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中国的葛氏米虾及其相似种 被引量:6
作者 梁象秋 《海洋与湖沼》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1990年第3期218-224,共7页
葛氏米虾Caridina gregoriana生活在云贵高原。经研究,发现它有几个近似种。喻兆琦1938年报道的葛氏米虾,作者认为是两个不同种,但都不是葛氏米虾,应是它的近似种。其一于1985年已证实是分布于滇东南的喻氏米虾Caridina yui;另一的许多... 葛氏米虾Caridina gregoriana生活在云贵高原。经研究,发现它有几个近似种。喻兆琦1938年报道的葛氏米虾,作者认为是两个不同种,但都不是葛氏米虾,应是它的近似种。其一于1985年已证实是分布于滇东南的喻氏米虾Caridina yui;另一的许多重要性状都明显地不同于葛氏米虾,由于其雄性第三、四步足掌节腹缘并不膨大,故命名为狭掌米虾(新种)Caridina leptopropoda sp. nov. 1989年作者发现的是仅生活在跨四川与云南两省泸沽湖的尖肢米虾Caridina acutipoda。1983年5月采自云南楚雄的标本,其许多特征与葛氏米虾有别,认为是新种,因雄附肢周缘列生成对小刺而命名为双刺米虾Caridina bispinosa。 展开更多
关键词 中国 米虾 葛氏 相似种
人工栽培铁皮石斛与其相似种的SRAP分子标记分析 被引量:1
作者 李杰 王再花 《中国农学通报》 2016年第25期79-83,共5页
利用SRAP分子标记对搜集的35份资源(24份人工栽培铁皮石斛、9份石斛属植物、石斛伪品石豆兰和石仙桃各1份)的遗传多样性及亲缘关系进行分析。从30对SRAP引物中筛选出10对多态性引物,共获得90条多态性条带,多态性比率98.9%。SRAP标记检... 利用SRAP分子标记对搜集的35份资源(24份人工栽培铁皮石斛、9份石斛属植物、石斛伪品石豆兰和石仙桃各1份)的遗传多样性及亲缘关系进行分析。从30对SRAP引物中筛选出10对多态性引物,共获得90条多态性条带,多态性比率98.9%。SRAP标记检测结果显示,来源不同的人工栽培铁皮石斛的遗传多样性非常丰富。UPGMA聚类分析可将上述样品分为8类,其中24份铁皮石斛资源聚为一簇,而与其他石斛和石斛伪品明显分开,1份未知石斛经验证为铁皮石斛和滇桂石斛的杂交种。 展开更多
关键词 铁皮石斛 相似种 SRAP分子标记
三角帆蚌及其相似种的分子标记技术(RAPD)鉴别 被引量:1
作者 张志澄 吴皓 +1 位作者 黄玉婷 朱美珍 《中国海洋药物》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期45-48,共4页
目的以30个随机引物对三角帆蚌及其相似种进行鉴别分析。方法随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)分析。结果最终筛选出2个引物,分别能扩增出1~5条大小不等的片段,片段长度在250~1000bp之间。结论RAPD的技术方法能鉴别三角帆蚌软体组织与相似种软... 目的以30个随机引物对三角帆蚌及其相似种进行鉴别分析。方法随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)分析。结果最终筛选出2个引物,分别能扩增出1~5条大小不等的片段,片段长度在250~1000bp之间。结论RAPD的技术方法能鉴别三角帆蚌软体组织与相似种软体组织。 展开更多
关键词 三角帆蚌 相似种 鉴别
作者 武春生 《植物保护》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期147-149,共3页
本文研究发现,在江苏发生于乌蔹莓上的一种天敌条纹小斑蛾Thyrassia penangae Moore被误定为乌蔹莓鹿蛾Amatasp.,并在乌蔹莓上首次鉴定出了广鹿蛾Amata emma(Butler)。条纹小斑蛾(乌蔹莓鹿蛾)与广鹿蛾外形很相似,容易混淆。本文通过比... 本文研究发现,在江苏发生于乌蔹莓上的一种天敌条纹小斑蛾Thyrassia penangae Moore被误定为乌蔹莓鹿蛾Amatasp.,并在乌蔹莓上首次鉴定出了广鹿蛾Amata emma(Butler)。条纹小斑蛾(乌蔹莓鹿蛾)与广鹿蛾外形很相似,容易混淆。本文通过比较形态学方法,明确了两者的鉴别特征。前翅基部有无黄色纵条纹是区分两种的主要外形特征,并列出了它们在触角和雌雄外生殖器上的区别特征。研究结果为进一步厘清两种相似蛾类各自的生物学特性提供了科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 乌蔹莓 条纹小斑蛾 广鹿蛾 乌蔹莓鹿蛾 相似种 鉴定
Trichoderma harzianum及其近缘种的分子系统学研究 被引量:20
作者 章初龙 徐同 《生物多样性》 CAS CSCD 2003年第1期10-19,共10页
Trichodermaharzianum是木霉属内最常见的一个“集合种”。本研究对来源不同的T .harzianum及其相似种的 4 6个菌株进行了ITS序列测定 ,将其ITS1 5 .8S ITS2序列与来自EMBL的参考菌株的序列进行比较 ,并进行系统发育分析 ,此外对其中的... Trichodermaharzianum是木霉属内最常见的一个“集合种”。本研究对来源不同的T .harzianum及其相似种的 4 6个菌株进行了ITS序列测定 ,将其ITS1 5 .8S ITS2序列与来自EMBL的参考菌株的序列进行比较 ,并进行系统发育分析 ,此外对其中的 18个菌株进行了RAPD多态性分析 ,试图明确T .harzianum的多样性以及与其相似种之间的关系。ITS结果表明 ,T .harzianum及其相似种可分成 2个群 (A、B) :A群由T .hamatum、T .asperellum、T .atroviride、T .koningii和T .viride组成 ,并形成 2个分支 ,表明T .viride和T .koningii、T .atro viride的亲缘关系较近 ,而与T .hamatum、T .asperellum较远 ;B群由T .spirale、T .hamatum、T .inhamatum、T .harzianum和T .anam .Hypocreavinosa组成 ,并形成 6个分支。T .inhamatum可分成 2个群 (Ti1、Ti2 )、T .harzianum至少可分成 5个群 (Th1、Th2、Th4、Th5、Th6 )。结果还表明T .hamatum的遗传差异较大 ,T .hama tum的模式菌株归属于A群 ,而其他的T .hamatum的菌株归属于B群。 展开更多
关键词 木霉属 T.harzianum 相似种 近缘 系统发育 ITS RAPD 分子系统学研究
东胡林四号人墓葬中的果核 被引量:4
作者 郝守刚 薛进庄 崔海亭 《人类学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第3期249-255,共7页
北京门头沟区斋堂镇东胡林四号人14C年龄约为8540 BP(树轮校正年龄约为7500 BC),伴随其出土的果核经鉴定为小叶朴(Celtis bungeanaBl.)和大叶朴相似种(C.cf.koraiensisNakai)。依据现有的资料,朴树的果核含有丰富的营养和矿物质。华北... 北京门头沟区斋堂镇东胡林四号人14C年龄约为8540 BP(树轮校正年龄约为7500 BC),伴随其出土的果核经鉴定为小叶朴(Celtis bungeanaBl.)和大叶朴相似种(C.cf.koraiensisNakai)。依据现有的资料,朴树的果核含有丰富的营养和矿物质。华北地区的先民们,从北京人遗址、东胡林人遗址到渑池县班村遗址的裴李岗文化,以朴树的果实为食已有了漫长的历史。推测研磨朴树的果核是东胡林发现的石磨的功能之一。通过比较现生的朴树内果皮的发育和化石内果皮厚度,显示化石朴树的果实属成熟期(晚秋,可能为10月)。由此表明东胡林四号人葬于晚秋。 展开更多
关键词 东胡林四号人 果核 小叶朴 大叶朴相似种
太白山鸟类垂直分布的研究 被引量:12
作者 姚建初 郑永烈 《Zoological Research》 SCIE CAS 1986年第2期115-138,共24页
太白山为我国著名的高山,是我国东经105°以东的最高峰,高达3767米。该山在地貌上具有高山深谷和冰川地形,同时在气候,植被、动物和土壤等方面具有典型的垂直分带现象。有关太白山鸟类的垂直分布,仅郑作新等(1973)作过简单叙述。为... 太白山为我国著名的高山,是我国东经105°以东的最高峰,高达3767米。该山在地貌上具有高山深谷和冰川地形,同时在气候,植被、动物和土壤等方面具有典型的垂直分带现象。有关太白山鸟类的垂直分布,仅郑作新等(1973)作过简单叙述。为了能有效的利用鸟类资源,保护森林,满足当前对鸟类资源的规划和利用,作者于1982年6—8月,1983年6—9月,11—12月,1984年1、4月对太白山鸟类垂直分布的特点、原因. 展开更多
关键词 太白山 垂直分布 相似种 相似指数 群落
RFLP Detection of Genetic Variation of Maize Inbred Lines 被引量:11
作者 李新海 傅骏骅 +2 位作者 张世煌 袁力行 李明顺 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第11期1156-1161,共6页
Genetic similarities of 13 inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.) were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The objectives of the study were to detect genetic similarities among 13 inbreds and t... Genetic similarities of 13 inbred lines of maize (Zea mays L.) were analyzed by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). The objectives of the study were to detect genetic similarities among 13 inbreds and to assign them to heterotic groups. By means of 24 probe_enzyme combinations (PECs) selected for locus specificity, clear patterns and reproducibility, 85 alleles were found with an average of 3.3 alleles per locus. The allelic frequency data were used to estimate genetic similarities among lines, and as a result the diversity index of 0.499 was obtained. Genetic similarities between the pairs of 13 lines ranged from 0.523 up to 0.802 with an average of 0.649. The UPGMA clustering algorithm analysis classified the 13 lines into five groups, which generally corresponded to known maize heterotic groups based on pedigree information. The authors concluded that RFLP_based markers could be used for investigating genetic relationships between maize inbred lines and assigning them to heterotic groups, but it seemed that a large number of PECs were needed to obtain reliable estimates of genetic similarity. 展开更多
关键词 Zea mays restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) genetic similarity (GS) heterotic gro`
作者 王国富 《云南地质》 2004年第1期77-82,共6页
关键词 新洼相似种 金山龙 早侏罗世 云南 蜥脚类
Suitable Region for Flue-cured Tobacco (Nicotiana glauca L.) Planting Based on Spatial Scene Similarity
作者 董钧祥 郭旦怀 邵小东 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第9期1947-1949,1981,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to establish a model based on spatial scene similarity, for which soil, slope, transport, water conservancy, light, social economic factors in suitable planting areas were all considered. A new... [Objective] The aim was to establish a model based on spatial scene similarity, for which soil, slope, transport, water conservancy, light, social economic factors in suitable planting areas were all considered. A new suitable planting area of flue-cured tobacco was determined by comparison and analysis, with consideration of excellent area. [Method] Totaling thirty natural factors were chosen, which were clas- sified into nine categories, from Longpeng Town (LP) and Shaochong Town (SC) in Shiping County in Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture. [Result] According to weights, the factors from high to low were as follows: soil〉light〉elevation〉slope〉 water conservancy〉transport〉baking facility〉planting plans over the years〉others. The similarity of geographical conditions in the area was 0.894 3, which indicated that the planting conditions in the two regions are similar. If farmer population in unit area, farmland quantity for individual farmer, labors in every household, activity in planting flue-cured tobacco and work of local instructor were considered, the weights of different factors were as follows: farmer population in unit area〉farmland quantity for individual farmer〉farmers' activity in planting flue-cured tobacco〉educational back- ground〉labor force in every household〉instructor〉population of farmers' children at- tending school. The similarity of geographical conditions was 0.703 1, which indicated that it is none-natural factors that influence yield and quality of flue-cured tobacco. [Conclusion] According to analysis on suitable planting area of flue-cured tobacco based on assessment of spatial scene similarity, similarity of growing conditions in two spatial scenes can be analyzed and evaluated, which would promote further exploration on, influencing factors and effects on tobacco production. 展开更多
关键词 Similarity of spatial scene Planting of flue-cured tobacco Suitable region
作者 高晓莉 惠小静 朱乃调 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第S2期83-87,共5页
首先,借鉴n值?ukasiewicz逻辑系统中公式的赋值及赋值顺序,给出了公式的向量表示形式;接着,利用公式的赋值及赋值顺序给出了公式的真度、两公式间的3种相似度与伪距离的定义;最后,讨论了公式的真度和公式间的3种相似度与伪距离所具有的... 首先,借鉴n值?ukasiewicz逻辑系统中公式的赋值及赋值顺序,给出了公式的向量表示形式;接着,利用公式的赋值及赋值顺序给出了公式的真度、两公式间的3种相似度与伪距离的定义;最后,讨论了公式的真度和公式间的3种相似度与伪距离所具有的一些良好性质。 展开更多
关键词 n值Lukasiewicz逻辑系统 向量 真度 3相似 3伪距离
Spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblages in a subtropical small stream of the Huangshan Mountain 被引量:12
作者 Yunzhi YAN Shan HE +3 位作者 Ling CHU Xiuying XIANG Yanju JIA Juan TAO 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期670-677,共8页
Spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblages were investigated seasonally from May 2007 to February 2008 across 11 study sites in a subtropical small stream, the Puxi Stream, of the Huangshan Mountain. Along the... Spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblages were investigated seasonally from May 2007 to February 2008 across 11 study sites in a subtropical small stream, the Puxi Stream, of the Huangshan Mountain. Along the longitudinal gradient from headwater to downstream, fish species richness and abundance increased gradually, but then decreased significantly at the lower reaches. The highest species richness and abundance were observed in August and the lowest in February. Based on analysis of similarities (ANOSIM), fish assemblages were significantly different in spatial variation but not in temporal variation. Although differences were observed both among sites and among stream orders, the lower R value in order-variation suggested stream order was not the optimal factor explaining the spatial variation of fish assemblages. In addition, dam construction did not significantly alter fish assemblages in the sites adjacent to and immediately downstream to dams. Using cluster analysis and non-metric Multi Dimensional Scaling analysis (NMS), assemblages were separated into three groups at a Bray-Curtis similarity value of 42%: the upper, middle and lower groups. Following analysis of similarity percentages of species contributions (SIM- PER), shifts in occurrence or abundance of S. curriculus, Z. platypus, R. bitterling and A. fasciatus contributed most to the differences amongst the three groups. Standard Deviation Redundancy Analysis (RDA) suggested that habitat structure (such as elevation, substrate, and flow velocity) contributed to the spatial and temporal pattem of fish assemblages in the Puxi Stream. In conclusion, the fish assemblages in Puxi Stream presented significant spatial but not temporal variation. Human disturbance has perhaps induced the decrease in species diversity in the lower reaches. However, no significant change was observed for fish assemblages in sites far from and immediately downstream from low-head dams [Current Zoology 56 (6): 670-677, 2010]. 展开更多
关键词 Assemblage structure Low-head dam Stream fish Spatial-temporal pattem
Are the fish of the upper and lower Mekong interconnected? 被引量:2
作者 康斌 PERRETT Lisa +1 位作者 李运刚 何大明 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期400-407,共8页
The Mekong supports one of the richest inland fisheries in the world, with many of the fish migrating long distance to spawn. Little is known about the fisheries and migration strategies of the Upper Mekong whilst it ... The Mekong supports one of the richest inland fisheries in the world, with many of the fish migrating long distance to spawn. Little is known about the fisheries and migration strategies of the Upper Mekong whilst it is supposed that many fish species move between the Lower and Upper Mekong. Most likely, natural fish migration in the river has been altered by dam construction across the mainstream of the Upper Mekong. In this paper, the interconnectivity of fish species between different sections of the Mekong and negative impacts of dams on migratory fish are studied. Of the 162 fish species in the Upper Mekong and the 869 species in the Lower Mekong, 61 species are common. Results show that there is no significant difference at order level between the UM and LM. Similarity coefficients are used to evaluate interconnectivity at species, genus and family levels among four different sections of the Upper Mekong with each other and with the Lower Mekong as a whole. The highest similarity is found between the middle and lower reach of the Upper Mekong at species and genus levels and the middle and upper reach at family level. Of the eight cascade dams, Mengsong Dam in planning is considered as the biggest threat to migratory fish from the Lower Mekong and should be particularly concerned. 展开更多
作者 余静 王杰 +2 位作者 陈玉惠 周彤燊 叶锋平 《西南林学院学报》 2003年第4期17-20,共4页
采用电泳方法分析过氧化物酶同工酶在黑蛋巢菌属种级分类中的意义.结果表明:组间过氧化物酶同工酶相似系数集中在0.20~0.40;种间相似系数多在0.30~0.57;同一个种不同菌株之间相似系数为0.89~1.00,且过氧化物酶同工酶不受地理种源的影... 采用电泳方法分析过氧化物酶同工酶在黑蛋巢菌属种级分类中的意义.结果表明:组间过氧化物酶同工酶相似系数集中在0.20~0.40;种间相似系数多在0.30~0.57;同一个种不同菌株之间相似系数为0.89~1.00,且过氧化物酶同工酶不受地理种源的影响.鸟巢菌科黑蛋巢菌属过氧化物酶同工酶具有种的稳定性,而在组间、组内种间差异较明显,对该属真菌的分类和疑难标本鉴定有一定意义. 展开更多
关键词 过氧化物酶同工酶 黑蛋巢菌属 电泳 相似系数 组间相似系数
ISSR Analysis on Genetic Diversity of Local Varieties of Chinese Hu mulberry(Morus L.) 被引量:1
作者 WUXIANG Dan-ping ZHANG Lin +1 位作者 PAN Gang PAN Yi-le 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第8期67-72,共6页
[Objective] The aim was to study on the genetic diversity of local varieties of Chinese Hu mulberry (Morus L.). [Method] The genetic diversity of 141 copies of Hu mulberry varieties was analyzed by ISSR molecular mark... [Objective] The aim was to study on the genetic diversity of local varieties of Chinese Hu mulberry (Morus L.). [Method] The genetic diversity of 141 copies of Hu mulberry varieties was analyzed by ISSR molecular markers. [Result] 12 ISSR primers had amplified a total of 90 amplified,of which 57 bands were polymorphic,and the polymorphic rate was 63.33%. The genetic similarity coefficients of 141 Hu mulberry germplasm resources varied from 0.633 3 to 1.000 0 with the average of 0.483 35,indicating that there was difference on genetic diversity among different varieties of Hu mulberries. A dendrogram of all 141 Hu mulberry varieties based on the genetic similarity coefficients using ISSR molecular markers was generated by UPGMA cluster method. Clustering of the 141 Hu mulberry varieties did not correspond with the conventional classification involving differences in style,leaf,branch,fruit and other morphological or agronomical characters. [Conclusion] Four subgroups clearly represented the genetic relationships in the 141 accessions which were benefit for the variety improvement and germplasm resource conservation. 展开更多
关键词 Germplasm resource Hu mulberry ISSR Genetic diversity
Taxonomic Status of Daduhe Loquat (Eriobotrya prinoides var. dadunensis) 被引量:1
作者 Wang Yongqing Yan Juan Yang Qin Fu Yan Luo Nan Lv Xiulan 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(B)》 2012年第6期659-664,共6页
The taxonomic status of Daduhe loquat (E. prinoides var. dadunensis) was studied through analyzing genetic relationships among Oakleaf loquat (E. prinoides), Daduhe loquat and Common loquat (E. japonica) using i... The taxonomic status of Daduhe loquat (E. prinoides var. dadunensis) was studied through analyzing genetic relationships among Oakleaf loquat (E. prinoides), Daduhe loquat and Common loquat (E. japonica) using inter simple sequence repeats (ISSR) molecular marker and morphologic marker in this paper. Based on ISSR marker research, the similarity coefficient between Oakleaf loquat and Common loquat was lower than the similarity coefficient between Oakleaf loquat and Daduhe loquat while the similarity coefficient between Daduhe loquat and Common loquat was intermediate. The highest additivity was obtained when Daduhe loquat was regarded as the undetermined hybrid (45.8%). The specific bands of Oakleaf loquat and Common loquat were present in Daduhe loquat. Based on morphologic traits research, Daduhe loquat was also between Oakleaf loquat and Common loquat but a little leaning to Oakleaf loquat. All the results support that Daduhe loquat was hybrid of Oakleaf loquat and Common loquat. 展开更多
关键词 Common loquat Daduhe loquat genetic relationship ISSR marker morphologic traits Oakleaf loquat taxonomic status.
Rotifer community structure and assessment of water quality in Yangcheng Lake 被引量:6
作者 CHEN Lijing LIU Qiao +3 位作者 PENG Ziran HU Zhongjun XUE Junzeng WANG Wu 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第1期47-58,共12页
Rotifer community structure was investigated in Yangcheng Lake in 2008. Dominant species and species diversity indices were determined and QB/T was used to assess water quality. The annual average density and biomass ... Rotifer community structure was investigated in Yangcheng Lake in 2008. Dominant species and species diversity indices were determined and QB/T was used to assess water quality. The annual average density and biomass of the rotifers in Yangcheng Lake was 2 894+ 1 006 indYL and 12.47± 10.28 mg/L, respectively. The highest densities were observed in the western portion of the lake in March, but the highest biomass occurred in inflowing creeks in September. Within a year of monitoring in Yangcheng Lake, 93 species were identified and the dominant species were found to be Polyarthra trigla, Brachionus angularis, Keratella eochlearis, Keratella valga, Brachionus calyciflorus, and Filinia major. Of the species recorded, 75 were pollution indicator species. Density and biomass exhibited significant positive correlations with water temperature (R=0,209, P=0.003; R=0.446, P=0.000), but the peak density showed two lags in response to chl a. According to the Jaccard similarity index (S0, the greatest similarity among dominant species occurred between creeks and the eastern part of the lake. The annual average Shannon-Wiener diversity index H', Margalef richness index D and Pielou evenness index J were 1.96±0.34, 1.61±0.50 and 0.77±0.10, respectively. In all four areas of Yangcheng Lake, β- mesosaprobic species comprised the largest share of pollution indicator species. These data suggest that Yangcheng Lake is mesosaprobic. 展开更多
《快乐语文(下半月)》 2010年第3期31-31,共1页
关键词 小学 课外阅读 阅读材料 《两东西一点相似
Avian diversity in hedgerows,preference to hedgerow types and their conservation at Angacha (Kembatta),central Ethiopia
作者 Abebe KOKISO 《Chinese Birds》 2012年第2期137-142,共6页
The present study aimed to investigate avian diversity in hedgerows at Angacha, in the Kembatta zone, Ethiopia. Transect and point-count methods were deployed to determine avian diversity, species richness, similarity... The present study aimed to investigate avian diversity in hedgerows at Angacha, in the Kembatta zone, Ethiopia. Transect and point-count methods were deployed to determine avian diversity, species richness, similarity and preferences across five sub study sites. Diversity and preferences of birds to hedgerow types varied in relation to their vegetation composition and structure. Five endemic species, i.e., Rüppel’s Black Chat (Cossyfa semirufa), the White-cheeked Turaco (Tauraco leucotis), the Banded Barbet (Lybius undatus), the Abyssinian Oriole (Oriolus monacha) and the Wattled Ibis (Bostrychia carucullatta) were recorded in the thick hedgerow type. Thickness, height and width of hedgerows affected the diversity, distribution and habitat preference of birds. Thick hedgerow types showed the highest avian species diversity, richness and similarity. There was a high correlation between the hedgerow diversity and its bird diversity, which was directly associated with habitat quality. Bird species diversity and preference for hedgerow types require important conservation and management priorities. 展开更多
关键词 avian diversity HEDGEROWS preference to hedgerow types species richness and similarity
十万大山与相邻地区植物区系的关系 被引量:1
作者 覃勇荣 《河池师专学报》 1998年第2期41-45,共5页
关键词 十万大山 相邻地区 植物区系 相似系数 广西 相似系数 植物
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