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作者 李垣 侯豫秦 刘益 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1990年第2期63-66,共4页
应用开发型研究所的主要工作是直接面对经济建设,将适合实用的应用研究成果迅速而有效地转化为可供经济建设采用的新产品或新技术,使潜在的生产力转化为推动经济发展的直接生产力。这类研究所技术开发工作的好坏,极大地影响着我国经济... 应用开发型研究所的主要工作是直接面对经济建设,将适合实用的应用研究成果迅速而有效地转化为可供经济建设采用的新产品或新技术,使潜在的生产力转化为推动经济发展的直接生产力。这类研究所技术开发工作的好坏,极大地影响着我国经济建设的速度和效益,特别是在研究所实行承包责任制后。 展开更多
关键词 开发工作 应用开发型研究 技术开发 系统评价 新技术 经济建设 推动经济发展 评价技术 开发效果 评价指标体系
作者 刘正钦 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第4期66-67,共2页
到本世纪末,要逐步建立适应社会主义市场经济体制和科技自身发展规律的新型科技体制,就必须重构科技领域中的微观经济基础,使开发型研究所建立适应市场经济运行的经营机制,成为自主经营、自负盈亏、自我改造、自我发展的市场竞争主... 到本世纪末,要逐步建立适应社会主义市场经济体制和科技自身发展规律的新型科技体制,就必须重构科技领域中的微观经济基础,使开发型研究所建立适应市场经济运行的经营机制,成为自主经营、自负盈亏、自我改造、自我发展的市场竞争主体。从我国现有科技体制看,要建立新... 展开更多
关键词 开发型研究 产权制度 科技企业制度
挣脱樊笼鸟 振翅向天飞——中国科学院12家应用开发型研究机构转制纪实
作者 杨健 《科技开发动态》 2004年第2期8-10,共3页
中国科学院所属的这12个转制单位,共有干部职工6400多名,其中4000多名转制后进入企业,2300名离退休人员得到妥善安置。转制单位4.03亿元的注册资本中,职工出资约5800万元。2002年,12家企业的营业收入达到5.75亿元,净利润为5400... 中国科学院所属的这12个转制单位,共有干部职工6400多名,其中4000多名转制后进入企业,2300名离退休人员得到妥善安置。转制单位4.03亿元的注册资本中,职工出资约5800万元。2002年,12家企业的营业收入达到5.75亿元,净利润为5400万元,同比增长了24%,所有者权益达到5.83亿元。 展开更多
关键词 中国科学院 应用开发型研究机构 机构转制 科技体制改革 学习型企业
《南方金属》 CAS 2005年第5期F0003-F0003,共1页
广东省钢铁研究所建于1974年,是以金属材料、磁性材料为主导方向的技术开发型研究所。科技体制改革以来,本所坚持以创新求发展的理念,不断在体制、机制、人才、合作等方面探索新模式,形成了尊重知识、尊重人才的良好氛围;充分发挥... 广东省钢铁研究所建于1974年,是以金属材料、磁性材料为主导方向的技术开发型研究所。科技体制改革以来,本所坚持以创新求发展的理念,不断在体制、机制、人才、合作等方面探索新模式,形成了尊重知识、尊重人才的良好氛围;充分发挥科、工、贸一体的优势,组建了各向同性、异性铁氧体粘结磁体、软磁合金、精密合金、超高强度防弹钢系列产品、不锈钢异型丝、化工涂料、电子元器件等生产线。 展开更多
关键词 广东钢铁研究 技术开发型研究 科技体制 体制改革 产品开发
人力资本分类探析 被引量:3
作者 魏奋子 罗亚凡 《甘肃理论学刊》 2000年第4期56-58,共3页
本文在讨论人力资本含义的基础上 ,从八个不同方面对人力资本进行了分类研究。按其发挥作用的范围分为生产型、研究开发型和管理型人力资本 ;按形成人力资本的投资渠道或方式分为教育人力资本和培训人力资本 ;按其表现载体所属国籍分为... 本文在讨论人力资本含义的基础上 ,从八个不同方面对人力资本进行了分类研究。按其发挥作用的范围分为生产型、研究开发型和管理型人力资本 ;按形成人力资本的投资渠道或方式分为教育人力资本和培训人力资本 ;按其表现载体所属国籍分为国内人力资本和国外人力资本等八个方面。 展开更多
关键词 人力资本 劳动 类型 生产型 研究开发型 价值
辉瑞 震惊世界的伟哥
作者 刘辉光 《知识经济》 2006年第11期23-23,共1页
美国辉瑞公司是有着150年悠久历史的研究开发型跨国制药企业,在全世界70多个国家设有147家分公司,在6个国家设有研究中心,并在22个国家设有33家生产厂,营销网络遍及全球150个国家和地区。 伟哥(Viagra)是基于一氧化氮原理的意外... 美国辉瑞公司是有着150年悠久历史的研究开发型跨国制药企业,在全世界70多个国家设有147家分公司,在6个国家设有研究中心,并在22个国家设有33家生产厂,营销网络遍及全球150个国家和地区。 伟哥(Viagra)是基于一氧化氮原理的意外发明,仅在2005年伟哥全球销量就高达16亿美元。 展开更多
关键词 全世界 伟哥 震惊 跨国制药企业 辉瑞公司 研究开发型 研究中心 营销网络 美国 知识产权
作者 白志刚 《教师》 2010年第4期114-114,共1页
随着高职教育的教学改革与深入,不同的院校呈现出不同的人才培养模式和办学特色,每所院校都采取了一些措施,摆脱单纯的人才培养方式,加强自身的竞争力。加强各类工作室的建设便是高职院校的特色之一,通过工作室建设可以加强与社会... 随着高职教育的教学改革与深入,不同的院校呈现出不同的人才培养模式和办学特色,每所院校都采取了一些措施,摆脱单纯的人才培养方式,加强自身的竞争力。加强各类工作室的建设便是高职院校的特色之一,通过工作室建设可以加强与社会、企业的交流,加强和企业合作的力度。目前,高校工作室主要有“项目的创意思维型”“课题研究开发型”“作品成果的市场实践型”三种类型。 展开更多
关键词 工作室 面料设计 服装 人才培养模式 人才培养方式 高职院校 企业合作 研究开发型
城市地下空间工程专业毕业设计(论文)改革与实践 被引量:5
作者 李顺群 柴寿喜 +1 位作者 刘举 周亚东 《高教学刊》 2020年第19期133-135,共3页
城市地下空间工程专业涉及的内容具有点多、面广、关联性强、体系性强,毕业生将来从事的工作包括上部结构、地下结构、地下空间、基坑支护、隧道甚至海绵城市建设等领域。传统的以地下空间、基坑支护等为内容的毕业设计具有形式单一,覆... 城市地下空间工程专业涉及的内容具有点多、面广、关联性强、体系性强,毕业生将来从事的工作包括上部结构、地下结构、地下空间、基坑支护、隧道甚至海绵城市建设等领域。传统的以地下空间、基坑支护等为内容的毕业设计具有形式单一,覆盖面小,学生难以得到全方位训练和能力提升。文章在研究专业特点和实践环节作用的基础上认为,本专业的毕业设计(论文)选题除了工程设计类和施工技术与管理类之外,应加强研究开发类方面的训练,以提高学生的学习能力、工作能力和开拓精神。为此,在毕业设计(论文)选题、过程控制和答辩环节进行了研究,将学生的毕业论文与联络通道施工、海绵城市建设等科研项目有机结合起来。经过近十年的实践,人才培养质量得到了明显提高。 展开更多
关键词 实践教学 毕业论文 教学改革 研究开发型
作者 梁森 《中国创业投资与高科技》 2005年第7期43-43,共1页
关键词 高新技术产业发展 20世纪90年代 高科技产业发展 信息技术发展 工业化国家 1986年 研究开发型 经济政策 税收政策 税收扶持 国际实践 税制改革 里根政府 领先地位 技术创新 国际市场 美国企业 加速折旧 指导思想 跨国公司
Key technologies and equipment for a fully mechanized top-coal caving operation with a large mining height at ultra-thick coal seams 被引量:61
作者 Jinhua Wang Bin Yu +4 位作者 Hongpu Kang Guofa Wang Debing Mao Yuntao Liang Pengfei Jiang 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2015年第2期97-162,共66页
Thick and ultra-thick coal seams are main coal seams for high production rate and high efficiency in Chinese coal mines, which accounts for 44 % of the total minable coal reserve. A fully mechanized top-coal caving mi... Thick and ultra-thick coal seams are main coal seams for high production rate and high efficiency in Chinese coal mines, which accounts for 44 % of the total minable coal reserve. A fully mechanized top-coal caving mining method is a main underground coal extraction method for ultra-thick coal seams. The coal extraction technologies for coal seams less than 14 m thick were extensively used in China. However, for coal seams with thickness greater than 14 m, there have been no reported cases in the world for underground mechanical extraction with safe performance, high efficiency and high coal recovery ratio. To deal with this case, China Coal Technology & Engineering Group, Datong Coal Mine Group, and other 15 organizations in China launched a fundamental and big project to develop coal mining technologies and equipment for coal seams with thicknesses greater than 14 m. After the completion of the project, a coal extraction method was developed for top-coal caving with a large mining height, as well as a ground control theory for ultra-thick coal seams. In addition, the mining technology for top-coal caving with a large mining height, the ground support technology for roadway in coal seams with a large cross-section, and the prevention and control technology for gas and fire hazards were developed and applied. Furthermore, a hydraulic support with a mining height of 5.2 m, a shearer with high reliability, and auxiliary equipment were developed and manufactured. Practical implication on the technologies and equipment developed was successfully completed at the No. 8105 coal face in the Tashan coal mine, Datong, China. The major achievements of the project are summarized as follows: 1. A top-coal caving method for ultra-thick coal seams is proposed with a cutting height of 5 m and a top-coal caving height of 15 m. A structural mechanical model of overlying strata called cantilever beam-articulated rock beam is established. Based on the model, the load resistance of the hydraulic support with a large mining height for top-coal caving method is determined. With the analysis, the movement characteristics of the top coal and above strata are evaluated during top-coal caving operation at the coal face with a large mining height. Furthermore, there is successful development of comprehensive technologies for preventing and controlling spalling of the coal wall, and the top-coal caving technology with high efficiency and high recovery at the top-coal caving face with a large mining height. This means that the technologies developed have overcome the difficulties in strata control, top-coal caving with high efficiency and high coal recovery, and enabled to achieve a production rate of more than 10 Mtpa at a single top-coal caving face with a large mining height in ultra-thick coal seams; 2. A hydraulic support with 5.2 m supporting height and anti-rockburst capacity, a shearer with high reliability, a scraper conveyor with a large power at the back of face, and a large load and long distance headgate belt conveyor have been successfully developed for a top-coal caving face with large mining height. The study has developed the key technologies for improving the reliability of equipment at the coal face and has overcome the challenges in equipping the top-coal caving face with a large mining height in ultra-thick coal seams; 3. The deformation characteristics of a large cross-section roadway in ultra-thick coal seams are discovered. Based on the findings above, a series of bolt materials with a high yielding strength of 500-830 MPa and a high extension ratio, and cable bolt material with a 1 × 19 structure, large tonnage and high extension ratio are developed. In addition, in order to achieve a safe roadway and a fast face advance, installation equipment for high pre-tension bolt is developed to solve the problems with the support of roadway in coal seams for top-coal caving operation with a large mining height; 4. The characteristics of gas distribution and uneven emission at top-coal caving face with large mining height in ultra-thick coal seams are evaluated. With the application of the technologies of gas drainage in the roof, the difficulties in gas control for high intensive top-coal caving mining operations, known as "low gas content, high gas emission", are solved. In addition, large flow-rate underground mobile equipment for making nitrogen are developed to solve the problems with fire prevention and safe mining at a top-coal caving face with large mining height and production rate of more than 10 Mtpa. A case study to apply the developed technologies has been conducted at the No. 8105 face, the Tashan coal mine in Datong, China. The case study demonstrates that the three units of equipment, i.e., the support, shearer and scraper conveyor, are rationally equipped. Average equipment usage at the coal face is 92.1%. The coal recovery ratio at the coal face is up to 88.9 %. In 2011, the coal production at the No. 8105 face reached 10.849 Mtpa, exceeding the target of 10 Mtpa for a topcoal caving operation with large mining height performed by Chinese-made mining equipment. The technologies and equipment developed provide a way for extracting ultra-thick coal seams. Currently, the technologies and equipment are used in 13 mining areas in China including Datong, Pingshuo, Shendong and Xinjiang. With the exploitation of coal resources in Western China, there is great potential for the application of the technologies and equipment developed. 展开更多
关键词 Ultra-thick coal seams Top-coal caving mining Large mining height Mining method - Mining equipment Roadway support Safety guarantee
Review of Innovative Agricultural Market Creation in Africa and the Study of Three-tier Model for Soybean Development and Promotion in Kenya
作者 Jonas Nwankwo Chianu Bernard Vanlauwe +2 位作者 Akinwumi Adesina Justina Nwanganga Chianu NteranyaSanginga 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2010年第3期43-51,共9页
Agricultural market creation was critical for rural growth in Africa. How to achieve this based on crops other than major staples (e.g. maize) and traditional export crops (e.g., tea, coffee, cotton) remained a pr... Agricultural market creation was critical for rural growth in Africa. How to achieve this based on crops other than major staples (e.g. maize) and traditional export crops (e.g., tea, coffee, cotton) remained a problem since most African countries did not give them policy attention. This study used a three-tier-model, developed based on successful strategies in Nigeria and Zimbabwe, to develop multi-level soybean market creation in Kenya. Data were from secondary sources, formal and informal interviews, farm-level data, and participant observations. Analysis was carried out using Microsoft Excel and SPSS. Result showed increasing in farmers' confidence to produce, process, consume, and sell more soybeans than before. Trained farmers' groups were developing new soybean products for cash, poverty reduction and improvements in livelihoods. Net returns had been increased from 4 to 14 times from processed products. Selected farmers' groups had begun to supply large-scale processors with soybean grains, substituting imports. The overall project's impact on number of participating farmer groups and the actual land area devoted to soybean cultivation ranged from a factor of 2.3 to a factor of 77.4 between the long rainy seasons of 2005 / 2006 and the short rainy seasons of 2009. Farmers had given testimonies on live improvements. 展开更多
关键词 Agricultural market CREATION three-tier-model SOYBEAN AFRICA Kenya.
作者 何伟文 《企业世界》 北大核心 2004年第7期24-25,共2页
亚洲是中国最大的海外投资目的地 联合同贸发会议最近发表的世界投资报告估计,截至2002年底,中国累计海外投资达到350亿美元,而在1991年.中国海外的投资总额不过30亿美元左右,1995年也只有150亿美元:中国海外投资在近10年出现了... 亚洲是中国最大的海外投资目的地 联合同贸发会议最近发表的世界投资报告估计,截至2002年底,中国累计海外投资达到350亿美元,而在1991年.中国海外的投资总额不过30亿美元左右,1995年也只有150亿美元:中国海外投资在近10年出现了很大的飞跃。尤其在最近两年。 展开更多
关键词 中国 海外投资 绿地投资型 亚洲 跨国并购型 战略联盟型 研究开发型 企业
Experimental study of mean overtopping discharge at perforated caissons for non-impulsive waves 被引量:4
作者 LIU Xiao LIU Yong +2 位作者 LI HuaJun WANG XinYu ZHAO Yang 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第5期711-723,共13页
In this study, hydraulic model tests are carried out to investigate the mean overtopping discharge at perforated caisson breakwaters for non-impulsive waves. Based on the experimental data, the mean overtopping discha... In this study, hydraulic model tests are carried out to investigate the mean overtopping discharge at perforated caisson breakwaters for non-impulsive waves. Based on the experimental data, the mean overtopping discharges of perforated and nonperforated caissons are compared. It is found that when the relative crest freeboard is smaller than 1.6, the mean overtopping discharge of a breakwater can be reduced by at least half by using perforated caissons with 35% porosity instead of nonperforated caissons. The effects of the relative crest freeboard, the caisson porosity and perforation shape, the relative wave chamber width and the relative water depth on the mean overtopping discharge at perforated caissons are clarified. Then,predictive formulas for the mean overtopping discharge at perforated caissons are developed. The predictive formulas based on the experimental data are valid in a wide range of the relative crest freeboard and involve the effects of the caisson porosity and the relative water depth. The predictive formulas developed in this study are of significance for the hydraulic design of perforated caissons. 展开更多
关键词 perforated caissons experimental tests mean overtopping discharge predictive formula
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