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俄罗斯石油改革与中俄石油合作 被引量:1
作者 韩彤宇 《长春工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第2期55-57,共3页
中俄石油合作一直是中俄两国能源合作久未妥善解决的问题。国家的能源架构、所有制形式、外贸政策是其国际石油合作的基础。本文通过对俄罗斯石油改革历程的阐述,剖析了中俄漫长多变的国际石油合作进程,提出了加强中俄石油合作,促进地... 中俄石油合作一直是中俄两国能源合作久未妥善解决的问题。国家的能源架构、所有制形式、外贸政策是其国际石油合作的基础。本文通过对俄罗斯石油改革历程的阐述,剖析了中俄漫长多变的国际石油合作进程,提出了加强中俄石油合作,促进地区经济共同发展的设想。 展开更多
关键词 俄罗斯石油改革 中俄石油合作 区域能源安全
从国际战略性大宗商品交易方式演变看中国石油市场改革 被引量:6
作者 黄解宇 马卫锋 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期203-208,共6页
当前,国际战略性大宗商品市场博弈出现这样一种态势:交易方式对商品定价、企业竞争等产生重大影响。国际大宗商品交易方式出现交易形式多样化、多层次化、交易组织联盟化、交易机制市场化等发展趋势。其对大宗商品市场产生重要影响:期... 当前,国际战略性大宗商品市场博弈出现这样一种态势:交易方式对商品定价、企业竞争等产生重大影响。国际大宗商品交易方式出现交易形式多样化、多层次化、交易组织联盟化、交易机制市场化等发展趋势。其对大宗商品市场产生重要影响:期货交易价格成为现货交易定价基准;企业竞争从现货市场扩展到包括衍生品市场在内的整个市场体系,和进入衍生品市场存在障碍或成本较高的企业相比,可以以低成本进入衍生品市场的企业取得了一定的竞争优势;贸易联盟在买卖方对价格的争夺中占据优势地位等。对中国石油市场改革的启示包括:发展石油期货交易应探讨具体的路径和方式,包括合约品种、交易制度,并应通过上海石油交易市场向OTC市场的转变,增加石油交易方式的深度和广度;以市场化为指导思想,改革石油行业管理体制特别是进出口体制;采购联盟的核心应是市场化的制度设计。 展开更多
关键词 大宗商品 石油 交易方式 石油市场改革
作者 冯光 《国企管理》 2017年第11期87-87,共1页
中石油将“混改”作为企业改革的重要突破口,坚持“突出主业、优化结构、搞活机制、提高效益”的原则,制定出台《集团公司混合所有制改革指导意见》,分类分层完成合资合作项目50个,下一步还将从完善企业股权结构、治理结构及经营机制等... 中石油将“混改”作为企业改革的重要突破口,坚持“突出主业、优化结构、搞活机制、提高效益”的原则,制定出台《集团公司混合所有制改革指导意见》,分类分层完成合资合作项目50个,下一步还将从完善企业股权结构、治理结构及经营机制等方面,持续推进“混改”. 展开更多
关键词 石油改革 混合所有制
作者 汪海波 《中国经济报告》 2019年第5期27-41,共15页
国有垄断行业居于国民经济命脉的地位,它在经济改革和发展中都具有极端重要性.这样,以市场取向改革为重点的全面深化改革阶段,全面深化国有垄断行业的改革就显得异常迫切.为此,2010年以来,党中央、国务院先后发布了深化电力体制、石油... 国有垄断行业居于国民经济命脉的地位,它在经济改革和发展中都具有极端重要性.这样,以市场取向改革为重点的全面深化改革阶段,全面深化国有垄断行业的改革就显得异常迫切.为此,2010年以来,党中央、国务院先后发布了深化电力体制、石油天然气体制和盐业体制改革以及完善国有金融资本管理等多项文件.鉴于国有垄断行业改革涉及面宽,而且复杂,限于篇幅,本文仅以地位重要、改革进展较快的电力行业体制改革为例,做历史叙述;对石油天然气行业体制改革和完善国有金融资本管理做简要叙述;对其他垄断行业略而不论. 展开更多
关键词 国有垄断行业改革 深化电力改革 深化石油天然气改革 完善国有金融资本管理
从美国石油税收政策看我国石油税制改革 被引量:1
作者 曲昌虎 石国卿 《天然气技术》 2007年第3期9-12,共4页
关键词 美国 中国 税收政策 石油税制改革
作者 马旭东 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第11期58-62,共5页
我国石油产业发展已经取得了较大的成就,但在实际工作中也存在很多问题和矛盾,如何提高石油企业的经济效益和社会效益,寻找改革突破点,破解我国石油企业发展困局,是一个值得深入研究的课题。文章认为要解决石油企业发展的问题,需要国家... 我国石油产业发展已经取得了较大的成就,但在实际工作中也存在很多问题和矛盾,如何提高石油企业的经济效益和社会效益,寻找改革突破点,破解我国石油企业发展困局,是一个值得深入研究的课题。文章认为要解决石油企业发展的问题,需要国家尽快形成良好的宏观经济环境,建议成立一个部级的能源(石油)机构,明晰石油企业的竞争规则,制定石油产业发展战略,统筹实施计划和激励政策,确保国家能源安全,同时维护资源的可持续开发,做好环境保护工作。 展开更多
关键词 石油产业发展 石油企业管理 石油管理体制改革
“两次半”世界大战与美国的石油利益 被引量:1
作者 解晓燕 《国际石油经济》 2000年第6期43-44,共2页
20世纪内几次大规模的战争都与美国的石油利益紧紧地联系在一起。不仅如此,战争的结果也多多少少影响了每一次战后美国石油政策的走向。 目前美国并没有面临太深刻的能源危机。但是鉴于石油、天然气仍将是美国未来的主要能源,所以美国... 20世纪内几次大规模的战争都与美国的石油利益紧紧地联系在一起。不仅如此,战争的结果也多多少少影响了每一次战后美国石油政策的走向。 目前美国并没有面临太深刻的能源危机。但是鉴于石油、天然气仍将是美国未来的主要能源,所以美国仍把国家安全建立在成本低廉、供应充足的能原基础之上。国家能源发展目标之一就是减少石油中断可能对美国经济产生的冲击。 展开更多
关键词 美国 世界大战 石油利益 石油改革 国家安全
信息化视野下石油高校的教学变革探析——基于西南石油大学大学生网络角色定位的调查分析 被引量:2
作者 张桂力 蒲和平 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》 2014年第3期118-126,共9页
信息化对社会发展的冲击是全面而深刻的,教育领域也不例外,时代对高校教育提出了新的要求,也为其变革与发展提供了种种可能。当下正是教育信息化的一个转折点,基础设施建设已取得实质性的进展,而深度应用、观念转变和教学改革正在进行... 信息化对社会发展的冲击是全面而深刻的,教育领域也不例外,时代对高校教育提出了新的要求,也为其变革与发展提供了种种可能。当下正是教育信息化的一个转折点,基础设施建设已取得实质性的进展,而深度应用、观念转变和教学改革正在进行。从西南石油大学大学生的网络角色定位的调查研究入手,采用实证的研究方法,就信息化的视野下,对石油高校应对时代变化应为的教学变革做出了较为深入的分析,从解构角度提出问题,从重构角度提出解决的思路,为高校的教育信息化发展提供一定的参考。 展开更多
关键词 石油高校教学改革 大学生网络角色定位 教育信息化 宽生学习 网络原住民
“入世”油价体系必须改革 被引量:1
作者 章洪 《中国石油和化工》 2000年第8期26-29,共4页
关键词 WTO 油价体系 改革石油价格 中国 国际市场
伊拉克近期政治局势及油气投资机会分析 被引量:2
作者 李伟 《中外能源》 CAS 2016年第3期7-13,共7页
伊拉克油气资源丰富,但由于多年战乱,许多油田处于停产或待开发状态,一些炼厂也遭到破坏,伊政府急需来自国际上的投资、技术和作业管理经验来重振油气产业。通过多轮招标,已有包括埃克森美孚、雪佛龙、BP、中石油、中石化等多家国际油... 伊拉克油气资源丰富,但由于多年战乱,许多油田处于停产或待开发状态,一些炼厂也遭到破坏,伊政府急需来自国际上的投资、技术和作业管理经验来重振油气产业。通过多轮招标,已有包括埃克森美孚、雪佛龙、BP、中石油、中石化等多家国际油公司参与伊拉克的油气投资,但由于复杂的政局、石油法律法规模糊混乱以及中央和地方石油收益分配博弈,使得油公司在油气合同执行过程中问题频出。2014年9月,过分强调教派民族对抗和奉行强硬政策的前总理马利基黯然退出,阿巴迪新政府采取了温和且更务实的政策,缓和了国内矛盾:与库尔德自治区就石油出口和财政支付问题达成和解;尝试推行石油法改革,向地方政府让渡更多权利和收益分成,并为国际投资者提供更多优惠措施。中国油公司曾积极参与伊拉克境内油气投资,成为战后伊拉克最大的外国石油开发商,而目前是进入伊油气市场的又一个历史机遇。可以考虑参与伊中央政府的油田开发、管道建设以及炼厂建设或海水供应一体化项目;另外,在低油价下收购库尔德自治区的中小型油气公司,是中国油公司进入库尔德地区的一个机遇。 展开更多
关键词 伊拉克 油气投资 政治局势 库尔德自治区 石油改革 一体化项目
作者 王娜 《法人》 2005年第10期48-49,共2页
关键词 民营石油企业 企业管理 经营策略 中国 产业政策 石油流通体制改革方案》
Analysis of China's Oil and Gas Policy in 2015 被引量:1
作者 Chen Jiaru 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2016年第1期8-15,共8页
The reforms in oil and gas sector have been accelerated in 2015. The reform of mineral rights has begun and 6 oil and gas exploration zones in Xinjiang Autonomous Region have served as the tender pilots, breaking thro... The reforms in oil and gas sector have been accelerated in 2015. The reform of mineral rights has begun and 6 oil and gas exploration zones in Xinjiang Autonomous Region have served as the tender pilots, breaking through the requirements on the resources varieties, exploration phase and enterprise qual!fication. The right of importing and using of the crude oil has been gradually relaxed and 13 local refineries have obtained the right to use imported crude oil of 55.1888 million tons per year. The natural gas price for non-residential use was unified and a universal price was set ~r the incremental supply and existing supply. Tire Shanghai Petroleum and Gas Exchange (SHPGX) was established and laid foundation for the market mechanism to detervnine the price. The government governance has undergone continuous adjustments such as regulating the tax instead of charging the fees, streamlining administration and delegating power to tire lower levels.The Guidelines on Deepening tire Reform of State-owned Enterprises was released, symbolizing the accomplishment of the overall planning ~ the SOE reform. 展开更多
关键词 REFORM Mineral right Right of importing: Exporting and using of crude oil PRICING SOE reform
China Crude Oil Imports and Oil Market-oriented Reform 被引量:1
作者 Wang Zhen Zhang An Liu Mingming 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2016年第2期9-15,共7页
Crude oil imports in China are mainly carried out by state-owned entities with non state-owned entities as compliment. Crude imported by 5 state-owned entities accounts for 90% of the total imports, while non state-ow... Crude oil imports in China are mainly carried out by state-owned entities with non state-owned entities as compliment. Crude imported by 5 state-owned entities accounts for 90% of the total imports, while non state-owned entities are about given more freedom in using and importing crude. In 2015 only, there were 13 compauies graftted rcritlt access to imported crude oil and 6welv qualiied to import rights. Currently, there are 29 non-state-owned companies engaging in crude import business. China oil market is .faced with severe challenges. Ttre growth rate of oil demand declined, and dependence upon imported oil increased and reached as high as 61.26% in 2015. Refined oil demand growth also slowed down, and oil refining overcapacity got prominent and completion wouht become fiercer" in future. Overcapacity was about 140 million toils per year in 2015. Consumption ratio of diesel to gasoline went on declining, and ttre task of product structure adjustment was heavy. China oil market is undergoing great transformation, and institutional mechanism zoill go ahead, on the basis of centering on orderly release of limitations on crude oil and refined oil import and export, orderly release of competitive business arrd government pricing of oil/gas downstream links, vigorous resolving of overcapacity, strengthening low-carbon development, and laying a solid foundation.for guarantee. 展开更多
关键词 Crude oil import Oil market Reform and detelopment Orderly release Capacity resolving
Analysis of Oil & Gas Policies in the World's Major Countries
作者 Kang Yu Chen Jianrong 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2017年第3期22-27,共6页
In recent years, due to low oil prices, resource countries have been carrying out oil & gas industry reforms and accelerating structural reform of their energy industry. At the supply side, taxes have been reduced... In recent years, due to low oil prices, resource countries have been carrying out oil & gas industry reforms and accelerating structural reform of their energy industry. At the supply side, taxes have been reduced; at the comsumption side, taxes are on the rise. These resource countries have also opened up their oil and gas sectors in the hopes of attracting more domestic and foreign capital. With the Paris Agreement coming into effect in 2016, green and low-carbon development has become the consensus of global energy development. Although the development of clean energy has currently slowed down because of low oil prices, clean energy will be the world's common direction of development in the long run. Currently, countries continue to support the development of clean energy, although the manners of their support are changing. 展开更多
关键词 Policy REFORM Structural Reform TAX Clean energy
作者 小雪 《江苏改革》 2000年第12期13-14,共2页
关键词 石油 价格 市场 国际贸易 中国 石油价格改革
Analysis of China's Oil and Gas Policies in 2016
作者 Jiang He Chen Jianrong 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2017年第1期3-9,共7页
Guided by President Xi Jinping's key speech about energy revolution— "Four Revolutions and One Cooperation"-the Chinese oil and gas industry continued to accelerate its pace of reform in 2016.China has ... Guided by President Xi Jinping's key speech about energy revolution— "Four Revolutions and One Cooperation"-the Chinese oil and gas industry continued to accelerate its pace of reform in 2016.China has deepened its supply-side structural reforms,prevented and resolved the problem of excess production capacity,increased the effective supply of clean energy such as natural gas,and formed an energy innovation system.It has pushed forward the reform of pricing mechanisms with significant adjustments in the pricing mechanisms of oil products,pipeline transportation,gas storage and gas used for fertilizer production.It has also accelerated market access reform and encouraged various investors to enter into the fields of exploration & production,pipeline transportation and crude oil imports.China has sped up the legislative process of environmental protection to promote green and low-carbon development.It has accelerated oil & gas industry institutional reform,with some provinces initiating the pilot reform of oil and gas. 展开更多
关键词 Oil and gas reform Supply-side reform Market access Price mechanism reform Clean energy
Background and Effects of Deepening Reform of the Oil and Gas Industry System
作者 Wang Zhen 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2017年第3期11-16,共6页
Under the background of a fourth wave of industrial revolution and a period of worldwide energy transformation, deepening the reforms in the oil and gas industry, system is of great significance. After reviewing the a... Under the background of a fourth wave of industrial revolution and a period of worldwide energy transformation, deepening the reforms in the oil and gas industry, system is of great significance. After reviewing the achievements and summarizing the problems of the oil and gas industry in China, this paper lays emphasis on the key aspects of this new round of deepening reforms, and holds rite position that this reform, based on the implementation of the national energy strategy, covers the entire oil and gas industry chain by liberalizing market access, reforming market mechanisms, and strengthening management. The reform will bring far-reaching effects upon the entire chain and the participants of the oil and gas industry. It will help to improve the market-oriented allocation of resources, allow enterprises to interact as competitors, and enhance the national oil and gas security. 展开更多
关键词 Energy transformation OIL GAS System reform
Review and Outlook of China's Oil Market in 2015
作者 Gong Jinshuang 《China Oil & Gas》 CAS 2015年第3期22-28,共7页
Growth rate of oil demand rose again in China in the first half of 2015. Demand for oil products went on differentiating, and the demand growth of most products sped up. Growth rate of oil production rose again, oil i... Growth rate of oil demand rose again in China in the first half of 2015. Demand for oil products went on differentiating, and the demand growth of most products sped up. Growth rate of oil production rose again, oil imports increased rapidly, and external dependence of crude oil and oil broke through 60% separately. The State adjusted the prices of gasoline and diesel timely and frequently, based on pricing mechanism. Price hike was higher than reduction. Oil market got weak, yet more stable. China increased the pace of reforms in marketization. In the second half, oil demand will increase continuously but with lower growth rate, oil production will rise more slowly, imports of crude oil and oil will keep on rising rapidly, gasoline and kerosene as well as diesel will witness a net import, and the market of gasoline, kerosene and diesel will be more stable. 展开更多
关键词 the year of 2015 China oil supply and demand price half a year review outlook
我国石油财税制度存在的问题及对策研究 被引量:4
作者 王勇 赵振智 《价格理论与实践》 北大核心 2008年第4期57-58,共2页
关键词 中国石油财税制度 美国石油财税制度 石油财税制度改革
我国油气体制改革:问题、目标与总体思路 被引量:2
作者 白玫 《价格理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期10-13,共4页
关键词 石油体制改革 天然气定价 行政垄断 市场监管
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