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作者 韦海军 《广西蔗糖》 2013年第1期30-32,共3页
在甘蔗制糖工艺中,中和汁物料中磷酸值是否准确是直接关系到整个澄清效果的关键部分之一。在《甘蔗制糖化学管理分析方法》中,测定自然磷酸值的测量方法,是要求所配制的样液经过滤后检测磷酸含量。此法在对于经预灰处理,同时加入磷酸的... 在甘蔗制糖工艺中,中和汁物料中磷酸值是否准确是直接关系到整个澄清效果的关键部分之一。在《甘蔗制糖化学管理分析方法》中,测定自然磷酸值的测量方法,是要求所配制的样液经过滤后检测磷酸含量。此法在对于经预灰处理,同时加入磷酸的混合物料(中和汁)中的磷酸量测定有其不足之处。因此,有必要探讨一种有效检测此种混合物料中磷酸量的方法,供广大制糖工作者参考。 展开更多
关键词 磷酸值 中和汁 比色法 过滤 PH
作者 邓国聪 《南方农业》 2014年第09X期150-151,共2页
中和汁物料的磷酸值一直是甘蔗制糖工艺中,决定整个工艺的澄清效果的重要指标,其测定结果是否精准,对工艺的澄清效果有很大影响。在传统的甘蔗制糖化学管理分析方法中,对于自然磷酸值的测定需要先对样本进行过滤,然后,检测其磷酸值的含... 中和汁物料的磷酸值一直是甘蔗制糖工艺中,决定整个工艺的澄清效果的重要指标,其测定结果是否精准,对工艺的澄清效果有很大影响。在传统的甘蔗制糖化学管理分析方法中,对于自然磷酸值的测定需要先对样本进行过滤,然后,检测其磷酸值的含量。但是,对样本进行预灰处理时,对于中和值中的磷酸测量存有弊端,针对广西农垦企业甘蔗制糖工艺过程中对中和汁磷酸值的测定进行研究,探讨一种更为科学准确的检验中和汁磷酸值的方法,对于制糖工艺的发展有着重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 磷酸值 中和汁 过滤 甘蔗制糖
作者 韦海军 《中国甜菜糖业》 2014年第1期34-35,48,共3页
在甘蔗制糖工艺中,中和汁中磷酸值是否准确直接关系到整个沉清效果的好坏.《甘蔗制糖化学管理分析方法》中原始甘蔗蔗汁中的磷酸量的测定方法要求所配制的样液经过滤后检测磷酸含量,此法在对于经预灰处理,同时加入磷酸的混合物料(中和... 在甘蔗制糖工艺中,中和汁中磷酸值是否准确直接关系到整个沉清效果的好坏.《甘蔗制糖化学管理分析方法》中原始甘蔗蔗汁中的磷酸量的测定方法要求所配制的样液经过滤后检测磷酸含量,此法在对于经预灰处理,同时加入磷酸的混合物料(中和汁)中的磷酸量的测定时,其值将是不准确的.经过多年的实践,摸索出一种有效检测此种混合物料中磷酸量的方法,本文概述了其合理性与适用性,以供广大甘蔗制糖厂家在沉清工段参考使用,更有利于我们掌握沉清效果,提高产品质量,更利于节约原辅料的用量,以降低生产成本. 展开更多
关键词 磷酸值 中和汁 比色法 过滤 PH
作者 丁淑贞 徐珠 《同煤科技》 1992年第2期63-64,共2页
关键词 中性粒细胞碱性磷酸酶积分 LAP 测定 临床诊断意义
海水浸泡对保存血液中2,3-DPG、ATP含量与pH值影响的实验研究 被引量:5
作者 冯国基 郑长青 +3 位作者 刘景汉 韩玮 朱秀美 施庆忠 《实用医药杂志》 2004年第10期910-913,共4页
目的观察经海水浸泡的血袋血液2,3-DPG、ATP与pH指标的变化规律,探索海洋环境下血液的运输和保存。方法三种血液制品分为浸泡实验组与对照组,选取海水浸泡前、浸泡72h后、再置4±2℃冰箱保存1、2、3、4、5周各时间点测定成分血液2,3... 目的观察经海水浸泡的血袋血液2,3-DPG、ATP与pH指标的变化规律,探索海洋环境下血液的运输和保存。方法三种血液制品分为浸泡实验组与对照组,选取海水浸泡前、浸泡72h后、再置4±2℃冰箱保存1、2、3、4、5周各时间点测定成分血液2,3-DPG、ATP的含量与pH值。结果①实验组与对照组比较:2,3-DPGgnATP含量和pH值三种血液制品均有显著性差异(P<0.05或P<0.01);②保存时间内各组比较:2,3-DPG含量在LP-RBC浸泡前、浸泡72h和保存1周与保存2~5周P<0.01;AS-RBC浸泡前、浸泡72h和保存1~2周与保存3~5周P<0.01;WB浸泡前、浸泡72h和保存1~3周与保存4~5周P<0.01;ATP含量LP-RBC与AS-RBC各组比较,P<0.05;WB浸泡前、浸泡72h和保存1~2周与保存3~5周比较,P<0.01;pH值在三种血液制品各组两两比较均有统计学差异(P<0.01);③三种血液制品比较:2,3-DPG含量在LP-RBC、AS-RBC与WB实验组P<0.01,ATP含量在三种血液制品组间比较,P>0.05;pH值除LP-RBC与AS-RBC实验组在保存第5周组间无差别外,其余各血液制品间各实验组比较均有显著性差异(P<0.01)。结论采用相同的血液保养液袋,对血液再包装进行海水浸泡72h,与常规条件下保存血液的2,3-DPG、ATP含量、pH值等指标结果变化趋于一致。 展开更多
关键词 海水浸泡 保存血液 2 3—二磷酸甘油酸 磷酸腺苷pH
扩散渗析膜分离技术在湿法磷酸净化中的应用研究 被引量:2
作者 何兵兵 刘旭 +1 位作者 谢娟 陈相 《化工矿物与加工》 CAS 2023年第4期22-26,62,共6页
扩散渗析膜分离技术因能耗和操作费用低且安全环保,已成功应用于冶金行业废酸如硫酸、盐酸和硝酸等的分离回收,磷酸的净化分离由于在传统离子交换膜上的渗透系数低导致P_(2)O_(5)回收率低而限制了该技术的应用。为了将该技术应用于湿法... 扩散渗析膜分离技术因能耗和操作费用低且安全环保,已成功应用于冶金行业废酸如硫酸、盐酸和硝酸等的分离回收,磷酸的净化分离由于在传统离子交换膜上的渗透系数低导致P_(2)O_(5)回收率低而限制了该技术的应用。为了将该技术应用于湿法磷酸中的杂质脱除,采用福建某公司生产的聚烯烃类超薄(厚度小于50μm)阴离子交换膜进行湿法磷酸净化试验,得出适宜的操作参数为:浓磷酸进料温度35℃,膜处理通量0.7 L/(m^(2)·h),浓磷酸与水的体积流量比1.0∶1。在优化条件下进行湿法磷酸除杂试验,磷酸MER值从5.81%降至0.93%以下,P_(2)O_(5)回收率在53%以上。此外,浓磷酸经过脱硫预处理再进行膜分离时,磷酸MER值从6.21%降至1.17%以下,P_(2)O_(5)回收率在55%左右。 展开更多
关键词 扩散渗析 阴离子交换膜 湿法磷酸 净化 磷酸MER
作者 李雪珍 吴益娟 郭家文 《甘蔗糖业》 2014年第2期40-43,共4页
亚硫酸法甘蔗制糖在糖汁提净脱色过程中添加石灰乳、磷酸、二氧化硫等,蔗汁中的有机非糖分如淀粉、胶质、蛋白质存留在白砂糖中能引起白砂糖糖液混浊。本文针对白砂糖中无机成分如钙、磷、硫的含量与白砂糖的混浊度之间的关系作了基本... 亚硫酸法甘蔗制糖在糖汁提净脱色过程中添加石灰乳、磷酸、二氧化硫等,蔗汁中的有机非糖分如淀粉、胶质、蛋白质存留在白砂糖中能引起白砂糖糖液混浊。本文针对白砂糖中无机成分如钙、磷、硫的含量与白砂糖的混浊度之间的关系作了基本的分析研究。 展开更多
关键词 混浊度 磷酸值 钙盐 亚硫酸法
Preparation of calcium phosphate coating on pure titanium substrate by electrodeposition method 被引量:11
作者 赵中伟 张刚 李洪桂 《Journal of Central South University of Technology》 2004年第2期147-151,共5页
The influences of pH value, electrolyte temperature and loading time on depositing calcium phosphate coating on pure titanium substrate by electrodeposition process were investigated. The process was carried out with ... The influences of pH value, electrolyte temperature and loading time on depositing calcium phosphate coating on pure titanium substrate by electrodeposition process were investigated. The process was carried out with an electrochemical work-station supplying a direct current power at potential of -0.8V (vs SCE). The electrolyte consists of 7 mmol·L-1 CaCl2·2H2O, 3 mmol·L-1 Ca(H2PO4)2·H2O and 2.5% H2O2. NaOH and HCl solutions were used to adjust pH value. The deposited samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscope. The comparison of the deposits obtained at lower and higher pH values demonstrates that the crystallization process at the interface is favoured by high pH value. With temperature increasing, the deposited hydroxyapatite is occasionally of plate-like shape, and the width and the length of the deposited calcium phosphates at 65 ℃ are larger than those at 55 ℃. Therefore, it is confirmed that the morphology and microstructure of electrochemically deposited calcium phosphates can be regulated. Additionally, the coating formed in electrolyte with H2O2 additive is homogeneous and the evolution of H2 bubble can be eliminated. 展开更多
Solubilization of aluminum phosphate by specific Penicillium spp. 被引量:3
作者 肖春桥 池汝安 胡利红 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2013年第8期2109-2114,共6页
The solubilization of hardly soluble aluminum phosphate (AlPO4) by specific Penicillium spp. isolated from wheat rhizospheric soils was investigated in Pikovskaya agar and liquid medium, respectively. Most of the Pe... The solubilization of hardly soluble aluminum phosphate (AlPO4) by specific Penicillium spp. isolated from wheat rhizospheric soils was investigated in Pikovskaya agar and liquid medium, respectively. Most of the Penicillium isolates except P. sirnplicissimum AP 11 and P. variabile AP 15 developed clear transparent zone around the colony margin in plate assays. Results of broth assays show that the Penicillium isolates can efficiently solubilize aluminum phosphate in Pikovskaya liquid medium, and vary in their capabilities to release soluble phosphate from aluminum phosphate. All the isolates exhibit different abilities to lower the pH and increase the titratable acidity in the broth compared to the control. HPLC analysis shows that most of the isolates except the species of P. aurantiogriseum can excrete different concentrations of organic acids, including gluconic acid, citric acid, oxalic acid, malic acid and tartaric acids, in the broth. The release of soluble phosphate by the isolate P. oxalicum AP2, which is the best solubilizer of aluminum phosphate among the isolates, is accompanied by a significant drop of pH and an obvious rise of titratable acidity during 7 d of aluminum phosphate-solubilizing experiments. The effects of temperature, initial pH, concentration of aluminum phosphate and shaking speed on aluminum phosphate solubilization by P. oxalicum AP2 were also investigated, and the maximum contents of soluble phosphate released are recorded at temperature 30 ℃, initial pH 6, aluminum phosphate concentration 20 g/L, and shaking speed 160 r/min. 展开更多
关键词 SOLUBILIZATION aluminum phosphate Penicillium spp. soluble phosphate Penicillium oxalicum
Characteristics of Phosphorus in Some Eastern Australian Acid Sulfate Soils 被引量:4
作者 C. LINSchool of Environmental Science and Management, Southern Cross University, Lismore, NSW (Australia) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第3期229-234,共6页
Forty-five acid sulfatc topsoil samples (depth < 0.5 m) from 15 soil coreswere collected from 11 locations along the New South Wales coast, Australia. There was an overalltrend for the concentration of the HCl-extr... Forty-five acid sulfatc topsoil samples (depth < 0.5 m) from 15 soil coreswere collected from 11 locations along the New South Wales coast, Australia. There was an overalltrend for the concentration of the HCl-extractable P to increase along with increasing amounts oforganic C and the HCl-extractable trivalent metals in the topsoils of some less-disturbed acidsulfate soils (pH < 4.5). This suggests that inorganic P in these soils probably accumulated viabiological cycling and was retained by complexation with trivalent metals or their oxides andhydroxides. While there was no clear correlation between pH and the water-extractable P, theconcentration of the water-extractable P tended to increase with increasing amounts of theHCl-extractable P. This disagrees with some established models which suggest that the concentrationof solution P in acid soils is independent of total P and decreases with increasing acidity. Thehigh concentration of sulfate present in acid sulfate soils appeared to affect the chemical behaviorof P in these soil systems. Comparison was made between a less disturbed wetland acid sulfate soiland a more intensively disturbed sugarcane acid sulfate soil. The results show that reclamation ofwetland acid sulfate soils for sugarcane production caused a significant decrease in theHCl-extractable P in the topsoil layer as a result of the reduced bio-cycling of phosphorusfollowing sugarcane farming. Simulation experiment shows that addition of hydrated lime had noeffects on the immobilization of retained P in an acid sulfate soil sample within a pH range3.5~4.6. When the pH was raised to above 4.6, soluble P in the soil extracts had a tendency toincrease with increasing pH until the 15th extraction (pH 5.13). This, in combination with the poorpH-soluble P relationship observed from the less-disturbed acid sulfate soils, suggests that solubleP was not clearly pH-dependent in acid sulfate soils with pH < 4.5. 展开更多
关键词 acid sulfate soil ACIDITY PHOSPHORUS
Soil Components Affecting Phosphate Sorption Parameters of Acid Paddy Soils in Guangdong Province 被引量:13
作者 LI HUAXING, ZHANG XINMING and LIU YUANJIN (College of Natural Resources and Environment, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou 510642 China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第4期317-321,共5页
Soil components affecting phosphate sorption parameters were studied using acid paddy soils derived from basalt, granite, sand-shale and the Pearl River Delta sediments, respectively, in Guangdong Province. For each s... Soil components affecting phosphate sorption parameters were studied using acid paddy soils derived from basalt, granite, sand-shale and the Pearl River Delta sediments, respectively, in Guangdong Province. For each soil, seven 2.50 g subsamples were equilibrated with 50 mL 0.02 mol L-1 (pH=7.0) of KCI containing 0, 5, 10, 15, 25, 50 and 100 mg P kg-1, respectively, in order to derive P sorption parameters (P sorption maximum, P sorption intensity factor and maximum buffer capacity) by Langmuir isotherm equation. It was shown that the main soil components influencing phosphate sorption maximum (Xm) included soil clay, PH, amorphous iron oxide (Feo) and amorphous aluminum oxide (Alo), with their effects in the order of Alo > Feo > pH > clay. Among these components, pH had a negative effect, and the others had a positive effect. Organic matter (OM) was the only soil component influencing P sorption intensity factor (K). The main components influencing maximum phosphate buffer capacity (MBC) consisted of soil clay, OM,pH, Feo and Alo, with their effects in the order of Alo > OM > pH > Feo > clay. Path analysis indicated that among the components with positive effects on maximum phosphate buffer capacity (MBC), the effect was in the order of Alo > Feo > Clay, while among the components with negative effects, OM > pH. OM played an important role in mobilizing phosphate in acid paddy soils mainly through decreasing the sorption immensity of phosphate by soil particles. 展开更多
关键词 Guangdong Province phosphate sorption parameters soil components
Numerical simulation of high voltage electric pulse comminution of phosphate ore 被引量:5
作者 Razavian Seyed Mohammad Rezai Bahram +1 位作者 Irannajad Mehdi Ravanji Mohammad Hasan 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2015年第3期473-478,共6页
Numerical simulation of the electrical field distribution helps in-depth understanding of the mechanisms behind the responses and the benefits of the high voltage pulse comminution. The COMSOL Multiphysics package was... Numerical simulation of the electrical field distribution helps in-depth understanding of the mechanisms behind the responses and the benefits of the high voltage pulse comminution. The COMSOL Multiphysics package was used to numerically simulate the effect of ore compositions in this study. Regarding phosphate ore particles shape and composition, the effects of mineral composition, particle size, particle shape and electrodes distance were investigated on the electrical field intensity and distribution. The results show that the induced electrical field is significantly dependent on the electrical properties of minerals,the feed particle size and the location of conductive minerals in ores. The angle of material contact surface with the discharge electrode is also an important factor in the intensity of electrical field. Moreover,it is found that the specific liberation effect at the disintegration of phosphate ore by electrical pulses is due to the locality of the electrical field at the interface of mineral components of the phosphate ore aggregates with different permittivities. However, the intensity of the electrical field increases with sharpening the contact angle. Besides, the electrical discharge in the samples is converted to the electrohydraulic discharge across the surrounding water by changing the distance between the discharge electrode and sample surface. 展开更多
关键词 Numerical simulation High voltage electric pulse Electrical comminution Phosphate ore
血清碱性磷酸酶与γ-谷氨酰转肽酶水平及其倍值比对胆汁淤积性肝病的鉴别价值 被引量:7
作者 魏小丰 韩子岩 《中华诊断学电子杂志》 2017年第2期115-119,共5页
目的探讨血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、γ-谷氨酰基转肽酶(γ-GGT)及其倍值比在胆汁淤积性肝病的鉴别价值。方法拟定入选标准,收集山西医科大学第二医院消化内科、风湿免疫科、普外科2012年1月至2016年7月住院患者125例,其中药物性胆汁淤积肝... 目的探讨血清碱性磷酸酶(ALP)、γ-谷氨酰基转肽酶(γ-GGT)及其倍值比在胆汁淤积性肝病的鉴别价值。方法拟定入选标准,收集山西医科大学第二医院消化内科、风湿免疫科、普外科2012年1月至2016年7月住院患者125例,其中药物性胆汁淤积肝损伤组(20例)、原发性胆汁性胆管炎(PBC)组(50例)、胆总管结石组(55例)。采用速率法检测血清ALP、GGT水平。绘制受试者工作曲线(ROC),分析ALP、GGT、(ALP实测值/ALP正常值上限)/(GGT实测值/GGT正常值上限)(ALP~×/GGT~×)用于药物性胆汁淤积性肝损伤、PBC、胆总管结石的鉴别诊断效果。所有入组患者均签署知情同意书,经医院伦理委员会研究通过。结果各组间血清ALP水平差异无统计学意义(F=0.27,P>0.05);各组间血清GGT水平差异有统计学意义(F=9.44,P<0.05);药物性淤胆组与PBC组血清GGT水平差异无统计学意义(q=2.52,P>0.05),胆总管结石组[(424.7±317.0)U/L]高于药物性胆汁淤积组[(152.2±51.0)U/L]和PBC组[(230.5±121.0)U/L],差异有统计学意义(q=10.2,8.3;P<0.05)。各组间ALP~×/GGT~×值比较差异有统计学意义(F=8.23,P<0.05),药物性淤胆组(0.95±0.54)大于PBC组(0.64±0.33)和胆总管结石组(0.37±0.18),PBC组大于胆总管结石组,差异均有统计学意义(q=4.2,6.4,5.6;P<0.05)。ALP、GGT和ALP~×/GGT~×的ROC曲线显示:药物性胆汁淤积(阳性组表示为+)与胆总管结石性胆汁淤积(阴性组表示为-)ROC曲线下面积分别为0.552,0.189和0.972,PBC(+)与胆总管结石性胆汁淤积(-)ROC曲线下面积分别为0.498,0.298和0.749,药物性胆汁淤积(+)与PBC(-)的ROC曲线下面积分别为0.645,0.319和0.741;ALP~×/GGT~×曲线下面积最大。ALP~×/GGT~×用于鉴别胆汁淤积性肝病的敏感度、特异度优于ALP、GGT,鉴别诊断药物性胆汁淤积与PBC的敏感度和特异度为90.9%和62.0%;鉴别诊断药物性胆汁淤积与胆总管结石的敏感度和特异度为100.0%和84.6%;鉴别诊断PBC与胆总管结石的敏感和特异度为100.0%和38.5%;对应的cut-off值分别为0.599,0.534,0.225。结论 ALP~×/GGT~×有可能成为新的鉴别胆汁淤积性肝病的重要指标,弥补了ALP、GGT单独鉴别胆汁淤积性肝病的不足,对药物性胆汁淤积性肝病、PBC、胆总管结石鉴别诊断有重要价值。 展开更多
关键词 碱性磷酸 Γ-谷氨酰转肽酶 碱性磷酸酶与谷氨酰基转肽酶倍 胆汁淤积性肝病
Transformation of Coordinate Forms of Phosphate Ad-sorbed on Goethite Snrfaces Under Conditions of Vary-ing pH
作者 JIE XIAO-LEI LIU FAN +2 位作者 ZHOU DAI-HUA XU FENG-LIN LI XUEYUAN andWANG DIAN-FEN(Hnazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan 430070 ( China)(Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan 430O70 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第3期229-235,共7页
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and automatic titrimeter were nsed to study the relation be-tween pH and the transformation of the coordinate forms of P on goethite surfaces. The results showed thatfor a given ... X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and automatic titrimeter were nsed to study the relation be-tween pH and the transformation of the coordinate forms of P on goethite surfaces. The results showed thatfor a given P concentration, increasing the pH of suspension could cause a fast transformation of monodentatecomplexes of phosphate ions on goethite surfaces to binuclear ones. When lowering the PH, additional adsorp-tion of P occurred and the binuclear complexes reverted slowly to the monodentate ones. The dissociationand association of protons of the sorbed P caused by PH changes was considered to be a major reason lewtingto the transformation of the coordinate forms of P on the surfaces. The stability of binuclear surface complexof P was greater than that of monodentate complex. The possible reactions on the interface of goethite andsolutions with pH changes, and the reasons causing the different stabilities of the two coordinate P complexesare discussed in the paper. 展开更多
关键词 coordinate form GOETHITE PH PHOSPHATE X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Instability Mechanisms of Supported Liquid Membrane for Phenol Transport 被引量:6
作者 郑辉东 王碧玉 +1 位作者 吴燕翔 任其龙 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2009年第5期750-755,共6页
The instability mechanisms of the supported liquid membrane using Celgard 2500 membranes as support and tributyl phosphate dissolved in kerosene as carrier for phenol transport was studied by ele.etroehemical impedanc... The instability mechanisms of the supported liquid membrane using Celgard 2500 membranes as support and tributyl phosphate dissolved in kerosene as carrier for phenol transport was studied by ele.etroehemical impedance spectroscopy. Emulsion formation is demonstrated to be one of the main causes for the instability of supported liquid membrane in the present system. The emulsion-facilitated conditions, such as higher membrane liquid concentration, faster stirring speed, lower salt concentration and higher HLB value, would accelerate the degradation of supported liquid membrane. Other mechanisms including solubility and osmotic pressure work together to increase the membrane liauid loss. 展开更多
关键词 supported liquid membrane PHENOL instability mechanisms emulsion formation
Phosphate Adsorption and Surface Charge Characteristics and Their Relations to Mineralogy of Some Soils from Southern China
作者 ZHANG MINGKUI M. J. WILSON +1 位作者 HE ZHENLI L. CLARK and D. M. L. DUTHIE (Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Zhejiang Agricultural University, Hanyzhou 310029 China) (Soils and Soil Microbiolopy Division, Macaulay Land Use Research Institu 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1998年第4期297-304,共8页
The phosphate adsorption and surface charge characteristics of the tropical and subtropical soils derived from different parent materials in China were determined, and their relations to soil mineralogy were analysed.... The phosphate adsorption and surface charge characteristics of the tropical and subtropical soils derived from different parent materials in China were determined, and their relations to soil mineralogy were analysed.The results showed that all soil phosphate adsorption curves were well fitted by Freundlich equation and Langmuir equation. The maximum buffering capacity of P ranged from 66 to 9880 mg kg-1, with an increasing order of purple soil, skeletal soil, red soil, lateritic red soil, yellow soil and latosol; and the highest value was 149 times the lowest value, which indicated great differences among these soils in phosphate adsorption and supplying characteristics. The pHo (zero point of charge) values obtained by salt titrationpotential titration varied from 3.03 to 5.49, and the highest value was found in the latosol derived from basalt whereas the lowest value was found in the purple soil. The correlation analysis indicated that the main minerals responsible for phosphate adsorption in the soils were gibbsite, amorphous iron oxide and kaolinite; and the pHo was mainly controlled by kaolinite, gibbsite and oxides. 展开更多
关键词 MINERALOGY pH_0 phosphate adsorption tropical and subtropical soils
Hierarchical cobalt phenylphosphonate nanothorn flowers for enhanced electrocatalytic water oxidation at neutral pH 被引量:1
作者 Mei-Rong Liu Yang-Peng Lin +3 位作者 Kai Wang Shumei Chen Fei Wang Tianhua Zhou 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2020年第10期1654-1662,共9页
Cobalt-based phosphate/phosphonates are a class of promising water oxidation catalysts at neutralpH.Herein,we reported a facile hydrothermal synthesis of various nanostructured cobalt phe-nylphosphonates.It is found t... Cobalt-based phosphate/phosphonates are a class of promising water oxidation catalysts at neutralpH.Herein,we reported a facile hydrothermal synthesis of various nanostructured cobalt phe-nylphosphonates.It is found that the number of hydroxyl group of structure-directing reagent iscrucial for the construction of 3D hierarchical structures including hierarchical nanosheet flow-er-like assemblies and nanothorn microsphere.These samples were characterized by scanningelectron microscopy,transmission electron microscopy,X-ray diffraction,infrared,and X-ray pho-toelectron spectroscopy techniques.They can act as highly efficient electrocatalysts for the oxygenevolution reaction at neutral pH.Among these,hierarchical cobalt phenylphosphonate nanothornflowers present excellent performance,affording a current density of 1 mA cm^-2 required a smalloverpotential of 393 mV.This work offers a new clue to develop high-performance metal phospho-nate/phosphate catalysts toward electrochemical water oxidation. 展开更多
关键词 PHOSPHATE Morphology ELECTROCATALYSIS Neutral pH Oxygen evolution reaction PHOSPHONATES
Inflnence of PH on Chemical Forms of Phosphate Ad-sorbed on Goethite Snrfaces
作者 LIU FAN ̄1 JIE XIAO-LEIl ̄1 +3 位作者 ZHOU DAI-HUA ̄1 Ll XUE-YUAN ̄1 HE JI-ZHENG ̄1 XUFENGLIN ̄1 and WANG DIAN-FEN ̄2( Huazhong Agricultural Unzverszty, Wuhan 43O070 ( China)(Wuhan Unzverszty of Technology, Wuhan 450070 (China) 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1995年第2期157-162,共6页
Chemical forms of the phosphate adsorbed on goethite surfaces and characteristics of the coordinategroups which exchange with P on goethite surfaces in solutions with different pll values were investigated.Results sho... Chemical forms of the phosphate adsorbed on goethite surfaces and characteristics of the coordinategroups which exchange with P on goethite surfaces in solutions with different pll values were investigated.Results showed that the chemical forms of P on goethite surfaces changed from the dominance of monodentatecorrdination to that of bidentate one with increasing pH of the solution. By influencing types of phosphateions in solutions, pH affected the chemical forms of P on goethite surfaces. The amount of OH ̄- displacedby phosphate on goethite surfaces was the most at pH 7.0, the second at pH 9.0, and the least at pH 4.5. 展开更多
关键词 GOETHITE PH phosphate adsorption X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy
Clinical application value of bone turnover markers in non-small-cell lung cancer patients with bone metastases 被引量:3
作者 Zhiyu Wang Chen Yang Yumei Yang Zan Shen Hui Zhao Yang Yao 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2011年第2期81-84,共4页
Objective:The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical application value of bone turnover markers in non-small-cell lung cancer(NSCLC) patients with bone metastases.Including diagnosing bone metastases,detecti... Objective:The purpose of this study was to assess the clinical application value of bone turnover markers in non-small-cell lung cancer(NSCLC) patients with bone metastases.Including diagnosing bone metastases,detecting bone metastatic spread.Methods:Alkaline phosphatase(AKP),β-C-terminal telopeptide of type I collagen(β-CTx),osteocalcin(OST) and bone alkaline phosphatase(BALP) were measured in 76 patients with bone metastases from NSCLC and 44 normal people.Results:The level of AKP,β-CTx and BALP in patients with bone metastasis was significantly higher than in the normal people.Significant correlation was observed among bone turnover markers.The levels of BALP and OST were significantly correlated with the extent of bone metastasis.The patients with high-level CTx and low-level BALP had higher risk of pathologic fracture.Conclusion:In NSCLC patients with bone metastases,bone turnover markers can help to make diagnosis and evaluate the severity.It will have a wide range of use in clinical practice. 展开更多
关键词 non-small-cell lung cancer bone metastasis bone turnover markers
Influence of Inorganic Salts during the Photooxidative Process of Nitrobenzene
作者 Fernando Hernandez Aldana Antonio Rivera +4 位作者 Miguel Angel Hernandez Eduardo Torres Tonahtiuh Rendon Teresa Zayas Leticia Flores 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第4期267-275,共9页
Into the photooxidation process, several factors such as pH, time of irradiation, dose of UV light, lamp power, contaminant concentration, turbidity of the solution and the presence of salts can interfere with the pho... Into the photooxidation process, several factors such as pH, time of irradiation, dose of UV light, lamp power, contaminant concentration, turbidity of the solution and the presence of salts can interfere with the photodegradation of pollutants. This research aims to evaluate the influence of salts: NaCl, MgCl2, CaCI2, BaC12, CuCl2, Na2SO4, MgSO4, MnSO4, FeSO4, CuSO4, Na3PO4, K2CrO4 and K2Cr207 in concentrations of 0.0005 M, 0.005 M and 0.05 M during photodegradation of aqueous solution of 59.5 mg/L of nitrobenzene at a pH of 2.5. It was observed that the presence of salts such as CuCI2, CuSO4, FeSO4, K2CrO4 and K2Cr207 interfere negatively in the system UV/H202 applied for degradation of nitrobenzene; possibly by oxidation of Fe2+ to Fe3+ and Cu+ to Cu2+ in the Cr case, due to the difficulty of transforming the Cr6+ to Cr3+ or because these solutions have color and act as radiation absorbing filter. 展开更多
关键词 AOPS nitrobenzene photooxidation influence by salts.
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