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古代石盐岩流体包裹体均一温度分析方法及古环境解释 被引量:17
作者 赵艳军 刘成林 +3 位作者 张华 王立成 任彩霞 王鑫 《地球学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第5期603-609,共7页
由于石盐岩中的流体包裹体保留了其沉积时的古水温和组分信息,一直是古环境和矿床地质研究中的重要工作,但由于石盐岩易于塑性变形的特性,给其研究带来很大困难。本文主要针对石盐岩流体包裹体均一温度分析方法,从单一液相包裹体均一温... 由于石盐岩中的流体包裹体保留了其沉积时的古水温和组分信息,一直是古环境和矿床地质研究中的重要工作,但由于石盐岩易于塑性变形的特性,给其研究带来很大困难。本文主要针对石盐岩流体包裹体均一温度分析方法,从单一液相包裹体均一温度测试的冷冻条件和样品经历高温改造后测试结果的可靠性两方面进行了实验。实验结果表明:在不发生明显的完全冷冻结冰情况下,不同冷冻条件下形成气泡后均一温度差别不大(低于3.6℃)。然而,一旦包裹体发生了完全结冰的现象,其均一温度比冷冻至–18℃条件下可高出47.8℃。实验同时表明高温(110℃以上)会引起石盐流体包裹体的均一温度发生明显变化。没有受到高温影响和测试过程中的低温冷冻干扰情况下,以低的升温速率获得的石盐中单一液相包裹体均一温度可以代表石盐形成时的古水温,其与石盐沉积时的大气温度较为接近,可用于古气候研究。 展开更多
关键词 均一温度 冷冻 高温 流体包裹体 石盐岩
库车坳陷古近纪石盐岩空间展布及找钾意义? 被引量:3
作者 唐敏 曹养同 +1 位作者 焦鹏程 胡妍娜 《化工矿产地质》 CAS 2016年第3期129-135,共7页
新疆库车坳陷古近纪发育巨厚的蒸发岩沉积,厚度从几十米至上千米不等。主要蒸发岩沉积(特别是石盐岩沉积)发生在古新世-始新世的库姆格列木群沉积期。依据3Dmine矿业工程软件、库车坳陷地形点三维坐标统计数据、部分钻井数据(包括孔位... 新疆库车坳陷古近纪发育巨厚的蒸发岩沉积,厚度从几十米至上千米不等。主要蒸发岩沉积(特别是石盐岩沉积)发生在古新世-始新世的库姆格列木群沉积期。依据3Dmine矿业工程软件、库车坳陷地形点三维坐标统计数据、部分钻井数据(包括孔位、孔深、孔斜)、石盐岩层在钻井中的沉积厚度及蒸发岩沉积旋回,对坳陷库姆格列木群蒸发岩沉积期石盐岩空间展布进行研究,绘制库车坳陷古新统-始新统石盐岩空间分布模型,探讨盆地找钾意义。通过石盐岩空间模型展布特征分析,石盐岩体与库车坳陷的地形特征和构造特征紧密相关,石盐岩受构造挤压并于与地形的总体起伏基本一致。从石盐岩体空间模型南北向剖面变化规律分析,古新世-始新世,库车坳陷西部出现2个蒸发岩沉积中心,分别位于西盐山口盐场一带和拜城凹陷。为库车次级古盐湖发育区,而钾盐的富集一般产于大的坳陷当中的次级构造单元,为有利的找钾区域。 展开更多
关键词 库车坳陷 石盐岩 空间展布 找钾意义
渤海湾盆地束鹿凹陷沙一段石盐岩中流体包裹体特征及其地质意义 被引量:7
作者 赵艳军 刘成林 +4 位作者 张华 王立成 丰勇 吴悠 刘宝坤 《地球科学(中国地质大学学报)》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第10期1355-1363,共9页
束鹿凹陷内古新统沙河街组一段石盐岩中发育了大量原生的人字形单一液相水溶液包裹体和次生油包裹体,这为深刻揭示凹陷内蒸发岩成因及油气运移、保存提供了有利条件.在流体包裹体岩相学研究的基础上,开展了流体包裹体均一温度测试、并... 束鹿凹陷内古新统沙河街组一段石盐岩中发育了大量原生的人字形单一液相水溶液包裹体和次生油包裹体,这为深刻揭示凹陷内蒸发岩成因及油气运移、保存提供了有利条件.在流体包裹体岩相学研究的基础上,开展了流体包裹体均一温度测试、并恢复了钻井的埋藏史和包裹体捕获时间及古压力.研究表明石盐岩中与次生油包裹体同期的水溶液包裹体均一温度分为66.5-91.5℃和103.7-108.9℃两期,其对应的捕获时间分别为10.56-10.11 Ma和1.10 Ma,表明油气流体进入盐岩层的时间分别为馆陶组沉积的中晚期和更新统沉积期,与生烃史的研究结果基本吻合.石盐岩层中部利用包裹体模拟的古压力系数高达1.64,底部石盐岩中存在大量超压条件下形成的单一液相油包裹体,证明盐下存在超压系统,而超压系统的存在为油气的运移和保存提供了动力条件. 展开更多
关键词 石盐岩 油包裹体 古压力 沙一段 束鹿凹陷 石油地质.
塔西南坳陷中新生代蒸发岩沉积初探 被引量:8
作者 桑洪 曹养同 +7 位作者 朱礼春 张华 张亮 姚佛军 曾昌民 焦鹏程 姜红 梁华 《古地理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第4期473-482,共10页
通过资料搜集、蒸发岩野外露头地质调查、石盐岩沉积特征分析及盐类矿物学研究,对塔里木盆地塔西南坳陷中新生代蒸发岩的分布、层位、盐类矿物组合、成因进行了初步探讨。塔西南坳陷石盐岩沉积呈透镜体状,主要沿西昆仑山前分布,常含有... 通过资料搜集、蒸发岩野外露头地质调查、石盐岩沉积特征分析及盐类矿物学研究,对塔里木盆地塔西南坳陷中新生代蒸发岩的分布、层位、盐类矿物组合、成因进行了初步探讨。塔西南坳陷石盐岩沉积呈透镜体状,主要沿西昆仑山前分布,常含有褐红色、灰绿色泥砾,泥砾岩性与吐依洛克组下段岩性一致,推测应为吐依洛克组沉积晚期海退期成盐,其层位应归属于吐依洛克组上段。石盐岩透镜体在横向分布上不连续,反映了当时塔西南坳陷内部可能存在多个古盐湖次级凹地,其在干旱气候条件下经浓缩蒸发成盐。蒸发岩矿物除石盐、石膏外,还见有杂卤石、钙芒硝等,其中杂卤石可能为后期富钾卤水交代原生石膏的产物,而乌泊1井石盐表面大量的次生钙芒硝可能为盐湖后期石盐析出阶段含钙地下水缓慢持续补给盐湖的产物。 展开更多
关键词 蒸发岩 石盐岩 上白垩统 古新统 塔西南坳陷 塔里木盆地
洪泽凹陷赵集次凹阜宁组四段盐岩深水再沉积成因探讨 被引量:11
作者 王伟锋 张美 《沉积学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期242-253,共12页
为了查明洪泽凹陷赵集次凹阜四段盐岩成因,利用录井、测井、古生物和地球化学资料,对苏北盆地洪泽凹陷赵集次凹古新统阜宁组四段(E1f4)的盐岩沉积特征进行了分析,发现阜四段含盐系地层主要发育石盐岩,硫酸盐岩次之,还有少量碳酸盐岩。... 为了查明洪泽凹陷赵集次凹阜四段盐岩成因,利用录井、测井、古生物和地球化学资料,对苏北盆地洪泽凹陷赵集次凹古新统阜宁组四段(E1f4)的盐岩沉积特征进行了分析,发现阜四段含盐系地层主要发育石盐岩,硫酸盐岩次之,还有少量碳酸盐岩。石盐岩单层厚度大,纯度高,横向分布稳定。对比研究认为赵集次凹E1f4盐岩应为淮安凸起上白垩统浦口组(K2p)盐岩经溶解搬运至洪泽凹陷赵集次凹深水湖盆中,使盐度过饱和后再沉积成因。赵集次凹E1f4比淮安凸起K2p石盐岩矿层纯度高;盐岩洁净、盐间夹灰—深灰色泥岩,未见浅水蒸发构造;生物化石以陆相介形类为主,淡水滨浅湖的腹足类和轮藻化石稀少,在E1f4地层中存在仅见于K2p地层中的Cicat ricosisporites pseudoanrifer化石以及Welwitschiapitesningensis、Cicatricosisporites pseudoaurifer等;两地盐岩的卤水类型均为硫酸盐—氯化物型,而赵集次凹E1f4盐岩重金属元素含量较低。赵集次凹阜四段存在两个主要成盐期:上盐亚段与下盐亚段,对比研究发现二者的盐岩类型、特征及成盐序列有较大差异,尝试根据盐类物质供给的成分和速率的不同建立了相应的成盐模式:下盐亚段为深水近源快速补给"石盐岩—无水芒硝岩—石盐岩再沉积"成盐模式;上盐亚段为深水近源缓慢补给"钙芒硝岩—石盐岩再沉积"成盐模式。 展开更多
关键词 赵集次凹 阜宁组四段 石盐岩 无水芒硝岩 钙芒硝岩 成盐模式
陕北盐盆奥陶系马家沟组五段蒸发岩沉积环境与作用——来自石盐流体包裹体的证据 被引量:2
作者 赵艳军 刘成林 胡宇飞 《矿床地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第6期1144-1156,共13页
陕北盐盆地因发育全球罕见的奥陶系马家沟组五段含盐地层受到广泛关注。文章运用X射线粉晶衍射矿物组分半定量分析、流体包裹体的均一温度、拉曼光谱、扫描电镜能谱和包裹体氢同位素分析等多种手段,对陕北米脂县境内两口钻井奥陶系马家... 陕北盐盆地因发育全球罕见的奥陶系马家沟组五段含盐地层受到广泛关注。文章运用X射线粉晶衍射矿物组分半定量分析、流体包裹体的均一温度、拉曼光谱、扫描电镜能谱和包裹体氢同位素分析等多种手段,对陕北米脂县境内两口钻井奥陶系马家沟组石盐岩进行了分析和测试。流体包裹体均一温度测试结果表明,石盐岩中原生单一液相包裹体、次生正方形单一液相包裹体的均一温度平均值分别为27.9℃、30.6℃,峰值均为25-30℃,次生与原生的流体包裹体的形成环境基本一致。在重结晶程度高的层段,石盐岩流体包裹体的δD值和石盐岩K+含量的变化趋势相反,结合该时期内含盐层段宏观地质特征以及钾石盐颗粒常呈圆粒状赋存在石盐晶间裂缝等微观证据,笔者认为研究区石盐岩沉积时因外来水体频繁侵入导致原生石盐岩发生溶解和重结晶,降低了形成大规模钾盐矿床的概率。 展开更多
关键词 地球化学 重结晶 均一温度 流体包裹体 石盐岩 陕北盐盆地
作者 张华 刘成林 曹养同 《矿床地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第S1期499-500,共2页
1区域地层莎车盆地古新统吐依洛克组为古新世早期主要含盐层位。由于吐依洛克组化石贫乏,部分学者曾依据该组而将其归为晚白垩世(新疆地质局第八地质大队,1975;1977)。叶得泉等(1992)、郝诒纯等(2000)、郝诒纯等(2001)以及郭宪璞等(2006... 1区域地层莎车盆地古新统吐依洛克组为古新世早期主要含盐层位。由于吐依洛克组化石贫乏,部分学者曾依据该组而将其归为晚白垩世(新疆地质局第八地质大队,1975;1977)。叶得泉等(1992)、郝诒纯等(2000)、郝诒纯等(2001)以及郭宪璞等(2006)依据吐依洛克组下部产有古新世早期的有孔虫化石Cibicides— 展开更多
关键词 石盐岩 依格孜牙组 泥砾 互层 蒸发岩 地层 地质构造 盆地 生物碎屑 早古新世 吐依洛克组 古新统 山前带 海积地貌 泻湖 泥质粉砂岩 洛克 莎车
钾盐大矿何处寻?中国小板块(陆块)找钾探索 被引量:1
作者 刘成林 宣之强 《地球》 2015年第1期96-99,共4页
钾元素是生命之必需元素,是粮食及农作物生长的大量"营养素"之一。六十年前,中国还没有发现钾盐矿床。农民多用草木灰来补充农田对钾的需求。如今,中国钾肥年产量数百万吨,自给率达到50%。这些钾盐主要从盐湖卤水中提取,而己探明的盐... 钾元素是生命之必需元素,是粮食及农作物生长的大量"营养素"之一。六十年前,中国还没有发现钾盐矿床。农民多用草木灰来补充农田对钾的需求。如今,中国钾肥年产量数百万吨,自给率达到50%。这些钾盐主要从盐湖卤水中提取,而己探明的盐湖钾盐储量有限,难以支撑中国农业可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 钾盐矿 特提斯海 古生代海相 盐湖卤水 陆块 钾元素 特提斯洋 石盐岩 冈瓦纳大陆 必需元素
Effect of pore structure on seismic rock-physics characteristics of dense carbonates 被引量:9
作者 潘建国 王宏斌 +1 位作者 李闯 赵建国 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期1-10,120,共11页
The Ordovician carbonate rocks of the Yingshan formation in the Tarim Basin have a complex pore structure owing to diagenetic and secondary structures. Seismic elastic parameters(e.g., wave velocity) depend on poros... The Ordovician carbonate rocks of the Yingshan formation in the Tarim Basin have a complex pore structure owing to diagenetic and secondary structures. Seismic elastic parameters(e.g., wave velocity) depend on porosity and pore structure. We estimated the average specific surface, average pore-throat radius, pore roundness, and average aspect ratio of carbonate rocks from the Tazhong area. High P-wave velocity samples have small average specific surface, small average pore-throat radius, and large average aspect ratio. Differences in the pore structure of dense carbonate samples lead to fluid-related velocity variability. However, the relation between velocity dispersion and average specific surface, or the average aspect ratio, is not linear. For large or small average specific surface, the pore structure of the rock samples becomes uniform, which weakens squirt fl ow and minimizes the residuals of ultrasonic data and predictions with the Gassmann equation. When rigid dissolved(casting mold) pores coexist with less rigid microcracks, there are significant P-wave velocity differences between measurements and predictions. 展开更多
关键词 Carbonate rocks pore structure elastic parameters microstructure Tarim Basin
A rock-physical modeling method for carbonate reservoirs at seismic scale 被引量:9
作者 李景叶 陈小宏 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第1期1-14,117,共15页
Strong heterogeneity and complex pore systems of carbonate reservoir rock make its rock physics model building and fluid substitution difficult and complex. However, rock physics models connect reservoir parameters wi... Strong heterogeneity and complex pore systems of carbonate reservoir rock make its rock physics model building and fluid substitution difficult and complex. However, rock physics models connect reservoir parameters with seismic parameters and fluid substitution is the most effective tool for reservoir prediction and quantitative characterization. On the basis of analyzing complex carbonate reservoir pore structures and heterogeneity at seismic scale, we use the gridding method to divide carbonate rock into homogeneous blocks with independent rock parameters and calculate the elastic moduli of dry rock units step by step using different rock physics models based on pore origin and structural feature. Then, the elastic moduli of rocks saturated with different fluids are obtained using fluid substitution based on different pore connectivity. Based on the calculated elastic moduli of rock units, the Hashin-Shtrikman-Walpole elastic boundary theory is adopted to calculate the carbonate elastic parameters at seismic scale. The calculation and analysis of carbonate models with different combinations of pore types demonstrate the effects of pore type on rock elastic parameters. The simulated result is consistent with our knowledge of real data. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic scale fluid substitution carbonate rock rock physics modeling^heterogeneity
Calculation of saturation in carbonate reservoirs based on electrical efficiency 被引量:2
作者 李雄炎 秦瑞宝 +1 位作者 刘春成 毛志强 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第2期215-222,254,共9页
We derived an equation for saturation in carbonate reservoirs based on the electrical efficiency model in the case of lacking core data. Owing to the complex pore structure and strong heterogeneity in carbonate reserv... We derived an equation for saturation in carbonate reservoirs based on the electrical efficiency model in the case of lacking core data. Owing to the complex pore structure and strong heterogeneity in carbonate reservoirs, the relation between electrical efficiency and water porosity is either complex or linear. We proposed an electrical efficiency equation that accounts for the relation between electrical efficiency and water porosity. We also proposed a power-law relation between electrical efficiency and deep-formation resistivity and analyzed the factors controlling the error in the water saturation computations. We concluded that the calculation accuracy of the electrical efficiency is critical to the application of the saturation equation. The saturation equation was applied to the carbonate reservoirs of three wells in Iraq and Indonesia. For relative rock electrical efficiency error below 0.1, the water saturation absolute error is also below 0.1. Therefore, we infer that the proposed saturation equation generally satisfies the evaluation criteria for carbonate reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 Rock electrical efficiency CARBONATE SATURATION functional relationship error analysis
Porous-grain–upper-boundary model and its application to Tarim Basin carbonates
作者 郭玉倩 马宏达 +4 位作者 石开波 曹宏 黄录忠 姚逢昌 胡天跃 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第4期411-422,511,共13页
Most of the carbonates in the Tarim Basin in northwest China are low-porosity and low-permeability rocks. Owing to the complexity of porosity in carbonates, conventional rock- physics models do not describe the relati... Most of the carbonates in the Tarim Basin in northwest China are low-porosity and low-permeability rocks. Owing to the complexity of porosity in carbonates, conventional rock- physics models do not describe the relation between velocity and porosity for the Tarim Basin carbonates well. We propose the porous-grain-upper-boundary (PGU) model for estimating the relation between velocity and porosity for low-porosity carbonates. In this model, the carbonate sediments are treated as packed media of porous elastic grains, and the carbonate pores are divided into isolated and connected pores The PGU model is modified from the porous-grain-stiff-sand (PGST) model by replacing the critical porosity with the more practical isolated porosity. In the implementation, the effective elastic constants of the porous grains are calculated by using the differential effective medium (DEM) model. Then, the elastic constants of connected porous grains in dry rocks are calculated by using the modified upper Hashin-Shtrikman bound. The application to the Tarim carbonates shows that relative to other conventional effective medium models the PGU model matches the well log data well. 展开更多
关键词 Porous-grain-upper-boundary (PGU) model CARBONATES Porosity Velocity
The constructing of pore structure factor in carbonate rocks and the inversion of reservoir parameters 被引量:3
作者 蒋炼 文晓涛 +2 位作者 周东红 贺振华 贺锡雷 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第2期223-232,236,共11页
With a more complex pore structure system compared with clastic rocks, carbonate rocks have not yet been well described by existing conventional rock physical models concerning the pore structure vagary as well as the... With a more complex pore structure system compared with clastic rocks, carbonate rocks have not yet been well described by existing conventional rock physical models concerning the pore structure vagary as well as the influence on elastic rock properties. We start with a discussion and an analysis about carbonate rock pore structure utilizing rock slices. Then, given appropriate assumptions, we introduce a new approach to modeling carbonate rocks and construct a pore structure algorithm to identify pore structure mutation with a basis on the Gassmann equation and the Eshelby-Walsh ellipsoid inclusion crack theory. Finally, we compute a single well's porosity using this new approach with full wave log data and make a comparison with the predicted result of traditional method and simultaneously invert for reservoir parameters. The study results reveal that the rock pore structure can significantly influence the rocks' elastic properties and the predicted porosity error of the new modeling approach is merely 0.74%. Therefore, the approach we introduce can effectively decrease the predicted error of reservoir parameters. 展开更多
关键词 Carbonate rocks rock physical model pore structure algorithm reservoir parameter inversion
Solubilization of Rock Phosphate in Liquid Culture by Fungal Isolates from Rhizosphere Soil 被引量:6
作者 WANG Guang-Hua ZHOU De-Rui +2 位作者 YANG Qian JIN Jian LIU Xiao-Bing 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4期532-538,共7页
Rock phosphate (RP) is a low efficiency P fertilizer that is directly applied to the soil and can be solubilized by phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs) in fermentation or soil conditions. This study inves... Rock phosphate (RP) is a low efficiency P fertilizer that is directly applied to the soil and can be solubilized by phosphate-solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs) in fermentation or soil conditions. This study investigated dynamic solubilization of 2 concentrations of rock phosphate in a liquid culture with different dosages of glucose by two fungal isolates,Aspergillus niger P39 and Penicillium oxalicum P66, from soybean and wheat rhizosphere soil. Although during the 20 day culture period A. niger P39 had a stronger ability to acidify the culture media than P. ozalicum P66, soluble P concentrations at glucose dosages of 30 and 50 g L^-1 with RP of 15 g L^-1 in the culture solution were much higher by P. oxalicum P66. The greater effectiveness of P. oxalicum P66 compared to A. niger P39 in the solubilization of RP was strongly associated with the production of organic acids. This study suggested that for RP solubilization the type rather than the concentration of PSM-produced organic acids was more important. 展开更多
关键词 Aspergillus niger organic acids Penicillium oxalicum phosphate solubilization rock phosphate
Effects of carbon anhydrase on utilization of bicarbonate in microalgae:a case study in Lake Hongfeng 被引量:4
作者 Haitao Li Yanyou Wu Lihua Zhao 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2018年第4期519-525,共7页
A bidirectional labeling method was established to distinguish the proportions of HCO3- and CO2 utiliza- tion pathways of microalgae in Lake Hongfeng. The method was based on microalgae cultured in a medium by adding ... A bidirectional labeling method was established to distinguish the proportions of HCO3- and CO2 utiliza- tion pathways of microalgae in Lake Hongfeng. The method was based on microalgae cultured in a medium by adding equal concentrations of NaH13CO3 with different 613C values simultaneously. The inorganic carbon sources were quantified according to the stable carbon isotope composition in the treated microalgae. The effects of extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CAex) on the HCO3 and CO2 utilization pathways were distinguished using acetazolamide, a potent membrane-impermeable carbonic anhydrase inhibitor. The results show utilization of the added HCO3- was only 8% of the total carbon sources in karst lake. The proportion of the HCO3- utilization path- way was 52% of total inorganic carbon assimilation. Therefore, in the natural water of the karst area, the microalgae used less bicarbonate that preexisted in the aqueous medium than CO2 derived from the atmosphere. CAex increased the utilization of inorganic carbon from the atmosphere. The microalgae with CAex had greater carbon sequestration capacity in this karst area. 展开更多
关键词 MICROALGAE Carbonic anhydrase Stable carbon isotope Inorganic carbon utilization
Sources of dissolved inorganic carbon in rivers from the Changbaishan area, an active volcanic zone in North Eastern China 被引量:2
作者 Xue Bai Benjamin Chetelat Yilong Song 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期410-415,共6页
Major elements and carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)have been measured in the waters of Changbaishan mountain,a volcanic area in northeastern China,between June and September 2016 to decipher the orig... Major elements and carbon isotopes of dissolved inorganic carbon(DIC)have been measured in the waters of Changbaishan mountain,a volcanic area in northeastern China,between June and September 2016 to decipher the origin of the CO_2 involved in chemical weathering reactions.Spatial variations of major elements ratios measured in water samples can be explained by a change of the chemical composition of the volcanic rocks between the volcanic cone(trachytes)and the basaltic shield as evidenced by the variations in the composition of these rocks.Hence,DIC results from the neutralization of CO_2 by silicate rocks.DIC concentrations vary from 0.3 to 2.5 mmol/L and carbon isotopic compositions of DIC measured in rivers vary from-14.2‰to 3.5‰.At a first order,the DIC transported by rivers is derived from the chemical weathering’s consumption of CO_2 with a magmatic origin,enriched in^(13)C(-5%)and biogenic soil CO_2 with lower isotopic compositions.The highest δ^(13)C values likely result from C isotopes fractionation during CO_2 degassing in rivers.A mass balance based on carbon isotopes suggest that the contribution of magmatic CO_2 varied from less than 20%to more than 70%.Uncertainties in this calculation associated with CO_2 degassing in rivers are difficult to quantify,and the consequence of CO_2 degassing would be an overestimation of the contribution of DIC derived from the neutralization of magmatic CO_2 by silicate rocks. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon isotopes Dissolved inorganic carbon RIVERS Chemical weathering CHANGBAISHAN Active volcanic zone
Effect of Perched Water Tables on Aluminosilicate Stability and Soil Genesis 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG MIN , GONG ZITONG and A. D. KARATHANASIS College of Resources and Environment, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an 271018 (China) Institute of Soil Science, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing 210008 (China) College of Agriculture, U 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第3期247-256,共10页
The mineral stability and solute activities of soil solution extracted from selected horizons of seven studied pedons of Alfisols in Kentucky, USA, and the relationship between distribution of iron-manganese concretio... The mineral stability and solute activities of soil solution extracted from selected horizons of seven studied pedons of Alfisols in Kentucky, USA, and the relationship between distribution of iron-manganese concretions and the restrictive layers were investigated. The results showed that the genesis and development of these soils and mineral weathering trends were strongly influenced by the depth of bedrock and the presence of perched water tables at lithic (limestone) interfaces due to the dissolution and buffering effect of limestone bedrock. The extractable Mg/Ca ratio as depth function and soil depth above bedrock could be used as indices of weathering and degree of soil development. Maximum iron-manganese concretion accumulation was found to occur in the horizon overlying clay horizon (>40% clay) with a sharp increase in clay content (>10%), which suggested that zones of Fe-Mn concretion accumulation in soils of the Inner Bluegrass Region appeared to be a sensitive genetic indicator of argillic horizons with restrictive permeability. 展开更多
关键词 iron-manganese concretion perched water table soil environment soil genesD
作者 姚志健 戴良宏 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2020年第4期122-123,125,共3页
本文所阐述的石盐岩与无水硭硝岩是江苏省淮安市洪泽凹陷赵集次凹阜宁组四段含盐地层钻遇盐层与硭硝层随钻井液循环返出后地质录井所捞取的岩屑。本文从其物理、化学特性识别石盐岩与无水芒硝岩,分别从颜色、形状、味觉、溶解重结晶及... 本文所阐述的石盐岩与无水硭硝岩是江苏省淮安市洪泽凹陷赵集次凹阜宁组四段含盐地层钻遇盐层与硭硝层随钻井液循环返出后地质录井所捞取的岩屑。本文从其物理、化学特性识别石盐岩与无水芒硝岩,分别从颜色、形状、味觉、溶解重结晶及脱水状态出发,描述现场录井捞取的石盐岩与无水芒硝岩的区别,给现场地质录井提供帮助。 展开更多
关键词 石盐岩 无水芒硝岩 溶解 结晶
Early dolomitisation of the Lower-Middle Ordovician cyclic carbonates in northern Tarim Basin, NW China 被引量:4
作者 GUO Chuan CHEN DaiZhao +2 位作者 DONG ShaoFeng QIAN YiXiong LIU CunGe 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期1283-1298,共16页
High-frequency metre-scale cycles are present within the Lower-Middle Ordovician carbonate successions in northern Tarim Basin, NW China. These metre-scale cycles were variably dolomitised from top to bottom. Three ty... High-frequency metre-scale cycles are present within the Lower-Middle Ordovician carbonate successions in northern Tarim Basin, NW China. These metre-scale cycles were variably dolomitised from top to bottom. Three types of replacive dolomites were recognised, including dololaminite(very finely to finely crystalline, planar-s to nonplanar-a dolomite;type-1), patterned dolomite(finely crystalline, planar-s dolomite; type-2), and mottled dolomite(finely to medium crystalline,nonplanar-a(s) dolomite; type-3). Petrographic evidence indicate these dolomites were primarily deposited in supratidal to restricted subtidal environments, and formed in near-surface to shallow burial realms. Geochemically, all types of dolomites have similar δ13C and 87Sr/86 Sr ratios comparable to calcite precipitated in equilibrium with the Early-Middle Ordovician seawater. These geochemical attributes indicate that these dolomites were genetically associated and likely formed from connate seawater-derived brines. Of these, type-1 dolomite has δ18O values(.4.97‰ to.4.04‰ VPDB) slightly higher than those of normal seawater dolomite of the Early-Middle Ordovician age. Considering the absence of associated evaporites within type-1 dolomite, its parental fluids were likely represented by slightly evaporated(i.e., mesosaline to penesaline) seawater with salinity below that of gypsum precipitation. More depleted δ18O values(.7.74‰ to.5.20‰ VPDB) of type-2 dolomite and its stratigraphic position below type-1 dolomite indicate the generation of this dolomite from mesosaline to penesaline brines at higher temperatures in near-surface to shallow burial domains. Type-3 dolomite yields the most depleted δ18O values(–9.30‰to –7.28‰ VPDB), pointing to that it was most likely formed from coeval seawater-derived brines at highest temperatures in a shallow burial setting. There is a downward decreasing trend in δ18O values from type-1 through type-2 to type-3 dolomites, and in abundance of dolomites, indicating that the dolomitising fluids probably migrated downward from above and persisted into shallow burial conditions. 展开更多
关键词 Early dolomitisation CYCLICITY CARBONATE Lower-Middle Ordovician Tarim Basin
Ultradeep diamonds originate from deep subducted sedimentary carbonates 被引量:2
作者 GAO Jing NIU JingJing +1 位作者 QIN Shan WU Xiang 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第2期207-217,共11页
Diamonds are renowned as the record of Earth's evolution history.Natural diamonds on the Earth can be distinguished in light of genetic types as kimberlitic diamonds(including peridotitic diamonds and eclogitic di... Diamonds are renowned as the record of Earth's evolution history.Natural diamonds on the Earth can be distinguished in light of genetic types as kimberlitic diamonds(including peridotitic diamonds and eclogitic diamonds),ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic diamonds and ophiolitic diamonds.According to the inclusion mineralogy,most diamonds originated from continental lithospheric mantle at depths of 140-250 km.Several localities,however,yield ultradeep diamonds with inclusion compositions that require a sublithospheric origin(>~250 km).Ultradeep diamonds exhibit distinctions in terms of carbon isotope composition,N-concentration,mineral inclusions and so on.The present study provides a systematic compilation concerning the features of ultradeep diamonds,based on which to expound their genesis affinity with mantle-carbonate melts.The diamond-parental carbonate melts are proposed to be stemmed from the Earth's crust through subduction of oceanic lithosphere.Ultradeep diamonds are classified into a subgroup attaching to kimberlitic diamonds grounded by formation mechanism,and present connections in respect of carbon origin to eclogitic diamonds,ultrahigh-pressure metamorphic diamonds and ophiolitic diamonds. 展开更多
关键词 Ultradeep diamond CARBONATES Oceanic subduction Earth carbon cycle
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