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走出象牙塔: 从“威斯康星思想”到“相互作用大学” 被引量:21
作者 唐斌 尹艳秋 《现代教育管理》 北大核心 1997年第4期92-93,126,共3页
走出象牙塔:从“威斯康星思想”到“相互作用大学”苏州大学唐斌尹艳秋关键词:威斯康星思想相互作用大学职能考察高等教育的历史,从中世纪大学的诞生到今天,高校的职能随着社会的发展而总是在不断发生变革:从最初单一的人才培养职... 走出象牙塔:从“威斯康星思想”到“相互作用大学”苏州大学唐斌尹艳秋关键词:威斯康星思想相互作用大学职能考察高等教育的历史,从中世纪大学的诞生到今天,高校的职能随着社会的发展而总是在不断发生变革:从最初单一的人才培养职能,演变出今天的教学、科研、社会服... 展开更多
关键词 威斯康星思想 相互作用大学 职能
利益相关者逻辑下相互作用大学共同治理机制研究 被引量:8
作者 孙家明 《当代教育论坛》 2015年第6期62-69,共8页
从世界范围来看,相互作用大学是地方大学渐进式转型的具体表现形式。利益主体多元化是相互作用大学治理的集中体现,根据利益相关者对相互作用大学的影响程度,可以将其分为内部利益相关者和外部利益相关者。地方大学与政府、市场、社会... 从世界范围来看,相互作用大学是地方大学渐进式转型的具体表现形式。利益主体多元化是相互作用大学治理的集中体现,根据利益相关者对相互作用大学的影响程度,可以将其分为内部利益相关者和外部利益相关者。地方大学与政府、市场、社会在相互作用大学中的地位和作用决定了他们在共同治理中有不同的利益诉求,他们的合作博弈必须建立利益共生与平衡机制:利益表达机制、利益驱动机制、利益制约机制和利益共享与补偿机制,推进治理主体间形成互动、制衡、合作的关系,实现地方大学治理的共有理性。 展开更多
关键词 利益相关者 相互作用大学 共同治理 利益表达 利益驱动 利益制约 利益共享与补偿
从“威斯康星思想”到“相互作用大学”:我国新建地方本科院校战略发展启示 被引量:4
作者 曾蔚阳 《教育评论》 北大核心 2015年第6期162-164,共3页
关键词 威斯康星思想 相互作用大学 社会服务
美国“相互作用大学”及启示 被引量:3
作者 查永军 《黑龙江高教研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第2期73-75,共3页
服务社会是现代大学的三项基本职能之一。美国"相互作用大学"将大学的服务社会职能从理念、方针、合作程度等方面引向深入,明确了"以他方为中心"的思想。美国"相互作用大学"对我国地方院校的合理定位,寻... 服务社会是现代大学的三项基本职能之一。美国"相互作用大学"将大学的服务社会职能从理念、方针、合作程度等方面引向深入,明确了"以他方为中心"的思想。美国"相互作用大学"对我国地方院校的合理定位,寻求更大发展空间等有着借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 相互作用大学 服务 “以他方为中心”
建设校地相互作用大学 推进地方高校内涵式转型 被引量:1
作者 孙家明 《韶关学院学报》 2020年第8期33-38,共6页
相互作用大学作为地方大学改革发展的一种办学模式,本质上是地方大学与区域协同共生发展的一种新战略。从韶关学院与地方互动发展的实际出发,探讨地方大学与区域共生发展的运行机制与实践路径,研究认为:在建设校地相互作用大学过程中,... 相互作用大学作为地方大学改革发展的一种办学模式,本质上是地方大学与区域协同共生发展的一种新战略。从韶关学院与地方互动发展的实际出发,探讨地方大学与区域共生发展的运行机制与实践路径,研究认为:在建设校地相互作用大学过程中,要处理好政策支持、准确定位、建立平台、健全机制的相互关系。 展开更多
关键词 相互作用大学 校地协同 内涵发展 转型发展
作者 李卿 李宏宇 《科教文汇》 2009年第3期6-6,共1页
关键词 相互作用大学 相互关系 地方高校 社会服务
大学与社会共生:地方高校发展的模式选择——从美国相互作用大学看我国地方高校的发展 被引量:66
作者 王保华 张婕 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期57-61,共5页
美国相互作用大学是适应新经济时代的产物 ,其核心理念是“以他方为中心” ,与社会共谋发展。我国地方高校可借鉴其经验 ,结合本地本校的实际 ,采取独建型、依托型、改建型、校企型。
关键词 相互作用大学 地方高校 发展模式
建设校地相互作用大学的实践探索 被引量:1
作者 高祖林 芮国强 《中国高等教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第24期20-22,38,共4页
在经济区域化和国际高等教育体制改革的大环境下。实现高等教育与区域经济社会的互动发展已成为人们的共识。近年来,苏州大学坚持“以服务求支持,以贡献求发展,以合作求共赢”,确立开放融合的办学理念,一方面积极引入地方优质资源... 在经济区域化和国际高等教育体制改革的大环境下。实现高等教育与区域经济社会的互动发展已成为人们的共识。近年来,苏州大学坚持“以服务求支持,以贡献求发展,以合作求共赢”,确立开放融合的办学理念,一方面积极引入地方优质资源推进自身的建设与发展;另一方面深入推进科技创新和产学研结合,拓展服务功能,提升服务能力,成为了地方经济社会发展的智力库和动力源, 展开更多
关键词 相互作用大学 实践探索 高等教育体制改革 地方经济社会发展 区域经济社会 服务功能 经济区域化 产学研结合
《国内高等教育教学研究动态》 2016年第9期16-16,共1页
孙家明在《当代教育论坛》2015年第6期上撰文指出,利益主体多元化是相互作用大学治理的集中体现,根据利益相关者对相互作用大学的影响程度,可以将其分为内部利益相关者和外部利益相关者。地方大学与政府、市场、社会在相互作用大学... 孙家明在《当代教育论坛》2015年第6期上撰文指出,利益主体多元化是相互作用大学治理的集中体现,根据利益相关者对相互作用大学的影响程度,可以将其分为内部利益相关者和外部利益相关者。地方大学与政府、市场、社会在相互作用大学中的地位和作用决定了他们在共同治理中有不同的利益诉求, 展开更多
关键词 外部利益相关者 相互作用大学 共同治理机制 利益主体多元化 逻辑 教育论坛 大学治理 地方大学
论英美地方大学和地方的共赢模式 被引量:3
作者 俞俏燕 《教育评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第4期156-158,共3页
美国的州立大学和相互作用大学,以及英国的城市大学依托自身的优势,与地方政府、行业企业等建立协同战略联盟,在解决地方重大问题、推动当地社会经济发展的同时,也大大促进了自身的发展。这种协同共赢模式,为我国地方大学形成办学特色... 美国的州立大学和相互作用大学,以及英国的城市大学依托自身的优势,与地方政府、行业企业等建立协同战略联盟,在解决地方重大问题、推动当地社会经济发展的同时,也大大促进了自身的发展。这种协同共赢模式,为我国地方大学形成办学特色、提升竞争力提供了借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 协同提升 州立大学 相互作用大学 城市大学
大学与社会共生:地方高校发展的必然选择 被引量:7
作者 张春爱 《教学研究》 2008年第1期16-18,共3页
随着高等教育大众化时代的到来,地方高校在我国高等教育体系中的地位越来越重要。建设创新型国家,需要加强地方高校和社会的良好互动。我国地方高校可借鉴美国相互作用大学的成功经验,"以他方为中心",与社会建立共生共荣的关... 随着高等教育大众化时代的到来,地方高校在我国高等教育体系中的地位越来越重要。建设创新型国家,需要加强地方高校和社会的良好互动。我国地方高校可借鉴美国相互作用大学的成功经验,"以他方为中心",与社会建立共生共荣的关系,共谋发展。 展开更多
关键词 地方高校 大学与社会 共生 相互作用大学
辐射和参与:职业大学对于社区精神文明建设的使命 被引量:3
作者 顾冠华 《高教探索》 北大核心 1997年第2期29-34,共6页
关键词 职业大学 精神文明建设 社区精神 社区群众 高等职业教育 精神文明教育 第三产业 社区性 岗位培训 相互作用大学
美国高等教育基本职能与职能的发展 被引量:1
作者 王乃平 《广西中医药大学学报》 1998年第2期1-6,共6页
关键词 美国高等教育 基本职能 高等教育职能 美国高等学校 相互作用大学 高等教育市场 知识经济时代 培养目标 个人主义文化 社会需要
The effect of sex and performance level on pacing in cross-country skiers:Vasaloppet 2004-2017 被引量:1
作者 Pantelis Theodoros Nikolaidis Elias Villiger Beat Knechtle 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2018年第4期453-458,共6页
Background: Pacing, defined as percentage changes of speed between successive splits, has been extensively studied in running and cycling endurance sports; however, less information about the trends in change of spee... Background: Pacing, defined as percentage changes of speed between successive splits, has been extensively studied in running and cycling endurance sports; however, less information about the trends in change of speed during cross-country (XC) ski racing is available. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to examine the effect of performance (quartiles of race time (Q), with Q1 the fastest and Q4 the slowest) level on pacing in the Vasaloppet ski race, the largest XC skiing race in the world. Methods: For this purpose, we analyzed female (n = 19,465) and male (n = 164,454) finishers in the Vasaloppet ski race from 2004 to 2017 using a one-way (2 sexes) analysis of variance with repeated measures to examine percentage changes of speed between 2 successive splits. Overall, the race consisted of 8 splits. Results: The race speeds of Q1, Q2, Q3, and Q4 were 13.6 ± 1.8, 10.6 ± 0.5, 9.2 ± 0.3, and 8.1 ±- 0.4 km/h, respectively, among females and 16.7 ± 1.7, 13.1 ± 0.7, 10.9 ± 0.6, and 8.9 ± 0.7 km/h, respectively, among males. The overall pacing strategy of finishers was variable. A small sex × split interaction on speed was observed (η^2= 0.016, p 〈 0.001), with speed difference between sexes ranging from 14.9% (Split 7) to 27.0% (Split 1) and larger changes in speed between 2 successive splits being shown for females (p 〈 0.001, η^2=0.004). A large performance × split interaction on speed, with Q1 presenting the smallest changes of speed between splits, was shown for females (η^2= 0.149, p 〈 0.001) and males (η^2 = 0.169,p 〈 0.001). Conclusion: Male and fast XC skiers are more even pacers. Coaches and athletes should develop tailored sex- and performance-level pacing strategies; for instance, they should advise fast XC skiers to start fast and maintain their speed, rather than starting slowly and trying to make up time by going faster at times during the race.2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Shanghai University of Sport. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 展开更多
关键词 Endurance exercise Race speed SEX Sport performance Winter sport
The Effect of Background Knowledge on EFL Learners' Reading Comprehension
作者 WENG Pei-shi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第9期1516-1523,共8页
Schema is known to play an important role in reading comprehension. The schema embodying the learners background knowledge of cultural familiar materials facilitates the understanding of the text (Pritchard, 1990). ... Schema is known to play an important role in reading comprehension. The schema embodying the learners background knowledge of cultural familiar materials facilitates the understanding of the text (Pritchard, 1990). Also Steffensen, Joag-Dev, and Anderson (1979) and Nelson (1987) proposed that the schemata embodying background knowledge influenced how well the text would be comprehended. However, Hudson (1982) and Carrell (1984) found there was no significant background effect in advanced level learners. From those studies, it seems that background effect is different at different language proficiency levels. Thus, the present study examines the interaction between background knowledge and language proficiency in reading comprehension. The participants were freshmen of National Chiayi University. They were divided into three language proficiency levels based on the General English Proficiency Test. Four reading comprehension tests were constructed to assess their reading comprehension: cultural familiar/unfamiliar text and topic familiar/unfamiliar text. The results of this study showed that participants had better performance on the culture/topic familiar text than the culture/topic unfamiliar text. Thus the findings suggest that the teacher can use teaching activities, such as pre-reading activities or vocabulary teaching to increase the background knowledge when teaching readings to EFL (English as a foreign language) learners 展开更多
关键词 background knowledge reading comprehension language proficiency levels
Elastic Collisions Between two Ground-State P and D Atoms at Low and Ultralow Temperatures
作者 施德恒 张金平 +3 位作者 孙金锋 马恒 刘玉芳 朱遵略 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第2期331-338,共8页
The PD(X^3∑^-) interaction potential is constructed using the CCSD(T) theory and the basis set, augcc-pV5Z. Using this potential, the spectroscopic parameters are accurately determined. The present Do, De, Re, ω... The PD(X^3∑^-) interaction potential is constructed using the CCSD(T) theory and the basis set, augcc-pV5Z. Using this potential, the spectroscopic parameters are accurately determined. The present Do, De, Re, ωe, ωeχe, αe, and Be are of 3.056 99 eV, 3.161 75 eV, 0.142 39 nm, 1701.558 cm^-1, 23.6583 cm^-1, 0.085 99 cm^-1, and 4.3963 cm^-1, respectively, which almost perfectly conform with the measurements. A total of 26 vibrational states is predicted when J = 0 by solving the radial Sehrodinger equation of nuclear motion. The complete vibrational levels, classical turning points, initial rotation and centrifugal distortion constants when J = 0 are reported for the first time, which favorably agree with the experiments. The total and various partial-wave cross sections are calculated for the elastic impact between two ground-state P and D atoms at 1.0 × 10^-12 - 1.0 × 10^-4 a.u. when they approach each other along the PD(X^3∑^-) potential. No shape resonances exist in the total elastic cross sections, though the peaks can be found for each partial wave until l=6. The shape of the total elastic cross sections is dominated by the s partial wave at very low temperatures. Due to the weakness of the shape resonances of each partial wave, they are all passed into oblivion by the strong total elastic cross sections. 展开更多
关键词 elastic scattering total cross section shape resonance molecular constant
Significance of the carbon sink produced by H_2O–carbonate–CO_2–aquatic phototroph interaction on land 被引量:49
作者 刘再华 Wolfgang Dreybrodt 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第2期182-191,I0001,共11页
One of the most important questions in the science of global change is how to balance the atmospheric CO2 budget. There is a large terrestrial missing carbon sink amounting to about one billion tonnes of carbon per an... One of the most important questions in the science of global change is how to balance the atmospheric CO2 budget. There is a large terrestrial missing carbon sink amounting to about one billion tonnes of carbon per annum. The locations, magnitudes, variations, and mechanisms responsible for this terrestrial missing carbon sink are uncertain and the focus of much continuing debate. Although the positive feedback between global change and silicate chemical weathering is used in geochemical models of atmospheric CO2, this feedback is believed to operate over a long timescale and is therefore generally left out of the current discussion of human impact upon the carbon budget. Here, we show, by synthesizing recent findings in rock weathering research and studies into biological carbon pump effects in surface aquatic ecosystems, that the carbon sink produced by carbonate weathering based on the H2O- carbonate-CO2-aquatic phototroph interaction on land not only totals half a billion tonnes per annum, but also displays a significant increasing trend under the influence of global warming and land use change; thus, it needs to be included in the global carbon budget. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon sink H2O-carbonate-CO2- aquatic phototroph interaction Carbonate weathering Biological carbon pump Land aquatic ecosystem Global change
The nonlinear evolution of rogue waves generated by means of wave focusing technique 被引量:4
作者 HU HanHong MA Ning 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第1期35-41,共7页
Generating the rogue waves in offshore engineering is investigated,first of all,to forecast its occurrence to protect the offshore structure from being attacked,to study the mechanism and hydrodynamic properties of ro... Generating the rogue waves in offshore engineering is investigated,first of all,to forecast its occurrence to protect the offshore structure from being attacked,to study the mechanism and hydrodynamic properties of rouge wave experimentally as well as the rouge/structure interaction for the structure design.To achieve these purposes demands an accurate wave generation and calculation.In this paper,we establish a spatial domain model of fourth order nonlinear Schrdinger(NLS) equation for describing deep-water wave trains in the moving coordinate system.In order to generate rogue waves in the experimental tank efficiently,we take care that the transient water wave(TWW) determines precisely the concentration of time/place.First we simulate the three-dimensional wave using TWW in the numerical tank and modeling the deepwater basin with a double-side multi-segmented wave-maker in Shanghai Jiao Tong University(SJTU) under the linear superposing theory.To discuss its nonlinearity for guiding the experiment,we set the TWW as the initial condition of the NLS equation.The differences between the linear and nonlinear simulations are presented.Meanwhile,the characteristics of the transient water wave,including water particle velocity and wave slope,are investigated,which are important factors in safeguarding the offshore structures. 展开更多
关键词 NLS equation transient water wave water velocity wave slope
Understanding enzyme catalysis by means of supramolecular artificial enzymes 被引量:2
作者 DONG ZeYuan ZHU JunYan +1 位作者 LUO Quan LIU JunQiu 《Science China Chemistry》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第8期1067-1074,共8页
Enzymes are biomacromolecules responsible for the abundant chemical biotransformations that sustain life. Recently, biochemists have discovered that multiple conformations and numerous parallel paths are involved duri... Enzymes are biomacromolecules responsible for the abundant chemical biotransformations that sustain life. Recently, biochemists have discovered that multiple conformations and numerous parallel paths are involved during the processes catalyzed by enzymes. It is plausible that the entire macromolecular scaffold is involved in catalysis via cooperative motions that result in incredible catalytic efficiency. Moreover, some enzymes can very strongly bind the transition state with an association constant of up to 1024 M-1, suggesting that covalent bond formation is a possible process during the conversion of the transition state in enzyme catalysis, in addition to the concatenation of noncovalent interactions. Supramolecular chemistry provides fundamental knowledge about the relationships between the dynamic structures and functions of organized molecules. By tak-ing advantage of supramolecular concepts, numerous supramolecular enzyme mimics with complex and hierarchical structures have been designed and investigated. Through the study of supramolecular enzyme models, a great deal of information to aid our understanding of the mechanism of catalysis by natural enzymes has been acquired. With the development of supramolec-ular artificial enzymes, it is possible to replicate the features of natural enzymes with regards to their constitutional complexity and cooperative motions, and eventually decipher the conformation-based catalytic mystery of natural enzymes. 展开更多
关键词 artificial enzymes cooperative motions catalytic mechanism substrate recognition supramolecular chemistry
Large Detuning Limit for the Multipartite Systems Interacting with Electromagnetic Fields
作者 李虹轶 吴春旺 +1 位作者 陈平形 李承祖 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期411-416,共6页
We study the dynamics of the multipartite systems nonresonantly interacting with electromagnetic fields, focusing on the large detuning limit for the effective Hamiltonian. Due to the many-particle interference effect... We study the dynamics of the multipartite systems nonresonantly interacting with electromagnetic fields, focusing on the large detuning limit for the effective Hamiltonian. Due to the many-particle interference effects, the more rigorous large detuning condition for neglecting the rapidly oscillating terms for the effective Plamiltonian should be △ 〉〉 N^1/2 g, instead of △ 〉〉 g usually used in the literature even in the case of multipartite systems, with N the number of microparticles involved, g the coupling strength, A the detuning. This result is significant since merely the satisfaction of the original condition will result in the invalidity of the effective Hamiltonian and the errors of the parameters associated with the detuning in the multipartite case. 展开更多
关键词 multipartite system effective Hamiltonian large detuning
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