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砂卵(砾)石层中注浆模拟试验研究 被引量:117
作者 杨坪 唐益群 +1 位作者 彭振斌 陈安 《岩土工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第12期2134-2138,共5页
通过在模拟的砂卵(砾)石层中进行注浆试验,研究分析注浆压力p、注浆时间t、浆液水灰比m、地层渗透系数k、孔隙度n的单因素和多因素对浆液扩散半径R、注浆后结石体抗压强度P的影响规律及它们之间的相互关系。试验结果表明:R随着p、t、k、... 通过在模拟的砂卵(砾)石层中进行注浆试验,研究分析注浆压力p、注浆时间t、浆液水灰比m、地层渗透系数k、孔隙度n的单因素和多因素对浆液扩散半径R、注浆后结石体抗压强度P的影响规律及它们之间的相互关系。试验结果表明:R随着p、t、k、m的增加而增大,影响R的显著因素是p,其次是k,t和m;P随着p、t、n的增加而增大,随着m的减小而增加,p对注浆后P有较大的影响,n、t次之,而m则占有明显的优势。利用计算机优化回归实验数据,得出了它们之间的关系式。 展开更多
关键词 卵()石 注浆 模拟实验 扩散半径 抗压强度
吹填珊瑚礁砂(砾)用作海岸工程填料的压实性能研究 被引量:9
作者 贺迎喜 董志良 +2 位作者 杨和平 张功新 邱青长 《中外公路》 北大核心 2010年第6期34-37,共4页
依托沙特RSGT集装箱码头兴建项目,研究了吹填珊瑚礁砂(砾)用作工程填料的可行性及施工碾压方法。首先分析珊瑚礁的物质成分及基本物理力学性质,有针对性地开展室内对比击实试验,然后对珊瑚礁砂(砾)浅表层地基采取低能强夯和振动碾压相... 依托沙特RSGT集装箱码头兴建项目,研究了吹填珊瑚礁砂(砾)用作工程填料的可行性及施工碾压方法。首先分析珊瑚礁的物质成分及基本物理力学性质,有针对性地开展室内对比击实试验,然后对珊瑚礁砂(砾)浅表层地基采取低能强夯和振动碾压相结合的工艺进行实际施工压实效果检验。结果表明:珊瑚礁砂(砾)作为海岸工程的填料,其工程性质及碾压效果良好,经济、环保,可望在普通填料缺乏而珊瑚礁大量分布的沿海地区基础设施建设项目中得到推广和运用。 展开更多
关键词 珊瑚礁() 压实 振动碾压 强夯
酒西盆地鸭儿峡白垩系砂(砾)岩稀土元素特征及物源分析 被引量:1
作者 张光伟 潘树新 +3 位作者 魏浩元 李伟 张丽萍 龙礼文 《岩性油气藏》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期23-29,共7页
酒西盆地鸭儿峡白垩系砂(砾)岩储层发育良好,但目前针对其物源体系的认识还不清晰。以酒西盆地鸭儿峡白垩系砂(砾)岩为研究对象,分析其稀土元素的有关参数,探讨柳北和鸭儿峡砂(砾)岩的物源及地球化学特征。研究区白垩系砂(砾)岩各稀土... 酒西盆地鸭儿峡白垩系砂(砾)岩储层发育良好,但目前针对其物源体系的认识还不清晰。以酒西盆地鸭儿峡白垩系砂(砾)岩为研究对象,分析其稀土元素的有关参数,探讨柳北和鸭儿峡砂(砾)岩的物源及地球化学特征。研究区白垩系砂(砾)岩各稀土元素质量分数小且无明显的差异,实验样品的稀土元素配分模式相同,均呈现轻稀土元素相对富集、重稀土元素相对贫乏且变化平缓的右倾模式;Eu负异常明显,物源相似,均来自上地壳;Ce/Ce*和Ceanom指数均显示酒西盆地白垩系沉积的古水介质为还原环境,这有利于油气的形成。初步认为,柳北和鸭儿峡砂(砾)岩来自于同一物源体系。 展开更多
关键词 ()岩 稀土元素 物源 白垩系 鸭儿峡地区 酒西盆地
鄂尔多斯盆地中部上古生界砂(砾)岩储集层孔隙成因及控制因素 被引量:7
作者 斯春松 寿建峰 +1 位作者 王少依 吴东旭 《古地理学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2012年第4期533-542,共10页
鄂尔多斯盆地中部横山—靖边—安塞地区山西组和下石盒子组发育低孔低渗至特低孔特低渗砂(砾)岩储集层,其物性控制了气层产能的大小。文中通过对显微镜下的孔隙形态特征、易溶碎屑组分含量和孔隙结构特征3个方面的分析,提出山西组二段砂... 鄂尔多斯盆地中部横山—靖边—安塞地区山西组和下石盒子组发育低孔低渗至特低孔特低渗砂(砾)岩储集层,其物性控制了气层产能的大小。文中通过对显微镜下的孔隙形态特征、易溶碎屑组分含量和孔隙结构特征3个方面的分析,提出山西组二段砂(砾)岩储集层主要发育原生孔隙,而下石盒子组八段砂(砾)岩储集层以溶孔为主。在研究区内储集层埋藏深度差异不大的情况下,砂(砾)岩原生孔隙的保存程度和溶孔的发育规模主要受粒径、碎屑组分、石英次生加大和有机酸来源的影响,粒径是山西组二段和下石盒子组八段储集层孔隙发育的基本影响因素,储集层渗透率大于0.2×10-3μm2的有利储集层均发育于中粗砂岩及以上粒级的砂(砾)岩中。山西组二段石英砂(砾)岩的强抗压性、缺少易溶碎屑组分是原生孔隙保存较多的主要原因,而丰富的硅质来源是原生孔隙减少的重要因素。对下石盒子组八段而言,易溶物质含量适中、有机酸来源丰富是岩屑砂(砾)岩溶孔发育的主要原因。进一步的研究表明,储集层的孔隙成因与孔隙结构之间有良好的相关性,原生孔隙储集层的孔隙结构要优于溶孔储集层,表现为在相同孔隙度时,前者的渗透率明显高于后者。 展开更多
关键词 () 岩储集层 孔隙成因 控制因素 鄂尔多斯盆地
作者 李自明 《采矿技术》 2008年第2期45-46,63,共3页
关键词 静压注浆 卵()石层 加固
新疆库木库里盆地砂(砾)岩型铜矿地质特征及其控矿条件分析 被引量:7
作者 侯满堂 梁群峰 +2 位作者 姚宽院 张忠良 吴保华 《西北地质》 CAS CSCD 2005年第1期37-46,共10页
新疆库木库里盆地砂(砾)岩型铜矿位于东昆仑造山带西段,含矿地层为古近系渐新统石马沟组、新近系中新统石壁梁组与上新统红石梁组。铜矿带东西长约170km,南北宽10~60km。已发现铜矿体20多条,矿化体70多条。铜矿化主要受构造、岩性、岩... 新疆库木库里盆地砂(砾)岩型铜矿位于东昆仑造山带西段,含矿地层为古近系渐新统石马沟组、新近系中新统石壁梁组与上新统红石梁组。铜矿带东西长约170km,南北宽10~60km。已发现铜矿体20多条,矿化体70多条。铜矿化主要受构造、岩性、岩相古地理、古气候等因素控制。矿床属陆相砂砾岩型铜矿。 展开更多
关键词 库木库里盆地 ()岩型铜矿 地质特征 控矿条件 成矿模式
砂卵石地基二重管高压喷射注浆施工技术及应用 被引量:1
作者 熊志平 程旭 李志强 《水利建设与管理》 2021年第6期75-80,共6页
高压喷射注浆在复杂多变的地层中成孔困难、成墙效果不理想,给施工质量带来不确定性。针对钻机成孔过程易塌孔,采用高压喷射台车直接成孔,同时水泥浆液与高压空气射流扰动置换周边土颗粒与水泥浆充填砂卵石空隙,解决了钻机在砂卵石、沙... 高压喷射注浆在复杂多变的地层中成孔困难、成墙效果不理想,给施工质量带来不确定性。针对钻机成孔过程易塌孔,采用高压喷射台车直接成孔,同时水泥浆液与高压空气射流扰动置换周边土颗粒与水泥浆充填砂卵石空隙,解决了钻机在砂卵石、沙砾层成孔过程易塌孔问题,同时也减少了成孔工艺流程,简化了施工难度,加快了施工进度,施工程序简单,具有广阔的应用前景。 展开更多
关键词 卵()石地基 高压喷射注浆 防渗墙
红海地区珊瑚礁吹填料的压实效果研究与分析 被引量:13
作者 贺迎喜 王伟智 +3 位作者 邱青长 李燕 罗彦 秦志光 《水运工程》 北大核心 2010年第10期82-87,92,共7页
依托沙特RSGT集装箱码头项目,结合珊瑚礁的矿物成分及基本物理力学特性分析,针对珊瑚礁砂(砾)填料开展室内击实试验对比研究,采用低能强夯和振动碾压相结合对珊瑚礁砂(砾)浅表层地基进行压实效果研究。试验结果表明:珊瑚礁砂(砾)材料属... 依托沙特RSGT集装箱码头项目,结合珊瑚礁的矿物成分及基本物理力学特性分析,针对珊瑚礁砂(砾)填料开展室内击实试验对比研究,采用低能强夯和振动碾压相结合对珊瑚礁砂(砾)浅表层地基进行压实效果研究。试验结果表明:珊瑚礁砂(砾)材料属于一类工程应用较少的新型填料,该类填料地基的浅表层碾压效果较好,且经济、环保,可望在珊瑚礁大量分布的沿海地区的港口码头建设项目中得到推广和运用。 展开更多
关键词 珊瑚礁() 压实 振动碾压 强夯 CBR
Subtle trap recognition based on seismic sedimentology- A case study from Shengli Oilfield 被引量:10
作者 Huang Handong Zhang Ruwei +2 位作者 Luo Qun Zhao Di Peng Yongmin 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第2期175-183,共9页
Seismic sedimentology is the study of sedimentary rocks and facies using seismic data. However, often the sedimentary body features can't be described quantitatively due to the limit of seismic resolution. High resol... Seismic sedimentology is the study of sedimentary rocks and facies using seismic data. However, often the sedimentary body features can't be described quantitatively due to the limit of seismic resolution. High resolution inversion offsets this limitation and is applied to seismic sedimentology to identify subtle traps under complex geologic conditions, thereby widening the applicable range of seismic sedimentology. In this paper, based on seismic sedimentology, seismic phase-controlled nonlinear random inversion is used to predict the sandy conglomerate reservoir of Es3 in the Chezhen depression in Shengli Oilfield. Thickness and sedimentary microfacies maps of sandy conglomerate bodies in several stages are presented and several subtle traps were predicted and verified by drilling. 展开更多
关键词 Seismic sedimentology subtle trap phase-controlled inversion seismic data Jiyang depression
Effects of Roughness Elements Distribution on Overland Flow Resistance 被引量:3
作者 YE Chen LIU Xing-nian WANG Xie-kang 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第5期1145-1156,共12页
Roughness elements are various in a mountain area; they include gravel and ground surface vegetation that often result in surface friction drag to resist overland flows. The variation and characteristics of flow resis... Roughness elements are various in a mountain area; they include gravel and ground surface vegetation that often result in surface friction drag to resist overland flows. The variation and characteristics of flow resistance strongly impact the overland flow process and watershed floods. In view of the universal existence of natural vegetation, such as Chlorophytum malayense(CM) or Ophiopogon bodinieri(OB), and the sand-gravel bed of the river channel, it is important to understand the role of different types of roughness elements in flow resistance. This study was performed to investigate and compare through flume experiments the behaviors of overland flow resistance by the reaction of multi-scale configuration of different roughness elements. The result showed that the resistance coefficient gradually reduced versus the increase of flow rate in unit width and tended to be a constant when q = 3.0 l/s.m, Fr = 1.0, and Re = 4000 for slopes of 6 to 10 degrees. The gap of the vegetated rough bed and the gravel rough bed is limited to the same as the gap of the two types of vegetation, CM and OB. It was noted that the vegetation contributed to the increase in form resistance negatively and may lead to the mean resistance on decrease. To classify the flow pattern, the laminar flows were described by DarcyWeisbach's equation. In the study the f-Re equation of vegetated bed was developed with f ?5000 Re.The friction coefficient for laminar flows can be regarded as the critical value for identifying the transformation point of the flow pattern. 展开更多
关键词 Overland flow Roughness element Flowresistance Reynolds number Chlorophytummalayense Ophiopogon bodinieri
Modeling on Flash Flood Disaster Induced by Bed Load 被引量:2
作者 曹叔尤 刘兴年 +1 位作者 黄尔 杨克君 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2008年第4期296-299,共4页
Flash floods result from a complex interaction among hydro-meteorological, hydrological, and hydraulic processes across various spatial and temporal scales. Sichuan Province suffers flash floods frequently owing to mo... Flash floods result from a complex interaction among hydro-meteorological, hydrological, and hydraulic processes across various spatial and temporal scales. Sichuan Province suffers flash floods frequently owing to mountain weather and topography. A flash flood and gravel bed load transport are two key relative problems in mountain river engineering. Bed materials are often encountered in alternate scouring and deposition in mountain fluvial processes during a flash flood. In this circumstance, CRS-1 bed load numerical model jointly with scale physical model is employed to predict water level and gravel bed scour and deposition for design of flood control dykes and flash flood disaster mitigation. A case study on the mechanism of a flash flood disaster induced by bed load transport for a hydropower station in Sichuan Province is conducted. Finally, suggestions to protect the hydropower station are proposed. 展开更多
关键词 flash flood GRAVEL bed load physical model numerical model
Behaviour of large post-liquefaction deformation in saturated sand-gravel composites 被引量:2
作者 潘华 陈国兴 +1 位作者 孙田 刘汉龙 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期547-552,共6页
The laboratory tests on the post-liquefaction deformation of saturated sand-gravel composites were performed to investigate the characteristics of stress-strain relation and the dissipation of pore water pressure by t... The laboratory tests on the post-liquefaction deformation of saturated sand-gravel composites were performed to investigate the characteristics of stress-strain relation and the dissipation of pore water pressure by the hollow cylinder apparatus. It is found that the stress-strain response and the dissipation process of pore water pressure are composed of three stages, including the low intensive strength stage, the superlinear strength recovery stage and the sublinear strength recovery stage, and the demarcation points of the curve of pore water pressure are lag behind those of the stress-strain response. The comparison results of the behaviour of large post-liquefaction deformation between saturated sand-gravel composites and Nanjing fine sand show that the low intensive strength stage and the superlinear strength recovery stage of saturated sand-gravel composites are shorter while the sublinear strength recovery stage is longer. A stress-strain model and a dissipation model of excess pore water pressure of liquefied sand-gravel composites are established, in which the initial confining pressure and the relative density can be considered synthetically. And it is found that the predicted results by the two models are in good agreement with experimental data. 展开更多
关键词 saturated sand-gravel composites post-liquefaction deformation stress-strain relation dissipation model: pore water pressure
Numerical Analysis on Soil and Rock Formation of Ancient Gravel Strata Around Nanjing 被引量:1
作者 XIA JIA and CHEN XINMIN Dept. of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Architectural and Civil Engineering institute, Nanjing 210009 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第3期263-269,共7页
Research samples were taken from an ancient gravel stratum which is not only a representative soil layer along the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River in East China, but also one of the primary Neozoic strata in... Research samples were taken from an ancient gravel stratum which is not only a representative soil layer along the middle-lower reaches of the Yangtze River in East China, but also one of the primary Neozoic strata in Naming district. Located mostly on the second and third terraces, the ancient gravel strata formed the geomorphic landscapes of terrace and step. They were complex in constitution, varied widely in stability, of multiple sources, locally derived, and associated with braided streams in the deposition environment. A CIPW (Cross, Iddings, Pirsson and Washington) method modified by the author was used to analyze the soil-rock-forming materials of finer grains (less than 2 mm in size) of the ancient gravel stratum. Results of the analysis showed that the sandy grains were composed of apatite, ilmenite, potassium feldspar, plagioclase, enstatite and free quartz, the clay mainly of kaolinite, and the cement of a combination of silicon, aluminum and iron at a ratio of 46:44:10. In the soil-rock-forming processes, including compactional solidification, water-stable illuviation-cementation t homogeneous overgrowth and so on, the loose soil-rock-forming components gradually changed into consolidated soil and further to the early stage of lithification. Meanwhile, from the analysis, we found that the ancient gravel stratum had been protected by the overlying Xiashu loess or basalt and the overloading resulted in overconsolidated strata. The modified CIPW method was applicable and effective for semi-quantitative analysis. 展开更多
关键词 ancient gravel stratum numerical analysis soil-rock-forming processes
Study on Character of Micro-Canal Deposit and Its Significance in Petroleum Geology——Case study of Tuo-147-well in north zone of Dongying depression 被引量:2
作者 吴李泉 曹代勇 +1 位作者 刘里勤 刘艳华 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 2003年第1期72-75,共4页
Exploration on reservoir of glutenite segment in steep slope zone of half graben-like basin is one of the hot spot targets at present and in the future for new reservoirs; And the study of sediment character of sandy-... Exploration on reservoir of glutenite segment in steep slope zone of half graben-like basin is one of the hot spot targets at present and in the future for new reservoirs; And the study of sediment character of sandy-conglomerate bodies is the keystone and also the difficult problem. Taking Tuo-147-well area in north zone of Dongying depression as an example, the micro-canal sedimentation was researched. The result shows that many micro-canals exist at the end of slope grain-flow in steep slope zone of half graben-like basin; The micro-canals grow at the end of subaqueous grain-flow deposited bodies of 3rd member of the Shahejie formation. The main condition of micro-canal formation is the slope angle less than 18° and a long suitable sedimentary slope. These micro-canals may communicate the reservoir of glutenite segment in steep slope zone and the hydrocarbon stratum as a bridge role. Therefore, it is significant in theory and practice for discovering a series of micro-canals at the end of slope grain-flow in steep slope zone of half graben-like basin. 展开更多
关键词 grain flow micro-canal SLOPE reservoir
Effects of temperature and age on physico-mechanical properties of cemented gravel sand backfills 被引量:5
作者 JIANG Fei-fei ZHOU Hui +2 位作者 SHENG Jia KOU Yong-yuan LI Xiang-dong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第10期2999-3012,共14页
Cemented backfill used in deep mines would inevitably be exposed to the ambient temperature of 20−60℃in the next few decades.In this paper,two types of cemented gravel sand backfills,cemented rod-mill sand backfill(C... Cemented backfill used in deep mines would inevitably be exposed to the ambient temperature of 20−60℃in the next few decades.In this paper,two types of cemented gravel sand backfills,cemented rod-mill sand backfill(CRB)and cemented gobi sand backfill(CGB),were prepared and cured at various temperatures(20,40,60℃)and ages(3,7,28 d),and the effects of temperature and age on the physico-mechanical properties of CRB and CGB were investigated based on laboratory tests.Results show that:1)the effects of temperature and age on the physico-mechanical properties of backfills mainly depend on the amount of hydration products and the refinement of cementation structures.The temperature has a more significant effect on thermal expansibility and ultrasonic performance at early ages.2)The facilitating effect of temperature and age on the compressive strength of CGB is higher than that on CRB.With the increase of temperature,the compressive failure modes changed from X-conjugate shear failure to tensile failure,and the integrity of specimens was significantly improved.3)Similarly,the shear performance of CGB is generally better than that of CRB.The temperature has a weaker effect on shear strength than age,but the shear deformation and shear plane morphology are closely related to temperature. 展开更多
关键词 cemented backfill gravel sand TEMPERATURE physico-mechanical properties deformation characteristics
Seismic sedimentology of conglomeratic sandbodies in lower third member of Shahejie Formation (Palaeogene) in Shengtuo area, East China 被引量:2
作者 袁勇 张金亮 +2 位作者 李存磊 孟宁宁 李岩 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第12期4630-4639,共10页
The sand-conglomerate fans are the major depositional systems in the lower third member of Shahejie Formation in Shengtuo area, which formed in the deep lacustrine environment characterized by steep slope gradient, ne... The sand-conglomerate fans are the major depositional systems in the lower third member of Shahejie Formation in Shengtuo area, which formed in the deep lacustrine environment characterized by steep slope gradient, near sources and intensive tectonic activity. This work was focused on the sedimentary feature of the glutenite segment to conduct the seismic sedimentology research. The near-shore subaqueous fans and its relative gravity channel and slump turbidite fan depositions were identified according to observation and description of cores combining with the numerous data of seismic and logging. Then, the depositional model was built depending on the analysis of palaeogeomorphology. The seismic attributes which are related to the hydrocarbon but relative independent were chosen to conduct the analysis, the reservoir area of the glutenite segment was found performing a distribution where the amplitude value is relatively higher, and finally the RMS amplitude attribute was chosen to conduct the attribute predicting. At the same time, the horizontal distribution of the sedimentary facies was analyzed qualitatively. At last, the sparse spike inversion method was used to conduct the acoustic impedance inversion, and the inversion result can distinguish glutenite reservoir which is greater than 5 m. This method quantitatively characterizes the distribution area of the favorable reservoir sand. 展开更多
关键词 Shengtuo area near-shore subaqueous fan gravity flow channel slump turbidite fan sedimentary mode acoustic impedance inversion
Formation of X-shaped hydraulic fractures in deep thick glutenite reservoirs:A case study in Bohai Bay Basin,East China
作者 LI Zhi-chao LI Lian-chong +7 位作者 WANG Shu-ren MA Shou ZHANG Zi-lin LI Ai-shan HUANG Bo ZHANG Liao-yuan WANG Zeng-lin ZHANG Quan-sheng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第9期2814-2829,共16页
Tight glutenite reservoirs are widely developed in Bohai Bay Basin,East China.They are mostly huge thick and rely on hydraulic fracturing treatment for commercial exploitation.To investigate the propagation behavior o... Tight glutenite reservoirs are widely developed in Bohai Bay Basin,East China.They are mostly huge thick and rely on hydraulic fracturing treatment for commercial exploitation.To investigate the propagation behavior of hydraulic fractures in these glutenite reservoirs,the geological feature of reservoirs in Bohai Bay Basin is studied firstly,including the reservoir vertical distribution feature and the heterogeneous lithology.Then,hydraulic fracturing treatments in block Yan 222 are carried out and the fracturing processes are monitored by the microseismic system.Results show the hydraulic fractures generated in the reservoirs are mostly in X shape.The cause of X-shaped hydraulic fractures in this study is mainly ascribed to(I)the reservoir heterogeneity and(II)the stress shadow effect of two close hydraulic fractures propagating in the same orientation,which is confirmed by the following numerical simulation and related research in detail.This study can provide a reference for the research on the fracturing behavior of the deep thick glutenite reservoirs. 展开更多
关键词 GLUTENITE hydraulic fracture X shape reservoir heterogeneity GRAVEL
Reducing Environmental Impact of Aggregate Excavation in Small Tropic Pacific Islands
作者 薛春汀 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2004年第2期45-50,共6页
Excavating sands and gravel on land in combination with constructing reservoirs for storing fresh water is an ideal approach in atolls. Appropriate mining of gravel from the prograding gravel beach is acceptable. Digg... Excavating sands and gravel on land in combination with constructing reservoirs for storing fresh water is an ideal approach in atolls. Appropriate mining of gravel from the prograding gravel beach is acceptable. Digging reef rock close to the edge of the wide ocean reef flat without surface loose sediments on it or sand beach can be accepted. Excavating sand from some depths in lagoon is a scientific approach particularly important for urbanized atolls. However, selecting appropriate sites for mining sand other than at some depths in lagoon is suitable to rural islands without dense populations. These sites include up drift side of long groin on the reef flat, partly filled access channel-port, outlet of artificial channel and lagoon margin on the prograding coast. 展开更多
关键词 aggregate mining quarry pit prograding coast reservoir construction ATOLL
The Grouting Influence of Shield Tunnelling on Sand-Gravel Soil
作者 於昌荣 周松 黄醒春 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第5期467-473,共7页
Sand-gravel soil may not be suitable for structure use or excavation use as a result of their permeability and low-intensity.It may cause serious damage to the upper part of the structure for its considerable stress.H... Sand-gravel soil may not be suitable for structure use or excavation use as a result of their permeability and low-intensity.It may cause serious damage to the upper part of the structure for its considerable stress.How to assess and control the deformation of the ground is the main purpose of the soil reinforcement technology.Grouting is a method commonly used to meet those requirements.This study is designed to investigate the effects on shield construction in the sand-gravel stratum. 展开更多
关键词 shield tunnelling sandgravel soil groundmovement GROUT
Research of the Late Quaternary Recent Activity of the Middle Segment of Kouquan Fault
作者 Xu Wei Liu Xudong Zhang Shimin 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第4期479-490,共12页
Systematic research of the characteristics of late Quaternary activity of the middle part of Kouquan fault has been done through conducting 1∶50000 geologic mapping combining with remote sensing interpretation of spo... Systematic research of the characteristics of late Quaternary activity of the middle part of Kouquan fault has been done through conducting 1∶50000 geologic mapping combining with remote sensing interpretation of spot imaging, field validating and chronology research of the research area. Studies suggest that the middle part of Kouquan fault has had strong activity since the late Quaternary which controls the tectonic evolvement of the nearby mountains and Datong basin. The recent activity of this fault has faulted the sandy gravel layers of T1 terrace and the lower part of dark loessial soils over the terrace on the north of Chanfang village. The maximum vertical displacement is over 3m in the area between Xiaoyukou village and Louzikou village, and to the south of Dayukou village and the north of Emaokou village, the displacement decreases to 0.5m and 0.25m respectively. Based on the recent faulted landforms and combined with dating, we determined the age of recent activity of the fault in the research area to be between 7.71ka B.P. to 3.00 ka B.P. Discussions are made on this in combination with previous research. 展开更多
关键词 Kouquan fault Faulted landform Radiocarbon dating Recent activity offault
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