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韩国美术史研究对于朝鲜后期绘画知识形成的作用--以“真景”及“真景时代”概念为中心 被引量:1
作者 吴映玟 《艺术设计研究》 2011年第1期25-30,共6页
关键词 韩国绘画 真景 真景时代”
真人真景图书馆“经典传承”体验式教育案例分析——以北京联合大学图书馆为例 被引量:1
作者 李新 赵树荣 贺卓 《江苏科技信息》 2020年第33期11-13,共3页
“走经典、读传承”系列活动是北京联合大学图书馆立足北京地域特色、学校专业特色和图书馆行业特色而推出的“经典传承”体验式教育活动,活动组织学生参观游览北京市百年老店和经典景点或场所。文章通过“专家讲解、馆员服务、学生走... “走经典、读传承”系列活动是北京联合大学图书馆立足北京地域特色、学校专业特色和图书馆行业特色而推出的“经典传承”体验式教育活动,活动组织学生参观游览北京市百年老店和经典景点或场所。文章通过“专家讲解、馆员服务、学生走读”的模式,以“真人真景图书馆”的方式,为引导学生阅读经典、感悟传承,提升学生经典阅读兴趣和爱国主义情操提供新的思路。 展开更多
关键词 经典传承 真人真景图书馆 体验式教育
作者 罗忠生 《广西教育》 2014年第41期77-77,共1页
纵观小学语文教学体系,丰富的语文知识、优美的教学情境、创新的思维共同交织形成了小学语文教材的真情、真景、真境之美。随着新课程改革的深入发展,选择更为有效的教学措施与教学方法,引导学生进入到特定的教学情境之中深入感知语文... 纵观小学语文教学体系,丰富的语文知识、优美的教学情境、创新的思维共同交织形成了小学语文教材的真情、真景、真境之美。随着新课程改革的深入发展,选择更为有效的教学措施与教学方法,引导学生进入到特定的教学情境之中深入感知语文的内在美,已经成为目前小学语文教学发展的重要方向。 展开更多
关键词 教材 真情 真景 真境
作者 王坤 《年画研究》 2016年第1期103-109,共7页
以名胜古迹为题材的年画并不罕见,但如《赵州大石桥真景全图》如此大尺寸者却极少。画幅的大小通常可以反映画店的实力,而历史上年画店的状况却一直鲜有还原。已公开的年画研究成果表明,从美术学即年画的视觉审美出发是研究的主流,1从... 以名胜古迹为题材的年画并不罕见,但如《赵州大石桥真景全图》如此大尺寸者却极少。画幅的大小通常可以反映画店的实力,而历史上年画店的状况却一直鲜有还原。已公开的年画研究成果表明,从美术学即年画的视觉审美出发是研究的主流,1从社会学探讨年画店的营作方式、存续状态等一直处于边缘领域。 展开更多
关键词 研究 真景 大石桥 画店 年画 全图
古文批评的“神”论——茅坤《史记钞》初探 被引量:3
作者 邓国光 《首都师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第1期83-88,共6页
茅坤《史记钞》被遗忘近四百年,与《唐宋八大家文钞》俱是探索古文批评的资源。《四库提要》严重歪曲《史记钞》,掩盖了其特色。本文立《史记钞》于集部。《史记钞》强调“神”,是继《唐宋八大家文钞》的“本色”批评而发展,是理解《史... 茅坤《史记钞》被遗忘近四百年,与《唐宋八大家文钞》俱是探索古文批评的资源。《四库提要》严重歪曲《史记钞》,掩盖了其特色。本文立《史记钞》于集部。《史记钞》强调“神”,是继《唐宋八大家文钞》的“本色”批评而发展,是理解《史记》的文学性的关键。“本色”和“神”的观念,均特出文学的主体性。正视《史记钞》,清代古文的“神理”论才能找到源头。 展开更多
关键词 真景 生色 涵濡
作者 刘悦笛 《湖北美术学院学报》 2022年第2期4-10,共7页
笔者曾提出当代中国艺术—从“去中国性”到“再中国性”—的发展历程,并在批判与继承当代美学家阿瑟·丹托的艺术极简定义的基础上,以“新的中国性”来予当代中国艺术以新的标准之后,大卫·布鲁贝克以此为架构来阐发当代中国... 笔者曾提出当代中国艺术—从“去中国性”到“再中国性”—的发展历程,并在批判与继承当代美学家阿瑟·丹托的艺术极简定义的基础上,以“新的中国性”来予当代中国艺术以新的标准之后,大卫·布鲁贝克以此为架构来阐发当代中国水墨艺术的发展,并以姬子的艺术理论与实践的个案研究来加以阐明,彰显出当代中国水墨的可能全球化路径。然而,其将荆浩的画论与姬子水墨勾连起来的方式,更要探究荆浩之“气质”论与墨道“真”精神之间的真正深层关联。姬子具有“真图风格”的水墨所呈现的那种宇宙精神,乃是一种本土化的“墨道美学”的显现,这其实是一种追求“天地人化一、道物我通悟”的中国美学。 展开更多
关键词 再中国性 新中国性 中国墨道 墨道美学 真景水墨 宇宙精神
简论王国维《人间词话》中的“真” 被引量:4
作者 龚红庆 《延安教育学院学报》 2006年第2期33-34,51,共3页
王国维在《人间词话》中论述了“真”的理论,它由三个层面构成:真景、真情、真言。“真”这一理论,既有对古代文论的历史继承,又有王国维进一步的创新。作为王国维的文学创作观念,其实和个人人生哲学相通,就是王国维个人世界中一个完整... 王国维在《人间词话》中论述了“真”的理论,它由三个层面构成:真景、真情、真言。“真”这一理论,既有对古代文论的历史继承,又有王国维进一步的创新。作为王国维的文学创作观念,其实和个人人生哲学相通,就是王国维个人世界中一个完整的“真”。 展开更多
关键词 人间词话 真景 真情 真言
对外汉语教学中真实情景的创设 被引量:2
作者 方艳 《中国成人教育》 北大核心 2009年第11期145-146,共2页
在对外汉语课堂教学中创设真实情景,既不同于学生课外用汉语进行的日常交际,也不同于课堂组织的模拟情景,而是建立在师生之间或学生之间为获取信息而进行的交际活动。建立信息差是创设真实情景的主要方法。在具体教学中可采用个人关联... 在对外汉语课堂教学中创设真实情景,既不同于学生课外用汉语进行的日常交际,也不同于课堂组织的模拟情景,而是建立在师生之间或学生之间为获取信息而进行的交际活动。建立信息差是创设真实情景的主要方法。在具体教学中可采用个人关联法和看图说话的方式灵活运用。 展开更多
关键词 对外汉语教学 课堂教学 真实情景 信息差
在小学作文教学中“求”真 被引量:2
作者 陈霞 《基础教育研究》 2018年第22期46-46,48,共2页
关键词 写作教学 真人 真事 真景
作者 谭金平 《艺术生活》 2021年第1期23-31,共9页
中国山水画艺术审美的根本在于求"真",这本来不是问题,但近年来艺术界对山水画的这个传统审美体系似乎开始陌生。本文就先从中国山水画求"真"的理论阐释入手,阐释"真"在山水画中的含义。并从前人观点中... 中国山水画艺术审美的根本在于求"真",这本来不是问题,但近年来艺术界对山水画的这个传统审美体系似乎开始陌生。本文就先从中国山水画求"真"的理论阐释入手,阐释"真"在山水画中的含义。并从前人观点中概括出山水画求"真"的三个路径,分三部分论述,即"真情""真景""真笔墨"。首先从"真情"的含义、"真情"的本体论、"真情"的功能论分别论述"真情"的审美意义和在艺术创作中的重要性。其次从"真景"之要义,探索"真景"的外之形美与内之质理相统一的路径及其理论阐释。再次从中国文化审美观的角度阐释"真笔墨"的内涵。最后论述中国山水画求"真"审美的文化内涵与意义。 展开更多
关键词 审美 求真 真情 真景 真笔墨
作者 张丽 《教育界(基础教育)》 2018年第6期14-15,18,共3页
关键词 李煜 词作 真情 真景
作者 马庭琨 《芜湖联合大学学报》 1997年第3期49-50,共2页
《论雷峰塔的倒掉》第一段有这样一节文字:“……①但我见过未倒的雷峰塔,②破破烂烂的掩映于湖光山色之间,③落山的太阳照着这些四近的地方,④就是‘雷峰夕照,,⑤西湖十景之一。⑥雷峰夕照的真景我也见过,⑦并不见佳,⑧我以为”。 这... 《论雷峰塔的倒掉》第一段有这样一节文字:“……①但我见过未倒的雷峰塔,②破破烂烂的掩映于湖光山色之间,③落山的太阳照着这些四近的地方,④就是‘雷峰夕照,,⑤西湖十景之一。⑥雷峰夕照的真景我也见过,⑦并不见佳,⑧我以为”。 这里一共两个句子,前面一句似应解读为已见过“雷峰夕照”,因为这一句中的“见过”,在意念上应该能管到它后面到⑤为止的内容。但紧接着第二句中的“雷峰夕照的真景我也见过”,这个“也”又让人觉得前句表述的只是“见过”雷峰塔,并非雷峰夕照。 展开更多
关键词 雷峰夕照 雷峰塔 语体文 真景 标点符号 逗号 “也” 句号 落山的太阳 主语
Theory and Implementation of Distributed Visual Simulation
作者 徐昌伟 侯朝桢 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2001年第4期429-435,共7页
The development process as well as the core theory of distributed interactive simulation and high level architecture are discussed, and combined with graphics features, a system of real time distributed visual simula... The development process as well as the core theory of distributed interactive simulation and high level architecture are discussed, and combined with graphics features, a system of real time distributed visual simulation is established. Based on computer network, simulation platform is built by installing related software and modeling object, and the interactive functions are extended by programming. A set of solutions for building a distributed visual simulation system that include both hardware and software are put forward, and a practical instance is also provided. The whole building process can be summarized into two steps that are scheme consideration and system realization. 展开更多
关键词 visual simulation distributed interactive simulation high level architecture
Simulation of Dynamic Electromagnetic Interference Environment for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Data Link 被引量:10
作者 郭淑霞 董中要 +1 位作者 胡占涛 胡楚峰 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第7期19-28,共10页
In order to test the anti-interference ability of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) data link in a complex electromagnetic environment,a method for simulating the dynamic electromagnetic interference of an indoor wirele... In order to test the anti-interference ability of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) data link in a complex electromagnetic environment,a method for simulating the dynamic electromagnetic interference of an indoor wireless environment is proposed.This method can estimate the relational degree between the actual face of an UAV data link in an interface environment and the simulation scenarios in an anechoic chamber by using the Grey Relational Analysis(GRA) theory.The dynamic drive of the microwave instrument produces a real-time corresponding interference signal and realises scene mapping.The experimental results show that the maximal correlation between the interference signal in the real scene and the angular domain of the radiation antenna in the anechoic chamber is 0.959 3.Further,the relational degree of the Signal-toInterference Ratio(SIR) of the UAV at its reception terminal indoors and in the anechoic chamber is 0.996 8,and the time of instrument drive is only approximately 10 μs.All of the above illustrates that this method can achieve a simulation close to a real field dynamic electromagnetic interference signal of an indoor UAV data link. 展开更多
关键词 UAV data link dynamic electromagnetic interference GRA relational degree scene mapping instrument driver
Orhan Pamuk's Istanbul
作者 Mirjana Marinkovid 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第10期802-809,共8页
The paper is based on the autobiographic-essayistic book Istanbul: Memories of a City written by Orhan Pamuk. lstanbul as a typical old capital shapes the lives of its citizens by its spirit, culture, and imperial pa... The paper is based on the autobiographic-essayistic book Istanbul: Memories of a City written by Orhan Pamuk. lstanbul as a typical old capital shapes the lives of its citizens by its spirit, culture, and imperial past. On the other hand, it is a city that lives with specific sentiments--the sense of defeat and loss, melancholy and pain because of the lost power and glory. The author analyzes Pamuk's vision of his native city created on the basis of the real scenes and imaginary, the truly lived experiences and fiction. The paper is also concentrated on the deeds of the Turkish and European writers that had made a great contribution in Pamuk's synthesis of the East and the West, the past and the present and authentic permeation of cultures he has achieved writing about Istanbul. 展开更多
关键词 lstanbul Orhan Pamuk the Ottoman Empire the old capital
Mobile robot path planning based on adaptive bacterial foraging algorithm 被引量:8
作者 梁晓丹 李亮玉 +1 位作者 武继刚 陈瀚宁 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第12期3391-3400,共10页
The utilization of biomimicry of bacterial foraging strategy was considered to develop an adaptive control strategy for mobile robot, and a bacterial foraging approach was proposed for robot path planning. In the prop... The utilization of biomimicry of bacterial foraging strategy was considered to develop an adaptive control strategy for mobile robot, and a bacterial foraging approach was proposed for robot path planning. In the proposed model, robot that mimics the behavior of bacteria is able to determine an optimal collision-free path between a start and a target point in the environment surrounded by obstacles. In the simulation, two test scenarios of static environment with different number obstacles were adopted to evaluate the performance of the proposed method. Simulation results show that the robot which reflects the bacterial foraging behavior can adapt to complex environments in the planned trajectories with both satisfactory accuracy and stability. 展开更多
关键词 robot path planning bacterial foraging behaviors swarm intelligence ADAPTATION
作者 PANJun XINGLi-xin LIBai-shou MENGTao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2005年第2期168-172,共5页
The value of application of three-dimensional visualization and animation technique in dynamic simulation of geographical landscape formation is analyzed and, in particular, how to simulate the formation and evolvemen... The value of application of three-dimensional visualization and animation technique in dynamic simulation of geographical landscape formation is analyzed and, in particular, how to simulate the formation and evolvement of geographical landscape in temporal dimension is discussed thoroughly. Based on various modeling tools in 3DS MAX and original DEM data of the study area acquired from topographic map, real three-dimensional terrain model is generated by using the method of three-dimensional mesh approximation through DEM interpolating and surface modeling, which leads to the realization of the dynamic visualization and simulation of volcanic landscape, formation and evolvement. Furthermore, the dynamic three-dimensional visual virtual scenery of the formation and evolvement of the volcano in the Changbai Mountains of Jilin, China, is constructed. The applicability, potential, and corresponding technique of using 3DS MAX to dynamically simulate the formation of geographical landscape are expatiated. 展开更多
关键词 three-dimensional visualization geographical landscape VOLCANO ChangbaiMountains
Three-Dimensional Visual Analysis for Construction Layout of Reservoir Project
作者 钟登华 李文倩 +2 位作者 王瑞 缪正建 佟大威 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2012年第6期419-425,共7页
It is difficult to analyze the inter-relationship for the construction layout of a reservoir project scientifically and intuitively.According to the characteristics of broad field and huge information,the modeling met... It is difficult to analyze the inter-relationship for the construction layout of a reservoir project scientifically and intuitively.According to the characteristics of broad field and huge information,the modeling methods of digital terrain and solid model as well as the techniques of texture mapping and scene navigation are adopted.The simulation system is developed by C program language,which includes the functions of the interactive navigation of 3D scene,the visual inquiry of project digital model information,the storage and management of project information.A certain reservoir is taken as a case.The 3D visual analysis for the construction layout and engineering information are obtained.The proposed system is of great advantages in dealing with large amount of information and the method provides a theoretical basis and technical support for the construction layout of a reservoir project. 展开更多
关键词 construction layout 3D visual analysis simulation modeling reservoir project
Effects of Spatial Aggregation on Forest Landscape Model Simulation in Northeastern China
作者 周宇飞 贺红士 +2 位作者 布仁仓 金龙如 李秀珍 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2009年第3期178-186,共9页
Issues of scale and aggregation become important when large range of space and time scales is considered in landscape models.However,identifying appropriate levels of aggregation to accurately represent the processes ... Issues of scale and aggregation become important when large range of space and time scales is considered in landscape models.However,identifying appropriate levels of aggregation to accurately represent the processes and components of ecological systems is challenging.A raster-based spatially explicit forest landscape model,LANDIS,was used to study the effects of spatial aggregation on simulated spatial pattern and ecological process in Youhao Forest Bureau of the Small Khingan Mountain in Northeastern China.The model was tested over 500 simulation years with systematically increased levels of spatial aggregation.The results show that spatial aggregation significantly influences the simulation of fire disturbance,species abundance,and spatial pattern.Simulated fire regime was relatively insensitive to grain size between 30.m and 270.m in the region.Spatial aggregation from 300.m to 480.m dramatically decreased fire return interval(FRI) and increased mean fire size.Generally,species abundance and its aggregation index(AI) remained higher level over simulation years at the fine-grained level of spatial aggregation than at coarser grains.In addition,the simulated forest dynamics was more realistic at finer grains.These results suggest that appropriate levels of spatial aggregation for the model should not be larger than 270m. 展开更多
关键词 SCALE spatial aggregation LANDIS fire disturbance SUCCESSION spatial pattern Northeastern China
作者 陈忠洲 《北京观察》 2023年第10期64-67,共4页
在当前的山水画创作中,强化精神力度与精求笔墨趣味,已成为普遍关注的问题。观赏陈忠洲先生的山水画,其壮美的真景超越了具体时空的局限,大美的景象与崇高的精神融为一体。他无论画“阅尽人间春色”的莽莽大山,还是画茫茫瀚海上的峥峥古... 在当前的山水画创作中,强化精神力度与精求笔墨趣味,已成为普遍关注的问题。观赏陈忠洲先生的山水画,其壮美的真景超越了具体时空的局限,大美的景象与崇高的精神融为一体。他无论画“阅尽人间春色”的莽莽大山,还是画茫茫瀚海上的峥峥古木,抑或是画自天而落的飞流瀑布,都是深情地注入了整个民族的历史记忆和观实感奋,都寄寓着早已融入高山巨川大漠长河中的古老而且充满生机的民族精神。 展开更多
关键词 至情 山水画创作 真景 历史记忆 壮美
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