Using the UVic Earth System Model, this study simulated the change of seawater chemistry and analyzed the chemical habitat surrounding shallow- and cold-water coral reefs from the year 1800 to 2300 employing RCP2.6, R...Using the UVic Earth System Model, this study simulated the change of seawater chemistry and analyzed the chemical habitat surrounding shallow- and cold-water coral reefs from the year 1800 to 2300 employing RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0, and RCP8.5 scenarios. The model results showed that the global ocean will continue to absorb atmospheric CO2. Global mean surface ocean temperature will rise 1.1-2.8 K at the end of the 21st century across RCP scenarios. Meanwhile, the global mean surface ocean pH will drop 0.14--0.42 and the ocean surface mean con- centration of carbonate will decrease 20%--51% across the RCP scenarios. The saturated state of sea water with respect to calcite carbonate minerals (t2) will decrease rapidly. During the pre-industrial period, 99% of the shallow-water coral reefs were surrounded by seawater with t2 〉 3.5 and 87% of the deep-sea coral reefs were surrounded by seawater with aragonite supersaturation. Within the 21st century, except for the high mitigation scenario of RCP2.6, almost none shallow-water coral reefs will be surrounded by seawater with g2 〉 3.5. Under the intensive emission scenario of RCP8.5, by the year 2100, the aragonite saturation horizon will rise to 308 m under the sea surface from 1138 m at the pre- industrial period, thus 73% of the cold-water coral reefs will be surrounded by seawater with aragonite undersaturation. By the year 2300, only 5% of the cold-water coral reefs will be surrounded by seawater with aragonite supersaturation.展开更多
This experiment was conducted to examine the effects of salinity fluctuation frequency on the growth, molting rate and hemolymph 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) concentration for juvenile Fenneropenaeus chinensis with an...This experiment was conducted to examine the effects of salinity fluctuation frequency on the growth, molting rate and hemolymph 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) concentration for juvenile Fenneropenaeus chinensis with an initial wet body weight of 1.115 g±0.012 g. The salinity of the control treatment (represented by DO) was 28 throughout the experiment, whereas treatments D2, D4, D6 and D8 were subjected to different salinity fluctuation frequencies of 2, 4, 6 and 8 d, respectively. The range of salinity fluctuation was 4. The salinity in treatments D2, D4, D6 and D8 was kept at 28 for 2, 4, 6 and 8d, respectively; each original salinity was decreased abruptly to salinity 24, which first lasted for another 2 d and was then raised to its initial value 28. This constituted a salinity fluctuation cycle and afterwards the cycle repeated. It was found that: 1) The weight gain of shrimp in treatment D4 was 202.9% and significantly higher than that in treatment DO (P〈0.05). The molting rate in treatment D2 was the lowest, while that in treatment D6 was the highest and significantly higher than those in treatments DO and D2 (P〈0.05). 2) The hemolymph 20-HE concentration of shrimps in all treatments was at low levels and increased first gradually during the inter-molt period and then increased sharply. It reached a peak value during the pre-molt stage, and then decreased abruptly during the post-molt stage when the lowest level occurred. 3) During the post-molt stage, the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D2 was 7.47pg μL^-1 and significantly higher than that in treatment DO (P〈0.05). There were, however, no significant differences in hemolymph 20-HE concentration among all five treatments during the inter-molt stage (P〉0.05). During the pre-molt stage, the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D6 was significantly higher than that in treatment DO (P〈0.05), whereas the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D2 was significantly lower than that in other treatments (P〈0.05). Adequate salinity fluctuation promoted the molting rate through increasing hemolymph 20-HE concentration at the pre-molt stage.展开更多
factor experiment was used to study the combined effects of temperature, irradiance and salinity on the growth of an HAB species diatom Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve. The results showed that temperature (12, 19, ...factor experiment was used to study the combined effects of temperature, irradiance and salinity on the growth of an HAB species diatom Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve. The results showed that temperature (12, 19, 25, 32℃), irradiance ((0.02, 0.08, 0.3, 1.6)×10 16 quanta/(s·cm 2)) and salinity (10, 18, 25, 30, 35) significantly influenced the growth of this species. There were interactive effects between any two of and among all three physical factors on the growth. In the experiment, the most optimal growth condition for S. costatum was temparature of 25℃, salinity of 18-35 and irradiance of 1.6×10 16 quanta/(s·cm 2). The results indicated S. costatum could divide at higher rate and were more likely to bloom under high temperature and high illumination from spring to fall. It was able to distribute widely in ocean and estuary due to its adaptation to a wide range of salinities.展开更多
Juveniles of Oreochromis mossambicus with initial wet weights of 0.0382±0.0859 g and initial total lengths of 0.735 ±1.425 cm were tested for their salinity tolerance. The juveniles were subjected to five sa...Juveniles of Oreochromis mossambicus with initial wet weights of 0.0382±0.0859 g and initial total lengths of 0.735 ±1.425 cm were tested for their salinity tolerance. The juveniles were subjected to five salinity levels for a period of seventy five days. These salinity levels correspond to the salinities found along the creek and in estuarine regions. Each set of experiments was conducted at a fifteen day intervals. The weight, length and survival rate were calculated. No mortality was observed at salinity levels 0, 5, 10 and 15, while the juveniles faced slight mortality at 20 in the same environmental conditions, including the diet. There was no significant difference in specific growth rate at all salinity levels. The juveniles of O. mossambicus could survive up to 20 salinity. These results suggest that this species can grow and be exploited commercially in brackish waters, rivers and estuarine regions.展开更多
The aim of the present research is to identify the main mechanisms of sulfur behavior in saline lakes in the course of time and followed transformations in their chemical composition. The influence of water on chemica...The aim of the present research is to identify the main mechanisms of sulfur behavior in saline lakes in the course of time and followed transformations in their chemical composition. The influence of water on chemical composition of biochemical processes involved in decomposition of organic matter was determined by the study of behavior of reduced forms of sulfur in lakes. The determination of reduced forms of sulfur was carried out by successive transfer of each form of sulfur to hydrogen sulfide followed by photometric measurements. The other chemical components were determined by standard methods(atomic absorption, potentiometric method, titration method and others). The salt lakes of the Altai steppe were studied in summer season 2013–2015. Analysis of the chemical composition of the saline lakes of Altai Krai has shown that carbonate-, hydrocarbonate-and chloride ions dominate among anions; sodium is main cation; sulfates are found in subordinate amounts. Reduced forms of sulfur occur everywhere: hydrogen and hydrosulfide sulfur S^(2-) prevail in the bottom sediments; its derivative—elemental S^0—prevails in the lakes water. The second important species in water of soda lakes is hydrosulfide sulfur S^(2-), and in chloride lakes is thiosulfate sulfur S_2O_2^(3ˉ). The lag in the accumulation of sulfates in soda lakes in comparison to chloride lakes can be explained by their bacterial reduction, followed by the formation and deposition of iron sulfides in sediments. In chloride lakes gypsum is a predominantly barrier for sulfates.展开更多
Populus x canescens was cultivated on solid substrate and treated by salt (150 mM NaCl). The growth parameters including new leaf formation, height increment, diameter at the base increment, fresh and dry mass of le...Populus x canescens was cultivated on solid substrate and treated by salt (150 mM NaCl). The growth parameters including new leaf formation, height increment, diameter at the base increment, fresh and dry mass of leaf, stem, coarse root, and fine root were determined. The nutrient elements in leaves of samples under salt stress and the control, and the chlorophyll fluorescence of plants separated dark and light, initial fluorescence (Fo), and maximum fluorescence (Fro) were measured. Results showed that 150 mM NaCI treatment resulted in growth reduction of Populus x canescens. Nutrient element contents in the foliage of plants under salt stress were different from that of control. The foliar N-concentrations of plants under salt stress were not affected. Contents of Na under salt stress were 120 times as much as that under control. However, contents of S, K, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn under salt stress were less than that under control. Salt stress caused damage in the PSII reaction centers, i.e. photo-inhibition couldn't be repaired under dark situation. The yield of chlorophyll fluorescence showed that several parameters associated with PSII functions, e.g. Fv/Fo, Fv/Fm were not influenced at the first stage of salt stress treatment. However, after a period of time, PSII functions were significantly inhibited, which led to the decrease of carbon assimilation. These results suggest that salt stress (150 mM NaCl) did not affect photosynthetic chlorophyll fluorescence of Populus x canescens immediately. After four day of salt stress, PSII reaction centres were seriously damaged during photo-inhibition.展开更多
[Objective] This study aimed to determine the interactive effects of supple- mental Ca amendment and salinity on germination of sweet sorghum seeds in saline solution culture medium, and investigate the effects of dif...[Objective] This study aimed to determine the interactive effects of supple- mental Ca amendment and salinity on germination of sweet sorghum seeds in saline solution culture medium, and investigate the effects of different combinations of Na/Ca ratio in saline soils on the early growth of sweet sorghum plants. [Method] A germi- nation test and a greenhouse pot experiment were conducted to assess the interac- tive effects of calcium addition to culture medium on the germination and seedling growth of sweet sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum Moench) in saline soils with a range of NaYCa ratios. In the germination test, seeds were treated with different combinations of five calcium levels [0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mmol/L Ca(NO3)2] and five salinity levels (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 mmol/L NaCI). In the greenhouse experi- ment, seeds were sown in potting soils containing 3 salinity levels (2.3, 4.7 and 7.0 dS/m) and three Na:Ca ratios (10:0, 10:1, and 5:1). [Result] In the germination test, Ca addition at 5 mmol/L promoted germination by 5.5%, 9.9%, and 17.0% at the 3.4, 6.7 and 10.1 dS/m salinity levels. The higher Ca level (10 mmol/L) also in- creased germination by 9.1% and 7.8% at the 3.4 and 6.7 dS/m salinity levels. Then even higher Ca addition at 15 and 20 mmol/L appeared to promote germina- tion when culture media had high salinity (10.1 and 13.4 dS/m). In the greenhouse pot experiment, saline soil amended with supplemental Ca at the 2.3 and 4.7 dS/m salinity levels significantly promoted early seedling growth, with an increase of 6.8% to 28.2% in plant height and 14.3% to 67.9% in whole plant weight. From 28 to 42 d after seeding, the relative growth of seedling was increased by Ca addition, with a reduction of 49.5% to 66.0% in plant height and 4.8% to 61.9% in whole plant weight. From 42 to 56 d after seeding, however, the relative growth of seedling was significantly inhibited by Ca amendment. [Conclusion] Results of this study indicate that appropriate supplemental Ca could improve sorghum germination and early seedling growth in saline soils.展开更多
Salt-tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can play an important role in alleviating soil salinity stress during plant growth and bacterial exopolysaccharide (EPS) can also help to mitigate salinity...Salt-tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can play an important role in alleviating soil salinity stress during plant growth and bacterial exopolysaccharide (EPS) can also help to mitigate salinity stress by reducing the content of Na+ available for plant uptake. In this study, native bacterial strains of wheat rhizosphere in soils of Varanasi, India, were screened to identify the EPS-producing salt-tolerant rhizobacteria with plant growth-promoting traits. The various rhizobacteria strains were isolated and identified using 16S rDNA sequencing. The plant growth-promoting effect of inoculation of seedlings with these bacterial strains was evaluated under soil salinity conditions in a pot experiment. Eleven bacterial strains which initially showed tolerance up to 80 g L-1 NaC1 also exhibited an EPS-producing potential. The results suggested that the isolated bacterial strains demonstrated some of the plant growth-promoting traits such as phosphate solubilizing ability and production of auxin, proline, reducing sugars, and total soluble sugars. Furthermore, the inoculated wheat plants had an increased biomass compared to the unoinoculated plants.展开更多
The community structure of adult mosquitoes was compared from New Jerseylight trap collections in six different types of habitats in Citrus County, Florida, USA. FromOctober 1998 to December 2000, mosquitoes were coll...The community structure of adult mosquitoes was compared from New Jerseylight trap collections in six different types of habitats in Citrus County, Florida, USA. FromOctober 1998 to December 2000, mosquitoes were collected three times a week from the followinghabitats (swamps, swamps and freshwater marshes, pine flatwoods, pine flatwoods and scrub, saltmarshes, and salt marshes and mangroves). Mosquito density was highest in the swamps and freshwatermarshes habitat, with an average of 95.65 specimens per trap. Density was lowest in the flatwoodsand scrub habitat, with an average of 14.38 specimens per trap. Species dominance differed amonghabitats. Salt marshes produced the greatest aggregation index, while pine flatwoods produced thelowest. Conversely, diversity analysis showed that pine flatwoods had the greatest diversity, whilesalt marshes the lowest diversity. Similarity indices indicated that the adult mosquito communitiesfrom pine flatwoods and pine flatwoods and scrub were very similar (0.8583). The adult mosquitocommunity of salt marshes was different from that of swamps and freshwater marshes (the similarindex was 0.0217).展开更多
Populus euphratica is a most tolerant arborescent species to abiotic stress. It can adapt to extreme conditions, ranging from flood to atmosphere extremely dry, hot from + 54 ℃ to - 45 ℃, and from normal soil to the...Populus euphratica is a most tolerant arborescent species to abiotic stress. It can adapt to extreme conditions, ranging from flood to atmosphere extremely dry, hot from + 54 ℃ to - 45 ℃, and from normal soil to the soil with very high salt concentration ( to 2 ~5%) although being a non-halophyte. However, the natural stands of P. euphratica have been shrinking tremendously for the past decades and some populations are facing the fate of extinction. The preservation of existing resources should be carried out as a burning issue. In parallel, P. euphratica could be taken as a model plant to explore the molecular mechanism of abiotic-stress tolerance and to exploit its tolerant genes due to its smaller genome and easy molecular manipulation. The measures for preservation, germ-plasma exploitation, tolerance mechanism exploration and resource utilization were also discussed in this paper.展开更多
Nitrate assimilation is a process where bacteria utilize nitrate as a nitrogen source and synthesize it into organic nitrogen. We found that nitrate-assimilating bacteria(NAB) are widely distributed in various marine ...Nitrate assimilation is a process where bacteria utilize nitrate as a nitrogen source and synthesize it into organic nitrogen. We found that nitrate-assimilating bacteria(NAB) are widely distributed in various marine environments, from surface to the deep ocean and sediment, which indicates that NAB are significant to the oceanic nitrogen cycle. Comparative genomic analysis revealed nitrate-assimilating genes(nas A) in these marine heterotrophic NAB showed different gene arrangements and diverse regulation systems. Summary on recent findings will contribute to understanding the process of nitrate assimilation in NAB and their ecological significance in the nitrogen cycle. A systematic analysis of a number of studies on bacterial nitrate assimilation in marine ecological systems was conducted to clarify directions for future research.展开更多
基金supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(41276073,41422503)National Key Basic Research Program of China(2015CB953601)+1 种基金Zhejiang University K.P.Chao's High Technology Development Foundationthe Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities
文摘Using the UVic Earth System Model, this study simulated the change of seawater chemistry and analyzed the chemical habitat surrounding shallow- and cold-water coral reefs from the year 1800 to 2300 employing RCP2.6, RCP4.5, RCP6.0, and RCP8.5 scenarios. The model results showed that the global ocean will continue to absorb atmospheric CO2. Global mean surface ocean temperature will rise 1.1-2.8 K at the end of the 21st century across RCP scenarios. Meanwhile, the global mean surface ocean pH will drop 0.14--0.42 and the ocean surface mean con- centration of carbonate will decrease 20%--51% across the RCP scenarios. The saturated state of sea water with respect to calcite carbonate minerals (t2) will decrease rapidly. During the pre-industrial period, 99% of the shallow-water coral reefs were surrounded by seawater with t2 〉 3.5 and 87% of the deep-sea coral reefs were surrounded by seawater with aragonite supersaturation. Within the 21st century, except for the high mitigation scenario of RCP2.6, almost none shallow-water coral reefs will be surrounded by seawater with g2 〉 3.5. Under the intensive emission scenario of RCP8.5, by the year 2100, the aragonite saturation horizon will rise to 308 m under the sea surface from 1138 m at the pre- industrial period, thus 73% of the cold-water coral reefs will be surrounded by seawater with aragonite undersaturation. By the year 2300, only 5% of the cold-water coral reefs will be surrounded by seawater with aragonite supersaturation.
基金supported by funds from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 30571441)the Project of Reward Research Foundation for Talented Young and Middle Aged Scientists of Shandong, China (Grant No. 2006BS07002)the National Great Project of Scientific and Technical Supporting Programs Funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology of China in the 11th Five-Year Plan (Grant No. 2006BAD09A07)
文摘This experiment was conducted to examine the effects of salinity fluctuation frequency on the growth, molting rate and hemolymph 20-hydroxyecdysone (20-HE) concentration for juvenile Fenneropenaeus chinensis with an initial wet body weight of 1.115 g±0.012 g. The salinity of the control treatment (represented by DO) was 28 throughout the experiment, whereas treatments D2, D4, D6 and D8 were subjected to different salinity fluctuation frequencies of 2, 4, 6 and 8 d, respectively. The range of salinity fluctuation was 4. The salinity in treatments D2, D4, D6 and D8 was kept at 28 for 2, 4, 6 and 8d, respectively; each original salinity was decreased abruptly to salinity 24, which first lasted for another 2 d and was then raised to its initial value 28. This constituted a salinity fluctuation cycle and afterwards the cycle repeated. It was found that: 1) The weight gain of shrimp in treatment D4 was 202.9% and significantly higher than that in treatment DO (P〈0.05). The molting rate in treatment D2 was the lowest, while that in treatment D6 was the highest and significantly higher than those in treatments DO and D2 (P〈0.05). 2) The hemolymph 20-HE concentration of shrimps in all treatments was at low levels and increased first gradually during the inter-molt period and then increased sharply. It reached a peak value during the pre-molt stage, and then decreased abruptly during the post-molt stage when the lowest level occurred. 3) During the post-molt stage, the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D2 was 7.47pg μL^-1 and significantly higher than that in treatment DO (P〈0.05). There were, however, no significant differences in hemolymph 20-HE concentration among all five treatments during the inter-molt stage (P〉0.05). During the pre-molt stage, the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D6 was significantly higher than that in treatment DO (P〈0.05), whereas the hemolymph 20-HE concentration in treatment D2 was significantly lower than that in other treatments (P〈0.05). Adequate salinity fluctuation promoted the molting rate through increasing hemolymph 20-HE concentration at the pre-molt stage.
文摘factor experiment was used to study the combined effects of temperature, irradiance and salinity on the growth of an HAB species diatom Skeletonema costatum (Grev.) Cleve. The results showed that temperature (12, 19, 25, 32℃), irradiance ((0.02, 0.08, 0.3, 1.6)×10 16 quanta/(s·cm 2)) and salinity (10, 18, 25, 30, 35) significantly influenced the growth of this species. There were interactive effects between any two of and among all three physical factors on the growth. In the experiment, the most optimal growth condition for S. costatum was temparature of 25℃, salinity of 18-35 and irradiance of 1.6×10 16 quanta/(s·cm 2). The results indicated S. costatum could divide at higher rate and were more likely to bloom under high temperature and high illumination from spring to fall. It was able to distribute widely in ocean and estuary due to its adaptation to a wide range of salinities.
文摘Juveniles of Oreochromis mossambicus with initial wet weights of 0.0382±0.0859 g and initial total lengths of 0.735 ±1.425 cm were tested for their salinity tolerance. The juveniles were subjected to five salinity levels for a period of seventy five days. These salinity levels correspond to the salinities found along the creek and in estuarine regions. Each set of experiments was conducted at a fifteen day intervals. The weight, length and survival rate were calculated. No mortality was observed at salinity levels 0, 5, 10 and 15, while the juveniles faced slight mortality at 20 in the same environmental conditions, including the diet. There was no significant difference in specific growth rate at all salinity levels. The juveniles of O. mossambicus could survive up to 20 salinity. These results suggest that this species can grow and be exploited commercially in brackish waters, rivers and estuarine regions.
基金Supported by the Russian Science Foundation(No.15-17-10003)
文摘The aim of the present research is to identify the main mechanisms of sulfur behavior in saline lakes in the course of time and followed transformations in their chemical composition. The influence of water on chemical composition of biochemical processes involved in decomposition of organic matter was determined by the study of behavior of reduced forms of sulfur in lakes. The determination of reduced forms of sulfur was carried out by successive transfer of each form of sulfur to hydrogen sulfide followed by photometric measurements. The other chemical components were determined by standard methods(atomic absorption, potentiometric method, titration method and others). The salt lakes of the Altai steppe were studied in summer season 2013–2015. Analysis of the chemical composition of the saline lakes of Altai Krai has shown that carbonate-, hydrocarbonate-and chloride ions dominate among anions; sodium is main cation; sulfates are found in subordinate amounts. Reduced forms of sulfur occur everywhere: hydrogen and hydrosulfide sulfur S^(2-) prevail in the bottom sediments; its derivative—elemental S^0—prevails in the lakes water. The second important species in water of soda lakes is hydrosulfide sulfur S^(2-), and in chloride lakes is thiosulfate sulfur S_2O_2^(3ˉ). The lag in the accumulation of sulfates in soda lakes in comparison to chloride lakes can be explained by their bacterial reduction, followed by the formation and deposition of iron sulfides in sediments. In chloride lakes gypsum is a predominantly barrier for sulfates.
基金This study was supported by the Major State Basic Research Development Program of China (Grant No. 1999016003).
文摘Populus x canescens was cultivated on solid substrate and treated by salt (150 mM NaCl). The growth parameters including new leaf formation, height increment, diameter at the base increment, fresh and dry mass of leaf, stem, coarse root, and fine root were determined. The nutrient elements in leaves of samples under salt stress and the control, and the chlorophyll fluorescence of plants separated dark and light, initial fluorescence (Fo), and maximum fluorescence (Fro) were measured. Results showed that 150 mM NaCI treatment resulted in growth reduction of Populus x canescens. Nutrient element contents in the foliage of plants under salt stress were different from that of control. The foliar N-concentrations of plants under salt stress were not affected. Contents of Na under salt stress were 120 times as much as that under control. However, contents of S, K, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn under salt stress were less than that under control. Salt stress caused damage in the PSII reaction centers, i.e. photo-inhibition couldn't be repaired under dark situation. The yield of chlorophyll fluorescence showed that several parameters associated with PSII functions, e.g. Fv/Fo, Fv/Fm were not influenced at the first stage of salt stress treatment. However, after a period of time, PSII functions were significantly inhibited, which led to the decrease of carbon assimilation. These results suggest that salt stress (150 mM NaCl) did not affect photosynthetic chlorophyll fluorescence of Populus x canescens immediately. After four day of salt stress, PSII reaction centres were seriously damaged during photo-inhibition.
基金Supported by Priority Academic Program Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institution,Natural Science Foundation of China(31171483)Fund for Returning Overseas Scholars(2011)+1 种基金Jiangsu Provincial Science Technology Support Program (BE2010307)the Start-up Project of Yangzhou University(2006 and 2009)
文摘[Objective] This study aimed to determine the interactive effects of supple- mental Ca amendment and salinity on germination of sweet sorghum seeds in saline solution culture medium, and investigate the effects of different combinations of Na/Ca ratio in saline soils on the early growth of sweet sorghum plants. [Method] A germi- nation test and a greenhouse pot experiment were conducted to assess the interac- tive effects of calcium addition to culture medium on the germination and seedling growth of sweet sorghum (Sorghum saccharatum Moench) in saline soils with a range of NaYCa ratios. In the germination test, seeds were treated with different combinations of five calcium levels [0, 5, 10, 15, and 20 mmol/L Ca(NO3)2] and five salinity levels (0, 50, 100, 150, and 200 mmol/L NaCI). In the greenhouse experi- ment, seeds were sown in potting soils containing 3 salinity levels (2.3, 4.7 and 7.0 dS/m) and three Na:Ca ratios (10:0, 10:1, and 5:1). [Result] In the germination test, Ca addition at 5 mmol/L promoted germination by 5.5%, 9.9%, and 17.0% at the 3.4, 6.7 and 10.1 dS/m salinity levels. The higher Ca level (10 mmol/L) also in- creased germination by 9.1% and 7.8% at the 3.4 and 6.7 dS/m salinity levels. Then even higher Ca addition at 15 and 20 mmol/L appeared to promote germina- tion when culture media had high salinity (10.1 and 13.4 dS/m). In the greenhouse pot experiment, saline soil amended with supplemental Ca at the 2.3 and 4.7 dS/m salinity levels significantly promoted early seedling growth, with an increase of 6.8% to 28.2% in plant height and 14.3% to 67.9% in whole plant weight. From 28 to 42 d after seeding, the relative growth of seedling was increased by Ca addition, with a reduction of 49.5% to 66.0% in plant height and 4.8% to 61.9% in whole plant weight. From 42 to 56 d after seeding, however, the relative growth of seedling was significantly inhibited by Ca amendment. [Conclusion] Results of this study indicate that appropriate supplemental Ca could improve sorghum germination and early seedling growth in saline soils.
基金Supported by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research,Human Research Development Group,Government of India
文摘Salt-tolerant plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) can play an important role in alleviating soil salinity stress during plant growth and bacterial exopolysaccharide (EPS) can also help to mitigate salinity stress by reducing the content of Na+ available for plant uptake. In this study, native bacterial strains of wheat rhizosphere in soils of Varanasi, India, were screened to identify the EPS-producing salt-tolerant rhizobacteria with plant growth-promoting traits. The various rhizobacteria strains were isolated and identified using 16S rDNA sequencing. The plant growth-promoting effect of inoculation of seedlings with these bacterial strains was evaluated under soil salinity conditions in a pot experiment. Eleven bacterial strains which initially showed tolerance up to 80 g L-1 NaC1 also exhibited an EPS-producing potential. The results suggested that the isolated bacterial strains demonstrated some of the plant growth-promoting traits such as phosphate solubilizing ability and production of auxin, proline, reducing sugars, and total soluble sugars. Furthermore, the inoculated wheat plants had an increased biomass compared to the unoinoculated plants.
文摘The community structure of adult mosquitoes was compared from New Jerseylight trap collections in six different types of habitats in Citrus County, Florida, USA. FromOctober 1998 to December 2000, mosquitoes were collected three times a week from the followinghabitats (swamps, swamps and freshwater marshes, pine flatwoods, pine flatwoods and scrub, saltmarshes, and salt marshes and mangroves). Mosquito density was highest in the swamps and freshwatermarshes habitat, with an average of 95.65 specimens per trap. Density was lowest in the flatwoodsand scrub habitat, with an average of 14.38 specimens per trap. Species dominance differed amonghabitats. Salt marshes produced the greatest aggregation index, while pine flatwoods produced thelowest. Conversely, diversity analysis showed that pine flatwoods had the greatest diversity, whilesalt marshes the lowest diversity. Similarity indices indicated that the adult mosquito communitiesfrom pine flatwoods and pine flatwoods and scrub were very similar (0.8583). The adult mosquitocommunity of salt marshes was different from that of swamps and freshwater marshes (the similarindex was 0.0217).
文摘Populus euphratica is a most tolerant arborescent species to abiotic stress. It can adapt to extreme conditions, ranging from flood to atmosphere extremely dry, hot from + 54 ℃ to - 45 ℃, and from normal soil to the soil with very high salt concentration ( to 2 ~5%) although being a non-halophyte. However, the natural stands of P. euphratica have been shrinking tremendously for the past decades and some populations are facing the fate of extinction. The preservation of existing resources should be carried out as a burning issue. In parallel, P. euphratica could be taken as a model plant to explore the molecular mechanism of abiotic-stress tolerance and to exploit its tolerant genes due to its smaller genome and easy molecular manipulation. The measures for preservation, germ-plasma exploitation, tolerance mechanism exploration and resource utilization were also discussed in this paper.
基金National Key Basic Research Program of China (Grant No. 2013CB955700)
文摘Nitrate assimilation is a process where bacteria utilize nitrate as a nitrogen source and synthesize it into organic nitrogen. We found that nitrate-assimilating bacteria(NAB) are widely distributed in various marine environments, from surface to the deep ocean and sediment, which indicates that NAB are significant to the oceanic nitrogen cycle. Comparative genomic analysis revealed nitrate-assimilating genes(nas A) in these marine heterotrophic NAB showed different gene arrangements and diverse regulation systems. Summary on recent findings will contribute to understanding the process of nitrate assimilation in NAB and their ecological significance in the nitrogen cycle. A systematic analysis of a number of studies on bacterial nitrate assimilation in marine ecological systems was conducted to clarify directions for future research.