Keeping True to the Original Aspiration and Working Hard to Write a New Chapter Meeting to Celebrate the Founding of the CPC and Welcoming the 20^(th)CPC National Congress Held at Chongqing Foreign Affairs Office风雨...Keeping True to the Original Aspiration and Working Hard to Write a New Chapter Meeting to Celebrate the Founding of the CPC and Welcoming the 20^(th)CPC National Congress Held at Chongqing Foreign Affairs Office风雨兼程秉初心砥砺奋进续华章市政府外办召开“庆七一喜迎二十大”座谈会为充分发挥先进典型表率示范作用,激励全办干部职工和全体党员、党组织奋发进取,创先争优,以实干实绩迎接党的二十大胜利召开,6月30日,市政府外办召开“庆七一喜迎二十大”座谈会。市政府外办党组书记、主任王雯出席座谈会,并讲专题党课;办党组成员、二级巡视员.展开更多
文摘Keeping True to the Original Aspiration and Working Hard to Write a New Chapter Meeting to Celebrate the Founding of the CPC and Welcoming the 20^(th)CPC National Congress Held at Chongqing Foreign Affairs Office风雨兼程秉初心砥砺奋进续华章市政府外办召开“庆七一喜迎二十大”座谈会为充分发挥先进典型表率示范作用,激励全办干部职工和全体党员、党组织奋发进取,创先争优,以实干实绩迎接党的二十大胜利召开,6月30日,市政府外办召开“庆七一喜迎二十大”座谈会。市政府外办党组书记、主任王雯出席座谈会,并讲专题党课;办党组成员、二级巡视员.