate(EX) salt was the most widely used collector in sulfide mineral flotation and emission of flotation tailings with residual EX was harmful to environment. In this work, hydrogen peroxide(H2O2) was investigated by UV-visible spectroscopy(UV/Vis) at different p H values from 3 to 12. For p H value from 5 to 12, EX was oxidized into ethyl per xanthate(EPX) by H2O2. Then EPX was further oxidized into thiosulfate(TS) salt rather than ethyl thiocarbonate(ETC) and this step was the reaction-limited step. Then depending on p H values, TS was degraded into sulphate and carbonate salts(p H>7) or elemental sulfur(p H<7). The kinetics data show that the degradation rate of EX increases with increasing the H2O2 concentration and is independent on the p H values. Without H2O2, EX is hydrolyzed to carbon disulfide fast at p H value <3.0, but the reaction of hydrolysis is undetectable at p H value >3.0 during test time. 展开更多
关键词 ethyl-xanthate THIOSULFATE hydrogen peroxide UV-visible spectroscopy
Interaction mechanism of ferrate(Ⅵ) with arsenopyrite surface and its effect on flotation separation of chalcopyrite from arsenopyrite 被引量:1
作者 Run-peng LIAO Pan-jin HU +4 位作者 Shu-ming WEN Yong-xing ZHENG Xian-hui QIU Jin-fang LÜ Jian LIU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第11期3731-3743,共13页
Potassium ferrate(K_(2)FeO_(4)) was used as a novel environmental-friendly depressant,and its inhibition effect on flotation performance of arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite using potassium ethyl xanthate(PEX)as a collect... Potassium ferrate(K_(2)FeO_(4)) was used as a novel environmental-friendly depressant,and its inhibition effect on flotation performance of arsenopyrite and chalcopyrite using potassium ethyl xanthate(PEX)as a collector was investigated by flotation experiments,contact angle measurements,adsorption measurements,localized electrochemical impedance spectroscopy(LEIS)measurements,and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(XPS)analyses.The results showed that K_(2)FeO_(4)strongly depressed arsenopyrite in a pH range of 4−11,and the flotation separation of chalcopyrite from arsenopyrite could be realized in the presence of 5×10^(−4)mol/L K_(2)FeO_(4)and 5×10^(−5)mol/L PEX at pH 8 or 10.In the presence of K_(2)FeO_(4) and PEX,the contact angle and the xanthate adsorption capacity of arsenopyrite decreased significantly.LEIS measurements showed that the addition of ferrate could significantly increase the impedance of the arsenopyrite surface.XPS analyses further confirmed that ferrate accelerated the oxidation of arsenopyrite surface. 展开更多
关键词 ferrate(Ⅵ) ARSENOPYRITE CHALCOPYRITE low-alkalinity flotation separation
Comparison of mechanical and column flotation performances on recovery of phosphate slimes in presence of nano-microbubbles
作者 Fatemeh Taghavi Mohammad Noaparast +1 位作者 Ziaeddin Pourkarimi Fardis Nakhaei 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期102-115,共14页
Fine particle flotation has been one of the main problems in many mineral processing plants.The bubble particle collision rate is very low for fine particles,which reduces flotation efficiency.Also,the existence of sl... Fine particle flotation has been one of the main problems in many mineral processing plants.The bubble particle collision rate is very low for fine particles,which reduces flotation efficiency.Also,the existence of slimes is,generally,detrimental to the flotation process,affecting the selectivity and the quality of the concentrates.Besides,it causes an increase in reagents consumption.Hence,in most of processing plants,some of these particles are transmitted to the tailing ponds to reduce the effects of these problems and increase the selectivity of the process.Esfordi phosphate plant in Iran loses more than 30%of its capacity as particles with d 80 finer than 30μm.These fine particles with 15.9%P_(2)O_(5)content are transferred to tailing dam.Processing of fine particles is very important for phosphate industry from economic and environmental aspects.This study addressed the processing of fine tailings(slimes)from a phosphate ore concentrator via flotation,despite the traditional view that ultrafine particles do not float.Phosphate flotation performances in the presence and absence of nanobubbles(NBs)in both mechanical and column cells were compared according to the metallurgical results of the process.NBs(generated by hydrodynamic cavitation)have interesting and exclusive properties such as high stability,durability and high surface area per volume,leading to increase of their utilization in mining-metallurgy and environmental areas.The results of this study revealed that,in the absence of NBs,a concentrate containing 26.9%P_(2)O_(5)with a recovery of 29.13%was obtained using mechanical cells in comparison to 31.6%P_(2)O_(5)with a recovery of 32.74%obtained using column flotation.In the presence of NBs,the recoveries of the concentrate of the mechanical and column flotation increased to 40.49%and 41.26%with 28.47%and 30.43%P_(2)O_(5)contents,respectively.Comparative study showed that the column flotation was almost more efficient for processing the phosphate ore in the presence of the NBs,and had thicker froth layer compared to the mechanical flotation. 展开更多
关键词 column flotation mechanical cell PHOSPHATE TAILINGS SLIME NANOBUBBLE Venturi tube hydrodynamic cavitation
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