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教育对经济增长贡献率硬计算与软计算方法比较 被引量:7
作者 宋华明 郭小贤 《教育与经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第3期83-88,共6页
通过分析教育对经济增长贡献率硬计算和软计算方法在研究中的应用,比较两种方法的异同和优缺点。本文认为硬计算方法得益于其较强的原生性和理论支撑,应用相对成熟,不足是方法本身过于模式化,难以适应高度非线性以及庞大复杂多变的社会... 通过分析教育对经济增长贡献率硬计算和软计算方法在研究中的应用,比较两种方法的异同和优缺点。本文认为硬计算方法得益于其较强的原生性和理论支撑,应用相对成熟,不足是方法本身过于模式化,难以适应高度非线性以及庞大复杂多变的社会经济系统,系统性不强;软计算方法比前者具有更好的自学习和自适应能力,但尚在完善阶段,其步骤繁琐,操作复杂。基于此,本文主要关注两种方法的研究现状、方法原理等,剖析两种方法的差异性和优缺点,以期对未来的研究有所启示。 展开更多
关键词 教育经济 硬计算方法 计算方法 比较
软计算与硬计算融合的中国石油需求预测 被引量:2
作者 郭海湘 诸克军 +1 位作者 李玥 王得运 《中国地质大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第6期24-28,共5页
近年来,随着我国经济的高速增长,石油作为重要的战略资源,在经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。运用软计算和硬计算相融合的方法对我国2004—2015年的石油需求进行了预测。首先介绍了软计算和硬计算融合的串联模式,然后构建了影响我国... 近年来,随着我国经济的高速增长,石油作为重要的战略资源,在经济发展中发挥着越来越重要的作用。运用软计算和硬计算相融合的方法对我国2004—2015年的石油需求进行了预测。首先介绍了软计算和硬计算融合的串联模式,然后构建了影响我国石油需求(石油消费量)的主要指标,即国内生产总值(GDP)、人口总量、能源消耗量和居民消费水平。通过分析这些指标的数据特征,得出它们随时间的推移呈现增长的趋势。根据这一结论,运用软计算和硬计算融合中的串联模式,用硬计算中的龚珀资(Gompertz)增长曲线预测法来预测影响石油需求的4个指标以及石油需求量2004—2015年的值。在这些数据的基础上,再用软计算中的BP人工神经网络,对我国2004-2015年的石油需求量进行了预测。最后通过对HC和SC预测的石油需求量进行加权平均,得到了最终的预测结果。 展开更多
关键词 计算 硬计算 石油需求 龚珀资曲线
作者 李德富 郭海湘 +1 位作者 李伟伟 诸克军 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 2012年第32期229-235,共7页
随着油气勘探领域的不断扩大,测井解释面临的研究对象也越来越复杂,传统的单一基于硬计算或软计算的方法在测井解释中面临严格挑战。提出软计算与硬计算融合的4种模式。运用软计算与硬计算融合的分离模式对某油田Oilsk81、Oilsk83、Oils... 随着油气勘探领域的不断扩大,测井解释面临的研究对象也越来越复杂,传统的单一基于硬计算或软计算的方法在测井解释中面临严格挑战。提出软计算与硬计算融合的4种模式。运用软计算与硬计算融合的分离模式对某油田Oilsk81、Oilsk83、Oilsk85三口井进行含油气性模式识别,比较结果表明,在这个油区运用软计算方法对含油气性进行模式识别优于硬计算,并且可以识别出较好的测井数据集。 展开更多
关键词 硬计算 计算 测井
软计算与硬计算融合的含油性属性与样本约简 被引量:1
作者 宋颖钊 郭海湘 +2 位作者 廖貅武 杨娟 诸克军 《数学的实践与认识》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第23期62-75,共14页
随着石油勘探领域的不断扩大,含油性识别的研究对象也越来越复杂,传统的基于单一硬计算或软计算的方法在含油性识别中面临着严峻挑战.首先提出了软计算与硬计算融合的4种模式,然后运用GA-FCM对含油性的测井属性进行约简,将约简后的测井... 随着石油勘探领域的不断扩大,含油性识别的研究对象也越来越复杂,传统的基于单一硬计算或软计算的方法在含油性识别中面临着严峻挑战.首先提出了软计算与硬计算融合的4种模式,然后运用GA-FCM对含油性的测井属性进行约简,将约简后的测井属性结合软计算与硬计算融合的分离模式对某油田Oilsk81,Oilsk83,Oilsk85三口井进行含油性模式识别,去掉出错率较高的样本,达到样本约简的目的;最后利用判别分析法对约简后的样本集进行检验分析.实验表明:第一,在这几个油区可以用声波时差和含油饱和度两个测井属性进行含油性识别;第二,将出错率高的样本进行约简可以提高样本集识别的正确率. 展开更多
关键词 硬计算 计算 测井 属性约简
作者 史致伟 《前卫》 2021年第16期136-138,共3页
随着网络技术与计算机技术的普及,计算机日益充斥着人们的工作与生活.计算机在运行过程中,受计算机硬软件设备因素的影响,计算机运行存在卡顿、文件丢失等不良现象,影响着计算机的正常使用.维护与维修是保障计算机硬软件运行的主要措施... 随着网络技术与计算机技术的普及,计算机日益充斥着人们的工作与生活.计算机在运行过程中,受计算机硬软件设备因素的影响,计算机运行存在卡顿、文件丢失等不良现象,影响着计算机的正常使用.维护与维修是保障计算机硬软件运行的主要措施,因此工作人员要重视对计算机硬软件维护与维修工作的开展,以确保计算机用户能够更加合理、高效的使用计算机完成日常工作.基于此,文章以公共资源交易平台计算机硬软件维护与维修工作为切入点,并对相关工作的开展进行了探讨. 展开更多
关键词 计算软件 维护与维修 计算机运行
计算机可视化监控在粮食与饲料工业中的应用——评《计算机优化饲料配方的原理及其应用》 被引量:1
作者 崔艳敏 《中国饲料》 北大核心 2020年第16期155-155,共1页
计算机可视化监控是以标准规范的计算机硬软件为平台,采用可视化的形式将信息获取、处理及管理等方面融合一体,进而实现实时监测与控制。目前,该技术在国内外应用范围较广,并取得的成效较好。在我国,关于计算机可视化监控在粮食与饲料... 计算机可视化监控是以标准规范的计算机硬软件为平台,采用可视化的形式将信息获取、处理及管理等方面融合一体,进而实现实时监测与控制。目前,该技术在国内外应用范围较广,并取得的成效较好。在我国,关于计算机可视化监控在粮食与饲料工业中的应用研究较少,而中国农业科学院畜牧研究所编著的《计算机优化饲料配方的原理及其应用》一书弥补了此方面的不足。 展开更多
关键词 可视化监控 计算机优化 饲料配方 饲料工业 信息获取 计算软件 标准规范 国内外应用
公安院校计算机教学浅识 被引量:1
作者 肖微 《湖北警官学院学报》 1999年第1期54-55,共2页
随着办公自动化技术日益普及,计算机已广泛应用于公安工作的各个领域,尤其在推动公安工作适应并服务于社会主义市场经济方面发挥着不可替代的作用,日益成为公安管理规范化、科学化和现代化的重要标志之一。掌握计算机技术是当代管理人... 随着办公自动化技术日益普及,计算机已广泛应用于公安工作的各个领域,尤其在推动公安工作适应并服务于社会主义市场经济方面发挥着不可替代的作用,日益成为公安管理规范化、科学化和现代化的重要标志之一。掌握计算机技术是当代管理人才的主要特征之一,公安高等专科学校培养的人才,无论是哪个专业的学生,都肩负着社会管理的重要职责,因此必须具备较高的社会管理素质,计算机应用能力是其中重要的、不可缺少的内容之一。因此,公安院校要按照培养学生基础扎实、知识面宽、能力强、素质高的方针,安排教学工作,加强实践性教学环节,注重对学生基本技能和基本能力的培养,帮助学生掌握计算机的基本原理和应用技术,达到熟练操作计算机,正确使用和开发公安系统应用软件的目的,更好地为公安工作服务。 展开更多
关键词 公安院校 计算机教学 计算软件 计算机基础教学 培养学生 计算机应用基础》 计算机应用能力 计算机基础课 公安工作 实验教学
作者 周伯扬 程刚 《宁波工程学院学报》 1996年第2期62-62,共1页
关键词 操作与维护 计算 WINDOWS NOVELL网络 计算软件 应用软件 基本内容 计算机操作 大学出版社 常用软件
作者 王杰民 《上海翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 1992年第1期33-35,45,共4页
英语是计算机工作者的语言 在计算机领域,英语是占绝对优势的语言。美国是计算机的故乡,世界上第一台电子计算机就诞生在美国宾夕法尼亚州。在将近半个世纪的计算机发展史上,美国在计算机科学、计算机硬软件及外围设备的研制、生产、销... 英语是计算机工作者的语言 在计算机领域,英语是占绝对优势的语言。美国是计算机的故乡,世界上第一台电子计算机就诞生在美国宾夕法尼亚州。在将近半个世纪的计算机发展史上,美国在计算机科学、计算机硬软件及外围设备的研制、生产、销售诸方面始终处于领先地位,起主导作用。 展开更多
关键词 计算机专业英语 计算机科学 计算软件 测试方法 专业外语 专有名词 运用水平 考试大纲 英文原文 习惯用法
An Analysis of the Structure of Carbide-tool Utilization Expert System 被引量:1
作者 庞思勤 张启元 于启勋 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1996年第1期74-79,共6页
The necessity and feasibility of an expert system for carbide-tool utilization are analyzed and a practical system named CUES(carbide-tool utilization expert system ) is developed and realized. The system concept, mod... The necessity and feasibility of an expert system for carbide-tool utilization are analyzed and a practical system named CUES(carbide-tool utilization expert system ) is developed and realized. The system concept, module structure, data management, inference strategy and the interface design of the system are discussed in.detail. The system would be useful not only for the preparation of tool bank of FMS or CIMS, but the for the proper application of cemented carbide tools in conventional machining Processes. 展开更多
关键词 expert systems cemented carbides computer aided manufacturing tool management
作者 黄勇 《金融经济(下半月)》 2006年第2期108-109,共2页
关键词 计算软件 人力资源价值 历史成本原则 内部控制系统 企业决策 权责发生制原则 分类账 核算型 现代信息处理 管理控制
Difference between CKD-EPI and MDRD equations in calculating glomerular filtration rate in patients with cirrhosis 被引量:1
作者 Yu-Wei Chen Han-Hsiang Chen +3 位作者 Tsang-En Wang Ching-Wei Chang Chen-Wang Chang Chih-Jen Wu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第40期4532-4538,共7页
AIM:To evaluate the difference between the performance of the (CKD-EPI) and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equations in cirrhotic patients. METHODS: From Jan 2004 to Oct 2008, 4127 cirrhotic patients wer... AIM:To evaluate the difference between the performance of the (CKD-EPI) and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) equations in cirrhotic patients. METHODS: From Jan 2004 to Oct 2008, 4127 cirrhotic patients were reviewed. Patients with incomplete data with respect to renal function were excluded; thus, a total of 3791 patients were included in the study. The glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was estimated by the 4-variable MDRD (MDRD-4), 6-variable MDRD (MDRD-6), and CKD-EPI equations.RESULTS:When serum creatinine was 0.7-6.8 mg/dL and 0.6-5.3 mg/dL in men and women, respectively, a significantly lower GFR was estimated by the MDRD-6 than by the CKD-EPI. Similar GFRs were calculated by both equations when creatinine was > 6.9 mg/dL and > 5.4 mg/dL in men and women, respectively. In predicting in-hospital mortality, estimated GFR obtained by the MDRD-6 showed better accuracy [81.72%; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.94-0.95] than that obtained by the MDRD-4 (80.22%; 95%CI, 0.96-0.97), CKD-EPI (79.93%; 95%CI, 0.96-0.96), and creatinine (77.50%; 95%CI, 2.27-2.63). CONCLUSION: GFR calculated by the 6-variable MDRD equation may be closer to the true GFR than that calculated by the CKD-EPI equation. 展开更多
关键词 Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Col-laboration Estimated glomerular filtration rate LIVERCIRRHOSIS Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Renalfunction
Approximate Iteration Detection and Precoding in Massive MIMO 被引量:5
作者 Chuan Tang Yerong Tao +3 位作者 Yancang Chen Cang Liu Luechao Yuan Zuocheng Xing 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第5期183-196,共14页
Massive multiple-input multiple-output provides improved energy efficiency and spectral efficiency in 5 G. However it requires large-scale matrix computation with tremendous complexity, especially for data detection a... Massive multiple-input multiple-output provides improved energy efficiency and spectral efficiency in 5 G. However it requires large-scale matrix computation with tremendous complexity, especially for data detection and precoding. Recently, many detection and precoding methods were proposed using approximate iteration methods, which meet the demand of precision with low complexity. In this paper, we compare these approximate iteration methods in precision and complexity, and then improve these methods with iteration refinement at the cost of little complexity and no extra hardware resource. By derivation, our proposal is a combination of three approximate iteration methods in essence and provides remarkable precision improvement on desired vectors. The results show that our proposal provides 27%-83% normalized mean-squared error improvement of the detection symbol vector and precoding symbol vector. Moreover, we find the bit-error rate is mainly controlled by soft-input soft-output Viterbi decoding when using approximate iteration methods. Further, only considering the effect on soft-input soft-output Viterbi decoding, the simulation results show that using a rough estimation for the filter matrix of minimum mean square error detection to calculating log-likelihood ratio could provideenough good bit-error rate performance, especially when the ratio of base station antennas number and the users number is not too large. 展开更多
关键词 massive MIMO detection and precoding matrix inversion iteration refinement soft Viterbi decoding
Assessment of the hepatic microvascular changes in liver cirrhosis by perfusion computed tomography 被引量:21
作者 Mai-Lin Chen Qing-Yu Zeng Jian-Wei Huo Xiao-Ming Yin Bao-Ping Li Jian-Xin Liu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第28期3532-3537,共6页
AIM: TO assess the hepatic microvascular parameters in patients with liver cirrhosis by perfusion computed tomography (CT). METHODS: Perfusion CT was performed in 29 patients without liver disease (control subje... AIM: TO assess the hepatic microvascular parameters in patients with liver cirrhosis by perfusion computed tomography (CT). METHODS: Perfusion CT was performed in 29 patients without liver disease (control subjects) and 39 patients with liver cirrhosis, including 22 patients with compensated cirrhosis and 17 patients with decompensated cirrhosis, proved by clinical and laboratory parameters. CT cine-scans were obtained over 50 s beginning with the injection of 50 mL of contrast agent. Hepatic microvascular parameters, mean transit time (MTT) and permeability surface area product (PS) were obtained with the Perfusion 3 software (General Electric, ADW 4.2). RESULTS: The overall differences of MTT and PS between control subjects, patients with compensated cirrhosis and those with decompensated cirrhosis were statistically significant (P = 0.010 and P = 0.002, respectively). MTT values were 15.613 ± 4.1746 s, 12.592 ± 4.7518 s, and 11.721 ± 4.5681 s for the three groups, respectively, while PS were 18.945 ± 7.2347 mL/min per 100 mL, 22.767 ± 8.3936 mL/min per 100 mL, and 28.735 ± 13.0654 mL/min per 100 mL. MTT in decompensated cirrhotic patients were significantly decreased compared to controls (P = 0.017), whereas PS values were remarkably increased (P = 0.001).CONCLUSION: The hepatic microvascular changes in patients with liver cirrhosis can be quantitatively assessed by perfusion CT. Hepatic microvascular parameters (MTr and PS), as measured by perfusion CT, were significantly altered in decompensated cirrhosis. 展开更多
关键词 TOMOGRAPHY X-ray computed Hepaticmicrocirculation CIRRHOSIS
Characteristics of paraesophageal varices:A study with 64-row multidetector computed tomograghy portal venography 被引量:24
作者 Li-Qin Zhao Wen He Guang Chen 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第34期5331-5335,共5页
AIM:To identify the characteristics of morphology, loca- tion and collateral circulation involved in paraesophageal varices (para-EV) of portal hypertension patients with 64-row multidetector computed tomograghy (MDCT... AIM:To identify the characteristics of morphology, loca- tion and collateral circulation involved in paraesophageal varices (para-EV) of portal hypertension patients with 64-row multidetector computed tomograghy (MDCT). METHODS: Fifty-two of 501 patients with portal hypertensive cirrhosis accompanied with esophageal varices were selected for 64-row MDCT examination af- ter the observation of para-EV. The CT protocol includ- ed unenhanced, arterial and portal phases with a slice thickness of 0.625 mm and a scanning field of 2 cm above the bifurcation to the lower edge of kidney. The CT portal venography (CTPV) was reformatted on AW4.3 workstation. The characteristics of origina- tion, location, morphology and collateral circulation in para-EV were observed. RESULTS: Among the 52 cases of para-EV, 50 showed the originations from the posterior branch of left gastric vein, while the others from the anterior branch. Fifty cases demonstrated their locations close to the esoph- ageal-gastric junction, and the other two cases were extended to the inferior bifurcation of the trachea. The circuitous pattern was observed in 16 cases, while reticulated pattern was seen in 36 cases. Collateral circulation identifi ed 4 cases of single periesophageal varices (peri-EV) communication, 3 cases of single hemiazygous vein, one case of single inferior vena cava, 41 cases of mixed type (collateral communica-tions of at least 2 of above mentioned types) and 3 cases of undetermined communications. Among all the cases, 43 patients showed the communications between para-EV and peri-EV, while hemiazygous vein (43 cases) and inferior vena cava (5 cases) were also involved. CONCLUSION: Sixty-four-row multidetector computed tomograghy portal venography could display the loca- tion, morphology, origin, and collateral types of para- EV, which provides important and referable information for clinical management and disease prognosis. 展开更多
关键词 Computer tomograghy Portal venography Paraesophageal varices Hepatic cirrhosis Portal hypertension
Stacking fault energy and electronic structure of molybdenum under solid solution softening/hardening 被引量:1
作者 LIU Pan LIU Liu-cheng GONG Hao-ran 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第1期39-47,共9页
Ab initio calculations are used to understand the fundamental mechanism of the solid solution softening/hardening of the Mo-binary system.The results reveal that the Mo-Ti,Mo-Ta,Mo-Nb,and Mo-W interactions are primari... Ab initio calculations are used to understand the fundamental mechanism of the solid solution softening/hardening of the Mo-binary system.The results reveal that the Mo-Ti,Mo-Ta,Mo-Nb,and Mo-W interactions are primarily attractive with negative heats of formation,while the interactions of Mo-Re,and Mo-Zr would be mainly repulsive with positive heats of formation.It is also shown that the addition of Re and Zr would cause the solid solution softening of Mo by the decrease of the unstable stacking fault energy and the increase of ductility.On the contrary,the elements of W,Ta,Ti,and Nb could bring about the solid-solution hardening of Mo through the impediment of the slip of the dislocation and the decrease of ductility.Electronic structures indicate that the weaker/stronger chemical bonding due to the alloying elements should fundamentally induce the solid solution softening/hardening of Mo.The results are discussed and compared with available evidence in literatures,which could deepen the fundamental understanding of the solid solution softening/hardening of the binary metallic system. 展开更多
关键词 stacking fault energy electronic structure MOLYBDENUM solid solution softening/hardening ab initio calculation
A high performance fault-tolerant approach based on simultaneous multithreading
作者 杨华 崔刚 +1 位作者 王玲 杨孝宗 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2007年第1期114-118,共5页
To cope with the ever-increasing susceptibility to transient fault in modern processors,a scheme called Tri-modular Redundantly and Simultaneously Threaded processor with Recovery is proposed,which provides transient ... To cope with the ever-increasing susceptibility to transient fault in modern processors,a scheme called Tri-modular Redundantly and Simultaneously Threaded processor with Recovery is proposed,which provides transient fault coverage and reconfiguration from partial permanent fault with high performance.Besides two redundant thread contexts,an arbitrator context is introduced to act as either arbitrator or ordinary thread,which can make better use of hardware resources.Its sphere of replication is reconfigurable and flexible in handling changing demands.The simulation with 11 SPEC2000 benchmarks shows that its performance outperforms SMT-Single by 21.5% on average,while maintaining flexibility and fault-tolerant capability. 展开更多
Precipitation response and hardening behaviors of Fe-modified Ti5553 alloy
作者 Wen-guang ZHU Pei LI +6 位作者 Xun SUN Wei CHEN Hua-lei ZHANG Qiao-yan SUN Bin LIU Lin XIAO Jun SUN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第6期1242-1251,共10页
Ti5553-xFe (x=0.4, 1.2, 2.0, wt.%) alloys have been designed and fabricated through BE (blended element) sintering to investigate the effect of Fe-addition on athermal ω-phase transformation, α-phase evolution and a... Ti5553-xFe (x=0.4, 1.2, 2.0, wt.%) alloys have been designed and fabricated through BE (blended element) sintering to investigate the effect of Fe-addition on athermal ω-phase transformation, α-phase evolution and age hardening behavior. The results show that the formation of athermal ω-phase is fully suppressed in water-quenched specimens when Fe-addition is up to 2 wt.%. The relevant timescales of α formation during initial stages of aging indicate that incubation time increases with Fe-addition. Further aging results in continuous nucleation and growth of α-phase but finer intragranular α lamellae exhibit in Ti5553-2Fe alloy. In addition, the width and extent of grain boundary α-film increase slightly with incremental Fe-addition, especially in furnace cooling condition. Result of Vickers hardness manifests that Fe-addition leads to a strong hardening effect in both solution and aging treatment. The solid solution strengthening is quantitatively estimated by ab initio calculation based on the Labusch?Nabarro model. The evolution of α-precipitate is rationalized by Gibbs free energy. The prominent hardening effect of Ti5553?2Fe alloy is attributed to both large lattice misfit of β-matrix and fine α-precipitate distribution. 展开更多
关键词 Fe-modified Ti5553 alloy α-phase evolution hardening behavior Pandat calculation
Subclinical atherosclerosis in northern and southern China: the Chinese paradox 被引量:7
作者 Jie Huang Yang-Feng Wu +8 位作者 Xiao-Qing Liu Ding Ding Lian-Cheng Zhao Bin Lu Xian Li Nathan D Wong Laurie D Dustin Stanley P Azen Robert C Detrano 《Journal of Geriatric Cardiology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第2期72-77,共6页
Background The incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) is higher in Northern than that in Southern China, however differences in traditional CHD risk factors do not fully explain this. No study has examined the di... Background The incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD) is higher in Northern than that in Southern China, however differences in traditional CHD risk factors do not fully explain this. No study has examined the differences in subclinical atherosclerosis that may help explain the differences in incidence. This study examined these differences in subclinical atherosclerosis using coronary computed tomography (CT) for calcification between the Northern and Southern China. Methods We selected a random sample of participants in a large multi-center ongoing epidemiologic study for coronary calcium scanning in one northern city (North) (Beijing, n = 49) and in two southern cities (South) (Shanghai, n = 50, and Guangzhou, n = 50). Participants from the three field centers (mean age 67 years) underwent coronary risk factor evaluation and cardiac CT scanning for coronary calcium measurement using the Multi-Ethnic Study of Atherosclerosis scanning protocol. Results Adjusted log-transformed coronary artery calcium score in North China (Beijing) was 3.1 ±0.4 and in South China (Shanghai and Guangzhou) was 2.2 +_ 0.3 (P = 0.04). Mean calcium score for the northern city of Beijing was three times higher than that of the southern city of Guangzhou (P = 0.01) and 2.5 times higher than for the southern city of Shanghai (P = 0.03). Conclusions The extent of subclinical atherosclerosis is significantly higher in the northern city of Beijing than that in the two southern cities of Guangzhou and Shanghai, even after adjusting for standard cardiac risk factors. This finding suggests that standard risk factors do not fully explain north south differences in clinical CHD incidence. 展开更多
关键词 coronary calcium CT scanning ATHEROSCLEROSIS EPIDEMIOLOGY China
3-Dimensional liver volume assessment in patients with hepatitis B virus-related liver cirrhosis during long-term oral nucleos(t)ide analogues therapy 被引量:6
作者 Chang Hun Lee In Hee Kim +8 位作者 Jin Chang Moon Seung Young Seo Seong Hun Kim Sang Wook Kim Seung Ok Lee Soo Teik Lee Dae Ghon Kim Jae Do Yang Hee Chul Yu 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第2期297-305,共9页
AIMTo assess the effect of long-term oral nucleos(t)ide analogues (NUCs) therapy on liver volume change in patients with suppress hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related liver cirrhosis.METHODSWe reviewed the data of na&#... AIMTo assess the effect of long-term oral nucleos(t)ide analogues (NUCs) therapy on liver volume change in patients with suppress hepatitis B virus (HBV)-related liver cirrhosis.METHODSWe reviewed the data of na&#x000ef;ve patients with HBV-related liver cirrhosis, who had taken oral NUCs therapy, between 2003 and 2007 at Chonbuk University Hospital. We analyzed two consecutive sets of abdominal computerized tomography scans-one at the time of treatment initiation and another at the second-year follow-up. Liver volume was calculated by 3-dimensional liver extraction volumetry program.RESULTSA total of 55 patients (34 males) were included. There was 114.3 mL &#x000b1; 167.8 mL (12.9% &#x000b1; 17.9%) of increase in liver volume during the two years of NUCs therapy (993.8 mL &#x000b1; 242.8 mL at baseline vs 1108.1 mL &#x000b1; 263.3 mL at two-year follow-up, P &#x0003c; 0.001). The ratio of the measured baseline liver volume to the estimated standard liver volume was improved from 70.8% to 78.0%. An increase in liver volume was shown not only in patients with compensated cirrhosis (P = 0.046) but also in those with decompensated cirrhosis (P &#x0003c; 0.001). Significant factors for volume increases were Child-Turcotte-Pugh grade and model for end-stage liver disease score improvement without virological breakthrough. In multiple linear regression analysis, delta albumin and delta alanine aminotransferase levels showed a significant association with the increase in liver volume (P = 0.002 and 0.005, respectively).CONCLUSIONLong-term oral NUCs therapy in patients with HBV-related liver cirrhosis lead to significant increase in liver volume assessed with 3-dimensional liver extraction volumetry program. 展开更多
关键词 Antiviral agents Liver cirrhosis Liver regeneration Image processing COMPUTER-ASSISTED
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