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作者 张松 《政工学刊》 1999年第7期48-48,共1页
礁长姓梁名柱,是南沙某礁的“最高行政长官”,祖籍河南,海军少校军街,本科文化,年龄三十有三,因单身而赢得“光棍礁长”之美誉。光棍礁长生得精瘦细长,身材极像根大葱,险些到了“骨瘦如柴”之境地。礁长如此“苗条”的原因无法... 礁长姓梁名柱,是南沙某礁的“最高行政长官”,祖籍河南,海军少校军街,本科文化,年龄三十有三,因单身而赢得“光棍礁长”之美誉。光棍礁长生得精瘦细长,身材极像根大葱,险些到了“骨瘦如柴”之境地。礁长如此“苗条”的原因无法考究,椐小道消息说是因为爹和娘都爱... 展开更多
关键词 礁长 “瘦”字 光棍 海军少校 自渐形秽 心脏病 脂肪肝 高血压 风吹浪打 象征
《政工学刊》 1999年第4期73-73,共1页
拥有一片海洋。一座宝藏我的第一边疆三百万平方。四座殿堂一万八的海岸线上是我可爱的家乡六千岛屿。七万礁盘八个方向谁是那第九个肩扛五星红旗的礁长无论风吹,任凭浪打更有军徽在上,军装堂堂而我像英雄,守在你心脏三分骄傲,七分... 拥有一片海洋。一座宝藏我的第一边疆三百万平方。四座殿堂一万八的海岸线上是我可爱的家乡六千岛屿。七万礁盘八个方向谁是那第九个肩扛五星红旗的礁长无论风吹,任凭浪打更有军徽在上,军装堂堂而我像英雄,守在你心脏三分骄傲,七分坚强“背海而衰,向海而兴”百年耻辱... 展开更多
关键词 人民海军 海洋 五星红旗 始终保持 赤道 礁长 军徽 礁盘 姿势 心脏
《政工学刊》 1999年第4期57-62,共6页
在云飞浪卷的南中国海上,有一串明珠闪耀着光芒,那就是我们伟大祖国的神圣领土———南沙群岛。南沙群岛由230多座岛屿、礁、滩和暗沙组成,分布的海域约82万平方公里。它地处西太平洋与印度洋之间,是东亚、东北亚通往西亚、南... 在云飞浪卷的南中国海上,有一串明珠闪耀着光芒,那就是我们伟大祖国的神圣领土———南沙群岛。南沙群岛由230多座岛屿、礁、滩和暗沙组成,分布的海域约82万平方公里。它地处西太平洋与印度洋之间,是东亚、东北亚通往西亚、南亚、欧洲和非洲等地海洋航线的必经之... 展开更多
关键词 南沙群岛 守礁官兵 守礁部队 高脚屋 礁长 海洋国土 战士 东门礁 礁堡 永暑礁
Characteristics of Growth Rate of Coral Porites from Sanya Bay,Hainan Island and its Relationship to Environmental Variables 被引量:2
作者 施祺 张叶春 孙东怀 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2003年第2期62-71,共10页
The time series of annual and seasonal growth rate of two coral Porites, collected at different sites of fringe reef in the Sanya Bay, Hainan Island have been obtained by analyzing X-radiograph of skeletal band. There... The time series of annual and seasonal growth rate of two coral Porites, collected at different sites of fringe reef in the Sanya Bay, Hainan Island have been obtained by analyzing X-radiograph of skeletal band. There are obvious seasonal variations of the growth rate in two corals, the average low rate in winter and the average high rate from spring to autumn. Compared with the time series of environmental variables, the coral growth rate is only correlated statistically with seawater temperature and not related to rainfall and sunshine. Furthermore, the growth rate in spring and summer is correlated directly with seawater temperature of the winter-early spring ( between December and March ) and the other seasonal growth rate has no relationship with seasonal variations of seawater temperature. We propose that seawater temperature is one of the factors affecting the coral growth rate in the area and the low seawater temperature is a primary control of the seasonal growth rate. 展开更多
关键词 skeletal band of coral porites growth rate environmental controls
Habitat values for artificial oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis) reefs compared with natural shallow-water habitats in Changjiang River estuary 被引量:7
作者 全为民 郑麟 +1 位作者 李备军 安传光 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第5期957-969,共13页
Oyster reefs have an equivalent, complex 3-dimensional structure to vegetated habitats and may provide similar functions in estuarine environments. Nevertheless, few studies have compared oyster reefs with adjacent na... Oyster reefs have an equivalent, complex 3-dimensional structure to vegetated habitats and may provide similar functions in estuarine environments. Nevertheless, few studies have compared oyster reefs with adjacent natural shallow-water habitats. Here the resident benthic macroinvertebrate communities in an artificial oyster (Crassostrea ariakensis) reef and in adjacent natural estuarine shallow-water habitats (salt marsh, intertidal mudflat, and subtidal soft bottom) in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary were described. The mean total densities and biomass, Margalef's species richness, Pielou's evenness and Shannon-Weaver biodiversity indices of the resident benthic macroinvertebrate communities differed significantly among the habitats. Significantly higher densities and biomass of benthic macroinvertebrates occurred in the oyster reef compared with the other three habitats. Ordination plots showed a clear separation in benthic macroinvertebrate communities among the four habitat types. The results demonstrated that the artificial oyster reef supported distinct and unique benthic communities, playing an important role in the complex estuarine habitat by supplying prey resources and contributing to biodiversity. In addition, the results suggested that the oyster reef had been restored successfully. 展开更多
关键词 oyster reef habitat complexity biodiversity MACROINVERTEBRATES estuaries Changjiang River
Seasonal variation in community structure and body length of dominant copepods around artificial reefs in Xiaoshi Island,China 被引量:2
作者 孙晓红 梁振林 +1 位作者 邹吉新 王龙祥 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第2期282-289,共8页
This study aims to investigate the seasonal variations in copepod community structure and prosome length of dominant species from March 2009 to January 2010 around artificial reefs in Xiaoshi Island, Yellow Sea, Weiha... This study aims to investigate the seasonal variations in copepod community structure and prosome length of dominant species from March 2009 to January 2010 around artificial reefs in Xiaoshi Island, Yellow Sea, Weihai, China. Samples were collected using two types of plankton net (Model I and Model II) for different-sized copepods. The number of taxon was calculated from the data of both the net types, while the copepod abundance was done using the samples from Model II only. Sixteen species of planktonic copepods, including 5 dominant species, were recorded. Results reveal that Oithona similis was the first dominant species from March to June, and was replaced by Paracalanus parvus in September; both dominated the copepod community in January. Acartia hongi was the second dominant species from March to September. Centropages abdominalis was the third dominant species from March to June, and was replaced by O. sirnilis in September and Corycaeus aJfinis in January. C. affinis was the fourth dominant species in September. Population density of the dominant copepods was compared with that of other similar regions. We found that the dominant species were mostly small copepods (〈1 mm) except for adult Centrapages abdominalis. Seasonal variation in prosome length of O. similis, C. abdominalis, and C. affinis, and their copepodites were studied for the first time in China. For P. parvus and A. hongi, seasonal trends in prosome length variation were similar with those in Jiaozhou Bay, Yellow Sea, Qingdao, China, in a similar temperate domain. The results are helpful for future calculation of copepod biomass and production, and for investigation of the relationship between copepods and fish resources. 展开更多
关键词 copepod community structure prosome length population density Xiaoshi Island
Temporal stability of Symbiodinium phylotype in scleractinian coral Galaxea fascicularis from a tropical fringing reef in the South China Sea
作者 周国伟 黄晖 +1 位作者 董志军 喻子牛 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1186-1191,共6页
Symbiodinium sp. occurs in a symbiotic association with various marine invertebrates, including the seleractinian corals. Understanding the flexibility and specificity in coral-algal symbiosis can have important impli... Symbiodinium sp. occurs in a symbiotic association with various marine invertebrates, including the seleractinian corals. Understanding the flexibility and specificity in coral-algal symbiosis can have important implications for predicting the future of coral reefs in the era of global climate change. In the present study, we conducted Symbiodinium phylotype analysis, based on polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP), in the scleractinian coral, Galaxeafascicularis, from a tropical fringing reef in Hainan Island, over a 1-yr period. Our results showed that Galaxea fascicularis could associate with Symbiodinium clade C and D either individually or simultaneously. However, during the sampling period, the Symbiodinium phylotype did not change significantly in the scleractinian coral Galaxeafascicularis, although the seawater temperature decreased sharply in the winter season. This study further suggests that the shift in Symbiodinium communities in response to seasonally fluctuating environments might not be a universal feature of coral-algal associations. 展开更多
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