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抛砖成坝:道光朝东河砖工述略 被引量:2
作者 张通 王帆 《华北水利水电大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期11-15,共5页
清代对河政的重视促使河工新材料和新技术的出现。道光朝东河总督栗毓美探索出抛砖筑坝的护堤方案,砖料相对于旧用的秸料和石料在东河有更好的适用性,故工固而费省,取得了良好的实际效果。然而,这项良策却由于各种原因没有推行下去。通... 清代对河政的重视促使河工新材料和新技术的出现。道光朝东河总督栗毓美探索出抛砖筑坝的护堤方案,砖料相对于旧用的秸料和石料在东河有更好的适用性,故工固而费省,取得了良好的实际效果。然而,这项良策却由于各种原因没有推行下去。通过对东河砖工的行用过程进行阐述,分析砖工的实际作用及价值,探讨"技术锁定"现象的原因,并对新技术推广过程中影响其最终走向的各种因素进行评价。 展开更多
关键词 砖工 栗毓美 东河 道光朝
作者 杨洪儒 张亚南 +4 位作者 孟广生 史哲民 胡志新 崔越昭 刘江 《广东建材》 1994年第2期7-7,共1页
目前,全国陶瓷墙、地砖总产量达3.1146亿平方米,仅次于意大利,居世界第二位。近10年,平均每年以29%的速度增长。陶瓷墙、地砖的规格、花色品种已达上千种,长条彩釉砖、上釉锦砖、仿花岗岩瓷质砖、仿大理石瓷质砖、劈裂砖、釉面西式瓦... 目前,全国陶瓷墙、地砖总产量达3.1146亿平方米,仅次于意大利,居世界第二位。近10年,平均每年以29%的速度增长。陶瓷墙、地砖的规格、花色品种已达上千种,长条彩釉砖、上釉锦砖、仿花岗岩瓷质砖、仿大理石瓷质砖、劈裂砖、釉面西式瓦等都已能生产,陶瓷墙、地砖工业的环保、降耗与经济效益等各方面都有了长足的进步。 展开更多
关键词 陶瓷墙地 几点建议 建材局 砖工 陶瓷 瓷质 劈裂 仿花岗岩 仿大理石
作者 (清)蒋湘南 《山西水利》 2023年第4期11-11,共1页
道光十五年七月,原阳三堡支河告险,砰磅訇磕,宽至百二十丈,仓猝间竹楗、石菑皆不具。文武官惶遽无措。总督河道栗公驰至,令迎溜抛砖,砖垒垒高出水上,大溜立即外移。在工者咸惊以为神。公复下令购砖于民,筑坝三十余,而涨势愈缩,口门收至... 道光十五年七月,原阳三堡支河告险,砰磅訇磕,宽至百二十丈,仓猝间竹楗、石菑皆不具。文武官惶遽无措。总督河道栗公驰至,令迎溜抛砖,砖垒垒高出水上,大溜立即外移。在工者咸惊以为神。公复下令购砖于民,筑坝三十余,而涨势愈缩,口门收至五六丈。拔大柳横塞之,砖如雨下,不逾时而填补。斯役也省帑项无算,沿堤居民欢呼相庆,微用砖之力不及此。 展开更多
关键词 栗毓美 文武官 砖工 筑坝
江苏淮安里运河明清砖工堤与码头发掘简报 被引量:5
作者 刘光亮 张弛 +2 位作者 祁小东 刘振永 李圣洁 《东南文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期61-64,65-68,I0004,共9页
2011年淮安市楚州区里运河发现一段明清砖工堤与码头,均为砖石混合结构,下部有密集的基础木桩,其外有埽工遗迹及多排护堤木桩。河道中清理出土有陶瓷器、钱币和其它生活类器物,以及部分船上用具和大量船钉等,为研究大运河及运河申遗提... 2011年淮安市楚州区里运河发现一段明清砖工堤与码头,均为砖石混合结构,下部有密集的基础木桩,其外有埽工遗迹及多排护堤木桩。河道中清理出土有陶瓷器、钱币和其它生活类器物,以及部分船上用具和大量船钉等,为研究大运河及运河申遗提供了重要的新资料。 展开更多
关键词 里运河 砖工 码头
网络搬砖工、“标题党”及编辑的价值 被引量:1
作者 闫川 《中国编辑》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第3期55-56,共2页
转载新闻和制作新闻标题是网络编辑最日常的两项工作。作者从自身工作实践出发,对网络编辑转载新闻和制作新闻标题提出,网络编辑必须练好基本功,做好基础工作,保持应有的责任心,随时提炼出新闻或者资讯的基本内容,制作精彩的标题。切不... 转载新闻和制作新闻标题是网络编辑最日常的两项工作。作者从自身工作实践出发,对网络编辑转载新闻和制作新闻标题提出,网络编辑必须练好基本功,做好基础工作,保持应有的责任心,随时提炼出新闻或者资讯的基本内容,制作精彩的标题。切不可为了"骗取"一时的点击率,加入"标题党",最终丧失网站的格调。 展开更多
关键词 网络编辑 网络搬砖工 标题党 编辑价值
作者 张默 《诗刊》 北大核心 1994年第4期34-34,共1页
关键词 蝴蝶 砖工 月山 掠过
作者 周延奎 《扬子江(诗刊)》 2006年第2期73-73,共1页
关键词 砖工 时流 吞下 疲劳 腹部 乡村 泥土 骨缝 散开 柔软
作者 卢英逴 《东南文化》 CSSCI 1991年第5期284-287,共4页
灵石寺塔坐落于浙江黄岩潮际乡的灵石寺,该塔始建于北宋乾德三年(965年).主其事者为寺主大德,人称经律大德嗣卿,是一个深受吴越国尊崇的高僧.1987年,寺塔大修时,文物考古人员在塔宫中发现大批珍贵文物,其中经过挑选的字砖和画砖便有120... 灵石寺塔坐落于浙江黄岩潮际乡的灵石寺,该塔始建于北宋乾德三年(965年).主其事者为寺主大德,人称经律大德嗣卿,是一个深受吴越国尊崇的高僧.1987年,寺塔大修时,文物考古人员在塔宫中发现大批珍贵文物,其中经过挑选的字砖和画砖便有120方,本文兹就字砖择要加以论述.字砖共有66方,书写方式多样,有在软砖坯上用硬笔直接书写的;有在砖坯上以刀代笔刻书的;还有一方记账砖和一方题诗砖,是用墨笔直接书写于成砖之上.以上三种字砖,以第一种最具特色,所书运笔自如,生动活泼,犹如简帛文字.故暂名之曰“砖书”,妥当与否,还有待于识者的指教.这种砖书是僻处东海之隅的东瓯故地一枝独秀的民间书法奇葩,当时善于砖书的人为数不少,仅在塔砖上署名的就有十余人之多.他们都是民间写手,不拘泥于法度,而勇于创新.这些砖书,充分表现了作者各不相同的文化水平和政治面貌,并提供了研究黄岩北宋初期有关的史料,而对现代硬笔书法的提倡,亦不无启示.灵石寺塔砖书的佳作,不胜枚举,限于篇幅,今选附原拓图片11份.分别阐述如下:一、继承两汉、魏晋砖文的传统,而又别具唐末宋初的时代特征.附图1砖书的内容是:“戊戌年九月廿一日造砖,其年雨水不遍.”右旁署款为“李乌觑”.李乌是砖书作者,又是制砖工匠, 展开更多
关键词 灵石 寺塔 北宋初期 吴越国 附图 黄岩 砖工
一种新型墙体饰面砂浆的制备及应用 被引量:1
作者 刘湘梅 何远昌 《新型建筑材料》 2013年第2期56-58,共3页
砖工仿作为一种新型饰面砂浆,因与外墙保温系统具有良好的匹配性而得到广泛推广,但是泛碱和易出现色差是其在推广中遇到的两大难题。从研究泛碱机理出发,通过选择合适的抑制泛碱剂、改进配方以及调整制作工艺,开发出一种低价实用的新砖... 砖工仿作为一种新型饰面砂浆,因与外墙保温系统具有良好的匹配性而得到广泛推广,但是泛碱和易出现色差是其在推广中遇到的两大难题。从研究泛碱机理出发,通过选择合适的抑制泛碱剂、改进配方以及调整制作工艺,开发出一种低价实用的新砖工仿。该产品能有效抑制泛碱并达到消除色差的效果。 展开更多
关键词 砖工仿 饰面砂浆 泛碱 抑制泛碱剂 色差
Processing Technology and Quality of Low-fluoride Brick tea 被引量:1
作者 李兰英 王云 +4 位作者 尧渝 马伟伟 李春华 张厅 刘飞 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第9期1680-1685,共6页
In order to promote the quality of brick tea and reduce its fluoride content, the fluoride contents in leaves of 25 tea varieties at the .stage of one bud and five leaves were determined by the method of fluodde-ion s... In order to promote the quality of brick tea and reduce its fluoride content, the fluoride contents in leaves of 25 tea varieties at the .stage of one bud and five leaves were determined by the method of fluodde-ion selective electrode method. The results showed that the fluodde contents in the 25 varieties were in the range of 181.92-345.06 mg/kg, end the fluoride content in 'Zhongcha 302' was the lowest. Based on traditional production process of brick tea, 3 new low-fluoride brick tea production processes with 'Zhongcha 302' as the raw material at the stage of one bud and five leaves were constructed. The fluoride content, physicochemical in- dex, sensory end main chemical contents in the brick tea samples were determined. The best processing process of Iow-fluodde brick tea was process 3, which included aldng, fixing, rolling, second fixing, second roiling, sun-drying, pile-fermentation, steaming, pile-fermentation, drying and shaping into brick by vapor treating. The re- sults showed that the fluoride content and physicochemical index of the brick tea sample of the third low-fluoride brick tea production process accorded with National Standard GB/T 9833.4-2013. The sensory evaluation of the brick tea sample was better than that of brick tea manufacture by the traditional process. The water extract, tea polyphenols, amino acids, caffeine and water-soluble sugar in the brick tea sample increased by 9.41%, 36.39%, 26.94%, 27.23% and 15.29%, respectively. Low-fluodds bdck tea could be produced by selecting low fluoride tea varieties, controlling the tondemess of fresh leaves, and optimizing the processing technique. 展开更多
关键词 Low-fluodde varieties Low-fluoride brick tea Processing technology QUALITY
The Arckitbuilding Bricks as a Didactic Tool for Experimentation in Architectural Design: Possibilities and Limitations
作者 Frederico Braida Rafael Henriques Campos Dias +4 位作者 Icaro Chagas da Silva Isabela Ruback Cascardo de Almeida Janaina Mendes de Castro Mariane Garcia Unanue Antonio Colchete Filho 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2018年第1期59-64,共6页
This article deals with the usage of building bricks as a didactic material for the development of architectural design. The building brick game chosen for analysis was the Arckit, since it is suitable for the archite... This article deals with the usage of building bricks as a didactic material for the development of architectural design. The building brick game chosen for analysis was the Arckit, since it is suitable for the architectural practice. It is estimated that this game can contribute to the design, representation and presentation of projects. In order to investigate in which aspects Arckit presents possibilities of applications, as well as limitations of use, the article approaches the importance of building bricks as a didactic tool and its use in the field of the architectural design process. From a literature review and an empirical experience, this article reports a qualitative research, where the applicability of the Arckit game was checked. Through a critical reflection based on that experience, it was possible to conclude that whereas its limitations to urban form and linked to the formal vocabulary that composes the grammar of these bricks, the Arckit building bricks represent in architecture a playful and experimental way to think and design, fomenting the creativity and the spatial perception, resulting in a particular experience that can make architecture better connected with dreams and joy. 展开更多
关键词 Physical model building bricks didactic tool education design architecture.
Board Independence and Internal Committees in the BRICs
作者 Daniela M. Salvioni Luisa Bosetti Alex Almici 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第8期521-539,共19页
To be successful in global markets, companies from the emerging countries need the approval of foreign investors and other stakeholders. In this regard, Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) have progressively str... To be successful in global markets, companies from the emerging countries need the approval of foreign investors and other stakeholders. In this regard, Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC) have progressively strengthened their corporate governance rules to help their companies overcome the competitors from the old industrialized countries. Directors' non-executive qualification, independence, and professional expertise represent basic requirements for effective corporate governance, so they should be carefully considered to guarantee a proper board composition and an adequate establishment of internal committees in listed companies. The paper intends to compare the legislative and regulatory frameworks adopted by the four countries; then it aims at answering to the following research questions by means of an empirical investigation: Have BRIC companies appointed non-executive and independent board members? What do BRIC companies do in order to assure an effective participation of non-executive and independent board members to corporate governance activities? Have BRIC companies established internal committees? The research examines the appointment of non-executive directors and independent directors to the boards of 100 BRIC leading firms, as well as their involvement in internal committees focused on matters requiring motivated and impartial opinions. Although the laws and recommendations seem to favor a general convergence of corporate governance principles among the four BRIC and towards the international best practices, some differences and peculiarities emerge from a firm-level perspective. Indeed, the Indian and the Chinese companies analyzed appear more inclined than the Brazilian and the Russian ones to reassure their international stakeholders about board independence and effective committees. 展开更多
关键词 corporate governance GLOBALIZATION CONVERGENCE BRICS INDEPENDENCE board committees
Analysis of Some Building Damage Phenomena in the Wenchuan Earthquake
作者 Li Min Li Xiaojun 《Earthquake Research in China》 2012年第2期243-251,共9页
The MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake caused a great deal of damage and collapse to engineering structures. Survey of disaster and engineering damage was made in detail by the authors and other researchers in the extreme eart... The MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake caused a great deal of damage and collapse to engineering structures. Survey of disaster and engineering damage was made in detail by the authors and other researchers in the extreme earthquake disaster area. The paper makes an overview of the earthquake disaster status and damage phenomena which include brick-concrete buildings, frame structures, brick-wood structures, and timber frame residential buildings. Furthermore, the causes of the disaster and building damage phenomena are briefly discussed. In addition, some typical damage phenomena are specialized. According to the phenomena mentioned above, some feasible seismic measures are suggested for the development of buildings in future. 展开更多
关键词 Wenchuan earthquake Earthquake damage survey Damage phenomena Rural houses
Study on Quality Control of Architectural Decoration Engineering
作者 Song Wang Jing Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第5期112-114,共3页
The article analysis of construction surface decoration quality, construction interior wall decoration quality, the construction of exterior wall tile adhesive quality and construction of aluminium alloy exterior qual... The article analysis of construction surface decoration quality, construction interior wall decoration quality, the construction of exterior wall tile adhesive quality and construction of aluminium alloy exterior quality problems, and points out the corresponding prevention measures on the problem. Finally, for wall cracks, the paper put forward the improvement measures. 展开更多
关键词 DECORATION engineering quality construction quality CONTROL
《统计工作》 1958年第18期35-35,共1页
关键词 太原市 鲜花 中等 教育方针 学教育 生迭 学校 “怀疑论” 劳卫制 砖工
江苏淮安天妃坝遗址发掘简报 被引量:3
作者 尹增淮 孙玉军 +5 位作者 王剑 胡兵 包立山 祁小东 刘光亮 胡锦文 《东南文化》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期54-60,共7页
天妃坝遗址位于江苏省淮安市码头镇码头村,是一处与古代运河有关的水利遗存。2011年9月以来的发掘,分别揭示出明代砖工与清代石工两段不同时代的堤坝,其中明代砖工尚属首次发现。天妃坝的发现对于研究明清时期古运河变迁、运口位置、黄... 天妃坝遗址位于江苏省淮安市码头镇码头村,是一处与古代运河有关的水利遗存。2011年9月以来的发掘,分别揭示出明代砖工与清代石工两段不同时代的堤坝,其中明代砖工尚属首次发现。天妃坝的发现对于研究明清时期古运河变迁、运口位置、黄淮交汇形势等都具有重要的价值。 展开更多
关键词 大运河 天妃坝遗址 砖工
《统计》 1986年第5期45-48,共4页
关键词 统计资料 农业总产值 消费额 不变价格 国内外 统计数字 增长百分比 砖工 按当年价格计算 年平均
《家教世界》 2007年第11期51-51,共1页
赵毛毛的爸爸是一名建筑工地的挑砖工,也许过早地体会到爸爸挣钱养家的辛苦,毛毛很懂事,学习成绩总是全班第一。老赵一说起女儿就眉飞色舞的。今天毛毛又考了100分,老赵高兴地拿着卷子,向工友们炫耀。可是,他看这张数学试卷上,毛毛有一... 赵毛毛的爸爸是一名建筑工地的挑砖工,也许过早地体会到爸爸挣钱养家的辛苦,毛毛很懂事,学习成绩总是全班第一。老赵一说起女儿就眉飞色舞的。今天毛毛又考了100分,老赵高兴地拿着卷子,向工友们炫耀。可是,他看这张数学试卷上,毛毛有一道题错了,老师已在旁边扣了一分。这是一道连线题,左边是"一车土,一块砖,一张纸"。右边是"1吨。 展开更多
关键词 满分 砖工 老师 建筑 学习成绩 数学试卷 语言表达能力 旁边 连线题 上海家庭
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