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细辛在男科病症的应用 被引量:1
作者 李来祥 《陕西中医》 北大核心 1995年第3期134-134,共1页
细辛性味辛温,归肺、肾经,具有解表散寒,祛风止痛,温肺化饮等功效,既能发散在表之风寒,又能祛除入里之寒邪。笔者在近年临证时,运用细辛治疗男科病证,疗满意效,现报道如下。 不射精症 李某,男,40岁,工人,1989年1月20日初诊。1月前探亲回... 细辛性味辛温,归肺、肾经,具有解表散寒,祛风止痛,温肺化饮等功效,既能发散在表之风寒,又能祛除入里之寒邪。笔者在近年临证时,运用细辛治疗男科病证,疗满意效,现报道如下。 不射精症 李某,男,40岁,工人,1989年1月20日初诊。1月前探亲回家,晚即同房,始觉射精不能,后每次同房,均不射精。详询问之,知探亲途中,过度劳累,又感风寒,夜晚入房,遂发此疾。查:脉沉而紧,舌淡苔白滑。此乃阳虚体弱,复受风寒,寒邪入里,紧束精窍所致。治以散风寒,温下元,通精窍,用麻黄附子细辛汤加味:麻黄5g,细辛、肉桂、制附片、青皮、生姜、炙草各6g,茯苓、路路通各9g。水煎服,日2次。3剂后,同房射精通畅,又以金匮肾气丸善后。 展开更多
关键词 男性 细辛 不射精症 睾丸肿病 中医药疗法
作者 Fang Mei Bo Zhang Zhi-wei Tang Lin Hou 《Chinese Medical Sciences Journal》 CAS CSCD 2005年第3期217-220,共4页
Objective To evaluate the expression of telomerase transcriptional elements-interacting factor (TEIF) in human testis under different status and its relation with human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) exp... Objective To evaluate the expression of telomerase transcriptional elements-interacting factor (TEIF) in human testis under different status and its relation with human telomerase reverse transcriptase (hTERT) expression. Methods Specific antisera against TEIF were generated by immunization of rabbits with purified recombinated partial TEIF. Samples were assigned to three groups according to their pathological types, including 16 normal testes, 8 atrophic testes, and 6 testicular seminomas. They were subjected to immunohistochemical staining of TEIF and hTERT. Results from both TEIF and hTERT were analyzed semi-quantitatively and compared. The expressions of TEIF and hTERT were detected in all samples of normal, atrophic testes, and seminomas. No differences of TEIF expressions among these three groups were observed (P 〉 0.05). On the contrary, the expressions of hTERT were significantly lower in atrophic testes compared with those of normal testes and seminomas (both P 〈 0.05). Nevertheless, co-expressions of TEIF with hTERT were revealed to be in normal and malignant cases (P 〈 0.05) but not in atrophic testes, which generally presented TEIF expression. The cellular distributions of both proteins were similar and mainly in spermatocytes and some Sertoli cells, while were all negative in the interstitial cells and other stromal cells. Conclusion The uniform expressions of TEIF in all these specimens suggest that it may be a marker of testis and its related diseases. The strong expression of hTERT in normal testes and testicular seminomas comparing with the low expression in atrophic testes may suggest a role for telomerase in maintaining proliferation of germ cells. 展开更多
关键词 telomerase transcriptional elements-interacting factor human telomerase reverse transcriptase IMMUNOHISTOCHEMISTRY TESTIS
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