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两株嗜冷碳酸钙矿化菌对大理石表面修复效果研究 被引量:5
作者 李琼芳 何鑫 +2 位作者 陈超 杨清清 吕治州 《人工晶体学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第1期172-178,共7页
细菌诱导的矿化沉积是一种有效修复和保护石质文物的方法。为探究生物矿化法应用于寒冷地区石质文物表面的修复效果,本文在黄龙高寒钙华沉积区分离到2株具高产碳酸酐酶(CA)活性的嗜冷型细菌菌株,并在大理石试件表面进行诱导矿化沉积。采... 细菌诱导的矿化沉积是一种有效修复和保护石质文物的方法。为探究生物矿化法应用于寒冷地区石质文物表面的修复效果,本文在黄龙高寒钙华沉积区分离到2株具高产碳酸酐酶(CA)活性的嗜冷型细菌菌株,并在大理石试件表面进行诱导矿化沉积。采用p H计、SEM、XRD等仪器,通过对矿化沉积过程中p H值、试件表面矿化沉积变化量、试件表面矿化沉积物的晶型晶貌、试件表面吸水性与透气性、耐酸度等的测定来表征嗜冷型碳酸酐酶产生菌在大理石试件表面矿化沉积的修复效果。结果表明,无论是存活菌还是灭活菌都在大理石试件表面生成了致密的碳酸钙矿化层,均为方解石晶型,形貌受菌体调控,活菌生成的矿化层更为均一和致密,长期作用比短期作用效果更明显,具有矿化层的试件在吸水性、透气性和耐酸度上都体现出更具防腐蚀的能力。其结果可为石质文物的修复提供一定的理论依据。 展开更多
关键词 嗜冷型碳酸酐酶产生菌 大理石 碳酸钙矿化沉积 文物表面修复
一株碳酸钙矿化菌的分离与鉴定 被引量:3
作者 张振远 李广悦 +2 位作者 丁德馨 王永东 胡南 《南华大学学报(自然科学版)》 2014年第2期30-33,共4页
基于微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积的岩土工程加固技术是一种环境友好的新技术.碳酸钙矿化菌是该技术应用的前提.为获得具有诱导碳酸钙沉积能力的菌株,采用选择性富集培养、平板分离方法从土壤中分离得到了一株具有尿素分解能力的菌株,细菌诱导... 基于微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积的岩土工程加固技术是一种环境友好的新技术.碳酸钙矿化菌是该技术应用的前提.为获得具有诱导碳酸钙沉积能力的菌株,采用选择性富集培养、平板分离方法从土壤中分离得到了一株具有尿素分解能力的菌株,细菌诱导产生的沉积物检测结果表明该菌株具有诱导碳酸钙沉积能力.通过形态学、革兰氏染色和16S rDNA序列同源性分析鉴定该菌株为巴斯德芽孢杆菌. 展开更多
关键词 岩土工程 碳酸钙矿化 分离 巴斯德芽孢杆菌
盐渍环境微生物矿化碳酸钙技术可行性研究 被引量:1
作者 杨晓旭 张文 +3 位作者 赵媛 张卫红 王珑霖 薛玮玮 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2020年第13期26-31,163,共7页
为了从青海省寒旱环境的盐渍土、水、植物中筛选分离及鉴定可以生产脲酶的耐盐菌,改善青海牧区土壤环境,探索寒旱盐渍土环境中微生物矿化碳酸钙技术的可行性,试验利用5%盐浓度的筛选培养基筛选耐盐菌,从中筛选最优脲酶产生菌,测定其生... 为了从青海省寒旱环境的盐渍土、水、植物中筛选分离及鉴定可以生产脲酶的耐盐菌,改善青海牧区土壤环境,探索寒旱盐渍土环境中微生物矿化碳酸钙技术的可行性,试验利用5%盐浓度的筛选培养基筛选耐盐菌,从中筛选最优脲酶产生菌,测定其生长曲线和产酶曲线,并进行菌株鉴定及微生物矿化碳酸钙技术可行性测定。结果表明:筛选出200株耐盐菌,其中分离得到1株高产耐盐脲酶产生菌,该菌株在5%盐浓度下的液体培养基中于37℃、180 r/min振荡培养时,其对数生长期出现在4~24 h,最佳发酵时间为48 h,初始酶活性最高达到2.21 U/mL,经鉴定该菌株为木糖葡萄球菌,登录号为MN420830,生成的沉淀为碳酸钙。说明从青海省寒旱盐渍土环境中可以筛选出耐盐脲酶产生菌,且该菌在实验室环境条件下进行微生物矿化碳酸钙技术是可行的。 展开更多
关键词 盐渍土环境 耐盐微生物 脲酶产生菌 酶活性 微生物碳酸钙技术 X射线衍射
MICP矿化产物中钙离子利用率的影响因素及微观物相分析 被引量:6
作者 段宇 徐国宾 +1 位作者 杨德锋 闫玥 《化工进展》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2019年第5期2306-2313,共8页
钙离子利用率是微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积矿化技术中一项重要指标和参数,待矿化钙离子能否参与到矿化反应和如何被利用是这项技术的关键。本文借助紫外线吸光度法、电导率法和EDTA滴定法等技术手段,分析了待胶结菌液浓度和脲酶活性的时变规... 钙离子利用率是微生物诱导碳酸钙沉积矿化技术中一项重要指标和参数,待矿化钙离子能否参与到矿化反应和如何被利用是这项技术的关键。本文借助紫外线吸光度法、电导率法和EDTA滴定法等技术手段,分析了待胶结菌液浓度和脲酶活性的时变规律,阐述了不同胶结配比对矿化反应过程中钙离子利用率的影响。结果表明:在胶结过程中,细菌的浓度和脲酶活性会逐渐降低;在合理浓度范围内,钙离子利用率随菌液浓度以及胶结液浓度的增大而提高,最高可达99.73%。进而通过X射线衍射、扫描电镜检测来揭示矿化产物的形成机理,分析得出:球霰状碳酸钙晶体是钙离子在有机质的调控下依托细菌表面的成核位点富集矿化而成,矿化产物中碳酸钙晶体尺寸大小和形态受菌液和胶结液配比浓度的影响。本研究对于微生物诱导矿化反应生成碳酸钙在工程材料领域的应用具有一定的参考价值。 展开更多
关键词 微生物诱导碳酸钙矿化沉淀技术 钙离子利用率 时变规律 微观结构 物相分析
超润湿矿化膜的制备与性能研究 被引量:3
作者 刘昌 周家华 +2 位作者 倪忠斌 施冬健 陈明清 《应用化工》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第10期2889-2893,共5页
在不锈钢网表面涂覆戊二醛交联的壳聚糖(CS),进而利用静电作用将聚丙烯酸(PAA)与Ca^(2+)富集至不锈钢网表面,再在碳酸铵氛围中形成稳定的碳酸钙矿化层。矿化后的不锈钢网能够对油水混合物进行高效分离。考察了聚丙烯酸的添加量、矿化时... 在不锈钢网表面涂覆戊二醛交联的壳聚糖(CS),进而利用静电作用将聚丙烯酸(PAA)与Ca^(2+)富集至不锈钢网表面,再在碳酸铵氛围中形成稳定的碳酸钙矿化层。矿化后的不锈钢网能够对油水混合物进行高效分离。考察了聚丙烯酸的添加量、矿化时间对矿化膜表面形貌的影响。当PAA添加量为0.1 mL(10%)时,矿化时间为16 h时形成的矿化膜完整的包裹了不锈钢丝,具有较好的分离效率与机械稳定性。同时考察了不同目数不锈钢网的矿化效果,发现都能在其表面形成稳定的矿化层;400目的矿化不锈钢网可有效分离几种常见的油水混合物,分离效率达98%以上;而1800目的矿化不锈钢网,则能够高效分离水包油乳液。 展开更多
关键词 仿生 油水分离 碳酸钙矿化 不锈钢网 超润湿性
Leaching kinetics of low-grade copper ore containing calcium-magnesium carbonate in ammonia-ammonium sulfate solution with persulfate 被引量:20
作者 刘志雄 尹周澜 +1 位作者 胡慧萍 陈启元 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2012年第11期2822-2830,共9页
The leaching kinetics of copper from low-grade copper ore was investigated in ammonia-ammonium sulfate solution with sodium persulfate. The effect parameters of stirring speed, temperature, particle size, concentratio... The leaching kinetics of copper from low-grade copper ore was investigated in ammonia-ammonium sulfate solution with sodium persulfate. The effect parameters of stirring speed, temperature, particle size, concentrations of ammonia, ammonium sulfate and sodium persulfate were determined. The results show that the leaching rate is nearly independent of agitation above 300 r/min and increases with the increase of temperature, concentrations of ammonia, ammonium sulfate and sodium persulfate. The EDS analysis and phase quantitative analysis of the residues indicate that bornite can be dissolved by persulfate oxidization. The leaching kinetics with activation energy of 22.91 kJ/mol was analyzed by using a new shrinking core model (SCM) in which both the interfacial transfer and diffusion across the product layer affect the leaching rate. A semi-empirical rate equation was obtained to describe the leaching process and the empirical reaction orders with respect to the concentrations of ammonia, ammonium sulfate and sodium persulfate are 0.5, 1.2 and 0.5, respectively. 展开更多
关键词 low-grade copper ore calcium-magnesium carbonate leaching kinetics ammoniacal solution sodium persulfate activation energy shrinking cure model
MICP对黏性泥石流沉积物固结特性影响研究 被引量:4
作者 何晓英 李东 +2 位作者 任永彪 张建忠 于泽清 《人民长江》 北大核心 2021年第6期148-153,共6页
针对泥石流沉积物高压缩性、低承载力、慢固结性的特点,可在其中加入巴氏芽孢杆菌诱导碳酸钙在泥石流沉积物孔隙中沉淀。为了探讨微生物矿化碳酸钙对沉积物固结速度与承载特性的影响,室内配制4组黏度为0.88 Pa·s的泥石流沉积物(3... 针对泥石流沉积物高压缩性、低承载力、慢固结性的特点,可在其中加入巴氏芽孢杆菌诱导碳酸钙在泥石流沉积物孔隙中沉淀。为了探讨微生物矿化碳酸钙对沉积物固结速度与承载特性的影响,室内配制4组黏度为0.88 Pa·s的泥石流沉积物(3组接种菌株、1组对照),对其进行排水固结试验。观测添加菌液对泥石流沉积物的排水量、沉降量、孔隙水压力的影响,随后通过载荷试验观测其承载力变化。研究结果表明:①微生物矿化碳酸钙可提高泥石流沉积物的承载力,试验组的比例界限及极限承载力均较原始组平均提高约20%;②微生物矿化碳酸钙对泥石流沉积物固结中的孔隙水压力消散不利,当黏性泥石流孔隙度较小时,不利于其排水与固结。 展开更多
关键词 泥石流沉积物 固结特性 微生物碳酸钙 排水固结试验 载荷试验
Field trial on use of soybean crude extract for carbonate precipitation and wind erosion control of sandy soil 被引量:13
作者 GAO Yu-feng MENG Hao +2 位作者 HE Jia QI Yong-shuai HANG Lei 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第11期3320-3333,共14页
Wind erosion is a major cause of land desertification and sandstorm formation in arid and semi-arid areas.The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of soybeans crude extract induced calcium carbonate p... Wind erosion is a major cause of land desertification and sandstorm formation in arid and semi-arid areas.The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of soybeans crude extract induced calcium carbonate precipitation(SICP)on reducing wind erosion risk of sandy soil.Field tests were carried out in Ulan Buh Desert,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,China.Results showed that the SICP method could significantly enhance the surface strength and wind erosion resistance of the topsoil.The optimal cementation solution(urea-CaCl2)concentration and spraying volume,according to experiments conducted on sandy land,were 0.2 mol/L and 4 L/m^2,respectively.Under this condition,the CaCO3 content was approximately 0.45%,the surface strength of sandy soil could reach 306.2 kPa,and the depth of wind erosion was approximately zero,after 30 d completion of SICP treatment.Soil surface strength declined with the increase of time,and long-term sand fixation effects of SICP treatment varied depending on topography.Whereas wind erosion in the top area of the windward slope was remarkable,sandy soils on the bottom area of the windward slope still maintained a relatively high level of surface strength and a low degree of wind erosion 12 month after SICP treatment.Scanning electron microscopy(SEM)tests with energy dispersive X-ray(EDX)confirmed the precipitation of CaCO3 and its bridge effect.These findings suggested that the SICP method is a promising candidate to protect sandy soil from wind erosion in desert areas. 展开更多
关键词 soybeans crude extract induced calcium carbonate precipitation(SICP) biocementation sandy soil erosion controll field tests
Molybdenite-limestone oxidizing roasting followed by calcine leaching with ammonium carbonate solution 被引量:9
作者 Qiu-sheng ZHOU Wei-tao YUN +4 位作者 Jun-tao XI Xiao-bin LI Tian-gui QI Gui-hua LIU Zhi-hong PENG 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第7期1618-1626,共9页
Oxidizing roasting of molybdenite with lime can significantly reduce SO2pollution compared with the traditional roastingwithout lime.However,the calcine is subsequently leached by sulfuric acid,resulting in serious eq... Oxidizing roasting of molybdenite with lime can significantly reduce SO2pollution compared with the traditional roastingwithout lime.However,the calcine is subsequently leached by sulfuric acid,resulting in serious equipment corrosion and abundantnon-recyclable CaSO4slag.In this work,a novel process,in which the molybdenite was roasted with CaCO3followed by(NH4)2CO3solution leaching,was proposed to improve the art of lime roasting-sulfuric acid leaching.Oxidizing roasting of molybdenite withCaCO3was investigated through thermodynamic calculation,thermogravimetric analysis and roasting experiments.The results showthat the products of the oxidizing reaction of MoS2in the presence of CaCO3and O2are CaSO4,CaMoO4and CO2at573-1000K.The MoS2conversion rate achieves approximately99%and the sulfur-retained rate attains approximately95%with aCaCO3-to-MoS2molar ratio of3.6at500°C for1h by adding5%mineralizer A(mass fraction).The leaching results show that theleaching rate of Mo reaches98.2%at85°C for7h with a(NH4)2CO3concentration of600g/L and a liquid-solid ratio of10mL/g.The results presented are potential to develop a novel cleaner technique for ammonium molybdate production. 展开更多
关键词 MOLYBDENITE LIMESTONE ammonium carbonate oxidizing roasting LEACHING
Crystallization of calcium carbonate in hydrogels in presence of meso-tetrakis (4-hydroxylphenyl) porphyrin 被引量:1
作者 张凤菊 杨新国 +3 位作者 庄钰 郭坤琨 王明军 魏文峰 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第7期1802-1807,共6页
Organic matrices play an important role in biomineralization process. In order to explore the effect of both meso-tetrakis (4-hydroxylphenyl) porphyrin (THPP) and hydrogels on calcium carbonate mineralization,and cons... Organic matrices play an important role in biomineralization process. In order to explore the effect of both meso-tetrakis (4-hydroxylphenyl) porphyrin (THPP) and hydrogels on calcium carbonate mineralization,and consequently synthesize functional materials based on porphyrin and calcium carbonate with tunable shapes and optical properties,a new kind of biomimetic mineralization system which combined THPP with three biopolymer hydrogels (gelatin,agarose and calcium alginate gels) was designed and investigated. A carbonate diffusion method based on the generation of CO2 by slow decomposition of ammonium hydrogen carbonate was adopted for calcium carbonate crystallization. The results show that both gelatin and alginate hydrogels exhibit the ability of stabilizing vaterite,while agarose only induces the formation of calcite. With participation of THPP in the mineralization environments,calcite is favored in all these hydrogels,while the crystal morphologies are greatly different from each other. These results indicate the perspective of THPP in regulating calcium carbonate crystallization and also provide a new strategy for fabricating advanced functional materials with controlled morphology and tunable optical properties based on calcium carbonate and THPP. 展开更多
关键词 tetra-p-hydroxyphenyl porphyrin HYDROGEL calcium carbonate biomimetic mineralization
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