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匀强电场下分散相液滴的聚并 被引量:1
作者 王贞涛 朱忠辉 +3 位作者 夏磊 郑俊 王晓英 李睿 《江苏大学学报(自然科学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第2期155-162,共8页
为了探究运行参数对分散相液滴的运动、聚并过程的影响,采用VOF(volume of fluid)方法捕捉分散相与连续相的流体间界面,利用漏电介质模型模拟均匀静电场,研究了电场强度、液滴粒径、液滴表面间距和液滴相对位置(液滴中心连线与电场强度... 为了探究运行参数对分散相液滴的运动、聚并过程的影响,采用VOF(volume of fluid)方法捕捉分散相与连续相的流体间界面,利用漏电介质模型模拟均匀静电场,研究了电场强度、液滴粒径、液滴表面间距和液滴相对位置(液滴中心连线与电场强度方向夹角)对处于均匀电场中离散相多液滴聚并行为的影响,通过理论分析了液滴聚并过程影响因素,并与数值计算结论进行了对比.结果表明:分散相液滴聚并效率与电场强度、液滴粒径比、液滴表面间距以及液滴的相对位置有关;随着电场强度的增加,液滴的聚并效率显著增强;随着液滴表面间距以及液滴相对角度的增大,聚并效率有所降低;液滴粒径比对聚并效率亦产生影响,当液滴粒径差距较大时,液滴的聚并效率有所降低;电场强度对聚并过程的影响较为复杂,当外加电场强度持续增大时,液滴难以发生聚并,液滴被拉长后产生破碎或者弹开现象,存在阻碍液滴聚并的临界场强. 展开更多
关键词 离散相液滴 VOF方法 数值模拟 聚并 均匀电场
深空环境下液滴辐射相变过程分析模拟 被引量:1
作者 殷金英 刘林华 《工程热物理学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第9期1564-1566,共3页
太空中固体粒子比液体粒子对航天器危害性大,计算液滴相变时间和温度变化对评估粒子危害性有重要意义。本文建立了太空环境下液滴辐射相变模型,分析了三种相变凝固模型,估计了水滴蒸发量,考虑了太阳辐射对液滴温度变化的影响,分别计算... 太空中固体粒子比液体粒子对航天器危害性大,计算液滴相变时间和温度变化对评估粒子危害性有重要意义。本文建立了太空环境下液滴辐射相变模型,分析了三种相变凝固模型,估计了水滴蒸发量,考虑了太阳辐射对液滴温度变化的影响,分别计算了水和氧化铝液滴的温度变化。结果表明:液滴粒径越小液滴冷却速率越大,三种相变凝固模型的相变时间差别较小;水滴蒸发比例均大于10%,其蒸发量不可忽略;水滴受太阳周期性辐射时,其温度在50K至266K之间周期性振荡变化。 展开更多
关键词 辐射特性 有效光学常数
温度/超声双重响应型相变液滴对水凝胶结构性能的调控 被引量:1
作者 赵婵 刘昊 +3 位作者 陈洁莹 徐雪琴 胡克 段磊 《南京医科大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第7期948-956,共9页
目的:制备温度/超声双重响应型脂质相变液滴(lipid phase-change droplet,LPCD),并将其与水凝胶进行复合,通过温度或低强度聚焦超声(low intensity focused ultrasound,LIFU)调控LPCD的内核发生液-气相转变,继而调控水凝胶的结构和力学... 目的:制备温度/超声双重响应型脂质相变液滴(lipid phase-change droplet,LPCD),并将其与水凝胶进行复合,通过温度或低强度聚焦超声(low intensity focused ultrasound,LIFU)调控LPCD的内核发生液-气相转变,继而调控水凝胶的结构和力学性能。方法:首先通过薄膜水化法制备出脂质膜壳的全氟己烷(perfluorohexane,PFH)相变液滴,对其在温度和LIFU调控下的形貌变化、相转变能力进行表征,同时评估液-气相变前后LPCD的超声造影能力。在此基础上将其与水凝胶进行复合,通过各项表征评估温度/超声引起的液滴相变对水凝胶内部结构、浮力和机械性能的影响。结果:LPCD在温度或超声调控下有良好的相转变能力和超声造影能力。脂质液滴相变可使水凝胶内部生成直径在微米量级的诸多气孔,浮力得到显著提高,压缩应力和溶胀性能也有所变化。结论:脂质相变液滴-水凝胶复合材料(LPCD@Hy)是一种有潜力的智能响应型诊疗用微纳材料。 展开更多
关键词 脂质 水凝胶 造影剂 超声成像
油包水乳状液电脱水中水滴变形和聚并行为研究 被引量:3
作者 黄斌 丁畅 +3 位作者 周万富 黄立凯 付思强 贺世博 《当代化工》 CAS 2021年第8期1784-1789,1793,共7页
为了研究电脱水过程中水滴的微观变形形态,基于相场法建立电场作用下油包水乳状液中水滴聚并和变形行为的数值模型,采用王亮等的实验参数以验证该模型的准确性。结果表明:在匀强电场作用下,油包水乳状液中水滴粒径越大,油水界面张力越小... 为了研究电脱水过程中水滴的微观变形形态,基于相场法建立电场作用下油包水乳状液中水滴聚并和变形行为的数值模型,采用王亮等的实验参数以验证该模型的准确性。结果表明:在匀强电场作用下,油包水乳状液中水滴粒径越大,油水界面张力越小,电压越大,电场作用下水滴的变形度越大,且电压对液滴变形影响最大,界面张力影响最小。在该文研究条件下,最优电压大小为14 kV,最优界面张力为0.024 mN·m^(-1)。在非匀强电场作用下,方波作用下液滴的聚并速度最快,正弦波次之,锯齿波最差,最短聚并时间为0.14s。此外,增大液滴聚并的稳定性需要同时考虑入口流速和电场强度作用,在入口流速在0.01~0.08 m·s^(-1)时,电场强度需要控制在440~700 V·mm^(-1)。 展开更多
关键词 离散相液滴 聚并 场方法 变形
横向气流穿过垂直下落液滴场的二维流动数值计算 被引量:2
作者 薛社生 徐明 束小建 《计算力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期102-107,共6页
对Cl2/He混合气体横向穿过垂直下落的BHP(按重量25%的KOH,25%的H2O2及50%的H2O)液滴场的化学反应流动作了数值计算。模拟的流场是气体/液滴两相流场,在气相方程中,考虑了液滴与Cl2反应产生及释放O2(1Δ)的质量源项及表示液滴对气流阻碍... 对Cl2/He混合气体横向穿过垂直下落的BHP(按重量25%的KOH,25%的H2O2及50%的H2O)液滴场的化学反应流动作了数值计算。模拟的流场是气体/液滴两相流场,在气相方程中,考虑了液滴与Cl2反应产生及释放O2(1Δ)的质量源项及表示液滴对气流阻碍作用的动量源项。由于气相动量小,液滴在下落过程横向偏移小,下落速度基本不变,因而假定流场中液滴数密度保持均匀。质量源项通过层流边界层理论而得到一种解析表达,反映了液滴表面因反应产生的Cl2通量依赖于来流中Cl2浓度、气流密度及来流速度变化的关系。用SIM-PLE方法对气相模型方程作了数值求解。模拟结果显示,气相速度场中靠近顶端和液滴区右边界位置出现涡旋,二维效应较为明显;混合气体的密度经过液滴区有较大下降;Cl2利用率、O2(1Δ)产率随入流速度增大而减小,随液滴速度增大而增大,这些结果与相关文献提供的实验测试结果对比较好。 展开更多
关键词 气体/流动 化学反应 SIMPLE方法
离散液滴运动模型研究 被引量:2
作者 薄涵亮 《原子能科学技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第10期1951-1960,共10页
汽水分离器和安全壳喷淋系统是核电厂安全可靠运行的关键设备和设施,其运行过程涉及液滴在流场中的运动、碰撞和相变等物理现象。本文采用欧拉-拉格朗日耦合方法首先建立了离散液滴运动模型,包括单/多液滴运动模型、液滴碰撞、流场耦合... 汽水分离器和安全壳喷淋系统是核电厂安全可靠运行的关键设备和设施,其运行过程涉及液滴在流场中的运动、碰撞和相变等物理现象。本文采用欧拉-拉格朗日耦合方法首先建立了离散液滴运动模型,包括单/多液滴运动模型、液滴碰撞、流场耦合、液滴相变、液滴产生和液滴消亡等单立模型,及相应的边界条件和空间条件,来描述多液滴在流场中的运动行为;其次给出了离散液滴运动模型的应用实例,来描述自然界蒸发、冷凝和喷雾等物理现象中的离散液滴运动行为;最后指出了现阶段离散液滴运动模型和算法存在的问题,希望感兴趣的学者在离散液滴运动模型研究方面进一步完善和推动其发展。 展开更多
关键词 离散 运动 碰撞 流场耦合 产生 消亡
低含液管道内气液两相流动特性的数值研究 被引量:3
作者 管孝瑞 《安全、健康和环境》 2019年第1期13-18,共6页
基于管内气液两相流动理论,建立了低含液管道两相流动数学模型,对管路内气相流场、液滴空间分布进行了研究。结果表明:运用边界层网格与增强壁面函数相结合的方法,能够很好地模拟近壁处流场;水平管内液滴群主要集中在中下部区域;弯头内... 基于管内气液两相流动理论,建立了低含液管道两相流动数学模型,对管路内气相流场、液滴空间分布进行了研究。结果表明:运用边界层网格与增强壁面函数相结合的方法,能够很好地模拟近壁处流场;水平管内液滴群主要集中在中下部区域;弯头内离心力促使液滴群向外侧运动;受上游弯头的影响,竖直管内存在一对涡核,沿流动方向,竖直管右侧液滴群浓度逐渐下降,液滴群分布范围变大,有向左侧运动的行为。 展开更多
关键词 低含 流场分布 数值模拟
结冰风洞中液滴相变效应数值模拟 被引量:4
作者 郭向东 王梓旭 +1 位作者 李明 刘蓓 《航空学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第3期31-43,共13页
为明晰结冰风洞中液滴相变效应,发展了基于Euler法的气液两相传质传热耦合流动计算方法,探索了3m×2m结冰风洞主试验段构型相变效应对液滴传热过程的影响,开展了参数影响研究,评估了试验段内液滴过冷状态。结果表明:构型内液滴经历... 为明晰结冰风洞中液滴相变效应,发展了基于Euler法的气液两相传质传热耦合流动计算方法,探索了3m×2m结冰风洞主试验段构型相变效应对液滴传热过程的影响,开展了参数影响研究,评估了试验段内液滴过冷状态。结果表明:构型内液滴经历了先蒸发后凝结两个阶段,蒸发效应促进了准一维传热阶段液滴温度的下降趋势,使液滴温度趋于湿球温度,而凝结效应则抑制了三维收缩阶段液滴温度的下降趋势,进而增大了试验段液气温差,影响液滴过冷状态;增大初始相对湿度和试验段气流速度,会导致蒸发效应减弱而凝结效应增强,进而增强了相对湿度和气流速度对液滴过冷状态的影响程度,与此相反,初始液滴尺寸的增加,则会导致蒸发效应和凝结效应均减弱,进而减弱了液滴尺寸对液滴过冷状态的影响程度;在典型工况下,小尺寸液滴(液滴直径范围为40~100μm)在高风速时(试验段气流速度大于164m/s)将偏离过冷状态(液气温差超过3℃)。 展开更多
关键词 飞机结冰 结冰风洞 过冷 EULER法
定向凝固速度对Al-Bi偏晶点成分合金凝固组织的影响及计算机分析 被引量:4
作者 赵敬云 刘兰青 《铸造技术》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第4期994-996,共3页
通过实验研究Al-Bi偏晶点成分合金定向凝固速度对合金组织产生的影响。实验结果表明,Al-Bi偏晶点成分合金试件定向凝固速度较快时,固-液界面内部会形成Bi富集层,由于凝固界面前沿相液滴发生迁移,使得合金凝固后出现单峰值粒子尺寸。在... 通过实验研究Al-Bi偏晶点成分合金定向凝固速度对合金组织产生的影响。实验结果表明,Al-Bi偏晶点成分合金试件定向凝固速度较快时,固-液界面内部会形成Bi富集层,由于凝固界面前沿相液滴发生迁移,使得合金凝固后出现单峰值粒子尺寸。在试件定向凝固速度较慢时,合金少量相液滴按照指向-背离-再指向凝固界面的顺序发生尺寸变化,合金凝固后出现双峰值粒子尺寸。 展开更多
关键词 Al-Bi偏晶点成分合金 合金组织 凝固速度 界面 相液滴
The Resident Time Distribution of Injected Dispersed Drops in Stirred Extraction Columns 被引量:2
作者 尤学一 李丹 李胜华 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期726-731,共6页
A resident time model is proposed to evaluate the performance of agitated extraction columns. In this model, the resident time of dispersed drops is simulated with the discrete phase modeling, where the continuous pha... A resident time model is proposed to evaluate the performance of agitated extraction columns. In this model, the resident time of dispersed drops is simulated with the discrete phase modeling, where the continuous phase and the dispersed phase (drops) are described by the single-phase Navier-Stokes (turbulence) model and Lagrangian model, respectively. The interaction of dispersed phase and continuous phase is neglected for the low concentration of drop in the cases studied. The statistical parameters of drops (the average resident time and standard deviation) under different operation conditions are computed for four columns. The relation of the above statistical parameters with the performance of columns is discussed and the criterions for an optimal compartment are outlined. Our results indicate that the resident time model is useful to evaluate the performance and optimize the design of extraction columns. 展开更多
关键词 resident time stirred extraction column discrete phase modeling computational fluid dynamics
Peracetic Acid Synthesis by Acetaldehyde Liquid Phase Oxidation in Trickle Bed Reactor 被引量:2
作者 张腾云 罗京莉 +1 位作者 K.Chuang 钟理 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第3期320-325,共6页
In this paper,shorter residence time(a few minutes)with high yield in the trickle bed process for per- acetic acid synthesis by acetaldehyde liquid phase oxidation can be realized on the selected packing material SA... In this paper,shorter residence time(a few minutes)with high yield in the trickle bed process for per- acetic acid synthesis by acetaldehyde liquid phase oxidation can be realized on the selected packing material SA-5118.For acetaldehyde in acetone with ferric ion as catalyst,the optimized process conditions were presented. The main factors influencing the yield,selectivity and conversion are residence time,temperature and acetaldehyde concentration,respectively.The temperature range checked is from 30 to 65℃.High yield of 81.53%with high se- lectivity of 91.84%can be obtained at higher temperature of 55℃when the residence time is 5.5min and the acet- aldehyde concentration is 9.85%(by mass).And there is a critical acetaldehyde concentration point(Cccp)between 18%and 19.5%(by mass).At temperature less than 55℃,the highest yield to peracetic acid at each temperature level increases with temperature when the acetaldehyde concentration is below Cccp and decreases with temperature when the acetaldehyde concentration is above Cccp. 展开更多
关键词 peracetic acid liquid phase oxidation ACETALDEHYDE trickle bed
Velocity Slip and Interfacial Momentum Transfer in the Transient Section of Supersonic Gas-Droplet Two-Phase Flows 被引量:1
作者 魏文韫 朱家骅 +2 位作者 夏素兰 戴光清 高旭东 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第2期163-169,共7页
Modelling and simulations are conducted on velocity slip and interfacial momentum transfer for supersonic two-pha.se (gas-droplet) flow in the transient section inside and outside a Laval jet(LJ). The initial velocity... Modelling and simulations are conducted on velocity slip and interfacial momentum transfer for supersonic two-pha.se (gas-droplet) flow in the transient section inside and outside a Laval jet(LJ). The initial velocity slip between gas and droplets causes an interfacial momentum transfer flux as high as (2.0-5.0) x 104 Pa. The relaxation time corresponding to this transient process is in the range of 0.015-0.090ms for the two-phase flow formed inside the LJ and less than 0.5ms outside the LJ. It demonstrates the unique performance of this system for application to fast chemical reactions using electrically active media with a lifetime in the order of 1 ms. Through the simulations of the transient processes with initial Mach number Mg from 2.783 to 4.194 at different axial positions inside the LJ, it is found that Mg has the strongest effect on the process. The momentum flux increases as the Mach number decreases. Due to compression by the shock wave at the end of the LJ, the flow pattern becomes two dimensional and viscous outside the LJ. Laser Doppler velocirneter (LDV) measurements of droplet velocities outside the LJ are in reasonably good agreement with the results of the simulation. 展开更多
关键词 supersonic gas-droplet two-phase flow interfacial momentum transfer velocity slip relaxation time numerical simulation laser Doppler velocimeter measurement
作者 杨恒丽 赵萍 +3 位作者 李俏颖 杨瑞静 苏小佩 段云友 《中华超声影像学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期893-899,共7页
目的探讨自制的诊疗一体化相变纳米液滴"IR780/叶酸-纳米液滴-多西紫杉醇(IR780/FA-Nds-DTX)"作为分子靶向超声造影剂,对胰腺癌荷瘤裸鼠的精准诊断和联合靶向治疗效果。方法体外培养胰腺癌细胞系,建立异位皮下移植胰腺癌荷瘤... 目的探讨自制的诊疗一体化相变纳米液滴"IR780/叶酸-纳米液滴-多西紫杉醇(IR780/FA-Nds-DTX)"作为分子靶向超声造影剂,对胰腺癌荷瘤裸鼠的精准诊断和联合靶向治疗效果。方法体外培养胰腺癌细胞系,建立异位皮下移植胰腺癌荷瘤裸鼠模型50只,双模态靶向成像分实验组(IR780/FA-Nds-DTX)和4个对照组[生理盐水、Nds(FITC)、FA-Nds(FITC)、IR-780]。小动物活体成像验证IR780/FA-Nds-DTX对肿瘤的体内高效靶向探测能力及近红外荧光成像,低强度聚焦超声诱导相变及进一步超声造影成像验证IR780/FA-Nds-DTX在肿瘤局部的高效聚集及对肿瘤轮廓的精准评估。治疗效果观察分实验组(IR780/FA-Nds-DTX)和4个对照组(FA-Nds-IR780、FA-Nds-DTX、FA-Nds和生理盐水)。低强度聚焦超声辐照30 s诱导各组相变后的微泡爆破后,808 nm光热治疗仪分组辐照肿瘤局部,治疗前及治疗后3 d、9 d、15 d分别用二维超声监测各组荷瘤裸鼠肿瘤体积变化并记录,对比各组肿瘤体积变化率及抑制率。结果IR780/FA-Nds-DTX在肿瘤局部靶向聚集的量最多,实验组肿瘤平均荧光强度明显高于对照组:IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比Nds(FITC)组[(5.12±0.69)×10^(7)比(1.06±0.23)×10^(7),P<0.05],IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比FA-Nds(FITC)组[(5.12±0.69)×10^(7)比(2.98±0.34)×10^(7),P<0.05],IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比IR-780组[(5.12±0.69)×10^(7)比(1.54±0.42)×10^(7),P<0.05],生理盐水组肿瘤局部无荧光显示。进一步液滴相变后形成的超声增强显影能更精准定位肿瘤边界。光热消融联合化疗后第15 d,IR780/FA-Nds-DTX治疗组肿瘤体积增长率较各对照组明显减低:IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比FA-Nds-IR780组[(0.105±0.075)比(0.405±0.175),P<0.05],IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比FA-Nds-DTX组[(0.105±0.075)比(1.385±0.035),P<0.05],IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比FA-Nds组[(0.105±0.075)比(2.255±0.105),P<0.05],IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比生理盐水组[(0.105±0.075)比(2.185±0.155),P<0.05]。而肿瘤体积抑制率明显增高:IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比FA-Nds-IR780组[(0.93±0.06)比(0.48±0.17),P<0.05],IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比FA-Nds-DTX组[(0.93±0.06)比(-0.51±0.105),P<0.05],IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比FA-Nds组[(0.93±0.06)比(-1.63±0.115),P<0.05],IR780/FA-Nds-DTX组比生理盐水组[(0.93±0.06)比(-1.35±0.245),P<0.05]。结论自制的诊疗一体化双模态相变纳米液滴超声造影剂IR780/FA-Nds-DTX在胰腺癌微小病灶甚至转移灶的精准靶向探测与联合靶向治疗中具有较好的潜在临床应用价值。 展开更多
关键词 分子靶向 多功能变纳米 胰腺癌 双模态成像 联合靶向治疗
Gound State Properties of Nuclei in ^(295)118 α-Decay Chain 被引量:1
作者 DONG Jian-Min ZHANG Hong-Fei +2 位作者 ZUO Wei WANG Yan-Zhao LI Jun-Qing 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1055-1061,共7页
The properties of nuclei belonging to the α-decay chain of superheavy element ^295118 have been studied in the framework of axially deformed relativistic mean field (RMF) theory with the parameter set of NL-Z2 in t... The properties of nuclei belonging to the α-decay chain of superheavy element ^295118 have been studied in the framework of axially deformed relativistic mean field (RMF) theory with the parameter set of NL-Z2 in the blocked BCS approximation. Some ground state properties such as binding energies, deformations, and α-decay energies Qα have been obtained and agree well with those from finite-range droplet model (FRDM). The single-particle spectra of nuclei in ^295118 α-decay chain show that the shell gaps present obviously nucleon number dependence. The root-mean-square (rms) radii of proton, neutron and matter distributions change slowly from ^283112 to ^295118 but dramatically from ^279110 to ^283112, which may be due to the subshell closure at Z = 110 in ^279110. The α-decay half-lives in 295118 decay chain are evaluated by employing the cluster model and the generalized liquid drop model (GLDM), and the overall agreement is found when they are compared with the known experimental data. The α-decay lifetimes obtained from the cluster model are slightly larger than those of GLDM ones. Finally, we predict the α-decay half-lives of Z=118, 116, 114, 112 isotopes using the cluster model and GLDM, which also indicate these two models can corroborate each other in studies on superheavy nuclei. The results from GLDM are always lower than those obtained from the cluster model. 展开更多
关键词 superheavy nuclei relativistic mean field HALF-LIVES cluster model generalized liquid drop model
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Single Drop Mass Transfer in Solvent Extraction Systems with Resistance in Both Phases 被引量:2
作者 李天文 毛在砂 +1 位作者 陈家镛 费维扬 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2002年第1期1-14,共14页
Numerical simulation of transient mass transfer to a single dropcontrolled by the internal resistance or by the resistance in bothphases was mathematically formulated and simulated in aboundary-fitted orthogonal coord... Numerical simulation of transient mass transfer to a single dropcontrolled by the internal resistance or by the resistance in bothphases was mathematically formulated and simulated in aboundary-fitted orthogonal coordinate system. The simulated resultson the transient mass transfer dominated by the internal resistanceare in good agreement with the Newman and Kronig-Brink models fordrops with low Reynolds number. When the drop Reynolds number is upto 200, the mass transfer coefficient from numerical simulation isvery low as compared with The Handlos-Baron model. 展开更多
关键词 solvent extraction single drop numerical simulation mass transferexperiment
Experimental Investigation of Spray Evaporation in Turbulent Flow in Countercurrent Humidifier
作者 王玉璋 刘永文 翁史烈 《Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong university(Science)》 EI 2004年第1期19-25,共7页
The process in the countercurrent humidifier of HAT cycle involves the evaporation of atomized liquids in a turbulent environment. To allow an optimization of such process and provide data for the validation of numeri... The process in the countercurrent humidifier of HAT cycle involves the evaporation of atomized liquids in a turbulent environment. To allow an optimization of such process and provide data for the validation of numerical calculation, the spray evaporation in a countercurrent air stream was studied experimentally. Measurements were taken for different flow parameters, such as airflow rate and liquid flow rate in order to provide reliable data. Phase-Doppler anemometry (PDA) was applied to obtain the spatial change of the droplet size spectrum in the flow field and to measure droplet size-velocity correlations. These local measured profiles of droplet mean velocities, velocity fluctuations and droplet mean diameters were obtained by averaging over all droplet size classes. Moreover, DualPDA signal processing allows accurate determination of the droplet mass flux and local concentration, from which the global evaporation rates could also be determined. These local temperature profiles were measured using the thermocouple and acquired by data acquisition system based on virtual instrument (VI) technology. 展开更多
关键词 spray phase-Doppler anemometer (PDA) turbulence EVAPORATION droplet velocity droplet size HUMIDIFIER
Experimental Study on Thermal Interaction of LBE and Lead Droplet with Subcooled Water 被引量:2
作者 R. Sa M. Takahashi 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2011年第7期579-589,共11页
Characteristics of thermal-hydraulic interaction of LBE (45w%Pb-55w%Bi) and lead with subcooled water in pool water were investigated experimentally. Two kinds of interaction zones (deformation and fragmentation) ... Characteristics of thermal-hydraulic interaction of LBE (45w%Pb-55w%Bi) and lead with subcooled water in pool water were investigated experimentally. Two kinds of interaction zones (deformation and fragmentation) and three kinds of interaction zones (solidification, deformation and fragmentation) were observed during LBE droplet/water interaction and lead droplet/water interaction, respectively. The fragmentation zone (FZ) could be identified exactly by two border lines: spontaneous nucleation temperature and minimum film boiling temperature. Within fragmentation zone, 10% to 35% tiny debris (diameter 〈 1 mm) of LBE and 5 to 8 kPa peak pressure generated with increasing the LBE temperature and no effect with increasing the subcooling of water. Only 2%-4% tiny debris (diameter 〈 1 mm) of lead and 2 kPa peak pressure generated regardless of lead and water temperature. 展开更多
关键词 Lead alloy droplet fast reactor fragmentation.
作者 张林 林海滨 王恩刚 《特种铸造及有色合金》 CAS 北大核心 2022年第12期1464-1471,共8页
阐述了在普通稳恒磁场、强磁场、交变磁场和复合电磁场等几种不同种类外加磁场作用下制备难混溶合金的研究现状,分析了不同外加磁场对难混溶合金凝固过程中液-液分离的作用机制及其对合金组织演变、性能的影响。针对重力作用下难混溶合... 阐述了在普通稳恒磁场、强磁场、交变磁场和复合电磁场等几种不同种类外加磁场作用下制备难混溶合金的研究现状,分析了不同外加磁场对难混溶合金凝固过程中液-液分离的作用机制及其对合金组织演变、性能的影响。针对重力作用下难混溶合金宏观偏析的主要原因是弥散相液滴进行Stokes运动和相互碰撞长大,指出了不同类型磁场在熔体中的电磁力特点与作用原理,对熔体对流和弥散相液滴运动、凝并行为的影响机制,以及对难混溶合金微观组织与性能的改善效果,并介绍了模拟微重力、组织取向等磁场下的一些特殊效应,为外加磁场在难混溶合金制备中的应用提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 磁场 难混溶合金 弥散相液滴 Stokes运动 洛仑兹力
Rebound behaviors of droplets impacting on a superhydrophobic surface 被引量:4
作者 HU HaiBao CHEN LiBin +1 位作者 HUANG SuHe SONG BaoWei 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第5期960-965,共6页
The rebound behaviors of droplets impacting on a self-fabricated superhydrophobic brass surface (WCA=I64.5°) were ob- served and studied by using high-speed-camera. In accordance with energy conversion, theoret... The rebound behaviors of droplets impacting on a self-fabricated superhydrophobic brass surface (WCA=I64.5°) were ob- served and studied by using high-speed-camera. In accordance with energy conversion, theoretical analysis of different behav- iors and rebound mechanism were given. At lower velocities, three behaviors in different velocity ranges were observed: par- tial rebounding, entire rebounding and ejecting during rebounding. At higher velocities, such two behaviors as rebound after splashing and rebound, ejecting after splashing, occurred alternately and exhibited certain periodicity. A function to predict the critical impact velocity is derived from energy conservation condition, and the prediction values tally with the experimental values, with the maximum relative error about 14%. 展开更多
关键词 SUPERHYDROPHOBIC droplets REBOUND critical impact velocity
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