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作者 李荣 《新闻知识》 北大核心 1999年第1期20-21,共2页
关键词 经济生活 目的体 陕西电视台 舆论导向 精品 改革开放20周年 名牌栏目 延安市 百姓生活 创新精神
作者 解维汉 袁元 《新闻知识》 北大核心 1996年第10期29-30,共2页
《西安日报》的“企业诊所”专栏近期被评为1995年陕西新闻奖好专栏奖,在此谈谈创办这个专栏的体会。 近几年,西安市工业企业扭亏任务很重。到1994年末,预算内工业亏损面为41.58%,高于全国平均水平三个百分点。全年亏损在100万元以上... 《西安日报》的“企业诊所”专栏近期被评为1995年陕西新闻奖好专栏奖,在此谈谈创办这个专栏的体会。 近几年,西安市工业企业扭亏任务很重。到1994年末,预算内工业亏损面为41.58%,高于全国平均水平三个百分点。全年亏损在100万元以上的企业有52户,亏损额1.9亿多元,占工业亏损总额的92%。市上确定26户亏损大户为解困试点,采取多种措施帮助他们减轻负担,摆脱困境。 1995年是国企改革年。我们新闻媒体作为舆论媒体,如何为这些企业走出低谷做一点工作呢?我们通过分析认识到,企业亏损原因是多方面的,亏损企业既背有沉重的包袱,同时仍拥有一定的优势和潜力。能不能振作精神积极挖潜,开展生产自救,是这些亏损企业“病体”康复的关键。前提是辩准病根,才能对症下药。“当局者迷,旁观者清”。让社会各界都来出主意,想办法,也许会收到意想不到的效果。 展开更多
关键词 《西安日报》 新闻舆论 困难企业 目的体 农械 亏损企业 诊所 亏损原因 国企改革 新闻媒
锲而不舍 创新争优——采编优秀稿件和节目的体会
作者 牛吉富 《新闻知识》 北大核心 1995年第1期24-25,共2页
我调到山阳县广播站开始搞新闻采编工作时,总认为自己只有初中文化,只要能应付好日常采访、编排业务就行了,至于采写重点稿件,创优秀节目,我连想也没敢想。一次,我参加了商洛地区广播局优秀稿件评选,看到推荐来的好稿好节目,既有文化程... 我调到山阳县广播站开始搞新闻采编工作时,总认为自己只有初中文化,只要能应付好日常采访、编排业务就行了,至于采写重点稿件,创优秀节目,我连想也没敢想。一次,我参加了商洛地区广播局优秀稿件评选,看到推荐来的好稿好节目,既有文化程度高的同志写的,也有文化程度低的同志写的。在听完他们的经验介绍之后,心里顿即有一种坐立不安的感觉。反来复去地想,有的同志原来也只有初中文化水平,可是写出了不少好新闻,多次在地、省获奖。这说明,水平低更需要学习,顽强拼搏,勇于创优,绝不能自卑不前! 从那以后,我就开始了奋起直追,抓紧业余时间读书,到省新闻培训班学习,深入基层采访,认真做好编采工作,从而闯出了新路子,拼出了丰硕成果。 在业务上向行家请教。商洛地区有两位新闻行家名人,一位是原地委宣传部部长、从事一辈子新闻工作的鱼安治,还有一位曾是解放军报记者。 展开更多
关键词 目的体 锲而不舍 商洛地区 文化程度 农民负担 新闻学 人民代表大会制度 山阳县 新闻采编 业余时间
作者 王娟娟 《传媒观察》 1998年第5期32-33,共2页
90年代,新闻媒体发展迅速。电视、广播的发展,晚报的崛起,双休刊的出现,信息类专业报的突起,使得新闻竞争更趋激烈。在这种背景下,新华日报于1997年创办了《新华周末》。从问世那天起,《新华周末》不重复各类双休日报纸,以大特写式的社... 90年代,新闻媒体发展迅速。电视、广播的发展,晚报的崛起,双休刊的出现,信息类专业报的突起,使得新闻竞争更趋激烈。在这种背景下,新华日报于1997年创办了《新华周末》。从问世那天起,《新华周末》不重复各类双休日报纸,以大特写式的社会新闻、娱乐新闻和各种轶事为主要特色的老路,既在格调上与《新华日报》前八版保持一致,又要显得更轻松、休闲些。她围绕“人的生存状态”做文章,以贴近时代、贴近群众、贴近生活和实实在在的服务吸引读者。最能反映这一宗旨的便是很受读者欢迎的《每周新闻调查》,许多读者称赞它可近、可亲、可信、可用。 展开更多
关键词 人的生存状态 新闻调查 新华日报 目的体 邮币卡 下岗工人 房地产广告 娱乐新闻 社会新闻 商品房
作者 王剑 澄波 《中国广播电视学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第7期42-43,共2页
关键词 目的体 观众意识 电视工作者 农村 主要矛盾 矛盾的主要方面 时代意识 农民 服务意识 定位意识
作者 刘慧 《中国广播电视学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第8期59-61,共3页
关键词 西藏 受众意识 节目质量 目的体 目的 印度 听众参与 听众来信 听众俱乐部 藏医藏药
作者 刘传孝 蒋金泉 +1 位作者 杨永杰 谭云亮 《煤田地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第4期49-51,共3页
通过对几种探地雷达技术的机理、性能和探测效果进行对比研究 ,得出了它们的共性和各自特点 。
关键词 探地雷达 电磁波 同相轴 目的体 探测方法 地球物理勘探
对我国不良资产证券化的分析 被引量:1
作者 罗浩 薛蓓蓓 《商场现代化》 北大核心 2005年第12Z期338-338,共1页
关键词 资产证券化 SPV(特殊目的体) 资产池
中国饭店资产证券化:理论框架与ABS的模式选择 被引量:1
作者 刁志波 《北京第二外国语学院学报》 2006年第3期39-45,共7页
资产证券化是近几十年国际上重要的金融创新之一,已经在银行信贷资产、企业应收款、基础设施建设等多个领域实现了成功运作,但它对中国饭店业来说还完全是个新课题,从理论到实践都十分缺乏。本文根据资产证券化的基本原理和饭店业的实... 资产证券化是近几十年国际上重要的金融创新之一,已经在银行信贷资产、企业应收款、基础设施建设等多个领域实现了成功运作,但它对中国饭店业来说还完全是个新课题,从理论到实践都十分缺乏。本文根据资产证券化的基本原理和饭店业的实际情况,对饭店资产证券化进行了理论界定;并结合中国国情,提出了饭店未来营业收入的收益权证券化———饭店ABS的3种模式。 展开更多
关键词 资产证券化 饭店业 特别目的 模式选择
作者 任志萍 李朝晖 《当代修辞学》 CSSCI 1998年第2期45-46,共2页
随着中国足球运动的俱乐部制改革和世界杯预选赛在国内造成的巨大冲击力,足球已无可争议地成为最受大众瞩目的体育项目,同时也是各新闻媒体极感兴趣的话题。应运而生的《足球报》更是凭借骄人的发行量一举成为体育类报刊中的佼佼者。阅... 随着中国足球运动的俱乐部制改革和世界杯预选赛在国内造成的巨大冲击力,足球已无可争议地成为最受大众瞩目的体育项目,同时也是各新闻媒体极感兴趣的话题。应运而生的《足球报》更是凭借骄人的发行量一举成为体育类报刊中的佼佼者。阅读每一期的《足球报》,我们不仅能从中获得大量的从中国到世界的足球赛况信息,而且还能欣赏到一篇篇对热点赛事、热门球星、精采瞬间的短小精悍的点评报道。这些报道不仅内容本身引人入胜、充满激情,而且语言运用新颖别致,极富特色。和一般的体育报刊语言相比,该报的语言更注重在专业术语运用的基础上,充分发挥语言描绘形状,表现情感的功能,和足球运动内容紧密结合,形成了简洁生动、富于激情的语言风格,符合现代读者求诚、求新、求简的欣赏品味,使足球的魅力和语言的魅力相得益彰。具体而言,该报语言在以下几方面令人称道。 展开更多
关键词 新闻语言 足球运动 语言描绘 育报刊 目的体 眉题 火车头 简洁生动 魅力 育类
信托公司在资产证券化中的作用 被引量:2
作者 张锌 《首都经济贸易大学学报》 2005年第3期77-80,共4页
关键词 资产证券化 破产隔离 信托模式 特殊目的
住房贷款证券化两种模式的比较与选择 被引量:1
作者 李晓锦 《科技情报开发与经济》 2004年第9期147-149,共3页
关键词 住房抵押贷款证券化 特殊目的(SPV) 表外融资 表内融资
A genre analysis of the B2B website
作者 李亚丽 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第1期34-41,共8页
The advent of the Intemet has witnessed a revolution in the business world. One typical example is the emergence of the B2B website. The present paper looks at the B2B website, a conventionalized digital text, in term... The advent of the Intemet has witnessed a revolution in the business world. One typical example is the emergence of the B2B website. The present paper looks at the B2B website, a conventionalized digital text, in terms of its communicative purposes, move features as well as linguistic specialties, with the aim of presenting the generic structure of the B2B website and its principal linguistic features contributing to the realization of its communicative purposes. It is demonstrated that the B2B website is one instance of the promotional genres and it has a lot in common with advertisement English and "netsneak" in the aspect of lexico-grammatical features. 展开更多
关键词 B2B website genre analysis communicative purpose netspeak
The View of Educational Purpose under the Infiltration of Post-modernism
作者 HOU Ruyan 《International English Education Research》 2017年第1期7-8,共2页
Some of the characteristics of post-modernism, such as opposition centers, denial of holism, identity, differences and uncertainties, have had a great impact on the view of education. Because the purpose of education ... Some of the characteristics of post-modernism, such as opposition centers, denial of holism, identity, differences and uncertainties, have had a great impact on the view of education. Because the purpose of education is the starting point and end-result of education, which is related to the general orientation of education development, we have to re-examine the concept of modem educational purpose in the post-modernism thought. The author holds that compared with the modem education view, the educational purpose view of the post-modem period shows the following characteristics: Maintaining the diversification and difference of individuahty, paying attention to cultivating social consciousness and critical ability, learning to understand and respect ecological harmony. 展开更多
关键词 POST-MODERNISM INFILTRATION View of Educational Purpose
Perspectives for Energetic Destination of MSW (Municipal Solid Waste)
作者 Deborah Panepinto Giuseppe Genon 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2012年第2期163-171,共9页
The correct individuation of the best final destination for MSW cannot ignore the option of thermal treatment, taking into account both the possibility of energy recovery and the capacity of the thermal process to des... The correct individuation of the best final destination for MSW cannot ignore the option of thermal treatment, taking into account both the possibility of energy recovery and the capacity of the thermal process to destroy an important part of the pollutants that are originally present in the waste itself. In order to realize this operation, it is possible to use conventional incineration systems, but also to consider new innovative processes and technologies; among them, production of RDF (refuse derived fuel) is quite often used in process plants, and gasification of waste seems to be a promising solution. The aim of the present paper is a critical analysis of the above-mentioned solutions, not only from the operational point of view but also on the basis of the status of the art of practical applications and in consideration of the most significant results for the Italian and European situation. For the application of these technologies a specific Italian case has been considered: it consists of the correct individuation of waste management modality for final destination of wastes produced in a city located in Piedmont (north of Italy). The results of the analysis highlight the environmental and economic convenience, for the specific considered case, of the direct combustion in incineration plant of the all amount of the wastes produced. From the considered specific example some more general conclusions can be drawn. 展开更多
关键词 MSW INCINERATION GASIFICATION RDF carbon dioxide balance social cost.
Logical and Ontological Implications of Necessity in Aristotelian Teleology
作者 Giampaolo Abbate 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2011年第5期378-396,共19页
Firstly, this paper is to illustrate through the analysis of Aristotelian texts that two kinds of necessity involved in the teleological account, the necessity απλωζand the necessity εξυποθεσεωζare rel... Firstly, this paper is to illustrate through the analysis of Aristotelian texts that two kinds of necessity involved in the teleological account, the necessity απλωζand the necessity εξυποθεσεωζare related to an achievement of an endaccording to two thoroughly different ontological and logical grounds. Secondly, it is to bring the irreducibility of the teleological to non-teleological into organic development to unprecedented light so as to show how the ontological predominance of the finality over the material necessity may be adequately expressed by a logical implication, if it is appropriately stated and well distinct from other similar logical connectives such as the material implication and the biconditional if-and-only-if. 展开更多
作者 李维明 《中国钓鱼》 1997年第9期17-17,共1页
随着台钓的普及和提高,台漂的“归零点”已成为部分钓友议论的话题。有人认为台漂的“归零点”有“放大”作用,给台漂涂上了一层神秘的色彩。 台漂的所谓“归零点”是什么呢?我们来看看如何寻找“归零点”:在台漂下面加铅皮至平水,
关键词 归零点 质量相等 阿基米德浮力 目的体 立方厘米 长度误差 制造误差 测量和计算 客观规律 世间万物
Exploring the Tourism Experience of Beginner Skiers in the Emerging Ski Market 被引量:2
作者 PENG Yuanxiang YIN Ping +1 位作者 YANG Jingjing Kurt MATZLER 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2022年第4期613-623,共11页
The skiing economy is a typical experience economy,so understanding the experience of ski tourists is essential to the development of the destination.To enrich the tourism experience research in the emerging ski marke... The skiing economy is a typical experience economy,so understanding the experience of ski tourists is essential to the development of the destination.To enrich the tourism experience research in the emerging ski market,this paper studies the 7118 online reviews of beginner skiers by selecting the main ski resorts in China as a case study.The content analysis method and sentiment analysis based on the domain lexicon and custom rules are combined to explore the perception characteristics of the beginners from the two aspects of experience dimension and experience satisfaction.Three main results were found.(1)The five main dimensions that affect the ski tourism experience of beginners are interaction perception,price perception,reputation perception,risk perception and functional perception.(2)For beginners,skiing is the primary purpose of tourism instead of being the critical factor of the positive reviews.They pay more attention to the pleasure produced by interpersonal interactions.(3)From 2014/2015 ski season to 2010/2021 ski season,the positive sentiment of beginners had no obvious change,while the negative sentiment showed a continuous downward trend,and the negative sentiment was mainly distributed among reviews on price,low temperature and service.This paper not only expands the research perspective of ski tourism,but also provides managerial inspiration for ski destinations interested in attracting beginners from the emerging ski markets. 展开更多
关键词 ski destination tourist experience big data sentiment analysis content analysis
Research Methodology for Tourism Destination Resilience and Analysis of Its Spatiotemporal Dynamics in the Post-epidemic Period 被引量:6
作者 FENG Ling GUO Jiaxin LIU Yi 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2021年第5期682-692,共11页
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, the global tourism industry is facing enormous challenges. There is an urgent need to explore an effective path for tourism to recover and revitalize. With the normalizati... As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, the global tourism industry is facing enormous challenges. There is an urgent need to explore an effective path for tourism to recover and revitalize. With the normalization of the epidemic, tourism destinations will pay more attention to the prevention, warning, and coping strategies of the epidemic, and this focus will also be evident in the study of tourism destination resilience in the post-epidemic period. Some studies on the epidemic and the resilience of tourism are currently underway, but few of them are integrated with research on the resilience of tourism destinations in the post-epidemic period, although no systematic research ideas or methods have been found. Based on resilience theory, this paper summarizes the general research ideas and develops an epidemic resilience model suitable for urban tourism destinations. The present study also proposes a set of research methods based on the index system to analyze the resilience and its spatiotemporal dynamic characteristics of tourism destinations in the post-epidemic period. The methodology can be divided into three stages: Firstly, construct the conceptual model and evaluation system for tourism destination resilience;Secondly, select case sites for empirical analysis, measure the resilience of tourism destinations, and analyze the characteristics of spatiotemporal differences and subsequent factors of influence;And finally, establish an adaptive management mechanism for tourism destinations to use in response to the epidemic and in guiding the formulation of post-epidemic recovery policies. 展开更多
关键词 EPIDEMIC tourism destination RESILIENCE index system spatiotemporal dynamics
French Insurance and Flood Risk: Assessing the Impact of Prevention Through the Rating of Action Programs for Flood Prevention 被引量:2
作者 Flora Guillie 《International Journal of Disaster Risk Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期284-295,共12页
French insurance is part of a public-private partnership with the French State to compensate flood-related damages, and there is growing concern among insurers about damaging climatic events. To promote preventive act... French insurance is part of a public-private partnership with the French State to compensate flood-related damages, and there is growing concern among insurers about damaging climatic events. To promote preventive actions as well as to take them into account in flood risk assessment, insurers have recently expressed the need to develop a rating system of preventive actions. This study identified Action Programs for Flood Prevention (Programme d’Action pour la Prévention des Inondations—PAPI) as the key French public policy instrument: they provide an overview of the diversity of actions that are conducted locally at the relevant risk basin scale. A database of all intended actions in the 145 launched PAPIs was constructed and the actions were coded (88 codes). The analysis consisted of two steps: (1) We conducted an expert valuation using the Analytic Network Process and the Analytic Hierarchy Process, aiming at creating an experimental national rating system. The results show the importance of implementing an integrated strategy that particularly emphasizes land use planning and urban planning. This appears even sounder as individual actions show relatively limited effectiveness. (2) The ratings of actions were applied to each PAPI according to their implemented actions. The resulting scores for individual PAPIs, as local risk coping capacity indicators, show great variance ranging from 8 to 324 points. This confirms the need to take prevention into account in flood risk assessment. 展开更多
关键词 Action programs for flood prevention (PAPI) Collective flood prevention Flood disaster insurance Flood vulnerability assessment FRANCE
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