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经济增长率、碳排放增长率与技术进步关系分析 被引量:1
作者 李佳辉 马慧莉 姜增明 《商业时代》 北大核心 2013年第24期11-13,共3页
本文着眼于经济增长速度与碳排放量增加速度的关系,考虑同时影响它们的技术进步因素。通过理论模型的推导,建立面板数据模型,分别从长期是否协整,如果协整,短期如何波动的思路分析了这三者的关系,并得出以下结论:碳排放增长率、经济增... 本文着眼于经济增长速度与碳排放量增加速度的关系,考虑同时影响它们的技术进步因素。通过理论模型的推导,建立面板数据模型,分别从长期是否协整,如果协整,短期如何波动的思路分析了这三者的关系,并得出以下结论:碳排放增长率、经济增长率和技术进步存在长期的协整关系。就短期而言,经济增长率的变动是碳排放增长率变动的Granger原因,经济增长率对碳排放增长率的影响是"滞后"的;而技术进步不是碳排放增长率变动的Granger原因,是因为技术进步对碳排放增长率的影响存在"回弹效应"。 展开更多
关键词 经济增长 碳排放增长 技术进步
人口因素与碳排放增长率的关系研究——以广东省为例 被引量:1
作者 楼淦 《北方经济》 2012年第16期17-18,共2页
本文采用广东省1995~2010年的数据,对IPAT模型的人口、经济变量进行推导分解,运用协整、格兰杰检验和多元回归模型来考察碳排放量增长率与人口增长率、农村居民年人均收入增长率、城镇居民年人均收入增长率、城市化增长率之间的关系。... 本文采用广东省1995~2010年的数据,对IPAT模型的人口、经济变量进行推导分解,运用协整、格兰杰检验和多元回归模型来考察碳排放量增长率与人口增长率、农村居民年人均收入增长率、城镇居民年人均收入增长率、城市化增长率之间的关系。结果表明人口增长率与城镇居民年人均收入增长率对碳排放增长率有正向影响,其中城镇居民年人均收入增长率对碳排放增长率的影响最大,而农村居民年人均收入增长率和城市化增长率对碳排放增长率影响并不显著。 展开更多
关键词 IPAT模型 碳排放增长 人口因素
中国碳排放增长机理分析 被引量:17
作者 李江苏 张雷 程晓凌 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2010年第11期2059-2065,共7页
中国当前已经成为世界第一碳排放大国,准确认识碳排放增长的机理为挖掘碳减排路径提供科学依据。首先,本文将人口增长、经济增长、产业结构演进、能源结构演进四大碳排放影响因子分为放大因子、双向拉动因子以及缩小因子三类,并分析各... 中国当前已经成为世界第一碳排放大国,准确认识碳排放增长的机理为挖掘碳减排路径提供科学依据。首先,本文将人口增长、经济增长、产业结构演进、能源结构演进四大碳排放影响因子分为放大因子、双向拉动因子以及缩小因子三类,并分析各因子自1953年-2006年的变化特征。其次,本文按照各因子的变化特征将1953年-2006年分解为:1953年-1977年、1978年-1992年、1993年-2006三个不同的研究时段,并采用相关分析法以及绘制散点图来研究不同时段各因子与碳排放增长的关系。研究发现:①在三个不同的研究时段里,人口增长、经济增长、产业结构演进一直拉动中国碳排放增长。能源结构变化在1953年-1977年以及1993年-2006年对抑制碳排放量的作用较小,在1978年-1992年能源结构变化增加碳排放量;②在过去几十年里,产业结构演进处于拉动碳排放增长的局面,在诸多碳排放影响因子中,产业结构的演进是碳排放增长的主导因子。最后,本文基于对中国人口增长、经济增长、产业结构演进以及能源结构演进的基本态势的分析,认为中国未来碳减排的主要潜力在于产业结构多元化发展以及经济增长带来的技术进步节能减排。 展开更多
关键词 排放因子 能源 碳排放增长 增长机理
我国碳排放增长率的运行机理及预测 被引量:11
作者 张国兴 张振华 +1 位作者 刘鹏 刘明星 《中国管理科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第12期86-93,共8页
碳排放是气候变暖的重要原因之一,研究和预测碳排放增长率能为低碳政策的制定提供理论指导。利用经验模态分解方法,本文将我国碳排放增长率序列分解为短期波动项和趋势项两个序列,并分析了国家政策、国内宏观经济变化、金融危机对短期... 碳排放是气候变暖的重要原因之一,研究和预测碳排放增长率能为低碳政策的制定提供理论指导。利用经验模态分解方法,本文将我国碳排放增长率序列分解为短期波动项和趋势项两个序列,并分析了国家政策、国内宏观经济变化、金融危机对短期波动项和趋势项的影响。在此基础上,利用动态神经网络分别对趋势项和短期波动项进行预测,并将二者之和作为最终的碳排放增长率的预测值。最后,从误差序列绝对值的最大值、最小值、均值和标准差四个角度来比较该预测方法与单独以碳排放量和碳排放增长率为输入变量的神经网络模型的优劣,并得出本文提出的模型具有预测有效性的结论。 展开更多
关键词 碳排放增长 经验模态分解 预测 神经网络
能源密集型区域碳排放演进规律与特征分析——以山西为例 被引量:2
作者 徐丽娜 时希杰 《中国能源》 2018年第10期38-41,共4页
本文基于山西省1990—2013年终端能源消费数据估算了其碳排放总量,应用环境质量方程研究经济增长、产业结构调整、能源结构变化与碳排放演化之间的关系,从而探索能源密集型区域碳排放的演进规律及特征。结果表明:山西省碳排放增长态势... 本文基于山西省1990—2013年终端能源消费数据估算了其碳排放总量,应用环境质量方程研究经济增长、产业结构调整、能源结构变化与碳排放演化之间的关系,从而探索能源密集型区域碳排放的演进规律及特征。结果表明:山西省碳排放增长态势呈现明显的阶段性特征;经济增长对碳排放有放大作用,产业结构对碳排放增长存在双向作用,两者之间存在着倒U型曲线,能源结构调整与碳排放之间并不存在明显的线性关系。对于山西省类似的能源密集型区域,在人口不激增、能源结构不优化的前提下,降低碳排放量的关键途径是有效的产业结构调整和促进产业升级的技术水平提升。 展开更多
关键词 碳排放增长 经济增长 产业结构 能源消费结构 环境质量方程
碳排放最小化条件下电动汽车有序充电策略研究 被引量:15
作者 张钰 张玥 +3 位作者 韩新阳 韩冰 卢少锋 薛飞 《中国电力》 CSCD 北大核心 2020年第4期147-154,共8页
针对清洁能源和传统能源发电设备的碳排放特性、清洁能源所在位置以及负荷的时空分布特点等因素,参考历史运行数据,建立电动汽车充电与发电设备边际出力增长关系的模型。考虑电动汽车出行特性及其电池充电特性,建立电动汽车无序充电情... 针对清洁能源和传统能源发电设备的碳排放特性、清洁能源所在位置以及负荷的时空分布特点等因素,参考历史运行数据,建立电动汽车充电与发电设备边际出力增长关系的模型。考虑电动汽车出行特性及其电池充电特性,建立电动汽车无序充电情景下的边际碳排放增长模型。为更多地利用清洁能源,以减少电动汽车充电行为引起的边际碳排放增长,提出碳市场中电动汽车充电与清洁能源,协同的有序充电策略。最后,以碳费用计算模型为基础,提出电动汽车碳排放的评价指标。在算例中,根据提出的评价指标对电动汽车碳排放进行分析。结果表明,与电动汽车无序充电相比,电动汽车与清洁能源协同的有序充电策略可有效地减少边际碳排放增长和碳费用。 展开更多
关键词 电动汽车 边际碳排放增长 清洁能源 有序充电策略 市场
作者 杨洋 《经济视野》 2014年第6期-,共1页
文章探讨了一个在碳排放约束下的经济可持续增长问题。运用系统动力学原理构建经济可持续增长的SD模型,模拟了在减排技术研发背景下,我国经济增长、能源消费以及碳排放的增长路径。结果表明:我国经济的增长能够实现可持续发展;减排... 文章探讨了一个在碳排放约束下的经济可持续增长问题。运用系统动力学原理构建经济可持续增长的SD模型,模拟了在减排技术研发背景下,我国经济增长、能源消费以及碳排放的增长路径。结果表明:我国经济的增长能够实现可持续发展;减排技术研发能有效减少二氧化碳排放量,但对经济可持续增长的作用需要做进一步的分析。 展开更多
关键词 能源消费 排放经济增长减排技术研发 系统动力学
基于碳交易市场的云南省森林生态固碳价值评估 被引量:5
作者 徐洪振 张吉岗 郑沛 《生态经济》 北大核心 2019年第4期33-38,共6页
固碳和节能减排是应对全球气候变暖最为重要的措施,文章基于中国碳排放交易市场体系的启动,运用修正的逻辑斯蒂增长模型和灰色预测模型对云南省森林面积进行预测,结合试点省份的碳交易价格对云南森林生态服务功能的固碳作用进行价值评... 固碳和节能减排是应对全球气候变暖最为重要的措施,文章基于中国碳排放交易市场体系的启动,运用修正的逻辑斯蒂增长模型和灰色预测模型对云南省森林面积进行预测,结合试点省份的碳交易价格对云南森林生态服务功能的固碳作用进行价值评估。得出以下结论:(1)未来15年内,云南省竹林面积规模将会呈现下降趋势,森林面积、经济林面积及净经济林面积规模将会呈现不断上升趋势,且各类林木净森林面积将以6.67%的固有速率增长。(2)森林固碳价值与森林面积规模、森林林种的环境适应程度、储存固碳量能力呈现正相关关系。(3)2017—2032年,平均每年云南省森林固碳价值预计占第一产业增加值的4.93%,成为拉动云南省第一产业特别是林业经济新的增长点。 展开更多
关键词 排放权交易市场机制:逻辑斯蒂增长模型 灰色预测模型 价值
南京市土地利用结构碳排放效率增长及其空间相关性 被引量:61
作者 范建双 虞晓芬 周琳 《地理研究》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2018年第11期2177-2192,共16页
采用南京市11个区2005-2014年的相关数据,首先对不同类型土地的碳排放量进行核算,进一步将其作为非期望产出引入DEA模型并采用Hicks-Moorsteen指数对南京市各区的土地利用结构碳排放效率增长进行估算、比较和分析。研究结果表明:①碳排... 采用南京市11个区2005-2014年的相关数据,首先对不同类型土地的碳排放量进行核算,进一步将其作为非期望产出引入DEA模型并采用Hicks-Moorsteen指数对南京市各区的土地利用结构碳排放效率增长进行估算、比较和分析。研究结果表明:①碳排放的主要来源是建设用地的间接碳排放,研究期内的土地利用碳排放量呈现出持续增长的发展态势。②全要素碳排放效率增长及其分解要素均低于传统全要素生产率增长,即不考虑碳排放约束的全要素生产率增长高估了实际的土地利用效率增长水平。全要素碳排放效率增长在研究期内表现出收敛态势和区域之间均衡性的发展特征,源于"低碳和高效"发展理念的深入人心,单位GDP能耗不断降低。③南京市各区的技术效率值较低,"技术追赶"效应不明显,开始出现土地利用的规模经济效应,但是范围经济效应不显著。④全要素碳排放效率增长在南京市范围内具有空间正相关性,且表现出空间集聚特征。基于此,提出了一些有益的建议。 展开更多
关键词 南京 土地利用结构 排放 全要素排放效率增长 Hicks-Moorsteen指数
Impacts of Carbon Tax Policy on CO_2 Mitigation and Economic Growth in China 被引量:3
作者 Shenglii Zhou Minjun Shi +1 位作者 Na Li Yongna Yuan 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2011年第3期124-133,共10页
In this paper we examine the impacts of carbon tax policy on CO2 mitigation effects and economic growth in China by using a dynamic energy-environment-economy computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The results ... In this paper we examine the impacts of carbon tax policy on CO2 mitigation effects and economic growth in China by using a dynamic energy-environment-economy computable general equilibrium (CGE) model. The results show that 30, 60, and 90 RMB per ton CO2 of carbon tax rate will lead to a reduction of CO2 emissions by 4.52%, 8.59%, and 12.26%, as well as a decline in the GDP by 0.11%, 0.25%, and 0.39% in 2020, respectively, if carbon tax revenues are collected by the government. Moreover, with energy efficiency improvements the CO2 emission per unit of GDP will equally drop by 34.79%, 37.49%, and 39.92% in 2020, respectively. Negative impacts on sectors and households will be alleviated if carbon tax revenues are returned to these sectors and households. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic energy-environment-economy CGE model carbon tax mitigation effect economic impact
Modeling an emissions peak in China around 2030: Synergies or trade-offs between economy, energy and climate security 被引量:28
作者 CHAI Qi-Min XU Hua-Qing 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2014年第4期169-180,共12页
China has achieved a political consensus around the need to transform the path of economic growth toward one that lowers carbon intensity and ultimately leads to reductions in carbon emissions, but there remain differ... China has achieved a political consensus around the need to transform the path of economic growth toward one that lowers carbon intensity and ultimately leads to reductions in carbon emissions, but there remain different views on pathways that could achieve such a transformation. The essential question is whether radical or incremental reforms are required in the coming decades. This study explores relevant pathways in China beyond 2020, particularly modeling the major target choices of carbon emission peaking in China around 2030 as China-US Joint Announcement by an integrated assessment model for climate change IAMC based on carbon factor theory. Here scenarios DGS-2020, LGS2025, LBS-2030 and DBS-2040 derived from the historical pathways of developed countries are developed to access the comprehensive impacts on the economy, energy and climate security for the greener development in China. The findings suggest that the period of 2025--2030 is the window of opportunity to achieve a peak in carbon emissions at a level below 12 Gt CO2 and 8.5 t per capita by reasonable trade-offs from economy growth, annually -0.2% in average and cumulatively -3% deviation to BAU in 2030. The oil and natural gas import dependence will exceed 70% and 45% respectively while the non-fossil energy and electricity share will rise to above 20% and 45%. Meantime, the electrification level in end use sectors will increase substantially and the electricity energy ratio approaching 50%, the labor and capital productivity should be double in improvements and the carbon intensity drop by 65% by 2030 compared to the 2005 level, and the cumulative emission reductions are estimated to be more than 20 Gt CO2 in 2015-2030. 展开更多
关键词 Emission peaking Energy cap Integrated assessment
Environmental Capital,Negative Externality and Carbon Finance Innovation 被引量:1
作者 Tang Yuejun Li Defu 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2011年第2期54-64,共11页
In the context of global climate change,the internalization of negative externality,which is brought about by the traditional mode of economic growth,has become an inevitable choice.In order to achieve the internaliza... In the context of global climate change,the internalization of negative externality,which is brought about by the traditional mode of economic growth,has become an inevitable choice.In order to achieve the internalization,it is necessary to make innovations on the market mechanism and system,find the value of environmental capital,establish a new mode of economic growth based on environmental capital,and then transform the environmental capital,an exogenous factor of economic growth,into an endogenous factor.Of this,the key of market mechanism and system innovation is the financial innovation that is based on environmental capital and negative externality;the government defines the initial property right of environmental resources and establishes environment energy trading market,so as to guide enterprises to trade environmental resources(represented by carbon emission permit trading) based on the Clean Development Mechanism,and to vigorously develop environmental finance and carbon finance. 展开更多
关键词 environmental capital negative externality carbon finance financial innovation carbon emission permit trading lowcarbon economy
Estimation of the Aircraft CO_2 Emissions of China's Civil Aviation during 1960-2009 被引量:1
作者 HE Ji-Cheng XU Yu-Qing 《Advances in Climate Change Research》 SCIE 2012年第2期99-105,共7页
Based on data collected by Chinese Civil Aviation Statistic Center, the annual CO2 emissions of aircrafts during 1960-2009 were calculated, and the emission intensity and its dynamic characteristics were analyzed. The... Based on data collected by Chinese Civil Aviation Statistic Center, the annual CO2 emissions of aircrafts during 1960-2009 were calculated, and the emission intensity and its dynamic characteristics were analyzed. The results show that the total CO2 emissions of aircrafts in China increased from 120×10^3 t in 1960 to 41.44×10^6 t in 2009. The CO2 emission intensity decreased from 2.9 kg (converted t kra)-1 in 1960 to 0.96 kg (converted t km)-1 in 2009 at an average rate of 0.04 kg (converted t km)-I per year. The average share of CO2 emissions of aircrafts on the total CO2 emissions from the sector of transportation, storage and post was 6.6% during 1980-2005, and 0.25% on the total emissions from fossil fuel combustion during 1971-2008. 展开更多
关键词 China civil aviation energy consumption of aircraft C02 emissions
Planning Strategic Sustainable Development in Malaysia by Incorporating the Concept of Low Carbon Society
作者 Janice J. Simson Ho Chin Siong +1 位作者 Yuzuru Matsuoka Kei Gomi 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2013年第9期1164-1176,共13页
Malaysia has undergone rapid urbanization and economic growth for past decades and is expected to continue to have an average economic grow at 5%-6% per annum in the next five years. This phenomenon of growth and purs... Malaysia has undergone rapid urbanization and economic growth for past decades and is expected to continue to have an average economic grow at 5%-6% per annum in the next five years. This phenomenon of growth and pursuit of socio-economic progress has great impact not only on the economy but also on community life style and environment. The concept of sustainable development was adopted by Malaysia government as early as mid 1990s to address some of the emerging environmental issues and more specifically on climate change issues recently. Malaysia government announced a commitment of voluntary 40% reduction in CO2 emission intensity by 2020 during the Conference of Party (COP15) meeting in Copenhagen in 2009. In parallel to this commitment of CO2 emission reduction, the concept of sustainable development in urban planning should incorporate a more comprehensive and quantitative approach in the preparation of development plan as well as in exercising the routine development control practice at the local planning authority. This paper prepares a quantitative scenario study on the establishment of low carbon society in Iskandar Malaysia. 展开更多
关键词 Sustainable development environmental planning and low carbon society Iskandar Malaysia.
Target Gap of Emission Reduction for China:Analysis based on Elastic Decoupling
作者 Li Zhongmin Chen Xiangtao Yao Yu 《Chinese Journal of Population,Resources and Environment》 2012年第2期84-93,共10页
The present paper analyzes historically the relationship between carbon emission and economic development by different stages through adopting elastic decoupling methods and Tapio evaluation criteria along with a comp... The present paper analyzes historically the relationship between carbon emission and economic development by different stages through adopting elastic decoupling methods and Tapio evaluation criteria along with a comparison with the national Five Year Plans. The analysis shows that the influencing factors to the relationship between carbon emission and economy in China are different, and economic development and carbon emission have less connection in the recent 30 years of reform and opening-up in China. It is a difficult task to realize the promise that we will reduce carbon emission by 40%-50% in 2020 based on the data from historical experience and different expectations for economic development from economists. Through constructing the calcula- tion model of carbon emission intensity gap according to different development scenarios, the analysis shows that economic growth, infrastructure investment and further development of industrial-ization are the main drivers to the increase of carbon emission, technological progress, and particularly, the reduction of energy consumption is the primary means to reduce carbon emission in China. It is imperative to transform the economic growth pattern, and it is a grand task to perform and there is a long way to go for China to maintain economic growth and reduce carbon intensity. 展开更多
关键词 low-carbon economy emission reduction promise target gap elastic decoupling
The Driving Forces of CO2 Emission in China: 2002-2007
作者 Libo Yuan Yinchuan Xu 《Chinese Business Review》 2013年第4期298-304,共7页
This paper provides a computation on both the China's aggregate CO2 emission volume and the emission of each sector over the period of 2002-2007, based on the input-output analysis. Further analysis is also given on ... This paper provides a computation on both the China's aggregate CO2 emission volume and the emission of each sector over the period of 2002-2007, based on the input-output analysis. Further analysis is also given on the various determinants of the change in the emission volume, with the aid of structural decomposition analysis (SDA) based on a residual-free method. Based on the input-output table of China in 2002 and 2007, the merge of sectors and the adjustment of price change have been made during the study. The emissions of carbon dioxide in China increased from 2,887.3 million ton to 5,664.6 million ton during 2002-2007. The average rate of increase is 13.3%, faster than the average rate of gross domestic product (GDP) growth 11.6% slightly. According to the process of SDA, the changes in emission are analyzed in terms of four different factors. Among the four factors studied in the paper, it is found that the change of emission intensity and structure of demand are the main reason of the decrease of emission, while production technology and scale effect increase the emission volume. The paper also finds that although the direct emission intensity decreased during the study period, the total emission intensity increased with the annual rate of 3.8%, which reflects the result of energy policy is not equal in different sectors. 展开更多
关键词 carbon emissions input-output table hybrid units structural decomposition analysis trading structure emission intensity
作者 胡鞍钢 《经济导刊》 2019年第8期62-64,共3页
关键词 复杂巨系统 中国国情 钱学森 碳排放增长
作者 胡鞍钢 《中国生态文明》 2015年第4期40-43,共4页
国家五年规划是中国最重要的国家发展治理机制和发展政策手段之一,主要阐明国家战略意图,明确政府工作重点,引导市场主体行为,是未来五年我国经济社会发展的宏伟蓝图,是全国各地共同的行动纲领,是中央政府履行宏观调控职责、地方政府履... 国家五年规划是中国最重要的国家发展治理机制和发展政策手段之一,主要阐明国家战略意图,明确政府工作重点,引导市场主体行为,是未来五年我国经济社会发展的宏伟蓝图,是全国各地共同的行动纲领,是中央政府履行宏观调控职责、地方政府履行公共服务、市场监管、社会管理、环境保护等职责的重要依据。 展开更多
关键词 主体功能区规划 资源节约型 环境友好型社会 十八届五中全会 碳排放增长 生态安全屏障 绿色发展指标 绿色发展战略
Black or Green?Economic Growth Patterns in China under Low Carbon Economy Targets 被引量:1
作者 尚勇敏 司月芳 曾刚 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2015年第5期310-317,共8页
Achieving dual goals of economic growth and carbon emission reduction is a major issue in China. In this paper we deifne three economic growth patterns (green growth, brown growth and black growth) according to the ... Achieving dual goals of economic growth and carbon emission reduction is a major issue in China. In this paper we deifne three economic growth patterns (green growth, brown growth and black growth) according to the relationship between economic scale and carbon emissions, and then trace the historical trajectory of economic growth over the last 40 years. Granger causality is used to test China’s economic growth and carbon emission linkage. We argue that green growth means that the rate of carbon emission reduction is faster than the increase in GDP. When carbon intensity reduction is slower than GDP growth, brown growth occurs. Black growth occurs when both carbon intensity and economic scale increase. For China, we denote the four periods of black growth (1971–1977), brown growth (1978–2001), black growth (2002–2004), and brown growth (2004–2010). Granger causality tests indicate that mutual causality between carbon emissions and economic growth exists in the short term, but not the long term. In order to achieve the goals of economic growth and carbon intensity reduction, it is necessary for China to actively participate in global carbon reduction activities, technological innovation and ecological civilization construction. 展开更多
关键词 low-carbon economy China carbon emissions economic growth pattern Granger causality green growth
Structural Decomposition Analysis of the Decline in China's CO_2 Emission Intensity 2005–2010 被引量:3
作者 李艳梅 赵剑锋 +1 位作者 杨涛 陈豹 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2013年第4期311-316,共6页
Here we utilize input-output tables for 2005 and 2010 to calculate the change in carbon dioxide emission intensity. Results show that total carbon dioxide emissions were 6.79 and 9.30 billion tons, and carbon dioxide ... Here we utilize input-output tables for 2005 and 2010 to calculate the change in carbon dioxide emission intensity. Results show that total carbon dioxide emissions were 6.79 and 9.30 billion tons, and carbon dioxide emission intensity was 0.37 and 0.33 ton per thousand CNY in 2005 and 2010, respectively. Carbon dioxide emission intensity declined 11% over these five years. We used structural decomposition analysis modeling to measure the effect of four factors on this reduction in intensity. We found that the contribution values of energy structure, energy efficiency, economic growth mode and economic structure were -0.001, -0.102, 0.050, and 0.013 ton per thousand CNY, respectively. Changes in energy efficiency and energy structure are major factors promoting decreases in carbon dioxide emission intensity; the effect of the former is more distinct than the latter. Economic growth mode and economic structure are major factors that increase carbon dioxide emission intensity, whereby the effect of the former is more distinct than the latter. 展开更多
关键词 carbon dioxide emissions intensity economic growth energy consumption INPUT-OUTPUT structural decomposition analysis
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