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“省统管”背景下地方人大监督同级司法机关问题研究 被引量:7
作者 占善刚 严然 《学习与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第10期69-76,共8页
"省统管"包括"实质的省统管"和"变通的省统管"两种情形。在"变通的省统管"背景下,由于相关的法律没有修改,与实行"省统管"之前相比,地方人大与同级司法机关之间的关系并没有发生多... "省统管"包括"实质的省统管"和"变通的省统管"两种情形。在"变通的省统管"背景下,由于相关的法律没有修改,与实行"省统管"之前相比,地方人大与同级司法机关之间的关系并没有发生多大变化,两者仍然是一种监督和被监督的关系,但地方人大对同级司法机关的监督力度会有所削弱。在"实质的省统管"背景下,地方司法机关不再由同级人大产生,也不再对同级人大负责,但同级人大的性质和地位决定了其依然可以监督同级司法机关,当然其监督方式则受到一定限制,行使人事任免权、听取和审议工作报告、质询等监督方式将不能使用。 展开更多
关键词 实质的省统管 变通的省统管 监督方式
省统管及跨行政区划法院、检察院设置改革之宪法视角 被引量:2
作者 张梁 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2017年第1期41-48,共8页
为了革除司法地方化,省统管法院、检察院人财物与设置跨行政区划的法院、检察院成为司法体制改革的根本策略,其实质是以司法事权的中央化维护司法职权的国家化。通过对现行《宪法》的体系解释发现,这一改革并不违反现行《宪法》且有规... 为了革除司法地方化,省统管法院、检察院人财物与设置跨行政区划的法院、检察院成为司法体制改革的根本策略,其实质是以司法事权的中央化维护司法职权的国家化。通过对现行《宪法》的体系解释发现,这一改革并不违反现行《宪法》且有规范依据,应遵循宪法委托之精神细化完善两院组织法,为司法体制改革目标的实现提供具体法律保障。 展开更多
关键词 省统管 跨行政区划法院、检察院 宪法 两院组织法
省统管及跨行政区划法院检察院设置中的宪法问题 被引量:2
作者 张梁 《河南财经政法大学学报》 2017年第1期44-56,共13页
省统管地方法院、检察院人财物与设置跨行政区划的法院检察院在本轮以去司法地方化和行政化为主旨的司法体制改革中起到凸显司法事权的中央化和司法职权的国家化的双重作用。现行《宪法》第一百二十八条、第一百三十三条,关于地方法院... 省统管地方法院、检察院人财物与设置跨行政区划的法院检察院在本轮以去司法地方化和行政化为主旨的司法体制改革中起到凸显司法事权的中央化和司法职权的国家化的双重作用。现行《宪法》第一百二十八条、第一百三十三条,关于地方法院、检察院对产生它的国家权力机关负责之原则,为省统管及跨行政区划法院检察院的设置提供了宪法依据,但由于现行《宪法》相关条文之限缩,其与作为宪法性法律的两院组织法实则确立了地方法院、检察院对本级人大负责并报告工作的体制,从而为当前的司法改革带来了重大障碍。修改两院组织法确定地方法院、检察院对产生它的国家权力机关负责之原则并进行细化,能够为省统管及跨行政区划法院检察院设置提供充分的法律保障。 展开更多
关键词 省统管 跨行政区划法院检察院 宪法 两院组织法
省统管法院人财物:剖析与前瞻 被引量:17
作者 左卫民 《法学评论》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期1-7,共7页
成功推行省统管地方法院人财物的改革举措首先需要厘清省统管人财物的内涵及本质。此次省统管法院"人与财"之改革,力图通过管理权集中上移到省级,改变当下司法可能受地方掣肘的现状,进一步保障审判独立与公正。然而管理能力... 成功推行省统管地方法院人财物的改革举措首先需要厘清省统管人财物的内涵及本质。此次省统管法院"人与财"之改革,力图通过管理权集中上移到省级,改变当下司法可能受地方掣肘的现状,进一步保障审判独立与公正。然而管理能力、管理资源等难题成为推进省统管的障碍,制约了省级管理权的充分落实。故目前所试行的省统管方案实为妥协式的有限管理,在法院人事任命方面采取少数管理、关键管理,财政经费为形式统出,并依然承认和保留地区差异化。在普遍推行这一改革举措时,应结合省级机构的实际治理能力等,推行务实、渐进的改革方案。 展开更多
关键词 省统管 地方法院 人财物 司法改革
司法体制改革的合宪性问题研究——以省统管和跨行政区划法院、检察院制度设计为中心 被引量:4
作者 张梁 《河北法学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期181-192,共12页
现行两院组织法关于地方人民法院、人民检察院对本级人民代表大会负责并报告工作的规定是依据1978年宪法作出的,强化了地方人民法院、人民检察院对本级人民代表大会负责的政治体制,从而为司法地方化留下了一定空间。其滞后于1982年宪法... 现行两院组织法关于地方人民法院、人民检察院对本级人民代表大会负责并报告工作的规定是依据1978年宪法作出的,强化了地方人民法院、人民检察院对本级人民代表大会负责的政治体制,从而为司法地方化留下了一定空间。其滞后于1982年宪法所规定的地方人民法院、人民检察院对产生它的人民代表大会负责。以"司法权属于中央事权"为核心理论的去司法地方化的省统管法检人财物和跨行政区划法院、检察院设置改革,内在地要求地方人民法院、人民检察院与地方人大并非严格一一对应,1982年宪法为此提供了充分的宪法资源。当前两院组织法修改应依循1982年宪法进行相应调整,进而统筹安排省统管法检人财物以及跨行政区划法院检察院的设置。 展开更多
关键词 宪法 两院组织法 省统管 跨行政区划法院检察院
作者 袁媛 《天津检察》 2016年第5期68-70,73,共4页
省统管模式下财务管理制度的建立,对推进司法体制改革、加强财务监管、确保经费高效安全使用有着至关重要的意义,这一制度在一定程度上推进了财务管理模式科学合理发展,但仍存在会计核算模式与检察工作特点不融合、资金与资产管理制... 省统管模式下财务管理制度的建立,对推进司法体制改革、加强财务监管、确保经费高效安全使用有着至关重要的意义,这一制度在一定程度上推进了财务管理模式科学合理发展,但仍存在会计核算模式与检察工作特点不融合、资金与资产管理制度不完善、内控与监督制度薄弱等亟需解决的问题。本文根据财务工作的实践与认识,结合所学的法学与财务管理知识,对现行财务管理模式中的问题进行梳理,针对省统管模式下的财务管理制度完善问题提出建议。 展开更多
关键词 司法体制改革 省统管模式 检察院 财务管理
作者 李青龙 《江南社会学院学报》 2016年第4期68-74,共7页
现行《检察院组织法》颁布于1979年,最近一次修定也已过去30年。当前社会法治发展迅速,司法改革正进入关键期,《检察院组织法》的许多规定已经显得不合时宜,甚至影响了检察机关作为法律监督机关地位的正当性和自身职能的发挥。因此,《... 现行《检察院组织法》颁布于1979年,最近一次修定也已过去30年。当前社会法治发展迅速,司法改革正进入关键期,《检察院组织法》的许多规定已经显得不合时宜,甚至影响了检察机关作为法律监督机关地位的正当性和自身职能的发挥。因此,《检察院组织法》的修改势在必行,具体来说,应从检察机关与权力机关、审判机关的关系、上下级检察院之间的关系以及检察院自身职权的配置等方面进行完善,推动检察机关从目前的"追诉型"机关向"宪政型"机关转变,构建符合我国实际的"人大主导下的一府两院"宪政模式。。 展开更多
关键词 以下检察院人财物统管 检察监督 检察一体原则 诉讼构造
Analog-experiment analysis of ash-deposition monitoring model of boiler economizers in power plants
作者 程伟良 夏国栋 徐寿臣 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第6期680-683,共4页
Ash deposition is a form of particulate fouling, and appears usually in boiler economizers. The ash deposition increases capital expenditure, energy input and maintenance costs. An analog experiment for monitoring ash... Ash deposition is a form of particulate fouling, and appears usually in boiler economizers. The ash deposition increases capital expenditure, energy input and maintenance costs. An analog experiment for monitoring ash deposition was performed from the analogous objective of a 410 t/h boiler economizer to verify the rationality and reliability of the ash-deposition-monitoring model presented in order to increase the security and economy in economizer running. The analog experiment platform is a tube-shell exchanger that conforms well to the conditions of a self-modeling area. The analog flue gas in the shell side is the heated air mixed with ash, and in the tube side the fluid is water heated by the flue gas. The fluid state in the water side and the flue gas side follows the second self-modeling area. A 4-factor-3-level orthogonal table was used to schedule 9 operation conditions of orthogonal experiment, with the 4 factors being heat power, flue gas velocity, ashes grain diameter and adding ashes quantity while the three levels are different values due to different position classes in every factor. The ash deposition thermal resistances is calculated by the model with the measure parameters of temperature and pressure drop. It shows that the values of the ash deposition thermal resistances gradually increase up to a stable state. And the experimental results are reliable by F testing method at α= 0.001. Therefore, the model can be applied in online monitoring of ash deposition in a boiler economizers in power plants and provides scientific decision on ash deposition prediction and sootblowing. 展开更多
关键词 thermal power engineering monitoring model ash deposition orthogonal experiment boiler economizer tube-shell exchanger
Issues in the outburst prevention work of coal mines in Guizhou Province and the analysis of its countermeasures
作者 LI Qing-song LI Xiao-hua MA Shu 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2011年第2期152-156,共5页
In order to reduce the occurrence of coal and gas outburst accidents, and improve the capability to prevent gas hazards and realize the safe and efficient mining of coal enterprises. The distribution of the outburst c... In order to reduce the occurrence of coal and gas outburst accidents, and improve the capability to prevent gas hazards and realize the safe and efficient mining of coal enterprises. The distribution of the outburst coal mining area of Guizhou Province and the status of coal and gas outburst and the problems in the current outburst prevention methods were analyzed. The main issues were pointed out such as the lack of regional outburst prevention measures, unsatisfactory effect in drainage, poor management and implementation, as well as personnel that need more training. The prevention situation of coal and gas outburst in Guizhou Province was considered. In accordance with the above problems, from the perspective of strengthening geological exploration, testing coal seam parameters, studying outburst prevention technologies, deploying mining systems rationally, improving mine safety management systems, and strengthening protection facilities and other aspects, a targeted outburst prevention measure and proposals were put forward. 展开更多
关键词 coal and gas outburst prevention problem COUNTERMEASURE
System Dynamics Modeling for Sustainable Water Management of a Coastal Area in Shandong Province, China
作者 Qin Huanhuan Zhang Baoxiang Meng Fanhai 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2016年第4期226-234,共9页
Water is one of the basic materials in human existence and the development of society and economy. Its sustainable management has always been an eternal subject for the management of human society and also a complex s... Water is one of the basic materials in human existence and the development of society and economy. Its sustainable management has always been an eternal subject for the management of human society and also a complex systemic problem. How to take advantages of water has been a big event in such an agricultural country like China. As economically developed areas, coastal areas are facing water shortage problems due to the rapid economic and social development and inappropriate and unsustainable water management measures. To fully understand and study such problems faced by the coastal areas needs a systematic and integrated framework to consider the various social-economic, natural and engineering factors that affect the sustainable development of water in those areas. The SD (system dynamics) methodology, which is an approach that has been successfully used in solving complex systematic problems in general, and in solving water management problems in particular for more than 50 years, was applied to a typical coastal area, Longkou City in Shandong Province of China, to study and analyze the future sustainable water management of this city. Then the quantitative modeling and analysis of the water development were carried out through scenario analysis. Four different scenarios (business as usual, economic development, water resources protection, and comprehensive) were designed by changing the values of decision-making variables. The total water demand in 2030 of these four scenarios are 0.455 billion m3, 0.793 billion m3, 0.412 billion m3 and 0.487 billion m3, respectively; the corresponding water deficit of these scenarios are 0.292 billion m3, 0.634 billion m3, 0.254 billion m3 and 0.329 billion m3, respectively. The comparison results indicated that the comprehensive scenario is the optimal one among these designed scenarios. To totally solve the water shortage problem with the economy developed in Longkou City needs to take more effective measures to reduce water consumption and improve water conservation technologies. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable water management coastal areas system dynamics scenario analysis
Effects of Seasonal and Perennial Grazing on Soil Fauna Community and Microbial Biomass Carbon in the Subalpine Meadows of Yunnan, Southwest China
作者 LIU Shengjie YANG Xiaodong +2 位作者 Anthony R. IVES FENG Zhili SHA Liqing 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第2期371-379,共9页
Grazing and over-grazing may drive changes in the diversity and functioning of below-ground meadow ecosystems. A field soil survey was conducted to compare microbial biomass carbon (Cmin) and soil fauna communities ... Grazing and over-grazing may drive changes in the diversity and functioning of below-ground meadow ecosystems. A field soil survey was conducted to compare microbial biomass carbon (Cmin) and soil fauna communities in the two main grassland management systems in subalpine regions of Yunnan Province, China: perennial grazing currently practiced due to increasing herd sizes and traditional seasonal grazing. A three-year exclosure experiment was then conducted to further compare the effects of different grazing practices, including treatments of no mowing, perennial grazing (NM + G), mowing followed by seasonal grazing (M + G), mowing and no grazing (M + NG), and no mowing or grazing (NM + NG). The comparative survey result revealed that Cmin and total density of soil fauna were significantly lower at a perennially grazed site than at a seasonally grazed site. The experiment results showed that in comparison to non-grazing treatments (M + NG and NM + NG), grazing (NM + G and M + G) reduced total fauna density (by 150 individuals m-2) and the number of taxonomic groups present (by 0.32 taxa m-2). Mowing decreased Cmin (by 0.31 mg g-l). Furthermore, the NM + G treatment (perennial grazing) had the lowest density of Collembola (16.24 individuals m-2), one of the two most common taxonomic groups, although other taxonomic groups responded differently to the treatments. Treatment effects on soil fauna were consistent with those on above-ground grasses, in which C:N ratios were greatly reduced by grazing, with this effect being the greatest for the NM + G treatment. In contrast, different grazing treatments had little effect on C:N ratio of soil. Furthermore, the traditional grazing method (mowing followed by seasonal grazing) may have less severe effects on some taxonomic groups than perennial grazing. Therefore, an appropriate management should aim to protect soil fauna and microbes in this area from over-grazing and against further degradation. 展开更多
关键词 grass nutrient meadow ecosystems MOWING plant and animal communities soil microbes over-grazing
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