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广西凤凰山银矿床构造控矿与找矿方向研究 被引量:12
作者 雷英凭 甘琴 郑援 《矿物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第1期136-140,共5页
广西凤凰山银矿床位于西大明山复式背斜北东端的次级褶皱断裂破碎带中。本文基于区域构造背景,研究了凤凰山银矿床构造对矿化蚀变的控制作用,分析了控矿构造组合样式及其形成机理。认为矿体产于NWW向压剪性断裂中的局部张性地段,断裂产... 广西凤凰山银矿床位于西大明山复式背斜北东端的次级褶皱断裂破碎带中。本文基于区域构造背景,研究了凤凰山银矿床构造对矿化蚀变的控制作用,分析了控矿构造组合样式及其形成机理。认为矿体产于NWW向压剪性断裂中的局部张性地段,断裂产状变化部位以及NWW向断裂与NW向断裂交会部位是成矿有利部位。 展开更多
关键词 凤凰山银 构造 矿方向
山东胶莱盆地金矿床地质特征及找矿方向 被引量:33
作者 刘玉强 杨东来 +2 位作者 黄太岭 李军 史辉 《矿床地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1999年第3期195-207,共13页
胶东是我国重要产金基地,多年来已在胶北隆起寻找到破碎带蚀变岩型(焦家)和石英脉型(玲珑)金矿近千吨,近年来又在胶莱盆地东北缘找到了蓬家夼和发云夼金矿床。蓬家夼金矿床产于具有滑脱拆离性质的盆缘断裂中,发云夼金矿床则产于... 胶东是我国重要产金基地,多年来已在胶北隆起寻找到破碎带蚀变岩型(焦家)和石英脉型(玲珑)金矿近千吨,近年来又在胶莱盆地东北缘找到了蓬家夼和发云夼金矿床。蓬家夼金矿床产于具有滑脱拆离性质的盆缘断裂中,发云夼金矿床则产于盆缘断裂上盘的莱阳群砾岩层间。初步的类比认为,胶东地区的焦家式、玲珑式、蓬家夼式和发云夼式金矿是在早白垩世同一区域构造应力场下的产物,它们可能属同一矿床组合。综合信息分析表明,胶莱盆地周缘,尤其是盆地的东北缘和西北缘,蕴含着蓬家夼式和发云夼式金矿的找矿远景。 展开更多
关键词 地质特征 矿方向 胶莱盆地 山东
作者 覃云峰 郑星辉 《大科技》 2012年第3期414-415,共2页
本文通过对广西灵山铁矿床的成矿地质背景、矿床成矿规律、物探异常特征、矿物组合、矿石结构构造等特征分析,初步认为该区铁矿床成因类型主要为接触交代-热液型(矽卡岩型),次为风化淋滤型(风化壳型)铁矿床。根据控矿因素、找矿... 本文通过对广西灵山铁矿床的成矿地质背景、矿床成矿规律、物探异常特征、矿物组合、矿石结构构造等特征分析,初步认为该区铁矿床成因类型主要为接触交代-热液型(矽卡岩型),次为风化淋滤型(风化壳型)铁矿床。根据控矿因素、找矿标志等方面提出了本区的找矿方向。 展开更多
关键词 因素 矿方向 广西灵山
甘肃省礼岷金矿带东段地区金矿控矿因素及找矿方向研究 被引量:3
作者 林天放 吴辉 《甘肃冶金》 2018年第2期55-60,共6页
甘肃省礼(县)岷(县)金矿带地处西秦岭复杂构造带东段,是除西(西和县)成(县)铅锌矿带以外该地区最为重要的勘采活动区。根据已有资料不完全统计,沿金矿带已发现金矿床(点)多达数十余处。本区金矿成矿与地层、构造、岩浆岩关系密切,金矿... 甘肃省礼(县)岷(县)金矿带地处西秦岭复杂构造带东段,是除西(西和县)成(县)铅锌矿带以外该地区最为重要的勘采活动区。根据已有资料不完全统计,沿金矿带已发现金矿床(点)多达数十余处。本区金矿成矿与地层、构造、岩浆岩关系密切,金矿带总体呈北西向展布,具带状延伸,金矿化有分段集中、成群产出的特点。从礼岷金矿带东段金地质成矿背景、成矿区带划分入手,分析金矿产出规律和金矿成矿的控制因素,提出礼岷金矿带东段金矿找矿方向,对该区金矿勘查工作部署具有一定的参考意义。 展开更多
关键词 礼岷金 因素及找矿方向
作者 薛步高 《云南地质》 2002年第3期327-331,共5页
云南铜矿是历史上开发最早的地区之一 ,至今已知的大 中型矿区 (除边远的羊拉、托顶之外 ) ,历史上几乎都不同程度地被开采过。也有历史上曾采冶辉煌 ,但至今却没有铜矿产出 ,找铜工作者也不知道的“古老铜矿” ,俞元 (澄江 )铜矿即是... 云南铜矿是历史上开发最早的地区之一 ,至今已知的大 中型矿区 (除边远的羊拉、托顶之外 ) ,历史上几乎都不同程度地被开采过。也有历史上曾采冶辉煌 ,但至今却没有铜矿产出 ,找铜工作者也不知道的“古老铜矿” ,俞元 (澄江 )铜矿即是一例。研究、考证采铜史料 ,认为澄江铜矿、东川茂麓厂、寻甸铜矿、永平宁台厂等 。 展开更多
关键词 史料考证 矿方向 云南
新疆西南天山南段1∶5万航磁异常特征及找矿标志 被引量:1
作者 苏永海 《新疆有色金属》 2021年第5期30-33,共4页
新疆西南天山南段成矿条件优越,是新疆重要找矿区域之一。该区域开展的1∶5万航磁勘查工作反映出该区磁场强弱不均一,磁异常信息较丰富,特征明显。通过开展1∶5万航磁异常查证工作,认为航磁异常较全面、客观的反映了该区的地层、岩浆岩... 新疆西南天山南段成矿条件优越,是新疆重要找矿区域之一。该区域开展的1∶5万航磁勘查工作反映出该区磁场强弱不均一,磁异常信息较丰富,特征明显。通过开展1∶5万航磁异常查证工作,认为航磁异常较全面、客观的反映了该区的地层、岩浆岩、构造及矿化等特征,查证磁异常均与一定地质体或矿化对应。该区以铁、铜、铅锌矿化为主,多金属矿化常见,矿化类型以岩浆岩、矽卡岩、层控热液型为主,对应航磁异常主要表现在局部磁异常升高、正负磁异常过渡部位,低缓磁异常转折部位等。矿质异常形态多样,部分较难识别,可应用航磁异常间接找矿为主,指导下一步地质找矿工作,有效加快新疆西南天山南段矿产勘查找矿工作。 展开更多
关键词 西南天山南段 1∶5万航磁 异常特征 因素找矿方向
矿岩分离爆破技术在瓮福磷矿英坪矿段开采中的应用 被引量:10
作者 余铁钢 彭业宣 《采矿技术》 2013年第4期119-120,共2页
露天采场掘沟宽度受限时,如果采用常规爆破,矿石的损失较大且矿石的贫化率升高。针对此问题,根据矿山地质及爆破条件,通过设计炮孔穿孔方式、起爆时序和确定合理的延时时间,提出了矿岩分离爆破方案。工程试验中,采用导爆管雷管爆破,取... 露天采场掘沟宽度受限时,如果采用常规爆破,矿石的损失较大且矿石的贫化率升高。针对此问题,根据矿山地质及爆破条件,通过设计炮孔穿孔方式、起爆时序和确定合理的延时时间,提出了矿岩分离爆破方案。工程试验中,采用导爆管雷管爆破,取得了较好的矿岩分堆效果。实践表明,这种方法可以实现对岩石爆破移动方向的控制,从而使矿岩分离。 展开更多
关键词 露天采场 岩分离爆破 岩移动方向 爆破技术参数 装药结构 起爆网络
作者 魏子鑫 安文通 张贺然 《西部资源》 2017年第6期73-76,79,共5页
乌勒格尔吉达阪锡、钨、钼矿地处内蒙古克什克腾旗西北,位于黄岗铁、锡、铜、铅、锌成矿带(V61-4)内,为近年来新发现的锡、钨、钼多金属矿床,矿体主要赋存于中酸性岩体与地层接触带外侧的北东及北东东向构造破碎带中。目前该矿已探获得... 乌勒格尔吉达阪锡、钨、钼矿地处内蒙古克什克腾旗西北,位于黄岗铁、锡、铜、铅、锌成矿带(V61-4)内,为近年来新发现的锡、钨、钼多金属矿床,矿体主要赋存于中酸性岩体与地层接触带外侧的北东及北东东向构造破碎带中。目前该矿已探获得锡、钨、钼金属量2万吨,属中高温热液型矿床。本文结合该矿区地质、岩石地球化学特征及构造应力场分析,对成矿流体运移规律进行了综合分析与探讨。 展开更多
关键词 中高温热液型 地质特征 岩石地球化学特征 构造应力场 液运移方向
Delineation of Haigou gold metallogenic province and its metallogenic prospection 被引量:1
作者 QIU Chen LI Xujun +1 位作者 LU Zhiqiang LIANG Bensheng 《Global Geology》 2016年第1期41-47,共7页
Based on the accumulated data for the gold deposits in the central Jilin Province in recent years and our understanding of the gold metallogenic province,the Haigou gold metallogenic province is delineated and the den... Based on the accumulated data for the gold deposits in the central Jilin Province in recent years and our understanding of the gold metallogenic province,the Haigou gold metallogenic province is delineated and the denudation degree of gold deposits in this province is discussed. The potential and the ore-searching direction of the province are also considered. The Haigou gold metallogenic province occurs as an independent province with low denudation degree and high ore-producing potential. Regional fault belts and small basic intrusions are two ore-constrains and could serve as the ore-searching indictors in the province. 展开更多
关键词 Haigou gold metallogenic province DELINEATION denudation degree ore-searching potential
Estimating coal reserves using a support vector machine 被引量:3
作者 LIU Wen-kai WANG Rui-fang ZHENG Xiao-juan 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2008年第1期103-106,共4页
The basic principles of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) are introduced in this paper. A specific process to establish an SVM prediction model is given. To improve the precision of coal reserve estimation, a support v... The basic principles of the Support Vector Machine (SVM) are introduced in this paper. A specific process to establish an SVM prediction model is given. To improve the precision of coal reserve estimation, a support vector machine method, based on statistical learning theory, is put forward. The SVM model was trained and tested by using the existing exploration and exploitation data of Chencun mine of Yima bureau’s as the input data. Then coal reserves within a particular region were calculated. These calculated results and the actual results of the exploration block were compared. The maximum relative error was 10.85%, within the scope of acceptable error limits. The results show that the SVM coal reserve calculation method is reliable. This method is simple, practical and valuable. 展开更多
关键词 support vector machine statistical learning theory coal reserve
A value adding approach to hard-rock underground mining operations: Balancing orebody orientation and mining direction through meta-heuristic optimization 被引量:1
作者 Martha E.VILLALBA MATAMOROS Mustafa KUMRAL 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第11期3126-3139,共14页
Underground mines require complex construction activities including the shaft, levels, raises, winzes and ore passes. In an underground mine based on stoping method, orebody part(s) maximizing profit should be determi... Underground mines require complex construction activities including the shaft, levels, raises, winzes and ore passes. In an underground mine based on stoping method, orebody part(s) maximizing profit should be determined. This process is called stope layout optimization (SLO) and implemented under site-specific geotechnical, operational and economic constraints. For practical purpose, the design obtained by SLO shows consecutive stopes in one path, which assists in defining the mining direction of these stopes. However, this direction may not accommodate the spatial distribution of the ore grade: if the orebody orientation and mining direction differ, the value of the mining operation may decrease. This paper proposes an approach whereby paths in the SLO are defined as decision variables to avoid the cost of mining in the wrong direction. Furthermore, in the genetic-based formulation, which accounts for orebody uncertainty, a robust cluster average design process is proposed to improve SLO’s performance regarding metal content. A case study in narrow gold vein deposit shows that the profit of an underground mining operation could be underestimated by 25%-48% if the algorithm ignores stope layout orientation. 展开更多
关键词 underground mine planning orebody uncertainty orebody orientation mining direction stope layout optimization
Modern tectonic stress field deeply in Xuzhou Coal Mine 被引量:3
作者 Zhen-jie JING Fu-ren XIE Xiao-feng CUl Jing-fei ZHANG 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2013年第1期14-18,共5页
By inverting fault slip data, the parameters of 12 tectonic stress tensors in the mine region can be determined. The following characteristics can be obtained for recent tectonic stress fields, which are found deep in... By inverting fault slip data, the parameters of 12 tectonic stress tensors in the mine region can be determined. The following characteristics can be obtained for recent tectonic stress fields, which are found deep in the study region. The results show that the recent tectonic stress field mainly presents the characteristics of near NWW-SSE maximum compressional stress and near NE-SW minimum extensional stress, while the stress regimes are mainly of strike slip, part of the reverse-fault type. Recent tectonic stress field in the region is characterized by horizontal components. The maximum principal compression stress direction was from NEE to SEE, the average principal compression stress direction was near NWW-SSE maximum compres- sional stress and near NE-SW minimum extensional. The recent tectonic stress field of the studied area can be controlled by a large tectonic stress area. 展开更多
关键词 Xuzhou region fault slip data tectonic stress field INVERSION
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