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异常高压碳酸岩油藏水力破裂缝成因 被引量:2
作者 李南 程林松 +1 位作者 廉培庆 程佳 《世界地质》 CAS CSCD 2011年第1期56-59,共4页
从水力破裂缝形成机理和条件入手,分析水力破裂缝形成的潜在原因。以某异常高压油田为例,通过对构造演化史进行研究,确定了该油田具有水力破裂缝形成的条件。对岩心照片观察结果表明,该油田存在水力破裂缝,其形成方式主要分为:重新开启... 从水力破裂缝形成机理和条件入手,分析水力破裂缝形成的潜在原因。以某异常高压油田为例,通过对构造演化史进行研究,确定了该油田具有水力破裂缝形成的条件。对岩心照片观察结果表明,该油田存在水力破裂缝,其形成方式主要分为:重新开启缝、后期延伸缝及新形成缝;这三类裂缝主要分布在渗透率较低的隔夹层,形成的水力破裂缝可大大改善储层渗流能力,形成高产储层。 展开更多
关键词 异常高压 碳酸岩 水力破裂缝 裂缝成因模式
肯基亚克盐下油田水力破裂缝成因及分布预测 被引量:2
作者 薛永超 程林松 李南 《断块油气田》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第6期765-768,共4页
目前,水力破裂缝研究仅限于岩心尺度的描述,难以产生矿场应用效果。通过对肯基亚克盐下油田研究认为:大量外排的压实流体和源岩大量生排烃为水力破裂缝发育提供了丰富的流体来源;快速沉降、强烈成岩、盐丘刺穿及良好的封闭环境、优越的... 目前,水力破裂缝研究仅限于岩心尺度的描述,难以产生矿场应用效果。通过对肯基亚克盐下油田研究认为:大量外排的压实流体和源岩大量生排烃为水力破裂缝发育提供了丰富的流体来源;快速沉降、强烈成岩、盐丘刺穿及良好的封闭环境、优越的生烃条件促使了异常孔隙流体高压的形成,为水力破裂缝发育提供了重要条件;而孔隙流体压力大于地层破裂压力则是水力破裂缝发育的力学机制。因此,研究区水力破裂缝普遍发育。实验表明,闭合状态的水力破裂缝渗流能力仍高于基质。根据现今应力场模拟和水力破裂缝开启条件分析认为,研究区当前水力破裂缝基本处于闭合状态,但对油田生产仍起到重要的积极作用。通过岩心描述,开启先前闭合裂缝模式是研究区水力破裂缝的主要形式。最后,分析水力破裂缝测井响应特征,依据岩心刻度测井法,确定高渗优质储层邻近的低渗层是水力破裂缝发育集中区。 展开更多
关键词 水力破裂缝 模式 分布预测 异常高压 肯基亚克油田
柴达木盆地英西地区E_3~2裂缝成因与油气地质意义 被引量:21
作者 李翔 王建功 +5 位作者 张平 李琳 黄成刚 伍坤宇 张庆辉 龙伟 《岩性油气藏》 CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期45-54,共10页
近年来,柴达木盆地英西地区下干柴沟组上段(E_3~2)低孔超低渗油气藏勘探连续取得突破,勘探证实区内裂缝系统与油气富集高产存在联系,因此明确其裂缝成因机制,具有重要的油气地质意义。以岩石学特征、物性、自源超压与裂缝的匹配关系为基... 近年来,柴达木盆地英西地区下干柴沟组上段(E_3~2)低孔超低渗油气藏勘探连续取得突破,勘探证实区内裂缝系统与油气富集高产存在联系,因此明确其裂缝成因机制,具有重要的油气地质意义。以岩石学特征、物性、自源超压与裂缝的匹配关系为基础,结合不同成因机制的裂缝与油气产能的关系,同时综合构造、盐岩以及岩石物理实验,提出英西地区异常高压油气藏的预测方法。研究结果表明:(1)多期复杂构造运动形成了大量构造缝,但多被硬石膏充填;(2)下部相对优质的烃源岩在生-排烃过程中产生异常高压而破裂,并在上部稳定岩盐盖层作用下得以保存,形成大量对油气运移起输导作用的有效缝;(3)基于有效缝成因机制与模式,可通过地震属性、岩盐厚度以及异常高压分布,结合古地貌特征,准确预测英西地区油气高产富集区的分布。该研究成果对于区内致密碳酸盐岩油气勘探具有指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 异常高压 水力破裂缝 三轴应力实验 叠后振幅方位分解 下干柴沟组 柴达木盆地
异常高压碳酸盐岩储集层裂缝特征及形成机制——以哈萨克斯坦肯基亚克油田为例 被引量:16
作者 卞德智 赵伦 +2 位作者 陈烨菲 喻莲 范子菲 《石油勘探与开发》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第4期394-399,共6页
以哈萨克斯坦肯基亚克油田为例讨论了异常高压碳酸盐岩油藏储集层裂缝特征及形成机制。异常高压条件下形成的碳酸盐岩储集层除发育构造裂缝和岩溶裂缝外,还发育水力破裂缝。盐下石炭系水力破裂缝形成于中、新生代,宏观上表现为将岩体切... 以哈萨克斯坦肯基亚克油田为例讨论了异常高压碳酸盐岩油藏储集层裂缝特征及形成机制。异常高压条件下形成的碳酸盐岩储集层除发育构造裂缝和岩溶裂缝外,还发育水力破裂缝。盐下石炭系水力破裂缝形成于中、新生代,宏观上表现为将岩体切割成角砾状及充填方解石脉,微观上表现为沿孔隙周围呈放射状分布。该区裂缝系统的形成与演化经历了3个主要阶段,即构造变形与抬升阶段、构造拉张与沉降阶段、水力破裂阶段。在水力破裂阶段,在盐丘活动、构造运动等多种因素作用下,盐下地层中形成异常高压带,压力系数高达1.84,在异常高压条件下,二叠系泥岩不渗透层下的石炭系碳酸盐岩低渗透层发生破裂,形成水力破裂缝,同时使早期闭合的裂缝开启、扩张和延伸。水力破裂缝以张性裂缝为主,其张开时间晚,充填程度低,是研究区主要的有效裂缝。 展开更多
关键词 碳酸盐岩 异常高压 构造裂缝 水力破裂缝 形成机制
裂缝型碳酸盐岩纤维降滤失实验研究及应用 被引量:3
作者 鄢宇杰 汪淑敏 +1 位作者 李永寿 付振永 《断块油气田》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第4期574-577,共4页
为了解决裂缝型碳酸盐岩储层天然裂缝发育、工作液滤失严重、酸蚀缝长短影响酸压效果的问题,提出利用可降解纤维降滤失方法。采用油田露头制成的标准岩心,利用动态滤失仪评价纤维的降滤失性能。对比不同纤维长度、纤维加量、不同泵注排... 为了解决裂缝型碳酸盐岩储层天然裂缝发育、工作液滤失严重、酸蚀缝长短影响酸压效果的问题,提出利用可降解纤维降滤失方法。采用油田露头制成的标准岩心,利用动态滤失仪评价纤维的降滤失性能。对比不同纤维长度、纤维加量、不同泵注排量下的最大驱替压差与维持时间,优化了降滤失工艺参数。实验结果表明:纤维降滤失效果较好,整体降滤失能力可达到50%;纤维长度5 mm,泵注排量0.5 L/min,纤维加量2.0%时具有良好的降滤失效果。S09井应用该工艺,压力上升8.7 MPa,改造后初期日产液高于同样储层类型邻井43%,效果显著。 展开更多
关键词 裂缝酸盐岩 天然裂缝 滤失 纤维 降滤失'工艺参数
水压致裂法三维地应力测量成果计算与分析的探讨 被引量:20
作者 刘允芳 钟作武 汪洁 《岩石力学与工程学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第6期833-838,共6页
关键词 水压致裂法 三维地应力测量 破裂缝方向 资料分析整理
四川元坝地区须家河组沥青发育分布特征及其烃源岩排烃通道标志 被引量:5
作者 邹华耀 郝芳 +4 位作者 李平平 朱扬明 张莉 张俊武 张升磊 《地球科学与环境学报》 CAS 北大核心 2018年第1期1-10,共10页
四川元坝地区须家河组为一套含煤层系。基于岩芯观测、沥青有机地球化学分析和沥青产状描述,发现泥质烃源岩与砂砾岩储层裂缝中广泛发育固体沥青,这些固体沥青是黏稠状原油裂解的产物;应用三芳甾烷分子标志物对比证实,该原油是由煤系泥... 四川元坝地区须家河组为一套含煤层系。基于岩芯观测、沥青有机地球化学分析和沥青产状描述,发现泥质烃源岩与砂砾岩储层裂缝中广泛发育固体沥青,这些固体沥青是黏稠状原油裂解的产物;应用三芳甾烷分子标志物对比证实,该原油是由煤系泥质烃源岩中藻类为主的有机质生成的,从烃源岩排出过程中因黏稠度高而残留于运移通道中,成为排烃通道的识别标志。结合须家河组超压发育演化,建立了该层系超压驱动下烃源岩的排烃通道模式,烃源岩排烃可以分为时空上连续的两个过程,即油气初始凝聚于微裂缝和其后经(微)裂缝的排放。初始凝聚过程中烃类的相态、通道与排驱动力学还知之甚少,(微)裂缝排放通道主要由顺层理面及穿层的水力破裂缝组成,强超压与构造应力是(微)裂缝排放通道形成的动力学机制,由此推断超压水力破裂缝与构造裂缝是烃源岩排烃的主要通道。 展开更多
关键词 沥青 超压水力破裂缝 排烃通道 须家河组 三芳甾烷 裂缝 元坝地区 四川盆地
四川盆地找油方向探讨 被引量:6
作者 王金琪 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第4期15-18,共4页
盆地中部找油三个领域 :①大安寨组 ,在油源、介屑灰岩、破裂溶解三大要素配套 ,通过地震响应模式使其成为“常规” ,能挖掘出更大潜力 ;②千佛崖组认真查明入湖大型河流及三角洲 ,砂岩孔隙空间增加 ,储量将成倍增大 ;③生油层系上覆沙... 盆地中部找油三个领域 :①大安寨组 ,在油源、介屑灰岩、破裂溶解三大要素配套 ,通过地震响应模式使其成为“常规” ,能挖掘出更大潜力 ;②千佛崖组认真查明入湖大型河流及三角洲 ,砂岩孔隙空间增加 ,储量将成倍增大 ;③生油层系上覆沙溪庙组 ,油藏决定于其下油源丰度、烃源断裂、有利相带配合。另外 ,前龙门山中南段生油条件极佳 ,地史处于长期隆起状态 ,喜山期推滑断层下盘原地构造不很复杂 ,有利于油藏形成和保存。 展开更多
关键词 四川盆地 石油勘探 推覆断层 断裂 烃源 溶蚀 破裂缝 三角洲 河流 油藏
碎屑岩中油气初次运移输导体系分类及特征 被引量:6
作者 康德江 《石油实验地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第5期455-461,共7页
油气初次输导体系对于油气二次运移有着直接影响,甚至关系到最终油气藏规模。参照、类比烃类二次运移输导体系,从微观角度分析入手,基于不同油气微观输导通道的产生和组合形式,将碎屑岩中油气初次运移输导体系分为3类,即:正常型、次生... 油气初次输导体系对于油气二次运移有着直接影响,甚至关系到最终油气藏规模。参照、类比烃类二次运移输导体系,从微观角度分析入手,基于不同油气微观输导通道的产生和组合形式,将碎屑岩中油气初次运移输导体系分为3类,即:正常型、次生型和终结型。正常型输导体系由烃源岩颗粒孔隙喉道和干酪根网络组成,以生烃膨胀而增大的毛细管力为主要动力,油气多以混溶相排出,少量为非混溶相;次生型输导体系由大量烃源岩次生微裂缝构成,源岩内部异常高压是非混溶相油气排替的主要动力,是排烃量最大、效率最高的输导体系类型;终结型输导体系由大量颗粒破裂缝和残存的少量微裂缝构成,剩余异常压力是驱动力,但效率很低,输导作用很小,直至消失。随着盆地中烃源岩埋藏史的变化,正常型与次生型输导体系之间可以在一定程度上相互转化,但终结型输导体系意味着初次运移通道的永久闭合和输导时期的完全终结。 展开更多
关键词 毛细管力 裂缝 粒间破裂缝 碎屑岩 初次运移 输导体系
作者 张春旺 《湖北教育(科学课)》 1995年第5期6-7,共2页
自然教学中,如何引导学生自行探求知识,学会获取知识的本领,研讨是重要的一环。起初我们在教学中,往往出现“探究轰轰烈烈,研讨冷冷清清”的局面,以至被戏称为“热热闹闹学自然”,课堂上看起来挺红火,学生的概念形成被忽视了,知识和能... 自然教学中,如何引导学生自行探求知识,学会获取知识的本领,研讨是重要的一环。起初我们在教学中,往往出现“探究轰轰烈烈,研讨冷冷清清”的局面,以至被戏称为“热热闹闹学自然”,课堂上看起来挺红火,学生的概念形成被忽视了,知识和能力上长进不大。 分析原因,我认为是对研讨这个环节重视不够。 展开更多
关键词 自然教学 乒乓球 破裂缝 自行探求 概念形成 获取知识 知识和能力 教学设计 调查分析 分析原因
Development of fractures in soft rock surrounding a roadway and their control 被引量:12
作者 Li Xuehua Yao Qiangling Man Jiankang Chen Chaoqun He Lihui 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第4期573-579,共7页
As the excavation of roadway, new fractures will be formed and the pre-existing fractures extend with the redistribution of stress in surrounding rocks. Eventually, fracture zone and bed separation are formed in rocks... As the excavation of roadway, new fractures will be formed and the pre-existing fractures extend with the redistribution of stress in surrounding rocks. Eventually, fracture zone and bed separation are formed in rocks because of the developed fractures. Therefore, mastering the fracture evolution of surrounding rocks is very important to maintain the stability of roadway. The surrounding rocks of main haulage road- way in a certain coal mine is so broken and loose that the supporting is very difficult. Based on compre- hensive anal[ysis of the engineering geological conditions, a sight instrument was used to observe the fractures of internal surrounding rocks, Four indices, i.e., the width of fracture zone W, the number of fractures n, the width of fractures d and rock fracture designation RFD, are put forward to evaluate the fracture dewelopment. According to the evolution rules of the soft rock roadway from this paper, control principles by stages and by regions are presented through the research. At the same time, the best time of grouting reinforcement is determined on the basis of fracture saturation. Field practice shows that the roadway can satisfy normal production during service periods by suitable first support and grouting reinforcement. 展开更多
关键词 Soft rock roadway Interval fracture Fracture saturation Staged and zoned control
Chloride diffusivity in flexural cracked Portland cement concrete and fly ash concrete beams 被引量:1
作者 陆春华 崔钊玮 +1 位作者 刘荣桂 刘奇东 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第9期3682-3691,共10页
In order to examine the effect of load-induced transverse cracks on the chloride penetration in flexural concrete beams, two different concretes, Portland cement concrete(PCC) and fly ash concrete(FAC), were tested wi... In order to examine the effect of load-induced transverse cracks on the chloride penetration in flexural concrete beams, two different concretes, Portland cement concrete(PCC) and fly ash concrete(FAC), were tested with various crack widths. Total 14 reinforced concrete(RC) beams, ten of which were self-anchored in a three-point bending mode, were immersed into a 5% NaCl solution with the condition of dry-wet cycles. Then, the free chloride ion contents were determined by rapid chloride testing(RCT) method. Based on the proposed analytical models of chloride penetration in sound and cracked concrete subjected to dry-wet cycles, the apparent chloride diffusion coefficient and chloride diffusivity of concrete were discussed. It can be found that the performance of chloride diffusivity in both concretes will be improved with the increase of crack width, and that the influence of convection action will also be augmented. Based on the two samples obtained in sound concrete after 15 and 30 cycles, the time-exponent, m, for chloride diffusion coefficient was determined to be 0.58, 0.42, 0.62 and 0.77 for PCC1, PCC2, FAC1 and FAC2 specimens, respectively. Finally, two influencing factors of fly ash content and crack width on chloride diffusivity were obtained by regression analysis of test data, and it can be seen that factors kf and kw can be expressed with quadratic polynomial functions of fly ash content, f, and crack width, w, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 flexural cracked concrete fly ash chloride dry-wet cycle equivalent chloride diffusion coefficient
作者 刘志河 张海涛 绍庆龙 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1997年第2期73-78,共6页
Electromagnetic self-induction theory and computer are adopted and study of online monitoring technique for wire-core belt is conducted, the study shows that there is direct proportion between distance Ⅰ of broken en... Electromagnetic self-induction theory and computer are adopted and study of online monitoring technique for wire-core belt is conducted, the study shows that there is direct proportion between distance Ⅰ of broken ends and output volt Ⅴ, when Ⅰ ≥60 mm, Ⅴ keeps constantly, the running speed v of wire-core belt has no big effect on output volt Ⅴ, there is inverse proportion between the height h from probe to the surface of the belt and output volt Ⅴ, when h≥30 mm, Ⅴ tends to be zero. Based on the test result, on-line monitoring installation is developed, the practice proved that the accuracy of broken wire monitoring can be above 95%, the monitoring accuracy of joint twitch can be 0 .04 Ⅴ/mm. 展开更多
关键词 wire-core belt nondestructive flaw detection self-induction sensor
Wedge Splitting Test and Inverse Analysis on Fracture Behaviour of Fiber Reinforced and Regular High Performance Concretes 被引量:2
作者 Kamil Hodicky Thomas Hulin Jacob W. Schmidt Henrik Stang 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第5期595-603,共9页
The fracture behaviour of three fiber reinforced and regular HPC (high performance concretes) is presented in this paper. Two mixes are based on optimization of HPC whereas the third mix was a commercial mix develop... The fracture behaviour of three fiber reinforced and regular HPC (high performance concretes) is presented in this paper. Two mixes are based on optimization of HPC whereas the third mix was a commercial mix developed by CONTEC ApS (Denmark). The wedge splitting test setup with 48 cubical specimens was used experimentally and the cracked non-linear hinge model based on the fictitious crack model was applied for the interpretation of the results. The stress-crack opening relationships were extracted by using inverse analysis algorithm for various multi-linear softening curves. This showed that the refinement of the softening curves reflects in improved accuracy of the WST (wedge splitting test) simulation in comparison with bi-linear softening curves with acceptable increase of computational time. Furthermore, the fracture mechanics parameters such as COD (crack opening displacement), fracture energy and characteristic length were experimentally determined. Experiments were performed at 1, 3, 7 and 28 days. Fracture energy, Gf, was found to increase with age, while the characteristic length, Lch, was found to decrease. 展开更多
关键词 High performance concrete wedge splitting test inverse analysis fictitious crack model.
Numerical simulation on effects of embedded crack on rock fragmentation by a tunnel boring machine cutter 被引量:3
作者 刘杰 曹平 +2 位作者 蒋喆 赵延林 曹日红 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第8期3302-3308,共7页
Based on the simplification of cutting process,a series of numerical simulations were conducted using a 2-D discrete element method to explore the effects of embedded cracks with different dip angles on the rock fragm... Based on the simplification of cutting process,a series of numerical simulations were conducted using a 2-D discrete element method to explore the effects of embedded cracks with different dip angles on the rock fragmentation process,cutting characteristics and breaking efficiency.The results show that the simulated results are in a good agreement with previous theoretical study.The main crack propagates to the top tip of embedded crack,except when the dip angle is 90°.Side cracks which are more fully developed in the rocks containing embedded cracks tend to propagate towards the free surface.According to the history of vertical cutting force,it is shown that the peak force is decreased by embedded cracks.The study on cutting efficiency was conducted by combining the quantity of crack and cutting energy.And the results show that breaking efficiency can be treated as a decreasing or a increasing function when the dip angle is less or larger than 30°,respectively.Breaking efficiency is higher than that in intact rock when the dip angle is larger than 45°. 展开更多
关键词 numerical simulation embedded crack rock fragmentation breaking efficiency
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