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作者 胡杏云 徐进 张金荃 《宁波大学学报(理工版)》 CAS 2011年第2期110-114,共5页
针对快速城市化和社会主义新农村建设高潮中乡村地域特色日益流失的现状,以宁波市鄞州区翻石渡村为例,探讨了传统地域特色在现代乡村住居规划中的表达和体现,并寻求现代生活方式与传统居住空间的共生与平衡,为建设具有地域特色的现代乡... 针对快速城市化和社会主义新农村建设高潮中乡村地域特色日益流失的现状,以宁波市鄞州区翻石渡村为例,探讨了传统地域特色在现代乡村住居规划中的表达和体现,并寻求现代生活方式与传统居住空间的共生与平衡,为建设具有地域特色的现代乡村住居环境提供参考. 展开更多
关键词 “原型”设计 民居 地域特色 石渡
作者 郭义清 《福建乡土》 2012年第1期37-38,共2页
关键词 《悠悠九石渡 散文 文学 郭义清
作者 梁小平 《科学启蒙》 2001年第7期11-13,共3页
今年元旦,山东青岛迎来了第五届“奥迪杯”全国青少年四驱车模比赛。经过紧张激烈的角逐,一位满脸稚气的女孩最终站到女子组比赛第一名的领奖台上。她,就是长沙市黑石渡小学五年级二班学生胡诗慧。漂亮女孩也爱车留着短头发,穿一身运动... 今年元旦,山东青岛迎来了第五届“奥迪杯”全国青少年四驱车模比赛。经过紧张激烈的角逐,一位满脸稚气的女孩最终站到女子组比赛第一名的领奖台上。她,就是长沙市黑石渡小学五年级二班学生胡诗慧。漂亮女孩也爱车留着短头发,穿一身运动服的胡诗慧,远远地看上去,一个活脱脱的男孩相。别看她才11岁。 展开更多
关键词 小学科技 石渡 四驱车 长沙市
作者 《乡村振兴》 2022年第2期79-79,共1页
近年来,安徽省六安市黑石渡镇党委、政府坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,认真贯彻习近平总书记考察安徽重要讲话指示精神,以加快发展为第一要务,以改善民生为第一要事,以基层治理为第一保障,扎实苦干、积极探索,采取五... 近年来,安徽省六安市黑石渡镇党委、政府坚持以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想为指导,认真贯彻习近平总书记考察安徽重要讲话指示精神,以加快发展为第一要务,以改善民生为第一要事,以基层治理为第一保障,扎实苦干、积极探索,采取五大措施,着力绘就霍山乡村全面发展的新画卷。一是发展壮大特色产业,为乡村全面发展奠基。 展开更多
关键词 习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想 乡村振兴 特色产业 石渡 安徽省六安市 基层治理 第一要务 改善民生
Enhancement of nucleation of diamond films deposited on copper substrate by nickel modification layer 被引量:3
作者 刘学璋 魏秋平 +1 位作者 翟豪 余志明 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2013年第3期667-673,共7页
A Ni layer with a thickness of about 100 nm was sputtered on Cu substrates,followed by an ultrasonic seeding with nanodiamond suspension.High-quality diamond film with its crystalline grains close to thermal equilibri... A Ni layer with a thickness of about 100 nm was sputtered on Cu substrates,followed by an ultrasonic seeding with nanodiamond suspension.High-quality diamond film with its crystalline grains close to thermal equilibrium shape was deposited on Cu substrates by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition(HF-CVD),and the sp2 carbon content was less than 5.56%.The nucleation and growth of diamond film were investigated by micro-Raman spectroscopy,scanning electron microscopy,and X-ray diffraction.The results show that the nucleation density of diamond on the Ni-modified Cu substrates is 10 times higher than that on blank Cu substrates.The enhancement mechanism of the nucleation kinetics by Ni modification layer results from two effects:namely,the nanometer rough Ni-modified surface shows an improved absorption of nanodiamond particles that act as starting points for the diamond nucleation during HF-CVD process;the strong catalytic effect of the Ni-modified surface causes the formation of graphite layer that acts as an intermediate to facilitate diamond nucleation quickly. 展开更多
关键词 diamond film nickel interlayer Cu substrate chemical vapor deposition nucleation kinetics surface modification
是尊重古训,还是墨守古训——再论“厉”字义兼与何九盈同志商榷 被引量:1
作者 刘君惠 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1985年第4期51-58,共8页
关键词 《尔雅》 戴震 王引之 邵晋涵 石渡 黄侃 石水 《说文》 鲜卑语 《雅》
作者 冉友侨 《四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 1985年第2期86-90,42,共6页
读书首先要求读懂,要求正确理解书中写的是些什么,犹如听话时要听懂别人究竟说的是些什么一样。但观大意,囫囵吞枣,都是不行的。特别是阅读古籍,由于汉字形、音、义的关系错综复杂,就必须在订文字、辨声韵、明训诂、审辞气等方面下一番... 读书首先要求读懂,要求正确理解书中写的是些什么,犹如听话时要听懂别人究竟说的是些什么一样。但观大意,囫囵吞枣,都是不行的。特别是阅读古籍,由于汉字形、音、义的关系错综复杂,就必须在订文字、辨声韵、明训诂、审辞气等方面下一番功夫,力求不失作者原意。深知其难,偶有所记,录出四则,以供指正。 一、释“深则厉”的“厉” 《诗·邶风·匏有苦叶》:“深则厉,浅则揭”。《论语·宪问》亦引作“厉”。毛传释“厉”:“以衣涉水为厉。 展开更多
关键词 读书札记 左传 “数” 韩非 石渡 刑罚 孟子 许慎 典籍 《商君书》
作者 邓真炎 《国土绿化》 2002年第3期48-48,共1页
有“小武夷”之称的浦城县水北街镇九石渡,有个山明水秀,美丽富饶的小山村——茅洲樟头村。 很久以前,有神仙仰慕茅洲老鼠潭一带山水风光,便撑船前来观光游览。当地老百姓见船又大又长,便纷纷上船居住。老百姓怕船被撑走,就在船头栽上... 有“小武夷”之称的浦城县水北街镇九石渡,有个山明水秀,美丽富饶的小山村——茅洲樟头村。 很久以前,有神仙仰慕茅洲老鼠潭一带山水风光,便撑船前来观光游览。当地老百姓见船又大又长,便纷纷上船居住。老百姓怕船被撑走,就在船头栽上一株樟树,船尾搭个凉亭。从此,村庄前有船桩树,后有铁锚亭,仙船也就牢牢地泊在这里。待神仙们归来,见仙船已被凡人利用,且五谷丰登,六畜兴旺。 展开更多
关键词 山明水秀 山水风光 浦城县 樟树 铁锚 安居乐业 村庄 石渡 凉亭 船尾
作者 黎裕国 《老区建设》 1996年第5期44-44,共1页
武宁黑芝麻荣获金牌奖去年在北京举行的第二届中国农业博览会上,江西省武宁县参评参展的黑芝麻,荣获金牌奖。今年该县委、县政府决定在石渡、横路等乡镇建立黑芝麻生产基地一万亩,大力发展黑芝麻生产,以满足市场需求。(江西省武宁... 武宁黑芝麻荣获金牌奖去年在北京举行的第二届中国农业博览会上,江西省武宁县参评参展的黑芝麻,荣获金牌奖。今年该县委、县政府决定在石渡、横路等乡镇建立黑芝麻生产基地一万亩,大力发展黑芝麻生产,以满足市场需求。(江西省武宁县水电局黎裕国)推广站武宁黑芝麻荣... 展开更多
关键词 黑芝麻 江西省 武宁县 农业博览会 生产基地 市场需求 推广站 水电局 县政府 石渡
《重庆市人民政府公报》 2005年第22期40-40,共1页
11月11日副市长吴家农在希尔顿酒店会见来渝参加电脑节的华硕电脑中国业务事业群总经理许佑嘉和东芝电脑网络(上海)有限公司总经理石渡敏郎一行。11月16日市委书记黄镇东、市长王鸿举分别会见了来渝访问的荷兰运输、公共工程和水管理部... 11月11日副市长吴家农在希尔顿酒店会见来渝参加电脑节的华硕电脑中国业务事业群总经理许佑嘉和东芝电脑网络(上海)有限公司总经理石渡敏郎一行。11月16日市委书记黄镇东、市长王鸿举分别会见了来渝访问的荷兰运输、公共工程和水管理部大臣佩斯女士。 展开更多
关键词 水管理 总经理 电脑网络 副市长 市委书记 外事 荷兰 酒店 石渡 华硕
Sodium-treated sepiolite-supported transition metal(Cu,Fe,Ni,Mn,or Co)catalysts for HCHO oxidation 被引量:5
作者 Ning Dong Qing Ye +3 位作者 Mengyue Chen Shuiyuan Cheng Tianfang Kang Hongxing Dai 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第11期1734-1744,共11页
Sodium-treated sepiolite(Na Sep)-supported transition metal catalysts(TM/Na Sep;TM = Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, and Co) were synthesized via a rotary evaporation method. Physicochemical properties of the as-synthesized samples w... Sodium-treated sepiolite(Na Sep)-supported transition metal catalysts(TM/Na Sep;TM = Cu, Fe, Ni, Mn, and Co) were synthesized via a rotary evaporation method. Physicochemical properties of the as-synthesized samples were characterized by means of various techniques, and their catalytic activities for HCHO(0.2%) oxidation were evaluated. Among the samples, Cu/Na Sep exhibited superior performance, and complete HCHO conversion was achieved at 100 ℃(GHSV = 240000 m L/(g·h)). Additionally, the sample retained good catalytic activity during a 42 h stability test. A number of factors, including elevated acidity, the abundance of oxygen species, and favorable low-temperature reducibility, were responsible for the excellent catalytic activity of Cu/Na Sep. According to the results of the in-situ DRIFTS characterization, the HCHO oxidation mechanism was as follows:(i) HCHO was rapidly decomposed into dioxymethylene(DOM) species on the Cu/Na Sep surface;(ii) DOM was then immediately converted to formate species;(iii) the resultant formate species were further oxidized to carbonates;(iv) the carbonate species were eventually converted to CO2 and H2O. 展开更多
关键词 Sodium-treated sepiolite Transition metal loading Supported transition metal catalyst Volatile organic compound HCHO oxidation
Amorphous SiO_2 interlayers for deposition of adherent diamond films onto WC-Co inserts 被引量:1
作者 崔雨潇 赵天奇 +1 位作者 孙方宏 沈彬 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第9期3012-3022,共11页
Amorphous Si O2(a-Si O2) films were synthesized on WC-Co substrates with H2 and tetraethoxysilane(TEOS) via pyrolysis of molecular precursor.X-ray diffraction(XRD) pattern shows that silicon-cobalt compounds for... Amorphous Si O2(a-Si O2) films were synthesized on WC-Co substrates with H2 and tetraethoxysilane(TEOS) via pyrolysis of molecular precursor.X-ray diffraction(XRD) pattern shows that silicon-cobalt compounds form at the interface between a-Si O2 films and WC-Co substrates.Moreover,it is observed by transmission electron microscope(TEM) that the a-Si O2 films are composed of hollow mirco-spheroid a-Si O2 particles.Subsequently,the a-Si O2 films are used as intermediate films and chemical vapor deposition(CVD) diamond films are deposited on them.Indentation tests were performed to evaluate the adhesion of bi-layer(a-Si O2 + diamond) films on cemented carbide substrates.And the cutting performance of bi-layer(a-Si O2 + diamond) coated inserts was evaluated by machining the glass fiber reinforced plastic(GFRP).The results show that a-Si O2 interlayers can greatly improve the adhesive strength of diamond films on cemented carbide inserts;furthermore,thickness of the a-Si O2 interlayers plays a significant role in their effectiveness on adhesion enhancement of diamond films. 展开更多
关键词 hot filament chemical vapor deposition(HFCVD) diamond film WC-Co substrate INTERLAYER ADHESION
UV Laser Regulation of Surface Oxygen Vacancy of CoFe2O4 for Enhanced Oxygen Evolution Reaction 被引量:1
作者 Zhen-hong Xiao Dao-chuan Jiang +5 位作者 Han Xu Jing-tian Zhou Qi-zhong Zhang Ping-wu Du Zhen-lin Luo Chen Gao 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第5期691-694,736,共5页
Oxygen evolution reaction is one of the key processes in the promising renewable energy technique of electrocatalytic water splitting.Developing high ecient oxygen evolution reaction(OER)catalysts requires determinati... Oxygen evolution reaction is one of the key processes in the promising renewable energy technique of electrocatalytic water splitting.Developing high ecient oxygen evolution reaction(OER)catalysts requires determination of the optimal values of the descriptor parameters.Using spinel CoFe2O4 as the model catalyst,this work demonstrates that irradiation with pulsed UV laser can control the quantity of surface oxygen vacancy and thus modify the OER activity,in a volcano-shape evolution trend.This strategy sheds light on quantita-tively investigation of the relationship between surface cation valence,anion vacancy,and physicochemical properties of transition-metal-based compounds. 展开更多
关键词 Oxygen evolution reaction Spinel oxide Transition metal oxide Laser irradiation Oxygen vacancy
Effects of Carbide Formation in Graphene Growth
作者 王准准 罗其全 +1 位作者 张文华 李震宇 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期65-69,I0002,共6页
Besides carbon solubility, the carbide formation possibility is another important factor to differentiate various substrate materials in graphene growth. A recent experiment indicates that the formation of transition ... Besides carbon solubility, the carbide formation possibility is another important factor to differentiate various substrate materials in graphene growth. A recent experiment indicates that the formation of transition metal carbides (TMCs) can suppress carbon precipitation. In this study, Mo2C, a representative of TMCs, is used to study the effects of carbide formation in graphene growth from first principles. Carbon diffusion in Mo2C bulk turns out to be very difficult and it becomes much easier on the Mo2C(001) surface. Therefore, carbon precipitation suppression and graphene growth can be realized simultaneously. A direction depended diffusion behavior is observed on the Mo2C(101) surface, which makes it less favorable for graphene growth compared to the (001) surface. 展开更多
关键词 Molybdenum carbide DIFFUSION Density functional theory
Urban Agriculture:A Transitional Mechanism for Reducing Environmental Degradation and Fossil Fuel over Dependence
作者 Henry Musoke Semakula 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2010年第1期3-7,共5页
With the increasing population in the urban cities of the world,the demand for food from distant areas has been on the rise but at the expense of scarce natural resources like oil,water and forest,etc.However,producin... With the increasing population in the urban cities of the world,the demand for food from distant areas has been on the rise but at the expense of scarce natural resources like oil,water and forest,etc.However,producing food locally in urban centers provides a sustainable mechanism of reducing the carbon,food or ecological footprints of these cities in particular and environmental degradation in general.It creates a circular metabolic system in which the natural inputs are efficiently harnessed rather than the linear metabolic system in which resources flow in and wastes flow out.This article analyzes some urban agricultural local initiatives in urban centers of the worlds that promote a circular metabolic systems and proposes the procedure that can be adopted to promote urban agriculture. 展开更多
关键词 urban cities environmental degradation local food production oil peak urban agriculture
A Novel Mo-Doped Compound with Graphite-Like Structure: [H_3O]_2V_3O_8
作者 吴传德 林祥 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2001年第6期462-465,共4页
The hydrothermal reaction of Na2MoO4 . 2H(2)O, V2O5 and en in water gave rise to a graphite-shaped vanadate [H3O](2)V3O8 1, which is doped with molybdenum. Compound 1 crystallizes in tetragonal system, space group P4b... The hydrothermal reaction of Na2MoO4 . 2H(2)O, V2O5 and en in water gave rise to a graphite-shaped vanadate [H3O](2)V3O8 1, which is doped with molybdenum. Compound 1 crystallizes in tetragonal system, space group P4bm, H6O10V2.9Mo0.1, M-r = 323.37, a = 8.904(1), c = 5.573(1)Angstrom, V = 441.8(1)Angstrom (3), Z = 2, D-c = 2.431 g.cm(-3), mu = 3.137 mm(-1), F(000) = 314, the final R = 0.0477, wR = 0.0993 for 260 observed reflections. Its two-dimensional framework is built up by corner-shared ((VO4)-O-V) tetrahedra and ((VO5)-O-IV) square pyramids with all of the terminal oxygen atoms toward the same orientation and further connected inta three-dimensional framework through hydrogen bonding between the protoned water molecules. 展开更多
关键词 transition-metal oxide HYDROTHERMAL graphite-layer DOPED ESR
《中国品牌与防伪》 2023年第3期24-25,共2页
一、案件来源及案情经过1.安徽省霍山县市场监督管理局查处霍山县黑石渡街道某小店侵犯“牛栏山”商标专用权案2022年7月20日,安徽省霍山县市场监督管理局根据消费者投诉线索,对霍山县黑石渡街道某小店进行依法检查。发现该店销售的“... 一、案件来源及案情经过1.安徽省霍山县市场监督管理局查处霍山县黑石渡街道某小店侵犯“牛栏山”商标专用权案2022年7月20日,安徽省霍山县市场监督管理局根据消费者投诉线索,对霍山县黑石渡街道某小店进行依法检查。发现该店销售的“牛栏山”酒无进货票据,后出具鉴定委托书(霍市监鉴委[2022]20号)委托北京顺鑫农业股份有限公司牛栏山酒厂鉴定是否侵犯其注册商标专用权。经该公司鉴定为假酒后,扣押涉嫌侵犯注册商标专用权的商品。 展开更多
关键词 商标专用权 石渡 案件来源 安徽省霍山县 牛栏山 委托书 消费者投诉
Experimental investigation of phase transformations of olivine and enstatite at the lower part of the mantle transition zone:Implications for structure of the 660 km seismic discontinuity
作者 WU Yao ZHANG YanFei +2 位作者 WANG YanBin JIN ZhenMin DONG ShuWen 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期592-599,共8页
High-pressure polymorphs of olivine and enstatite are major constituent minerals in the mantle transition zone (MTZ). The phase transformations of olivine and enstatite at pressure and temperature conditions corresp... High-pressure polymorphs of olivine and enstatite are major constituent minerals in the mantle transition zone (MTZ). The phase transformations of olivine and enstatite at pressure and temperature conditions corresponding to the lower part of the MTZ are import for understanding the nature of the 660 km seismic discontinuity. In this study, we determine phase transfor- mations of olivine (MgSi204) and enstatite (MgSiO3) systematiclly at pressures between 21.3 and 24.4 GPa and at a constant temperature of 1600~C. The most profound discrepancy between olivine and enstatite phase transformation is the occurency of perovskite. In the olivine system, the post-spinel transformation occures at 23.8 GPa, corresponding to a depth of 660 km. In contrast, perovskite appears at 〈23 GPa (640 km) in the enstatite splitting of the 660 km seismic discountinuity under eastern China. system. The -1 GPa gap could explain the uplifting and/orsplitting of the 660 km seismic discountinuity under eastern China. 展开更多
关键词 OLIVINE ENSTATITE high-pressure phase transformation 660 km seismic discontinuity mantle transition zone eastern China
用数学方法描述方言的差别 被引量:1
作者 陈汉清 朱建颂 《方言》 1979年第1期75-80,共6页
一一般概念1.1 问题的提出汉语方言大体分为若干大方言区。各大方言区之间有差别,同一大方言区内部的方言也有差别。汉语方言是随地方不同而变化的,并且是逐渐变化的。一旦地方定下来,该地居民的方言也就确定了。现在我们假定地方的变... 一一般概念1.1 问题的提出汉语方言大体分为若干大方言区。各大方言区之间有差别,同一大方言区内部的方言也有差别。汉语方言是随地方不同而变化的,并且是逐渐变化的。一旦地方定下来,该地居民的方言也就确定了。现在我们假定地方的变化为自变量,而方言为函数。只要某地方的坐标(x,y)定下来,这个地方的位置也就确定下来。我们提出:若对于每一点(x,y)[在其许可变化区域内]都对应着一个确定的方言Q,那么称Q是(x,y)的二元函数。 展开更多
关键词 方言区 石渡 汉语方言 数学方法 异同 渡桥 文化 过渡区 韵母 区域内
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