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用磷酸二氢钙制磷酸二氢钾的磷收率研究 被引量:2
作者 周堃 李军 +1 位作者 陈亮 汤秀华 《化工矿物与加工》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第11期1-3,14,共4页
采用单因素实验和二次回归正交实验设计,对磷酸二氢钙与硫酸钾生产磷酸二氢钾反应过程中反应温度、反应时间、硫酸钾与磷酸二氢钙摩尔比以及液固比诸因素对五氧化二磷收率的影响进行了研究,最终得到适宜的工艺条件为:反应温度50℃,反应... 采用单因素实验和二次回归正交实验设计,对磷酸二氢钙与硫酸钾生产磷酸二氢钾反应过程中反应温度、反应时间、硫酸钾与磷酸二氢钙摩尔比以及液固比诸因素对五氧化二磷收率的影响进行了研究,最终得到适宜的工艺条件为:反应温度50℃,反应时间120min,反应液固比4∶1,硫酸钾与磷酸二氢钙摩尔比(K2O:P2O5)1.1∶1,所得P2O5收率超过70%。 展开更多
关键词 磷收率 酸二氢钾 硫酸钾 酸二氢钙
磷酸二氢钙制备磷酸二氢钠磷收率研究 被引量:1
作者 王勃 向伟 +1 位作者 陈红琼 应建康 《无机盐工业》 CAS 北大核心 2012年第3期28-29,38,共3页
磷酸二氢钙是湿法磷酸精细加工的重要产品,开发以磷酸二氢钙为中间产物的精加工系列产品符合目前市场需求。研究了磷酸二氢钙与硫酸钠复分解反应制备磷酸二氢钠的工艺条件,并通过浓缩结晶得到磷酸二氢钠产品。对反应温度、物料配比、液... 磷酸二氢钙是湿法磷酸精细加工的重要产品,开发以磷酸二氢钙为中间产物的精加工系列产品符合目前市场需求。研究了磷酸二氢钙与硫酸钠复分解反应制备磷酸二氢钠的工艺条件,并通过浓缩结晶得到磷酸二氢钠产品。对反应温度、物料配比、液固比以及反应时间诸因素对磷收率的影响进行了研究,确定了复分解过程适宜的工艺条件:反应温度为50℃,物料配比(硫酸钠与磷酸二氢钙物质的量比)为1.2∶1,液固比(质量比)为4∶1,反应时间为120 min。在此条件下磷收率可达79.1%。该工艺具产品纯度高、工艺流程简单、操作简便等优点。 展开更多
关键词 酸二氢钠 酸二氢钙 结晶 磷收率
提高磷酸磷收率的措施 被引量:2
作者 念吉红 《盐科学与化工》 CAS 2019年第3期38-39,共2页
关键词 湿法 磷收率 影响因素
作者 何全基 《化工矿物与加工》 CAS 北大核心 2006年第6期39-39,共1页
关键词 经济发展战略 磷收率 专题会议 损失原因 整改方案 公司 循环经济
作者 邓福生 《中国科技期刊数据库 工业A》 2016年第2期16-16,共1页
关键词 二水湿法 酸生产 磷收率
作者 莫校冬 《中国石油和化工标准与质量》 2024年第14期28-30,共3页
本研究深入分析了新型磷复肥生产工艺流程对磷收率及产品质量的影响,着重考察了生产过程中的关键操作参数和它们如何影响最终产品的性能。研究采用了实验与模拟相结合的方法,详细调查了原料处理、化学反应过程以及后期处理等多个阶段的... 本研究深入分析了新型磷复肥生产工艺流程对磷收率及产品质量的影响,着重考察了生产过程中的关键操作参数和它们如何影响最终产品的性能。研究采用了实验与模拟相结合的方法,详细调查了原料处理、化学反应过程以及后期处理等多个阶段的影响因素。通过比较传统与新型工艺流程,本研究揭示了新工艺在提升磷元素的利用效率和改善肥料整体品质方面的优势。研究结果不仅证明了新型工艺在提高磷收率和产品质量方面的显著效果,也为磷复肥的生产提供了可行的优化建议,有助于推动农业肥料行业的技术进步。 展开更多
关键词 复肥 生产工艺 磷收率 质量影响
作者 张志业 《饲料工业》 北大核心 2003年第6期12-13,共2页
在饲料级磷酸氢钙生产中,影响磷收率的关键因素之一是在预中和时磷的沉淀率。由于湿法磷酸中有大量杂质,在除掉这些杂质的过程中,与磷结合形成沉淀的元素主要有铝、铁、钙等,为了防止大量的铝进入酸中,从理论分析和实验中得出了在萃取... 在饲料级磷酸氢钙生产中,影响磷收率的关键因素之一是在预中和时磷的沉淀率。由于湿法磷酸中有大量杂质,在除掉这些杂质的过程中,与磷结合形成沉淀的元素主要有铝、铁、钙等,为了防止大量的铝进入酸中,从理论分析和实验中得出了在萃取磷酸过程中磷矿中的F/Al摩尔比是影响铝进入酸中的关键因素,并得出当矿中F/Al摩尔比为3∶1时,进入酸中的铝离子最少。 展开更多
关键词 饲料级酸氢钙 磷收率 酸铝 氟/铝摩尔比 预中和 硫酸法 湿法
作者 张俊 《化工管理》 2017年第32期77-,共1页
瓮福达州化工有限责任公司为解决低品位磷矿选别过程中伴生氧化镁含量和磷收率平衡的问题,结合就地使用四川磷精矿,降低物流费用的经营理念,通过研究湿法磷酸装置产生的酸性废水特性,实施弱酸脱镁收磷的循环化产业应用。介绍该产业化的... 瓮福达州化工有限责任公司为解决低品位磷矿选别过程中伴生氧化镁含量和磷收率平衡的问题,结合就地使用四川磷精矿,降低物流费用的经营理念,通过研究湿法磷酸装置产生的酸性废水特性,实施弱酸脱镁收磷的循环化产业应用。介绍该产业化的实施理论、形成的生产工艺、操作要点,以及实施循环化产业应用后取得的经济效益和环保效益。 展开更多
关键词 氧化镁含量 磷收率 精矿 酸性废水 弱酸脱镁 循环化产业
作者 袁景华 吴俊虎 +2 位作者 杨秀山 许德华 张志业 《无机盐工业》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第9期50-56,共7页
针对硫酸法湿法磷酸生产磷酸二氢铵副产磷石膏的问题,基于硝酸法冷冻母液深度脱硝后的净化液,采用氨中和工艺生产工业级磷酸二氢铵,系统研究了反应温度、磷酸浓度、反应时间、搅拌速率、pH、杂质离子浓度等因素对于氨中和工艺的影响。... 针对硫酸法湿法磷酸生产磷酸二氢铵副产磷石膏的问题,基于硝酸法冷冻母液深度脱硝后的净化液,采用氨中和工艺生产工业级磷酸二氢铵,系统研究了反应温度、磷酸浓度、反应时间、搅拌速率、pH、杂质离子浓度等因素对于氨中和工艺的影响。结果表明,氨中和过程中杂质离子生成磷酸盐沉淀影响磷收率,且杂质离子之间主要以形成复盐沉淀互相影响。通过对比氨中和后滤液的成分可得出最佳工艺条件:P_(2)O_(5)质量分数为15%、反应温度为85℃、搅拌速率为250r/min、反应时间为40min、pH为4.3,最后以最佳工艺条件制备的磷酸二氢铵产品达到一级产品标准要求。 展开更多
关键词 酸二氢铵 硝酸 磷收率 氨中和
作者 杨闻舞 《化工管理》 1996年第8期35-35,共1页
填补一项湖南省项目空白的30000T/年产饲料级磷酸氢钙生产线近日在辰溪县磷肥厂开工兴建。 该项目引进的湿法磷酸新工艺法生产技术,经过一系列系统性的试验验证和生产性中试,其经济技术指标在国内、国际上都处于领先水平,具有产品质量... 填补一项湖南省项目空白的30000T/年产饲料级磷酸氢钙生产线近日在辰溪县磷肥厂开工兴建。 该项目引进的湿法磷酸新工艺法生产技术,经过一系列系统性的试验验证和生产性中试,其经济技术指标在国内、国际上都处于领先水平,具有产品质量好、工艺简单、操作控制容易、磷收率高、成本低、效益好。 展开更多
关键词 饲料级酸氢钙 湖南省 饲钙 磷收率 系列系统 辰溪县 湿法 项目引进 肥厂 操作控制
作者 李顺方 赵东 +2 位作者 马永强 简路明 曾春华 《硫磷设计与粉体工程》 2015年第4期4-8,57,共5页
阐述了由贵州川恒化工股份有限公司自主研发的半水物湿法磷酸工艺技术,与现有各种湿法磷酸生产工艺技术比较,该工艺流程更加优化、合理,操作控制更加简化稳定,从而可以获得较高的磷收率对反应原料的适应性较强,系统清理堵塞周期长,生产... 阐述了由贵州川恒化工股份有限公司自主研发的半水物湿法磷酸工艺技术,与现有各种湿法磷酸生产工艺技术比较,该工艺流程更加优化、合理,操作控制更加简化稳定,从而可以获得较高的磷收率对反应原料的适应性较强,系统清理堵塞周期长,生产效率高,能有效的提高装置的运行能力,从而获得良好的工艺控制指标和经济技术指标。 展开更多
关键词 半水物湿法 工艺流程 控制指标 磷收率 生产效 比较
《中国饲料添加剂》 2005年第12期43-44,共2页
关键词 湿法酸生产 生产工艺技术 技术经济指标 生产装置 装置优化 生产成本 磷收率 国产化
作者 夏丽红 《化工安全与环境》 2004年第4期22-23,共2页
关键词 酸二铵尾气 废气治理 文丘里-方管洗涤法 磷收率 塔式喷淋洗涤法
Analysis of Phosphorus Nutrition Efficiency of Soybean Genotypes with Different Phosphorus Efficiency at Blooming Stage under Low Phosphorus Stress 被引量:2
作者 张彦丽 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第12期2544-2548,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to investigate the phosphorus nutrition effi- ciency of different soybean genotypes at blooming stage under low phosphorus stress. [Method] By using four "low phosphorus efficiency" soyb... [Objective] This study aimed to investigate the phosphorus nutrition effi- ciency of different soybean genotypes at blooming stage under low phosphorus stress. [Method] By using four "low phosphorus efficiency" soybean genotypes (D03, D05, D17 and D18) and four "high phosphorus efficiency" soybean genotypes (D31, D34, D37 and D38) as experimental materials, soil culture experiment was conduct- ed with two treatments of high phosphorus (+P) and low phosphorus (-P), to analyze the relationship between phosphorus content, phosphorus uptake, phosphorus use efficiency and phosphorus efficiency of soybean genotypes with different phos- phorus efficiency. [Result] Under low phosphorus conditions, four soybean genotypes with high phosphorus efficiency showed significant advantage in phosphorus uptake at seedling stage, to be specific, D34 showed relatively high phosphorus absorption capacity but no advantage in adaptability of phosphorus use efficiency, while only D37 showed relatively high phosphorus absorption capacity and phosphorus use ca- pacity. Correlation analysis and path analysis showed that the level of phosphorus efficiency of soybean at blooming stage under (-P) and (+P) treatments was mainly determined by phosphorus absorption capacity, and that under (-P) treatment was significantly greater than (+P) treatment. Phosphorus uptake and phosphorus use ef- ficiency under (-P) and (+P) treatments both showed great direct effects on phos- phorus efficiency, and phosphorus uptake made greater contribution; however, the indirect effects were relatively low, Under low phosphorus stress, the mechanisms for various soybean genotypes with high phosphorus efficiency to adapt to low phospho- rus stress were different, and phosphorus absorption efficiency (phosphorus uptake) was the main variation source of the phosphorus efficiency of various soybean genotypes at blooming stage. [Conclusion] This study revealed the contribution made by phosphorus absorption efficiency and phosphorus use efficiency to phosphorus efficiency of soybean. 展开更多
关键词 SOYBEAN Low phosphorus stress Phosphorus efficiency Absorption ef- ficiency Use efficiency
Effects of Slow-release Fertilizer and Balanced Fertilization on Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium Uptake in Peppers 被引量:1
作者 张忠武 王建新 +4 位作者 鲁耀 段宗颜 彭荣珍 周敏 杨景华 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第7期1457-1461,共5页
Field plot experiment was conducted to study the effects of two slow-re- lease fertilizers and balanced fertilization on dry matter accumulation, yield, fertilizer use efficiency, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium up... Field plot experiment was conducted to study the effects of two slow-re- lease fertilizers and balanced fertilization on dry matter accumulation, yield, fertilizer use efficiency, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium uptake of peppers at Jiangna Town, Yanshan County, Yunnan Province in 2011. The results showed that the dry matter accumulation in dried pepper plant, pepper yield, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium uptake in peppers were significantly increased in all the fertilizer treat- ments, compared with those in control (no fertilizer). Compared with conventional fertilization, balanced fertilization, slow-release compound fertilizer and slow-release urea fertilizer significantly increased dried pepper economic output by 20.94%, 17.5% and 14.54%, nitrogen uptake in dried peppers by 21.53%,18.46% and 13.19%, phosphorus uptake in dried peppers by 14.08%, 15.76% and 10.44%, potassium uptake in dried peppers by 22.66%, 15.73% and 16.28%; they also in- creased nitrogen and potassium use efficiency, but reduced potassium use efficiency due to the increased potassium addition. In treatments with balanced fertilization, slow-release compound fertilizer and slow-release urea fertilizer, the nitrogen utiliza- tion was 5.84%, 7.14% and 8.33% higher and the phosphorus utilization was 3.32%, 3.27% and 2.47% higher than those in treatment with conventional fertiliza- tion. In addition, the nitrogen application could be reduced by 20%-50% by bal- anced fertilization and the two slow-release fertilizers, thereby reducing environmen- tal pollution. Slow-release fertilizers could also reduce the frequency of fertilization and labor costs. 展开更多
关键词 Slow-release fertilizer Balanced fertilization Dried pepper NPK uptake Fertilizer use efficiency
Detection of the Quantitative Trait Loci with AFLP and RFLP Markers for Phosphorus Uptake and Use Efficiency in Rice 被引量:16
作者 吴平 倪俊健 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2000年第3期229-233,共5页
To identify genetic factors underlying phosphorus (P) uptake and use efficiency under low_P stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.), 84 selected genotypes (recombinant inbred lines) and their parents (which differed in toler... To identify genetic factors underlying phosphorus (P) uptake and use efficiency under low_P stress in rice (Oryza sativa L.), 84 selected genotypes (recombinant inbred lines) and their parents (which differed in tolerance for low_P stress) “IR20” and IR55178_3B_9_3, were cultured in liquid medium supplemented with adequate and low P levels in a greenhouse. Plants were sampled after 6 weeks in culture for measurements of plant dry weight, P concentration, P uptake and P use efficiency under both P sufficient and stress conditions. A total of 179 molecular markers, including 26 RFLPs and 153 AFLPs, mapped on all 12 chromosomes of rice based on the 84 selected genotypes were used to detect the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying tolerance for low_P stress. Three QTLs were detected on chromosomes 6, 7 and 12, respectively, for relative plant dry weight (RPDW) and relative P uptake (RPUP). One of the QTLs flanked by RG9 and RG241 on chromosome 12 had a major effect which explained about 50% of the variations in the two parameters across the population. The results coincided with the QTLs for low_P stress based on relative tillering ability from the same population from a cross between Nipponbare and Kasalath under soil condition. The identical major QTL for P uptake and plant growth under low_P stress in both liquid medium and soil strongly suggests that the ability of P uptake mainly controls rice tolerance for low_P stress. 展开更多
关键词 Oryza sativa quantitative trait loci P uptake P use efficiency
Plant Phosphorus Uptake in a Soybean-Citrus Intercropping System in the Red Soil Hilly Region of South China 被引量:8
作者 ZHOU Wei-Jun ZHANG Yang-Zhu +3 位作者 WANG Kai-Rong LI He-Song HAO Yin-Ju LIU Xin 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第2期244-250,共7页
A field microplot experiment was conducted in the red soil hilly region of South China to evaluate plant phosphorus (P)uptake under soybean and citrus monoculture and the soybean-citrus intercropping system using the ... A field microplot experiment was conducted in the red soil hilly region of South China to evaluate plant phosphorus (P)uptake under soybean and citrus monoculture and the soybean-citrus intercropping system using the 32P tracer technique.P fertilizer was applied at three depths(15,35,and 55 cm).The experimental results showed that the planting pattern and 32P application depth significantly affected the characteristics of P uptake by soybean and citrus.Under the soybean-citrus intercropping system,considerable competition was observed when the 32P fertilizer was applied to the topsoil(15 cm);therefore,the 32P recovery rate declined by 41.5%and 14.7%for soybean and citrus,and 32P supplying amount of topsoil to soybean and citrus decreased by 346.8 and 148.1 mg plot-1,respectively,compared to those under the monoculture.However,32P recovery of soybean was promoted when 32P fertilizer was applied to the deeper soil layers (35 and 55 cm)under soybean-citrus intercropping.Under the soybean monoculture,32P fertilizer could hardly be used by soybean when 32P fertilizer was applied at the 55 cm depth or below,with the recovery rate being less than 0.1%;it was up to 0.253%by soybean under intercropping.The higher P recovery of soybean under soybean-citrus intercropping when P was applied in the deeper soil layers was because part of the P nutrient that the citrus absorbed from the deeper soil layers could be released into the topsoil and then it could be used by the soybean. 展开更多
Effects of temperature,algae biomass and ambient nutrient on the absorption of dissolved nitrogen and phosphate by Rhodophyte Gracilaria asiatica 被引量:2
作者 杜荣斌 刘立明 +1 位作者 王爱敏 王勇强 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期353-365,共13页
Gracilaria asiatica, being highly efficient in nutrient absorption, is cultivated in sea cucumber ponds to remove nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphate. It was cultured in a laboratory simulating field conditions, ... Gracilaria asiatica, being highly efficient in nutrient absorption, is cultivated in sea cucumber ponds to remove nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphate. It was cultured in a laboratory simulating field conditions, and its nutrient absorption was measured to evaluate effects of environmental conditions. Ammonia nitrogen (AN), nitrate nitrogen (NN), total inorganic nitrogen (TIN), and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) uptake rate and removal efficiency were determined in a 4~2 factorial design experiment in water temperatures (T) at 15~C and 25~C, algae biomass (AB) at 0.5 g/L and 1.0 g/L, total inorganic nitrogen (TIN) at 30 ~tmol/L and 60 ~tmol/L, and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) at 3 and 6 ~tmol/L. AB and ambient TIN or SRP levels significantly affected uptake rate and removal efficiency of AN, NN, TIN, and SRP (P〈0.001). G. asiatica in AB of 0.5 g/L showed higher uptake rate and lower removal efficiency relative to that with AB of 1.0 g/L. Nitrogen and phosphorus uptake rate rose with increasing ambient nutrient concentrations; nutrient removal efficiency decreased at higher environmental nutrient concentrations. The algae preferred to absorb AN to NN. Uptake rates of AN, NN, and SRP were significantly affected by temperature (P〈0.001); uptake rate was higher for the 25~C group than for the 15~C group at the initial experiment stage. Only the removal efficiency of AN and SRP showed a significant difference between the two temperature groups (P〈0.01). The four factors had significant interactive effects on absorption of N and P, implying that G. asiatica has great bioremedial potential in sea cucumber culture ponds. 展开更多
关键词 ALGAE Gracilaria asiatica Chang et Xia nutrient removal NITROGEN soluble reactive phosphate
《无机盐技术》 2015年第5期47-47,共1页
黄磷生产过程中一次磷收率指标重要性分析 周廷栋 摘要:黄磷生产企业生产过程中的一次磷收率是是一个重要的管理与考核指标,制磷企业之间的黄磷单位电耗差距在一定条件下本质上是一次磷收率的差距。
关键词 文摘 生产过程 生产企业 磷收率 单位电耗 差距
《无机盐技术》 2012年第3期52-52,共1页
二水湿法磷酸工艺磷收率提升的研究与应用技术 摘要:针对全球磷资源贫化、磷酸装置磷收率偏低的状况,重点研究影响磷收率的关键因素和介绍提升磷收率的若干技术,应用于生产取得磷收率、洗涤率、磷矿分解率分别达约97%、99%、98%... 二水湿法磷酸工艺磷收率提升的研究与应用技术 摘要:针对全球磷资源贫化、磷酸装置磷收率偏低的状况,重点研究影响磷收率的关键因素和介绍提升磷收率的若干技术,应用于生产取得磷收率、洗涤率、磷矿分解率分别达约97%、99%、98%,磷石膏中加(P205自镕)由原0.5%降至0.14%,W(P205自溶)降至0.16%的较好效果。 展开更多
关键词 酸盐 文摘 磷收率 湿法 酸装置 资源 洗涤 分解
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