动产动态质押是指出质人将其拥有所有权的存货动产,如库存品、产成品、半成品或者原材料向债权人设立质权后,在质物处于最低价值控制线或最低库存额以上时可自由流动的新型动产融资担保,其监管模式目前存在监管人自营仓库监管、质物存...动产动态质押是指出质人将其拥有所有权的存货动产,如库存品、产成品、半成品或者原材料向债权人设立质权后,在质物处于最低价值控制线或最低库存额以上时可自由流动的新型动产融资担保,其监管模式目前存在监管人自营仓库监管、质物存放于第三方企业仓库监管、质物存放于出质人仓库内监管和质物存放于第四方仓库内监管四种,无论哪种模式,都需要第三方监管人与质权人、出质人签订质押监管协议,由监管人接受质权人的委托对质物进行管控。但是监管人和质权人的利益方向不一致,在产生纠纷时,监管人的责任承担难以明确,而质押监管协议的性质是界定监管人责任的主要依据。目前理论上对质押监管协议的性质存在不同的认识,有保管合同、仓储合同、委托合同、混合合同的争论,对此需要进行明确。Dynamic pledge of movable property is a new type of movable property financing guarantee that can flow freely when the pledge is above the minimum value control line or above the minimum inventory after establishing the pledge right to the creditor, such as inventory, finished products, semi-finished products or raw materials, which the pledger owns. At present, there are four types of supervision modes, namely supervisor’s own warehouse supervision, the storage of the pledge in the warehouse of a third-party enterprise, the supervision of the storage of the pledge in the warehouse of the pledger, and the supervision of the storage of the pledge in the fourth-party warehouse. No matter which mode, the third-party supervisor needs to sign a pledge supervision agreement with the pledgee and the pledger, and the supervisor will accept the entrustment of the pledgee and control. However, the interests of the supervisor and the pledgee are inconsistent. In the event of a dispute, it is difficult to clarify the responsibility of the supervisor, and the nature of the pledge supervision agreement is the main basis for defining the responsibility of the supervisor. At present, there are theoretically different understandings of the nature of the pledge supervision agreement, including disputes over custody contract, warehousing contract, entrustment contract, and mixing contract, this needs to be clarified.展开更多
随着市场经济的发展,企业融资需求也日益急迫。传统的融资方式,已不能满足融资主体多样化的融资需求。融资方式多元化趋势发展已成主流,同时新兴融资方式也为法律制度带来了挑战。本文立足于动态质押设立要件中监管人角度,通过分析现有...随着市场经济的发展,企业融资需求也日益急迫。传统的融资方式,已不能满足融资主体多样化的融资需求。融资方式多元化趋势发展已成主流,同时新兴融资方式也为法律制度带来了挑战。本文立足于动态质押设立要件中监管人角度,通过分析现有文献和司法判例,深入分析监管人的法律地位、监管义务范围以及监管人监管不力时的责任承担等问题,进而引出动态质押监管人的责任认定路径。With the development of market economy, the financing needs of enterprises are increasingly urgent. Traditional financing methods can no longer meet the diversified financing needs of financing subjects. The trend of diversification of financing methods has become the mainstream, and the emerging financing methods have also brought challenges to the legal system. Based on the perspective of supervisors in the establishment requirements of dynamic pledge, this paper analyzes the legal status of supervisors, the scope of supervision obligations and the liability of supervisors when they fail to supervise by analyzing existing literature and judicial cases, and then leads to the liability identification path of dynamic pledge supervisors.展开更多
文摘动产动态质押是指出质人将其拥有所有权的存货动产,如库存品、产成品、半成品或者原材料向债权人设立质权后,在质物处于最低价值控制线或最低库存额以上时可自由流动的新型动产融资担保,其监管模式目前存在监管人自营仓库监管、质物存放于第三方企业仓库监管、质物存放于出质人仓库内监管和质物存放于第四方仓库内监管四种,无论哪种模式,都需要第三方监管人与质权人、出质人签订质押监管协议,由监管人接受质权人的委托对质物进行管控。但是监管人和质权人的利益方向不一致,在产生纠纷时,监管人的责任承担难以明确,而质押监管协议的性质是界定监管人责任的主要依据。目前理论上对质押监管协议的性质存在不同的认识,有保管合同、仓储合同、委托合同、混合合同的争论,对此需要进行明确。Dynamic pledge of movable property is a new type of movable property financing guarantee that can flow freely when the pledge is above the minimum value control line or above the minimum inventory after establishing the pledge right to the creditor, such as inventory, finished products, semi-finished products or raw materials, which the pledger owns. At present, there are four types of supervision modes, namely supervisor’s own warehouse supervision, the storage of the pledge in the warehouse of a third-party enterprise, the supervision of the storage of the pledge in the warehouse of the pledger, and the supervision of the storage of the pledge in the fourth-party warehouse. No matter which mode, the third-party supervisor needs to sign a pledge supervision agreement with the pledgee and the pledger, and the supervisor will accept the entrustment of the pledgee and control. However, the interests of the supervisor and the pledgee are inconsistent. In the event of a dispute, it is difficult to clarify the responsibility of the supervisor, and the nature of the pledge supervision agreement is the main basis for defining the responsibility of the supervisor. At present, there are theoretically different understandings of the nature of the pledge supervision agreement, including disputes over custody contract, warehousing contract, entrustment contract, and mixing contract, this needs to be clarified.
文摘随着市场经济的发展,企业融资需求也日益急迫。传统的融资方式,已不能满足融资主体多样化的融资需求。融资方式多元化趋势发展已成主流,同时新兴融资方式也为法律制度带来了挑战。本文立足于动态质押设立要件中监管人角度,通过分析现有文献和司法判例,深入分析监管人的法律地位、监管义务范围以及监管人监管不力时的责任承担等问题,进而引出动态质押监管人的责任认定路径。With the development of market economy, the financing needs of enterprises are increasingly urgent. Traditional financing methods can no longer meet the diversified financing needs of financing subjects. The trend of diversification of financing methods has become the mainstream, and the emerging financing methods have also brought challenges to the legal system. Based on the perspective of supervisors in the establishment requirements of dynamic pledge, this paper analyzes the legal status of supervisors, the scope of supervision obligations and the liability of supervisors when they fail to supervise by analyzing existing literature and judicial cases, and then leads to the liability identification path of dynamic pledge supervisors.