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柴油机排放检测中碳流量偏差影响因素的研究 被引量:3
作者 毛赛龙 郑建 +1 位作者 王磊 王明达 《小型内燃机与车辆技术》 2021年第3期59-62,共4页
优化ECE R96的碳流量检查模型,并将循环总碳流量偏差作为排放检测的有效性指标之一。采用单因子变量法,分析了各因子对碳流量偏差影响的显著性,进气流量、燃油流量和CO2浓度影响明显,且基本呈线性关系。
关键词 柴油机 平衡 排放检测 碳流量偏差 影响因素
作者 吕南 《氮肥设计》 1991年第1期28-30,共3页
一、前言合成氨装置实现水碳比(S/C)控制,必须测量出总碳流量,由于油田气组分复杂,虽然集散系统(DCS)可以调用若干用户组态运算式,但 DCS 系统的各种控制算法和运算步骤以及各卡件的输入通道等不是无限的。由 GC6工业色谱仪分析的油田... 一、前言合成氨装置实现水碳比(S/C)控制,必须测量出总碳流量,由于油田气组分复杂,虽然集散系统(DCS)可以调用若干用户组态运算式,但 DCS 系统的各种控制算法和运算步骤以及各卡件的输入通道等不是无限的。由 GC6工业色谱仪分析的油田气组分就有7个之多,将7个组分信号全部送入 DCS 再计算总碳数(∑C) 展开更多
关键词 合成氨 碳流量 测量 色谱
基于林产品贸易的碳汇流量的中国气候谈判之立场探讨 被引量:7
作者 肖艳 张汉林 《软科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第8期50-54,共5页
利用储藏法、生产法和大气循环法定量计算了在林产品贸易下各国碳汇流量的变动情况,分析了在不同计量方法下各国的实际利益得失;研究的结果部分验证了气候谈判利益集团组合的深层原因;探讨了中国同金砖国家及其他经济体进行森林碳汇合... 利用储藏法、生产法和大气循环法定量计算了在林产品贸易下各国碳汇流量的变动情况,分析了在不同计量方法下各国的实际利益得失;研究的结果部分验证了气候谈判利益集团组合的深层原因;探讨了中国同金砖国家及其他经济体进行森林碳汇合作的可能性和合作的方向,并就未来气候谈判中涉及森林碳汇国际核算问题提出了中国应持的立场和观点。 展开更多
关键词 气候谈判集团 林产品贸易 伐材 流量 汇核算
基于国六法规的碳罐脱附流量对蒸发排放性能的影响 被引量:7
作者 周祥云 张磊 +1 位作者 黄敬锋 肖亮 《汽车实用技术》 2020年第2期78-80,共3页
关键词 国Ⅵ法规 罐脱附流量 燃油系统 蒸发排放
电力系统碳排放流分析理论初探 被引量:128
作者 周天睿 康重庆 +1 位作者 徐乾耀 陈启鑫 《电力系统自动化》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2012年第7期38-43,85,共7页
采用低碳电力技术是电力行业实现可持续发展的重要举措。现有研究中,碳排放的统计量通常以宏观数据统计为主,按照一次能源消耗量转换得到。此类方法无法揭示电力系统碳排放的特点,在应用中存在着诸多局限性。文中探讨了将碳排放分析与... 采用低碳电力技术是电力行业实现可持续发展的重要举措。现有研究中,碳排放的统计量通常以宏观数据统计为主,按照一次能源消耗量转换得到。此类方法无法揭示电力系统碳排放的特点,在应用中存在着诸多局限性。文中探讨了将碳排放分析与电力系统潮流计算相结合的新思路,提出了电力系统碳排放流的概念。结合网络分析技术,提出并建立了电力系统碳排放流分析的几个基本概念与指标,初步形成电力系统碳排放流分析的理论架构。给出了一个示例系统的计算结果和直观展示,并结合电力系统潮流分析的基本原理,剖析了电力系统碳排放流分析理论的作用和意义。最后对电力系统碳排放流分析理论的应用领域和研究方向进行了展望。 展开更多
关键词 电力技术 排放流 能源消耗 支路碳流量 支路流率 节点
论企业碳会计信息披露体系的构建 被引量:10
作者 王德发 王照 《会计之友》 北大核心 2013年第32期46-49,共4页
2012年召开的十八大提出了生态文明建设,以应对气候的变化,减少温室气体排放量。低碳发展已经成为全球经济发展的一个趋势。为了顺应时代发展和国家政策的要求,企业必须要开始关注低碳信息的披露。文章首先介绍了企业低碳会计信息内容... 2012年召开的十八大提出了生态文明建设,以应对气候的变化,减少温室气体排放量。低碳发展已经成为全球经济发展的一个趋势。为了顺应时代发展和国家政策的要求,企业必须要开始关注低碳信息的披露。文章首先介绍了企业低碳会计信息内容及披露的方式,然后分析我国现有企业低碳会计信息披露研究,最后为构建我国企业低碳会计信息披露体系提出参考建议。 展开更多
关键词 会计信息 会计信息披露 碳流量 目计量表
车用发动机碳平衡影响因素的分析与研究 被引量:2
作者 叶平雄 胡克容 +1 位作者 杨聪 王凤滨 《汽车实用技术》 2020年第7期164-167,共4页
基于发动机碳平衡测量方法,提出了柴油发动机在燃烧做功之前与做功后排气的碳质量流量的数学模型;分析了影响碳平衡偏差的主要因素;在发动机台架上进行某柴油机的排放试验,得到不同工况下的碳流量偏差值;通过改变单一参数,分析数学模型... 基于发动机碳平衡测量方法,提出了柴油发动机在燃烧做功之前与做功后排气的碳质量流量的数学模型;分析了影响碳平衡偏差的主要因素;在发动机台架上进行某柴油机的排放试验,得到不同工况下的碳流量偏差值;通过改变单一参数,分析数学模型中碳流量偏差随不同影响参数的变化情况。研究结果表明,进气空气质量流量、发动机燃油消耗以及排气中CO2浓度值对碳平衡偏差的影响比较大,并可根据碳平衡偏差的不同测量结果值,采取相应的核查手段和有效措施以减小试验误差,有助于提高台架试验的精准度。 展开更多
关键词 汽车发动机 碳流量 平衡 碳流量偏差 影响因素
作者 Tatyana P.Kolchugina Ted S.Vlnson +1 位作者 orst.edu 徐尚平 《人类环境杂志》 1998年第7期579-580,共2页
北极圈以北的苔原生态系统向大气中释放大量的碳。俄罗斯森林可能是北部高纬度地区唯一的对碳循环进行平衡的陆地系统。1988年政府进行的森林普查表明,在80年代中期,俄罗斯森林拥有总量为44Pg C的地表和地下植物量。12Pg C的地表和地下... 北极圈以北的苔原生态系统向大气中释放大量的碳。俄罗斯森林可能是北部高纬度地区唯一的对碳循环进行平衡的陆地系统。1988年政府进行的森林普查表明,在80年代中期,俄罗斯森林拥有总量为44Pg C的地表和地下植物量。12Pg C的地表和地下树木碎屑(CWD),和105PgC的土壤有机质(表1);同时,俄罗斯森林是大气碳的一个容量为0.36~0.45Pg C/a的汇(表2)。 展开更多
关键词 俄罗斯 森林 循环 大气 碳流量
提高植物营养器官含油量的研究进展 被引量:1
作者 苗迎春 雷洁 +2 位作者 牛蕾蕾 陈亚东 甘毅 《江苏农业科学》 北大核心 2017年第1期1-5,共5页
与油料种子相比,植物营养器官含油量很低。在进化过程中,叶演变为"源"器官,成为高度专化的碳水化合物合成与输出器官。关于能否运用现代转基因技术,快速改造营养器官的功能,使之增强油合成与积累能力的问题,最近一些研究表明... 与油料种子相比,植物营养器官含油量很低。在进化过程中,叶演变为"源"器官,成为高度专化的碳水化合物合成与输出器官。关于能否运用现代转基因技术,快速改造营养器官的功能,使之增强油合成与积累能力的问题,最近一些研究表明,在营养器官中异位表达参与种子油生产的关键基因能够有效地提高营养器官的含油量。本文拟就这一方面的最近研究进展作一简要综述,以供植物脂类研究者参考。 展开更多
关键词 三酯甘油 脂肪酸 代谢途径 营养器官 碳流量 目标基因
绿色经济的整体转型 被引量:1
作者 戴星翼 《科学》 北大核心 2010年第1期15-18,共4页
进入21世纪后,我国经济开始了新一轮腾飞。在经济高速增长的同时,能源弹性系数却始终维持在1.2,即1个百分点的经济增长需要1.2个百分点的能源消费增量。此外能源价格飙升、电力供应紧张,以及不断加重的环境污染等因素严重制约着... 进入21世纪后,我国经济开始了新一轮腾飞。在经济高速增长的同时,能源弹性系数却始终维持在1.2,即1个百分点的经济增长需要1.2个百分点的能源消费增量。此外能源价格飙升、电力供应紧张,以及不断加重的环境污染等因素严重制约着我国经济的飞速发展。因此,国家已经将节能减排提高到了战略层面。并在2007年后出台了一系列的政策措施。但直至2008上半年。我国各地经济依旧火热,能否完成减排指标一度显得颇为渺茫。至下半年,全球金融危机导致我国经济增长减速,使节能减排目标得以完成。或资源环境形势紧张,或经济增长低落,两者之间的“跷跷板”关系一直未得到实质性改变。 展开更多
关键词 节能减排 隐含 流量
Carbon Sink Effects in Conversion of Farmland to Forest Project in Karst Drainage Basin——A Case of Hongfenghu Drainage Basin in Guizhou Province 被引量:1
作者 焦树林 艾其帅 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2011年第8期1174-1178,共5页
[Objective]Study on carbon sink effects in Conversion of Farmland to Forest Project in Hongfenghu drainage basin in order to provide evidences for assessing carbon sink potential of conversion of farmland to forest in... [Objective]Study on carbon sink effects in Conversion of Farmland to Forest Project in Hongfenghu drainage basin in order to provide evidences for assessing carbon sink potential of conversion of farmland to forest in Guizhou Province.[Method]By investigating the implement of Conversion of Farmland to Forest Project in Hongfenghu drainage basin from 2000 to 2006,the carbon sink amount and effect of seven main tree species in the foreat region like Cunninghamia lanceolata,Cryptomeria fortunei,Amygdalus persica,Prunus salicina,Armeniaca vulgaris,Camptotheca acuminate and Catalpa bungei were calculated,based on which the amount of forest carbon sinks in Hongfenghu drainage basin in 2015 was estimated.[Result]Biomass storage and carbon sink amount in middle and young aged forests were increasing over time from 2000 to 2006,which reached 1.05×107 kg by 2006 and would engage more and more potential.Cunninghamia lanceolata has the superior carbon sink capacity in the seven tree species in the research region,of which the amount of carbon sink per unit area will be 106.51 t/hm2 by 2015,followed by Cryptomeria fortunei with the amount of carbon sink per unit area by 99.42 t/hm2.Armeniaca vulgaris has the weakest carbon sink capacity of all the seven species with the amount of 13.03 t/hm2.The total amount of carbon sink in seven tree species was 2.35×107 kg,while the average amount of carbon sink per unit area was 26.17 t/hm2,which could produced economic benefit of 7.17×106 yuan calculated on the price of 305.0 yuan/t or 5.91×106 yuan calculated on the price of 254.1 yuan/t.[Conclusion]Economic benefits of carbon sink effects of Conversion of Farmland to Forest Project in Hongfenghu drainage basin were great with huge appreciation potential. 展开更多
关键词 Conversion of farmland to forest Amount of carbon sink Economic benefits Hongfenghu Drainage basin
Application of least squares vector machines in modelling water vapor and carbon dioxide fluxes over a cropland 被引量:1
作者 秦钟 于强 +2 位作者 李俊 吴志毅 胡秉民 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2005年第6期491-495,共5页
Least squares support vector machines (LS-SVMs), a nonlinear kemel based machine was introduced to investigate the prospects of application of this approach in modelling water vapor and carbon dioxide fluxes above a s... Least squares support vector machines (LS-SVMs), a nonlinear kemel based machine was introduced to investigate the prospects of application of this approach in modelling water vapor and carbon dioxide fluxes above a summer maize field using the dataset obtained in the North China Plain with eddy covariance technique. The performances of the LS-SVMs were compared to the corresponding models obtained with radial basis function (RBF) neural networks. The results indicated the trained LS-SVMs with a radial basis function kernel had satisfactory performance in modelling surface fluxes; its excellent approximation and generalization property shed new light on the study on complex processes in ecosystem. 展开更多
关键词 Least squares support vector machines (LS-SVMs) Water vapor and carbon dioxide fluxes exchange Radial basis function (RBF) neural networks
Application of response surface methodology for optimization of purge gas recycling to an industrial reactor for conversion of CO_2 to methanol 被引量:2
作者 Hadiseh Khalilpourmeymandi Azadeh Mirvakili +1 位作者 Mohammad Reza Rahimpour Alireza Shariati 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第5期676-687,共12页
Nowadays, by the increasing attention to environment and high rate of fuel production, recycling of purge gas as reactant to a reactor is highly considered. In this study, it is proposed that the purge gases of methan... Nowadays, by the increasing attention to environment and high rate of fuel production, recycling of purge gas as reactant to a reactor is highly considered. In this study, it is proposed that the purge gases of methanol production unit, which are approximately15.018 t·h^(-1) in the largest methanol production complexes in the world, can be recycled to the reactor and utilized for increasing the production rate. Purge gas streams contain 63% hydrogen,20% carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide as reactants and 17% nitrogen and methane as inert. The recycling effect of beneficial components on methanol production rate has been investigated in this study. Simulation results show that methanol production enhances by recycling just hydrogen, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide which is an effective configuration among the others. It is named as Desired Recycle Configuration(DRC) in this study. The optimum fraction of returning purge gas is calculated via one dimensional modeling of process and Response Surface Methodology(RSM) is applied to maximize the methanol flow rate and minimize the carbon dioxide flow rate. Simulation results illustrate that methanol flow rate increases by 0.106% in DRC compared to Conventional Recycle Configuration(CRC) which therefore shows the superiority of applying DRC to CRC. 展开更多
关键词 Methanol synthesis Recycling purge gas streams Novel configuration Response surface methodology
Organic carbon losses by eroded sediments from sloping vegetable fields in South China 被引量:1
作者 QIAN Jing ZHANG Li-ping +1 位作者 WANG Wen-yan LIU Qiao 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第3期539-548,共10页
Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is the most important component of soil. Though small, it determines soil fertility and prevents soil losses. In this study, we examined relationships between the Particle-Size Distribution... Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) is the most important component of soil. Though small, it determines soil fertility and prevents soil losses. In this study, we examined relationships between the Particle-Size Distribution (PSD) of the eroded sediment and SOC loss, and evaluated the effects of plant coverage ratios (0%, 15%, 30%, 45%, 60% and 90%), slope lengths (2 m, 4 m), fertilizer treatments (unfertilized control (CK), compound N-P-K fertilizer (CF), and organic fertilizer (OF)) on SOC loss and the SOC enrichment ratio (ERsoc) in the eroded sediments. The experimental results showed that longer slope length and lower surface cover ratios produced larger surface runoff and the eroded sediments, resulting in larger SOC losses. The average SOC loss was greatest in the OF treatment and SOC loss was mainly associated with the eroded sediment. Surface runoff, which causes soil erosion, is a selective transportation process, hence there were more clay- sized particles (〈2 μm) and silt-sized particles (2-50μm) in the eroded sediments than in the original soils. SOC was enriched in the eroded sediments relative to in the original soil when ERsoc 〉 1. ERsoc was positively correlated with ERclay (〈2 pro) (R^2 = o.68) and ERie at (2-20 μm) (R2 = 0.63), and from all the size particle categories of the original soil or the eroded sediments, more than 95% of SOC was concentrated in small-sized partieles (〈50 μm). The distribution of SOC in different-sized particles of the original soil and the eroded sediment is primarily associated with clay-sized part-ides and fine silt-sized particles, thus we eonelude that as the eroded sediment partieles became finer, more SOC was absorbed, resulting in more severe SOC loss. 展开更多
关键词 Fertilizer treatment Particle-sizedistribution Vegetation cover ratio Sediment yields Slope length Soil organic carbon Surface runoff
Synthesis and evaluation of carbon nanotubes composite adsorbent for CO2 capture: a comparative study of CO2 adsorption capacity of single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes 被引量:2
作者 Keren Osier Dhruti Dheda +2 位作者 Jacob Ngoy Nicola Wagner Michael O. Daramola 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2017年第1期41-49,共9页
As a preliminary investigation towards obtaining carbon nanotube composite adsorbent for CO2 capture, in this study CO2 adsorption performance of three commercial carbon nanotubes (CNTs) one single-walled carbon nan... As a preliminary investigation towards obtaining carbon nanotube composite adsorbent for CO2 capture, in this study CO2 adsorption performance of three commercial carbon nanotubes (CNTs) one single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs), and two (2) different multi-walled carbon nanotubes (referred to as A-MWCNTs and B-MWCNTs) were evaluated and compared. The purpose of this study was to compare the different types of CNTs and select the best to serve as the solid anchor in the development of a hydrophobic composite adsorbent material for CO2 capture. The N2 physi- sorption of the CNTs was conducted to determine their surface area, pore volume and pore size. In addition, morphology and purity of the CNTs were checked with Transmission Electron Microscopy and Raman Spectroscopy, respectively. The CO2 adsorption capacity of the CNTs was evaluated using Thermo-gravimetric analysis (TGA) at 1.1 bar, at operating temperature ranged from 25 to 55 ~C and at different CO2 feed flow rates, in order to evaluate the effects of these variables on the CO2 adsorption capacity. The results of CO2 adsorption with the TGA show that CO2 adsorption capacity for both SWCNTs and MWCNTs was the highest at 25 ~C. Changing the CO2 flowrates had no significant effect on the adsorption capacity of MWCNTs, but decreasing the CO2 flow rate resulted in the enhancement of the CO2 adsorption capacity of SWCNTs. Overall, it was found that the SWCNTs displayed the highest CO2 adsorption capacity (29.97 gCO2/kg ad- sorbent) when compared to the MWCNTs (12.09 gCO2/kg adsorbent), indicating a 150% increase in adsorption capacity over MWCNTs. 展开更多
关键词 CO2 Capture ADSORPTION Carbon nanotubes Single-walled nanotubes Multi-walled nanotubes
Optimization and control of a reactive distillation process for the synthesis of dimethyl carbonate 被引量:8
作者 Zhixian Huang Yixiong Lin +2 位作者 Xiaoda Wang Changshen Ye Ling Li 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第8期1079-1090,共12页
Dimethyl carbonate is an environmentally benign and biodegradable chemical.Based on integration of reactive distillation and pressure-swing distillation technologies,a novel process for synthesis of dimethyl carbonate... Dimethyl carbonate is an environmentally benign and biodegradable chemical.Based on integration of reactive distillation and pressure-swing distillation technologies,a novel process for synthesis of dimethyl carbonate through transesterification with propylene carbonate and methanol has been developed by Huang et al.In this work,the optimization of this process was performed by minimizing the total TAC.The results show that the optimal design flowsheet can save energy consumption by 18.6% with the propylene carbonate conversion of 99.9%.Then,an effective plant-wide control structure for the process was developed.Dynamic simulation results demonstrate that the temperature/flow rate cascade control plus with simple temperature control can keep not only product purity but also the conversion of the reactant at their desired values in the face of the disturbance in reactant feed flow rate and feed composition. 展开更多
关键词 Dimethyl carbonate Reactive distillation Transesterification Dynamic simulation
Effect of Electron Drag on Performances of Carbon Nanotubes as Flow Sensors
作者 LUEJian-wei WANGWan-lu +3 位作者 LIAOKe-jun CAOChun-lan LIUCang-lin ZENGQing-gao 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2004年第4期271-274,共4页
Experimentally, the electron drag effect on carbon nanotube surface in flowing liquids was investigated. It was found that electric current could be generated in metallic carbon nanotubes immersed in the liquids. Carb... Experimentally, the electron drag effect on carbon nanotube surface in flowing liquids was investigated. It was found that electric current could be generated in metallic carbon nanotubes immersed in the liquids. Carbon nanotubes were synthesized on Si substrate by hot filament chemical vapor deposition. The experimental results showed that the flow-induced current on the surface of carbon nanotube films was closely depended on the flow rate, concentration, properties and temperature of liquids. The flow-induced current was increased with the increasing of flow rate, concentration and temperature of liquids. The obtained results were discussed in detail. 展开更多
关键词 Carbon nanotubes Surface Electron drag effect CVD FILMS
The Impact of Carbon Emissions on Asset Values and Operating Cash Flows: Evidence From Australian Listed Companies
作者 Li Yongqing Ian Eddie Liu Jinghui 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2013年第1期94-111,共18页
In November 2011, the Australian government approved the legislation (Clean Energy Act 2011) to introduce a reduction plan of carbon emissions in Australia. This plan will be implemented from July 2012. This is one ... In November 2011, the Australian government approved the legislation (Clean Energy Act 2011) to introduce a reduction plan of carbon emissions in Australia. This plan will be implemented from July 2012. This is one of the first accounting studies to investigate the potential impacts of this plan on long-lived asset values and operating cash flows for Australian listed companies. A sample of Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) 200 indexed companies from 2'006 to 2010 is used. Hypotheses are tested based on Heckman's (1979) two-stage approach. Three regression models are developed to examine the association between carbon emissions and asset values/operating cash flows. This study finds that asset values and operating cash flows will be adversely affected, if the reduction plan is implemented. Specifically, this study finds that the book value of long-lived assets will decrease, if listed companies are considered to be emissions-liable. The book value of long-lived assets is further found to be negatively associated with listed companies' carbon emission levels. This study also demonstrates that operating cash flows of emissions-liable companies will be adversely affected. However, this study does not find a relationship between operating cash flows and companies' emission levels. The empirical findings from Australian listed companies provide the evidence that the reduction plan of carbon emissions will adversely affect corporate entities' asset values and operating cash flows. The results further indicate that the magnitude of the impact will be proportional to the companies' emission levels. The implications of these empirical findings for listed companies, for the accounting profession, and for carbon emission regulators are also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 carbon emissions reduction asset values operating cash flows AUSTRALIA
Small Scale Refrigerators and Freezers: Thermal Improvements in the Envelope
作者 Clito Afonso Joaquim Gabriel 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2017年第1期1-14,共14页
Like in other sectors of activity, the sustainability in refrigeration systems is a mandatory goal to achieve, namely at house holdings, bars and restaurants, where small-scale refrigerators and freezers are widely us... Like in other sectors of activity, the sustainability in refrigeration systems is a mandatory goal to achieve, namely at house holdings, bars and restaurants, where small-scale refrigerators and freezers are widely used. The aim of this work is to demonstrate experimentally, trough measurements carried out in these equipments, the improvement that can be achieved if several modifications are implemented in traditional household refrigeration systems. In addition, it was also simulated and analysed experimentally a slightly different equipment, a refrigeration system used for draught beverages. Both systems work on a single vapour compression refrigeration with R-134a as working fluid. In the end, by implemented the modifications tested in the virtual model, it was possible to improve their thermal behaviour, a decrease in electrical energy consumption, as well as, the associated CO2 emissions reduction can be attained. In this project, the CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) soffware--ANSYS Fluent was used to simulate the ambient temperature and velocity fields inside the refrigerator and in that way to validate the measured results. 展开更多
关键词 Small scalerefrigerators/freezer thermal efficiency air infiltration SUSTAINABILITY CO2 emissions reduction.
Effect of CO Combustion Promoters on Combustion Air Partition in FCC under Nearly Complete Combustion 被引量:3
作者 王锐 罗雄麟 许锋 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第5期531-537,共7页
With CO combustion promoters, the role of combustion air flow rate for concerns of economics and control is important. The combustion air is conceptually divided to three parts: the air consumed by coke burning,the ai... With CO combustion promoters, the role of combustion air flow rate for concerns of economics and control is important. The combustion air is conceptually divided to three parts: the air consumed by coke burning,the air consumed by CO combustion and the air unreacted. A mathematical model of a fluid catalytic cracking(FCC)unit, which includes a quantitative correlation of CO heterogeneous combustion and the amount of CO combustion promoters, is introduced to investigate the effects of promoters on the three parts of combustion air. The results show that the air consumed by coke burning is almost linear to combustion air flow rate, while the air consumed by CO combustion promoters tends to saturate as combustion air flow rate increases, indicating that higher air flow rate can only be used as a manipulated variable to control the oxygen content for an economic concern. 展开更多
关键词 fluid catalytic cracking unit CO combustion promoters combustion air partition
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