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作者 张振扬 赵利忠 +2 位作者 张家胜 钟喜春 刘仲武 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第8期1271-1275,共5页
研究了溶体快淬三元La_2Fe_(14)B和Ce_2Fe_(14)B合金的相析出行为和磁性能,对不同快淬速度(10~50 m/s)和不同热处理温度下制备的样品进行了系统分析。结果表明,通过直接快淬,La_2Fe_(14)B合金中不能形成2∶14∶1硬磁相,而Ce_2Fe_(14)B... 研究了溶体快淬三元La_2Fe_(14)B和Ce_2Fe_(14)B合金的相析出行为和磁性能,对不同快淬速度(10~50 m/s)和不同热处理温度下制备的样品进行了系统分析。结果表明,通过直接快淬,La_2Fe_(14)B合金中不能形成2∶14∶1硬磁相,而Ce_2Fe_(14)B合金可以获得2∶14∶1相。La_2Fe_(14)B合金在10m/s快淬时主要由La和α-Fe相组成,而Ce_2Fe_(14)B合金中2∶14∶1硬磁相在10m/s和20m/s快淬时析出。随着辊速的增加,非晶相逐渐增多并成为主相。在热处理过程中,La_2Fe_(14)B合金析出相以α-Fe和La相为主,并且高温下液态的富La相和α-Fe相可以共存;而Ce_2Fe_(14)B合金中先析出α-Fe,后析出2∶14∶1硬磁相,随后析出相长大。结果还表明,La_2Fe_(14)B比Ce_2Fe_(14)B有更高的非晶居里温度和更低的α-Fe相析出温度。由于硬磁相的析出,Ce_2Fe_(14)B合金可以获得较好的硬磁性能,包括一定的矫顽力。此研究对含La、Ce稀土永磁材料的生产具有一定的指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 相析出行为 快淬 热处理 稀土永磁
强碳化物形成元素与碳的配比关系和稳定化处理对310S奥氏体不锈钢析出相行为的影响 被引量:11
作者 温冬辉 吕阳 +3 位作者 李震 王清 唐睿 董闯 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第18期3101-3106,共6页
高Cr/Ni含量的奥氏体不锈钢由于具有优异的综合性能而有望被用作超临界水冷堆的燃料包壳材料,但是该类奥氏体不锈钢存在组织稳定性差的问题,即在873~1123K温度下长期时效后晶界上会析出大量的Cr23C6和σ相,从而导致材料的脆化和晶间腐... 高Cr/Ni含量的奥氏体不锈钢由于具有优异的综合性能而有望被用作超临界水冷堆的燃料包壳材料,但是该类奥氏体不锈钢存在组织稳定性差的问题,即在873~1123K温度下长期时效后晶界上会析出大量的Cr23C6和σ相,从而导致材料的脆化和晶间腐蚀。为了提高该类不锈钢的高温组织稳定性,本工作系统研究了强碳化物形成元素M(M=Nb、Ti、Ta和Zr)与C的配比关系以及稳定化处理工艺对310S高温下析出相行为的影响。设计合金采用铜模快冷技术吸铸成直径为6mm的棒材,并对其进行1473K/0.5h固溶处理、1173K/0.5h稳定化处理(部分样品)、1073K/24h时效处理。分别采用OM、SEM-EDS、EPMA和TEM等手段对合金不同热处理状态的析出相进行表征。研究结果表明,M的加入均能促进MC粒子的析出,促进效果为Ta>Nb/Ti>Zr,且M与C的最佳比例关系为1/1(原子比);当M与C的原子比为2/1时会促进脆性相σ析出,而当M与C的原子比为1/1时,1073K/24h时效后晶界上只有Cr23C6析出。稳定化处理能使MC优先析出,可减少时效过程中粗大Cr23C6的析出量。本工作为超临界水冷堆燃料包壳材料的开发提供了有效的基础数据支撑,并为下一步的工作指明了方向。 展开更多
关键词 奥氏体不锈钢 310S 强碳化物形成元素 稳定化处理 相析出行为
Nb/Ti/Zr/W对310S奥氏体不锈钢析出相行为和力学性能的影响 被引量:4
作者 温冬辉 吕阳 +3 位作者 李震 王清 唐睿 董闯 《材料工程》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期61-71,共11页
为了提高310S不锈钢的高温组织稳定性,本工作系统研究了微量合金化元素(Nb, Ti, Zr和W)对310S析出相行为和力学性能的影响。设计的系列合金经过1423K热轧、1423K/0.5h固溶、1173K/0.5h稳定化处理,最后进行973K/408h时效处理。研究结果表... 为了提高310S不锈钢的高温组织稳定性,本工作系统研究了微量合金化元素(Nb, Ti, Zr和W)对310S析出相行为和力学性能的影响。设计的系列合金经过1423K热轧、1423K/0.5h固溶、1173K/0.5h稳定化处理,最后进行973K/408h时效处理。研究结果表明:W可有效提高合金的高温组织稳定性,而过量Mo元素的添加会加速Cr 23 C 6向σ转变;添加Ti和Zr可细化基体晶粒,但Ti会促使时效过程中大量脆性相的析出,严重降低合金的高温组织稳定性,从而恶化合金力学性能。Fe-25Cr-22Ni-0.73Mo-0.35Nb-0.046C (质量分数/%)合金展现出优异的高温组织稳定性和力学性能(σ YS =237MPa,σ UTS =545MPa,δ=39%),有望作为超临界水冷堆核燃料包壳的候选材料。 展开更多
关键词 燃料包壳 奥氏体不锈钢 310S 微合金化 相析出行为 力学性能
新型低钴铸造镍基高温合金的相析出行为 被引量:4
作者 胡亮 王珏 +2 位作者 巨佳 王章忠 潘斌 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第11期4219-4226,共8页
利用热力学计算软件JMatPro和差示扫描量热实验,研究新型低钴铸造镍基高温合金的相析出行为,并与实际铸锭的组织、成分进行对比。结果表明,低钴合金铸态组织主要包括γ(基体)、γ′、碳化物(MC、M6C)和γ+γ′共晶组织(体积分数约13.9%)... 利用热力学计算软件JMatPro和差示扫描量热实验,研究新型低钴铸造镍基高温合金的相析出行为,并与实际铸锭的组织、成分进行对比。结果表明,低钴合金铸态组织主要包括γ(基体)、γ′、碳化物(MC、M6C)和γ+γ′共晶组织(体积分数约13.9%),凝固过程中Ta和Hf出现正偏析。DSC测试得出合金初熔点、终熔点和γ′相回溶温度分别为1300.1、1349.6和1272.1℃,理论计算与实验结果基本一致。热力学计算显示Al、W含量增加能够分别提高γ′和M6C型碳化物的析出量与回溶温度,Hf、Ta元素能增大MC型碳化物的液析倾向,新型低钴合金的预期持久性能优于现有商用镍基多晶铸造高温合金。 展开更多
关键词 热力学计算 低钴高温合金 相析出行为 持久性能
作者 周佐浪 闵小华 +2 位作者 白鹏飞 王恩泽 张玮麟 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期186-194,共9页
利用OM、XRD、EPMA、维氏硬度计并结合第一性原理计算调查了Ti-15Mo-xO(x=0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,质量分数,%)合金在873和1073 K下的氧化行为,以及837 K下的α相析出行为。结果表明,在873 K,氧化产物均由TiO2、Ti3O和Ti6O组成,且O含量对... 利用OM、XRD、EPMA、维氏硬度计并结合第一性原理计算调查了Ti-15Mo-xO(x=0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5,质量分数,%)合金在873和1073 K下的氧化行为,以及837 K下的α相析出行为。结果表明,在873 K,氧化产物均由TiO2、Ti3O和Ti6O组成,且O含量对合金的氧化行为无明显影响,均主要由Ti向基体外扩散控制。在1073 K,尽管各合金的氧化产物均为TiO2,但O含量对合金的氧化行为具有明显影响:低O合金中,氧化过程由O与基体金属的氧化反应和O向基体内扩散共同控制;而随O含量增加,其转变为O向基体内扩散,抗氧化性能显著提高。在873 K下时效10和100 h后,析出的α相随O含量和时效时间的增加而增多,富Mo贫O的β相晶格常数减小,富O贫Mo的α相c值增大,a值基本不变,c/a值增大。时效前后合金硬度随O含量增加而增大,然而,在相同O含量条件下,随着α相的析出,合金元素Mo和O在两相中重新分配,导致时效后合金的硬度降低。 展开更多
关键词 Β型钛合金 高温氧化 α相析出行为 间隙氧元素 第一性原理
Mar-M247铸造高温合金平衡析出相热力学计算与分析 被引量:11
作者 安宁 袁晓飞 +2 位作者 牛永吉 田建军 李振瑞 《航空材料学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期19-28,共10页
以Mar-M247合金为对象,通过热力学模拟计算,研究合金元素变化对平衡析出相、合金初熔温度和终熔温度的影响规律。结果表明:合金的主要平衡析出相为γ'相、MC、M6C、M23C6型碳化物、μ相及MB2、M3B2型硼化物,合金凝固过程中Hf和Ta元... 以Mar-M247合金为对象,通过热力学模拟计算,研究合金元素变化对平衡析出相、合金初熔温度和终熔温度的影响规律。结果表明:合金的主要平衡析出相为γ'相、MC、M6C、M23C6型碳化物、μ相及MB2、M3B2型硼化物,合金凝固过程中Hf和Ta元素偏析比较严重;在成分标准范围附近波动时,对初熔温度影响最大的合金元素为Cr、Mo、Ti、Hf;碳化物的析出温度和析出量均随C含量的增加呈线性递增趋势;另外,Hf、Ti、Ta含量的提高有利于MC型碳化物的析出;Cr含量的提高有利于M23C6型碳化物的析出;而W和Mo含量的提高则有利于M6C型碳化物的析出;μ相主要受Mo和W元素影响,随着二者含量的升高。μ相的析出温度和质量分数均升高;Al、Ti和Ta含量变化均会影响合金中γ′相的析出量及析出温度,并且三者对于γ′相的影响程度依次减弱。 展开更多
关键词 Mar-M247合金 热力学计算 平衡相析出行为
作者 刘鑫 杨俊峰 +3 位作者 范芳雄 杨慧慧 杨顺皓 王灵水 《锻压装备与制造技术》 2024年第4期125-130,共6页
高锰铝青铜(ZCuAl8Mn14Fe3Ni2)合金中Mn(13.5~15%)、Al(7.8~8.8%)、Fe(2.8~4.0%)、Ni(1.8~2.5%),各合金成分对组织转变均有影响。为方便研究,基于Al当量对比分析不同成分合金的相析出行为;通过连续升温试验研究组织演变规律及各相溶解... 高锰铝青铜(ZCuAl8Mn14Fe3Ni2)合金中Mn(13.5~15%)、Al(7.8~8.8%)、Fe(2.8~4.0%)、Ni(1.8~2.5%),各合金成分对组织转变均有影响。为方便研究,基于Al当量对比分析不同成分合金的相析出行为;通过连续升温试验研究组织演变规律及各相溶解情况。结果表明:各相析出温度受材料成分影响显著,高Al当量试样中α相析出温度较低;在连续升温试验中,β精细分解相在高温加热时可发生回溶,α相在700℃时完全溶解;加热温度高于800℃时,材料中只有基体β相和未溶解κ_(I)相。 展开更多
关键词 高锰铝青铜 相析出行为 溶解行为
新型难变形高温合金эк151的组织特征及平衡析出相热力学计算 被引量:8
作者 毕中南 曲敬龙 +1 位作者 杜金辉 张继 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期919-924,共6页
利用场发射扫描电子显微镜对其铸态组织进行了观察,并通过热力学计算,对该合金中成分对平衡相析出的影响规律进行了研究。结果表明,эк151合金凝固过程中,Mo、Nb和Ti等元素在枝晶间偏析,并形成大量γ′+γ共晶相。合金主要析出相为大... 利用场发射扫描电子显微镜对其铸态组织进行了观察,并通过热力学计算,对该合金中成分对平衡相析出的影响规律进行了研究。结果表明,эк151合金凝固过程中,Mo、Nb和Ti等元素在枝晶间偏析,并形成大量γ′+γ共晶相。合金主要析出相为大量的γ′相、少量的一次、二次碳化物和硼化物以及μ相。其中强化相γ′多成立方状,800℃下平衡态质量分数含量高达50%左右。当成分在规定范围波动时,对熔点影响最大的为Cr、Mo、Nb和Ti;而Al、Ti和Nb含量变化均会影响到γ′相的析出量及析出温度;Cr、Mo含量变化还会影响到二次碳化物的种类,Ti、Nb、C虽然是一次碳化物MC的主要形成元素,但是成分范围内对其析出温度影响并不明显。影响μ相析出温度和析出量的主要成分为Cr、Mo和W。 展开更多
关键词 难变形合金 热力学计算 相析出行为
Effect of copper on precipitation and baking hardening behavior of Al-Mg-Si alloys 被引量:2
作者 刘璁慧 张新明 +2 位作者 唐建国 刘星兴 陈亮 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第7期2289-2294,共6页
The effects of copper on the ageing precipitation behavior of as-quenched and pre-aged AA6016 aluminum alloy were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Vickers hardness measurement and transmission ele... The effects of copper on the ageing precipitation behavior of as-quenched and pre-aged AA6016 aluminum alloy were studied by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Vickers hardness measurement and transmission electronic microscopy (TEM). The results indicate that the addition of copper facilitates the growth of clusters (GP I) to the critical size during pre-ageing. Therefore, the addition of copper accelerates the transition from GP I (pre-β") to GP II (β") during final artificial ageing, and finally results in the favorable paint-bake response. However, the one with the copper level of 0.3% does not show significant baking hardening response as expected. Pre-aging can also reduce the detrimental effect due to natural aging of copper-containing alloys. 展开更多
关键词 Al-Mg-Si-Cu alloy baking hardening behavior Cu contained precipitates
Through-thickness inhomogeneity of precipitate distribution and pitting corrosion behavior of Al-Li alloy thick plate 被引量:12
作者 Kuo ZHAO Jian-hua LIU +1 位作者 Mei YU Song-mei LI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第9期1793-1802,共10页
The thorough-thickness inhomogeneity of precipitate distribution and pitting corrosion behavior of 95 mm-thick 2297 Al-Li alloy rolled plate was investigated using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron m... The thorough-thickness inhomogeneity of precipitate distribution and pitting corrosion behavior of 95 mm-thick 2297 Al-Li alloy rolled plate was investigated using scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and electrochemistry method. Precipitate distribution and pit size were statistically analyzed to obtain quantitative information and corresponding correlation. The population density and the size fraction of precipitate on different sections in the thick plate are ranked from high to low in the following order: quarter-section(QS) > surface section(SS) > mid-section(MS). After 300 min potentiostatic polarization, the number and the total volume of pits are ranked from high to low as QS>SS>MS, indicating a higher pitting susceptibility of the plate in QS with more precipitates. The through-thickness inhomogeneity of pitting corrosion in 2297 Al-Li alloy thick plate is mainly ascribed to inhomogeneous precipitate distribution. 展开更多
关键词 Al-Li alloy pitting corrosion PRECIPITATE electrochemical behavior
Corrosion behavior of novel Cu-Ni-Al-Si alloy with super-high strength in 3.5% NaCl solution 被引量:2
作者 Jia-jun ZHU San-hua LI +2 位作者 Lei-nuo SHEN Wu-lin YANG Zhou LI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第5期1096-1104,共9页
A novel Cu?6.5Ni?1Al?1Si?0.15Mg?0.15Ce alloy with super-high strength was designed and its corrosion behavior in3.5%NaCl solution at25°C was investigated by the means of SEM observation,TEM observation and XPS an... A novel Cu?6.5Ni?1Al?1Si?0.15Mg?0.15Ce alloy with super-high strength was designed and its corrosion behavior in3.5%NaCl solution at25°C was investigated by the means of SEM observation,TEM observation and XPS analysis.The alloy after solution treatment,80%cold rolling and aging at450°C for1h had the best comprehensive properties with hardness of HV314,electrical conductivity of19.4%IACS,tensile strength of1017MPa,and average annual corrosion rate of0.028mm/a.The oxides and chloride products formed at first,followed by the formation of dyroxides products.The alloy showed super-high strength,good electrical conductivity and corrosion resistant because Ni2Si hindered the precipitation of large NiAl at the grain boundary and the denickelefication of the alloy. 展开更多
关键词 Cu-Ni-Al-Si alloy Ni2Si precipitate corrosion behavior average annual corrosion rate corrosion product
Effect of rapid cold stamping on fracture behavior of long strip S′phase in Al−Cu−Mg alloy 被引量:2
作者 Cai-he FAN Ling OU +2 位作者 Ze-yi HU Shu WANG Jun-hong WANG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第10期2590-2598,共9页
High-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction techniques were used to study the mechanism that underlies the influence of rapid cold-stamping deformatio... High-angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscopy and selected area electron diffraction techniques were used to study the mechanism that underlies the influence of rapid cold-stamping deformation on the fracture behavior of the elongated nanoprecipitated phase in extruded Al−Cu−Mg alloy.Results show that the interface between the long strip-shaped S′phase and the aluminum matrix in the extruded Al−Cu−Mg alloy is flat and breaks during rapid cold-stamping deformation.The breaking mechanisms are distortion and brittle failure,redissolution,and necking.The breakage of the long strip S′phase increases the contact surface between the S′phase and the aluminum matrix and improves the interfacial distortion energy.This effect accounts for the higher free energy of the S′phase than that of the matrix and creates conditions for the redissolution of solute atoms back into the aluminum matrix.The brittle S′phase produces a resolved step during rapid cold-stamping deformation.This step further accelerates the diffusion of solute atoms and promotes the redissolution of the S′phase.Thus,the S′phase necks and separates,and the long strip-shaped S′phase in the extruded Al−Cu−Mg alloy is broken into a short and thin S′phase. 展开更多
关键词 Al−Cu−Mg alloy rapid cold stamping nanoprecipitate fracture behavior breaking mechanism
Microstructure and mechanical properties of 6082 aluminum alloy processed by preaging and hot forging 被引量:6
作者 Lin HUA Pu-guang YUAN +2 位作者 Ning ZHAO Zhi-li HU Hui-juan MA 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第3期790-800,共11页
A novel forging process of 6082 aluminum alloy is proposed, which can save time and reduce energy consumption while ensuring mechanical properties. In this process, the billet was preforged at solid solution temperatu... A novel forging process of 6082 aluminum alloy is proposed, which can save time and reduce energy consumption while ensuring mechanical properties. In this process, the billet was preforged at solid solution temperature and then preaged, followed by warm forging at 200 ℃. The flow behavior of the preaged samples during compression and the mechanical properties of the formed samples were investigated by hot compression tests. The differences in the precipitated phases of the samples with different processing parameters were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy(SEM), transmission electron microscopy(TEM), and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC). The best comprehensive performance was obtained after preaging at 120 ℃ for 4 h and holding at 200 ℃ for 10 min, and the Vickers hardness was HV 128, which was higher than that of the traditional process. Precipitation strengthening and dislocation strengthening were improved when the samples were formed at 200 ℃. This forging process shows the advantages of short time consumption and low energy consumption, which can effectively improve the production efficiency while ensuring the strength after forming. 展开更多
关键词 6082 aluminum alloy FORGING preaging compression behavior HARDNESS PRECIPITATES
Precipitation response and hardening behaviors of Fe-modified Ti5553 alloy
作者 Wen-guang ZHU Pei LI +6 位作者 Xun SUN Wei CHEN Hua-lei ZHANG Qiao-yan SUN Bin LIU Lin XIAO Jun SUN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第6期1242-1251,共10页
Ti5553-xFe (x=0.4, 1.2, 2.0, wt.%) alloys have been designed and fabricated through BE (blended element) sintering to investigate the effect of Fe-addition on athermal ω-phase transformation, α-phase evolution and a... Ti5553-xFe (x=0.4, 1.2, 2.0, wt.%) alloys have been designed and fabricated through BE (blended element) sintering to investigate the effect of Fe-addition on athermal ω-phase transformation, α-phase evolution and age hardening behavior. The results show that the formation of athermal ω-phase is fully suppressed in water-quenched specimens when Fe-addition is up to 2 wt.%. The relevant timescales of α formation during initial stages of aging indicate that incubation time increases with Fe-addition. Further aging results in continuous nucleation and growth of α-phase but finer intragranular α lamellae exhibit in Ti5553-2Fe alloy. In addition, the width and extent of grain boundary α-film increase slightly with incremental Fe-addition, especially in furnace cooling condition. Result of Vickers hardness manifests that Fe-addition leads to a strong hardening effect in both solution and aging treatment. The solid solution strengthening is quantitatively estimated by ab initio calculation based on the Labusch?Nabarro model. The evolution of α-precipitate is rationalized by Gibbs free energy. The prominent hardening effect of Ti5553?2Fe alloy is attributed to both large lattice misfit of β-matrix and fine α-precipitate distribution. 展开更多
关键词 Fe-modified Ti5553 alloy α-phase evolution hardening behavior Pandat calculation
As-cast Ti_(x)(AlVCr)_(100−x)light-weight medium entropy alloys with high strength and uniform compressive plasticity
作者 Ming-jie KAI Yu-jie MA +7 位作者 Xiao-tian WANG Liang CHENG Jian-bo HU Yao-yao HU Tai-ran XU Gui-jiang LI Xiang-kang MENG Zhen-hua CAO 《中国有色金属学报》 2025年第1期194-206,共13页
The effect of Ti content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast light-weight Ti_(x)(AlVCr)_(100−x)medium entropy alloys was studied by compressive tests,X-ray diffraction,scanning electron microsco... The effect of Ti content on the microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast light-weight Ti_(x)(AlVCr)_(100−x)medium entropy alloys was studied by compressive tests,X-ray diffraction,scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy.The results suggest that yield strength increases and then decreases with the increment of Ti content.The Ti_(60)(AlVCr)_(40)alloy has the best combination of high strength of 1204 MPa and uniform plastic strain of 70%,possessing a high specific yield strength of 255 MPa·cm^(3)/g.The enhancement of strength is mainly attributed to the synergic effects of solid-solution and coherent nano-precipitation strengthening,while dislocation motion such as dislocation pinning,entanglement and dislocation cells significantly increases the strain-hardening capacity. 展开更多
关键词 TiAlVCr medium entropy alloy solid solution strengthening b2 precipitate strain hardening behavior
预变形对新型铝锂合金组织和性能的影响 被引量:1
作者 李华冠 胡玉冰 +4 位作者 凌娟 孙中刚 刘红兵 郑兴伟 陶杰 《稀有金属材料与工程》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期465-469,共5页
为了进一步提高新型铝锂合金的强度及断裂韧性,探索了预变形+人工时效对该合金组织和性能的影响。采用拉伸试验、撕裂试验测试材料性能并主要通过透射电镜探索其相析出行为。结果表明,塑性变形导致大量T1相均匀弥散的析出在基体内,使材... 为了进一步提高新型铝锂合金的强度及断裂韧性,探索了预变形+人工时效对该合金组织和性能的影响。采用拉伸试验、撕裂试验测试材料性能并主要通过透射电镜探索其相析出行为。结果表明,塑性变形导致大量T1相均匀弥散的析出在基体内,使材料获得了更为优异的强度和韧性;同时,预变形有效避免了PFZ的形成与宽化。合金在经过4.5%预变形+145℃,35 h时效可获得最优的材料性能,实现了更好的强度与韧性匹配。 展开更多
关键词 铝锂合金 预变形 时效 断裂韧性 相析出行为
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