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作者 长江 《人民长江》 北大核心 2015年第18期5-5,共1页
2015年9月14日上午,长江防总召开会商会,分析研究当前流域主要水库调度工作。据水雨情监测,9月11日,金沙江中下游部分地区、乌江流域、清江流域及三峡区间有中到大雨,其余各地以局地小雨为主。9月12日,金沙江中下游部分地区有小到中雨,... 2015年9月14日上午,长江防总召开会商会,分析研究当前流域主要水库调度工作。据水雨情监测,9月11日,金沙江中下游部分地区、乌江流域、清江流域及三峡区间有中到大雨,其余各地以局地小雨为主。9月12日,金沙江中下游部分地区有小到中雨,其余各地以局地小雨为主。9月13日,长江流域基本无雨。受降雨影响,三峡水库入库流量9月12日14:00出现洪峰流量36 500 m3/s后转退,出库流量维持在24 000 m3/s左右波动,9月14日08:00三峡水库水位涨至159.57 m。 展开更多
关键词 水库调度 水库水位 入库流量 洪峰流量 清江流域 研究流域 乌江流域 三峡水库 水雨情 下泄流量
作者 周长军 《社科与经济信息》 1995年第6期29-30,共2页
关键词 流域经济 开发研究 詹宏松 理论与实践 主干流 地域经济 李疆 研究流域 资源开发 西南出海大通道
作者 刘玉堂 《湖北社会科学》 2002年第11期43-43,共1页
关键词 吴传清 《长江流域商业经济变迁研究 书评
流域研究的多维特征与热点态势——基于1991-2021年国家社科基金项目的量化分析 被引量:1
作者 王明阳 文传浩 +1 位作者 龚建骄 苏旭阳 《湖北经济学院学报》 2023年第5期27-43,共17页
流域是人类文明的发源地,在人类历史演进过程中发挥着重要作用。本文以1991-2021年1258项国家社科基金流域研究项目为样本数据进行统计分析。研究表明:(1)立项数量上,流域研究的年度立项数量呈现不断增长的趋势,主要分为起步发展阶段、... 流域是人类文明的发源地,在人类历史演进过程中发挥着重要作用。本文以1991-2021年1258项国家社科基金流域研究项目为样本数据进行统计分析。研究表明:(1)立项数量上,流域研究的年度立项数量呈现不断增长的趋势,主要分为起步发展阶段、波动上升阶段以及爆发式增长阶段等3个阶段。(2)学科分布上,流域研究的多学科属性突出,广泛分布于23个学科中,且主要集中在中国历史、应用经济、民族学、理论经济以及管理学5个学科。(3)研究流域上,涉及众多面积广大、地位特殊的流域,除长江、黄河以及珠江等大型干流外,还包括清水江等支流,三峡库区等人工水库,洞庭湖等天然湖泊,澜沧江-湄公河等国际河流,以及三江源、大运河等流域。(4)研究内容上,以党和国家重大理论和现实问题为导向,包括经济社会发展、生态环境保护、历史文化研究等众多主题;但不同流域的研究重点有所不同,清水江流域立足清水江文书、三峡库区突出移民问题、澜沧江-湄公河流域集中于国际问题、三江源流域围绕生态保护领域等。此外,流域研究还存在科研力量分布不均、研究流域和内容覆盖面不全以及理论性研究不足等问题。 展开更多
关键词 国家社科基金 流域研究 多维特征 热点态势
作者 黄常斌 《水利科技》 2000年第3期6-8,共3页
随着资源水利的逐渐被重视 ,水资源的开发、利用、治理、配置及保护亦提到议事日程。该文以赛江流域下游综合规划为例 ,研究合理利用水资源 ,使有限的资源发挥最佳的社会经济效益。
关键词 资源水利 流域综合规划研究
水土保持措施与效益评价研究——以陕北安塞县为例 被引量:24
作者 景可 焦菊英 《水土保持研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期132-136,共5页
至今水土流失治理效益评价研究还处在摸索阶段,对水土保持效益类型、评价的原则、指标、方法以及不同措施效益最大化决定因素等未形成共识。基于水土保持效益具有多重性、连动性、交叉性和利弊互动性的特点,决定了效益评价程序首先是要... 至今水土流失治理效益评价研究还处在摸索阶段,对水土保持效益类型、评价的原则、指标、方法以及不同措施效益最大化决定因素等未形成共识。基于水土保持效益具有多重性、连动性、交叉性和利弊互动性的特点,决定了效益评价程序首先是要确立治理目标,然后是评价原则、评价指标和评价方法。本文运用这一评价程序和自然环境特点,拟定了安塞县水土流失的治理目的,是在粮食自给的基础上尽量多增加经济收入和提高生态环境质量。并以此思路设计和预测了安塞县进行全面治理的水土保持措施规模及生态、经济效益和投产比,最终可达到粮食自给,林草覆盖增加到30%~40%,人均增加3 000元/a的经济收入,预计能在3~5a内收回治理成本。 展开更多
关键词 景可(1939-) 研究 主要研究方向:流域侵蚀环境.E—mail:jingk@igsnrr.ac.cn
作者 魏琳琳 《南京艺术学院学报(音乐与表演版)》 北大核心 2023年第2期57-61,共5页
“大运河文化带”的提出对于民族艺术研究具有重大意义,它关乎学科领域中的流域研究与国家文化的命运及经济命脉相互之间的关系。从方法论视角,运用田野民族志(ethnography)方式研究运河音乐文化是一条重要的路径。运河文化不仅作为历... “大运河文化带”的提出对于民族艺术研究具有重大意义,它关乎学科领域中的流域研究与国家文化的命运及经济命脉相互之间的关系。从方法论视角,运用田野民族志(ethnography)方式研究运河音乐文化是一条重要的路径。运河文化不仅作为历史文化记忆而存在,更是一种活着的、流动的文化状态,以此强调运河音乐实践的多样化和场景性,对音乐存在状态、音乐实践活动、音乐产生或生产的整个过程、相关的群体等方面进行描述、观察和记录。文章从运河音乐文化研究述评、运河音乐文化之个案研究、运河音乐文化之整体观等方面着手,关注运河区域音乐的流动性、关联性及其他内涵的变化,以此增强文化认同,铸牢中华民族共同体意识。 展开更多
关键词 运河音乐文化 流域研究 方法论 音乐民族志
作者 何道明 《郧阳师范高等专科学校学报》 2015年第4期30-33,共4页
关键词 汉水流域风俗文化研究 理论寻根 事象范举 方式趋真
作者 宫川清 张津涛 +2 位作者 李建军 吴斌 陈丽华 《北京林业大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 1994年第S4期24-35,共12页
关键词 坡面 油松人工林 立地类型 研究流域 灌木林 刺槐林 森林立地 土壤图 沟谷侵蚀 土壤颜色
《农业环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2014年第1期56-58,120+140,共3页
流域生态水文过程模拟与预测本书主要介绍了研究背景、意义及国内外研究进展;研究流域概况及生态水文关系统计分析;植被生态与作物生长观测实验成果;分布式流域水文模型构建与验证;分布式陆地植被生态模型构建与验证;分布式作物生长模... 流域生态水文过程模拟与预测本书主要介绍了研究背景、意义及国内外研究进展;研究流域概况及生态水文关系统计分析;植被生态与作物生长观测实验成果;分布式流域水文模型构建与验证;分布式陆地植被生态模型构建与验证;分布式作物生长模型构建与验证;植被与作物生态水文历史演变规律分析;未来气候变化下的生态水文预测;水土保持措施对黄土高原生态水文影响研究;主要的研究成果总结与未来研究展望。 展开更多
关键词 生态水文 流域水文模型 研究流域 水土保持措施 气候变化 作物生长模型 植被生态 陆地植被 新书推介 过程模拟
作者 杨竞芳 《中共山西省委党校学报》 1986年第2期21-31,共11页
流域经济学流域经济学是适应我国现代化建设的需要而建立的一门新兴的综含性的应用科学。在我国首先提出要建立这门学科的是湖北社科院研究所的张思平。流域经济学以水资源合理利用为中心,以流域为范围,以提高经济效益为目标,探讨和研... 流域经济学流域经济学是适应我国现代化建设的需要而建立的一门新兴的综含性的应用科学。在我国首先提出要建立这门学科的是湖北社科院研究所的张思平。流域经济学以水资源合理利用为中心,以流域为范围,以提高经济效益为目标,探讨和研究流域内水资源的开发利用、治理、保护以及与此相联系的流域发展中的经济问题。它包括以下几方面:一,水资源的开发利用,涉及到自然因素和技术因素,也涉及到经济因素。 展开更多
关键词 流域经济学 消费经济学 经济控制论 水资源合理利用 科学情报学 学科介绍 研究流域 社会经济 魁人 现代化建设
作者 周莉 《甘肃农业》 2004年第9期84-85,共2页
城郊型小流域的治理措施配置需以绿化美化与环境治理相结合 ,为社会、经济的全面协调发展提供保障。本文以生态环境防治为基础 ,全面提升投资环境为目的 ,依据自然条件的不同特点 ,对防治措施进行全方位对位配置 ,并对基础效益作了较深... 城郊型小流域的治理措施配置需以绿化美化与环境治理相结合 ,为社会、经济的全面协调发展提供保障。本文以生态环境防治为基础 ,全面提升投资环境为目的 ,依据自然条件的不同特点 ,对防治措施进行全方位对位配置 ,并对基础效益作了较深入的探讨。 展开更多
关键词 城郊 水土保持 措施配置 效益一、研究流域的基本情况
Influences of the Wenchuan Earthquake on Sediment Supply of Debris Flows 被引量:5
作者 ZHU Jing DING Jun LIANG Jingtao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2011年第2期270-277,共8页
The 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake and the subsequent rainstorms induced a large number of landslides, which later were transformed into debris flows. To evaluate the effect of the earthquake on the sediment supply of debri... The 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake and the subsequent rainstorms induced a large number of landslides, which later were transformed into debris flows. To evaluate the effect of the earthquake on the sediment supply of debris flows, eight debris flow basins near Beichuan City, Sichuan Province, China were chosen as the study area. The area variations of the debris flow source after the Wenchuan Earthquake and the subsequent rainstorm are analyzed and discussed in this paper. Interpretations of aerial photographs (after the 5.12 Wenchuan Earthquake) and SPOT5 images (after the rainstorm event of September 24, 2008) as well as field investigations were compared to identify the transformation of landslide surface in the study area, indicating that the landslide area in the eight debris flow basins significantly increased. The loose sediment area on the channel bed increased after the rainstorm event. In order to estimate the relationship of the landslide area with the rainfall intensity in different return periods, a model proposed by Uchihugi was adopted. Results show that new landslide area induced by heavy rainfall with 50-year and 100-year return period will be 0.87 km2 and 1.67 km2, respectively. The study results show the Wenchuan earthquake had particular influences on subsequent rainfall-induced debris flow occurrence. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan earthquake Debris flow RAINSTORM Remote sensing imagery
RS-based research on the relationship between vegetation development and groundwater in upper-middle reaches region of the Yellow River basin
作者 田凯 Li Xiaoqing +2 位作者 Kang Xiangwu Huo Aidi Jiang Yunzhong 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2010年第2期215-220,共6页
The relationship between the groundwater and the surface eco-environment in arid area is very close. In this paper, the authors extracted normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and vegetation conditional rat... The relationship between the groundwater and the surface eco-environment in arid area is very close. In this paper, the authors extracted normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and vegetation conditional ratio (VCR) from MODIS images, and analyzed the relationships among NDVI, VCR and the measured data of groundwater of the same location in the research region. Based on this, the depth of groundwater suitable for vegetation growth in the upper-middle reaches of the Yellow River basin has been calculated. The results show that the depth of groundwater suitable for vegetation growth in the research region ranges from 0.8 to 4.5m, and the optimal groundwater depth is 1.2m. The method developed in this study is applicable to research the relationship between the groundwater and land surface vegetation environment on large-scale in arid area. 展开更多
关键词 remote sensing normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) vegetation conditional ratio (VCR) GROUNDWATER upper-middle reaches of Yellow River
Review of the Water Footprint Project within Geographically Delineated Area
作者 Stella Symeonidou Dimitra Vagiona 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第10期513-520,共8页
During the last decade, there has been an intensive research activity concerning the concept of the Water Footprint (WF) approach, which was firstly introduced by Arjen Hoekstra in 2002. WF is an indicator of direct... During the last decade, there has been an intensive research activity concerning the concept of the Water Footprint (WF) approach, which was firstly introduced by Arjen Hoekstra in 2002. WF is an indicator of direct and indirect freshwater use of a consumer or producer that takes into account water consumption in every step (intermediate and final) along the production chain and services. The concept can be implemented in various levels such as products, consumers, producers, nations and river basins etc.. The water footprint within a geographically delineated area equals the sum of the process water footprints of all processes taking place in the area. The aim of current research is a review of the most important WF studies, with a special focus on applications within regional, basin and administrative unit level. National and global scales are not included in the current paper. The article presents the most widespread methodologies and approaches that attempt to evaluate water footprints of specific defined areas and highlights their recent advances as well as shortcomings in the constantly evolving research efforts. 展开更多
关键词 Water footprint REVIEW water resources management geographically delineated area.
Study on Establishing a Monitoring System for Groundwater in the Condition of Climate Change and Sea Level Rise: Case Study of Ma River Basin in Vietnam
作者 Doan Van Long Nguyen Minh Khuyen Bui Cong Du 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(B)》 2015年第9期459-469,共11页
The results presented in this paper are a part of the research results of the thesis "research on scientific basis and practice of develop a system of monitoring the impacts of climate change on surface water and gro... The results presented in this paper are a part of the research results of the thesis "research on scientific basis and practice of develop a system of monitoring the impacts of climate change on surface water and groundwater". Case study: Ma river basin in Vietnam. The results were implemented: (i) data collection, fieldwork survey, synthesis and analysis of information and data; (ii) partitioning the influence degree of climate change and sea level rise to groundwater; (iii) determining criteria to select monitoring routes, location of monitoring groundwater in the condition of climate change and sea level rise and (iv) developing the monitoring system. The research's results have practical implications for the water resources management in the context of climate change and sea level rise in Ma river basin. 展开更多
关键词 Groundwater monitoring system climate change sea level rise.
Analysis of Irrigation Systems Employing Comparative Performance Indicators: A Benchmark Study for National Irrigation and Communal Irrigation Systems in Cagayan River Basin
作者 Jeoffrey Lloyd Reyes Bareng Orlando Florendo Balderama Lanie Alejandro Alejo 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第5期325-335,共11页
Comparative performance analysis of four irrigation schemes within Cagayan River Basin was assessed using comparative performance indicators between the years 2008 and 2012. The objectives were to establish benchmarks... Comparative performance analysis of four irrigation schemes within Cagayan River Basin was assessed using comparative performance indicators between the years 2008 and 2012. The objectives were to establish benchmarks for both productivity and performance of irrigation schemes along the valley and to inquire whether small schemes function better than large schemes. The performance evaluation study of the systems composed of three general performance indicators, based on three domains-(1) system operation performance; (2) agricultural productivity and economics; (3) financial performance. Each indicator was assessed based on the prescribed descriptors used by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Analysis showed an overall system performance efficiency of 59%, 55%, 47% and 36% for Magat River Integrated Irrigation System (MARI1S), Lucban, Garab and Divisoria Communal Irrigation Systems (CIS), respectively. In terms of annual productivity performance, Lucban CIS dominates the three other systems with 0.35 kg/m3, which was classified as moderately performing system, while the rest were classified with low productivity index. Financial sustainability of the systems were extremely poor with cost recovery ratio of 0, 0.33, 0.41 and 0.49 for Divisoria, Garab, Lucban and MARIIS, respectively, which were exceptionally below the standard value of at least one. Also, analysis of the indicators revealed that on average, large schemes performed similarly to small-scale schemes, but small schemes were more variable, particularly in input-use efficiency. The benchmarking study will provide strategic information to policy makers of agricultural and irrigation agencies on the existing weaknesses of irrigation systems in the country and determine in a more quantifiable terms levels of potential improvement and intervention targets. 展开更多
关键词 Communal and national irrigation systems performance benchmarking small and large reservoir schemes.
面向生态监测的IPv6无线传感器网络研制及应用 被引量:4
作者 罗万明 阎保平 +2 位作者 晋锐 李新 李秀红 《科研信息化技术与应用》 2013年第4期58-67,共10页
环境监测是无线传感器网络应用的重要领域,特别是在流域生态学的研究中,发挥着非常重要的作用。为了帮助生态学家在恶劣的环境中收集科学数据,针对黑河流域生态研究的需要,我们提出了一套IPv6无线传感器网络(IPv6WSN)的系统设计方案。... 环境监测是无线传感器网络应用的重要领域,特别是在流域生态学的研究中,发挥着非常重要的作用。为了帮助生态学家在恶劣的环境中收集科学数据,针对黑河流域生态研究的需要,我们提出了一套IPv6无线传感器网络(IPv6WSN)的系统设计方案。本文重点介绍了方案中的三个关键技术:硬件平台的设计,IPv6网络协议的集成以及IPv6无线传感网络(WSN)的元数据建模。该系统已经在黑河流域研究计划(HiWater)进行了实际部署和使用,为参与该研究计划的各相关领域科学家提供了大量的第一手数据,同时也为自主开发的IPv6无线传感网络在生态环境监测中的有效使用奠定了坚实的基础。 展开更多
关键词 IPV6 无线传感器网络 生态环境监测 黑河流域研究计划
地理专业野外、社会实践教学初探 被引量:4
作者 李金霞 《阴山学刊(自然科学版)》 1998年第2期88-90,共3页
关键词 地理专业 流域研究 实习基地 社会实践 自然地理教学 高校 野外实习
Integrated research methods in watershed science 被引量:29
作者 CHENG GuoDong LI Xin 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第7期1159-1168,共10页
We discuss the concepts, research methods, and infrastructure of watershed science. A watershed is a basic unit and possesses all of the complexities of the land surface system, thereby making it the best unit for pra... We discuss the concepts, research methods, and infrastructure of watershed science. A watershed is a basic unit and possesses all of the complexities of the land surface system, thereby making it the best unit for practicing Earth system science. Watershed science is an Earth system science practiced on a watershed scale, and it has developed rapidly over the previous two decades. The goal of watershed science is to understand and predict the behavior of complex watershed systems and support the sustainable development of watersheds. However, watershed science confronts the difficulties of understanding complex systems, achieving scale transformation, and simulating the co-evolution of the human-nature system. These difficulties are fundamentally methodological challenges. Therefore, we discuss the research methods of watershed science, which include the self-organized complex system method, the upscaling method dominated by statistical mechanics, Darwinian approaches based on selection and evolutionary principles, hydro-economic and eco-economic methods that emphasize the human-nature system co-evolution, and meta-synthesis for addressing unstructured problems. These approaches together can create a bridge between holism and reductionism and work as a group of operational methods to combine hard and soft integrations and capture all aspects of both natural and human systems. These methods will contribute to the maturation of watershed science and to a methodology that can be used throughout land-surface systems science. 展开更多
关键词 watershed science land-surface system science Earth system science self-organized complex system scale Darwiniantheory human-nature system co-evolution META-SYNTHESIS macro science
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