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作者 刘建兵 《教学与管理》 北大核心 2024年第28期47-51,共5页
史料研习教学强调以学生为本位。选择史料、辨识史料和反馈研习体现了史料研习教学活动的准备、开展和反思三个递进层次,但在教学实践中存在偏离学生本位的问题,具体表现为教师限定史料的选用,忽视了学生自主性的发挥;史料辨识指向信息... 史料研习教学强调以学生为本位。选择史料、辨识史料和反馈研习体现了史料研习教学活动的准备、开展和反思三个递进层次,但在教学实践中存在偏离学生本位的问题,具体表现为教师限定史料的选用,忽视了学生自主性的发挥;史料辨识指向信息提取,忽视了学生历史认识的建构;教学活动忽视学情反馈,丢失了对教学过程的反思。其原因主要在于史料选用和辨识两个方面,一是史料选用重统一、轻自主;二是史料辨识重信息、轻实证。开展以学生为本位的史料研习教学应做到:确定价值依据,引导自主选用;递进素养提升,引导史料辨识;检视教学目标,引导研习反思。 展开更多
关键词 史料研习教学 学生本位 史料选用 史料辨识 研习反思 历史教学
“化学反应工程”课程专题研习教学的引入与实践 被引量:4
作者 汪小红 孔学军 官叶斌 《安庆师范学院学报(自然科学版)》 2014年第2期128-130,共3页
关键词 化学反应工程 教学改革 专题研习教学
中华优秀传统文化观念研习教学实施策略--以厚植“家国情怀”研习教学为例 被引量:3
作者 陶波 《语文建设》 北大核心 2022年第7期69-70,73,共3页
本文以厚植“家国情怀”研习教学实施为例,探索如何在高中阶段开展中华优秀传统文化的研习教学。从诵读精选文句与诗词,整体把握“家国情怀”的含义入手,通过梳理阅读教材课文内容,深刻体认“家国情怀”内涵,进而研究审辨,准确把握这一... 本文以厚植“家国情怀”研习教学实施为例,探索如何在高中阶段开展中华优秀传统文化的研习教学。从诵读精选文句与诗词,整体把握“家国情怀”的含义入手,通过梳理阅读教材课文内容,深刻体认“家国情怀”内涵,进而研究审辨,准确把握这一中华优秀传统文化观念,从而引导学生知行合一,结合学习生活实际以行动厚植“家国情怀”。 展开更多
关键词 中华优秀传统文化观念 家国情怀 研习教学
法典化时代要件事实研习教学研究 被引量:1
作者 孔令章 《齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2021年第9期170-173,共4页
要件事实研习教学是以当事人诉讼攻击防御为特征的法学实务教育。该教学具有统合实体法与程序法和多种法律技能的整体性训练、案例分析的多元视角和法律职业素养同质化训练的价值。在组织教学过程中,应从教学内容的编排、授课组织形式... 要件事实研习教学是以当事人诉讼攻击防御为特征的法学实务教育。该教学具有统合实体法与程序法和多种法律技能的整体性训练、案例分析的多元视角和法律职业素养同质化训练的价值。在组织教学过程中,应从教学内容的编排、授课组织形式以及学生参与方面入手,培养学生诉讼思维、法律伦理观念和法律职业规范意识。 展开更多
关键词 法典化时代 要件事实 研习教学
作者 林婷婷 黄千欢(指导) 《中学生作文指导》 2020年第35期0226-0227,共2页
关键词 史料 研习教学 历史学习 问题设计
论判决书研习式教学 被引量:1
作者 岳悍惟 《北京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第6期116-120,共5页
判决书研习教学应是法学教育的常态,但在中国长期以来却基本处于缺位状态,主要的授课方式仍然是讲授式教学,这不利于学生的主动学习和理论联系实际。为培养学生的司法实践能力,中国有必要借鉴国外尤其是美国和德国法学教育中的判例研习... 判决书研习教学应是法学教育的常态,但在中国长期以来却基本处于缺位状态,主要的授课方式仍然是讲授式教学,这不利于学生的主动学习和理论联系实际。为培养学生的司法实践能力,中国有必要借鉴国外尤其是美国和德国法学教育中的判例研习经验,开设专门的判决书研习课程。通过要求学生阅读判决书、整理判决问题点、在课堂上讨论判决争议点以及撰写判决评析等,指导学生更好地学习和理解法律知识并提高学生发现问题、解决问题和法律论证的能力。 展开更多
关键词 法学教育 判例研习 判决书 判决书研习 判决书研习教学
作者 郭晶莹 《天津师范大学学报(基础教育版)》 2003年第3期43-46,共4页
材料研习法属于历史研究性教学模式之一。它打破了长期以来在课堂中以教师讲述知识为主的传统模式,在要探讨主题的过程中搜集相关的历史材料,突出历史材料在学生学习和认识历史过程中的作用。这种以材料为中心的教学活动,重视学生对各... 材料研习法属于历史研究性教学模式之一。它打破了长期以来在课堂中以教师讲述知识为主的传统模式,在要探讨主题的过程中搜集相关的历史材料,突出历史材料在学生学习和认识历史过程中的作用。这种以材料为中心的教学活动,重视学生对各种材料的运用,在掌握证据的基础上分析和解决历史问题,这对于学生创新思维能力的培养是十分有益的。 展开更多
关键词 历史教学 材料研习教学 教学模式 研究性教学 高中教育 教学设计
作者 王静 《陕西广播电视大学学报》 2020年第3期76-78,共3页
基于研究生“研习型教学(1+5+6)模式”的改革背景,研究其内涵与特征,分析“研习型教学(1+5+6)模式”的智慧型课程学习,形成具有研究生专业特色的《物联网运行及安全》课程“研习型教学(1+5+6)模式”教学新模式,坚持“一核心、五环节、... 基于研究生“研习型教学(1+5+6)模式”的改革背景,研究其内涵与特征,分析“研习型教学(1+5+6)模式”的智慧型课程学习,形成具有研究生专业特色的《物联网运行及安全》课程“研习型教学(1+5+6)模式”教学新模式,坚持“一核心、五环节、六手段”的教学原则,进一步提出了创新性、影响性、可持续性的实现目标,能够提高教师与研究生的教学、研习、科研的总体水平,达到社会经济发展对市场营销与危机管理学科专业人才的需求。 展开更多
关键词 研究生 研习教学(1+5+6)模式 创新研究
作者 张诚 《张家口师专学报(自然科学版)》 1997年第2期52-53,共2页
关键词 引导--研习教学方法 切线 斜率 参数方程 课堂教学 知识结构 数学教学 解题方法
高校“二为一体”的商法课程教学改革初探 被引量:4
作者 陈杉 《商业经济》 2010年第17期52-54,共3页
从整个法学课程结构来看,商法的实践性较强,与学生就业联系最为紧密;从现实来看,商法课程教学却不能给予学生就业较大的帮助。面对法学学生就业窘境,高校应积极进行教学改革,采取"学术教育"与"职业教育"二位一体的... 从整个法学课程结构来看,商法的实践性较强,与学生就业联系最为紧密;从现实来看,商法课程教学却不能给予学生就业较大的帮助。面对法学学生就业窘境,高校应积极进行教学改革,采取"学术教育"与"职业教育"二位一体的法学教育模式,以商法课程建设为依托,采取商法与相邻学科结合授课的方法,有效地把握商法精神、商法制度,教学向学术训练与职业训练并重模式转变,以帮助学生顺利就业。 展开更多
关键词 二为一体 商法教学改革 商法理念 商法实例研习教学
作者 张毅 付均如 《中医教育》 2013年第6期28-29,57,共3页
"框架研习式"教学法根据中医伤科学的学科特点,突出"框架-填充-演练或模仿-创新"4个环节,突出学生为主体、教师为主导的教学思想,充分发挥学生的学习主动性。框架研习式教学,模式新颖,条理清晰,一目了然,便于学生... "框架研习式"教学法根据中医伤科学的学科特点,突出"框架-填充-演练或模仿-创新"4个环节,突出学生为主体、教师为主导的教学思想,充分发挥学生的学习主动性。框架研习式教学,模式新颖,条理清晰,一目了然,便于学生对知识的全面理解及综合运用,符合中医整体观念的思想。在当前教学内容多而课时又有限的矛盾教育体制形势下,较之传统教学模式更能提高课堂吸收率及学生分析问题、解决问题的能力。 展开更多
关键词 中医伤科学 框架研习教学方法 教师 学生
The Implication of the Research of CALL in English Teaching in China
作者 施利红 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第4期57-61,共5页
In the rapidly evolving academic field of CALL (computer-assisted language leaming) in China, it is no longer a question of whether to take advantage of the technologies of computer and Internet in foreign language ... In the rapidly evolving academic field of CALL (computer-assisted language leaming) in China, it is no longer a question of whether to take advantage of the technologies of computer and Internet in foreign language instruction, but of how to make effective use of them. By reviewing the literature of CALL in China and abroad, this article holds the view that in China where the educational resources are insufficient and unevenly distributed, the use of CALL should confirm and expand ESL/EFL theories to the utmost; the research of CALL should focus more on learning or learner, especially on learning strategy in CALL environment; to have a better understanding of the potential and functions of CALL in foreign language instruction, the research of CALL should cover all aspects of language learning. 展开更多
关键词 CALL RESEARCH ESL/EFL theories foreign language instruction
Implications of Reportage Texts in EFL Teaching
作者 常锦平 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第4期12-15,共4页
In this paper, the author discusses implications of original reportage texts in EFL teaching and learning from the perspectives of socio-linguistics and pragmatic competence. The author also discusses a proper approac... In this paper, the author discusses implications of original reportage texts in EFL teaching and learning from the perspectives of socio-linguistics and pragmatic competence. The author also discusses a proper approach for teaching medical postgraduate students, which is centered on students and based on research. This approach for teaching and leaning has been proved effective and students have improved in their socio-linguistic and pragmatic competences. This approach should have implications to EFL teachers who teach students of other specialties. 展开更多
关键词 reportage texts pragmatic competence research-based approach student-centered teaching process
Research Methods of Computer-assisted Second Language Acquisition
作者 Qimin Chen Quanyou Ruan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2005年第2期51-55,共5页
In this paper, the author presents an overview of the history and trends of the Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition in recent years; and then, combining the present situation in China, indicates that the a... In this paper, the author presents an overview of the history and trends of the Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition in recent years; and then, combining the present situation in China, indicates that the approach of Action Research will be the future trend in research on Computer Assisted Second Language Acquisition (CASLA). To explain the author's viewpoint, this paper firstly sets out to describe the author's understanding of the Research Methods in Second Language Acquisition (SLA), and then the comprehension of Action Research in CASLA. 展开更多
关键词 CASLA Research Methods Action Research
Interactive Pedagogy and Massification "Empirical Study"
作者 Jean Louis Monino Soraya Sedkaoui 《Chinese Business Review》 2015年第11期528-538,共11页
The training is now expanding in quantity and variety. Massification--which sank--forces universities to meet the challenge of public diversity and to justify pedagogical research. This article takes into consideratio... The training is now expanding in quantity and variety. Massification--which sank--forces universities to meet the challenge of public diversity and to justify pedagogical research. This article takes into consideration particular way of these new requirements heuristic and praxeological referred to teaching that must take into account the expectation of the learner. This work is in a descriptive and explanatory approach and aims to promote higher teaching practices through the new interactive technology tools to stimulate educational innovation within the university system. The aim of this work is the inclusion of massification to contribute to the development of a model for interactivity and effectiveness of learning. This model was developed from a theoretical approach since the state of the art and an empirical approach for several experiments. The study focused on a database C2i exams "IT and lnternet certification of all learners of the Academy of Montpeilier (n = 4,254) on the online formapro platform". The results have shown that the success rate is highly correlated with the duration of prior self. The integration of these technologies in universities offers interactivity and learning environment for adjusting teaching practices and acquiring new skills. 展开更多
关键词 interactive teaching distance learning internet and computer certificate dematerialization of certificates massification
Research on the Activity Frame Work of Using Visual Thinking Tools
作者 Rongfei Sun 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第9期460-465,共6页
The development of high order thinking has been considered as a national priority of learning. By using three iteration action research in six elementary schools in Guangzhou, China for about 1 year and a half, we fou... The development of high order thinking has been considered as a national priority of learning. By using three iteration action research in six elementary schools in Guangzhou, China for about 1 year and a half, we found that visual thinking tools can improve students' high order thinking ability and change the traditional teaching method. By using this activity frame work, the teachers can better understand what are the students thinking about and the students can use the thinking tools to help themselves solve complex problems and discuss with other people. The reason we do this research is to improve the high-order thinking ability of primary student. In this paper, we summarize an activity frame work of using visual thinking tools to improve students thinking ability. And the frame work can be divided into three stages: preparatory stage, implementation stage and assessment stage. And different stage has different activity. Though this activity frame work is not perfect enough, we will improve it in our future study. 展开更多
关键词 Activity frame work thinking tool thinking ability.
The Psycho-Pedagogical Monitoring Research and the Problems of the Quality of Requirements in the Current Educational System
作者 Srbuhi Gevorgyan 《Sociology Study》 2015年第7期519-524,共6页
Nowadays, we face many obstacles connected with the high quality education. This sphere forces us to implement new methods and approaches in everyday learning process. The following academic research done on psycho-pe... Nowadays, we face many obstacles connected with the high quality education. This sphere forces us to implement new methods and approaches in everyday learning process. The following academic research done on psycho-pedagogical sphere in higher education showed that the enhancement in the educational system is developing slowly because of the lack of research. By all means, it is the right time to follow the objectives and try to develop and suggest the current teaching process using technology that of course will be based on the development of quality control and thesaurus-agency approaches. As mentioned in Bolkan and Goodboy, their research showed that teachers who promote intellectual stimulation empower and enrich students both cognitive and affective getting knowledge and experience process in the classroom. The main objective of current experiment is that it suggests intellectual stimulation which is linked to intrinsic motivation, and that intrinsic motivation has all the advantages to influence students' use of effective studying behaviors. According to Dunlosky, Marsh, Nathan, Willingham and Rawson, there are specific techniques which can influence on the overall process of higher education. 展开更多
关键词 Psycho-pedagogy higher education learning goals the quality of education
《海外华文教育动态》 2003年第4期15-15,共1页
关键词 美国南部地区 中文教学研习 中文教育 教学研究 中文学校联谊会 汉语教育
The Future Is Here: m-Learning in Higher Education
作者 Charalampos Giousmpasoglou Evangelia Marinakou 《Computer Technology and Application》 2013年第6期317-322,共6页
The way we learn has changed dramatically in the new millennium. The introduction of e-learning in higher education in the late 1990s has opened Pandora's Box, and brought radical changes in the way where undergradua... The way we learn has changed dramatically in the new millennium. The introduction of e-learning in higher education in the late 1990s has opened Pandora's Box, and brought radical changes in the way where undergraduate and postgraduate programs are designed and delivered. The rapid developments and popularity ofhandheld devices such as smart phones and tablet PCs using wireless networks and mobile Intemet have marked new developments in higher education, introducing the so-called mobile leaming (m-learning). This means that university students can have access to their studies related content, anytime, anywhere in a personalized manner; this is what renders m-learning so popular and fashionable among university students globally. Nevertheless, instructors are now challenged as they have to adopt new pedagogies in learning and teaching. This paper discusses the concept of m-learning, as well as the current developments and challenges related to the major stakeholders (educators and students) in higher education. 展开更多
关键词 Higher education M-LEARNING teaching/learning strategies.
Study on English Teaching and Incidental Vocabulary Acquisition in Higher Vocational Colleges
作者 Bijing LU 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第4期54-56,共3页
Vocabulary plays a significant role in foreign language acquisition. The volume of vocabularies directly affects the foreign language learning effect of the students in higher vocational colleges. Since the 1970s, the... Vocabulary plays a significant role in foreign language acquisition. The volume of vocabularies directly affects the foreign language learning effect of the students in higher vocational colleges. Since the 1970s, the study of the second language vocabulary acquisition has gradually become a hot spot in the field of the second language acquisition. In the 1980s, more and more researchers and the teachers in higher vocational colleges came to realize the importance of vocabulary acquisition, and also incidental vocabulary acquisition and intentional vocabulary acquisition are highly focused at home and abroad. 展开更多
关键词 Vocabularies Incidental Acquisition Higher Vocational Colleges
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