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碳模板法制备ZnO粉及其光电性能 被引量:1
作者 王艳香 钟蓉 +4 位作者 杨志胜 黄丽群 范学运 李家科 孙健 《陶瓷学报》 CAS 北大核心 2016年第1期23-29,共7页
以ZnSO_4·7H_2O和C_6H_(12)O_6为原料,采用碳模板水热法制备了ZnO粉。通过变化工艺因素获得了ZnO微球、ZnO纳米颗粒和ZnO纳米片三种不同形貌的ZnO粉,并将不同形貌的ZnO粉作为光阳极组装成染料敏化太阳能电池。主要研究了Zn/C摩尔... 以ZnSO_4·7H_2O和C_6H_(12)O_6为原料,采用碳模板水热法制备了ZnO粉。通过变化工艺因素获得了ZnO微球、ZnO纳米颗粒和ZnO纳米片三种不同形貌的ZnO粉,并将不同形貌的ZnO粉作为光阳极组装成染料敏化太阳能电池。主要研究了Zn/C摩尔比和水热温度对ZnO粉形貌和电池性能的影响。采用扫描电子显微镜对ZnO粉进行了表征,采用电化学工作站对电池的电化学性能进行了分析,并测试了电池的I-V曲线和IPCE曲线。结果表明:Zn/C摩尔比2:1,水热温度180℃、水热时间4 h制备的ZnO粉应用于染料敏化太阳能电池,其光电效率为1.91%。 展开更多
关键词 染料敏化太阳能电池 ZnO粉 碳模板法 光电性能
碳模板法改性的NaNO_(3)修饰MgO脱碳性能研究 被引量:1
作者 杨川江 赵有为 王珂 《中国电机工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期3702-3710,共9页
镁基吸附剂是适用于IGCC电站与燃烧前CO_(2)捕集结合、最具发展前景的固体吸附剂之一。纯MgO吸附剂的理论吸附量很高,其实际CO_(2)吸附效果却并不理想,对其掺杂碱金属盐复合形貌改性是提高其吸附性能的有效手段。该文利用D-葡萄糖酸为碳... 镁基吸附剂是适用于IGCC电站与燃烧前CO_(2)捕集结合、最具发展前景的固体吸附剂之一。纯MgO吸附剂的理论吸附量很高,其实际CO_(2)吸附效果却并不理想,对其掺杂碱金属盐复合形貌改性是提高其吸附性能的有效手段。该文利用D-葡萄糖酸为碳源,以碳模板法制得了一种NaNO3改性MgO吸附剂,并提出两段吸附法进行循环实验。结果表明:碳模板法能使吸附剂呈现出高比表面积的纳米级薄片状颗粒,吸附温度提前,在小于300℃时诱导期缩短,吸附速率变快;利用其双峰吸附特性的两段吸附法更是能让其首个循环吸附量达到0.82g/g_(sorbent),在经历了8个循环时其CO_(2)吸附量仍能达到0.4g/g_(sorbent)。该文还使用双指数函数对其恒温吸附曲线进行了动力学分析,发现使用碳模板法负载的吸附剂无论是快速反应阶段还是产物层扩散阶段的反应系数都提高了一个数量级以上,两个阶段反应的活化焓均降低。 展开更多
关键词 MGO 碳模板法 NaNO_(3)改性 CO_(2)吸附 两段吸附
作者 严祥辉 杨俊诚 许皓 《电源技术》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第2期236-241,共6页
以葡萄糖(G)、尿素(U)、碱式碳酸盐和碳酸钾(PC)分别为碳前驱体、氮掺杂剂、反应性硬模板和活化剂,采用模板碳化-化学活化法合成了层级多孔氮掺杂碳材料。研究了各前驱体质量比、硬模板类型对其结构进而对其用作超级电容器电极性能的影... 以葡萄糖(G)、尿素(U)、碱式碳酸盐和碳酸钾(PC)分别为碳前驱体、氮掺杂剂、反应性硬模板和活化剂,采用模板碳化-化学活化法合成了层级多孔氮掺杂碳材料。研究了各前驱体质量比、硬模板类型对其结构进而对其用作超级电容器电极性能的影响。结果表明:在800℃裂解温度下,G、U、碱式碳酸锌(BZC)和PC的质量比为2∶1∶2∶2时,制备的多孔氮掺杂碳(G/U-BZC-PC)呈现出珊瑚状、多级孔(微-介),具有大的比表面积(3000 m^(2)/g)、较高的石墨化程度以及低的电荷转移电阻;在1 A/g电流密度下,其扣式电池(6 mol/L KOH)的比电容为301.9 F/g,且具有较好的倍率性能,增大至10 A/g时,其电容保持率为89.4%;另外,在10000次充放电循环后,其电容保持率为98.1%。 展开更多
关键词 反应性硬模板 模板化-化学活化 氮掺杂 层级孔结构 超级电容器
蒙脱石层间碳化法制备新型材料 被引量:2
作者 李伟东 黄建国 《材料导报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 1997年第1期44-45,共2页
关键词 蒙脱石 夹层复合物 模板 材料
中空Li_4Ti_5O_(12)纳米材料的合成及电化学性能 被引量:1
作者 王亚蕾 张立新 +1 位作者 王瑗钟 邱皓扬 《电池》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第2期82-84,共3页
运用碳模板法制备单分散性的钛酸锂(Li4Ti5O12),采用XRD、透射电镜(TEM)和恒流充放电测试对样品的物相、形貌和电化学性能进行分析。样品是平均粒径为480nm的尖晶石型Li4Ti5O12纯相,为中空微球。在1.0.2.5V充放电,0.2C的首... 运用碳模板法制备单分散性的钛酸锂(Li4Ti5O12),采用XRD、透射电镜(TEM)和恒流充放电测试对样品的物相、形貌和电化学性能进行分析。样品是平均粒径为480nm的尖晶石型Li4Ti5O12纯相,为中空微球。在1.0.2.5V充放电,0.2C的首次和第100次循环的放电比容量分别为174mAh/g、129mAh/g;依次以0.2C、1.0C和2.0C在各倍率均循环20次,第60次循环的放电比容量仍有127mAh/g。 展开更多
关键词 碳模板法 钛酸锂(Li4Ti5O12) 中空微球 锂离子电池
Synthesis of spinel LiMn_(2)O_(4) microspheres with durable high rate capability 被引量:2
作者 周玉波 邓远富 +2 位作者 袁伟豪 施志聪 陈国华 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第10期2541-2547,共7页
Spinel LiMn2O4 microspheres with durable high rate capability were synthesized by a facile route using spherical MnCO3 precursors as the self-supported templates, combined with the calcinations of LiNO3 at 700 °C... Spinel LiMn2O4 microspheres with durable high rate capability were synthesized by a facile route using spherical MnCO3 precursors as the self-supported templates, combined with the calcinations of LiNO3 at 700 °C for 8 h. The spherical MnCO3 precursors were obtained from the control of the crystallizing process of Mn2+ ions and NH4HCO3 in aqueous solution. The effects of the mole ratio of the raw materials, reaction time, and reaction temperature on the morphology and yield of the MnCO3 were investigated. The as-synthesized MnCO3 and LiMn2O4 microspheres were characterized by powder X-ray diffractometry (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Galvanostatic charge/discharge tests indicate that the spinel LiMn2O4 microspheres deliver a discharge capacity of 90 mA-h/g at 10C rate show good capacity retention capability (75% of their initial capacity after 800 cycles at 10C rate). The durable high rate capability suggests that the as-synthesized LiMn2O4 microspheres are promising cathode materials for high power lithium ion batteries. 展开更多
关键词 MnCO_(3)microspheres self-supported template LiMn_(2)O_(4) microspheres rate capability
单壁碳纳米管的结构控制生长方法 被引量:3
作者 李盼 张锦 《化学进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期167-178,共12页
单壁碳纳米管在原子尺度的结构变化即可导致其电学、光学方面等性质的多样性和非连续的变化——如电学性质上可呈现半导体性或金属性。然而,在单壁碳纳米管表现出诸多优异性能的同时,如何实现碳纳米管的结构控制制备仍面临严峻的挑战。... 单壁碳纳米管在原子尺度的结构变化即可导致其电学、光学方面等性质的多样性和非连续的变化——如电学性质上可呈现半导体性或金属性。然而,在单壁碳纳米管表现出诸多优异性能的同时,如何实现碳纳米管的结构控制制备仍面临严峻的挑战。本文以单壁碳纳米管的管径、导电属性和手性控制为目标,介绍单壁碳纳米管的结构控制生长方法,主要包括温度扰动法、金属催化剂结构设计法、生长气氛调控法、外场辅助法、基底诱导法、非金属粒子催化法和sp2碳结构模板法等。并在此基础上总结了单壁碳纳米管结构控制生长的基本思路及实现途径,以期为后续单壁碳纳米管的规模化应用奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 单壁纳米管 结构控制 催化剂设计 非金属催化 sp2结构模板 基底诱导 外场辅助
Synthesis of mesoporous carbon as electrode material for supercapacitor by modified template method 被引量:3
作者 赵家昌 赖春艳 +1 位作者 戴扬 解晶莹 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 EI 2005年第6期647-652,共6页
The pore structures and electrochemical performances of mesoporous carbons prepared by silica sol template method as electrode material for supercapacitor were investigated. The mean pore size and mass specific capaci... The pore structures and electrochemical performances of mesoporous carbons prepared by silica sol template method as electrode material for supercapacitor were investigated. The mean pore size and mass specific capacitance of the mesoporous carbons increase with the increase of mass ratio of silica sol to carbon source (glucose). A modified template method, combining silica sol template method and ZnCl2 chemical activation method, was proposed to improve the mass specific capacitance of the mesoporous carbon with an improved BET surface area. The correlation of rate capability and pore structure was studied by constant current discharge and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. A commercially available microporous carbon was used for comparison. The result shows that mesoporous carbon with a larger pore size displays a higher rate capability. Mesoporous carbon synthesized by modified template method has both high mass specific capacitance and good rate capability. 展开更多
关键词 SUPERCAPACITOR mesoporous carbon modified template method electrochemical performance SYNTHESIS
Graphene-templated synthesis of sandwich-like porous carbon nanosheets for efficient oxygen reduction reaction in both alkaline and acidic media 被引量:9
作者 Tao Wang Jianyu Wang +3 位作者 Xu Wang Jia Yang Jianguo Liu Hangxun Xu 《Science China Materials》 SCIE EI CSCD 2018年第7期915-925,共11页
Developing low-cost, high-performance elec- trocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is crucial for implementation of fuel cells and metal-air batteries into practical applications. Graphene-based cataly... Developing low-cost, high-performance elec- trocatalysts for the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) is crucial for implementation of fuel cells and metal-air batteries into practical applications. Graphene-based catalysts have been extensively investigated for ORR in alkaline electrolytes. However, their performance in acidic electrolytes still requires further improvement compared to the Pt/C catalyst. Here we report a self-templating approach to prepare graphene-based sandwich-like porous carbon nanosheets for efficient ORR in both alkaline and acidic electrolytes. Graphene oxides were first used to adsorb m-phenylenediamine molecules which can form a nitrogen-rich polymer network after oxidative poly- merization. Then iron (Fe) salt was introduced into the polymer network and transformed into ORR active Fe-N-C sites along with Fe, FeS, and FEN0.05 nanopartides after pyr- olysis, generating ORR active sandwich-like carbon na- nosheets. Due to the presence of multiple ORR active sites. The as-obtained catalyst exhibited prominent ORR activity with a half-wave potential -30 mV more positive than Pt/C in 0.1 mol L-1 KOH, while the half-wave potential of the catalyst was only -40 mV lower than that of commercial Pt/C in 0.1 mol L-1 HClO4. The unique planar sandwich-like structure could expose abundant active sites for ORR. Meanwhile, the graphene layer and porous structure could simultaneously enhance electrical conductivity and facilitate mass transport. The prominent electrocatalytic activity and durability in both alkaline and acidic electrolytes indicate that these carbon na- nosheets hold great potential as alternatives to precious metal- based catalysts, as demonstrated in zinc-air batteries and proton exchange membrane fuel cells. 展开更多
关键词 oxygen reduction reaction porous carbon na-nosheets fuel cells zinc-air batteries
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