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作者 刘洋 陈宏涛 《改革与开放》 2019年第3期121-124,共4页
在线讨论是大学生从事网络学习活动的基本形式。研究以某校大学生为样本,设计并观察了大学生在长期型、短期型和随机型三种不同网络学习类型下的交流讨论表现。通过对大学生在不同网络学习类型下讨论信息的密度、强度、互动情况以及平... 在线讨论是大学生从事网络学习活动的基本形式。研究以某校大学生为样本,设计并观察了大学生在长期型、短期型和随机型三种不同网络学习类型下的交流讨论表现。通过对大学生在不同网络学习类型下讨论信息的密度、强度、互动情况以及平均回复深度等指标进行统计分析,旨在为更好地开展网络教育以及网络教育研究提供参考,以发挥网络教育更大的作用。 展开更多
关键词 网络学习 长期网络学习 短期型网络学习 随机网络学习 平均回复深度
基于“灰色用地”理论下的萎缩型边缘区土地动态控制规划的实践探索 被引量:1
作者 陈士丰 史抗洪 杨忠伟 《现代城市研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第4期68-74,81,共8页
在"存量挖潜"和明确"城市发展边界"的大背景下,萎缩型边缘区作为承接城市内涵发展的重要组成部分,频繁出现土地闲置与产业被动"退二进三"的现象。文章在对萎缩型边缘区进行内涵界定的基础上,针对国内萎... 在"存量挖潜"和明确"城市发展边界"的大背景下,萎缩型边缘区作为承接城市内涵发展的重要组成部分,频繁出现土地闲置与产业被动"退二进三"的现象。文章在对萎缩型边缘区进行内涵界定的基础上,针对国内萎缩型边缘区土地的低效利用,提出了以产业更新为参考的土地动恋弹性集约发展模式——"灰色用地"规划模式,并首次提出以产业"由附转主、由短为长"更新为参考的土地转换模式,以完善"灰色用地"在萎缩型边缘区规划宴践中的可实施性为我国萎缩型边缘区土地集约利用提供一种新方法。 展开更多
关键词 萎缩边缘区 城市存量 灰色用地 短期型产业用地
华北地区地下流体的两类短期前兆异常 被引量:7
作者 平建军 张子广 +4 位作者 陈建国 黄万发 张清荣 曹肃朝 米雪梅 《西北地震学报》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第3期253-257,共5页
关键词 华北地区 地下流体 转折短期异常 单一短期异常
作者 刘生陆 苏功亮 仝允 《农村经济与科技》 2003年第7期31-31,共1页
1繁殖型(犊牛生产型) 即以饲养母牛为主要生产手段,可繁殖母牛经配种、妊娠、分娩的过程生产犊牛,所产犊牛断奶、育成后,公牛出售给育肥场(户)、交易市场等,健康母牛转入基础母牛群.
关键词 生产 饲养类 养殖技术 繁殖 短期育肥 混合
作者 王静波 焦旭霞 《高原地震》 2009年第3期35-39,共5页
系统分析了地下流体短期前兆异常变化与中强地震的关系,提出祁连山地震带地下流体资料存在两类短期前兆异常,即转折型和单一型短期前兆异常,结合震例对这两类短期前兆异常的特征进行了分析,认为预报人员应特别注意该区内的这两类群体异... 系统分析了地下流体短期前兆异常变化与中强地震的关系,提出祁连山地震带地下流体资料存在两类短期前兆异常,即转折型和单一型短期前兆异常,结合震例对这两类短期前兆异常的特征进行了分析,认为预报人员应特别注意该区内的这两类群体异常的特点,并把它应用到该区的地震预报中。 展开更多
关键词 祁连山地震带 地下流体 转折短期前兆异常 单一短期前兆异常
新城规划中的土地利用弹性控制方法研究——以杭州湾新城为例 被引量:8
作者 杨忠伟 王震 《城市规划》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第6期43-49,58,共8页
在经济全球化的背景下,新城的发展已经成为承接大城市空间重构的主角。但是,我国现有的城市土地利用方式难以适应弹性较大的新城开发建设,频繁出现土地出让后的用地闲置现象,或者产业被动的"退二进三",给国家和政府带来较大... 在经济全球化的背景下,新城的发展已经成为承接大城市空间重构的主角。但是,我国现有的城市土地利用方式难以适应弹性较大的新城开发建设,频繁出现土地出让后的用地闲置现象,或者产业被动的"退二进三",给国家和政府带来较大的资金压力和资源浪费。本文重点探索"灰色用地"在新城规划中的应用,首先将产业用地划分为短期型产业和长期型产业用地,其次通过"灰色用地"规划方法引导短期型产业用地弹性开发,从而使新城高效集约发展,最后以杭州湾新城为例进行实证研究,以此为国内新城规划建设提供一种新的思路和方法。 展开更多
关键词 新城规划 灰色用地 短期型产业区 杭州湾新城
基于供应链的供应商绩效评价体系研究 被引量:36
作者 霍佳震 雷星晖 隋明刚 《上海大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2002年第2期177-182,188,共7页
目前供应商及其绩效的研究很多是建立在单个企业之上的 .该文在综述现有供应商绩效研究成果基础上 ,运用供应链的理念来研究供应商绩效 ,得到四种不同类型的供应链类型 ,即短期效率型、短期创新型、长期效率型、长期创新型四种供应链 .... 目前供应商及其绩效的研究很多是建立在单个企业之上的 .该文在综述现有供应商绩效研究成果基础上 ,运用供应链的理念来研究供应商绩效 ,得到四种不同类型的供应链类型 ,即短期效率型、短期创新型、长期效率型、长期创新型四种供应链 .在此基础上 。 展开更多
关键词 供应链 供应商 绩效评价体系 短期效率 短期创新 长期效率 长期创新
浅谈班级凝聚力的形成 被引量:1
作者 陆步诗 《邵阳高等专科学校学报》 1991年第2期134-136,共3页
班集体是大学生学习生活的基本单位,也是一个纷繁复杂的矛盾体。组织和培养班集体凝聚力,就是转化各种矛盾、发挥班集体在教学和其它方面的重要作用,增强大学生的集体主义精神,搞好群体建设的过程。这是处于矛盾中心的班主任所面临的首... 班集体是大学生学习生活的基本单位,也是一个纷繁复杂的矛盾体。组织和培养班集体凝聚力,就是转化各种矛盾、发挥班集体在教学和其它方面的重要作用,增强大学生的集体主义精神,搞好群体建设的过程。这是处于矛盾中心的班主任所面临的首要任务。但是,班级凝聚力不会自发地产生,必须通过班主任深入细致的工作才能逐步形成。那么,如何培养班级凝聚力使之成为良好的集体呢? 展开更多
关键词 班级凝聚力 班集体凝聚力 学生干部 体核 良好班风 短期型 友谊 班主任 深入细致 共同目标
作者 莫大 《股市动态分析》 2004年第Z3期19-19,共1页
一周的狂跌出乎所有人的意料,看来我们对多变的政策实在没办法把握。上周我们的判断明显有误,本来从技术走势讲,1496.21点到1373.93点的之字形调整结束后,只要股指再回压不破1373.93点,原则上应该以做多为主。可10月12日早盘的跳空低开... 一周的狂跌出乎所有人的意料,看来我们对多变的政策实在没办法把握。上周我们的判断明显有误,本来从技术走势讲,1496.21点到1373.93点的之字形调整结束后,只要股指再回压不破1373.93点,原则上应该以做多为主。可10月12日早盘的跳空低开就有点不对劲了,股指的短期型态完全被破坏,短线除了跟随做空,没有其他办法。以现在面目全非的股指走势,短期空头似乎还要扩大战果,顺势补掉沪指小时线1300.61点的向上跳空缺口。 为了对“914”行情进行较好的反思,我们分别设定两种情况对市场进行了统计。第一是个股在本轮行情中再创9月13日调整新低(或将创新低)的统计情况,第二是9月24日见高1496.21点后,全市场个股回落幅度统计情况。 展开更多
关键词 技术走势 行情 医药板块 汽车板块 向上跳 块分类 个股 股指 短期型 重仓股
作者 闵长富 《经贸导刊》 1997年第11期15-15,共1页
市场经济是竞争经济,而竞争的主体就是产品。实践证明,一个产品能救活一个厂、振兴一方经济。因此,产品是企业生存与发展的生命线。要提高企业竞争实力,优化产品结构尤为重要。 产品结构调整早就喊了,以前调是调了,但有的企业在产品结... 市场经济是竞争经济,而竞争的主体就是产品。实践证明,一个产品能救活一个厂、振兴一方经济。因此,产品是企业生存与发展的生命线。要提高企业竞争实力,优化产品结构尤为重要。 产品结构调整早就喊了,以前调是调了,但有的企业在产品结构调整上步入误区:一是奉命型,企业对产品结构调整没有内在要求,奉命而调,上面推一下动一下,不推就不动;二是守旧型,即使调也是思想不解放,小脚奶奶走路,步子迈不大,改良型的调整;三是修补型,补补铎铎,水多了加面,面多了加水;四是短期型,为忙吃饭而调,而不是为发展而调;五是碰撞型,调整没设计、没目标、没措施,碰到什么调什么,撞到什么搞什么;六是盲目型,搞调整,不调查,不论证,没有科学根据,拍脑袋,心血来潮搞调整。 展开更多
关键词 企业竞争力 产品结构调整 优化产品结构 企业竞争实力 生存与发展 短期型 内在要求 竞争经济 现有产品 企业结构调整
Shortcut Algorithm for Simulation of Batch Extractive Distillation 被引量:2
作者 邬慧雄 徐世民 +1 位作者 胡晖 肖斌 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2007年第6期428-432,共5页
The batch extractive distillation (BED) process has the advantages of both batch and extractive distillation. It is one of the most promising means for the separation of azeotropic and close-boiling point systems. How... The batch extractive distillation (BED) process has the advantages of both batch and extractive distillation. It is one of the most promising means for the separation of azeotropic and close-boiling point systems. However, so far this process has not been applied in industry due to its over-complexity. A new shortcut model was proposed to simulate the operation of the batch extractive distillation operations. This algorithm is based on the assumption that the batch extractive distillation column can be considered as a continuous extractive distillation column with changing feed at any time. Namely, the whole batch process is simulated as a succession of a finite number of steady states of short duration, in which holdup is considered as constant mole. For each period of time the batch extractive distillation process is solved through the algorithm for continuous extractive distillation. Finally, the practical implementation of the shortcut model is discussed and data from the laboratory and literature are presented. It is found that this model has better adaptability, more satisfactory accuracy and less calculative load than previous rigorous model. Hence the algorithm for simulating BED is verified. 展开更多
关键词 batch extractive distillation SIMULATION shortcut model
基于ILSTM-AMSGD神经网络的时间序列预测方法 被引量:1
作者 杨爽 李文静 乔俊飞 《控制工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第10期1793-1800,共8页
针对标准长短期记忆(long short-term memory,LSTM)神经网络的结构参数众多、训练过程耗时长问题,提出一种基于自适应动量随机梯度下降(adaptive momentum stochastic gradient descent,AMSGD)算法的改进型长短期记忆神经网络(ILSTM-AM... 针对标准长短期记忆(long short-term memory,LSTM)神经网络的结构参数众多、训练过程耗时长问题,提出一种基于自适应动量随机梯度下降(adaptive momentum stochastic gradient descent,AMSGD)算法的改进型长短期记忆神经网络(ILSTM-AMSGD神经网络),并将其用于时间序列预测中。首先,通过简化结构方程中的递归项权值,减少网络中所需训练的参数。其次,设计一种AMSGD算法对神经网络结构参数进行学习。最后,通过2个基准数据集和1个实际数据集对ILSTM-AMSGD神经网络模型在时间序列预测中的准确性和运行效率进行实验验证。结果表明,递归项权值简化方法可以提高模型的泛化能力,同时AMSGD算法加快了模型的收敛速度。与其他模型相比,ILSTM-AMSGD神经网络模型实现了对时间序列更加高效、准确的预测。 展开更多
关键词 时间序列预测 改进短期记忆神经网络 权重精简 梯度下降算法 自适应 动量
改进LSTM-RF算法的传感器故障诊断与数据重构研究 被引量:11
作者 林涛 张达 王建君 《计算机工程与科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期845-852,共8页
针对传感器的故障诊断与故障数据重构问题,提出一种基于改进型长短期记忆网络(LSTM)和随机森林(RF)的混合算法。首先,运用改进型LSTM算法对传感器的输出序列进行预测,将预测值与实际值作差得到残差序列。然后,通过RF算法对残差序列进行... 针对传感器的故障诊断与故障数据重构问题,提出一种基于改进型长短期记忆网络(LSTM)和随机森林(RF)的混合算法。首先,运用改进型LSTM算法对传感器的输出序列进行预测,将预测值与实际值作差得到残差序列。然后,通过RF算法对残差序列进行分类,识别出传感器的故障状态。当传感器诊断的结果为故障工作状态时,利用改进型LSTM的预测值重构故障数据。所提的改进LSTM-RF算法在功能上既可以对传感器故障类型进行诊断,又可以对故障数据进行重构。实验结果表明,改进的LSTM-RF算法的传感器故障识别准确率在不同的数据集上均能大于97%,故障数据重构的均方根误差小于4%;相比标准的LSTM-RF算法,改进的LSTM-RF算法在收敛速度提高的同时故障数据重构的精度提高了0.4%。 展开更多
关键词 传感器 故障诊断 故障数据重构 改进短期记忆网络 随机森林
Is frailty associated with short-term outcomes for elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome? 被引量:18
作者 Lin KANG Shu-Yang ZHANG +5 位作者 Wen-Ling ZHU Hai-Yu PANG Li ZHANG Ming-Lei ZHU Xiao-Hong LIU Yong-Tai LIU 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第6期662-667,共6页
Background Frailty is a new prognostic factor in cardiovascular medicine due to the aging and increasingly complex nature of elderly patients. It is useful and meaningful to prospectively analyze the manner in which f... Background Frailty is a new prognostic factor in cardiovascular medicine due to the aging and increasingly complex nature of elderly patients. It is useful and meaningful to prospectively analyze the manner in which frailty predicts short-term outcomes for elderly patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Methods Patients aged 〉 65 years, with diagnosis of ACS from cardiology department and geriatrics department were included from single-center. Clinical data including geriatrics syndromes were collected using Comprehensive Geriatrics Assessment. Frailty was defined according to the Clinical Frailty Scale and the impact of the co-morbidities on risk was quantified by the coronary artery disease (CAD)--specific index. Patients were followed up by clinical visit or telephone consultation and the median follow-up time is 120 days. Following-up items included all-cause mortality, unscheduled return visit, in-hospital and recurrent major adverse cardiovascular events. Multivariable regression survival analysis was performed using Cox regression. Results Of the 352 patients, 152 (43.18%) were considered frail according to the study instrument (5-7 on the scale), and 93 (26.42%) were considered moderately or se- verely frail (6-7 on the scale). Geriatrics syndromes including incontinence, fall history, visual impairment, hearing impairment, constipation, chronic pain, sleeping disorder, dental problems, anxiety or depression, and delirium were more frequently in frail patients than in non-frail patients (P = 0.000, 0.031, 0.009, 0.014, 0.000, 0.003, 0.022, 0.000, 0.074, and 0.432, respectively). Adjusted for sex, age, severity of coro- nary artery diseases (left main coronary artery lesion or not) and co-morbidities (CAD specific index) by Cox survival analysis, frailty was found to be strongly and independently associated with risk for the primary composite outcomes: all-canse mortality [Hazard Ratio (HR) = 5.393; 95% CI: 1.477-19.692, P = 0.011] and unscheduled return visit (HR - 2.832; 95% CI: 1.140-7.037, P = 0.025). Conclusions Comprehensive Geriatrics Assessment and Clinical Frail Scale were useful in evaluation of elderly patients with ACS. Frailty was strongly and independently associated with short-term outcomes for elderly patients with ACS. 展开更多
关键词 Acute coronary syndrome Comprehensive Geriatrics Assessment FRAILTY Survival analysis Unscheduled return visit
The application of modeling and prediction with MRA wavelet network 被引量:2
作者 LUShu-ping YANGXue-jing ZHAOXi-ren 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2004年第1期20-23,共4页
As there are lots of non-linear systems in the real engineering, it is very important to do more researches on the modeling and prediction of non-linear systems. Based on the multi-resolution analysis (MRA) of wavelet... As there are lots of non-linear systems in the real engineering, it is very important to do more researches on the modeling and prediction of non-linear systems. Based on the multi-resolution analysis (MRA) of wavelet theory, this paper combined the wavelet theory with neural network and established a MRA wavelet network with the scaling function and wavelet function as its neurons. From the analysis in the frequency domain, the results indicated that MRA wavelet network was better than other wavelet networks in the ability of approaching to the signals. An essential research was can:led out on modeling and prediction with MRA wavelet network in the non-linear system. Using the lengthwise sway data received from the experiment of ship model, a model of offline prediction was established and was applied to the short-time prediction of ship motion. The simulation results indicated that the forecasting model improved the prediction precision effectively, lengthened the forecasting time and had a better prediction results than that of AR linear model. The research indicates that it is feasible to use the MRA wavelet network in the short-time prediction of ship motion. 展开更多
关键词 MAR wavelet network non-linear system short-time prediction watercraft motion AR model
PV Power Short-Term Forecasting Model Based on the Data Gathered from Monitoring Network 被引量:1
作者 ZHONG Zhifeng TAN Jianjun +1 位作者 ZHANG Tianjin ZHU Linlin 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第A02期61-69,共9页
The degree of accuracy in predicting the photovoltaic power generation plays an important role in appropriate allocations and economic operations of the power plants based on the generating capacity data gathered from... The degree of accuracy in predicting the photovoltaic power generation plays an important role in appropriate allocations and economic operations of the power plants based on the generating capacity data gathered from the geographically separated photovoltaic plants through network. In this paper, a forecasting model is designed with an optimization algorithm which is developed with the combination of PSO (Particle Swarm Optimization) and BP (Back Propagation) neural network. The proposed model is further validated and the experiment results show that the predication model assures the prediction accuracy regardless the day type transitions and other relevant factors, in the proposed model, the prediction error rate is worth less than 20% in all different climatic conditions and most of the prediction error accuracy is less than 10% in sunny day, and whose precision satisfies the management requirements of the power grid companies, reflecting the significance of the proposed model in engineering applications. 展开更多
关键词 grid-connected PV plant short-termpower generation prediction particle swarmoptimization BP neural network
Short-term overlap lamivudine treatment with adefovir dipivoxil in patients with lamivudine-resistant chronic hepatitis B 被引量:3
作者 Soon Woo Nam Si Hyun Bae +8 位作者 Seung Woo Lee Yeon Soo Kim Sang Bum Kang Jong Young Choi Se Hyun Cho Seung Kew Yoon Joon-Yeol Han Jin Mo Yang Young Suk Lee 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第11期1781-1784,共4页
AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of short-term overlap lamivudine therapy with adefovir in patients with lamivudine-resistant and naive chronic hepatitis B, we compared patients receiving overlap therapy with those rece... AIM: To evaluate the efficacy of short-term overlap lamivudine therapy with adefovir in patients with lamivudine-resistant and naive chronic hepatitis B, we compared patients receiving overlap therapy with those receiving adefovir alone. METHODS: Eighty patients who had received lamivudine treatment for various periods and had a lamivudineo resistant liver function abnormality were enrolled. Forty of these patients received adefovir treatment combined with lamivudine treatment for ≥ 2 mo, while the other 40 received adefovir alone. We assessed the levels of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA at 0, 12 and 48 wk and serum alanine aminotransferase (ALT) levels after 0, 12, 24 and 48 wk of adefovir treatment in each group. RESULTS: We found serum ALT became normalized in 72 (87.5%) of the 80 patients, and HBV DNA decreased by ≥ 2 Ioglo copies/mL in 60 (75%) of the 80 patients at the end of a 48-wk treatment. HBV DNA levels were not significantly different between the groups. The improvements in serum ALT were also not significantly different between the two groups. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest short-term overlap lamivudine treatment results in no better virological and biological outcomes than non-overlap adefovir monotherapy. 展开更多
关键词 Adefovir dipivoxil Chronic hepatitis B Hepatitis B virus DNA OVERLAP
Study on Control Strategy of Sulfur Dioxide Concentration in the Urban Area of Shijiazhuang
作者 李光军 于立军 +2 位作者 范丽 王宇新 赵根喜 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2003年第3期247-251,共5页
Two Gaussian air quality dispersion models, the industrial source complex short-term model (ISCST3) with and without modification have been used to simulate the pollutant concentration distribution in urban areas base... Two Gaussian air quality dispersion models, the industrial source complex short-term model (ISCST3) with and without modification have been used to simulate the pollutant concentration distribution in urban areas based on the meteorological data and the emissions distribution of sulfur dioxide. The verified data show that the modified model is more accurate in the urban area of Shijiazhuang. Using the modified model predictions, the control strategies of sulfur dioxide in the urban area have been studied, and the result show that the second long-term (to 2010) strategy can mitigate air pollution significantly and maintain pollution levels within permissible limits. 展开更多
关键词 air quality industrial source complex short-term model (ISCST3) sulfur dioxide control strategy
Short-Term Financing of Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Inventory Model With Probabilistic Quality
作者 Mahmoud Arayssi Noura Yassine 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第7期793-802,共10页
In this paper, the classical economic order quantity (EOQ) inventory model assumption that all items of a certain product received from a supplier are of perfect quality is relaxed. Another basic assumption that the... In this paper, the classical economic order quantity (EOQ) inventory model assumption that all items of a certain product received from a supplier are of perfect quality is relaxed. Another basic assumption that the payment for the items is made at the beginning of the inventory cycle when they are received is also eased. We consider an inventory situation where items received from the supplier are of two types of quality, perfect and imperfect, and a short deferral in payment is allowed. The split between perfect and imperfect quality items is assumed to follow a known probability distribution. Both qualities of items have continuous demands, and items of imperfect quality are sold at a discount. A mathematical model is developed using the net present value of all cash flows involved in the inventory cycle. A numerical method for obtaining the optimal order quantity is presented, and the impact of the short-term financing is analyzed. An example is presented to validate the equations and illustrate the results. 展开更多
关键词 economic order quantity (EOQ) imperfect quality items continuous demand allowed deferred payment net present value financing policies operations planning
Wavelet time series MPARIMA modeling for power system short term load forecasting
作者 冉启文 单永正 +1 位作者 王建赜 王骐 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2003年第1期11-18,共8页
The wavelet power system short term load forecasting(STLF) uses a mulriple periodical autoregressive integrated moving average(MPARIMA) model to model the mulriple near periodicity, nonstationarity and nonlinearity ex... The wavelet power system short term load forecasting(STLF) uses a mulriple periodical autoregressive integrated moving average(MPARIMA) model to model the mulriple near periodicity, nonstationarity and nonlinearity existed in power system short term quarter hour load time series, and can therefore accurately forecast the quarter hour loads of weekdays and weekends, and provide more accurate results than the conventional techniques, such as artificial neural networks and autoregressive moving average(ARMA) models test results. Obtained with a power system networks in a city in Northeastern part of China confirm the validity of the approach proposed. 展开更多
关键词 wavelet forecasting method short term load forecast MPARIMA model
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