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作者 江洎洧 王汉武 +1 位作者 黄玲 张静波 《工程科学与技术》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第1期160-168,共9页
松散土石体在泥水作用下易引发地质灾害,其中细粒组分在高含水率下的抗剪性能骤然劣化是触发相变失稳的重要因素之一。基于环剪试验,对三峡库区某滑坡松散土石体试样设计试验方案,研究细组构由软塑~流塑发展的固-液相变全过程抗剪特性... 松散土石体在泥水作用下易引发地质灾害,其中细粒组分在高含水率下的抗剪性能骤然劣化是触发相变失稳的重要因素之一。基于环剪试验,对三峡库区某滑坡松散土石体试样设计试验方案,研究细组构由软塑~流塑发展的固-液相变全过程抗剪特性演化规律。结果表明:松散土石体试样为粗细组分二元特征较强的级配不良土体介质,其中,细粒组分在原状干密度条件下的饱和含水率为23.6%,液塑限分别为27.2和18.1,据此选定含水率23.6%~29.0%范围中的5个取值制定试验方案,可完整覆盖细粒组分的软塑~流塑相变;含水率为25.0%、26.0%和27.0%时,试样处软塑状态,在低法向压力下均可顺利开展环剪试验;其中,含水率25.0%试样恰进入软塑态,较含水率23.6%试样的峰值和残余内摩擦角分别降低23.5%和18.6%,峰值和残余黏聚力均降低超过80%。含水率为28.0%和29.0%时,试样已处于流塑状态,仅在无法向压力时可顺利开展环剪试验,且抗剪强度极低,其物理意义贴近于高黏稠泥浆的黏滞性;根据试样的黏聚力c在进入软塑状态时基本丧失,而内摩擦角φ表现为在软塑区间随含水率增加而逐步降低,进而触及液限骤然丧失的特性分析,c和φ劣化过程异步;经单元体受力模式和概化分析认为,相变前软塑状态试样静止侧压力系数K0的激增缓解了φ值的大幅骤降。 展开更多
关键词 松散土石体 细粒组分 固–液相变 环剪试验 抗剪特性
作者 叶筱涵 《色彩》 2024年第6期42-45,共4页
众所周知,我们生活在自然圈中,其中的一切生物与我们之间实质上有着密不可分的联系,人类和岩石也具有十分密切的联系。而人体的雕塑大多由各种岩石构成,由这一现象提出疑问:石体用于制作人体,传递出人体的色彩、廓形与质感,是否在某一... 众所周知,我们生活在自然圈中,其中的一切生物与我们之间实质上有着密不可分的联系,人类和岩石也具有十分密切的联系。而人体的雕塑大多由各种岩石构成,由这一现象提出疑问:石体用于制作人体,传递出人体的色彩、廓形与质感,是否在某一程度上岩石与人体具有相似性?本文以陶瓷作为中间值对象,从几方面出发,运用文献资料法、观察法、分析方法与综合方法以及材料试验法,通过人体“化石”的比喻,将人体与石体进行对比,以陶瓷为人体与石体的中间值作为研究对象,提取陶瓷表面釉色纹理特征,塑造出完美的人体肌肤与廓形的技艺。从中看到中国陶瓷史的演变,发展到当代艺术创作的多样性。 展开更多
关键词 陶瓷 色彩 人体 石体
近源堆沉积土石体细观结构与抗剪强度指标关联分析 被引量:1
作者 董辉 赵征 蒋秀姿 《计算力学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第2期246-254,共9页
细观结构是认知土石体力学行为本质的关键科学问题。本文通过引入物理学和数学等方法,借助颗粒物质力学理论,从几何排列与接触力的空间分布来定量刻画水平固结与山前坡地堆积两种典型环境下土石体的细观结构特征,并建立其与抗剪强度指... 细观结构是认知土石体力学行为本质的关键科学问题。本文通过引入物理学和数学等方法,借助颗粒物质力学理论,从几何排列与接触力的空间分布来定量刻画水平固结与山前坡地堆积两种典型环境下土石体的细观结构特征,并建立其与抗剪强度指标的关联。研究表明,(1)两种环境的土石体在细观结构上存在较大差异。在几何排列上,水平固结环境下的土石体具有长程无序和短程有序的特点,坡地堆沉积环境下的土石体表现出了无序的无定形结构;在接触力与单位接触向量的空间分布上,两者较为相似,绝大多数接触力以小于均值接触力的形式存在,其概率密度曲线P(f)呈幂函数衰减;90%以上接触方位角集中在40°~160°和220°~340°范围内。(2)基于径向分布函数、接触力概率密度和单位接触向量分别定义细观结构的特征量K_a,K_s和K_o,发现三个特征量的增大对内摩擦角呈线性促进作用,对黏聚力呈非线性削弱作用。 展开更多
关键词 近源堆沉积 石体 细观结构 抗剪强度指标 径向分布函数 接触力概率密度 单位接触向量
内蒙大坝口水库改扩建工程混凝土、砌石体试验研究 被引量:1
作者 李昆 翟中文 《水利水电工程设计》 2013年第3期4-6,61,共4页
针对高寒地区高抗冻等级F300的设计要求,对大坝口工程的两个料场的天然骨料分别进行了混凝土配合比试验;同时用细石混凝土作胶凝材料进行了砌石体的研究试验,通过试验,得出与现场施工方法一致的砌石体的抗压强度、变形(弹性)模量,对控... 针对高寒地区高抗冻等级F300的设计要求,对大坝口工程的两个料场的天然骨料分别进行了混凝土配合比试验;同时用细石混凝土作胶凝材料进行了砌石体的研究试验,通过试验,得出与现场施工方法一致的砌石体的抗压强度、变形(弹性)模量,对控制施工质量具有指导作用。 展开更多
关键词 混凝土 配合比设计 石体 强度 变形模量 弹性模量 泊松比
磨盘水库主坝堆石体稳定浆液灌浆试验与分析 被引量:1
作者 孙忠明 付新英 《南昌工程学院学报》 CAS 2012年第6期69-72,共4页
以磨盘水库主坝加固实际工程为例,介绍稳定浆液灌浆试验的浆液选择、施工工艺、特殊情况处理,以及试验结果与可行性分析.该试验将稳定浆液灌注应用于高空隙率的堆石体,使堆石体内的大、中、小空隙得到充分灌注.通过灌浆试验成果分析,说... 以磨盘水库主坝加固实际工程为例,介绍稳定浆液灌浆试验的浆液选择、施工工艺、特殊情况处理,以及试验结果与可行性分析.该试验将稳定浆液灌注应用于高空隙率的堆石体,使堆石体内的大、中、小空隙得到充分灌注.通过灌浆试验成果分析,说明该实验是可行的. 展开更多
关键词 石体 浆砌石体 稳定浆液 灌浆试验
砌石坝砌石体直接砌筑法的施工方法 被引量:5
作者 谢祁安 王良之 《湖南水利水电》 2002年第2期5-5,15,共2页
关键词 施工方法 砌石坝 石体 坐浆法 直接砌筑法 力学性能
砌石体单轴抗压强度(变形)试验方法及破坏机理 被引量:2
作者 尹玉英 王良之 《湖南水利水电》 2002年第2期23-24,26,共3页
关键词 石体 抗压强度 变形 弹性模量 砌石坝
煤层中夹石体含水及导水性分析研究 被引量:1
作者 霍宗保 丁小敏 《价值工程》 2010年第19期101-101,共1页
关键词 矿井煤层 石体 导水性 研究
水利工程砌石体结构裂缝与施工监理 被引量:1
作者 张昌银 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2009年第6期181-183,共3页
关键词 石体结构 裂缝分析 施工监理
砌石拱坝混凝土砌石体施工质量控制的技术措施 被引量:4
作者 庄良松 《水利建设与管理》 2007年第1期41-43,共3页
砌石拱坝混凝土砌石体采用机械振捣,工效高、密实性好、造价低、应用广。受混凝土、石料、铺砌方式、混凝土振捣工艺和气候等,尤其是人工操作水平的影响,混凝土砌石体施工质量控制存在薄弱环节。为保证施工质量符合规范与设计规定,必须... 砌石拱坝混凝土砌石体采用机械振捣,工效高、密实性好、造价低、应用广。受混凝土、石料、铺砌方式、混凝土振捣工艺和气候等,尤其是人工操作水平的影响,混凝土砌石体施工质量控制存在薄弱环节。为保证施工质量符合规范与设计规定,必须从砌筑前、砌筑中、砌筑后三阶段,以及原材料、中间产品和成品三层次,针对施工质量控制的关键点,采取有效的技术措施,全面地控制砌石拱坝混凝土砌石体各环节的施工质量。 展开更多
关键词 施工质量控制与检查 混凝土砌石体 砌石拱坝
福建省水工浆砌石体砂浆强度贯入法检测的应用研究 被引量:2
作者 张挺 《水利科技》 2012年第3期47-48,51,共3页
关键词 水工砌石体 砂浆 贯入法 测强曲线
作者 王良之 《水利技术监督》 2006年第2期9-13,16,共6页
《浆砌石坝设计规范》(SL25-91)中将砌石体种类按毛石、块石、粗料石三种类别分别给予容许压应力值,但在实际工作中经常碰到介乎毛石、块石之间的砌石体种类,这种砌石体种类的容许压应力无章可循,给设计工作者带来许多不便,给工程造成... 《浆砌石坝设计规范》(SL25-91)中将砌石体种类按毛石、块石、粗料石三种类别分别给予容许压应力值,但在实际工作中经常碰到介乎毛石、块石之间的砌石体种类,这种砌石体种类的容许压应力无章可循,给设计工作者带来许多不便,给工程造成不必要的损失。本文根据已有的试验资料经分析计算,给出了介乎毛石、块石之间的砌石体容许压应力值,该成果已被写入将要颁发的《砌石坝设计规范》之内。 展开更多
关键词 毛石 块石 石体 抗压强度 容许压应力
作者 吴明久 《吉林水利》 1996年第1期9-10,共2页
提高小型水利工程──浆砌石体质量的研究蛟河市水利勘测设计队吴明久浆砌石体作为一种工程结构,由于其具有可就地取材,容易施工,造价较低,外型美观等优点,因此很早就被人们广泛应用于工民建、水利水电、交通、地下建筑和人防等工... 提高小型水利工程──浆砌石体质量的研究蛟河市水利勘测设计队吴明久浆砌石体作为一种工程结构,由于其具有可就地取材,容易施工,造价较低,外型美观等优点,因此很早就被人们广泛应用于工民建、水利水电、交通、地下建筑和人防等工程。如;拦河坝、桥涵、隧洞、挡上墙... 展开更多
关键词 小型水利工程 浆砌石 体质量 砂浆配合比 砂浆配比 石体 水利勘测设计 水工建筑物 砌筑 机械搅拌
基于大型叠环剪切试验的松散土石体强度及变形特性试验研究 被引量:4
作者 江洎洧 程展林 +1 位作者 潘家军 左永振 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第A01期3636-3643,共8页
松散土石体广泛存在于自然界及实际工程中。以强风化板岩松散碎石料为研究对象,在对松散土石体制样方法成功尝试后,采用大型叠环式剪切试验机对不同相对密度(D_r)及不同干湿状态的松散土石体开展系统力学试验,得到以下主要结论:松散土... 松散土石体广泛存在于自然界及实际工程中。以强风化板岩松散碎石料为研究对象,在对松散土石体制样方法成功尝试后,采用大型叠环式剪切试验机对不同相对密度(D_r)及不同干湿状态的松散土石体开展系统力学试验,得到以下主要结论:松散土石体颗粒组构间约束效应及机械咬合弱,其应力–应变曲线无显著峰值,大变形过程主要呈现为颗粒间的滑动摩擦与翻转;对于试验中所选取的3种D_r(0.30,0.35和0.40),干燥状态下松散土石体内摩擦角由D_r=0.30时的13.18°小幅升至D_r=0.40时的13.97°,黏聚力则由6.95 kPa略降至4.90 kPa,湿润和浸水状态下亦呈现此规律,表明相同干湿状态时该松散度区间内土石体强度基本保持稳定;干燥状态松散土石体剪应力峰值显著高于湿润及浸水状态,表现出显著的水敏感性;以D_r=0.40为例,经与常规三轴试验成果对比,凸显了采用叠环式剪切试验研究松散土石体工程特性的优势与适用性。研究初步揭示了松散状态土石体强度及变形特性,其显著的水敏感性可定量解释松散堆积体、松散滑坡等受水的影响而发生大变形或失稳的机制。 展开更多
关键词 土力学 松散土石体 叠环剪切试验 相对密度 强度参数 应力–应变特性 水敏感性
Load-bearing characteristics and energy evolution of fractured rock masses after granite and sandstone grouting
作者 WU Xu-kun ZHAO Guang-ming +4 位作者 MENG Xiang-rui LIU Chong-yan LIU Zhi-xi HUANG Shun-jie ZHANG Qi-hang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2810-2825,共16页
Experiments on grouting-reinforced rock mass specimens with different particle sizes and features were carried out in this study to examine the effects of grouting reinforcement on the load-bearing characteristics of ... Experiments on grouting-reinforced rock mass specimens with different particle sizes and features were carried out in this study to examine the effects of grouting reinforcement on the load-bearing characteristics of fractured rock mass.The strength and deformation features of grouting-reinforced rock mass were analyzed under different loading manners;the energy evolution mechanism of grouting-reinforced rock mass specimens with different particle sizes and features was investigated;the energy dissipation ratio and post-peak stress decreasing rate were employed to evaluate the bearing stability of grouting-reinforced rock mass.The results show that the strength and ductility of granite-reinforced rock mass(GRM)under biaxial loading are higher than that of sandstone-reinforced rock mass(SRM)under uniaxial loading.Besides,the energy evolution characteristics of grouting-reinforced rock mass under uniaxial and biaxial loading mainly could be divided into early,middle,and late stages.In the early stage,total,elastic,and dissipation energies were quite small with flatter curves;in the middle stage,elastic energy increased rapidly,whereas dissipation energy increased slowly;in the late stage,dissipation energy increased sharply.The energy dissipation ratio was used to represent the pre-peak plastic deformation.Under uniaxial loading,this ratio increased as the particle size increased and the pre-peak plastic deformation of grouting-reinforced rock mass became larger;under biaxial loading,it dropped as the particle size increased,and the pre-peak plastic deformation of grouting-reinforced rock mass became smaller.The post-peak stress decline rate A_(v) was used to assess the post-peak bearing performance of grouting-reinforced rock mass.Under uniaxial loading,parameter A_(v) exhibited reduction as the particle size kept increasing,and the ability of post-peak of grouting-reinforced rock mass to allow deformation development was greater,and the bearing capacity was greater;under biaxial loading,A_(v) increased with the particle size,and the ability of post-peak of grouting-reinforced rock mass to allow deformation development was low and the bearing capacity was reduced.The findings are considered instrumental in improving the stability of the roadway-surrounding rock by granite and sandstone grouting. 展开更多
关键词 grouting-reinforced rock mass particle size energy dissipation ratio post-peak stress decreasing rate load-bearing characteristics
Self-supervised learning artificial intelligence noise reduction technology based on the nearest adjacent layer in ultra-low dose CT of urinary calculi
作者 ZHOU Cheng LIU Yang +4 位作者 QIU Yingwei HE Daijun YAN Yu LUO Min LEI Youyuan 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1249-1253,共5页
Objective To observe the value of self-supervised deep learning artificial intelligence(AI)noise reduction technology based on the nearest adjacent layer applicated in ultra-low dose CT(ULDCT)for urinary calculi.Metho... Objective To observe the value of self-supervised deep learning artificial intelligence(AI)noise reduction technology based on the nearest adjacent layer applicated in ultra-low dose CT(ULDCT)for urinary calculi.Methods Eighty-eight urinary calculi patients were prospectively enrolled.Low dose CT(LDCT)and ULDCT scanning were performed,and the effective dose(ED)of each scanning protocol were calculated.The patients were then randomly divided into training set(n=75)and test set(n=13),and a self-supervised deep learning AI noise reduction system based on the nearest adjacent layer constructed with ULDCT images in training set was used for reducing noise of ULDCT images in test set.In test set,the quality of ULDCT images before and after AI noise reduction were compared with LDCT images,i.e.Blind/Referenceless Image Spatial Quality Evaluator(BRISQUE)scores,image noise(SD ROI)and signal-to-noise ratio(SNR).Results The tube current,the volume CT dose index and the dose length product of abdominal ULDCT scanning protocol were all lower compared with those of LDCT scanning protocol(all P<0.05),with a decrease of ED for approximately 82.66%.For 13 patients with urinary calculi in test set,BRISQUE score showed that the quality level of ULDCT images before AI noise reduction reached 54.42%level but raised to 95.76%level of LDCT images after AI noise reduction.Both ULDCT images after AI noise reduction and LDCT images had lower SD ROI and higher SNR than ULDCT images before AI noise reduction(all adjusted P<0.05),whereas no significant difference was found between the former two(both adjusted P>0.05).Conclusion Self-supervised learning AI noise reduction technology based on the nearest adjacent layer could effectively reduce noise and improve image quality of urinary calculi ULDCT images,being conducive for clinical application of ULDCT. 展开更多
关键词 urinary calculi tomography X-ray computed artificial intelligence prospective studies
Preoperative CT radiomics models for predicting composition of in vivo urinary calculi
作者 TANG Lei WANG Shixia +3 位作者 LI Wuchao ZENG Xianchun AN Yunzhao SONG Bin 《中国医学影像技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2024年第8期1216-1220,共5页
Objective To observe the value of preoperative CT radiomics models for predicting composition of in vivo urinary calculi.Methods Totally 543 urolithiasis patients were retrospectively enrolled and divided into calcium... Objective To observe the value of preoperative CT radiomics models for predicting composition of in vivo urinary calculi.Methods Totally 543 urolithiasis patients were retrospectively enrolled and divided into calcium oxalate monohydrate stone group(group A,n=373),anhydrous uric acid stone group(group B,n=86),carbonate apatite group(group C,n=30),ammonium urate stone group(group D,n=28)and ammonium magnesium phosphate hexahydrate stone group(group E,n=26)according to the composition of calculi,also divided into training set and test set at the ratio of 7∶3.Radiomics features were extracted and screened based on plain CT images of urinary system.Five binary task models(model A—E corresponding to group A—E)and a quinary task model were constructed using least absolute shrinkage and selection operator algorithm for predicting the composition of calculi in vivo.Then receiver operating characteristic curves were drawn,and the area under the curves(AUC)were calculated to evaluate the predictive efficacy of binary task models,while the accuracy,precision,recall and F1 score were used to evaluate the predictive efficacy of the quinary task model.Results All binary task models had good efficacy for predicting the composition of urinary calculi in vivo,with AUC of 0.860—0.948 in training set and of 0.856—0.933 in test set.The accuracy,precision,recall and F1 score of the quinary task model for predicting the composition of in vivo urinary calculi was 82.25%,83.79%,46.23%and 0.596 in training set,respectively,while was 80.63%,75.26%,43.48%and 0.551 in test set,respectively.Conclusion Binary task radiomics models based on preoperative plain CT had good efficacy for predicting the composition of in vivo urinary calculi,while the quinary task radiomics model had high accuracy but relatively poor stability. 展开更多
关键词 UROLITHIASIS tomography X-ray computed radiomics
大坝除险加固工程中砌石体充填灌浆的施工技术 被引量:1
作者 杨万清 《内蒙古水利》 2017年第10期28-29,共2页
关键词 大坝水库 加固工程 石体充填灌浆 施工技术
作者 李萃果 《中南水力发电》 1997年第2期49-49,共1页
关键词 凿岩机 石体 钻凿斜孔 船闸 闸墙 维修
Failure mechanisms and destruction characteristics of cemented coal gangue backfill under compression effect of non-uniform load
作者 FENG Guo-rui GUO Wei +5 位作者 QI Ting-ye LI Zhu CUI Jia-qing WANG Hao-chen CUI Ye-kai MA Jing-kai 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2676-2693,共18页
Backfill mining is one of the most important technical means for controlling strata movement and reducing surface subsidence and environmental damage during exploitation of underground coal resources. Ensuring the sta... Backfill mining is one of the most important technical means for controlling strata movement and reducing surface subsidence and environmental damage during exploitation of underground coal resources. Ensuring the stability of the backfill bodies is the primary prerequisite for maintaining the safety of the backfilling working face, and the loading characteristics of backfill are closely related to the deformation and subsidence of the roof. Elastic thin plate model was used to explore the non-uniform subsidence law of the roof, and then the non-uniform distribution characteristics of backfill bodies’ load were revealed. Through a self-developed non-uniform loading device combined with acoustic emission (AE) and digital image correlation (DIC) monitoring technology, the synergistic dynamic evolution law of the bearing capacity, apparent crack, and internal fracture of cemented coal gangue backfills (CCGBs) under loads with different degrees of non-uniformity was deeply explored. The results showed that: 1) The uniaxial compressive strength (UCS) of CCGB increased and then decreased with an increase in the degree of non-uniformity of load (DNL). About 40% of DNL was the inflection point of DNL-UCS curve and when DNL exceeded 40%, the strength decreased in a cliff-like manner;2) A positive correlation was observed between the AE ringing count and UCS during the loading process of the specimen, which was manifested by a higher AE ringing count of the high-strength specimen. 3) Shear cracks gradually increased and failure mode of specimens gradually changed from “X” type dominated by tension cracks to inverted “Y” type dominated by shear cracks with an increase in DNL, and the crack opening displacement at the peak stress decreased and then increased. The crack opening displacement at 40% of the DNL was the smallest. This was consistent with the judgment of crack size based on the AE b-value, i. e., it showed the typical characteristics of “small b-value-large crack and large b-value-small crack”. The research results are of significance for preventing the instability and failure of backfill. 展开更多
关键词 cemented coal gangue backfill non-uniform load degree of non-uniformity of load failure mode crack opening displacement
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