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中国煤中金属元素矿产资源研究现状与展望 被引量:50
作者 宁树正 邓小利 +6 位作者 李聪聪 秦国红 张建强 朱士飞 乔军伟 陈磊 章伟 《煤炭学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第9期2214-2225,共12页
煤中金属元素矿产资源的研究是煤地质学领域的关注热点和前沿方向,对于我国煤炭行业转型具有重要的战略意义。为了系统梳理我国煤中金属元素矿产资源现状,促进煤中金属元素矿产资源的综合调查利用,拓展传统煤炭地质行业的发展方向,在系... 煤中金属元素矿产资源的研究是煤地质学领域的关注热点和前沿方向,对于我国煤炭行业转型具有重要的战略意义。为了系统梳理我国煤中金属元素矿产资源现状,促进煤中金属元素矿产资源的综合调查利用,拓展传统煤炭地质行业的发展方向,在系统收集梳理相关地质资料、采样测试、综合研究的基础上,通过研讨总结提出了煤中金属元素矿产资源的概念,总结了我国煤中镓、锗、锂等主要金属元素矿产资源分布特征,并且从物源条件、沉积环境以及后期构造热演化等条件入手,分析了我国煤中镓、锗、锂资源的时空分布规律,受成煤期沉积背景、构造条件等限制,我国煤中锂、镓富集区主要分布在华北石炭—二叠纪和华南二叠纪两个成煤期,煤中锗主要分布在东北早白垩纪和滇西新近纪成煤期,含煤盆地物源和区域性断裂的控制使煤中锗、镓、锂金属元素呈区域性分布的特点,并结合当前煤中金属元素矿产资源前沿研究存在的问题,对我国煤中金属元素矿产资源的下一步研究方向进行了展望,提出要重点加强煤中金属元素测试技术和富集成矿机理的研究,对我国煤中金属元素矿产资源的综合开发利用具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 中金属元素 中金属元素矿产资源 综合评价参考指标 分布规律
沉积盆地有机矿产(油-气-煤)对铀成矿的作用机理及进展 被引量:7
作者 吴柏林 刘池洋 +8 位作者 杨松林 王苗 李琪 林周洋 张效瑞 李艳青 张婉莹 刘明义 孙国权 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第6期1044-1065,共22页
该文以中亚及中国北方主要盆地为研究区,通过能源矿产时空赋存的统计和无机(铀)-有机(煤-油-气)矿产相互作用的模拟实验、单学科能源地质学及砂岩铀矿蚀变流体作用和铀矿微区原位同位素测年、稳定同位素对有机-无机能源相互作用的示踪... 该文以中亚及中国北方主要盆地为研究区,通过能源矿产时空赋存的统计和无机(铀)-有机(煤-油-气)矿产相互作用的模拟实验、单学科能源地质学及砂岩铀矿蚀变流体作用和铀矿微区原位同位素测年、稳定同位素对有机-无机能源相互作用的示踪等方法,研究发现,油、气、煤、铀同盆共存普遍、含矿层位联系密切、成藏(矿)-定位时期相同或相近。天然气规模性耗散是盆地改造阶段铀超常富集的关键因素,铀的存在对烃源岩生烃具有催化作用,深部油气烃源岩可以为浅部砂岩铀矿提供铀源。不同于中亚典型的层间渗入成矿作用,油气流体的铀成矿作用主要具有“垂向渗流”的特点,使矿体形态多呈板状及铀矿床成因具有低温热液作用的特点,没有典型的层间氧化带,却常具有还原性蚀变带,如绿色蚀变或白色蚀变的砂岩控矿特点。油-气-煤对铀成矿作用存在着许多可识别的地质地球化学标志,沿着油气耗散方向的浅表层,存在明显的系列油气蚀变现象,如砂岩的绿色蚀变、漂白现象、透镜状“钙质层”现象等。表现在地球化学特征上则是包裹体流体的H-O同位素异常、白色砂岩Si同位素异常、有机地球化学指标如脂肪酸甲脂异常、容矿层煤屑有机质成分及有机地球化学指标异常等。上述沉积盆地有机矿产(油-气-煤)对铀成矿作用的规律和机理,对找矿和能源矿产的前景评价具有重要的意义,一方面,多种能源同盆共存的规律及油-气-煤对铀成矿的各类烃类蚀变,为超大型砂岩铀矿的找矿提供了方向,另一方面,铀的存在可以使烃源岩生烃量增多和液态烃生成门限温度降低,解释了鄂尔多斯盆地南部富烃凹陷的形成及盆地油气丰富的原因,以及为我国柴达木盆地深部具丰富的低成熟度页岩气资源有较好远景的认识提供理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 有机矿产(油-气-) 油气耗散 绿色蚀变 漂白现象 稳定同位素 富铀烃源岩 砂岩型铀矿
作者 刘海全 《华北国土资源》 2012年第5期99-100,103,共3页
对太原市主要非煤矿产资源的种类、分布、开发潜力等进行了介绍,分析了太原市非煤矿产资源开发利用中存在的主要问题,如重开采、轻保护、投入不足、现有矿山规模及布局不合理、轻视管理等,并提出了加强宏观调控、改善矿山布局、加大投... 对太原市主要非煤矿产资源的种类、分布、开发潜力等进行了介绍,分析了太原市非煤矿产资源开发利用中存在的主要问题,如重开采、轻保护、投入不足、现有矿山规模及布局不合理、轻视管理等,并提出了加强宏观调控、改善矿山布局、加大投入、加强管理、开发与保护并举、防治地质灾害等解决对策。 展开更多
关键词 太原市非矿产 存在问题 解决对策
作者 郝关清 《中文科技期刊数据库(引文版)工程技术》 2020年第11期427-428,430,共3页
铀、煤、石油等多能源矿产同盆共聚,共生产出是我国北方大、中型中新生代盆地的重要特征。鄂尔多斯、伊犁、吐哈等盆地目前已成为我国可地浸砂岩型铀矿最主要的勘查基地,同时这些盆地也是重要的煤炭和石油赋存和开发基地。论文在对鄂尔... 铀、煤、石油等多能源矿产同盆共聚,共生产出是我国北方大、中型中新生代盆地的重要特征。鄂尔多斯、伊犁、吐哈等盆地目前已成为我国可地浸砂岩型铀矿最主要的勘查基地,同时这些盆地也是重要的煤炭和石油赋存和开发基地。论文在对鄂尔多斯、伊犁和吐哈盆地铀、煤共生特征论述的基础上,以吐哈盆地为重点,从铀、煤矿产资源的社会需求和应用,铀、煤矿产资源在中新生代盆地的空间共生和相互依存及铀煤矿产资源的成因相关性等三个方面,分析了铀、煤矿产资源综合勘查的社会和经济效益及实施的合理性和可行性;同时在对吐哈盆地西南缘铀矿资源勘查评价的基础上,进行了铀、煤矿资源量的估算和估值分析。通过上述研究分析,旨在对铀矿勘查过程中综合评价与其共生的煤炭资源及在煤炭勘查过程中综合评价与其共生的铀矿资源工作有所裨益。 展开更多
关键词 铀、矿产资源 空间依存 综合勘查评价
作者 田小华 《青年记者》 1998年第2期52-54,共3页
大江东去,百舸争流。兖州矿业集团公司东滩煤矿作为一支新军,经过8年艰苦奋斗,已冲浪于全国煤炭行业千帆之首。在1996年全矿产煤488万吨,夺得全国第一,全矿两个采煤队,双双进入全国十佳采煤队行列的基础上,1997年更上一层楼,全矿产煤突... 大江东去,百舸争流。兖州矿业集团公司东滩煤矿作为一支新军,经过8年艰苦奋斗,已冲浪于全国煤炭行业千帆之首。在1996年全矿产煤488万吨,夺得全国第一,全矿两个采煤队,双双进入全国十佳采煤队行列的基础上,1997年更上一层楼,全矿产煤突破500万吨,综采二队一举创出年产410万吨新纪录,摘取了全国矿井总产、综采单产两项桂冠。到1998年2月16日,东滩煤矿安全生产达到766天。 展开更多
关键词 东滩 兖州矿业集团公司 新纪录 矿产煤 东滩矿 综采机组 炭行业 矿安全生产 矿长
作者 李忠军 《中国科技财富》 2010年第22期216-216,共1页
关键词 地理信息系统 矿产勘探 建模方法 问题与对策
作者 曾招阳 宁树正 王自国 《地学前缘》 EI CAS 2024年第6期331-349,共19页
煤中的战略性矿产对国家经济发展和国家安全具有重要意义。这类矿产常被称作煤型矿产,不仅仅是富集关键金属的煤层,也包含夹矸、煤层顶底板和煤系中不含煤层的其他富集层位,乃至一些富集金属的煤矿的酸性矿井水等。本文在系统查阅国内... 煤中的战略性矿产对国家经济发展和国家安全具有重要意义。这类矿产常被称作煤型矿产,不仅仅是富集关键金属的煤层,也包含夹矸、煤层顶底板和煤系中不含煤层的其他富集层位,乃至一些富集金属的煤矿的酸性矿井水等。本文在系统查阅国内外煤型矿产文献的基础上,对中国整个地质时期战略性煤型矿产进行梳理,列出产出煤型战略性矿产的主要时期;整理得到全国主要地质时期的煤矿资源分布和战略性关键矿产的空间分布图,并以镓、锗为例,对相关典型矿床进行案例解剖,深入探讨了镓、锗矿床为代表的煤型矿床的地质背景和成矿机理,归纳了矿床中镓锗的富集部位等关键找矿信息。结果表明:在各地质历史时期,可产出以镓、锗等为代表的“四稀”和大宗矿产为主体的战略性关键金属矿产。其中,显生宙以来则产出“四稀”矿产和大宗矿产;中国的镓锗矿床主要集中在华北地台、扬子地台的石炭—二叠纪、三叠—侏罗纪、早白垩世和新近纪等含煤盆地中;煤型锗矿床的形成与岩浆作用及其热液活动有着密切的关系;镓、锗等元素的富集在含煤岩系中有特定的产出部位,镓通常产出在成煤旋回的顶部,如华北石炭—二叠纪含煤盆地偏顶部的山西组6号煤层中的镓的富集,如黑岱沟矿床,煤系旋回底部的本溪组也有一定的贡献;而锗则通常富集在煤系旋回的初期或底部,如临沧帮卖锗矿床。中国的煤中镓锗资源很有潜力。 展开更多
关键词 型战略性矿产 形成时代 镓锗 富集部位 资源潜力
作者 尹城霖 《黑龙江科技信息》 2015年第6期103-104,共2页
关键词 古近系 新近系 地层及共伴生矿产 勘查工作重点领域
Effect of hydrodynamic desulphurisation of low parameters on the oxidative rank coal 被引量:2
作者 Serhiy Pyshyev Yuriy Prysiazhnyi +2 位作者 Mariia Shved Marek Kulazynski Denis Miroshnichenk 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2018年第2期213-229,共17页
In this paper, the desulphurisation of high sulphur low-rank coal is proposed as a raw material for pulverised coal injection technology. Therefore, the influence of oxidant linear velocity and the size of the coal gr... In this paper, the desulphurisation of high sulphur low-rank coal is proposed as a raw material for pulverised coal injection technology. Therefore, the influence of oxidant linear velocity and the size of the coal grain was investigated in a fluidised bed. The hydrodynamic parameters of the fluidised bed including: porosity, Sherwood criterion (diffusion Nusselt number), and mass transfer coefficient (external surface) were calculated. Furthermore, the study examined the effects of intensity and efficiency on the desulphurised coal properties; organic matter, ash, and volatile matter contents. The key changes during the conversion of pyritic sulphur and coal organic matter were subsequently examined. The results showed that the sulphur content (St^d 3.16 wt%) of the low-rank coal, was transformed to (St^d 〈 1.5 wt%) after desulfurization. Other enhanced properties were: V^daf ≤ 38.0 wt%; A^d 〈 10.0 wt%, now suitable for pulverised coal injection technology. 展开更多
关键词 Low-rank coal - Oxidative desulphurization PYRITE SULPHUR Pulverised coal injection
Recovery of coal particles from a tailing dam for environmental protection and economical beneficiations 被引量:3
作者 M. Asghari M. Noaparast +2 位作者 S. Z. Shafaie S. Ghassa S. Chehreh Chelgani 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2018年第2期253-263,共11页
Considerable amounts of coal particles are accumulated in the tailing dams of washing plants which can make serious environmental problems. Recovery of these particles from tailings has economically and environmentall... Considerable amounts of coal particles are accumulated in the tailing dams of washing plants which can make serious environmental problems. Recovery of these particles from tailings has economically and environmentally several advantages. Maintaining natural resources and reducing discharges to the dams are the most important ones. This study was examined the possibility to recover coal particles from a tailing dam with 56.29% ash content by using series of processing techniques. For this purpose, gravity separation (jig, shaking table and spiral) and flotation tests were conducted to upgrade products. Based the optimum value of these processing methods, a flowsheet was designed to increase the rate of recovery for a wide range of coal particles. Results indicated that the designed circuit can recover over 90% of value coal particles and reduce ash content of product to less than 14%. These results can potentially be used for designing an industrial operation as a recycling plant and an appropriate instance for other areas to reduce the environmental issues of coal tailing dams. 展开更多
关键词 Tailing dams Hazardous issues JIGGING Shaking table SPIRAL FLOTATION
Application of highwall mining system in weak geological condition 被引量:3
作者 Takashi Sasaoka Tri Karian +2 位作者 Akihiro Hamanaka Hideki Shimada Kikuo Matsui 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第3期311-321,共11页
Almost all the coal is produced from open cut mines in Indonesia. As a consequence of open cut mine application, a great deal of coal is left out in the highwalls of the mined-out pits. Highwall mining systems can be ... Almost all the coal is produced from open cut mines in Indonesia. As a consequence of open cut mine application, a great deal of coal is left out in the highwalls of the mined-out pits. Highwall mining systems can be used to recover this coal. The use of highwall mining systems has increasingly come into play in the US and Australia. However, it is not common in Indonesia. Moreover, Indonesia coal measure is categorized as weak geological condition. Some problems are likely to arise during the application of the highwall mining system for example instability of openings and highwalls due to the roof and pillar failures. Therefore, study of highwall mining system application in Indonesia is needed in order to increase the recovery rate of coal mining in Indonesia. This paper described the characteristics of the highwa!l mining system and discussed the appropriate highwall mining system application in weak geological condition, Indonesia. From the results of a series of laboratory tests and numerical analyses, it can be concluded that the stability of pillars and mine openings in auger mining systems is much higher than that in CHM and an auger mining system is suitable for such as very weak/poor strata conditions. Moreover, the application of backfilling system is very effective for improvement of the stability of pillar and openings. 展开更多
关键词 Open cut mine Left out coal Highwall mining systems Weak geological condition
Fault diagnosis using a probability least squares support vector classification machine 被引量:4
作者 GAO Yang, WANG Xuesong, CHENG Yuhu, PAN Jie School of Information and Electrical Engineering, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou 221116, China 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2010年第6期917-921,共5页
Coal mines require various kinds of machinery. The fault diagnosis of this equipment has a great impact on mine production. The problem of incorrect classification of noisy data by traditional support vector machines ... Coal mines require various kinds of machinery. The fault diagnosis of this equipment has a great impact on mine production. The problem of incorrect classification of noisy data by traditional support vector machines is addressed by a proposed Probability Least Squares Support Vector Classification Machine (PLSSVCM). Samples that cannot be definitely determined as belonging to one class will be assigned to a class by the PLSSVCM based on a probability value. This gives the classification results both a qualitative explanation and a quantitative evaluation. Simulation results of a fault diagnosis show that the correct rate of the PLSSVCM is 100%. Even though samples are noisy, the PLSSVCM still can effectively realize multi-class fault diagnosis of a roller bearing. The generalization property of the PLSSVCM is better than that of a neural network and a LSSVCM. 展开更多
关键词 fault diagnosis PROBABILITY least squares support vector classification machine roller bearing
Study on the safety production evaluation of the coal mine based on entropy-TOPSIS 被引量:3
作者 WANG Li-jie SHAO Xiang-li 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2010年第3期284-287,共4页
In order to evaluate the safety production situation of the coal mine effectively,selected the indicators about mine production safety, applied entropy method to determinethe objective weight of each index, calculated... In order to evaluate the safety production situation of the coal mine effectively,selected the indicators about mine production safety, applied entropy method to determinethe objective weight of each index, calculated the distance and close degree between themines and the ideal point and negative ideal point, and then evaluated the safety productionsituation of the mines according to the close degree.The results show that the methodprovides a reasonable, concise and more objective idea to evaluate the safety productionsituation of the mines. 展开更多
关键词 safety production ENTROPY TOPSIS close-degree
Integral evaluation of operating quality and the deciding of management strategy in productive coal mines 被引量:2
作者 赵景礼 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2004年第1期91-96,共6页
According to overall mean square root of weighted deviation, presented an evaluation model of geology-technique-social conditions with a significant index system for the estimation of operating quality in productive c... According to overall mean square root of weighted deviation, presented an evaluation model of geology-technique-social conditions with a significant index system for the estimation of operating quality in productive coal mines. In the given example, the evaluation result is used to decide management strategy of coal mine, which plays a guiding role in the production. 展开更多
关键词 productive coal mine evaluation model index system management strategy
Performance evaluation methods and instrumentation for mine ventilation fans 被引量:7
作者 LI Man WANG Xue-rong 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第6期819-823,共5页
Ventilation fans are one of the most important pieces of equipment in coal mines. Their performance plays an important role in the safety of staff and production. Given the actual requirements of coal mine production,... Ventilation fans are one of the most important pieces of equipment in coal mines. Their performance plays an important role in the safety of staff and production. Given the actual requirements of coal mine production,we instituted a research project on the measurement methods of key performance parameters such as wind pressure,amount of ventilation and power. At the end a virtual instrument for mine ventilation fans performance evaluation was developed using a USB interface. The practical performance and analytical results of our experiments show that it is feasible,reliable and effective to use the proposed instrumentation for mine ventilation performance evaluation. 展开更多
关键词 mine ventilation fan performance evaluation virtual instrument
Blended coals for improved coal water slurries 被引量:2
作者 GU Tian-ye WU Guo-guang LI Qi-hui SUN Zhi-qiang ZENG Fang WANG Guang-you MENG Xian-liang 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第1期50-54,共5页
Three coal samples of different ranks were used to study the effect of coal blending on the preparation of Coal Water Slurry (CWS). The results show that by taking advantage of two kinds of coal, the coal concentratio... Three coal samples of different ranks were used to study the effect of coal blending on the preparation of Coal Water Slurry (CWS). The results show that by taking advantage of two kinds of coal, the coal concentration in slurry made from hard-to-pulp coal can be effectively improved and increased by 3%–5% generally. DLT coal (DaLiuTa coal mine) is very poor in slurryability and the stability and rheology of the resulting slurry are not very good. When the amount of easily slurried coal is more than 30%, all properties of the CWS improve and the CWS meets the requirements for use as fuel. Coalification, porosity, surface oxygenic functional groups, zeta potential and grindability have a great effect on the performance of blended coal CWS. This leads to some differences in performance between the slurry made from a single coal and slurry made from blended coal. 展开更多
关键词 low rank coal coal water slurry coal blending SLURRYABILITY zeta potential
A dynamic optimization model of an integrated coal supply chain system and its application 被引量:8
作者 PENG Hong-jun ZHOU Mei-hua +2 位作者 LIU Man-zhi ZHANG Yu HUANG Yan-bo 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第6期842-846,共5页
Various nodes,logistics,capital flows,and information flows are required to make systematic decisions concerning the operation of an integrated coal supply system. We describe a quantitative analysis of such a system.... Various nodes,logistics,capital flows,and information flows are required to make systematic decisions concerning the operation of an integrated coal supply system. We describe a quantitative analysis of such a system. A dynamic optimization model of the supply chain is developed. It has achieved optimal system profit under conditions guaranteeing a certain level of customer satisfaction. Applying this model to coal production of the Xuzhou coal mines allows recommendations for a more systematic use of washing and processing,transportation and sale resources for commercial coal production to be made. The results show that this model,which is scientific and effective,has an important value for making reasonable decisions related to complex coal enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 coal supply chain multiple linear regression customer satisfaction dynamic optimization model
Safety appraisement on building natural gas pipeline over coal mining subsidence area 被引量:1
作者 郭惟嘉 刘进晓 温兴林 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2007年第4期389-392,共4页
The target of the text is to scientifically appraise dynamic development of surface deformation in subsidence area and its influence on groundwork stability of natural pipe and then adopt some technological measures t... The target of the text is to scientifically appraise dynamic development of surface deformation in subsidence area and its influence on groundwork stability of natural pipe and then adopt some technological measures to ensure safe circulation of natural pipeline. Analysed the influence on natural pipeline from coal mining subsidence in the way of pipeline grade variation, vertical curve variation, transverse deformation, horizontal pull and compression deformation and pipe stress variation etc., and described detailed surface subsidence product and its used time among initial phase, active phase and decline phase in the course of surface movement deformation time. In the context of considering surface subsidence that doesn't reach basic latter end and residual subsidence quantity, the text confirmed the calculation method of residual deformation in surface subsidence area, and gave the technological measures about building natural gas pipeline in subsidence area finally. 展开更多
关键词 coal mining subsidence area natural gas pipeline surface deformation safety appraisement technological measure
Roadway deformation during riding mining in soft rock 被引量:7
作者 Zhao Guozhen Ma Zhanguo +2 位作者 Zhu Qinghua Mao Xianbiao Feng Meimei 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 2012年第4期539-544,共6页
"Riding mining" is a form of mining where the working face is located above the roadway and advances parallel to it.Riding mining in deep soft rock creates a particular set of problems in the roadway that in... "Riding mining" is a form of mining where the working face is located above the roadway and advances parallel to it.Riding mining in deep soft rock creates a particular set of problems in the roadway that include high stresses,large deformations,and support difficulties.Herein we describe a study of the rock deformation mechanism of a roadway as observed during riding mining in deep soft rock.Theoretical analysis,numerical simulations,and on site monitoring were used to examine this problem.The stress in the rock and the visco-elastic behavior of the rock are considered.Real time data,recorded over a period of 240 days,were taken from a 750 transportation roadway.Stress distributions in the rock surrounding the roadway were studied by comparing simulations to observations from the mine.The rock stress shows dynamic behavior as the working face advances.The pressure increases and then drops after peaking as the face advances.Both elastic and plastic deformation of the surrounding rock occurs.Plastic deformation provides a mechanism by which stress in the rock relaxes due to material flow.A way to rehabilitate the roadway is suggested that will help ensure mine safety. 展开更多
关键词 Soft rock roadwayDeformation mechanismPartition broken rockViscoelastic-plastic analysis
Design of intrinsically safe power supply 被引量:3
作者 LI Rui-jin JIN Lin 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2012年第4期443-448,共6页
Aiming to make a high power direct current supply safely used in coal mine production, this paper made a deep research on characteristics of intrinsically safe power supply, using the mathematical model established ac... Aiming to make a high power direct current supply safely used in coal mine production, this paper made a deep research on characteristics of intrinsically safe power supply, using the mathematical model established according to coal mine intrinsic safety standards. It provides theory support for the application of high power intrinsically safe power supply. The released energy of output short circuit of switch power supply, and the close related factors that influence the biggest output short-circuit spark discharge energy are the theoretical basis of the power supply. It is shown how to make a high power intrinsically safe power supply using the calculated values in the mathematical model, and take values from intrinsically safe requirements parameters scope, then this theoretical calculation value can be developed as the ultimate basis for research of the power supply. It gets the identification method of intrinsically safe from mathematics model of intrinsically safe power supply characteristics study, which solves the problem of theory and application of designing different power intrinsically safe power supply, and designs a kind of high power intrinsically safe power supply through this method. energy, flyback 展开更多
关键词 intrinsically safe circuit switching power supply output short circuit discharge characteristics output short circuit release
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