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曹宇光在全省“打非治违”专项行动推进视频会议上要求 真查 真改 真打 真纠
作者 钟晓 《吉林劳动保护》 2013年第5期7-7,2,共2页
5月8日,吉林省召开"打非治违"专项行动推进视频会议,总结去年全省"打非治违"专项行动情况,部署今年"打非治违"专项行动。吉林省安监局局长曹宇光出席会议并讲话,省安监局副局长张沛霖主持会议,省公安厅... 5月8日,吉林省召开"打非治违"专项行动推进视频会议,总结去年全省"打非治违"专项行动情况,部署今年"打非治违"专项行动。吉林省安监局局长曹宇光出席会议并讲话,省安监局副局长张沛霖主持会议,省公安厅、省国土资源厅、省住房和城乡建设厅、省交通运输厅、省工商局的代表分别发言。曹宇光指出,2012年是"打非治违"专项行动集中开展的第一年,各地、各部门努力工作,取得了明显成效,为省十次党代会。 展开更多
关键词 视频会议 真纠 曹宇 城乡建设厅 国土资源 副局长 交通运输 主持会议 工矿商贸 矿工安全
乳腺增生多按摩肩胛 被引量:1
作者 曲怡 《中医健康养生》 2015年第6期44-45,共2页
<正>大夫说我得了乳腺增生,好心烦!吃药吧,太麻烦还经常忘掉;针灸吧,我怕疼;不治疗呢,又担心越来越厉害,有癌变的危险。心里真纠结,谁能帮我推荐一种好办法呢?乳腺增生是女性最常见的乳房疾病,好发于25岁~39岁的女性,其发病率占... <正>大夫说我得了乳腺增生,好心烦!吃药吧,太麻烦还经常忘掉;针灸吧,我怕疼;不治疗呢,又担心越来越厉害,有癌变的危险。心里真纠结,谁能帮我推荐一种好办法呢?乳腺增生是女性最常见的乳房疾病,好发于25岁~39岁的女性,其发病率占乳腺疾病的首位。近年来,该病发病率呈逐年上升趋势。乳腺增生是指乳腺上皮和纤维组织增生,乳腺组织导管和乳小叶在结构上的退行性病变及进行性结缔组织的生长。在中医属'乳癖'范畴。 展开更多
关键词 乳腺增生 真纠 乳腺疾病 乳癖 乳腺上皮 肩胛部 退行性病变 乳腺导管 乳房疾病 天宗穴
召齐丘之使者考——《资治通鉴》勘误一例 被引量:1
作者 雷近芳 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1990年第2期40-41,共2页
《资治通鉴》是向以取材精审著称的。本书的参编者,皆为一时名家;总成其书的司马光亦曾对各长编史实进行过认真校订;其子司马康又专门负责文字检阅,所以统观《通鉴》全书,确为不可多得的史学名著。但是作为一部二百九十四卷的通史巨著,... 《资治通鉴》是向以取材精审著称的。本书的参编者,皆为一时名家;总成其书的司马光亦曾对各长编史实进行过认真校订;其子司马康又专门负责文字检阅,所以统观《通鉴》全书,确为不可多得的史学名著。但是作为一部二百九十四卷的通史巨著,《通鉴》包容了一千三百六十多年的历史,其间难免偶有舛误,虽谓瑕不掩瑜,可历史科学讲究史料的准确性,治《通鉴》的学人还是要认真纠缪勘误,本短文本此精神试勘一误,以求教于大方。 展开更多
关键词 《通鉴》 真纠 司马康 景达 南唐书 通鉴 景遂 历史科学 皇太弟 宋齐丘
《中共山西省委党校学报》 1982年第9期2-3,共2页
一九五六年九月党的八大正式宣布,革命的暴风雨时期已经过去,我国的无产阶级同资产阶级之间的矛盾已经基本上解决,几千年来的阶级剥削制度的历史已经基本上结束,社会主义的社会制度在我国已经基本上建立起来了。阶级斗争已经不再是我国... 一九五六年九月党的八大正式宣布,革命的暴风雨时期已经过去,我国的无产阶级同资产阶级之间的矛盾已经基本上解决,几千年来的阶级剥削制度的历史已经基本上结束,社会主义的社会制度在我国已经基本上建立起来了。阶级斗争已经不再是我国社会的主要矛盾。全国人民的主要任务,就是尽快地发展社会生产力,集中精力搞经济建设,把我国建设成为一个现代化的社会主义强国。但是,由于在社会主义改造完成以前,阶级斗争仍然继续存在,在社会主义改造完成以后,社会主义和资本主义的立场,观点和方法之间的斗争,还会继续一个很长的时间,还有反命革分子和对社会主义采取敌对态度并且违抗国家法律的个别的人,因此还必须继续加强人民民主专政,为彻底完成社会主义改造,最后消灭剥削制度和继续肃清反革命残余势力面斗争。 展开更多
关键词 阶级剥削 残余势力 消灭剥削 工作重点转移 中国革命实践 现代化建设 反右派 社会进步 真纠 反革命集团
《北京市人民政府公报》 2012年第8期69-82,共14页
京政办发[2012]12号各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:经市政府同意,现将本市清洁空气行动计划(2012年大气污染控制措施)任务分解到各区县政府、市政府各有关部门和单位。请切实巩固大气污染治理成果,按照《北京市人民... 京政办发[2012]12号各区、县人民政府,市政府各委、办、局,各市属机构:经市政府同意,现将本市清洁空气行动计划(2012年大气污染控制措施)任务分解到各区县政府、市政府各有关部门和单位。请切实巩固大气污染治理成果,按照《北京市人民政府关于印发北京市清洁空气行动计划(2011-2015年大气污染控制措施)的通知》(京政发[2011]15号) 展开更多
关键词 大气污染控制 二七 司卜 政府督查室 日车 水卜 万城 真纠 裂穴 半浦
作者 石聪 蒋崇竞 《政工导刊》 2016年第1期57-57,共1页
当下,"纠结"一词逐渐成为惯用词语。人们喜欢用"纠结"来表达自己的处境或者心理状态,这也从一个侧面反映了现代人的"压力山大"。面对诸多的选择与顾虑,面对两难甚至多难困境,人们常常在理性与感性、欲望与克制、道德坚守与缺失、... 当下,"纠结"一词逐渐成为惯用词语。人们喜欢用"纠结"来表达自己的处境或者心理状态,这也从一个侧面反映了现代人的"压力山大"。面对诸多的选择与顾虑,面对两难甚至多难困境,人们常常在理性与感性、欲望与克制、道德坚守与缺失、梦想与现实之间挣扎与困惑。人们之所以难作决定,是因为某些比对的过程触碰了心中的某些准则或价值。接下来的问题就在于,我们需要把这些可选择的选项按照它们吸引我们的顺序做一个排列,同时还要考虑进去这些不可触碰的准则。有的时候,即使排列出了首选选项,还要考虑如果目的不能达到是否还有候补、未选选项存在的优点等。其实, 展开更多
关键词 心理状态 本能反应 阳光心态 美国大学生 人说 非黑即白 真纠 快餐企业 阿姆斯特丹大学 心理学教授
Remote Preparation of an Entangled State in Nonideal Conditions
作者 CHEN Ai-Xi DENG Li +1 位作者 LI Jia-Hua ZHAN Zhi-Ming 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2X期221-224,共4页
In this paper, the theoretical investigation of remote preparation of an entangledstate is studied in nonideal conditions. Our studies include two parts. In the first part, we consider the remote state preparation (... In this paper, the theoretical investigation of remote preparation of an entangledstate is studied in nonideal conditions. Our studies include two parts. In the first part, we consider the remote state preparation (RSP) of an entangled state through two equally noisy quantum channel states, namely, a mixture of Bell states. Studies show there is a particular mixed-state channel for which all pure entangled states remain entangled after this inexact RSP. In the second part, we suppose that noises which quantum channels suffer from can be expressed as the Lindblad operators. The master equation of the system can be expressed in the Lindblad form. Through solving the master equation, we calculate the fidelity as a function of decoherence rates and parameters of the state to be prepared. For a given entangled state, we investigate the influence of different types of noises on the fidelity. 展开更多
关键词 remote state preparation FIDELITY ENTANGLEMENT
Teleportation of an n-bit one-photon and vacuum entangled GHZ cavity-field state
作者 赖振讲 范凤国 +1 位作者 朱刚毅 白晋涛 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2007年第1期118-122,共5页
A scheme for teleporting an arbitrary n-bit one-photon and vacuum entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state is proposed. In this scheme, the maximum entanglement GHZ state is used as a quantum channel. We fi... A scheme for teleporting an arbitrary n-bit one-photon and vacuum entangled Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) state is proposed. In this scheme, the maximum entanglement GHZ state is used as a quantum channel. We find a method of distinguishing four Bell states just by detecting the atomic states three times, which is irrelevant to the qubit number of the state to be teleported. 展开更多
关键词 TELEPORTATION multi-atom-cavity system one-photon and vacuum entangled GHZ state atom state detection
A Joint Encryption and Error Correction Method Used in Satellite Communications 被引量:3
作者 LINing LIN Kanfeng LIN Wenliang DENG Zhongliang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第3期70-79,共10页
Due to the ubiquitous open air links and complex electromagnetic environment in the satellite communications,how to ensure the security and reliability of the information through the satellite communications is an urg... Due to the ubiquitous open air links and complex electromagnetic environment in the satellite communications,how to ensure the security and reliability of the information through the satellite communications is an urgent problem.This paper combines the AES(Advanced Encryption Standard) with LDPC(Low Density Parity Check Code) to design a secure and reliable error correction method — SEEC(Satellite Encryption and Error Correction).This method selects the LDPC codes,which is suitable for satellite communications,and uses the AES round key to control the encoding process,at the same time,proposes a new algorithm of round key generation.Based on a fairly good property in error correction in satellite communications,the method improves the security of the system,achieves a shorter key size,and then makes the key management easier.Eventually,the method shows a great error correction capability and encryption effect by the MATLAB simulation. 展开更多
关键词 data encryption error correctingcipher advanced encryption standard LDPCchannel coding satellite communications
Entanglement and Fidelity of a Spin Ladder with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya Interaction
作者 陈雅 朱士群 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第12期1016-1022,共7页
The spin ladder with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction is investigated by using the quantum renormalization-group method.The entanglement and fidelity are periodic functions of the time and oscillate between zero and o... The spin ladder with Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction is investigated by using the quantum renormalization-group method.The entanglement and fidelity are periodic functions of the time and oscillate between zero and one.The oscillation period decreases with either the interaction in the spin ladder or the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction increasing.When the system relates to the environment,both entanglement and fidelity oscillate with a damping rate related to intrinsic decoherence rate,the interaction in the spin ladder,and the Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction. 展开更多
关键词 ENTANGLEMENT FIDELITY spin ladder Dzyaloshinsky-Moriya interaction
Two-Mode Excited Squeezed Vacuum State and Its Properties
作者 MENG Xiang-Guo WANG Ji-Suo LIANG Bao-Long 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期1299-1304,共6页
In this paper, the two-mode excited squeezed vacuum state (TESVS) is studied by using the statistical method. By calculating the normalization of the TESVS, a new form of Jacobi polynomials and some new identities a... In this paper, the two-mode excited squeezed vacuum state (TESVS) is studied by using the statistical method. By calculating the normalization of the TESVS, a new form of Jacobi polynomials and some new identities are obtained. The photon number distribution of the TESVS is given and it is a simple form of Jacobi polynomials. Using the entangled state representation of Wigner operator, the Wigner function of the TESVS is obtainded and the variations of the Wigner function with the parameters m, n, and r are discussed. Here from the phase space point of view the TESVS can be well interpreted and described. 展开更多
关键词 two-mode excited squeezed vacuum state photon number distribution Wigner function entangled state representation
Entanglement Transfer from Two-Mode Squeezed Vacuum State Field to Two Spatially Separated Atoms in Two-Photon Processes
作者 CUI Hui-Ping ZOU Jian LI Jian SHAO Bin 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第5期1182-1186,共5页
We investigate the influence of the Stark shift on the entanglement transfer from the two-mode squeezed vacuum state field to two spatially separated atoms in two-photon processes. Our results show that the Stark shif... We investigate the influence of the Stark shift on the entanglement transfer from the two-mode squeezed vacuum state field to two spatially separated atoms in two-photon processes. Our results show that the Stark shift plays an important role in such entanglement transfer. We find that when the Stark shift parameter r is small, the degree of entanglement between the two atoms increases with the increasing of the squeezing parameter ξ first, and after achieving its maximal value, the degree of entanglement will decrease to zero with the increasing of ξ; while for big r, E will increase with the increasing of ξ. 展开更多
关键词 entanglement transfer two-mode squeezed vacuum state two-photon JCM
The entanglement evolution of two coupling two-level atoms interacting with a single-mode vacuum field in multiphoton Tavis-Cummings model
作者 Lu Daoming 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2012年第1期80-85,共6页
Using multipohton Tavis-Cummings model,the entanglement evolution of two coupling two-level atoms in Bell states interacting with a single-mode vacuum field is investigated by using negativity.The influences of coupli... Using multipohton Tavis-Cummings model,the entanglement evolution of two coupling two-level atoms in Bell states interacting with a single-mode vacuum field is investigated by using negativity.The influences of coupling constants between atoms,the atomic initial states and the photon number of transition on the entanglement evolution of two coupling two-level atoms are discussed.The results obtained using the numerical method show that the entanglement of two atoms is related with coupling constants between atoms,the atomic initial states and the photon number of transition.The two-atom entanglement state will forever stay in the maximum entanglement state when the initial state is β11〉.When the initial state of two atoms is β01〉,the entanglement of two atoms displays periodic oscillation behavior.And its oscillation period decreases with increasing of coupling constant between atoms or the photon number of transition.On the other hand,when the initial state is β00〉 or β10〉,the entanglement of two atoms displays quasiperiodic oscillation behavior and its oscillation period decreases with increasing of coupling constant between atoms or the photon number of transition. 展开更多
关键词 quantum optics single-mode vacuum field two coupling two-level atoms muhiphoton ENTANGLEMENT
q-Deforrned Entangled States Representations and Some Applications
作者 许业军 宋军 +1 位作者 袁洪春 刘秋宇 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期227-231,共5页
The q-deformed entangled states are introduced by using deformation quantization methods and new normal ordering of the vacuum projection operator for q-deformed boson oscillator. In similar way, by virtue of the tech... The q-deformed entangled states are introduced by using deformation quantization methods and new normal ordering of the vacuum projection operator for q-deformed boson oscillator. In similar way, by virtue of the technique of integration within an ordered product (IWOP) of operators, the new completeness and orthogonMity relations composed of the bra and ket, which are not mutually Hermitian conjugates are obtained. Furthermore, the property of squeezing operator represented by the q-deformed entangled states is exhibited. Lastly, the nonclassical properties of the q-deformed two-mode squeezed vacuum state are studied. 展开更多
关键词 q-deformed entangled state completeness and orthogonality relations nonclassical properties
《幸福(少年)》 2007年第10期63-63,共1页
关键词 《幸福》 真纠 封面设计
Experimental one-step deterministic polarization entanglement purification 被引量:3
作者 Cen-Xiao Huang Xiao-Min Hu +4 位作者 Bi-Heng Liu Lan Zhou Yu-Bo Sheng Chuan-Feng Li Guang-Can Guo 《Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CSCD 2022年第6期593-597,M0003,共6页
Entanglement purification is to distill high-quality entangled states from low-quality entangled states.It is a key step in quantum repeaters,determines the efficiency and communication rates of quantum communication ... Entanglement purification is to distill high-quality entangled states from low-quality entangled states.It is a key step in quantum repeaters,determines the efficiency and communication rates of quantum communication protocols,and is hence of central importance in long-distance communications and quantum networks.In this work,we report the first experimental demonstration of deterministic entanglement purification using polarization and spatial mode hyperentanglement.After purification,the fidelity of polarization entanglement arises from 0.268±0.002 to 0.989±0.001.Assisted with robust spatial mode entanglement,the total purification efficiency can be estimated as 10^(9) times that of the entanglement purification protocols using two copies of entangled states when one uses the spontaneous parametric down-conversion sources.Our work may have the potential to be implemented as a part of full repeater protocols. 展开更多
关键词 Quantum entanglement Hyperentanglement Quantum communication Deterministic entanglement purification Quantum repeater
Comparative analysis on the performance of two concatenated codes for high-speed long-haul optical communication systems
作者 袁建国 毕文娟 +1 位作者 欧松林 栗婵媛 《Optoelectronics Letters》 EI 2012年第5期359-362,共4页
After the development trend of high-speed long-haul optical communication systems and the theory of the concatenated code are analyzed,the comparative researches on the performances of the two concatenated codes of th... After the development trend of high-speed long-haul optical communication systems and the theory of the concatenated code are analyzed,the comparative researches on the performances of the two concatenated codes of the inner-outer type and the improved interleaving type are performed in detail.The theoretical analyses and simulation results show that the inner-outer type concatenated code has the greater redundancy,and the improved interleaving type concatenated code is a superior concatenated code with the advantages of the better error correction performance,moderate redundancy and easy implementation.As a result,the improved interleaving type concatenated code can be better used in high-speed long-haul optical communication systems. 展开更多
Standard Teleportation of One-Qubit State and Partial Teleportation of Two-Qubit State via X-States
作者 秦猛 徐胜龙 翟孝月 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第2期201-204,共4页
In this article, we derive the explicit entanglement and fidelity expressions for a larger class of two-qubit states, namely, a seven-parameter family of so ca^led X-states. The ana/ytical expressions of the entanglem... In this article, we derive the explicit entanglement and fidelity expressions for a larger class of two-qubit states, namely, a seven-parameter family of so ca^led X-states. The ana/ytical expressions of the entanglement, the output entanglement and the average fidelity are obtained for this genera/model by using the concept of concurrence and average fidelity. We study the relations between quantum entanglement, the output entanglement, and the average fidelity for standard teleportation of one-qubit and partial teleportation of two-qubit state. We discover that the average fidelity and entanglement is not a simple dependence relation. The higher entangled system is helpful for teleportation. 展开更多
关键词 X-states entanglement TELEPORTATION
Dynamical Entanglement of Vibrations in Integrable Dimer and Small Molecules 被引量:2
作者 张金利 刘金明 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第8期210-216,共7页
By means of the reduced-density linear entropy, we investigate the properties of dynamical entanglement of vibrations in integrable dimer and realistic small molecules which are initially in the two-mode squeezed vacu... By means of the reduced-density linear entropy, we investigate the properties of dynamical entanglement of vibrations in integrable dimer and realistic small molecules which are initially in the two-mode squeezed vacuum state. It is found that the entropy of the integrable dimer is periodic for weak coupling strength cl and small squeezing parameter r, and there exists a beat phenomenon for strong el and large r. Moreover, the entropy of the small molecules is quasi-periodic for small r, &nd the begt phenomenon occurs in the entropy evolution of the two molecules C2D2 and S02 for large r. Our results might be used for molecular quantum computing based on vibrational states. 展开更多
关键词 integrable dimer small molecules linear entropy squeezed vacuum state
Entanglement transfer from two-mode squeezed vacuum light to spatially separated mechanical oscillators via dissipative optomechanical coupling 被引量:3
作者 YAN Yan GU WenJu LI GaoXiang 《Science China(Physics,Mechanics & Astronomy)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第5期52-59,共8页
In this paper, we propose a scheme to generate an entangled state between two spatially separated movable mirrors by injecting the two-mode squeezed optical reservoir to the dissipative optomechanics, in which the mov... In this paper, we propose a scheme to generate an entangled state between two spatially separated movable mirrors by injecting the two-mode squeezed optical reservoir to the dissipative optomechanics, in which the movable mirrors can modulate the linewidth of the cavity modes. When the coupling between the mirrors and the corresponding cavity modes is weak, the two driven cavity fields can respectively behave as the squeezed-vacuum reservoir for the two movable mirrors by utilizing the effect of completely destructive interference of quantum noise. Thus the mechanical modes are prepared in a two-mode squeezed vacuum state. Moreover,when the coupling between the two mirrors and the cavities modes is strong, the entanglement between the two movable mirrors decreases because photonic excitation can preclude the completely destructive interference of quantum noise, but the movable mirrors are still entangled. 展开更多
关键词 EPR mechanical entanglement double dissipative optomechanics efficient transfer of quantum correlations
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