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作者 徐群芳 《应用概率统计》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期61-71,共11页
在回归分析中往往对条件均值,条件方差及高阶条件矩特别感兴趣.本文我们将关注中心k阶条件矩子空间在高维相依自变量情形的估计问题.为此,我们首先引入中心k阶条件矩子空间的概念,并研究该子空间的基本性质.针对高维相依自变量的复杂数... 在回归分析中往往对条件均值,条件方差及高阶条件矩特别感兴趣.本文我们将关注中心k阶条件矩子空间在高维相依自变量情形的估计问题.为此,我们首先引入中心k阶条件矩子空间的概念,并研究该子空间的基本性质.针对高维相依自变量的复杂数据,为了避免预测变量协方差阵的逆矩阵的计算,本文提出用偏最小二乘方法来估计中心k阶条件矩子空间.最后得到了估计的强相合性等渐近性质. 展开更多
关键词 充分降维空间 中心k阶条件矩子空间 高维相依 最小二乘估计 偏最小二乘
指派问题新解法——目标值子矩阵法 被引量:2
作者 赵洪刚 杨竹君 +1 位作者 孟庆华 高金贵 《浙江大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第5期501-504,共4页
针对0-1整数规划中的传统指派问题,由工程实践问题提出了一种全新的解法——目标值子矩阵法.对于n个变量的传统指派问题,一般只需n次运算即可找到最优解,简单易懂,与全枚解法和其他隐枚解法相比,极大地降低了计算量.如果把这种方法应用... 针对0-1整数规划中的传统指派问题,由工程实践问题提出了一种全新的解法——目标值子矩阵法.对于n个变量的传统指派问题,一般只需n次运算即可找到最优解,简单易懂,与全枚解法和其他隐枚解法相比,极大地降低了计算量.如果把这种方法应用在计算机中,将使编程简化,计算次数减少,运算速度大为提高. 展开更多
关键词 传统指派问题 目标值阵法 计算量
基于矩-傅里叶描述子人脸图像识别 被引量:4
作者 王耀明 崔新春 刘挺 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 北大核心 2002年第9期30-31,59,共3页
关键词 RADON变换 -傅里叶描述 人脸图像识别 特征
作者 袁行飞 周练 《浙江大学学报(工学版)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第6期1074-1081,共8页
提出通过追踪机构位移模态子矩阵行满秩与否来判断机构运动分岔点的新方法——机构位移模态子矩阵法.该方法将铰接杆系机构的自由节点分为驱动节点和从动节点,对应描述机构构型的变量分别为控制变量和状态变量.建立铰接杆系机构平衡矩阵... 提出通过追踪机构位移模态子矩阵行满秩与否来判断机构运动分岔点的新方法——机构位移模态子矩阵法.该方法将铰接杆系机构的自由节点分为驱动节点和从动节点,对应描述机构构型的变量分别为控制变量和状态变量.建立铰接杆系机构平衡矩阵,由奇异值分解得到整体机构位移模态,定义驱动节点对应的机构位移模态矩阵和从动节点对应的机构位移模态矩阵为机构位移模态子矩阵,当机构位移模态子矩阵出现非行满秩现象时,驱动节点或从动节点获得自由度,机构运动发生奇异.通过单自由度和两自由度机构算例分析证明了此方法的正确性与有效性. 展开更多
关键词 铰接杆系机构 运动分岔 奇异 机构位移模态 机构位移模态阵法
作者 王耀明 刘挺 《上海师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2004年第2期42-46,共5页
关键词 RADON变换 ——小波描述 人脸图像识别 特征
多尺度模型与矩描绘子相结合的手势识别算法 被引量:3
作者 丁海洋 阮秋琦 《北方交通大学学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2004年第2期41-45,共5页
提出了一种基于单目视觉的手势识别算法.通过用户初始化过程获取基本识别参数,结合视频跟踪的过程实时获取用户手势区域,在该区域内采用矩描绘子与多尺度模型相结合的方法进行特征提取,对于提取出的特征采用分类识别规则,实现对手势1~1... 提出了一种基于单目视觉的手势识别算法.通过用户初始化过程获取基本识别参数,结合视频跟踪的过程实时获取用户手势区域,在该区域内采用矩描绘子与多尺度模型相结合的方法进行特征提取,对于提取出的特征采用分类识别规则,实现对手势1~10的正确识别.经过试验证明,该算法可以适用于不同用户,识别正确率达到93.5%. 展开更多
关键词 模式识别 手势识别 视频跟踪 描绘 多尺度模型
作者 赵发勇 《阜阳师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第2期18-22,共5页
通过对基于形状的模式识别问题研究现状的探讨,在以前人们研究成果的基础上,提出了一种新的形状描述子——矩傅立叶描述子矩阵(Moment Fourier Descriptor Matrix:MFDM),它能够描述一些由非闭合区域组成的复杂形状物体,且表现为相对与... 通过对基于形状的模式识别问题研究现状的探讨,在以前人们研究成果的基础上,提出了一种新的形状描述子——矩傅立叶描述子矩阵(Moment Fourier Descriptor Matrix:MFDM),它能够描述一些由非闭合区域组成的复杂形状物体,且表现为相对与图像的平移、尺度变化和旋转的不变量,因此可以用于一些复杂形状物体的识别,如文字。 展开更多
关键词 模式识别 傅立叶描述 不变模式识别 不变函数 图像识别
一种基于感知成型及矩傅立叶矩阵描述子的鲁棒性数字水印方案 被引量:1
作者 沈嘉骅 杨明福 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 北大核心 2006年第4期105-107,共3页
提出了一种结合离散小波变换(DWT),离散余弦变换(DCT),感知模型(HVS)及矩傅立叶矩阵描述子(MFMD)的图像数字水印方案。该方法把原始图像进行二维DWT分解,保留其高频细节部分,然后对小波逼近子图进行二维DCT变换并结合HVS进行水印嵌入。... 提出了一种结合离散小波变换(DWT),离散余弦变换(DCT),感知模型(HVS)及矩傅立叶矩阵描述子(MFMD)的图像数字水印方案。该方法把原始图像进行二维DWT分解,保留其高频细节部分,然后对小波逼近子图进行二维DCT变换并结合HVS进行水印嵌入。水印的检测则采用了相关性与MFMD相结合的方法。实验结果表明该水印方案很好地实现了水印系统所要求的基本特性,诸如嵌入有效性,保真度,数据有效载荷及鲁棒性等等。 展开更多
关键词 图像水印 离散小波变换 离散余弦变换 感知模型 傅立叶阵描述
融合WMD矩阵与2DPCA的人脸特征抽取与识别 被引量:1
作者 谢永华 陈伏兵 +1 位作者 张生亮 杨静宇 《计算机工程》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第16期23-25,共3页
提出了一种融合小波矩描述子(WMD)矩阵与二维主成分分析(2DPCA)的人脸特征抽取与识别算法。该方法抽取描述人脸本质特征的WMD矩阵,利用2DPCA对该矩阵进行投影压缩降维,抽取人脸最终鉴别特征,利用最近邻分类器对特征进行分类识别。NUST60... 提出了一种融合小波矩描述子(WMD)矩阵与二维主成分分析(2DPCA)的人脸特征抽取与识别算法。该方法抽取描述人脸本质特征的WMD矩阵,利用2DPCA对该矩阵进行投影压缩降维,抽取人脸最终鉴别特征,利用最近邻分类器对特征进行分类识别。NUST603人脸库上的实验结果验证了算法的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 小波描述 二维主成分分析 人脸 特征抽取
作者 田维华 《铜仁学院学报》 2007年第2期57-61,78,共6页
我省清代史学家以宋太祖将最先归附于宋的“矩州”,嘉称为“惟尔贵州”一语,套用黔中称“矩子”为“櫃子”为同一物名这一叫法,于是想当然地演绎为“矩州语讹为贵州”,说成“于是始有贵州之名”起源的出据典籍。笔者认为,史学家们以宋... 我省清代史学家以宋太祖将最先归附于宋的“矩州”,嘉称为“惟尔贵州”一语,套用黔中称“矩子”为“櫃子”为同一物名这一叫法,于是想当然地演绎为“矩州语讹为贵州”,说成“于是始有贵州之名”起源的出据典籍。笔者认为,史学家们以宋太祖敬呼“矩州”为“惟尔贵州”抬举之词的“贵州”代称,将一部由宋徽宗以“黔南路”军事手段“拓地环二千里”形成的新型区划,始建的一个真正的黔省“贵州防御使”之史统统抹掉,从而导致至今无人破译“贵州”行政区划源于“黔南路”历史源流的断层史。 展开更多
关键词 矩子 贵州 黔南路 贵州防御使
复杂背景下BP神经网络的手势识别方法 被引量:13
作者 王先军 白国振 杨勇明 《计算机应用与软件》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期247-249,267,共4页
针对手势图像的肤色特点,结合肤色在RGB空间的阈值分割和YCbCr颜色空间上的聚簇特性,以及背景模型的应用,有效减少了背景中类肤色的干扰,完成了手部图像在复杂背景下的检测和分割;并采用图像的7个不变Hu矩描述子来表征不同二值化的手势... 针对手势图像的肤色特点,结合肤色在RGB空间的阈值分割和YCbCr颜色空间上的聚簇特性,以及背景模型的应用,有效减少了背景中类肤色的干扰,完成了手部图像在复杂背景下的检测和分割;并采用图像的7个不变Hu矩描述子来表征不同二值化的手势轮廓;最后采用BP神经网络进行手势识别。实验结果表明该方法有较好的识别率和鲁棒性。 展开更多
关键词 背景模型 Hu描述 BP神经网络 手势识别
Structural,magnetic and electronic properties of FeF_2 by first-principle calculation 被引量:1
作者 杨振华 王先友 +1 位作者 刘黎 苏旭平 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第2期386-390,共5页
First-principle calculation was used to investigate the magnetic properties, electronic structure and bonding mechanism of FeF2. By calculating the lattice parameters and magnetic moment as a function of effective int... First-principle calculation was used to investigate the magnetic properties, electronic structure and bonding mechanism of FeF2. By calculating the lattice parameters and magnetic moment as a function of effective interaction parameter (Ueff), it is found that the optimum value of Uefr is equal to 4 eV, the magnetic moment is 3.752 μB and the value of c/a is 0.704, which are in good agreement with the experiment results. Simultaneously, on the basis of GGA+U method, the electronic structure and bonding mechanism of FeF2 were investigated by the analysis of electron localization function, Bader charge and total charge density. The results show that the bonding behavior between Fe and F atoms is a combination of ionic and covalent bond. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic moment electronic structure bonding mechanism FeF2 lithium-ion battery
First Principle Study on the Magnetic and Electric Properties of Wurtzite Cr-phosphides and Cr-sulphides: Several Half-metallic Ferromagnets
作者 刘俊 陈培达 +2 位作者 陈立 董会宁 郑瑞伦 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期397-401,I0001,共6页
The geometrical structures of wurtzite CrX (X=As, Sb, O, Se, and Te) were optimized, then their electric and magnetic properties were investigated by the first-principle calculations within the generalized gradient ... The geometrical structures of wurtzite CrX (X=As, Sb, O, Se, and Te) were optimized, then their electric and magnetic properties were investigated by the first-principle calculations within the generalized gradient approximation for the exchange-correlation functional based on the density functional theory. These Cr-phosphides and Cr-sulphides were predicted to be half-metallic ferromagnets whose spin-polarization at the Fermi level is absolutely 100%. The molecular magnetic moments of Cr-phosphides and Cr-sulphides are 3.00 and 4.00 μB, which arise mainly from Cr-ions, respectively. There is ferromagnetic coupling in both Cr- phosphides and Cr-sulphides. The Curie temperatures of Cr-sulphides and Cr-phosphides are high. The electronic structures of Cr-ions are a1g^2↑↓t1u^4↑↓t1u^1↑↓eg^2↑↓in Cr-phosphides and a1g^2↑↓t1u^4↑↓t1u^1↑t2g^3↑in Cr-sulphides, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 Half-metallic ferromagnet Electric and magnetic property Molecular magnetic moment
Calculation of torque and speed of induction machines under rotor winding faults
作者 马宏忠 胡虔生 +1 位作者 黄允凯 张利民 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2005年第1期39-43,共5页
Based on the multi-loop method, the rotating torque and speed of theinduction machine are analyzed. The fluctuating components of the torque and speed caused by rotorwinding faults are studied. The models for calculat... Based on the multi-loop method, the rotating torque and speed of theinduction machine are analyzed. The fluctuating components of the torque and speed caused by rotorwinding faults are studied. The models for calculating the fluctuating components are put forward.Simulation and computation results show that the rotor winding faults will cause electromagnetictorque and rotating speed to fluctuate; and fluctuating frequencies are the same and their magnitudewill increase with the rise of the severity of the faults. The load inertia affects the torque andspeed fluctuation, with the increase of inertia, the fluctuation of the torque will rise, while thecorresponding speed fluctuation will obviously decline. 展开更多
关键词 induction machine rotor winding fault TORQUE SPEED fluctuating
Waveguide Optimization for a 9.0μm GaAs-Based Quantum Cascade Laser
作者 李路 刘峰奇 +2 位作者 邵烨 刘俊岐 王占国 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期31-35,共5页
Improved waveguide designs for 9.0μm GaAs-based quantum cascade laser (QCL) structures are presented. Modal losses and confinement factors are calculated for TM modes with the transfer matrix method (TMM) and eff... Improved waveguide designs for 9.0μm GaAs-based quantum cascade laser (QCL) structures are presented. Modal losses and confinement factors are calculated for TM modes with the transfer matrix method (TMM) and effective index method (EIM). The thicknesses of the cladding layer and waveguide layer, the ridge-width, and the cavity length are all taken into account. Appropriate thicknesses of epilayers are given with lower threshold gain and more economical material growth time. 展开更多
关键词 quantum cascade laser transfer matrix method effective index method
作者 韩景龙 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2002年第2期166-171,共6页
In this paper, based on the invariant subspace theory and adjoint operator concept of linear operator, a new matrix representation method is proposed to calculate the normal forms of n order general nonlinear dyna... In this paper, based on the invariant subspace theory and adjoint operator concept of linear operator, a new matrix representation method is proposed to calculate the normal forms of n order general nonlinear dynamic systems. In the method, there is no need to determine the structure of the class of normal forms in advance. Because the subspace is not related to the dimensions of the system and the order of the normal forms directly, it is determined only by a given vector field. So the normal forms with high orders and dimensions can be calculated by the method without difficulties. In this paper, is used the method for selecting the minimal subspace and solving homological equations in the subspace, the examples show that the method is very effective. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic system normal forms NONLINEARITY linear space adjoint operator
The σ-duals of Sequence Spaces
作者 李龙锁 吴雅娟 赵玟亨 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2001年第2期30-36,共7页
In this paper, the σ_duals of two classes important sequence spaces l 1(X) and l ∞(X) are investigated, and shows that some topology properties of locally convex space (X,τ) can be characterized by the σ _dua... In this paper, the σ_duals of two classes important sequence spaces l 1(X) and l ∞(X) are investigated, and shows that some topology properties of locally convex space (X,τ) can be characterized by the σ _duals. The criterions of bounded sets in l 1(X) and l ∞(X ) with respect to the weak topologies generated by the σ _duals are obtained. Furthermore, a Schur type result and an automatic continuity theorem of matrix transformation are established. 展开更多
关键词 sequence spaces σ_duals subseries convergence
LSDA+U study on the electronic and anti-ferromagnetic properties of Ni-doped CuO and Cu-doped NiO 被引量:1
作者 Yujie Li Fan Yang Ying Yu 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2017年第5期767-774,共8页
Doping is an effective way to improve the activity of photocatalysts.The effect of doping on the magnetic properties of some photocatalysts that are easily recycled was studied using the local spin density approximati... Doping is an effective way to improve the activity of photocatalysts.The effect of doping on the magnetic properties of some photocatalysts that are easily recycled was studied using the local spin density approximation(LSDA)+U method on typical divalent metal oxide semiconductors CuO,NiO,Ni‐doped CuO,and Cu‐doped NiO.It is found that the influence of Ni doping on the spatial structure of CuO and that of Cu doping on the spatial structure of NiO are negligible because of the similar radii of Ni2+and Cu2+.The valence band and conduction band for Ni‐doped CuO are clearly spin‐split,corresponding to a net effective magnetic moment ofμeff=1.66μB.This may improve the photocatalytic efficiency and raise the recycle rate of photocatalysts.In the Cu‐doped NiO system,the presence of Cu3d states near to the Fermi level increases the width of the valence band and narrows the band gap with respect to that in pure NiO.Beyond the Cu3d states,within the band gap,appear two energy levels around the Fermi level,which may effectively separate the electron‐hole pair and also lead to enhanced absorption of visible light and infrared light.It can be concluded that the observed changes in the band structure may be helpful for improving the activity of photocatalysts and the doped systems have net magnetic moments,meaning that they are easily recycled and can be reused. 展开更多
关键词 LSDA+U CUO NIO Magnetic moment Electronic structure PHOTOCATALYSIS
Double Symplectic Eigenfunction Expansion Method of Free Vibration of Rectangular Thin Plates 被引量:7
作者 WANG Hua Alatancang HUANG Jun-Jie 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第12期1087-1092,共6页
The free vibration problem of rectangular thin plates is rewritten as a new upper triangular matrix differential system. For the associated operator matrix, we find that the two diagonal block operators are Hamiltonia... The free vibration problem of rectangular thin plates is rewritten as a new upper triangular matrix differential system. For the associated operator matrix, we find that the two diagonal block operators are Hamiltonian. Moreover, the existence and completeness of normed symplectic orthogonal eigenfunction systems of these two block operators are demonstrated. Based on the completeness, the general solution of the free vibration of rectangular thin plates is given by double symplectie eigenfunction expansion method. 展开更多
关键词 free vibration of rectangular thin plate double symplectic eigenfunction expansion method upper triangular matrix differential system general solution
Tunneling of Dirac Particles from Kaluza-Klein Black Hole 被引量:2
作者 ZENG Xiao-Xiong LI Qiang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第5期849-852,共4页
Applying the fermions tunneling method, proposed by Kerner and Mann recently, we discuss the tunneling characteristics of Dirac particles from the stationary Kaluza-Klein black hole. To choose Gamma matrix convenientl... Applying the fermions tunneling method, proposed by Kerner and Mann recently, we discuss the tunneling characteristics of Dirac particles from the stationary Kaluza-Klein black hole. To choose Gamma matrix conveniently and avoid the ergosphere dragging effect, we perform it in the dragging coordinate frame. The result shows that Hawking temperature in this case also can be reproduced by the general Dirac equation. 展开更多
关键词 Hawking radiation Dirac particles TUNNELING Kaluza Klein black hole
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