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作者 杨庆 陈辉 《广西警察学院学报》 2024年第5期7-19,共13页
只有在法治化与合理化的路径下开展公安机关对监察机关的协助机制,才能实现监察效能的法治化提升。立足于公安机关合法合理协助监察机关履行监察职权的角度,应将协助法定规则、警察辅助规则和效能提升规则作为监警协助行为类型化须遵守... 只有在法治化与合理化的路径下开展公安机关对监察机关的协助机制,才能实现监察效能的法治化提升。立足于公安机关合法合理协助监察机关履行监察职权的角度,应将协助法定规则、警察辅助规则和效能提升规则作为监警协助行为类型化须遵守的规则,以协助事项性质为标准可将其划分为协助移送类、协助调查类、协助限制人身自由类;以协助事项是否有法律明文规定为标准可将其划分为法定协助和非法定协助。由于监警协助机制的程序与实体规则具有一体化的色彩,因此可从协助申请规则的构建与协助审核回复规则的构建方面进行一体化完善,就前者而言,须合理设定协助启动事由、完善协助申请的作出程序和发挥公安机关的制约作用;就后者而言,应从审核程序的分类适用、审核期限的合理设定和审核结果的规范回复等方面进行完善。 展开更多
关键词 监警关系 监警协助 规则指引 类型化展开 公安机关
作者 汪琪 李新权 《中共桂林市委党校学报》 2024年第1期50-55,共6页
我国在宪法层面上赋予了国家监察机关独立行使监察权,而我国监察法所确立的其他机关与监察机关关系的基本原则之一的“依法协助原则”,在公安机关和监察机关之间体现得更为典型,公安机关的协助配合是监察机关充分顺利履行监察调查职能... 我国在宪法层面上赋予了国家监察机关独立行使监察权,而我国监察法所确立的其他机关与监察机关关系的基本原则之一的“依法协助原则”,在公安机关和监察机关之间体现得更为典型,公安机关的协助配合是监察机关充分顺利履行监察调查职能的重要保障。当下监警协作仍面临机制不健全、规范性不足的问题,解决监察调查过程中的公安协作问题,应结合当前监察机关和公安机关的实践,通过循序渐进的制度范式,对二者的协作机制加以构建。 展开更多
关键词 监察调查 监警协作 协作机制
基于CATV网的综合监警系统 被引量:1
作者 白成林 李悦科 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 1997年第1期16-19,共4页
关键词 CATV网 监警 可视多媒体监警
基于HFC的区域监警系统 被引量:3
作者 赵桂青 于会山 +1 位作者 穆健 郎丰法 《电视技术》 北大核心 2007年第5期66-68,共3页
利用HFC网络实现区域监警的功能:在一个小区内利用HFC网进行双向数据传输,设置报警中心,在用户端安装报警终端,并给出了系统的组成、工作原理、硬件结构及软件实现。当发生警情时,报警终端机可将用户安装地址信息、警情、运行状态上传... 利用HFC网络实现区域监警的功能:在一个小区内利用HFC网进行双向数据传输,设置报警中心,在用户端安装报警终端,并给出了系统的组成、工作原理、硬件结构及软件实现。当发生警情时,报警终端机可将用户安装地址信息、警情、运行状态上传至接警控制中心主机,也可执行接警控制中心主机发出的指令(如布防、撤防、状态查询等)。 展开更多
关键词 电缆光纤混合网 区域监警系统 电子设计自动化
监警协助模式的适用性分析及合理机制构建 被引量:2
作者 陈尚坤 《东北师大学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第5期95-106,共12页
在国家监察协调机制改革背景下,监察决定权与警察执行权分离所形成的监警分立制度选择确定了监警协助关系,是监察反腐合力又一制度实践对应。鉴于现有监警“互相配合、制约”模式的原则化,有必要基于既往“检警模式”对监警关系进行“... 在国家监察协调机制改革背景下,监察决定权与警察执行权分离所形成的监警分立制度选择确定了监警协助关系,是监察反腐合力又一制度实践对应。鉴于现有监警“互相配合、制约”模式的原则化,有必要基于既往“检警模式”对监警关系进行“支配性模式、指导性模式、协作性模式”嵌入式的适用性分析。现阶段,监警制度供给阙如,应突破原则化规范的模糊性,以详尽模式为导向,推进监警协助向常态化的合理机制转变,尤其是对协助事项合理性划分、协助程序的规范性构建、沟通协调机制深化融合以及“决执有限统合”的选择性设计,逐步形成监警协助系统化、高效化、权威化。 展开更多
关键词 监警关系 协助模式 协助事项 协助程序 有限统合
监警协助的理论解释与机制塑造 被引量:3
作者 蔡艺生 唐云阳 《广西警察学院学报》 2020年第3期1-8,共8页
在新的国家机构体系中,科学设置监警关系是攸关监察权顺畅运行的核心问题。在监警关系制度供给层面,据以规范的法律法规总体呈现出:供给不足、低位有限的现状。在监警运作实践层面,监警机关之间执法运作过程的协调方式呈现出滞后性而亟... 在新的国家机构体系中,科学设置监警关系是攸关监察权顺畅运行的核心问题。在监警关系制度供给层面,据以规范的法律法规总体呈现出:供给不足、低位有限的现状。在监警运作实践层面,监警机关之间执法运作过程的协调方式呈现出滞后性而亟待规范。监警关系特征呈现类同性、主次性、一致性和复杂性特征。比较支配模式和指导模式,监警协助模式更具有相对合理的客观缘由与逻辑依据。应区分法定协助和裁量协助、内部协助和外部协助,对监警关系进行启动、执行、责任和救济等方面的具体规范。 展开更多
关键词 监警关系 现状特征 协助模式 具体规范
合力与制衡:论监警协助机制的构建 被引量:2
作者 张阳 《河南警察学院学报》 2021年第4期61-68,共8页
基于形成反腐合力的共同追求,监察机关和公安机关应在平等协作的基础上互相配合。工作目标的一致、权责职能的类同是监警协助配合的基础;调查权与侦查权的内在差异要求监警机关进行分工与制衡。为提高办理职务犯罪案件的司法效率,应严... 基于形成反腐合力的共同追求,监察机关和公安机关应在平等协作的基础上互相配合。工作目标的一致、权责职能的类同是监警协助配合的基础;调查权与侦查权的内在差异要求监警机关进行分工与制衡。为提高办理职务犯罪案件的司法效率,应严格遵循比例原则,依据协助启动的事由属性和协助内容等标准对监警协助事项予以类型化,有针对性地细化和完善协助事项范围和法律责任等,切实保障和促进监警协助机制的有序实施。 展开更多
关键词 监警协助 机制构建 比例原则
监察调查中监警构造优化路径论略——兼论监察警察设置的制度空间 被引量:1
作者 倪铁 陈诺 《北京警察学院学报》 2022年第6期30-37,共8页
国家监察体制改革以来,新设的监察权与警察权联系密切,这其中以监察机关与公安机关间的互动最为频繁。监察机关与公安机关之间的配合与制约是监警构造中最主要的内容,但当前尚存在制度文本粗疏、配合有余而制约不足的缺憾。对于监警构... 国家监察体制改革以来,新设的监察权与警察权联系密切,这其中以监察机关与公安机关间的互动最为频繁。监察机关与公安机关之间的配合与制约是监警构造中最主要的内容,但当前尚存在制度文本粗疏、配合有余而制约不足的缺憾。对于监警构造的优化,可尝试在监察机关内部设置监察警察,在为监察机关提供基本执行力量的同时,赋予公安机关在协助监察调查过程中必要的独立性。监察警察的创设可从法律规范体系的建构、职权范围的厘定、配套制度的完善三个方面展开。 展开更多
关键词 监察调查 监警构造 监察警察
在CATV网络中实现监警系统的数据通信 被引量:1
作者 李立新 王筠 容太平 《电视技术》 北大核心 1994年第7期22-25,共4页
本文系统地介绍了在CATV网络中实现监警系统数据通信的原理。在简要介绍CATV网络的双向传输技术基础上,提出上行、下行信号的传输方式,载频选取,通信链路结构以及调制和解调的具体方框图。其中对于系统采用的被动守候式通信... 本文系统地介绍了在CATV网络中实现监警系统数据通信的原理。在简要介绍CATV网络的双向传输技术基础上,提出上行、下行信号的传输方式,载频选取,通信链路结构以及调制和解调的具体方框图。其中对于系统采用的被动守候式通信方法的实现作了原理性的解释。同时还给出了本系统解调输出的波形图,从实验上验证了方案的可行性。 展开更多
关键词 监警系统 数据通信 CATV
作者 李立新 容太平 《电缆电视》 1994年第4期12-14,共3页
关键词 有线电视 监警系统 数据通信
作者 王丹蕾 薛亚捷 唐勇 《武汉公安干部学院学报》 2024年第4期32-35,共4页
近年来,随着监察体制改革深入推进,公安机关协助监察调查的制度机制不断完善,但仍存在监警职责划分不够明确、监察留置程序衔接不畅、关联案件存在管辖冲突等问题。我国可从完善公安机关协助监察调查机制,完善现行法律规范,明确监察机... 近年来,随着监察体制改革深入推进,公安机关协助监察调查的制度机制不断完善,但仍存在监警职责划分不够明确、监察留置程序衔接不畅、关联案件存在管辖冲突等问题。我国可从完善公安机关协助监察调查机制,完善现行法律规范,明确监察机关与公安机关的职责权限,健全监察留置程序中监警衔接机制和关联案件管辖制度等方面出发,进一步优化公安机关协助监察调查制度机制。 展开更多
关键词 职务犯罪 监察调查 监警协助
Mechanism,prevention,and control of mining-induced dynamic disasters in underground metal mines in China:Challenges and solutions
作者 LI Peng CAI Mei-feng +3 位作者 MIAO Sheng-jun REN Fen-hua GORJIAN Mostafa PENG Chao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2549-2606,共58页
Metal mineral resources play an indispensable role in the development of the national economy.Dynamic disasters in underground metal mines seriously threaten mining safety,which are major scientific and technological ... Metal mineral resources play an indispensable role in the development of the national economy.Dynamic disasters in underground metal mines seriously threaten mining safety,which are major scientific and technological problems to be solved urgently.In this article,the occurrence status and grand challenges of some typical dynamic disasters involving roof falling,spalling,collapse,large deformation,rockburst,surface subsidence,and water inrush in metal mines in China are systematically presented,the characteristics of mining-induced dynamic disasters are analyzed,the examples of dynamic disasters occurring in some metal mines in China are summarized,the occurrence mechanism,monitoring and early warning methods,and prevention and control techniques of these disasters are highlighted,and some new opinions,suggestions,and solutions are proposed simultaneously.Moreover,some shortcomings in current disaster research are pointed out,and the direction of efforts to improve the prevention and control level of dynamic disasters in China’s metal mines in the future is prospected.The integration of forward-looking key innovative theories and technologies in the abovementioned aspects will greatly enhance the cognitive level of disaster prevention and mitigation in China’s metal mining industry and achieve a significant shift from passive disaster relief to active disaster prevention. 展开更多
关键词 underground metal mines dynamic disasters MECHANISM monitoring and early warning prevention and control
作者 刘昂 《北京人民警察学院学报》 2010年第6期13-17,共5页
我国公安机关通过纪检、监察、法制、督察、信访等内部监督部门的职能作用,对刑讯逼供的防范发挥了一定的作用,但由于警察自己调查自己的动力不足,现行内部监督机制在实际运行中弊端明显。因此,应该借鉴香港监警会的思路,通过外部力量... 我国公安机关通过纪检、监察、法制、督察、信访等内部监督部门的职能作用,对刑讯逼供的防范发挥了一定的作用,但由于警察自己调查自己的动力不足,现行内部监督机制在实际运行中弊端明显。因此,应该借鉴香港监警会的思路,通过外部力量的引入促成内部监督的根本改造,使得公安机关内部监督的结果不再成为终局的结论。 展开更多
关键词 内部监督 刑讯逼供 监警
The Research Status and Enlightenment of Foreign Foodborne Disease Prevention and Control 被引量:13
作者 帅丽芳 赵勇 +1 位作者 银涛 唐博恒 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第11期1661-1663,共3页
Foodborne disease is a worldwide il ness and over 1 bil ion people get diseased every year. In China, thousands of foodborne diseases occur every year. It is proved that prevention is the most crucial for control ing ... Foodborne disease is a worldwide il ness and over 1 bil ion people get diseased every year. In China, thousands of foodborne diseases occur every year. It is proved that prevention is the most crucial for control ing foodborne disease. In the research, food safety monitoring system, laws and early warning system in the US and EU were introduced to explore the successful experience and monitoring or control mode suitable for China. 展开更多
关键词 Foodborne disease Supervision system Monitoring and early warningsystem CONTROL
Short-term warning and integrity monitoring algorithm for coal mine shaft safety 被引量:3
作者 王坚 谭兴龙 +1 位作者 韩厚增 T.B.AFENI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第11期3666-3673,共8页
A new short-term warning and integrity monitoring algorithm was proposed for coal mine shaft safety. The Kalman filter (KF) model was used to extract real global positioning system (GPS) kinematic deformation informat... A new short-term warning and integrity monitoring algorithm was proposed for coal mine shaft safety. The Kalman filter (KF) model was used to extract real global positioning system (GPS) kinematic deformation information. The short-term warning model was built by using the two-side cumulative sum (CUSUM) test, which further improves the warning system reliability. Availability (the minimum warning deformation, MWD), false alarm rate (the average run length, ARL), missed rate (the warning delay, WD) and the relationships among them were analyzed and the method choosing warning parameters is given. A test of a deformation simulation platform shows that the warning algorithm can be effectively used for steep deformation warning. A field experiment of the Malan mine shaft in Shanxi coal area illustrates that the proposed algorithm can detect small dynamic changes and the corresponding occurring time. At given warning thresholds (MWD is 15 mm and ARL is 1000),the detected deformations of two consecutive days’ deformation sequences with the algorithm occur at the 705th epoch (705 s) and the 517th epoch (517 s), respectively. 展开更多
关键词 coal mine shaft DEFORMATION cumulative sum short-term warning Kalman filter integrity monitoring
作者 郑士贵 《管理观察》 1998年第10期62-62,共1页
关键词 下属人员 如何提高 遵守纪律 领导人 最重要的问题 积极效果 管理问题 感到不安 主要手段 监警
Research on Resources and Environmental Carrying Capacity 被引量:4
作者 经卓玮 马友华 +2 位作者 张贵友 王强 王静 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第10期1789-1792,共4页
This paper, in the context of resources and environmental carrying capaci-ty, systematic reviewed resources and environmental carrying capacity in monitoring, evaluation and early warning, and then putted forward the ... This paper, in the context of resources and environmental carrying capaci-ty, systematic reviewed resources and environmental carrying capacity in monitoring, evaluation and early warning, and then putted forward the development direction for promoting the sustainable development of China’s social and economic environment. 展开更多
关键词 Resources and environmental carrying capacity MONITORING EVALUATION Early warning
Monitoring and Recognition of Debris Flow Infrasonic Signals 被引量:13
作者 LIU Dun-long LENG Xiao-peng +2 位作者 WEI Fang-qiang ZHANG Shao-jie HONG Yong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第4期797-815,共19页
Low frequency infrasonic waves are emitted during the formation and movement of debris flows, which are detectable in a radius of several kilometers, thereby to serve as the precondition for their remote monitoring.Ho... Low frequency infrasonic waves are emitted during the formation and movement of debris flows, which are detectable in a radius of several kilometers, thereby to serve as the precondition for their remote monitoring.However, false message often arises from the simple mechanics of alarms under the ambient noise interference.To improve the accuracy of infrasound monitoring for early-warning against debris flows, it is necessary to analyze the monitor information to identify in them the infrasonic signals characteristic of debris flows.Therefore, a large amount of debris flow infrasound and ambient noises have been collected from different sources for analysis to sum up their frequency spectra, sound pressures, waveforms, time duration and other correlated characteristics so as to specify the key characteristic parameters for different sound sources in completing the development of the recognition system of debris flow infrasonic signals for identifying their possible existence in the monitor signals.The recognition performance of the system has been verified by simulating tests and long-term in-situ monitoring of debris flows in Jiangjia Gully,Dongchuan, China to be of high accuracy and applicability.The recognition system can provide the local government and residents with accurate precautionary information about debris flows in preparation for disaster mitigation and minimizing the loss of life and property. 展开更多
关键词 Debris flow INFRASOUND Interference noise MONITORING Signal recognition
A Real-time Monitoring and Early Warning System for Landslides in Southwest China 被引量:7
作者 JU Neng-pan HUANG Jian +2 位作者 HUANG Run-qiu HE Chao-yang LI Yan-rong 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期1219-1228,共10页
Landslides not only cause property losses,but also kill and injure large numbers of people every year in the mountainous areas. These losses and casualties may be avoided to some extent by early warning systems for la... Landslides not only cause property losses,but also kill and injure large numbers of people every year in the mountainous areas. These losses and casualties may be avoided to some extent by early warning systems for landslides. In this paper, a realtime monitoring network and a computer-aided automatic early warning system(EWS) are presented with details of their design and an example of application in the Longjingwan landslide, Kaiyang County, Guizhou Province. Then, according to principle simple method of landslide prediction, the setting of alarm levels and the design of appropriate counter-measures are presented. A four-level early warning system(Zero, Outlook, Attention and Warning) has been adopted, and the velocity threshold was selected as the main warning threshold for the landslide occurrence, but expert judgment is included in the EWS to avoid false alarms. A case study shows the applicability and reliability for landslide risk management, and recommendations are presented for other similar projects. 展开更多
关键词 LANDSLIDE Early warning system (EWS)Wireless sensor network Velocity threshold Longjingwan landslide
Effects of High-temperature Damage on Rice Growth and Its Countermeasures
作者 谭诗琪 申双和 邓丽蓉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第9期2062-2066,2118,共6页
This study introduced the effects of high-temperature damage on rice and reviewed the damage mechanism, heat damage index and risk assessment, forewarning and monitoring. On the basis of extensive studies, this paper ... This study introduced the effects of high-temperature damage on rice and reviewed the damage mechanism, heat damage index and risk assessment, forewarning and monitoring. On the basis of extensive studies, this paper put forward the viewpoints of ascertaining the fundamental mechanism of high temperature damage to rice at the molecular level, establishing a comprehensive heat damage index taking variety, growth stage and other meteorological factors into consideration, selecting appropriate sowing time, choosing heat-resistant varieties and improving the prevention system. All of these are aimed at providing a solid foundation for coping avoiding the harms from heat damage and improving the coping method. 展开更多
关键词 Rice (Oryza sativa L) High-temperature damage INDEX Risk assessment Forewarning and monitoring
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