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磁西勘查区主采煤层煤层气赋存特征 被引量:8
作者 权巨涛 宋志坚 +1 位作者 刘石铮 翟振荣 《河北工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2010年第2期63-66,共4页
据勘探研究磁西勘查区主采煤层既是煤层气源岩,又是其储集层,煤层有机显微组分以镜质组为主,煤的变质程度为中~高变质的烟煤~无烟煤,生气量较高,为高瓦斯矿区。本区以正断层为主,断层使煤层与泥质岩层接触,具有一定的封闭性。... 据勘探研究磁西勘查区主采煤层既是煤层气源岩,又是其储集层,煤层有机显微组分以镜质组为主,煤的变质程度为中~高变质的烟煤~无烟煤,生气量较高,为高瓦斯矿区。本区以正断层为主,断层使煤层与泥质岩层接触,具有一定的封闭性。煤层埋深较大,主采2号煤层直接顶板为泥岩、粉砂岩,岩性致密,透气性较差,有利于煤层气资源的保存,从而使煤层气含量升高。 展开更多
关键词 磁西勘查区 煤层气 气源岩 储集层
磁西一号勘查区上煤组煤质特征及成煤环境 被引量:9
作者 权巨涛 宋志坚 《河北工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第2期66-69,共4页
通过对磁西一号勘查区上煤组的研究,弄清了区内煤质特征及其变化规律:区内各煤层多为半暗型-半亮型煤,光亮型煤次之;煤的有机组分以镜质组为主,惰质组次之,壳质组含量很少,无机组分以粘土矿物为主;2号煤层原煤硫分,介于0.09%-1.54%之间... 通过对磁西一号勘查区上煤组的研究,弄清了区内煤质特征及其变化规律:区内各煤层多为半暗型-半亮型煤,光亮型煤次之;煤的有机组分以镜质组为主,惰质组次之,壳质组含量很少,无机组分以粘土矿物为主;2号煤层原煤硫分,介于0.09%-1.54%之间,平均0.36%;4号煤层硫分介于0.98%-3.80%之间,平均2.50%,6号煤层硫分介于0.24%-4.18%之间,平均2.44%;区内各煤层原煤灰分产率较高,变化幅度亦较大,从低灰至高灰煤均有分布。通过分析硫分、灰分、煤岩组分与成煤环境之间的关系,得出了本区上煤组成煤环境为碳酸盐台地、障壁岛-泻湖和潮坪基础上发育的泥炭沼泽和三角洲平原发育的泥炭沼泽。 展开更多
关键词 磁西勘探区 煤质 成煤环境
峰峰煤田磁西一号勘查区煤层气赋存特征与开发建议 被引量:1
作者 杜江民 张小莉 +3 位作者 徐立明 牟宣 徐小虎 郭岭 《西北大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第4期618-622,共5页
为了明确磁西一号勘查区煤层气赋存的特征与开发的可行性,在矿区煤田地质特征研究的基础上,分析了影响煤层气聚集的各地质因素,通过施工煤层气参数孔,获取2,4煤层的孔隙度、渗透率等储层参数。根据等温吸附实验与含气性测试可知,... 为了明确磁西一号勘查区煤层气赋存的特征与开发的可行性,在矿区煤田地质特征研究的基础上,分析了影响煤层气聚集的各地质因素,通过施工煤层气参数孔,获取2,4煤层的孔隙度、渗透率等储层参数。根据等温吸附实验与含气性测试可知,研究区CH4含量为8.98~12.01m3/t,煤层含气饱和度在50%左右;勘查区内断层发育,破坏了煤层的完整性而难于形成较大的降压漏斗;尤其是在煤层顶底板附近出现断层时,2,4煤层与奥灰含水层形成水力联系,储层压力难于降到煤层气临界解吸压力以下,难于形成工业气流。从现阶段的工艺技术条件和经济性考虑,研究区近期不适宜进行煤层气的地面开发,而应做好煤层气的并下抽排工作,做到煤与煤层气资源的综合开发利用。 展开更多
关键词 煤层气 磁西 等温吸附实验 断层
作者 王利欣 赵书浩 贾彦楠 《煤炭与化工》 CAS 2015年第11期20-22,26,共4页
针对磁西一号矿井煤层赋存情况,在分析磁西一号矿井与九龙煤矿的开采关系、煤层赋存条件和地面设施等条件后,提出磁西一号矿井具有"独立开发"和"联合开发"两种模式可供选择。通过对矿井安全、经济、外部关系等方面... 针对磁西一号矿井煤层赋存情况,在分析磁西一号矿井与九龙煤矿的开采关系、煤层赋存条件和地面设施等条件后,提出磁西一号矿井具有"独立开发"和"联合开发"两种模式可供选择。通过对矿井安全、经济、外部关系等方面综合分析比较,认为采取循序渐进策略,利用九龙煤矿现有设施开发磁西一号井田可以有效降低投资风险,提高经济效益。 展开更多
关键词 磁西一号矿井 开发模式 深井
磁西煤系下岩溶热水水文地球化学特征及成因 被引量:5
作者 王夕明 张景森 +2 位作者 张静 张玉贞 刘强 《河北工程大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2009年第3期97-101,共5页
根据水质分析结果,并结合岩溶地下水水质资料,分析了磁西煤田一号采区的深层岩溶热水水文地球化学特征、热储特征及其成因。结果表明,磁西煤田煤系下具有高TDS、高硬度、SO4Cl-CaNa型水质特征的深层岩溶温热水是地下水沿断裂构造参与深... 根据水质分析结果,并结合岩溶地下水水质资料,分析了磁西煤田一号采区的深层岩溶热水水文地球化学特征、热储特征及其成因。结果表明,磁西煤田煤系下具有高TDS、高硬度、SO4Cl-CaNa型水质特征的深层岩溶温热水是地下水沿断裂构造参与深部循环、长期演化的结果;地热异常属于热水型地热,热储温度可达60°C以上,循环深度在1500m以上,热源来自于燕山期岩浆侵入岩体产生的热异常与区域地温的叠加。本研究同时也为地热资源研究、煤田开发、矿井热害和矿井水防治提供有意义的参考。 展开更多
关键词 深层岩溶水 成因 磁西煤田
超深地质钻孔的质量控制探讨——以磁西一号勘探区37-3孔为例 被引量:3
作者 高小良 《中国煤炭地质》 2008年第11期78-80,共3页
河北平原区找煤和老矿区外围勘探深度多在1500m左右,钻孔的质量控制成为保证勘查报告质量的关键。以磁西一号勘探区37-3孔为例,介绍了超深钻孔的的质量控制措施,指出了在孔斜预防方面,要求钻塔安装稳固,选择适宜的钻进参数,采用钻铤加压... 河北平原区找煤和老矿区外围勘探深度多在1500m左右,钻孔的质量控制成为保证勘查报告质量的关键。以磁西一号勘探区37-3孔为例,介绍了超深钻孔的的质量控制措施,指出了在孔斜预防方面,要求钻塔安装稳固,选择适宜的钻进参数,采用钻铤加压,保持钻具不弯曲,每200m进行测斜一次;在岩心采取方面,使用双管取心和岩心提断器进行取心,钻时控制在2.5~3h,进尺不超过3m,严格按比例配制泥浆;在采取煤心时,运用三层管单动取煤器取粉煤及块煤,伸缩式二型取煤器取易碎煤心的方法。通过对超深地质孔质量控制关键环节的分析,提出了对超深地质孔质量控制的方法和建议。 展开更多
关键词 超深钻孔 质量控制 孔斜预防 岩心采取 煤心采取 磁西一号勘探区
作者 梁红书 秦万能 《中国矿业》 北大核心 2016年第8期108-111,共4页
磁西一号井田煤层埋藏较深,其开采主要受深部奥灰承压水的威胁,为了成功开采以解放深部呆滞煤炭资源,保障矿区可持续发展,对磁西一号矿2#煤层开采奥灰突水危险性进行了评价。文章以峰峰矿区东部和磁西一号矿水文地质条件为基础,对矿井... 磁西一号井田煤层埋藏较深,其开采主要受深部奥灰承压水的威胁,为了成功开采以解放深部呆滞煤炭资源,保障矿区可持续发展,对磁西一号矿2#煤层开采奥灰突水危险性进行了评价。文章以峰峰矿区东部和磁西一号矿水文地质条件为基础,对矿井充水因素、含水层之间水力联系、采动裂隙带有效隔水层厚度、底板抗压强度及隔水能力等进行分析研究,主要采用突水系数法对煤层底板突水危险性进行了评价,通过计算得出:带压开采2#煤层突水系数平均为0.056MPa/m,位于过渡区,突水系数具备带压开采的基本条件。由于井田内煤层埋藏深度较大的区域控制程度较低,地质、水文地质条件不清楚,开采前需要进行补充勘探,经充分论证后,方可进行试采。 展开更多
关键词 超千米深井 奥灰水 突水危险性 防治水 磁西一号井
作者 代尚京 《中国煤炭地质》 2013年第10期40-42,共3页
磁西三号勘查区详查阶段钻孔全部进行了井温测量工作,发现区内2、4号煤层处在高温热害区内,且同一水平地温变化较大,2号煤层-800m水平地温最大差值为5.1℃,显示勘查区可能存在地温异常。通过对钻孔测温资料的分析研究,确定本区地... 磁西三号勘查区详查阶段钻孔全部进行了井温测量工作,发现区内2、4号煤层处在高温热害区内,且同一水平地温变化较大,2号煤层-800m水平地温最大差值为5.1℃,显示勘查区可能存在地温异常。通过对钻孔测温资料的分析研究,确定本区地温梯度在1.8—2.6℃/100m,与峰峰矿区基本一致;高温区的出现是由于煤层埋藏深度加大和岩浆岩侵人带来的附加热效应而导致地温增加。结果认为,本区为正常地温背景下的高温热害区。 展开更多
关键词 钻孔测温 地温异常 地温梯度 磁西勘查区
作者 马立凯 《科技信息》 2012年第2期387-387,389,共2页
通过分析该区视电阻率、自然伽玛和伽玛伽玛等测井曲线的形态特征及石灰岩与煤层特征,对该勘查区煤岩层综合对比,野青灰岩与4号煤层组合、大青灰岩与8号煤层组合,是确定4号煤层和8号煤层的主要依据;其中6下煤层在自然伽玛曲线上呈现高... 通过分析该区视电阻率、自然伽玛和伽玛伽玛等测井曲线的形态特征及石灰岩与煤层特征,对该勘查区煤岩层综合对比,野青灰岩与4号煤层组合、大青灰岩与8号煤层组合,是确定4号煤层和8号煤层的主要依据;其中6下煤层在自然伽玛曲线上呈现高伽玛异常特征是本勘查区确定6下煤层的主要依据;三个明显标志层位在测井曲线异常形态及组合特征,确定了该区含煤层段及三个煤层层位编号以及作为该区含煤层段其它煤层的确认依据。 展开更多
关键词 标志层 层位对比 测井曲线 磁西勘查区
作者 李文彬 《世界有色金属》 2017年第15期183-184,共2页
关键词 磁西金属矿 勘查 矿层特征
复电阻率法和CSAMT法在土屋铜矿区的勘查效果 被引量:5
作者 李汝传 王书民 雷达 《地质与勘探》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第z1期32-36,共5页
关键词 西异常 复电阻率法 可控源音频大地电测深法
Entropy analysis of SWCNT & MWCNT flow induced by collecting beating of cilia with porous medium 被引量:3
作者 Muhammad N ABRAR Muhammad SAGHEER Shafqat HUSSIAN 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2019年第8期2109-2118,共10页
In this article, we considers the thermodynamics analysis of creeping viscous nanofluid flow in a horizontal ciliated tube under the effects of a uniform magnetic field and porous medium. Moreover, energy analysis is ... In this article, we considers the thermodynamics analysis of creeping viscous nanofluid flow in a horizontal ciliated tube under the effects of a uniform magnetic field and porous medium. Moreover, energy analysis is performed in the presence of an internal heat source and thermal radiation phenomena. The thermal conductivity of base fluid water is strengthened by considering the carbon nanotubes (CNTs). Mathematical formulation operated, results in a set of non-linear coupled partial differential equations. The governed differential system is transformed into an ordinary differential system by considering suitable similarity variables. Exact solutions in the closed form are computed for the temperature, momentum and pressure gradient profiles. In this study, special attention is devoted to the electrical conductivity of the CNTs. Streamlines patterns are also discussed to witness the flow lines for different parameters. Thermodynamics analysis shows that entropy of the current flow system is an increasing function of Brinkmann number, magnetic parameter, nanoparticle concentration parameter and Darcy number. 展开更多
关键词 single-wall carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) multi-wall carbon nanotube (MWCNT) thermodynamics analysis magnetic field Darcy effect thermal radiation
Paleomagnetic Excursions Recorded in the Yanchi Playa in Middle Hexi Corridor, NW China Since the Last Interglacial 被引量:1
作者 YANGTaibao YUYongtao +3 位作者 LIJijun ANCongrong LIUJinfeng ZHANGJunyan 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2004年第2期128-142,共15页
Paleomagnetic determinations on lithological profiles of two paralleled[( )-275(long )]drilling cores covering the past 130 kyr B.P., GT40 and GT60, from the Yanchi Playa in the arid Northwestern China, indicate that ... Paleomagnetic determinations on lithological profiles of two paralleled[( )-275(long )]drilling cores covering the past 130 kyr B.P., GT40 and GT60, from the Yanchi Playa in the arid Northwestern China, indicate that a series of pronounced paleomagnetic excursions have been documented. By correlating our results with published regional and worldwide reports, 4 excursion events out of 10 apparent reversal signals (labeled from GT-1 to GT-10) were identified as excursion events coeval with the Mono Lake Event ([(28.4)( )]kyr~[(25.8)( )]kyr), Laschamp Event ([(43.3)( )]kyr^40.5 kyr), Gaotai Event (82.8 kyr~[(72.4)25( )]kyr) and the Blake Event (127.4 kyr^113.3 kyr), respectively. GT-9 correlates with the above-mentioned Gaotai Event, GT-7 and GT-6 correspond to two stages of the Laschamp Event and GT-5 to the Mono Lake Event. It is noteworthy that the so-called Gaotai Event has not been reported as a pronounced paleomagnetic excursion in the Northwestern China. Every magnetic excursion event corresponds to paleointensity minima, anteceding those established abrupt paleoclimatic change events, such as the Younger Drays and the Heinrich Events (H1-H6)[(. )-250( )]Here,[( )-250( )]we tentatively[( )-250( )]propose that these geomagnetic excursions/reversals can be viewed as precursors to climate abruptness. During the transitional stages when the earths magnetic field shifted between a temporal normal and a negative period, the earths magnetic paleointensity fell correspondingly to a pair of minima. Although more precise chronology and more convincing rock magnetic parameter determinations are essentially required for further interpretation of their intricate coupling mechanism, these results may have revealed, to some extent, that the earths incessantly changing magnetic field exerts an strong influence on the onset of saw-tooth shaped abrupt climate oscillations through certain feedback chains in arid Central Asia or even North Hemispheric high latitude regions. 展开更多
关键词 PALEOMAGNETISM geomagnetic excursion the Late Pleistocene arid Northwestern China
Red Ratings for Loess-Paleosol Sequences on China’s Loess Plateau and Their Paleo-Climatic Implications 被引量:5
作者 HUXue-Feng LUHua-Yu +2 位作者 XUQi DONGLi-Jing HUXing 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第4期433-440,共8页
Comparisons of red ratings (RR) with Fe_d, Fe_d/Fet, clay content, andmagnetic susceptibility (x) of two loess-paleosol sequences at Luochuan and Lingtai on China's LoessPlateau were conducted to study the possibl... Comparisons of red ratings (RR) with Fe_d, Fe_d/Fet, clay content, andmagnetic susceptibility (x) of two loess-paleosol sequences at Luochuan and Lingtai on China's LoessPlateau were conducted to study the possible relationship between RR and pedogenic degrees of thetwo loess-paleosol sequences, and to discuss whether the RR could become new paleo-climaticindicators. Results showed that the RR of the two loess-paleosol sequences had positive, highlysignificant (P < 0.01) correlations with: 1) citrate-bicarbonate-dithionite (CBD) extracted iron(Fe_d), 2) ratios of CBD extracted iron to total iron (Fe_d/Fet), 3) clay (< 2 mum), and 4) magneticsusceptibility (x). This suggested that the RR of these loess-paleosol sequences could indicatedegreesof loess weathering and pedogenesis and were potential paleo-climatic proxies. The strongcorrelations of RR to Fe_d and x also implied that during pedogenic processes, pedogenic hematite inloess and paleosols were closely related to the amount of total secondary iron oxides and pedogenicferrimagnetic minerals (predominantly maghemite). 展开更多
关键词 HEMATITE loess-paleosol sequences Loess Plateau magnetic susceptibility red ratings
Optimal nonlinear excitation of decadal variability of the North Atlantic thermohaline circulation 被引量:2
作者 祖子清 穆穆 Henk A.DIJKSTRA 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第6期1356-1362,共7页
Nonlinear development of salinity perturbations in the Atlantic thermohaline circulation(THC) is investigated with a three-dimensional ocean circulation model,using the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation metho... Nonlinear development of salinity perturbations in the Atlantic thermohaline circulation(THC) is investigated with a three-dimensional ocean circulation model,using the conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation method.The results show two types of optimal initial perturbations of sea surface salinity,one associated with freshwater and the other with salinity.Both types of perturbations excite decadal variability of the THC.Under the same amplitude of initial perturbation,the decadal variation induced by the freshwater perturbation is much stronger than that by the salinity perturbation,suggesting that the THC is more sensitive to freshwater than salinity perturbation.As the amplitude of initial perturbation increases,the decadal variations become stronger for both perturbations.For salinity perturbations,recovery time of the THC to return to steady state gradually saturates with increasing amplitude,whereas this recovery time increases remarkably for freshwater perturbations.A nonlinear(advective) feedback between density and velocity anomalies is proposed to explain these characteristics of decadal variability excitation.The results are consistent with previous ones from simple box models,and highlight the importance of nonlinear feedback in decadal THC variability. 展开更多
关键词 thermohaline circulation decadal variability conditional nonlinear optimal perturbation nonlinear advective feedback
Study of the Dextran-DTPA-Gd at rabbit popliteal fossa lymph node metastasis from thigh transplanted tumor with interstitial magnetic resonance lymphography
作者 Zhenpeng Zhao Yuanyong Feng +3 位作者 Wei Li Shengbiao Wan Tao Jiang Wei Shang 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2014年第5期240-244,共5页
Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the developing situation of the interstitial magnetic resonance (MR) lymphoid contrast agent Dextran-DTPA-Gd through the rabbit popliteal fossa lymph node metastas... Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the developing situation of the interstitial magnetic resonance (MR) lymphoid contrast agent Dextran-DTPA-Gd through the rabbit popliteal fossa lymph node metastasis from thigh VX2 transplanted tumor injection to show targeting enhanced metastatic lymph nodes and lymphatics. Methods: VX2 tumor was transplanted to the right hind limb quadriceps of 12 healthy New Zealand rabbits and the left side as a contrast. Eight rabbits had homonymy popliteal lymph node metastasis after 1 month through 3.0 GE MRI and they were later injected with lym phatic targeting contrast agent Dextran-DTPA-Gd 0.4 mL (3.96 x 10^-3 tool/L) through bilateral hindlimb toe web respectively. Enhanced MR images were obtained with interval 10 min, 15 min, 20 rain, 25 min, 30 rain, 35 min, 40 rain, 45 rain, 50 min, 55 min, 60 min, 2 h, 4 h, and 24 h. The signal intensities before and after enhancing were measured to calculate the enhanc- ing rates (E%) of popliteal lymph node and the popliteal lymph node signal intensity-time curves were drawn to observe the development of cancer metastasis lymph nodes and lymphatics and to compare the differences of interval sides. Results: Ten minutes after injected into the rabbit's bilateral hindlimb toe web, we could see hind lymphatic and popliteal lymph nodes were strengthened significantly and evenly without blood vessels developing. The signal reached a peak after 35 rain with E% to 315%, which decreased to 205% after 4 h and would be undifferentiated with the surrounding tissues after 24 h. Sta- tistical analysis was made to popliteal lymph node enhancement rate. It was considered statistically significant as long as P 〈 0.05. The tumor-side popliteal lymph node manifested as coarse and irregular shape, lymphatic vessels tortuous dilated and lymphatic chain incomplete as a result of tumor infection. Conclusion: Dextran-DTPA-Gd is specific to lymphoid tissue development. It can targeting display regional lymphatic drainage concretion and the morphology of normal and cancer cells metastasis lymph nodes rapidly. 展开更多
关键词 magnetic resonance (MR) LYMPHOGRAPHY Dextran-DTPA-Gd rabbits VX2 tumor popliteal lymph nodes
Soil organic carbon contents, aggregate stability,and humic acid composition in different alpine grasslands in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau 被引量:4
作者 CAO Zhi-yuan WANG Yong +2 位作者 LI Jie ZHANG Jin-jing HE Nian-peng 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期2015-2027,共13页
Alpine grassland soils on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau store approximately 33.5 Pg of organic carbon(C) at 0–0.75 m depth and play an important role in the global carbon cycle.We investigated soil organic C(SOC),water-solub... Alpine grassland soils on Qinghai-Tibet Plateau store approximately 33.5 Pg of organic carbon(C) at 0–0.75 m depth and play an important role in the global carbon cycle.We investigated soil organic C(SOC),water-soluble organic C(WSOC),easily oxidizable organic C(EOC),humic C fractions,aggregate-associated C,aggregate stability,and humic acid(HA) composition along an east-west transect across Qinghai-Tibet Plateau,and explored their spatial patterns and controlling factors.The contents of SOC,WSOC,EOC,humic C fractions and aggregate-associated C,the proportions of macroaggregates(2-0.25) and micro-aggregates(0.25-0.053 mm),and the aggregate stability indices all increased in the order alpine desert < alpine steppe < alpine meadow.The alkyl C,O-alkyl C,and aliphatic C/aromatic C ratio of HA increased as alpine desert < alpine meadow < alpine steppe,and the trends were reverse for the aromatic C and HB/HI ratio.Mean annual precipitation and aboveground biomass weresignificantly correlated with the contents of SOC and its fractions,the proportions of macro- and microaggregates,and the aggregate stability indices along this transect.Among all these C fractions,SOC content and aggregate stability were more closely associated with humic C and silt and clay sized C in comparison with WSOC,EOC,and macro- and microaggregate C.The results suggested that alpine meadow soils containing higher SOC exhibited high soil aggregation and aggregate stability.Mean annual precipitation should be the main climate factor controlling the spatial patterns of SOC,soil aggregation,and aggregate stability in this region.The resistant and stable C fractions rather than labile C fractions are the major determinant of SOC stocks and aggregate stability. 展开更多
关键词 Soil organic carbon Aggregate stability Humic acid Carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance Latitudinal transect Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
Magnetic properties of two soil profiles from Yan'an,Shaanxi Province and their implications for paleorainfall reconstruction 被引量:1
作者 LIU ZhiFeng LIU QingSong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第4期719-728,共10页
The physical and chemical properties of soils are closely controlled by the climate factors and thus are significant for paleoclimate reconstruction. In this study, two adjacent soil profiles (LP and LPM) with diffe... The physical and chemical properties of soils are closely controlled by the climate factors and thus are significant for paleoclimate reconstruction. In this study, two adjacent soil profiles (LP and LPM) with different slopes from Yah'an, Shaanxi Province, were investigated using magnetic methods to determine the impact of topography on magnetic properties of soil. Our results show that although LP and LPM have similar magnetic minerals and grain size distribution, both the average and max- imum magnetic susceptibility (Z) of LP are almost doubled compared to those of LPM. In addition, the ratios of susceptibility enhancement to the background (Ez) for LP and LPM are 2.27 and 2.04, respectively; the ratios of saturation isothermal rem- nant magnetization (SIRM) enhancement (EsIRM) for these two profiles are 1.80 and 1.86, respectively. The slopes of the linear regression trends between frequency-dependent susceptibility (ZFD) and "hard" isothermal remnant magnetization (HIRM) (ZFD/HIRM), Anhysteretic remnant magnetization (ARM) and HIRM (ARM/HIRM), are almost free from the effect of parent material. XFD/HIRMs for LP and LPM are 28.7×10 5 and 28.9×10 5 A m^-1, respectively; ARM/HIRMs are 0.35 and 0.33 for LP and LPM, respectively. These results demonstrate that parameters, ZFD/HIRM, ARM/HIRM, Ez and ESIRM, are affected less by parent material and topography, which are better than the Z for bulk samples to indicate the paleoclimatic conditions (e.g., the paleorainfall) in a large-scale region. 展开更多
关键词 soil profile SLOPE magnetic properties paleorainfall reconstruction
Paleomagnetic data from the Late Carboniferous-Late Permian rocks in eastern Tibet and their implications for tectonic evolution of the northern Qiangtang-Qamdo block 被引量:10
作者 CHENG Xin WU HanNing +9 位作者 DIAO ZongBao WANG HaiJun MA Lun ZHANG XiaoDong YANG Gang HONG JingJing JI WenHua LI RongShe CHEN ShouJian ZHAO ZhenMing 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第7期1209-1220,共12页
We report paleomagnetic results from the Late Carboniferous-Late Permian strata in eastern Tibet (China), and aim to clarify the tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of the northern Qiangtang-Qamdo block, which is t... We report paleomagnetic results from the Late Carboniferous-Late Permian strata in eastern Tibet (China), and aim to clarify the tectonic and paleogeographic evolution of the northern Qiangtang-Qamdo block, which is the key to the study of plate boundary between the Gondwanaland and the Eurasia during the late Paleozoic. Two hundred and nineteen samples-including limestone, muddy siltstone, basalt, lava, and tuff-were collected at 24 sites in the Upper Carboniferous and Middle-Upper Permian successions. A systematic study of rock magnetism and paleomagnetism yields three reliable paleomagnetic pole positions. Both hematite and magnetite occurred in the Late Carboniferous limestone samples. The demagnetization curve shows a characteristic double-component, with the remanent magnetization (ChRM) exhibiting a positive polarity (negative inclination). In the Late Permian limestone, tuff, and basalt, magnetic information were recorded primarily in magnetite, although a small fraction of them was found in hematite in basalt. The demagnetization curve illustrates a double or single component, with the ChRM showing a negative polarity (positive inclination), which has passed the classic fold test successfully. The single polarity features of the ChRM directions of the Late Carboniferous and Middle-Late Permian rocks are respectively related to the Kiaman positive and reversed polarities under the stratigraphic coordinates. This, in turn, indicates that both ChRMs directions represent the original remanence directions. By comparison with the previously published paleomagnetic results from the late Paleozoic rocks in the northern Qiangtang Range, we suggest that: (1) Qamdo and northern Qiangtang block were independent of each other during the Late Carboniferous to the Early Permian periods. The north Lancangjiang ocean basin between the two blocks may have closed before the Middle Permian and been involved in the continent-continent collision stage in the Late Permian-Early Triassic periods. (2) The northern Qiangtang-Qamdo Block paleogeographically was situated at low to intermediate latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere in the Late Carboniferous-Late Permian periods, and began to displace northward in the Early Triassic, with an amount of more than 5000 km northward transport from its current location. 展开更多
关键词 PALEOMAGNETISM TETHYS Northern Qiangtang block PALEOZOIC North Lancangjiang belt
Magnetic characterization and paleoclimatic significances of late Pliocene-early Pleistocene sediments at site 882A,northwestern Pacific Ocean 被引量:3
作者 JIANG ZhaoXia LIU QingSong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS 2012年第2期323-331,共9页
Aeolian dust, a primary terrigenous component of ocean sediments, has been widely used to reconstruct the paleoclimatic evolution because its transported distance, grain size and concentration are sensitive to climate... Aeolian dust, a primary terrigenous component of ocean sediments, has been widely used to reconstruct the paleoclimatic evolution because its transported distance, grain size and concentration are sensitive to climate changes. To further characterize the aeolian dust, the deposits at site Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) 882A in northwestern Pacific Ocean are divided into four grain-size fractions (<8, 8-16, 16-64, >64 μm) using the gravitative differentiation method. Detailed rock magnetism results show that magnetite and hematite are dominant magnetic minerals for the dust components. In addition, the aeolian dust (<8 μm) represented by the concentration of magnetic minerals increases sharply at 2.73 Ma, which corresponds to the onset of major glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere. In contrast, the ice-rafted detritus (IRD) (>64 μm) contributes little to the magnetic enhancement of the sediments at 2.73 Ma. These new results greatly improve our understanding of paleoenvironmental evolution during late Pliocene-early Pleistocene in this area. 展开更多
关键词 eolian dust sediment rock magnetism MAGNETITE HEMATITE ODP site 882A the major glaciation in the Northern Hemisphere
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