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作者 Sher.,LH 陈寒梅 《南邮科技译丛》 1990年第2期49-56,共8页
关键词 低功耗电路 直流/直流 变换器
峰值电流控制模式中的分段线性斜坡补偿技术 被引量:12
作者 田锦明 王松林 +1 位作者 来新泉 王留杰 《电子器件》 EI CAS 2006年第3期864-867,873,共5页
PWM反馈技术在现代DC-DC芯片中得到了广泛的应用,在此基础上讨论了PWM模式峰值电流控制中的斜坡补偿的意义,并结合峰值电流模控制方式,提出一种分段线性斜坡补偿方法,详细的介绍了分段线性斜坡补偿电路的设计思想,并且给出了最终设计电... PWM反馈技术在现代DC-DC芯片中得到了广泛的应用,在此基础上讨论了PWM模式峰值电流控制中的斜坡补偿的意义,并结合峰值电流模控制方式,提出一种分段线性斜坡补偿方法,详细的介绍了分段线性斜坡补偿电路的设计思想,并且给出了最终设计电路。该电路提供的补偿信号在不同的占空比区间具有不同的斜率。电路基于Hynix 0.5μm CMOSStandard Logic工艺设计,并经Hspice仿真验证达到设计目标。该斜坡补偿电路的优化设计避免了因过补偿而带来的系统瞬态响应慢和带载能力低等不良影响。 展开更多
关键词 分段线性 斜坡补偿 直流/直流 转换器 峰值电
作者 程帅 邹雪城 +1 位作者 陈卫洁 邓敏 《计算机与数字工程》 2007年第3期164-166,共3页
在DC/DC转换芯片中,为了保证功率开关管及时导通和截止,需要设计专门的驱动电路。本文设计了同步整流驱动电路,通过引入负跳沿延时单元,消除了CMOS瞬态短路导通现象,降低了功耗,保护了输出级。HSPICE仿真表明,驱动电路延时小于14ns,能... 在DC/DC转换芯片中,为了保证功率开关管及时导通和截止,需要设计专门的驱动电路。本文设计了同步整流驱动电路,通过引入负跳沿延时单元,消除了CMOS瞬态短路导通现象,降低了功耗,保护了输出级。HSPICE仿真表明,驱动电路延时小于14ns,能满足较高开关频率的要求;同时,开关转换时的尖峰电流减小了56%,功耗也降低了19.3%。 展开更多
关键词 驱动电路 同步整 直流/直流 衬底控制
一种运用后级调整技术的新颖的多路输出正反激变流器 被引量:1
作者 何颖彦 顾亦磊 钱照明 《电源技术应用》 2005年第3期7-10,共4页
详细分析了一种运用了后级调整技术的新颖的多路输出正反激变流器的工作原理。该变流器可以利用电路的正激部分输出大功率,而用反激部分输出小功率。所以,该电路将正激变流器的高效率和反激变流器的低成本的优势相结合,同时后级调整技... 详细分析了一种运用了后级调整技术的新颖的多路输出正反激变流器的工作原理。该变流器可以利用电路的正激部分输出大功率,而用反激部分输出小功率。所以,该电路将正激变流器的高效率和反激变流器的低成本的优势相结合,同时后级调整技术还保证了每个绕组的精确输出。一个250W的样机验证了该变流器的特点。 展开更多
关键词 多路输出 后级调整技术 正反激变 直流/直流
便携式电子系统的DC/DC开关电源系统结构设计和研究 被引量:12
作者 王海永 李永明 陈弘毅 《固体电子学研究与进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期164-169,共6页
介绍了 DC/DC开关稳压电源系统结构的设计 ,分析了提高电源转换效率的系统设计方法。提出了一种适于 LSI实现的
关键词 便携式电子系统 直流/直流 开关稳压电源 大规模集成电路 转换效率
高效同相的降压-升压DC/DC转换器的控制方法 被引量:4
作者 王松林 田锦明 +1 位作者 来新泉 王留杰 《仪表技术与传感器》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第7期54-55,60,共3页
采用一种四开关拓扑结构的降压-升压DC/DC转换器控制方法,能使转换器在输入电压高于、低于或等于输出电压的情况下操作,实现降压、降压-升压、升压3种模式自动并且平稳地转换,提供一种可在所有操作模式进行连续转换的功能。具有效... 采用一种四开关拓扑结构的降压-升压DC/DC转换器控制方法,能使转换器在输入电压高于、低于或等于输出电压的情况下操作,实现降压、降压-升压、升压3种模式自动并且平稳地转换,提供一种可在所有操作模式进行连续转换的功能。具有效率高、外围器件少、同相输出的优点。经HSPICE仿真,采用Hynix0.5μm 5V CMOS工艺,在输入电压2.5-5.5V、输出电压3.3V、频率1MHz时,效率高达95%以上。是输出电压处于电池电压范围内的单节锂离子电池、多节碱性电池或NiMH电池应用的理想选择,解决了在便携式电子设备电源设计过程中所遇到的问题。 展开更多
关键词 直流/直流 降压/升压 四开关 转换器
降压/升压DC-DC转换器四开关控制方法 被引量:1
作者 田锦明 陈修强 +1 位作者 王松林 来新泉 《电子器件》 EI CAS 2006年第4期1246-1249,1254,共5页
便携式电子应用设备常常要求它的系统电压,介于电池充分充电的电压和未充分放电的电压范围之间。比如,对于锂离子电池,当输入为2.8伏到4.2伏时,输出为3.3伏。达到这种要求最佳的解决方法就是高效率、同相的四开关拓扑结构的降压... 便携式电子应用设备常常要求它的系统电压,介于电池充分充电的电压和未充分放电的电压范围之间。比如,对于锂离子电池,当输入为2.8伏到4.2伏时,输出为3.3伏。达到这种要求最佳的解决方法就是高效率、同相的四开关拓扑结构的降压/升压DC-DC转换器,这种方法利用一种控制方案,它可以实现降压、降压/升压、升压三种模式自动并且平稳地转换。经HSPICE仿真,采用Hynix0.5um 5VCMOS工艺,在输入电压2.5~5.5V、输出电压3.3V、频率1MHz时,效率高达95%以上。是输出电压处于电池电压范围内的单节锂离子电池、多节碱性电池或NiMH电池应用的理想选择,解决了在便携式电子设备电源设计过程中所遇到的问题。 展开更多
关键词 直流/直流 降压/升压 四开关 转换器
一种在全负载范围内实现ZVS的有源箝位反激变换器 被引量:1
作者 董文辉 陈辉明 《电源技术应用》 2005年第7期9-13,18,共6页
介绍了一种能在全负载范围内实现ZVS的有源箝位反激电路。该电路不但能循环利用漏感的能量,减小开关管的电压应力,实现原边主管和辅管的ZVS,同时还能限制副边整流管关断的di/dt,从而减少了整流管的开关损耗和由于二极管的反向恢复引起... 介绍了一种能在全负载范围内实现ZVS的有源箝位反激电路。该电路不但能循环利用漏感的能量,减小开关管的电压应力,实现原边主管和辅管的ZVS,同时还能限制副边整流管关断的di/dt,从而减少了整流管的开关损耗和由于二极管的反向恢复引起的开关噪声。对该电路的工作模态进行了详细的分析,同时给出了电路中主要元器件的设计依据。一个100W的实验样机验证了该电路的软开关特性。 展开更多
关键词 软开关(ZVS) 有源箝位 反激变换器 直流/直流 电力电子
Design of a CMOS Current-Adjustable Charge-Pump Circuit Insensitive to Power Supply and Temperature
作者 赵晖 徐栋麟 +3 位作者 潘莎 杨柯 任俊彦 章倩苓 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期260-265,共6页
A CMOS charge-pump circuit with adjustable current is presented.A bandgap voltage reference,a low drop-out regulator,and a capacitive DC-DC voltage-booster are used to generate supply voltage for the current reference... A CMOS charge-pump circuit with adjustable current is presented.A bandgap voltage reference,a low drop-out regulator,and a capacitive DC-DC voltage-booster are used to generate supply voltage for the current reference.This generated voltage is insensitive to the changes of external power supply voltage and temperature,while the current reference itself is insensitive to temperature.The circuit is designed in 0.18μm 1.8V standard digital CMOS process.The simulated results show that the performance of the circuit is satisfied. 展开更多
关键词 current-adjustable charge-pump bandgap low drop-out regulator DC-DC voltage-booster
A Novel ADC Architecture for Digital Voltage Regulator Module Controllers
作者 郭健民 张科 +1 位作者 孔明 李文宏 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期2112-2117,共6页
The design and implementation of a novel ADC architecture called ring-ADC for digital voltage regulator module controllers are presented. Based on the principle of voltage-controlled oscillators' transform from volta... The design and implementation of a novel ADC architecture called ring-ADC for digital voltage regulator module controllers are presented. Based on the principle of voltage-controlled oscillators' transform from voltage to frequency,the A/D conversion of ring-ADC achieves good linearity and precise calibration against process variations compared with the delay-line ADC. A differential pulse counting discriminator also helps decrease the power consumption of the ring-ADC. It is fabricated with a Chartered 0.35μm CMOS process, and the measurement results of the integral and differential nonlinearity performance are 0.92LSB and 1.2LSB respectively. The maximum gain error measured in ten sample chips is ± 3.85%. With sampling rate of 500kHz and when the voltage regulator module (VRM) works in steady state, the ring-ADC's average power consumption is 2.56mW. The ring-ADC is verified to meet the requirements for digital VRM controller application. 展开更多
关键词 voltage regulator modules DC-DC ring-ADC delay-line ADC differential pulse counting discrim-inator
奔驰S级48V车载电气系统(下) 被引量:1
作者 林宇清 《汽车维修与保养》 2019年第3期61-63,共3页
(接上期)8.风挡玻璃加热器(R22/2)为防止结冰和起雾,可对风挡玻璃进行加热。风挡玻璃加热器通过电源开关进行操控,开关信号由空调控制单元读取,然后空调控制单元计算规定的热量输出值,并将其通过LIN线传送至风挡玻璃加热器控制单元(N61)... (接上期)8.风挡玻璃加热器(R22/2)为防止结冰和起雾,可对风挡玻璃进行加热。风挡玻璃加热器通过电源开关进行操控,开关信号由空调控制单元读取,然后空调控制单元计算规定的热量输出值,并将其通过LIN线传送至风挡玻璃加热器控制单元(N61),N61据此促动加热式风挡玻璃。此外,N61还监控加热式风挡玻璃的功能。 展开更多
关键词 蓄电池充电 转换器 传动系统 控制单元 车载电气系统 风挡玻璃 直流/直流
《今日电子》 2018年第Z1期97-100,共4页
105V、2.3A同步降压型稳压器LTC7103的4.4~105V的宽输入电压范围是为连续采用高压输入源或采用具高压浪涌输入运行而设计,从而无须外部浪涌抑制器件。这使LTC7103非常适合各种交通运输、工业和通信应用,例如,48V汽车、36~72V电流、航空... 105V、2.3A同步降压型稳压器LTC7103的4.4~105V的宽输入电压范围是为连续采用高压输入源或采用具高压浪涌输入运行而设计,从而无须外部浪涌抑制器件。这使LTC7103非常适合各种交通运输、工业和通信应用,例如,48V汽车、36~72V电流、航空电子,以及双电池汽车系统。 展开更多
关键词 栅驱动器 MOSFET 直流/直流 电源模块 脉宽调制 系统封装 稳压器
Study on ultracapacitor-battery hybrid power system for PHEV applications 被引量:14
作者 熊瑞 He Hongwen Wang Yi Zhang Xiaowei 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2010年第1期23-28,共6页
For the battery only power system is hard to meet the energy and power requirements reasonably, a hybrid power system with uhracapacitor and battery is studied. A Topology structure is analyzed that the uhracapacitor ... For the battery only power system is hard to meet the energy and power requirements reasonably, a hybrid power system with uhracapacitor and battery is studied. A Topology structure is analyzed that the uhracapacitor system is connected with battery pack parallel after a bidirectional DC/DC converter. The ultracapacitor, battery and the hybrid power system are modeled. For the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) application, the control target and control strategy of the hybrid power system are put forward. From the simulation results based on the Chinese urban driving cycle, the hybrid power system could meet the peak power requirements reasonably while the battery pack' s current is controlled in a reasonable limit which will be helpful to optimize the battery pack' s working conditions to get long cycling life and high efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 BATTERY ULTRACAPACITOR hybrid power system plug-in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) simulation
Average modeling of Single Stage Flyback PFC + Flyback DC/DC converter 被引量:1
作者 沈淼森 康婉莹 钱照明 《Journal of Zhejiang University Science》 CSCD 2002年第1期77-81,共5页
With the use of this novel average model for Single Stage Flyback PFC+Flyback DC/DC converter, voltage control mode, peak current control mode and average current control mode can be simulated easily by changing the m... With the use of this novel average model for Single Stage Flyback PFC+Flyback DC/DC converter, voltage control mode, peak current control mode and average current control mode can be simulated easily by changing the model's parameters. It can be used to do various analysis not only for small signal and static behavior but also for large signal and dynamic behavior of the converter. By using this average model the simulation speed can be improved by 2 orders of magnitude above that obtained by using the conventional switched model. It can be applied to optimize the trade\|off between high power factor, voltage stress, current stress and good output performance while designing this kind of single stage PFC converter. A 60W single stage power factor corrector was built to verify the proposed model. The modeling principle can be applied to other Single Stage PFC topologies. 展开更多
关键词 average model power factor correction single stage
High Frequency Transformers for DC/DC Converter Used in Solar PV System
作者 J. Lu D. Butler 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第6期536-541,共6页
This paper presents and investigates planar and coaxial high frequency power transformers used for DC/DC converters in a three phase photo voltaic (PV) power systems. The winding structure including a Faraday shield... This paper presents and investigates planar and coaxial high frequency power transformers used for DC/DC converters in a three phase photo voltaic (PV) power systems. The winding structure including a Faraday shield between the primary and secondary windings is designed to minimize eddy current losses, skin and proximity effects, and to reduce the leakage inductance, and the inter winding coupling capacitance. Finite Element Method is employed to analyze the magnetic flux and eddy current distributions. The two different kinds of prototype high frequency transformers are designed and tested. The simulation and experiment results are demonstrated and compared with non-shielded transformers. The shielded transformers have achieved the expected results with a relatively small coupling capacitance, compared with the conventional high frequency transformer. This shield decreases the inter-winding coupling capacitance Cps. The topology of this shield has to be such that it acts as a Faraday screen while avoiding eddy current generation. 展开更多
关键词 DC/DC converter high frequency transformer solar PV system shielding effect magnetic field eddy current.
Research on Electric Drive for Small Vehicles
作者 Mihail Hristov Antchev Hristo Mihailov Antchev 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第7期668-672,共5页
This paper presents an electric drive system whose motor is connected to a battery by means of a buck DC/DC converter. This motor is further connected to an ultracapacitor by means of a boost DC/DC converter. First, o... This paper presents an electric drive system whose motor is connected to a battery by means of a buck DC/DC converter. This motor is further connected to an ultracapacitor by means of a boost DC/DC converter. First, operation and break processes are studied when the converters are switched off as well as when they are switched on in current limitation mode. Then, a comparative analysis of the results in the two operation modes is done. 展开更多
关键词 ULTRACAPACITOR regenerative breaking power converter
Effect of Surface Charge on Flashover for Oil-Pressboard Insulation under AC-DC Combined Electric Field 被引量:1
作者 Yi-long Chen BO Qi +3 位作者 Chao-chao Xi Yi-fan Liao Fu-zhen Zhang Ye Zhu 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第9期1803-1808,共6页
For converter transformer, AC-DC combined electric field can trigger space charge accumulation on oil-impregnated pressboard interface. The accumulation of space charge on oil-pressboard interface can result in electr... For converter transformer, AC-DC combined electric field can trigger space charge accumulation on oil-impregnated pressboard interface. The accumulation of space charge on oil-pressboard interface can result in electric field distortion, trend to trigger surface discharge of barriers. This paper studied the influence of surface charge on flashover voltage of oil-impregnated pressboard under AC-DC combined electric field. The study finds that the flashover voltage of oil-pressboard interface under negative polarity DC superimposed AC electric field is higher than that.of positive DC superimposed AC voltage to form composite electric field. It was found that homopolar surface charge has been accumulated on the interface of oil-pressboard with positive or negative DC voltage through measuring surface potential by the electrostatic capacitive probe. The surface charge produced electric field in the opposite direction, which weakening the synthetic electric field strength. What's more, under the same conditions, the negative surface charge density oil-pressboard is much larger than the positive. 展开更多
关键词 Converter transformer oil-pressboard insulation AC-DC combined electrical field surface charge surface flashover.
Research on Common Grounding Electrode Technique in HVDC
作者 Chenglian MA 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第1期4-6,共3页
This paper discusses the characteristics of DC transmission common system ground electrode type and shared ground electrode, established the mathematical model of two circuit DC systems share ground electrode, analyze... This paper discusses the characteristics of DC transmission common system ground electrode type and shared ground electrode, established the mathematical model of two circuit DC systems share ground electrode, analyze effects of the shared loop ground DC transmission system electrode on the operation of HVDC system size under different operation modes, and compare with the independent ground electrode, ground electrode impact on environment under different operation mode, and the paper finally puts forward some solving measures for the influence of the shared ground electrode on the environment and public ground electrode effects on DC system operation problems. 展开更多
关键词 HVDC ground electrode line protection DC transmission system TRANSIENT
High-Performance AC-DC Power Electronic Converter Generator for Hybrid-Solar Vehicles
作者 Jozef Tutaj Bogdan Fijalkowski 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2015年第7期648-659,共12页
This paper describes the principles of operation and the physical model of an advanced AC-DC converter generator (with the electronic converter acting as an AC-DC rectifier with reverse-conducting MOSFETs (metal-oxi... This paper describes the principles of operation and the physical model of an advanced AC-DC converter generator (with the electronic converter acting as an AC-DC rectifier with reverse-conducting MOSFETs (metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistors) as fast-electronic switches with a relatively low ON-state voltage drop) for HSVs. An AC-DC converter, when seen as an AC-DC rectifier, can be used in many fields, e.g., for multi-functional AC-DC/DC-AC convener generator^starter and conventional DC-AC convener motors and AC-DC converter generators or generator sets, welding machines, etc. The paper also describes a novel AC-DC convener, with reverse-conducting transistors and without the use of optoelectronic separation (which does not require a separate power supply), which may be easily realized in IC (integrated-circuit) technology. Computer simulation allows for waveform evaluation for timing analysis of all components of the AC-DC-converter's physical model, both during normal operation as well as in some states of emergency. The paper also presents the results of bench experimental studies where the MOSFETs were used as fast-electronic switches with a relatively low ON-state voltage drop. For experimental studies, a novel AC-DC converter has been put together on the Mitsubishi FM600TU-3A module. The AC-DC converter with reverse-conducting transistors in a double-way connection has a lot of advantages compared to the conventional AC-DC convener acting as a diode rectifier, such as higher energy efficiency and greater reliability resulting from the lower temperature of electronic switches. 展开更多
关键词 HSV (hybrid-solar vehicles) electronic switches electronic converter power losses
《电源世界》 2004年第7期21-21,共1页
腾讯科技(Artesyn Technologies)为跨国美资企业,是一间美国纳斯达克上市公司。其主要业务是设计和制造开关电源产品。其中包括标准和专用的交流/直流开关电源供应器、直流/直流模块电源和直流/交流正弦波发生器。现需招聘大量技术人才... 腾讯科技(Artesyn Technologies)为跨国美资企业,是一间美国纳斯达克上市公司。其主要业务是设计和制造开关电源产品。其中包括标准和专用的交流/直流开关电源供应器、直流/直流模块电源和直流/交流正弦波发生器。现需招聘大量技术人才,配合集团国内快迅增长之策略。1.高级研发工程师(电子/机械)工作职责:负责开关电源供应器电子设计/结构设计之工作。职位要求:—大专或以上,电子/机械工程或相关专业。—有相当的电子开发/机械设计之经验。—5年或以上相关经验。—良好英语。—有冲劲,工作主动,能够独立工作并承受工作压力。 展开更多
关键词 启白 电子 职位 大专 轻子 工作岗位 电源供应器 直流/直流
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