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低温氧化破粘对煤炭地下气化热解特性的影响 被引量:3
作者 焦子阳 刘丽丽 +1 位作者 李冬阳 梁杰 《洁净煤技术》 CAS 2011年第5期28-30,69,共4页
粘结性烟煤在地下气化过程中容易造成通道堵塞,气流分布不均匀进而导致地下气化过程环境的恶化,使气化反应停止。粘结特性在热解过程中表现得尤为突出,研究了低温氧化破粘的方法对地下气化热解特性的影响。结果表明随着氧化时间的增加,... 粘结性烟煤在地下气化过程中容易造成通道堵塞,气流分布不均匀进而导致地下气化过程环境的恶化,使气化反应停止。粘结特性在热解过程中表现得尤为突出,研究了低温氧化破粘的方法对地下气化热解特性的影响。结果表明随着氧化时间的增加,最大失重速率降低,煤气中H2,CH4体积分数以及热值在部分热解温度区间均低于原煤,从而增加了煤炭地下气化热解惰性。 展开更多
关键词 煤炭地下气化 低温氧化 破粘 热解
粘结性煤的破粘方法试验研究 被引量:8
作者 韦章兵 曾蒲君 +1 位作者 李华祥 冯治斌 《中州煤炭》 1997年第3期15-17,共3页
关键词 结性煤 破粘 试验研究 泥煤 褐煤
粘结性烟煤预氧化破粘技术的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 赵志刚 解乐乐 +2 位作者 查荣轩 谢瑞伦 潘罗成 《广东化工》 CAS 2018年第7期145-146,共2页
关键词 烟煤 破粘 预氧化 进展
对无破粘装置鲁奇加压气化用煤新途径的研究 被引量:1
作者 任宝生 姜殿臣 李钟模 《化工矿物与加工》 CAS 北大核心 2002年第4期31-32,共2页
哈尔滨气化厂引进的德国鲁奇加压气化技术 ,其中无破粘装置采用的原料煤来自依兰煤矿无粘结性的长焰煤。经几年来的运行 ,效果稳定。但原设计只适用于长焰煤 ,用煤范围很窄 ,为拓宽气化用煤的新途径 ,笔者等采用黑龙江省两种地方煤矿的... 哈尔滨气化厂引进的德国鲁奇加压气化技术 ,其中无破粘装置采用的原料煤来自依兰煤矿无粘结性的长焰煤。经几年来的运行 ,效果稳定。但原设计只适用于长焰煤 ,用煤范围很窄 ,为拓宽气化用煤的新途径 ,笔者等采用黑龙江省两种地方煤矿的褐煤进行试验研究 ,取得了良好的效果 ,既拓宽了用煤途径 。 展开更多
关键词 气化技术 长焰煤 褐煤试验 褐煤1# 褐煤2# 破粘装置 鲁奇加压气化用煤 研究
烟煤加压气化的破粘与脱硫 被引量:5
作者 赵守国 《煤炭加工与综合利用》 CAS 1998年第2期42-43,共2页
关键词 烟煤 加压气化 气化炉 破粘 脱硫 PKM型 气化
作者 景义清 闫金瑞 刘健生 《能源基地建设》 1999年第5期43-44,共2页
关键词 结性 破粘试验 煤炭
烟煤气化中破粘的研究 被引量:9
作者 田树义 付振英 《煤气与热力》 北大核心 1994年第5期3-7,共5页
本文采用的破粘方法是在粘结性烟煤中加入工业废弃液,只加入煤重的12.5%的原废液即可,原煤粘结指数从17的降到3,如果配成煤浆加到煤的30%;粘结性可全部破除,气化的效果很好,其破粘不仅是物理作用,还有化学反应。反应... 本文采用的破粘方法是在粘结性烟煤中加入工业废弃液,只加入煤重的12.5%的原废液即可,原煤粘结指数从17的降到3,如果配成煤浆加到煤的30%;粘结性可全部破除,气化的效果很好,其破粘不仅是物理作用,还有化学反应。反应温度大约在350~500℃。该法既解决了破粘问题,也解决了废弃液排放的问题。 展开更多
关键词 烟煤 气化 破粘
有效降解PRD钻井液的低温破胶剂JPC室内研究 被引量:27
作者 马美娜 许明标 +3 位作者 唐海雄 张俊斌 王昌军 王晓亮 《油田化学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第4期289-291,共3页
用PRD聚合物钻井液钻井完钻后,须对井筒内余留的钻井液实施破胶处理,以免钻井液污染地层。常用的氧化荆破胶法低温破胶效果差。本文报道低温破胶刑JPC的实验研究结果。实验钻井液(胶液)为0.65%PF-VIS增粘的PRD钻井液。用破胶率即... 用PRD聚合物钻井液钻井完钻后,须对井筒内余留的钻井液实施破胶处理,以免钻井液污染地层。常用的氧化荆破胶法低温破胶效果差。本文报道低温破胶刑JPC的实验研究结果。实验钻井液(胶液)为0.65%PF-VIS增粘的PRD钻井液。用破胶率即以空白处理胶液为基准的破胶剂处理胶液表观粘度降低率表示破胶效果。在包括强氧化性酸、盐、碱的9种化学(生化)刑中,JPC的50℃、4h破胶率最高,为95.2%(加量1.0%),α-葡糖酶次之,为72.1%(加量1.5%),其余均低于50%。JPC的破胶率随加量增大而增大,加量≥1.5%时趋于恒定,适宜加量为2.0%;破胶温度升高(21-95℃)或破胶时间延长(0.5~5.0h)时破胶率增大,加量2.0%、50℃、3h破胶率超过90%,破胶液21℃表现粘度为4.0mPa·s。JPC对储层无伤害,注入2.0%的JPC海水溶液4.5PV时,南海西江23—1油藏岩心渗透率不降低,油相渗透率在注入煤油7.0PV时完全恢复。图3表3参2。 展开更多
关键词 胶剂 PRD聚合物钻井液 井底处理 胶降 低温
水溶性稠油降粘剂性能评价方法探讨 被引量:9
作者 乐江华 贾国澜 +1 位作者 刘生丽 韩俊伟 《新疆石油科技》 2009年第2期47-50,共4页
降粘率是稠油降粘剂重要的性能评价指标,针对稠油降粘剂评价标准中关于降粘率评价方法的规定,分析脱水稠油和未脱水的W/O(油包水)型稠油乳状液对降粘率测试结果的影响程度。在实验中发现不稳定的O/W(水包油)型稠油乳状液的表观粘度测试... 降粘率是稠油降粘剂重要的性能评价指标,针对稠油降粘剂评价标准中关于降粘率评价方法的规定,分析脱水稠油和未脱水的W/O(油包水)型稠油乳状液对降粘率测试结果的影响程度。在实验中发现不稳定的O/W(水包油)型稠油乳状液的表观粘度测试数据浮动较大,列举了几种不同的粘度测试系统对不稳定的O/W型稠油乳状液表现粘度测定结果的影响。同时联系原油开采及处理过程,分析稠油经过化学降粘后对其后期的脱水处理和稠油污水净化过程的影响,建议在稠油降粘剂评价标准中增加"稠油降粘剂与原油破乳剂、反相破乳剂配伍性"的技术指标。 展开更多
关键词 稠油 水溶性稠油降 O/W稠油乳状液 率原油乳剂 反相乳剂 配伍性
作者 崔维春 雷利婧 +2 位作者 姚友龙 万青翠 顾菊萍 《黑河科技》 2003年第4期71-72,共2页
孤东油田边部分布了少量薄层稠油油藏,因储量品位低(层薄、油稠、出砂严重),探明后长期不能动用。本文介绍了在孤东九区南部进行冷采方面一系列配套技术的成功经验,主要是通过防砂方式的选择、破乳降粘、机采配套等技术使油井恢复了生... 孤东油田边部分布了少量薄层稠油油藏,因储量品位低(层薄、油稠、出砂严重),探明后长期不能动用。本文介绍了在孤东九区南部进行冷采方面一系列配套技术的成功经验,主要是通过防砂方式的选择、破乳降粘、机采配套等技术使油井恢复了生产。实践证明,这项配套措施具有投资少,效益高的特点,对薄层稠油出砂油藏开发有较强的适应性,具有推广价值。 展开更多
关键词 薄层稠油出砂油藏 防砂方式 乳化液 乳降 机采方式
塔河油田深层稠油开采技术研究 被引量:9
作者 贾晓燕 《西部探矿工程》 CAS 2014年第4期46-48,共3页
介绍了塔河稠油开采中掺稀降粘、破乳型降粘、电加热以及沥青分散稳定降粘工艺的现场应用情况,分析了各种工艺现场应用的适应性。分析认为,在地层能量充足、综合含水率较低的情况下,掺稀降粘效果好,适应性广,对于中高含水井,破乳型降粘... 介绍了塔河稠油开采中掺稀降粘、破乳型降粘、电加热以及沥青分散稳定降粘工艺的现场应用情况,分析了各种工艺现场应用的适应性。分析认为,在地层能量充足、综合含水率较低的情况下,掺稀降粘效果好,适应性广,对于中高含水井,破乳型降粘工艺具有工艺简单、药剂成本低廉、降粘率高的特点,对于地层能量不足的深层稠油井以稀油作为动力液的水力喷射泵掺稀降粘工艺增产效果明显。 展开更多
关键词 稠油 掺稀 乳型降
香豆胶开发及应用 被引量:1
作者 邓宇明 《肉类工业》 2013年第3期36-37,共2页
通过加工香豆胶胚乳片的工艺,采用水合,破壁增粘和制粉进行处理,制成的香豆胶,水不溶物小于5%,黏度达4 000~5 000 mPa.s,满足各方面生产应用需要。
关键词 香豆 胚乳 香豆胶 水合 壁增 制粉
Tensile bond anchorage properties of Australian 500N steel bars in concrete 被引量:2
作者 李海涛 A.J.Deeks +1 位作者 苏小卒 黄东升 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第10期2718-2725,共8页
In order to investigate the tensile bond anchorage properties of Australian 500N steel bars in concrete, 111 pullout tests were conducted. The precise bond slip values have been gained by using the laser displacement ... In order to investigate the tensile bond anchorage properties of Australian 500N steel bars in concrete, 111 pullout tests were conducted. The precise bond slip values have been gained by using the laser displacement sensor with high resolution, including the complete bond-slip curves. How the main anchorage factors such as concrete strength, bar diameter (8, I0, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32 and 36 mm) the concrete covered, embedded length and transverse reinforcement influencing the bond anchorage properties was studied under tensile condition. The process of the tensile force-slip failure for Australian 500N reinforcing steel can be divided into five stages: elastic stage, local slip stage, slip in ascent stage, slip in descent stage and remnant stage. The formula for calculating the tensile bond strength of Australian 500N reinforcing bar in concrete was proposed according to the test results, including the consistent model for tensile bond-slip relationship. 展开更多
关键词 Australian 500N steel bars pullout test embedded length tensile bond strength bond-slip relationship concretestrength bar diameter
Hydro-mechanical coupling mechanism on joint of clay core-wall and concrete cut-off wall 被引量:3
作者 罗玉龙 詹美礼 +1 位作者 盛金昌 吴强 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第9期2578-2585,共8页
The joint of clay core-wall and concrete cut-off wall is one of the weakest parts in high earth and rockftll dams.A kind of highly plastic clay is always fixed on the joint to fit the large shear deformation between c... The joint of clay core-wall and concrete cut-off wall is one of the weakest parts in high earth and rockftll dams.A kind of highly plastic clay is always fixed on the joint to fit the large shear deformation between clay core-wall and concrete cut-offwall,so the hydro-mechanical coupling mechanisms on the joint under high stress,high hydraulic gradient,and large shear deformation are of great importance for the evaluation of dam safety.The hydro-mechanical coupling characteristics of the joint of the highly plastic clay and the concrete cut-off wall in a high earth and rockfill dam in China were studied by using a newly designed soil-structure contact erosion apparatus.The experimental results indicate that:1) Shear failure on the joint is due to the hydro-mechanical coupling effect of stress and seepage failure.The seepage failure will induce the final shear failure when the ratio of deviatoric stress to confining pressure is within 1.0-1.2; 2) A negative exponential permeability empirical model for the joint denoted by a newly defined principal stress function,which considers the coupling effect of confining pressure and axial pressure on the permeability,is established based on hydro-mechanical coupling experiments.3) The variation of the settlement before and after seepage failure is very different.The settlement before seepage failure changes very slowly,while it increases significantly after the seepage failure.4) The stress-strain relationship is of a strain softening type.5) Flow along the joint still follows Darcian flow rule.The results will provide an important theoretical basis for the further evaluation on the safety of the high earth and rockfill dam. 展开更多
关键词 high earth and rockfill dam soil/structure interface hydro-mechanical coupling mechanism seepage failure shear failure
The Creeping Shores of the Golden Horn
作者 Ergtin Togrol Yalgun Eyigtin Serkan Ktiman 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第2期174-181,共8页
In a soft clay layer overlain by a thick man made ground layer, as in the case of the Unkapam shores of the Golden Horn, excess pore pressures have remained for long periods and the soft clay layer has hardly undergon... In a soft clay layer overlain by a thick man made ground layer, as in the case of the Unkapam shores of the Golden Horn, excess pore pressures have remained for long periods and the soft clay layer has hardly undergone few volumetric deformations. Along the shores of the Golden Horn such creep of the soil towards the sea has been detected at more than 40 mm in the last 26 months. The measurements of those movements are examined in this paper. Our research points out that the local failure of a soil element or of a particular layer differs from the general failure of the soil mass. Furthermore, the large masses of unfailed soil which overlie the soft layer along the shores of the Golden Horn delay the general failure of the slopes. We conclude that the shear strains producing excessive pore pressures is the cause of the creep observed. Because a proper solution still need to be found for a sustainable stability of the area, it is necessary to continue with the measurements of the Golden Horn's creeping shores. 展开更多
关键词 Pore pressure dissipation CREEP slope stability.
Drag-induced breakup mechanism for droplet generation in dripping within flow focusing microfluidics
作者 吴平 罗昭锋 +4 位作者 刘志峰 李自达 陈驰 冯礼理 何立群 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第1期7-14,共8页
Based on viscous drag-induced breakup mechanism, a simple model was proposed to predict the dripping droplet size as a function of controllable parameters in flow focusing micro devices. The size of thread before brea... Based on viscous drag-induced breakup mechanism, a simple model was proposed to predict the dripping droplet size as a function of controllable parameters in flow focusing micro devices. The size of thread before breakup was also investigated through laminar flow theory. Experiments and numerical simulations by VOF are carried out simultaneously to validate the theoretical analysis, showing that droplet size decreases rapidly with the increase of the flow rate ratio and capillary number. 展开更多
关键词 MICROFLUIDICS DROPLET DRIPPING Flow focusing Thread Force balance
Potential Use of Crushed Ghanaian Limestone in Paste and Mortar Formulated for Masonry
作者 Mark Bediako Albert A. Adjaottor Simon K. Y. Gawu 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第3期258-264,共7页
Crushed Ghanaian limestone (L) powder was analysed for its physical, chemical and microstructural properties for the formulation of mortar for masonry. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) was replaced by 10- 40% limest... Crushed Ghanaian limestone (L) powder was analysed for its physical, chemical and microstructural properties for the formulation of mortar for masonry. Ordinary Portland Cement (OPC) was replaced by 10- 40% limestone powder for paste and mortar formulation. Mechanical properties that included compressive strength, water demand and setting times (initial and final) were determined and analysed. The mechanical properties were determined in accordance with ASTM standards. The test results indicated that crushed limestone powder contained about 88.7% CaO in calcite form. A 10-30% and 35-40% limestone content in conjunction with OPC was suitable to produce ASTM type M and S mortars respectively. Formulated OPC - L paste showed a high water demand, a delayed initial setting time and an accelerated final setting time than the plain OPC paste. 展开更多
关键词 Limestone powder masonry mortar water demand setting times compressive strength
作者 黎元生 《抚顺烃加工技术》 2001年第5期12-21,共10页
关键词 燃料油产品 重油 裂化 裂解反应 缩合反应 反应深度 渣油 轻质化 稠油乳-减联合工艺 生焦载体 流化床反应器 催化减 供氢剂
作者 菲泓 《草原》 2007年第5期78-79,共2页
关键词 蒲公英 科尔沁 等待 话语 破粘 降落 责任编辑 满清 少年 交错
Blowup mechanism for viscous compressible heat-conductive magnetohydrodynamic flows in three dimensions 被引量:3
作者 WANG YongFu DU LiLi LI Shan 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第8期1677-1696,共20页
We investigate initial-boundary-value problem for three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) system of compressible viscous heat-conductive flows and the three-dimensional full compressible Navier-Stokes equations.... We investigate initial-boundary-value problem for three-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) system of compressible viscous heat-conductive flows and the three-dimensional full compressible Navier-Stokes equations. We establish a blowup criterion only in terms of the derivative of velocity field, similar to the Beale^Kato-Majda type criterion for compressible viscous barotropic flows by Huang et al. (2011). The results indicate that the nature of the blowup for compressible MHD models of viscous media is similar to the barotropic compressible Navier-Stokes equations and does not depend on further sophistication of the MHD model, in particular, it is independent of the temperature and magnetic field. It also reveals that the deformation tensor of the velocity field plays a more dominant role than the electromagnetic field and the temperature in regularity theory. Especially, the similar results also hold for compressible viscous heat-conductive Navier-Stokes flows, which extend the results established by Fan et al. (2010), and I-Iuang and Li (2009). In addition, the viscous coefficients are only restricted by the physical conditions in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 blow up compressible magnetohydrodynamic flows compressible Navier-Stokes equations strong solutions
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