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Selenga River human dispersal path in Initial Upper Paleolithic
作者 Evgeny P RYBIN Arina M KHATSENOVICH 《人类学学报》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期780-796,共17页
Here,we consider earlier Upper Paleolithic sites in the Selenga River Basin,the main fluvial input of Lake Baikal that flows through northern Mongolia and the southwestern Transbaikal region of Russia.Lithic industrie... Here,we consider earlier Upper Paleolithic sites in the Selenga River Basin,the main fluvial input of Lake Baikal that flows through northern Mongolia and the southwestern Transbaikal region of Russia.Lithic industries from these sites can be attributed to the laminar Initial Upper Paleolithic(IUP)technocomplex,widespread in southern Siberia and Central Asia.IUP industries appear in the Selenga Basin about 45 kaBP cal.Aspects of regional typological variability and the transport of exotic raw materials over long distances indicate that these populations participated in developed exchange networks and employed high mobility targeting the acquisition of necessary raw materials.Two site types are present:quarry-workshops in northern Mongolia and generalized activity settlements in the southwestern Transbaikal.Although faunal data are limited,we interpret available information as indicating a specialization on hunting,focusing on migrating steppe game species.The distribution of sites in the mid-altitudes and landscapes of the Selenga-Orkhon geographical region and the geomorphological homogeneity of this territory also supported interregional human moves during the IUP. 展开更多
关键词 Central Asia Initial Upper Paleolithic MIGRATION raw material HUNTING
作者 吴荣宝 《数学教学通讯》 1986年第5期30-32,共3页
武汉市1957年中学生数学竞赛第二试中,有这样一道题:设方程xn-1=0的n个根是1,a1,……,an-1,求证: (1-a12)(1-a22)…(1-an-12)=(0,当n为偶数时当n为奇数时)其中n≥2,(试题见福建人民出版社《历届中学生数学竞赛题解》)。这题的... 武汉市1957年中学生数学竞赛第二试中,有这样一道题:设方程xn-1=0的n个根是1,a1,……,an-1,求证: (1-a12)(1-a22)…(1-an-12)=(0,当n为偶数时当n为奇数时)其中n≥2,(试题见福建人民出版社《历届中学生数学竞赛题解》)。这题的证明并不很困难,现证明如下: 证明:当n是偶数时,方程xn-1=0的实根有两个:1和-1。因此在a1,a2,……,an-1中有一个为-1;这样在1-a12,1-a22,……1-an-12中,必有一个为零。因此,当n为偶数时,(1-a12)(1-a22)……(1-an-12)=0; 展开更多
关键词 三角恒等式 竞赛题 数学竞赛 乘法法则 福建人民 万舞 西万 二取 万丽 石初
Collision Analysis of the Spar Upper Module Docking
作者 Yan Liu Liping Sun Chunlin Wu Guo Wei 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2014年第2期193-199,共7页
In order to assess the possible collision effect, a numerical simulation for the upper module and spar platlbrm docking at the speed of 0.2 m/s was conducted by using the software ANSYS/LS-DYNA, and the time history o... In order to assess the possible collision effect, a numerical simulation for the upper module and spar platlbrm docking at the speed of 0.2 m/s was conducted by using the software ANSYS/LS-DYNA, and the time history of the collision force, energy absorption and structural defonamtion during the collision was described. The purpose was to ensure that the platlbrm was safely put into operation. Furthermore, this paper analyzes different initial velocities and angles on the Von Mises stress and collision resultant force during the docking collision. The results of this paper showed that the docking could be conducted with higher security. The data in this paper can provide useful references for the determination of the upper module's offshore hoisting scheme and practical construction by contrasting the numerical simulation results of the parameters on the docking collision. 展开更多
关键词 spar upper module DOCKING offshore lifking collisionanalysis: spar plalIbrm- simulation analysis
Removal of Uranium(Ⅵ) by Fixed Bed Ion-exchange Column Using Natural Zeolite Coated with Manganese Oxide 被引量:18
作者 邹卫华 赵蕾 韩润平 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第4期585-593,共9页
The adsorption of uranium(Ⅵ)on the manganese oxide coated zeolite(MOCZ)from aqueous solution was investigated in a fixed-bed column.The experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of bed height,flow rate,pa... The adsorption of uranium(Ⅵ)on the manganese oxide coated zeolite(MOCZ)from aqueous solution was investigated in a fixed-bed column.The experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of bed height,flow rate,particle size,initial concentration of uranium(Ⅵ),initial pH,presence of salt and competitive ions.The U-uptake by MOCZ increased with initial uranium(Ⅵ)concentration and bed height,but decreased as the flow rate and particle size increased.In the presence of salt and competitive ions,the breakthrough time was shorter.The adsorption capacity reached a maximum at pH of 6.3.The Thomas model was applied to the experimental data to determine the characteristic parameters of the column for process design using linear regression.The breakthrough curves calculated from the model were in good agreement with the experimental data.The BDST model was used to study the influence of bed height on the adsorption of uranium(Ⅵ).Desorption of uranium(Ⅵ)in the MOCZ column was investigated.The column could be used for at least four adsorption-desorption cycles using 0.1mol.L-1 NaHCO3 solution as the elution.After desorption and regeneration with deionized water,MOCZ could be reused to adsorb uranium(Ⅵ)at a comparable capacity.Compared to raw zeolite,MOCZ showed better capacity for uranium(Ⅵ)removal. 展开更多
关键词 ADSORPTION uranium (Ⅵ) manganese oxide coated zeolite REGENERATION
《语文建设》 1964年第4期22-25,共4页
Zhànguóshidai Qíguóyou yige guójǖn,jiao QíWēiwáng,ta yao zhidaoshuíshi qīngguān,shuíshìzāngguān.Ta shíchángxiàng chaoting li de da-chenmen chawen ... Zhànguóshidai Qíguóyou yige guójǖn,jiao QíWēiwáng,ta yao zhidaoshuíshi qīngguān,shuíshìzāngguān.Ta shíchángxiàng chaoting li de da-chenmen chawen gèdifangde qingxing,dachenmen cha-buduo dou shuo,“Zhongdeng-de tai duo le,bu zhidaocong nar shuoqi.Women zhizhidao tàishǒu limian zuihaode shi Echéng dàifu。 展开更多
关键词 子一 云外 即墨大夫 shang zhuang 云房 石初 公厅 艺户 Xiang
草书跋正始石经册(部分) 被引量:1
作者 于右任 《中国书法》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第5X期154-,2,共4页
……忘之,久未能下笔。适河南大学校长王广庆君来渝,因嘱其以所知者为余述之,兹拉杂写出以塞责。盖王君昔年与余研究此石最久,与此石历史极有关之一人也。此拓二纸,确为原石初拓,出土时为民国十一年冬。其地在洛阳县城东南二十里、洛水... ……忘之,久未能下笔。适河南大学校长王广庆君来渝,因嘱其以所知者为余述之,兹拉杂写出以塞责。盖王君昔年与余研究此石最久,与此石历史极有关之一人也。此拓二纸,确为原石初拓,出土时为民国十一年冬。其地在洛阳县城东南二十里、洛水南岸朱家屹塔大桥之北,即开阳门外汉太学遗址。出土时由乡人掘土得之,后移谢某手。谢业古董有年,欲载之城内,恐石大被检视,觅石工白姓一夜割裂(为二。)…… 展开更多
关键词 经册 正始 石初 掘土 知者 王君 王广 洛水
作者 林正炎 《Chinese Science Bulletin》 SCIE EI CAS 1985年第11期1552-,共1页
Let (X, Y) be a bivariate random variable having a joint density function f(x, y). If EY is finite, then the regression function m (of Y on X) may be defined as m(x)=E(Y|X=x). Suppose that (X1,Y1),…,(Xn,... Let (X, Y) be a bivariate random variable having a joint density function f(x, y). If EY is finite, then the regression function m (of Y on X) may be defined as m(x)=E(Y|X=x). Suppose that (X1,Y1),…,(Xn, Yn) is a random sample from (X, Y). The kernel regression function estimate can be obtained by 展开更多
《宝藏》 2014年第1期72-72,共1页
四川泸州何家坝是长汀石最大的产地市场。这里有长江流域最大的一支捡石队伍,他(她)们热情、包容、真诚、博爱。南来北往的石友,去何家坝总会有所收获,满心欢喜抱得爱石归。为了方便石友、分享快乐,何家坝石友们自动出资,携手城区的茜... 四川泸州何家坝是长汀石最大的产地市场。这里有长江流域最大的一支捡石队伍,他(她)们热情、包容、真诚、博爱。南来北往的石友,去何家坝总会有所收获,满心欢喜抱得爱石归。为了方便石友、分享快乐,何家坝石友们自动出资,携手城区的茜草、纳溪、高坝、合江,以及周边的江安、宜宾、乐山等地石友,春节期间相聚何家坝开市,届时亦将有新出水的长江石精品展。 展开更多
关键词 汀石 何家 纳溪 江安 高坝 四川泸州 组织单位 石初 小东
作者 何葆国 《泉州文学》 2013年第10期9-26,共18页
1天亮了,这天真是好不容易亮了,下坂寮村人在惶恐不安中熬过了一个漫长的夜晚。昨晚天黑不久,晚风呜呜呜吹得响,从山脚下一路吹到溪面上,掠过溪水的风声带着湿气,扑向各家各户的茅棚屋,柴门、木窗吱扭吱扭叫个不停,溪尾水碓房的水碓一... 1天亮了,这天真是好不容易亮了,下坂寮村人在惶恐不安中熬过了一个漫长的夜晚。昨晚天黑不久,晚风呜呜呜吹得响,从山脚下一路吹到溪面上,掠过溪水的风声带着湿气,扑向各家各户的茅棚屋,柴门、木窗吱扭吱扭叫个不停,溪尾水碓房的水碓一声接一声地传来,哐隆——哐隆——哐隆,村子里所有的狗都吠了。 展开更多
关键词 江定 石初 刘万 声地 第一声 小白兔 双手合十 给你 天摇地动 土里
作者 刘雪筠 《宝藏》 2015年第6期1 152-1,152,共2页
此石是产于台湾东部海岸山脉的玄武玉石,在数万年前的造山运动中崩落于太平洋,历经长久的海淘浪冲,不可思议地形成了现在的山水景观。其声铿锵清亮、其形环山抱湖,乃盛世出名石的吉兆。该石初由太鲁阁族原住民于台风过后,在沿海沙岸上... 此石是产于台湾东部海岸山脉的玄武玉石,在数万年前的造山运动中崩落于太平洋,历经长久的海淘浪冲,不可思议地形成了现在的山水景观。其声铿锵清亮、其形环山抱湖,乃盛世出名石的吉兆。该石初由太鲁阁族原住民于台风过后,在沿海沙岸上拾得。2009年入选亚太地区第十届盆栽·赏石展览会并获全体综合金奖。现在该石已被刘雪筠律师以重金购得。此石题名:江山,取自毛泽东所写的《沁园春·雪》: 展开更多
关键词 海岸山脉 《沁园春·雪》 台湾东部 山水景观 太鲁阁 原住民 赏石 石初 黑玉
作者 苇秀 《鹃花(爱人故事)》 2008年第4期49-49,共0页
隔壁的一对夫妇,堪称甜蜜夫妻的楷模,无论是进门出门,两人脸上都溢满了笑容。那份幸福感,辐射过来,让我更加感到我的婚姻的不幸:我和我的老公,每天都在为着一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事争吵。一天,我出去买菜,很巧的,她也是一个人出门买菜,因为... 隔壁的一对夫妇,堪称甜蜜夫妻的楷模,无论是进门出门,两人脸上都溢满了笑容。那份幸福感,辐射过来,让我更加感到我的婚姻的不幸:我和我的老公,每天都在为着一些鸡毛蒜皮的小事争吵。一天,我出去买菜,很巧的,她也是一个人出门买菜,因为他出差了。我不禁向她诉说我婚姻中的种种争端。 展开更多
关键词 我爱 石初 为了爱
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