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基于二维直分与斜分灰度熵的图像阈值选取 被引量:7
作者 吴一全 纪守新 +2 位作者 吴诗婳 张国华 于素芬 《天津大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期1043-1049,共7页
二维最大Shannon熵阈值选取方法仅依赖于图像二维直方图的概率信息,而没有直接考虑类内灰度的均匀性,为此本文提出了二维灰度熵的阈值选取方法.首先给出了灰度熵的定义及其一维阈值选取方法,该灰度熵与现有的仅基于直方图分布的最大Shan... 二维最大Shannon熵阈值选取方法仅依赖于图像二维直方图的概率信息,而没有直接考虑类内灰度的均匀性,为此本文提出了二维灰度熵的阈值选取方法.首先给出了灰度熵的定义及其一维阈值选取方法,该灰度熵与现有的仅基于直方图分布的最大Shannon熵不同,直接反映了类内灰度的均匀性;然后提出基于混沌粒子群优化的二维直分灰度熵阈值选取方法及其快速递推算法;最后导出了二维斜分灰度熵的阈值选取公式及其快速递推算法.实验表明,与基于粒子群优化的二维直分最大Shannon熵阈值选取方法、二维斜分最大Shannon熵阈值选取方法及二维斜分Otsu阈值选取方法相比,所提出方法的分割图像更能反映原始图像的边缘、纹理及细节信息. 展开更多
关键词 图像阈值化 二维灰度熵 直分 快速递推算法 混沌粒子群优化
长江中游典型顺直分汊河段冲刷调整的特性与机理 被引量:4
作者 陈立 崔超 +1 位作者 袁晶 何小花 《泥沙研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期1-7,共7页
与单一分汊河段相比,连续分汊河段的上游和下游汊道段相互影响,主支汊冲刷调整更加复杂。基于实测资料分析了长江中游武汉河段白沙洲-潜洲连续顺直分汊段冲刷调整的特性与机理。分析结果表明:三峡水库蓄水后两汊道河段的主支汊深泓纵剖... 与单一分汊河段相比,连续分汊河段的上游和下游汊道段相互影响,主支汊冲刷调整更加复杂。基于实测资料分析了长江中游武汉河段白沙洲-潜洲连续顺直分汊段冲刷调整的特性与机理。分析结果表明:三峡水库蓄水后两汊道河段的主支汊深泓纵剖面均冲刷下降,断面向窄深发展,江心洲的洲体冲刷萎缩;白沙洲主汊冲刷快于支汊。潜洲支汊冲刷快于主汊,支汊分流比增加。两汊道段的相关性导致白沙洲主汊深泓的右摆增强了潜洲支汊的分流比和冲刷动力,减小了潜洲主汊的分流比和冲刷动力,同时潜洲支汊河床的抗冲性弱于主汊,白沙洲主汊的抗冲性弱于支汊,两方面因素共同导致了两汊道段主支汊不同的冲刷发展过程。 展开更多
关键词 长江中游 武汉河段 连续顺直分汊段 主支汊 冲刷调整
水沙过程对道人矶-杨林岩顺直分汊河段洲滩演变影响初步研究 被引量:4
作者 赵琳 李义天 孙昭华 《泥沙研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期26-33,共8页
基于实测资料分析,对道人矶-杨林岩顺直分汊段的洲滩演变特征进行了研究,并进一步探索了其与水沙过程的响应关系。结果表明,洲滩演变特征与水沙过程的时间尺度特征相对应:年际间特大洪水易切割边滩,年内主流线摆动导致洲滩冲淤交替,数... 基于实测资料分析,对道人矶-杨林岩顺直分汊段的洲滩演变特征进行了研究,并进一步探索了其与水沙过程的响应关系。结果表明,洲滩演变特征与水沙过程的时间尺度特征相对应:年际间特大洪水易切割边滩,年内主流线摆动导致洲滩冲淤交替,数天、月的次生流输沙造成局部倒套和串沟形成;洲滩变形特征响应于洪季特征流量级的持续时间,蓄水后大于35 000 m3/s流量级持续时间的减少是近年来丁家洲边滩洪季冲刷幅度较小,年际间微淤的原因,大于等于25 000 m3/s流量级持续时间达4个多月且变化不大是南阳洲中水位以上部位剧烈冲刷的原因;洲滩的几何要素与断面平均含沙量具有较好的增减对应关系,但滞后于含沙量的变化;蓄水后在中小水小沙组合条件下,丁家洲边滩将呈现微淤演变趋势,而南阳洲呈现冲刷演变的趋势,其中洲长变形速度最大,洲宽其次,洲面积变形最慢。 展开更多
关键词 直分汊河段 洲滩演变 时间尺度 水沙过程 特征流量级 响应关系
直浇道 分直浇道 内浇道系统大孔出流规律的研究(七) 被引量:1
作者 袁森 魏兵 陈伟 《铸造技术》 CAS 北大核心 1992年第1期40-43,共4页
关键词 浇道 浇道 内浇道 系统 模拟
沉降器直连快分技术在催化裂化装置上的应用 被引量:1
作者 张铁柱 《中外能源》 CAS 2020年第5期87-90,共4页
锦州石化分公司第三套催化裂化装置提升管出口粗旋和顶旋采用了软连接结构,每次停工检修均发现沉降器内稀相器壁及旋风分离器外壁结焦严重,检修时清焦时间长,严重制约装置的检修进度,且不利于装置的长周期稳定运行。分析认为,软连接结... 锦州石化分公司第三套催化裂化装置提升管出口粗旋和顶旋采用了软连接结构,每次停工检修均发现沉降器内稀相器壁及旋风分离器外壁结焦严重,检修时清焦时间长,严重制约装置的检修进度,且不利于装置的长周期稳定运行。分析认为,软连接结构因操作波动等原因并不能完全使粗旋出口的反应油气全部进入顶旋,并在软连接接口处形成"呼吸效应",少量反应油气溢出进入沉降器空间,未汽化油组分与湿催化剂在沉降器内长时间停留,黏附在设备器壁上发生缩合生焦。为解决结焦问题,采用粗旋和顶旋直连技术进行改造,粗旋出口油气直接进入顶旋,粗旋、顶旋分离出的催化剂携带少量油气和汽提油气可及时经导气管进入顶旋,避免扩散到沉降器稀相。沉降器直连快分改造后,油气不进入沉降器,沉降器内结焦情况有很大改善,在防结焦的同时降低了干气收率和装置运行成本。 展开更多
关键词 催化裂化 沉降器 连快 防结焦 改造
作者 杨玉英 贺江春 《吉首大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2003年第2期57-59,共3页
关键词 诱导模 不可和项 绝对不可 θ[H]-模 惯性群 循环群
长江中游荆江河段不同类型分汊河段演变趋势预测研究 被引量:3
作者 杨燕华 张明进 《中国水运·航道科技》 2016年第1期1-5,共5页
本文针对长江中游荆江河段出现的三种分汊河型,选取藕池口、瓦口子、窑监河段共三个典型河段,分别代表顺直分汊型、微弯分汊型和弯曲分汊型,通过计算各典型河段的演变趋势研究不同分汊河型演变趋势符合的一般规律,主要结论如下:对于顺... 本文针对长江中游荆江河段出现的三种分汊河型,选取藕池口、瓦口子、窑监河段共三个典型河段,分别代表顺直分汊型、微弯分汊型和弯曲分汊型,通过计算各典型河段的演变趋势研究不同分汊河型演变趋势符合的一般规律,主要结论如下:对于顺直分汊河段,演变趋势主要表现为边滩冲刷后退、主流摆动加大、河床宽浅化、航槽冲刷移位;对于微弯分汊河段,该类型河道态势不稳定,深泓摆动频繁、心滩头部和左右缘冲刷、尾部淤积下延,由于含沙量减少,主支汊均处于冲刷发展的态势;对于弯曲分汊河段,由于受护岸工程的影响,该类河段河势一般较为稳定,只要不出现大幅度的凸岸边滩切割现象,航道条件一般较其它河型要好。 展开更多
关键词 演变趋势 直分汊型 微弯汊型 弯曲汊型
长江马鞍山河段洲滩演变特征及影响因素分析 被引量:7
作者 郝婕妤 方娟娟 +1 位作者 李会云 杨光荣 《水利水电快报》 2020年第2期17-21,39,共6页
马鞍山河段是长江下游典型的顺直分汊河段,河段内洲滩众多,消长频繁,是长江下游重点研究治理河段之一。基于历年实测资料,详细分析了马鞍山河段滩群演变特征及其联动效应,进而揭示了影响马鞍山河段演变的主要因素。研究表明:马鞍山河段... 马鞍山河段是长江下游典型的顺直分汊河段,河段内洲滩众多,消长频繁,是长江下游重点研究治理河段之一。基于历年实测资料,详细分析了马鞍山河段滩群演变特征及其联动效应,进而揭示了影响马鞍山河段演变的主要因素。研究表明:马鞍山河段内滩群以此消彼长的形式发生着局部格局的调整,随着江心洲左缘冲刷后退、心滩和下何家洲冲刷下移,牛屯河边滩淤积展宽、下延。上游河势调整以及来水来沙条件变化是马鞍山河段洲滩演变的外驱动力,河道宽而顺直的平面形态、滩群演变的互馈机制则是其内驱动力。 展开更多
关键词 河道演变 洲滩演变 影响因素 直分汊河段 马鞍山河段 长江下游
长江中游杨林岩水道近期演变分析 被引量:3
作者 樊书刚 杨祥飞 朱代臣 《人民长江》 北大核心 2012年第S2期84-86,101,共4页
杨林岩水道位于长江中游,为顺直分汊型河段。历年河道实测水文、地形资料表明,该河段多年来河道外形相对稳定,河床演变主要受自身来水来沙条件的影响。三峡水库蓄水运行后,河段年际、年内的水沙条件发生较大改变,造成该河段江心滩南阳... 杨林岩水道位于长江中游,为顺直分汊型河段。历年河道实测水文、地形资料表明,该河段多年来河道外形相对稳定,河床演变主要受自身来水来沙条件的影响。三峡水库蓄水运行后,河段年际、年内的水沙条件发生较大改变,造成该河段江心滩南阳洲洲头低滩及右缘冲刷崩退,支汊有一定发展,右汊主航槽中段展宽,河段航道条件向不利方向发展趋势明显,应尽快实施整治工程。 展开更多
关键词 河床演变 演变 直分汊河段 长江中游
Chebyshev映射混沌扩频序列的奇/偶相关特性分析 被引量:1
作者 刘如军 涂虬 《湛江师范学院学报》 2001年第6期10-13,共4页
分析Chebyshev映射混沌扩频序列的奇 /偶相关特性 ,并通过计算机仿真 ,说明Chebyshev映射混沌扩频序列具有理想的奇
关键词 通信系统 混沌序列 CHEBYSHEV映射 混沌扩频序列 奇相关 偶相关 计算机仿真 扩码多地址系统 序列长度
140万t/a催化裂化装置改造效果分析 被引量:1
作者 李雅华 王佳琨 +3 位作者 谢恪谦 袁晓云 戴薇薇 张国磊 《石油化工设计》 CAS 2019年第3期7-9,I0001,共4页
中石油长庆石化公司140万t/a重油催化裂化装置反再两器为同高并列式,反应部分为两段提升管,再生部分为快速-湍流床两段再生.装置运行中,存在沉降器结焦严重、主风-烟气系统压降大以及催化剂高温水热失活等问题,通过采用一系列有效的改... 中石油长庆石化公司140万t/a重油催化裂化装置反再两器为同高并列式,反应部分为两段提升管,再生部分为快速-湍流床两段再生.装置运行中,存在沉降器结焦严重、主风-烟气系统压降大以及催化剂高温水热失活等问题,通过采用一系列有效的改造措施,如粗旋与顶旋直连快分技术,提升管底部混合器技术以及改进的快速床-二密床再生技术等,从根本上消除了装置长周期运行的制约因素,并提高了经济效益. 展开更多
关键词 催化裂化装置 快速床-湍流床再生 沉降器结焦 连快 长周期运行
居住小区管道直饮水系统的设计探讨 被引量:3
作者 许奇泉 《福建建筑》 2010年第7期111-112,共2页
关键词 管道饮水(质供水) 饮用净水 膜滤 管材 流速
作者 刘建平 薛军 孙强 《西北电力技术》 2001年第2期56-57,共2页
通过油色谱分析和电气方法查找出碱滩变电站 2号主变压器的事故原因和事故位置 ,对变压器有载分接开关的运行维护和运行管理提出具体的要求。
关键词 有载调压变压器 接开关 渗油 色谱 电气方法 变电站
Vertical distributions of VOCs in the Tibetan Plateau background region
作者 Xuanxuan Xue Fugeng Zha +8 位作者 Yinghong Wang Yang Zhang Yu Wang Ying Shen Yanyu Kang Dan Yao Guiqian Tang Jianchun Bian Yuesi Wang 《Atmospheric and Oceanic Science Letters》 CSCD 2024年第6期33-38,共6页
Exploring the vertical variation in volatile organic compounds(VOCs)in background regions can provide infor-mation on the spatial distribution of pollutants,providing a scientific basis for atmospheric pollution preve... Exploring the vertical variation in volatile organic compounds(VOCs)in background regions can provide infor-mation on the spatial distribution of pollutants,providing a scientific basis for atmospheric pollution prevention and control strategies.From 15 August to 5 September 2023,at the Southeast Tibet Mountain Comprehensive Environmental Observation Station(SETS),a tethered balloon was used to sample VOCs every 100 m from the ground to 1000 m.A total of 403 air bag samples were collected,and 39 vertical profiles of VOCs were obtained.Ninety-two VOC species were detected.The VOC concentration at the SETS did not change significantly verti-cally,and the average VOC concentration was 11.1±2.4 ppbv.The main components were alkanes(51.4%),alkenes(18.7%),and halohydrocarbons(18.1%).There was no obvious diurnal change in VOCs and no signif-icant difference between the different layers.When the surface VOC concentration was less than 10 ppbv,the concentrations,components,and sources of VOCs were evenly distributed vertically,and the main sources of VOCs at different heights were vehicle exhaust and background.When the surface VOC concentration exceeded 10 ppbv,the VOC concentration gradually decreased with height.The proportion of alkanes in surface VOCs in-creased,and the source was mainly vehicle exhaust.This study confirmed that VOCs are vertically homogeneous in the background of the Tibetan Plateau,emphasizing the importance of vehicle emissions as a potential source of VOCs. 展开更多
关键词 VOCS Vertical distributions Boundary layer Source apportionment
Vertical distribution characteristics of soil saturated hydraulic conductivity under different land use patterns in the Mu Us sandy land
作者 LIU Xingting QIAO Jiangbo +4 位作者 YANG Tao MA Yali TIAN Hanyang HAN Xiaoyang ZHU Yuanjun 《地球环境学报》 CSCD 2024年第4期665-674,共10页
Background,aim,and scope Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity(K_(s))is a key parameter in the hydrological cycle of soil;however,we have very limited understanding of K_(s) characteristics and the factors that inf lu... Background,aim,and scope Soil saturated hydraulic conductivity(K_(s))is a key parameter in the hydrological cycle of soil;however,we have very limited understanding of K_(s) characteristics and the factors that inf luence this key parameter in the Mu Us sandy land(MUSL).Quantifying the impact of changes in land use in the Mu Us sandy land on K_(s) will provide a key foundation for understanding the regional water cycle,but will also provide a scientific basis for the governance of the MUSL.Materials and methods In this study,we determined K_(s) and the basic physical and chemical properties of soil(i.e.,organic matter,bulk density,and soil particle composition)within the first 100 cm layer of four different land use patterns(farmland,tree,shrub,and grassland)in the MUSL.The vertical variation of K_(s) and the factors that influence this key parameter were analyzed and a transfer function for estimating K_(s) was established based on a multiple stepwise regression model.Results The K_(s) of farmland,tree,and shrub increased gradually with soil depth while that of grassland remained unchanged.The K_(s) of the four patterns of land use were moderately variable;mean K_(s)values were ranked as follows:grassland(1.38 mm·min^(-1))<tree(1.76 mm·min^(-1))<farmland(1.82 mm·min^(-1))<shrub(3.30 mm·min^(-1)).The correlation between K_(s) and organic matter,bulk density,and soil particle composition,varied across different land use patterns.A multiple stepwise regression model showed that silt,coarse sand,bulk density,and organic matter,were key predictive factors for the K_(s) of farmland,tree,shrub,and grassland,in the MUSL.Discussion The vertical distribution trend for K_(s) in farmland is known to be predominantly influenced by cultivation,fertilization,and other factors.The general aim is to improve the water-holding capacity of shallow soil on farmland(0-30 cm in depth)to conserve water and nutrients;research has shown that the K_(s) of farmland increases with soil depth.The root growth of tree and shrub in sandy land exerts mechanical force on the soil due to biophysical processes involving rhizospheres,thus leading to a significant change in K_(s).We found that shallow high-density fine roots increased the volume of soil pores and eliminated large pores,thus resulting in a reduction in shallow K_(s).Therefore,the K_(s) of tree and shrub increased with soil depth.Analysis also showed that the K_(s) of grassland did not change significantly and exhibited the lowest mean value when compared to other land use patterns.This finding was predominantly due to the shallow root system of grasslands and because this land use pattern is not subject to human activities such as cultivation and fertilization;consequently,there was no significant change in K_(s) with depth;grassland also had the lowest mean K_(s).We also established a transfer function for K_(s) for different land use patterns in the MUSL.However,the predictive factors for K_(s) in different land use patterns are known to be affected by soil cultivation methods,vegetation restoration modes,the distribution of soil moisture,and other factors,thus resulting in key differences.Therefore,when using the transfer function to predict K_(s) in other areas,it will be necessary to perform parameter calibration and further verification.Conclusions In the MUSL,the K_(s) of farmland,tree,and shrub gradually increased with soil depth;however,the K_(s) of grassland showed no significant variation in terms of vertical distribution.The mean K_(s) values of different land use patterns were ranked as follows:shrub>farmland>tree>grassland;all land use patterns showed moderate levels of variability.The K_(s) for different land use patterns exhibited differing degrees of correlation with soil physical and chemical properties;of these,clay,silt,sand,bulk density,and organic matter,were identified as important variables for predicting K_(s) in farmland,tree,shrub,and grassland,respectively.Recommendations and perspectives In this study,we used a stepwise multiple regression model to establish a transfer function prediction model for K_(s) for different land use patterns;this model possessed high estimation accuracy.The ability to predict K_(s) in the MUSL is very important in terms of the conservation of water and nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 Mu Us sandy land saturated hydraulic conductivity vertical distribution transfer function
One new species in the genus Bryophaenocladius Thienemann(Chironomidae:Diptera)from China
作者 Kan DENG Yang XIAO +2 位作者 Man YANG Zhichao ZHANG Ruilei ZHANG 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2024年第3期245-250,共6页
One new species Bryophaenocladius alpinus Deng&Zhang sp.nov.is described and illustrated based on adult males collected from China.The adult males can be distinguished by the third palpomere with a digitiform proj... One new species Bryophaenocladius alpinus Deng&Zhang sp.nov.is described and illustrated based on adult males collected from China.The adult males can be distinguished by the third palpomere with a digitiform projection but without sensilla clavata,anal point broad triangular,inferior volsella sub-rectangular-shaped and covered with setae,gonostylus broad triangular,and crista dorsalis welldeveloped. 展开更多
关键词 Chironominae DNA barcode TAXONOMY
Vertical distribution of the Kuroshio velocity in the Pollution Nagasaki section and its formative mechanism 被引量:2
作者 邓丽静 魏皓 汪嘉宁 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2015年第1期26-39,共14页
The seasonal and interannual variations of the vertical distribution of the Kuroshio velocity and its formative mechanism were studied by analyzing the Global Ocean Reanalysis Simulation 2 (GLORYS2) dataset in the P... The seasonal and interannual variations of the vertical distribution of the Kuroshio velocity and its formative mechanism were studied by analyzing the Global Ocean Reanalysis Simulation 2 (GLORYS2) dataset in the Pollution Nagasaki (PN) section (126.0°E-128.2°, at depths less than 1000 m). The results indicated that: 1) the maximum transport in the PN section occurs in summer, followed by spring, and the minimum transport occurs in fall and winter; the maximum velocities are located at the subsurface in both winter and summer and velocities are relatively larger and at a shallower depth in summer; and the velocity core is located at the surface in spring and fall. The isopycnic line has a clear depression around the Kuroshio axis in winter. The depth of maximum velocity and the zero horizontal density gradients both exhibit substantial seasonal and interannual variations, and the interannual variations are larger. 2) The distributions of velocity and density are in accordance with the therma~ wind relation. Although Kuroshio transport is determined by the large-scale wind field and mesoscale motion in the Pacific Ocean; local heat flux and thermohaline circulation influence the density field, modify the vertical structure of the Kuroshio velocity, and adjust the allocation of water fluxes and nutrients transport. 3) Shelf-water offshore transport into the Kuroshio upper layer induced by southwest monsoons might contribute to the maximum velocity up to the surface in summer. Nonlinear and nongeostrophic processes are not considered in the present study, and the thermal wind relation accounts for part of the vertical structure of the Kuroshio velocity. 展开更多
关键词 KUROSHIO vertical distribution of velocity thermal wind relation PN section
A New Adaptive Image Segmentation Method 被引量:2
作者 沈庭芝 方子文 +1 位作者 吴玲艳 王飞 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1998年第3期316-321,共6页
Aim Researching the optimal thieshold of image segmentation. M^ethods An adaptiveimages segmentation method based on the entropy of histogram of gray-level picture and genetic. algorithm (GA) was presental. Results ... Aim Researching the optimal thieshold of image segmentation. M^ethods An adaptiveimages segmentation method based on the entropy of histogram of gray-level picture and genetic. algorithm (GA) was presental. Results In our approach, the segmentation problem was formulated as an optimization problem and the fitness of GA which can efficiently search the segmentation parameter space was regarded as the quality criterion. Conclusion The methodcan be adapted for optimal behold segmentation. 展开更多
关键词 genetic algorithm image segmentation entropy of histogram segmenting threshold
基于软件无线电与仿真技术的通信系统设计 被引量:1
作者 张蕴玉 汤晓丹 胡修林 《华中科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第12期16-18,共3页
论述了基于软件无线电与仿真技术的通信系统设计原理 .结合DS CDMA通信终端的研发项目研究了系统开发过程 ,分析和讨论了基于软件无线电与仿真技术的现代电子系统的设计思想 .研究表明 ,采用该方法可以缩短开发周期、降低开发成本 .
关键词 软件无线电 仿真 扩偶多址 通信系统
Enantio-selective preparation of (S)-1-phenylethanol by a novel marine GDSL lipase MT6 with reverse stereo-selectivity 被引量:4
作者 邓盾 张云 +1 位作者 孙爱君 胡云峰 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第11期1966-1974,共9页
We previously functionally characterized a novel marine microbial GDSL lipase MT6 and identified that the stereo-selectivity of MT6 was opposite to that of other common lipases in trans-esterification reactions.Herein... We previously functionally characterized a novel marine microbial GDSL lipase MT6 and identified that the stereo-selectivity of MT6 was opposite to that of other common lipases in trans-esterification reactions.Herein,we have investigated the use of MT6 in stereo-selective biocatalysis through direct hydrolysis reactions.Notably,the stereo-selectivity of MT6 was also demonstrated to be opposite to that of other common lipases in hydrolysis reactions.Parameters,including temperature,organic co-solvents,pH,ionic strength,catalyst loading,substrate concentration,and reaction time,affecting the enzymatic resolution of racemic 1-phenylethyl acetate were further investigated,with the e.e.of the final(S)-l-Phenylethanol product and the conversion being 97%and 28.5%,respectively,after process optimization.The lengths of side chains of 1-phenylethyl esters greatly affected the stereo-selectivity and conversion during kinetic resolutions.MT6 is a novel marine microbial GDSL lipase exhibiting opposite stereo-selectivities than other common lipases in both trans-esterification reactions and hydrolysis reactions. 展开更多
关键词 GDSLlipase BIOCATALYSIS Kinetic resolution Direct hydrolysis (S)-1-Phenylethanol Reverse stereo-selectivity
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