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金属凝固过程中热动力学相场模型——相场变量扩散模型的推导 被引量:2
作者 丁恒敏 张铁桥 浦吕春 《热加工工艺》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第9期48-50,共3页
相场方程用于模拟枝晶生长,已有近20年的历史。现有的相场方程是直接通过Ginzburg-Landau方程导出的,虽然得到了广泛应用,但方程中各个变量物理意义并没有搞清,国内外研究者甚至都作了许多错误的解读。本文以固相率作为相场变量,在坚实... 相场方程用于模拟枝晶生长,已有近20年的历史。现有的相场方程是直接通过Ginzburg-Landau方程导出的,虽然得到了广泛应用,但方程中各个变量物理意义并没有搞清,国内外研究者甚至都作了许多错误的解读。本文以固相率作为相场变量,在坚实的热力学、传热学基础理论上,给出了金属凝固过程中科学严谨的相变量扩散模型及其推导过程。 展开更多
关键词 枝晶生长 凝固过程 变量扩散模型 数学推导
永磁直线电机精确相变量建模方法 被引量:3
作者 曾理湛 陈学东 +2 位作者 李长诗 农先鹏 伞晓刚 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期98-103,共6页
针对永磁直线电机控制系统的精确动态仿真,提出了一种基于有限元的永磁直线电机一般化相变量建模方法。考虑电机非理想结构对推力的影响,建立了永磁直线电机的一般化相变量模型。采用3次样条插值,根据电磁场有限元计算结果获得了模型中... 针对永磁直线电机控制系统的精确动态仿真,提出了一种基于有限元的永磁直线电机一般化相变量建模方法。考虑电机非理想结构对推力的影响,建立了永磁直线电机的一般化相变量模型。采用3次样条插值,根据电磁场有限元计算结果获得了模型中电感、齿槽力、永磁体产生的磁链与动子位置的关系曲线。考虑功率电子模块中吸收电路的影响,提出了一种基于S-function的仿真建模方法,根据相变量模型的状态方程直接建立了Simulink下的永磁直线电机一般化仿真模型。对某种永磁直线电机进行了两相导通控制和id=0矢量控制下的控制系统仿真实验,仿真结果表明,基于有限元的相变量模型为永磁直线电机控制系统精确动态分析提供了一种快速、有效的一般化建模方法。 展开更多
关键词 相变量模型 永磁 直线电机 有限元 S-函数 推力纹波
相场法模拟应力时效过程中共格有序第二相的析出和粗化 被引量:4
作者 杨培勇 李世晨 +2 位作者 郑子樵 周明 王东林 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第8期1341-1345,共5页
采用双场耦合条件下的宏观相场法,实现了模拟外加应力下无序基体中共格有序第二相的析出和粗化。结果发现,在外加应力下,第二相颗粒将发生定向粗化,形成筏状组织,成筏的方向取决于外加应力的性质、点阵错配的正负以及两相的弹性模量差... 采用双场耦合条件下的宏观相场法,实现了模拟外加应力下无序基体中共格有序第二相的析出和粗化。结果发现,在外加应力下,第二相颗粒将发生定向粗化,形成筏状组织,成筏的方向取决于外加应力的性质、点阵错配的正负以及两相的弹性模量差。沉淀体积分数越大,颗粒合并和反相畴界对沉淀形貌的影响越显著,导致许多颗粒呈现不规则形貌。颗粒的对齐有两种机制,一是链条外颗粒的溶解,一是颗粒的迁移。在粗化过程中,多颗粒体系首先通过前1种机制形成链条,然后通过第2种机制使链条进一步对齐。 展开更多
关键词 场法(扩散界面场变量模型) 定向粗化 NI基合金
考虑永磁磁链谐波影响的直线永磁无刷直流电机矢量控制方法 被引量:1
作者 曾理湛 陈学东 +2 位作者 罗欣 李小清 李长诗 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期75-80,共6页
针对直线永磁无刷直流电机(linear permanent magnet brushless DC motor,LPMBDCM)电磁力纹波及齿槽力影响的最小化控制,该文根据推导得到的表示为电流矢量及永磁磁链导数矢量点积形式的电机推力方程,得出了任意反电动势(back-electromo... 针对直线永磁无刷直流电机(linear permanent magnet brushless DC motor,LPMBDCM)电磁力纹波及齿槽力影响的最小化控制,该文根据推导得到的表示为电流矢量及永磁磁链导数矢量点积形式的电机推力方程,得出了任意反电动势(back-electromotive force,BEMF)波形表面式永磁(surface-mounted permanent magnet,SPM)电机的矢量控制原理:定向控制电流矢量于永磁磁链导数矢量方向,通过控制电流矢量长度可获得最大效率线性推力(或转矩)控制。考虑永磁磁链谐波对永磁磁链导数矢量幅值及相位的影响,通过引入d′q′轴坐标系,提出一种id′=0的非正弦波BEMF SPM电机矢量控制新方法,结合齿槽前馈补偿可以实现非正弦BEMF SPM电机的最小推力纹波最大效率控制。建立了基于有限元的LPMBDCM精确相变量模型,对比脉宽调制(pulse width modulation,PWM)电流控制、id′=0矢量控制的仿真效果,验证了该文方法的有效性。id′=0矢量控制为非正弦波BEMF SPM电机提供了一种高性能控制新方法。 展开更多
关键词 直线永磁无刷直流电机 表面式永磁电机 相变量模型 推力纹波 矢量控制
控制受限滑模控制工频全桥逆变器分析 被引量:1
作者 倪雨 沈艳 《电子学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期2809-2816,共8页
该文针对滑模控制单相全桥工频逆变器滑模系数选取困难的问题,基于滑模控制理论建立了单相全桥逆变系统的相变量模型,根据控制受限思想和滑动模态存在条件推导了滑模域与负载电阻和滑模系数之间的数学关系,深入分析了滑模域边界与滑模... 该文针对滑模控制单相全桥工频逆变器滑模系数选取困难的问题,基于滑模控制理论建立了单相全桥逆变系统的相变量模型,根据控制受限思想和滑动模态存在条件推导了滑模域与负载电阻和滑模系数之间的数学关系,深入分析了滑模域边界与滑模系数、负载电阻和负载跃变幅度的关系,提出了选取滑模系数的基本原则.基于逆变器加载系统轨线,结合滑模域右边界条件和逆变器期望动态设计指标,给出了一个计算滑模系数的公式,随后给出了切换系数的选取方法,并总结了基于滞环调制的滑模控制器的设计方法.仿真试验采用该方法设计了滑模控制器,结果验证了该设计方法的正确性和有效性.此法操作简便且易于掌握,具有较好理论参考价值和工程推广价值. 展开更多
关键词 相变量模型 滑模控制 滑模域 滑模系数 逆变器
Entanglement Entropy Signature of Quantum Phase Transitions in a Multiple Spin Interactions Model
作者 黄海林 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期349-358,共10页
Through the Jordan Wigner transformation, the entanglement entropy and ground state phase diagrams of exactly solvable spin model with alternating and multiple spin exchange interactions are investigated by means of G... Through the Jordan Wigner transformation, the entanglement entropy and ground state phase diagrams of exactly solvable spin model with alternating and multiple spin exchange interactions are investigated by means of Green's function theory. In the absence of four-spin interactions, the ground state presents plentiful quantum phases due to the multiple spin interactions and magnetic fields. It is shown that the two-site entanglement entropy is a good indicator of quantum phase transition (QPT). In addition, the alternating interactions can destroy the magnetization plateau and wash out the spin-gap of low-lying excitations. However, in the presence of four-spin interactions, apart from the second order QPTs, the system manifests the first order OPT at the tricritical point and an additional new phase called "spin waves", which is due to the collapse of the continuous tower-like low-lying excitations modulated by the four-spin interactions for large three-spin couplings. 展开更多
关键词 quantum phase transition multiple spin interactions entanglement entropy
Detailed Analysis of Quantum Phase Transitions Within the u(2) Algebra
作者 L.Fortunato L.Sartori 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第10期589-593,共5页
We analyze in detail the quantum phase transitions that arise in models based on the u(2) algebraic description for bosonic systems with two types of scalar bosons. First we discuss the quantum phase transition that... We analyze in detail the quantum phase transitions that arise in models based on the u(2) algebraic description for bosonic systems with two types of scalar bosons. First we discuss the quantum phase transition that occurs in hamiltonians that admix the two dynamical symmetry chains u(2) u(1) and u(2) so(2) by diagonalizing the problem exactly in the u(1) basis. Then we apply the coherent state formalism to determine the energy functioned. Finally we show that a quantum phase transition of a different nature, but displaying similar characteristics, may arise also within a single chain just by including higher order terms in the hamiltonian. 展开更多
关键词 algebraic models Lie algebra quantum phase transitions Lipkin model
Peculiar Quantum Phase Transitions and Hidden Supersymmetry in a Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick Model
作者 CHEN Gang LIANG Jiu-Qing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期881-884,共4页
In this paper we theoretically report an unconventional quantum phase transition of a simple Lipkin- Meshkow-Glick model: an interacting collective spin system without external magnetic field. It is shown that this m... In this paper we theoretically report an unconventional quantum phase transition of a simple Lipkin- Meshkow-Glick model: an interacting collective spin system without external magnetic field. It is shown that this model with integer-spin can exhibit a flrst-order quantum phase transition between different disordered phases, and more intriguingly, possesses a hidden supersymmetry at the critical point. However, for half-integer spin we predict another flrst-order quantum phase transition between two different long-range-ordered phases with a vanishing energy gap, which is induced by the destructive topological quantum interference between the intanton and anti-instanton tunneling paths and accompanies spontaneously breaking of supersymmetry at the same critical point. We also show that, when the total spin-value varies from half-integer to integer this model can exhibit an abrupt variation of Berry phase from π to zero. 展开更多
关键词 Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model quantum phase transition supersylnmetry
Quantum Correlations in Infinite XY Spin-1/2 Chains and Quantum Phase Transition 被引量:2
作者 谭小东 黄寿胜 金柏琪 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期146-156,共11页
We examine the ability of quantum discord (QD) and entanglements (concurrence, EoF and negativity) to detect the critical points associated to quantum phase transitions (QPTs) for XY models, i.e., the isotropic XY mod... We examine the ability of quantum discord (QD) and entanglements (concurrence, EoF and negativity) to detect the critical points associated to quantum phase transitions (QPTs) for XY models, i.e., the isotropic XY model with three-spin interactions at zero temperature, and the anisotropic XY model in a transverse magnetic field h at finite temperatures. For the case of zero temperature, we found that both entanglements and QD can spotlight the critical points of QPTs for these two models. Moreover, QD versus distance M exhibits the long-range behavior of quantum correlation for the anisotropic XY model, while entanglement is short-ranged. For the case of finite temperatures, we found that negativity has the same behaviors with concurrence at or near transition points. Moreover, QD for the anisotropic XY model can increase with temperature even in the absence of a magnetic field. 展开更多
关键词 thermal quantum discord quantum phase transition XY model
作者 HASSANI Hossein ABDOLLAHZADEH Majid +1 位作者 IRANMANESH Hossein MIRANIAN Arash 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2014年第1期3-20,共18页
This paper proposes a selfsimilar local neurofuzzy (SSLNF) model with mutual informati onbased input selection algorithm for the shortterm electricity demand forecasting. The proposed self similar model is composed ... This paper proposes a selfsimilar local neurofuzzy (SSLNF) model with mutual informati onbased input selection algorithm for the shortterm electricity demand forecasting. The proposed self similar model is composed of a number of local models, each being a local linear neurofuzzy (LLNF) model, and their associated validity functions and can be interpreted itself as an LLNF model. The proposed model is trained by a nested local liner model tree (NLOLIMOT) learning algorithm which partitions the input space into axisorthogonal subdomains and then fits an LLNF model and its associated validity function on each subdomain. Furthermore, the proposed approach allows different input spaces for rule premises (validity functions) and consequents (local models). This appealing property is employed to assign the candidate input variables (i.e., previous load and temperature) which influence shortterm electricity demand in linear and nonlinear ways to local models and validity functions, respectively. Numerical results from shortterm load forecasting in the New England in 2002 demonstrated the accuracy of the SSLNF model for the STLF applications. 展开更多
关键词 Mutual information self-similar local neuro-fuzzy model short-term load forecasting.
quantum discord geometric measure quantum phase transition
作者 崔海涛 田俊龙 杨癸 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第2期154-164,共11页
A generalization of the geometric measure of quantum discord is introduced in this article, based on Hellinger distance. Our definition has virtues of computability and independence of local measurement. In addition i... A generalization of the geometric measure of quantum discord is introduced in this article, based on Hellinger distance. Our definition has virtues of computability and independence of local measurement. In addition it also does not suffer from the recently raised critiques about quantum discord. The exact result can be obtained for bipartite pure states with arbitrary levels, which is completely determined by the Schmidt decomposition. For bipartite mixed states the exact result can also be found for a special case. Furthermore the generalization into multipartite case is direct. It is shown that it can be evaluated exactly when the measured state is invariant under permutation or translation. In addition the detection of quantum phase transition is also discussed for Lipkin–Meshkov–Glick and Dicke model. 展开更多
关键词 A Generalized Geometric Measurement of Quantum Discord:Exact Treatment
作者 Yong ZHANG Xiaoyun YANG Zhishan DONG Dehui WANG 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2011年第3期565-579,共15页
This paper studies the autoregression models of order one, in a general time series setting that allows for weakly dependent innovations. Let {Xt} be a linear process defined by Xt =∑k=0^∞ψ kεt-k, where {ψk, k ≥... This paper studies the autoregression models of order one, in a general time series setting that allows for weakly dependent innovations. Let {Xt} be a linear process defined by Xt =∑k=0^∞ψ kεt-k, where {ψk, k ≥ 0} is a sequence of real numbers and {εk, k = 0, ±1, ±2,...} is a sequence of random variables. Two results are proved in this paper. In the first result, assuming that {εk, k ≥ 1} is a sequence of asymptotically linear negative quadrant dependent (ALNQD) random variables, the authors find the limiting distributions of the least squares estimator and the associated regression t statistic. It is interesting that the limiting distributions are similar to the one found in earlier work under the assumption of i.i.d, innovations. In the second result the authors prove that the least squares estimator is not a strong consistency estimator of the autoregressive parameter a when {εk, k ≥ 1} is a sequence of negatively associated (NA) random variables, and ψ0 = 1, ψk = 0, k ≥ 1. 展开更多
关键词 ALNQD autoregression models least squares estimator negatively associated unit root test.
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