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基于环介导恒温扩增法快速检测破伤风梭菌 被引量:2
作者 李蒙 刘萍 +1 位作者 吴佳燕 蒲晓允 《国际检验医学杂志》 CAS 2011年第17期1924-1926,共3页
目的利用环介导恒温扩增技术,设计快速检测破伤风梭菌的方法,以便对破伤风梭菌感染进行快速检测。方法 (1)设计针对破伤风梭菌的环介导恒温扩增检测方法。(2)对破伤风梭菌恒温扩增法进行特异性试验。(3)对破伤风梭菌恒温扩增法进行灵敏... 目的利用环介导恒温扩增技术,设计快速检测破伤风梭菌的方法,以便对破伤风梭菌感染进行快速检测。方法 (1)设计针对破伤风梭菌的环介导恒温扩增检测方法。(2)对破伤风梭菌恒温扩增法进行特异性试验。(3)对破伤风梭菌恒温扩增法进行灵敏度试验。结果 (1)设计出针对破伤风梭菌的恒温扩增检测方法。(2)本恒温扩增检测方法只扩增破伤风梭菌DNA,对其他菌不扩增,显示出良好的特异性。(3)本恒温扩增检测方法的最低检测限为1×101 CFU/25μL,灵敏度高。结论本试验设计的破伤风梭菌恒温扩增检测方法具有较高的灵敏度和特异性,简便、快速,适用于破伤风梭菌现场检验。 展开更多
关键词 风梭菌 破伤 敏感性和特异性 环介导恒温扩增
眼球穿破伤83例临床及病理分析 被引量:4
作者 陈钧 周国筠 +1 位作者 黄发明 候双风 《眼外伤职业眼病杂志》 北大核心 1996年第4期245-247,共3页
对83例眼球穿破伤进行了临床资料和组织病理分析.眼球穿破伤的主要致伤因素是锐器,穿破伤口多位于眼球前段,伤后丧失眼球的原因,早期以化脓性眼内炎为主,后期多为眼球萎缩及继发性青光眼.病理学特征:眼球穿破伤口愈合不良;外伤性眼内炎... 对83例眼球穿破伤进行了临床资料和组织病理分析.眼球穿破伤的主要致伤因素是锐器,穿破伤口多位于眼球前段,伤后丧失眼球的原因,早期以化脓性眼内炎为主,后期多为眼球萎缩及继发性青光眼.病理学特征:眼球穿破伤口愈合不良;外伤性眼内炎表现中性白细胞浸润和脓肿,视网膜脱离发生率为95.2%;眼球组织萎缩,纤维组织增生形成纤维膜,前房变浅或消失.文中讨论了主要并发症的发生原因和机制,并据此提出了防治措施. 展开更多
关键词 眼球穿破伤 并发症 病理学 眼内炎
自然条件下鼠皮肤破伤与感染EHF关系的研究 被引量:1
作者 汪桂清 杨明瑞 +3 位作者 莫尤美 朱光奇 李十月 张建飞 《中国公共卫生学报》 1992年第4期201-203,共3页
对捕获自湖北流行性出血热(EHF)疫区的224只鼠皮肤破伤进行检查并用免疫荧光方法(IFA)检查鼠肺及血清EHF病毒抗原抗体。结果,鼠皮肤破伤率为30.8%,且其随鼠龄增加而升高;皮肤破伤鼠EHF病毒抗原抗体阳性率分别为24.6%及29.0%,显著高... 对捕获自湖北流行性出血热(EHF)疫区的224只鼠皮肤破伤进行检查并用免疫荧光方法(IFA)检查鼠肺及血清EHF病毒抗原抗体。结果,鼠皮肤破伤率为30.8%,且其随鼠龄增加而升高;皮肤破伤鼠EHF病毒抗原抗体阳性率分别为24.6%及29.0%,显著高于非皮肤破伤鼠的9.0%及8.4%。认为经皮肤破伤感染可能是自然条件下EHF病毒鼠间传播的重要途径。 展开更多
关键词 皮肤破伤 感染 鼠科 流行性出血热
作者 张茹 林国珍 游向东 《南京部队医药》 1998年第4期37-38,共2页
1995-07~1996-06我院收治13例角膜穿破伤伴白内障患者,依病程缓急,予以分步治疗,取得满意效果,现报告如下:1 资料和方法 13例均为男性,年龄16~39 y,共16眼(右眼12只,左眼4只)。受伤时就诊时间除1例陈旧性角膜穿破伤,在伤后1.5 a就诊外... 1995-07~1996-06我院收治13例角膜穿破伤伴白内障患者,依病程缓急,予以分步治疗,取得满意效果,现报告如下:1 资料和方法 13例均为男性,年龄16~39 y,共16眼(右眼12只,左眼4只)。受伤时就诊时间除1例陈旧性角膜穿破伤,在伤后1.5 a就诊外,其余均在伤后3~36 h就诊。 16眼中,6眼爆炸伤,角膜多处小穿通伤,前房硅石异物存留;3眼合并玻璃体内磁性异物;1眼陈旧性外伤瞳孔区晶体皮质吸收,前后囊膜粘连,部分虹膜后粘连,除该患眼,其余受伤眼均有不同程度的前、后囊膜破裂。本组病例术前视力均为光感。 展开更多
关键词 穿破伤 角膜 白内障 手术治疗 漳州 眼爆炸 陈旧性 后囊膜 磁性异物 虹膜后粘连
作者 成移高 《南昌大学学报(医学版)》 CAS 1995年第1期81-81,共1页
56例角膜穿破伤一期处理常见错识的分析成移高(广东省番禺市人民医院眼科番禺511400)角膜穿破伤是目前青少年中严重的眼疾之一,其一期处理的正确与否直接影响患眼的预后。下面就我们在临床中得到的一些经验教训作简要介绍。... 56例角膜穿破伤一期处理常见错识的分析成移高(广东省番禺市人民医院眼科番禺511400)角膜穿破伤是目前青少年中严重的眼疾之一,其一期处理的正确与否直接影响患眼的预后。下面就我们在临床中得到的一些经验教训作简要介绍。1临床资料1993年1月1日至19... 展开更多
关键词 穿破伤 角膜 加压包扎 球结膜注射 眼外肌 阿托品 玻璃体 复方托品酰胺 性白内障 视网膜脱离
作者 朱勤荣 《武汉冶医学报》 1994年第2期70-70,共1页
关键词 新生儿 破伤 儿科护理
作者 肖体仁 《四川皮革》 2000年第4期32-33,共2页
皮衣、沙发、包件等皮制品在穿用过程中难免擦划伤、撕裂、挂破,而且情况各种各样,有的是粒面浅伤(伤层薄,大部分表层未掉或仅少部分脱掉露底,甚至达网状层);有的是断裂(撕口可拼合或有部分小缺口);有的是破洞(整个缺口成孔洞,有的周边... 皮衣、沙发、包件等皮制品在穿用过程中难免擦划伤、撕裂、挂破,而且情况各种各样,有的是粒面浅伤(伤层薄,大部分表层未掉或仅少部分脱掉露底,甚至达网状层);有的是断裂(撕口可拼合或有部分小缺口);有的是破洞(整个缺口成孔洞,有的周边呈虚边);程度有轻有重,数量有多有少,有的分散,有的聚集,有的只单独的一、两处。 展开更多
关键词 皮件 皮衣 破伤 修补方法 整饰处理
作者 徐书永 《山东畜牧兽医》 2005年第6期49-49,共1页
关键词 破伤 病原特点 临床症状 处理方法 治疗措施
面神经破冲复合伤模型的建立与研究 被引量:1
作者 王彦亮 周树夏 +3 位作者 雷德林 李兵仓 赖西南 张良潮 《华西口腔医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第2期95-97,共3页
目的 建立一种模拟面神经爆炸伤的动物模型。方法 麻醉下在距犬面部 5cm、10cm、15cm处放置雷管模拟爆轰波致伤效应 ,并在雷管爆炸同时 ,用滑膛枪发射钢珠弹致犬同侧咬肌切线伤以模拟破片致伤。分别于伤后不同时间取动物心、肺、脑观... 目的 建立一种模拟面神经爆炸伤的动物模型。方法 麻醉下在距犬面部 5cm、10cm、15cm处放置雷管模拟爆轰波致伤效应 ,并在雷管爆炸同时 ,用滑膛枪发射钢珠弹致犬同侧咬肌切线伤以模拟破片致伤。分别于伤后不同时间取动物心、肺、脑观察动物伤情 ,并检测面神经及其核团的病理改变 ,分析不同距离条件下全身和局部的创伤效应。结果  5cm致伤时动物伤情较重 ,尤其是心肺脑等脏器损伤严重 ,不能存活较长时间 ;10cm致伤时动物经过抢救仍可存活 ,受伤的面神经干肿胀 ,外膜不光滑 ,神经干内弥漫性出血 ;15cm致伤时伤情较轻 ,局部神经的损伤程度随距伤道的距离增加而减轻 ,镜下表现为广泛的神经纤维断裂、坏死 ,同时神经元也变性、坏死 ,并有大量炎细胞弥散浸润。结论 所建立的犬破冲复合伤模型重复性好 ,各项致伤条件可控 ,因此可作为研究面神经爆炸性损伤的动物实验模型。 展开更多
关键词 面神经 冲复合模型 建立 研究 动物模型
虎刺梅愈伤组织的诱导和快速繁殖 被引量:4
作者 李修岭 相洪丽 《安徽农业科学》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第18期4572-4573,共2页
以虎刺梅不同部位为试验材料,不同浓度6-BA、NAA进行愈伤组织的诱导和快速繁殖。结果表明,MS培养基附加6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 1.0 mg/L的激素组合对花柄愈伤组织诱导效果最佳;将产生的愈伤组织团转入分化培养基中诱导不定芽,其最适分化培... 以虎刺梅不同部位为试验材料,不同浓度6-BA、NAA进行愈伤组织的诱导和快速繁殖。结果表明,MS培养基附加6-BA 0.5 mg/L+NAA 1.0 mg/L的激素组合对花柄愈伤组织诱导效果最佳;将产生的愈伤组织团转入分化培养基中诱导不定芽,其最适分化培养基为MS附加6-BA 3.0 mg/L+NAA 0.2 mg/L;再生苗在附加6-BA 2.5 mg/L+NAA 0.5 mg/L的MS培养基上生根培养效果较好。 展开更多
关键词 虎刺梅 组织培养 诱导 再生苗 快速繁殖
作者 张恒山 《上海医学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期104-104,共1页
关键词 鱼骨 误食 回肠刺破伤 诊断 治疗
脱管散的制备与临床应用 被引量:4
作者 靳子明 张兆芳 +1 位作者 夏智波 姜劲挺 《甘肃中医学院学报》 2002年第4期38-39,共2页
目的 :说明脱管散临床使用的安全性和有效性。方法 :确定制备条件 ,应用传统经验法配制 ,并制定质量标准 ,统计临床应用资料。结果 :该制剂符合《中华人民共和国药典》2 0 0 0年版一部散剂项下有关的各项规定。微生物限度 :细菌数每克... 目的 :说明脱管散临床使用的安全性和有效性。方法 :确定制备条件 ,应用传统经验法配制 ,并制定质量标准 ,统计临床应用资料。结果 :该制剂符合《中华人民共和国药典》2 0 0 0年版一部散剂项下有关的各项规定。微生物限度 :细菌数每克不超过 1 0 0个 ;霉菌、酵母菌 :每克不超过 1 0个。在临床上用药 1~ 30天 ,均痊愈 ,治愈率达 1 0 0 %。结论 :表明该外用制剂在治疗疮疡破伤、溃疡、乳痈。 展开更多
关键词 脱管散 制备 临床应用 疮疡破伤 溃疡 乳痈 臁疮
Experimental investigation on synergetic prediction of granite rockburst using rock failure time and acoustic emission energy 被引量:11
作者 WANG Chun-lai CAO Cong +3 位作者 LI Chang-feng CHUAI Xiao-sheng ZHAO Guang-ming LU Hui 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第4期1262-1273,共12页
The frequent occurrence of rockburst and the difficulty in predicting were considered in deep engineering and underground engineering.In this work,laboratory experiments on rockburst under true triaxial conditions wer... The frequent occurrence of rockburst and the difficulty in predicting were considered in deep engineering and underground engineering.In this work,laboratory experiments on rockburst under true triaxial conditions were carried out with granite samples.Combined with the deformation characteristics of granite,acoustic emission(AE)technology was well applied in revealing the evolution law of micro-cracks in the process of rockburst.Based on the comprehensive analysis of acoustic emission parameters such as impact,ringing and energy,the phased characteristics of crack propagation and damage evolution in granite were obtained,which were consistent with the stages of rock deformation and failure.Subsequently,based on the critical point theory,the accelerated release characteristics of acoustic emission energy during rockburst were analyzed.Based on the damage theory,the damage evolution model of rock under different loading conditions was proposed,and the prediction interval of rock failure time was ascertained concurrently.Finally,regarding damage as an intermediate variable,the synergetic prediction model of rock failure time was constructed.The feasibility and validity of model were verified. 展开更多
关键词 ROCKBURST acoustic emission energy damage failure time synergetic prediction
作者 谭文辉 马占宏 +3 位作者 陈福才 齐浩波 杨瑛 张自修 《普外临床》 CSCD 1993年第2期81-83,共3页
关键词 定量优化方案 普鲁卡因 青霉素 甘露醇
Numerical investigation of effect of eccentric decoupled charge structure on blasting-induced rock damage 被引量:12
作者 PAN Cheng XIE Li-xiang +3 位作者 LI Xing LIU Kai GAO Peng-fei TIAN Long-gang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第2期663-679,共17页
Eccentric decoupling blasting is commonly used in underground excavation.Determination of perimeter hole parameters(such as the blasthole diameter,spacing,and burden)based on an eccentric charge structure is vital for... Eccentric decoupling blasting is commonly used in underground excavation.Determination of perimeter hole parameters(such as the blasthole diameter,spacing,and burden)based on an eccentric charge structure is vital for achieving an excellent smooth blasting effect.In this paper,the Riedel-Hiermaier-Thoma(RHT)model was employed to study rock mass damage under smooth blasting.Firstly,the parameters of the RHT model were calibrated by using the existing SHPB experiment,which were then verified by the existing blasting experiment results.Secondly,the influence of different charge structures on the blasting effect was investigated using the RHT model.The simulation results indicated that eccentric charge blasting has an obvious pressure eccentricity effect.Finally,to improve the blasting effect,the smooth blasting parameters were optimized based on an eccentric charge structure.The overbreak and underbreak phenomena were effectively controlled,and a good blasting effect was achieved with the optimized blasting parameters. 展开更多
关键词 eccentric charge structure smooth blasting rock mass damage RHT model parameter optimization
Effects of loading waveforms on rock damage using particle simulation method 被引量:5
作者 XIA Ming GONG Feng-qiang 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2018年第7期1755-1765,共11页
The particle simulation method is used to study the effects of loading waveforms (i.e. square, sinusoidal and triangle waveforms) on rock damage at mesoscopic scale. Then some influencing factors on rock damage at t... The particle simulation method is used to study the effects of loading waveforms (i.e. square, sinusoidal and triangle waveforms) on rock damage at mesoscopic scale. Then some influencing factors on rock damage at the mesoscopic scale, such as loading frequency, stress amplitude, mean stress, confining pressure and loading sequence, are also investigated with sinusoidal waveform in detail. The related numerical results have demonstrated that: 1) the loading waveform has a certain effect on rock failure processes. The square waveform has the most damage within these waveforms, while the triangle waveform has less damage than sinusoidal waveform. In each cycle, the number of microscopic cracks increases in the loading stage, while it keeps nearly constant in the unloading stage. 2) The loading frequency, stress amplitude, mean stress, confining pressure and loading sequence have considerable effects on rock damage subjected to cyclic loading. The higher the loading frequency, stress amplitude and mean stress, the greater the damage the rock accumulated; in contrast, the lower the confining pressure, the greater the damage the rock has accumulated. 3) There is a threshold value of mean stress and stress amplitude, below which no further damage accumulated after the first few cycle loadings. 4) The high-to-low loading sequence has more damage than the low-to-high loading sequence, suggesting that the rock damage is loading-path dependent. 展开更多
关键词 rock damage failure process crack initiation and propagation loading waveform cycle loading particle simulation method
Mechanical and energy dissipation characteristics of granite under cyclic impact loading 被引量:8
作者 DAI Bing SHAN Qi-wei +1 位作者 CHEN Ying LUO Xin-yao 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第1期116-128,共13页
This study investigated the effect of repeated blasting on the stability of surrounding rock during the construction of a tunnel or city underground engineering.The split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB)was used to carry ... This study investigated the effect of repeated blasting on the stability of surrounding rock during the construction of a tunnel or city underground engineering.The split Hopkinson pressure bar(SHPB)was used to carry out cyclic impact tests on granite samples,each having a circular hole,under different axial pressures,and the cumulative specific energy was proposed to characterize the damage characteristics of the rock during the cyclic impact.The mechanical properties and the energy absorbed by the granite samples under cyclic impact loads were analyzed.The results showed that under different axial pressures,the reflected waveform from the samples was characterized by“double-peak”phenomenon,which gradually changed to“single-peak”wi th the increase in damage value.The dynamic peak stress of the sample first increased and then decreased with an increase in impact times.The damage value criterion established based on the energy dissipation could well characterize the relationship between the damage and the number of impacts,which showed a slow increase,steady increase,and high-speed increase,and the damage value depended mainly on the last impact.Under the action of different axial pressures,all the failure modes of the samples were axial splitting failures.As the strain rate increased,with an increase in the dimension of the block,the sizes of the rock fragments decreased,and the fragmentation became more severe. 展开更多
关键词 specific energy damage strain rate failure form energy dissipation failure mode
Damage mechanism of single-layer reticulated domes under severe earthquakes 被引量:1
作者 于晓野 范峰 +1 位作者 支旭东 沈世钊 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2009年第1期121-130,共10页
To study the damage mechanism of single-layer reticulated domes subject to severe earthquakes, three limit states of single-layer reticulated domes under earthquakes are defined firstly in this paper. Then, two failur... To study the damage mechanism of single-layer reticulated domes subject to severe earthquakes, three limit states of single-layer reticulated domes under earthquakes are defined firstly in this paper. Then, two failure modes are presented by analyzing damage behaviors, and their characteristics are pointed out respectively. Furthermore, the damage process is analyzed and the causes of structural damage in different levels are studied. Finally, by comparing deformation and vibration status of domes with different failure modes, the principles of different failures are revealed and an integrated frame of damage mechanism is set up. 展开更多
关键词 single-layer reticulated domes severe earthquakes damage mechanism limit states failure modes
Tetanus in Cat: From Neglected Wound to Neuromuscular DisordermCase Report
作者 Maksimovic Alan Filipovic Selma +1 位作者 Lutvikadic Ismar Sunje-Rizvan Amila 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第4期182-184,共3页
Tetanus is caused by the bacterium, Clostridium tetanL and can infect both domestic animals and man. The disease is rarely diagnosed in cats, as a consequence of their increased resistance to the neurotoxin, tetanospa... Tetanus is caused by the bacterium, Clostridium tetanL and can infect both domestic animals and man. The disease is rarely diagnosed in cats, as a consequence of their increased resistance to the neurotoxin, tetanospasmin. Mortality in animals is generally high (80%). To date these authors have not been able to locate any reports of mortality rates specific to cats. Clinical diagnosis is based on clinical signs and a history of an untreated penetrating wound. This case report describes the development of moderate generalized tetanus in an approximately six month old female stray cat, found with an untreated wound on the side of its neck. This report describes clinical signs, treatment and recovery of the animal. 展开更多
关键词 FELINE neglected wound TETANUS therapy.
Splenic rupture following colonoscopy
作者 Juan Francisco Guerra Ignacio San Francisco +1 位作者 Fernando Pimentel Luis Ibanez 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第41期6410-6412,共3页
Colonoscopy is a safe and routinely performed diagnostic and therapeutic procedure for different colorectal diseases. Although the most common complications are bleeding and perforation, extracolonic or visceral injur... Colonoscopy is a safe and routinely performed diagnostic and therapeutic procedure for different colorectal diseases. Although the most common complications are bleeding and perforation, extracolonic or visceral injuries have also been described. Splenic rupture is a rare complication following colonoscopy, with few cases reported. We report a 60-year-old female who presented to surgical consultation 8 h after a diagnostic colonoscopy. Clinical, laboratory and imaging findings were suggestive for a massive hemoperitoneum. At surgery, an almost complete splenic disruption was evident, and an urgent splenectomy was performed. After an uneventful postoperative period, she was discharged home. Splenic injury following colonoscopy is considered infrequent. Direct trauma and excessive traction of the splenocolic ligament can explain the occurrence of this complication. Many times the diagnosis is delayed because the symptoms are due to colonic insuffl ation, so the most frequent treatment is an urgent splenectomy. A high index of suspicion needs an early diagnosis and adequate therapy. 展开更多
关键词 COLONOSCOPY Splenic injury Splenic rupture SPLENECTOMY
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