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作者 王洪龙 《资源信息与工程》 2017年第3期28-29,31,共3页
关键词 塞拉利昂共和国 磁异常区 地质勘查 氧化富铁矿
作者 刘明 王新雨 +2 位作者 张坤 吴锦荣 蔡亚伟 《世界有色金属》 2023年第18期43-45,共3页
牛苦头矿区位于祁漫塔格矽卡岩成矿带东段,为该成矿带重要的矽卡岩型铅锌多金属矿床。其包含3个磁异常区(M1磁异常区、M4磁异常区和M2磁异常区,亦为矿权区)。其中M1磁异常区和M4磁异常区为牛苦头矿权以探明储量的矿段,铅锌资源量可观,M... 牛苦头矿区位于祁漫塔格矽卡岩成矿带东段,为该成矿带重要的矽卡岩型铅锌多金属矿床。其包含3个磁异常区(M1磁异常区、M4磁异常区和M2磁异常区,亦为矿权区)。其中M1磁异常区和M4磁异常区为牛苦头矿权以探明储量的矿段,铅锌资源量可观,M1矿段已开采,而M4矿段目前已进入勘探阶段,M2磁异常区(矿权区)面积最大,目前已有少数钻孔见矿,然而成矿潜力依然不明。M2磁异常区第四系覆盖程度高,地层较厚,见矿深度大,因此仅仅依靠地质手段,找矿难度较大。本文以地质特征为基础,结合其航磁异常和MT特征,最终认为M2磁异常区西部56线、7线至15线、43线一带具有成矿潜力。 展开更多
关键词 祁漫塔格 牛苦头 M2磁异常区 异常 找矿预测
作者 何友文 孙宏林 苗卫苏 《电波科学学报》 EI CSCD 2004年第z1期184-189,共6页
分析了全食带大体位于磁赤道的1995年10月24日日全食期间,地处磁赤道异常区的广州和海南站的日食电离层效应,并结合同期富克、中坜和Okinawa站及有比对意义的环食带大体位于"北驼峰"所在区域,而稍远离磁赤道的1958年4月19日... 分析了全食带大体位于磁赤道的1995年10月24日日全食期间,地处磁赤道异常区的广州和海南站的日食电离层效应,并结合同期富克、中坜和Okinawa站及有比对意义的环食带大体位于"北驼峰"所在区域,而稍远离磁赤道的1958年4月19日环食期间,广州、海南和中坜站日食电离层效应观测结果证实:日食期间,"喷泉"效应所致的"驼峰"有南移和不变两种情况;f0F2总是存在日食日值持续增大,以致有时出现大于控制日值的情况.作者对磁赤道异常区日食电离层效应的动力学和电动力学特征作了定性讨论,再次肯定:全(环)食带位置是关键因素,它将对空间等离子体温度的下降,磁赤道上空等离子体沿场双极扩散和"喷泉"效应产生重要影响. 展开更多
关键词 日食 电离层效应 赤道异常 "喷泉"效应 沿场扩散
南海北部磁异常特征及对前新生代构造的指示 被引量:18
作者 吴招才 高金耀 +3 位作者 李家彪 张涛 沈中延 杨春国 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第12期3292-3302,共11页
为了研究南海北部前新生代构造,利用新近的船载磁力测量数据,对磁异常进行变纬度化极,并反演计算视磁化强度和磁源重力异常,以及对三条OBS剖面进行重磁拟合.结果认为东沙隆起高磁异常带是浙闽沿海火山岩带向西的延续,其间被NW向古老的... 为了研究南海北部前新生代构造,利用新近的船载磁力测量数据,对磁异常进行变纬度化极,并反演计算视磁化强度和磁源重力异常,以及对三条OBS剖面进行重磁拟合.结果认为东沙隆起高磁异常带是浙闽沿海火山岩带向西的延续,其间被NW向古老的转换边界断裂F10错断;NE向的F2断裂是高磁异常带的南界,并限制了底侵活动的北界;F3断裂在拉伸减薄前是一个薄弱带,两侧深部热状态存在差异,极有可能是晚中生代古俯冲缝合带位置.磁静区在F2和F3断裂之间的磁性层磁性减弱,主要原因是底侵活动引起的热蚀变作用影响;而在F3断裂南侧磁性层磁性较强且较为破碎,斜磁化下磁异常正负相互压制是该区形成弱正磁异常的主要原因,该区磁性层的独特特征也可能反映了"古洋壳"的存在. 展开更多
关键词 南海北部 异常 异常 断裂 前新生代构造
徐宿弧(安徽段北部)弱磁异常特征及其认识 被引量:3
作者 何柳昌 产思维 《中国地质调查》 2018年第1期60-65,共6页
查明徐宿弧(安徽段北部)隐伏岩体的赋存状况,圈定岩体与围岩的接触部位及找矿靶区并推测赋矿部位,是实施徐宿弧(安徽段)金多金属矿成矿背景调查的主要任务。徐宿弧(安徽段北部)为弱磁异常区,实测磁异常形态凌乱且难以识别。首先通过化... 查明徐宿弧(安徽段北部)隐伏岩体的赋存状况,圈定岩体与围岩的接触部位及找矿靶区并推测赋矿部位,是实施徐宿弧(安徽段)金多金属矿成矿背景调查的主要任务。徐宿弧(安徽段北部)为弱磁异常区,实测磁异常形态凌乱且难以识别。首先通过化极、滑动平均、匹配滤波、垂向一阶导数及向上延拓等方法进行多方法多参数变换数据处理,从弱磁异常中提取形态规则、易于识别的低缓异常;然后对处理结果进行甄别对比,筛选出异常形态特征有利于地质解释的磁异常图,即:低缓磁异常为叠加异常,总体呈NW方向延伸,覆盖面积较大,次级异常呈NNW-NE方向西凸的弧形延伸至前欧盘。同时,依据徐宿弧(安徽段北部)的地质背景及岩(矿)石磁性参数特征,通过对比分析实测磁异常与前欧盘闪长玢岩引起的磁异常特征,推测引起低缓异常的磁性地质体为隐伏中酸性复式岩体。该研究为徐宿弧(安徽段)金多金属矿成矿背景调查的综合解释及圈定找矿靶区提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 !弱磁异常区 多方法多参数变换数据处理 前欧盘闪长玢岩体 隐伏中酸性复式岩体
作者 李健 马如财 +1 位作者 雷延智 祁万龙 《世界有色金属》 2017年第12期116-117,共2页
关键词 高精度 磁异常区 化极
风云一号C星空间粒子成分探测器及SAA区粒子辐射实测分析 被引量:6
作者 李保权 朱光武 +2 位作者 王世金 梁金宝 王春琴 《地球物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2004年第6期954-958,共5页
FY 1C星空间粒子成分探测器能够实现对质子能谱、电子积分通量及重离子成分的同时测量 .在第 2 3周太阳活动峰年期间 ,空间粒子成分探测器对 86 0km高度的南大西洋负磁异常区高能粒子辐射进行了长达 3年的连续探测 .本文根据实测结果 ,... FY 1C星空间粒子成分探测器能够实现对质子能谱、电子积分通量及重离子成分的同时测量 .在第 2 3周太阳活动峰年期间 ,空间粒子成分探测器对 86 0km高度的南大西洋负磁异常区高能粒子辐射进行了长达 3年的连续探测 .本文根据实测结果 ,得出了南大西洋负磁异常区粒子辐射特征 。 展开更多
关键词 空间粒子成分探测器 南大西洋负磁异常区 粒子辐射
重力、航磁资料在花岗岩型铀矿成矿研究中的应用 被引量:14
作者 舒孝敬 《铀矿地质》 CAS CSCD 2004年第2期99-109,119,共12页
本文利用重磁场资料对我国南方一些花岗岩体的侵位状态和岩浆动力场进行了分析 ,并按动力场的强弱对岩体进行了分类。根据重力资料对苗儿山 越城岭、诸广山和贵东花岗岩体的反演计算 ,讨论了这些岩体的深部分布形态 ,提出了岩浆流动的 ... 本文利用重磁场资料对我国南方一些花岗岩体的侵位状态和岩浆动力场进行了分析 ,并按动力场的强弱对岩体进行了分类。根据重力资料对苗儿山 越城岭、诸广山和贵东花岗岩体的反演计算 ,讨论了这些岩体的深部分布形态 ,提出了岩浆流动的 3种方式 ,指出了富大铀矿床。 展开更多
关键词 资料 岩浆流动 铀矿聚集 回湾 低(负)磁异常区 异常
铜陵矿集区沙滩脚西南地区隐伏岩体及深部找矿潜力分析 被引量:1
作者 何柳昌 《安徽地质》 2018年第2期114-118,共5页
研究区为弱磁异常区,查明隐伏岩体的赋存状态是进行深部找矿潜力分析的重要前提。本文通过垂向一阶导数ΔTh_z与水平方向导数模ΔTh_s进行参数变换,即航磁ΔT化极斜导数M=atan(ΔTh_z/ΔTh_s)来突出隐伏岩体引起的弱磁异常。依托正在实... 研究区为弱磁异常区,查明隐伏岩体的赋存状态是进行深部找矿潜力分析的重要前提。本文通过垂向一阶导数ΔTh_z与水平方向导数模ΔTh_s进行参数变换,即航磁ΔT化极斜导数M=atan(ΔTh_z/ΔTh_s)来突出隐伏岩体引起的弱磁异常。依托正在实施项目中的物化探及ZK31、ZK32钻探成果,结合以往的区域物化探推测成果对斜导数异常进行综合分析,基本查明了研究区内隐伏岩体的分布规律,桥头扬岩体的中心部位分布在研究区北部,岩体呈"漏斗"状,下延深度有限。在研究区西南部的高山疃地区圈定了一个隐伏岩体,规模较大,且与凤凰山岩体存在同源的可能。认为在高山疃地区深部是寻找铜金多金属矿的有利部位,具有较好的找矿前景。为矿集区其它弱磁异常区进行隐伏岩体调查提供参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 磁异常区 隐伏岩体 找矿潜力 ΔT化极斜导数
作者 王生文 吕东霖 +2 位作者 董方升 张松 李长江 《现代矿业》 CAS 2024年第10期29-33,共5页
龙王庙铁矿位于清原县枸乃甸乡,毗邻二道沟铁矿。矿区内通过1∶10000高精度磁法测量,圈定了2处高磁异常区。矿体赋存于清原岩群红透山岩组,矿石以角闪磁铁石英岩为主,品位为15.15%~29.66%,平均mFe含量为22.90%。通过对龙王庙铁矿地质特... 龙王庙铁矿位于清原县枸乃甸乡,毗邻二道沟铁矿。矿区内通过1∶10000高精度磁法测量,圈定了2处高磁异常区。矿体赋存于清原岩群红透山岩组,矿石以角闪磁铁石英岩为主,品位为15.15%~29.66%,平均mFe含量为22.90%。通过对龙王庙铁矿地质特征与磁异常特征研究,认为龙王庙铁矿为鞍山式沉积变质型铁矿,矿体分布受红透山岩组控制。该区内地表磁异常高值区及红透山岩组的叠合部位是成矿最有利地段,是寻找深部铁矿体的重要区域。 展开更多
关键词 铁矿 地质特征 磁异常区 红透山岩组
太阳风离子在月面的反射过程及对月面电场的影响 被引量:1
作者 刘沐明 冯永勇 《吉林大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第6期1513-1520,共8页
为探究月表磁异常区对太阳风离子产生反射的原理,基于嫦娥二号卫星携带太阳风离子探测器的探测数据,用单粒子模拟法反演太阳风离子运动,并分析离子入射角和反射角的分布.实验结果表明:太阳风离子先被月壤向各方向大范围散射,再被月面电... 为探究月表磁异常区对太阳风离子产生反射的原理,基于嫦娥二号卫星携带太阳风离子探测器的探测数据,用单粒子模拟法反演太阳风离子运动,并分析离子入射角和反射角的分布.实验结果表明:太阳风离子先被月壤向各方向大范围散射,再被月面电场向天顶方向加速;太阳风中,月面有45~75V电势,该正电势对月面反射的太阳风离子有显著影响. 展开更多
关键词 月表磁异常区 月面电场 离子散射 单粒子模拟
Aeromagnetic data and geological structure of continental China:A review 被引量:8
作者 熊盛青 佟晶 +1 位作者 丁燕云 李占奎 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第2期227-237,416,共12页
We review the latest aeromagnetic geological data of continental China. We discuss the latest achievements in geological mapping and the newly detected features based on aeromagnetic data. Using aeromagnetic data coll... We review the latest aeromagnetic geological data of continental China. We discuss the latest achievements in geological mapping and the newly detected features based on aeromagnetic data. Using aeromagnetic data collected for more than 50 years, a series of 1:5000000 and 1:1000000 aeromagnetic maps of continental China were compiled using state-of-the-art digital technology, and data processing and transformation. Guided by plate tectonics and continental dynamics, rock physical properties, and magnetic anomalies, we compiled maps of the depth of the magnetic basement of continental China and the major geotectonic units, and presented newly detected geological structures based on the aeromagnefic data. 展开更多
关键词 regional aeromagnetic anomalies magnetic basement FAULTS magmatic rocks structural units
辽宁本溪团山子铁矿矿床特征 被引量:2
作者 彭虎 张鐘月 +2 位作者 郭亚波 张松 王生文 《资源信息与工程》 2020年第2期20-22,共3页
团山子铁矿床位于我国重要的鞍山—本溪铁矿成矿带上。矿区1∶10000高精度磁法测量显示3个高值异常区。矿体主要赋存在鞍山群大峪沟组之中,矿石以阳起透闪磁铁石英岩为主,矿石TFe含量在25.09%~34.94%之间。通过对团山子铁矿床地质特征... 团山子铁矿床位于我国重要的鞍山—本溪铁矿成矿带上。矿区1∶10000高精度磁法测量显示3个高值异常区。矿体主要赋存在鞍山群大峪沟组之中,矿石以阳起透闪磁铁石英岩为主,矿石TFe含量在25.09%~34.94%之间。通过对团山子铁矿床地质特征与地表磁场特征研究,认为团山子铁矿为典型的鞍山式磁铁矿,该区地表褐铁矿化发育以及磁异常高值区是寻找深部铁矿重要的区域。 展开更多
关键词 团山子铁矿 鞍本地 磁异常区 铁矿
Vector transformation and reduction to the pole for regional magnetic data with variable field direction 被引量:3
作者 Luo Yao Wu Mei-Ping 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2022年第1期107-116,145,146,共12页
The vector transformation and pole reduction from the total-field anomaly are signifi cant for the interpretation.We examined these industry-standard processing procedures in the Fourier domain.We propose a novel iter... The vector transformation and pole reduction from the total-field anomaly are signifi cant for the interpretation.We examined these industry-standard processing procedures in the Fourier domain.We propose a novel iteration algorithm for regional magnetic anomalies transformations to derive the vertical-component data from the total-field measurements with the variation in the core-fi eld direction over the region.Additionally,we use the same algorithm to convert the calculated vertical-component data into the corresponding data at the pole and realize the processing of diff erential reduction to the pole(DRTP).Unlike Arkani-Hamed’s DRTP method,the two types of iterative algorithms have the same forms,and DRTP is realized by implementing this algorithm twice.The synthetic model’s calculation results show that the method has high accuracy,and the fi eld data processing confi rms its practicality. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic anomaly diff erential reduction to the pole three-component magnetic data large-area magnetic survey
Detection of UXO magnetic anomaly in Jinshan area 被引量:2
作者 WU Guochao HUANG Danian +1 位作者 ZHANG Chong YUAN Yuan 《Global Geology》 2015年第1期54-58,共5页
Magnetic survey is one of the most successful techniques for locating buried unexploded ordnances( UXO). For the location and identification of buried UXO in Jinshan area,a total-field magnetic survey is applied. The ... Magnetic survey is one of the most successful techniques for locating buried unexploded ordnances( UXO). For the location and identification of buried UXO in Jinshan area,a total-field magnetic survey is applied. The analytic signal of magnetic field is widely used to outline the boundaries of geology bodies,slightly dependent on the magnetization direction. In order to locate the UXO position,the analytic signal is applied to process the magnetic UXO data,which performs better than the conventional magnetic data. Then a typical UXO anomaly is extracted from the original data to invert for its depth by an improved Euler method proposed.The calculated depth is close to the real buried depth. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic survey UXO analytic signal Euler method
Prediction study of hydrocarbon reservoir based on time-frequency domain electromagnetic technique taking Ili Basin as an example 被引量:1
作者 Tian Yu-Kun Zhou Hui +1 位作者 Ma Yan-Yan Li Juan 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2020年第5期687-699,900,901,共15页
The time-frequency domain electromagnetic(TFEM)sounding technique can directly detect oil and gas characteristics through anomalies in resistivity and polarizability.In recent years,it has made some breakthroughs in h... The time-frequency domain electromagnetic(TFEM)sounding technique can directly detect oil and gas characteristics through anomalies in resistivity and polarizability.In recent years,it has made some breakthroughs in hydrocarbon detection.TFEM was applied to predict the petroliferous property of the Ili Basin.In accordance with the geological structure characteristics of the study area,a two-dimensional layered medium model was constructed and forward modeling was performed.We used the forward-modeling results to guide fi eld construction and ensure the quality of the fi eld data collection.We used the model inversion results to identify and distinguish the resolution of the geoelectric information and provide a reliable basis for data processing.On the basis of our results,key technologies such as 2D resistivity tomography imaging inversion and polarimetric constrained inversion were developed,and we obtained abundant geological and geophysical information.The characteristics of the TFEM anomalies of the hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Ili Basin were summarized through an analysis of the electrical logging data in the study area.Moreover,the oil-gas properties of the Permian and Triassic layers were predicted,and the next favorable exploration targets were optimized. 展开更多
关键词 Time–Frequency Domain Electromagnetic Hydrocarbon Detection Polarizability Anomaly Favorable Area Prediction
Characteristics of the crustal magnetic anomaly and regional tectonics in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the adjacent areas 被引量:12
作者 KANG GuoFa GAO GuoMing BAI ChunHua SHAO Dan FENG LiLi 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第6期1028-1036,共9页
Study of the characteristics of the crustal magnetic anomaly in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the adjacent areas helps better understand the lithospheric structure and evolution, as well as the regional geodynamic pro... Study of the characteristics of the crustal magnetic anomaly in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and the adjacent areas helps better understand the lithospheric structure and evolution, as well as the regional geodynamic processes. Here we analyze the distri- bution laws of the crustal magnetic anomaly and its vertical gradient, the decay characteristics of the anomaly, the contribu- tions from different wavelength bands to the anomaly, and the relationship between the anomaly and the crustal regional tec- tonics in the plateau and nearby, based on a new and higher degree geomagnetic model NGDC-EMM-720-V3 constructed from the surface, aeromagnetic, marine and satellite survey data. The results reveal that the positive and negative anomalies in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau are weak, while those of the surrounding areas are strong. The boundary agrees well with the border of the plateau regional tectonics. The anomaly is nearly east-west in the central and western plateau, arc-shaped in the south- western and eastern, and nearly north-south in the southeastern, consistent with the tectonic trends. There are strong negative anomaly loci in the east and west syntaxis, whereas no significant differences exist among the Cenozoic blocks in the plateau interior. No direct correspondence exists between the anomaly and the crustal depth. On the background of a weak magnetic anomaly in the plateau, relatively stronger short wavelength fields from the shallower crust are overlapped in the Lhasa, Qilian, Qaidam, and Sichuan-Yunnan rhombic blocks. A strong negative anomaly in the east-west direction is distributed along the Himalayas, mainly caused by the middle and long wavelength bands in the deep and central crust. The magnetic structural lay- ers are stable in the Sichuan and Tarim basins. The anomalies at different altitudes over the southern plateau vary strongly, showing a drastic variation in the magnetic structure from the deep crust to the shallow crust. 展开更多
关键词 geomagnetic field model crustal magnetic anomaly vertical gradient Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
A high resolution lithospheric magnetic field model over China 被引量:13
作者 OU JiaMing DU AiMin +3 位作者 E.THBAULT XU WenYao TIAN XiaoBo ZHANG TieLong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第10期1759-1768,共10页
CHAMP satellite data and ground-based magnetic observations are used and combined to map the lithospheric magnetic field over China by means of the revised spherical cap harmonic analysis(R-SHCA)modeling technique.The... CHAMP satellite data and ground-based magnetic observations are used and combined to map the lithospheric magnetic field over China by means of the revised spherical cap harmonic analysis(R-SHCA)modeling technique.The magnetic field is described to a spatial resolution of 150 km at the mean Earth’s radius,which represents a good compromise between the resolutions afforded by surface and satellite data.We compare the magnetic anomalies modeled at the regional scale with composite regions containing large-scale of tectonic structures.These regions,including the Tarim Basin and the Tibetan Plateau,are correlated with regional magnetic anomalies at satellite altitude but contain a significant number of small-scale and complex magnetic structures at the mean Earth’s radius.These magnetic anomalies are globally consistent with the known geological features in China but also offer a way to delineate the contours of the geological blocks and to discuss the connection between magnetic anomalies and the heat flow distribution in this region. 展开更多
关键词 lithospheric magnetic field revised spherical harmonic cap analysis CHAMP satellite data
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