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作者 顾志龙 《南通大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2012年第6期1-7,共7页
马克思和狄尔泰分别从各自的哲学立场出发,展现了对于人类精神的客观层面的深切关注,他们不约而同地认识到,只有从社会—历史的视角出发,我们才有可能对于人类精神有一个全面的认识和了解。马克思的哲学关注对于社会的改造,革命始终是... 马克思和狄尔泰分别从各自的哲学立场出发,展现了对于人类精神的客观层面的深切关注,他们不约而同地认识到,只有从社会—历史的视角出发,我们才有可能对于人类精神有一个全面的认识和了解。马克思的哲学关注对于社会的改造,革命始终是他的理论的不变主题。而狄尔泰则希望通过对人类精神的分析,为西方社会生活找到真正的意义的基础,从而获得精神的安宁。马克思专注于精神的客观方面,专注于社会存在对于社会意识的决定作用;而狄尔泰则不仅从社会—历史的方面理解精神的意义,也对个体生命—单元给予了充分的关注。马克思和狄尔泰对于精神的社会—历史本性的揭示不仅使近代哲学从主体和客体的抽象对立中研究人类精神的至上性和现实力量的思辨失去了存在的价值,而且,也使我们充分认识到任何立足于从个体的精神过程揭示精神的本质的企图,包括心理学、人类学和其它的精神科学自身的不可克服的困难。由此,我们也许可以重新站在精神研究的新的出发点上,并使马克思主义关于精神现象的理论获得新的发展。 展开更多
关键词 马克思 狄尔泰 社会—历史视角的精神
作者 陈时见 花筝 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第11期3-12,共10页
世界著名比较教育学家施瑞尔长期深耕于比较教育方法论的研究,逐步建立起以“调和历史与比较”为核心的“社会—历史”比较分析范式,回应了全球互联背景下比较教育研究所面临的危机与挑战。深入研究该比较分析范式,有助于从比较教育发... 世界著名比较教育学家施瑞尔长期深耕于比较教育方法论的研究,逐步建立起以“调和历史与比较”为核心的“社会—历史”比较分析范式,回应了全球互联背景下比较教育研究所面临的危机与挑战。深入研究该比较分析范式,有助于从比较教育发展变化的元科学层面对比较教育方法论进行深入的反省与探究。“社会—历史”比较分析范式以“关系的知识”为研究起点,以“功能等价”为解释模式,以“调和历史与比较”为研究方法,坚持社会历史的比较视野,强调多重因果的复杂关系,注重理论体系的系统建构。施瑞尔力图通过这一比较分析范式实现对比较教育研究方法的整合与重构,进而通过比较教育研究建立起历史与当代之间、国别与民族之间、全球化与本土化之间的联系、理解与平衡。 展开更多
关键词 施瑞尔 比较教育研究 方法论 社会—历史”比较分析范式
音乐的社会—历史、文化学分析深度观质疑——兼及对音乐本体分析深度观的重新认知 被引量:3
作者 蒲亨建 《民族艺术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第3期122-135,共14页
当下音乐学界的一个具有代表性的观点是:只有从社会—历史、文化学的背景条件下的分析与研究才能够达到对音乐更为深层的认知。文章对此观点与实例进行详细分析,指出其认识的失误与偏差。提出:只有基于音乐本体研究的纵深挖掘,才能真正... 当下音乐学界的一个具有代表性的观点是:只有从社会—历史、文化学的背景条件下的分析与研究才能够达到对音乐更为深层的认知。文章对此观点与实例进行详细分析,指出其认识的失误与偏差。提出:只有基于音乐本体研究的纵深挖掘,才能真正达到对音乐更为深层的认知,并对此观点做出相应论证。 展开更多
关键词 社会—历史分析 文化学分析 音乐本体分析 认知深度 质疑
作者 韩水法 《哲学分析》 2012年第6期3-25,共23页
黑格尔哲学与马克思主义这两种理论之间的关系可以从一个特定的角度,即社会—历史研究中的批判境域予以考察,这样,它们之间一脉相承的核心观点就容易分析和梳理出来,并可以得到集中的讨论。批判因素在黑格尔哲学之中发挥了重要的作用,... 黑格尔哲学与马克思主义这两种理论之间的关系可以从一个特定的角度,即社会—历史研究中的批判境域予以考察,这样,它们之间一脉相承的核心观点就容易分析和梳理出来,并可以得到集中的讨论。批判因素在黑格尔哲学之中发挥了重要的作用,它与历史和终结二者须臾不可分离,互为条件,但它们彼此之间却包含了无可消解的矛盾。马克思社会—历史理论中有价值的部分主要在于批判因素,而它有关未来历史的构成性内容却失之于草率。由于批判的与构成的这两个维度之间的抵牾,现代社会批判理论陷于认同其所批判的社会的基本原则的困境,它自身的正当性因此需要重新证明。 展开更多
关键词 社会—历史批判 阶级理想 社会坚硬的事实
“守正创新”的唯物史观意蕴探赜 被引量:1
作者 陈永杰 杨泽光 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期12-21,169,共11页
习近平总书记在党的二十大报告中多次强调“必须坚持守正创新”。“守正创新”体现出鲜明的唯物史观意蕴,就其哲学前提而言,“守正创新”拒斥“外部反思”、要求深入社会现实,展现了对唯物史观具体化原则与创新性特征的赓续传承;就其展... 习近平总书记在党的二十大报告中多次强调“必须坚持守正创新”。“守正创新”体现出鲜明的唯物史观意蕴,就其哲学前提而言,“守正创新”拒斥“外部反思”、要求深入社会现实,展现了对唯物史观具体化原则与创新性特征的赓续传承;就其展开路向而言,“守正创新”依循唯物史观以新的理论指导新的实践,在社会—历史定向中推进中国式现代化进程;就其价值指向而言,“守正创新”始终坚持鲜明的人民至上立场,发挥人民的首创精神以实现人的自由全面发展,在实现中华民族伟大复兴的同时,积极开创人类文明新形态。 展开更多
关键词 守正创新 唯物史观 社会—历史定向 外部反思
作者 朱文苍 李欧 《四川省干部函授学院学报》 2004年第1期53-55,共3页
作为批评家的茅盾,他有其鲜明的批评风格。本文试图考察茅盾不同历史时期的批评,力求发现这些用今天的眼光来看多少存有局限的理论,找寻其背后原因。茅盾早期笃信现实主义——自然主义批评理念,后期开创了中国的社会—历史批评流派,成... 作为批评家的茅盾,他有其鲜明的批评风格。本文试图考察茅盾不同历史时期的批评,力求发现这些用今天的眼光来看多少存有局限的理论,找寻其背后原因。茅盾早期笃信现实主义——自然主义批评理念,后期开创了中国的社会—历史批评流派,成为社会政治型批评家。这两个时期的理论皆背负着摆脱不掉的时代重负。 展开更多
关键词 茅盾 文学批评 现实主义—自然主义批评 社会—历史批评
作者 刘肖 《桂林师范高等专科学校学报》 2018年第1期94-97,共4页
余华的长篇小说《活着》是对其上一年发表的同名中篇小说的改写。经过修改,《活着》文本第一层叙事由远距离的冷静陈述过渡到近距离的温情表达,第二层叙事纳入了"社会—历史"的维度,叙事人立场由"宇宙—生命"的审... 余华的长篇小说《活着》是对其上一年发表的同名中篇小说的改写。经过修改,《活着》文本第一层叙事由远距离的冷静陈述过渡到近距离的温情表达,第二层叙事纳入了"社会—历史"的维度,叙事人立场由"宇宙—生命"的审视滑向"社会—历史"的呈现,显示了作者余华对现实的妥协。 展开更多
关键词 余华 《活着》 改写 宇宙—生命 社会—历史
The "Mother Complex" of Martha Quest 被引量:1
作者 Rukhsana Rahim Chowdhury 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第10期810-816,共7页
Human experience can best be understood in the framework of collective social relations. Like any other tie, the mother-daughter relationship is forged not in isolation but informed by cultural, historical, and social... Human experience can best be understood in the framework of collective social relations. Like any other tie, the mother-daughter relationship is forged not in isolation but informed by cultural, historical, and social values, circumstances, and practices. The twentieth century has witnessed the greatest changes in world history. As an outcome of the noticeable shift in gender ideologies in the last half of that century, modern mothers and daughters struggled to experience a union, a bond, an understanding of themselves and the world around them. Clash of tradition and modernity in ideals and mores can be held accountable for the consequential neurotic development of the psyche in twentieth century mothers and daughters. Doris Lessing's writings reflect the way in which these complex changes in society affect family relationships. Her first novel of the Children of Violence series, Martha Quest, is an apt study of a mother and her daughter's struggle with their newly defined roles in society. This paper will seek to examine the conflicts that are encountered in the wake of such adjustments by contemporary mothers and daughters. In order to do so, the study will focus on an exploration of the kind of issues that Martha Quest and May Quest experience in Lessing's Martha Quest through approaches available in works by Carl Jung on his theory of the "mother complex". 展开更多
关键词 gender roles "mother complex" RESISTANCE psychic dilemmas Matrophobia MOTHERHOOD
"Some Things Must Be Left Unsaid!" On How Macherey Is Dialogically Engaged with Post-Marxism1 被引量:1
作者 Billy Bin Feng Huang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第3期487-508,共22页
This paper aims to examine how Macherey is dialogically engaged with post-Marxism in formulating his reading strategy. First Macherey thinks that the author must have left something unsaid in his text. The unsaid or t... This paper aims to examine how Macherey is dialogically engaged with post-Marxism in formulating his reading strategy. First Macherey thinks that the author must have left something unsaid in his text. The unsaid or the narrative rupture is responsible for the multiplicity of the voices in the text, enabling the text to exist. Most of all, Macherey argues that a text, embedded in History, is where the author represents ideology inaccurately. And it is from this inaccuracy where the narrative rupture emerges. At this point, Macherey is dialogically correlated with several major post-Marxists, such as Althusser, Eagleton, and Jameson. First, all three of them give their own definitions to ideology, and they all define the relationship between the text, ideology, and History in a similar fashion. For Althusser, ideology is men's imaginary relation to History and is insufficiently reflected in the text, which perfectly corresponds to Macherey's claim. For Eagleton, a text absorbs ideology and puts it into contradiction, establishing its relationship with History. As Eagleton himself has stated, his so-called "ideological contradiction" is tantamount to Macherey's so-called "narrative rupture." In Jameson's opinion, ideology is designed to repress social contradictions, and a text, a symbolic act, is supposed to offer imaginary solutions to them. Above all, they end up as the latent meanings of a text. As for History, it is the inaccessible Real. In speaking of "the latent meanings of a text," Jameson literally echoes Machery's said/unsaid model. Thus, we can confirm how Macherey is dialogically engaged with post-Marxism. 展开更多
关键词 Macherey (un)said narrative rupture post-Marxism ALTHUSSER EAGLETON JAMESON
Will the Holocaust Please Hush? Social and Historical Incongruity in Savyon Liebrecht's Hayuta's Engagement Party
作者 Corinne E. Blackmer 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第7期513-520,共8页
Mendel, a survivor of Auschwitz who lives in Israel, remains silent for forty years after his traumatic experiences. However, Mendel, for no reason that his daughter Bella, also a survivor, can discern, begins to test... Mendel, a survivor of Auschwitz who lives in Israel, remains silent for forty years after his traumatic experiences. However, Mendel, for no reason that his daughter Bella, also a survivor, can discern, begins to testify to his horrific ordeals during the Holocaust at putatively inopportune times, such as religious holidays and family celebrations. When his granddaughter Hayuta plans an engagement party, the social and historical incongruities of the Holocaust in the context of contemporary Israeli society become apparent. Ordinary pleasures are matters of moral obloquy in the face of the unfathomable black hole of the Holocaust. While critics have charged Mendel's daughter with preoccupation with invidious social climbing and his granddaughter Hayuta with moral reprehensible compartmentalization of her historical and familial existences, Liebrecht unwittingly implies that historical trauma has very diverse and inexplicable effects on different family members: Some, like the daughter Bella, eventually wish to hear more about the experiences of her father (while feeling that his words will "'ruin" her social life), while Hayuta and Shifra his daughter-in-law react by shunning the speech of Mendel, which they experience as destroying their quotidian happiness. 展开更多
关键词 Liebrecht Savyon HOLOCAUST intergenerational PTSD traumatic testimonial Jewish history Israel remembrance
The Pursuit of Happiness in the French Novel of the 20th-21st Centuries
作者 Ruth Amar 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第6期279-293,共15页
Happiness, as much a poetic as a philosophical, sociological, and psychological concept, has been, through the ages, at the heart of the needs each individual seeks to fulfil. But today, in a world dominated by techno... Happiness, as much a poetic as a philosophical, sociological, and psychological concept, has been, through the ages, at the heart of the needs each individual seeks to fulfil. But today, in a world dominated by technology, driven by productivity and dictated by efficiency, what about Happiness? Does it feature in works of fiction in any significant way? May it not have adopted different guises? ls that "duty of happiness" that Pascal Bruckner was talking about present in the French novel of the 20th-21th centuries? And if it is, has its force strengthened or weakened? This article will discuss the French Novels (of the 20th-21th centuries) that are devoted to or associated with Happiness in a direct or indirect manner. It will contextualize and analyze the transformation of Happiness, within the context of the historical and social events that influenced that period: the Holocaust, consumerism, postmodernism, structural social changes, the various as yet unarticulated new modes of life they created, and so on. To that end, this article will explore the discursive philosophical concept of happiness and its influence on the formation of the French novel. In so doing it will focus on the explicit discourse behind the motifs, the choices made in the process of writing, and the attitudes taken, considering the theme of happiness. Doing so, a significant discussion will be included regarding the paths of happiness, its agents, and the nature of the motifs and metaphors linked to the theme of happiness. The author will also address the dialectical role of the happiness theme in the constitution of an emerging literary discourse reflected in the French novel. By exploring the manifestation of the dogmas, ideas of the intellectual leaders of the 20th century (e.g., Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone De Beauvoir, Albert Camus) as well as the ones of the 21th century (e.g., Pascal Bruckner, Andr6 Comte-Sponville, Gilles Lipovetsky) new insights concerning the hybrid nature of the supposedly "authentic happiness" will be revealed. The author intend to inspect the theme of Happiness around four dialectical axes as a relevant ethical basis for delimiting the various fields of research: (1) Love, passion, and conjugality; (2) Ageing; (3) "The experience of everydayness"; and (4) "The era of emptiness". Focusing on the narratives, the article takes into account their specificity in the four distinct fields, all connected to existential and ethical issues, Finally, this article will attempt to analyse the assumed role of literature as a conduit of cultural awareness. 展开更多
关键词 French novel HAPPINESS love conjugality MORALITY ageing everyday life postmodemism EMPTINESS PASSION
Study on the Spirits of University Teachers
作者 QIN Xiaogang 《International English Education Research》 2015年第10期45-47,共3页
The paper intends to study the formation of the spirit of independence, curiosity, innovation and benevolence which the university teachers in Medieval Europe had under the specific social and historical conditions. B... The paper intends to study the formation of the spirit of independence, curiosity, innovation and benevolence which the university teachers in Medieval Europe had under the specific social and historical conditions. Based on this, by contrast the current crisis of spirits of medieval university teachers in modem society, the paper also analyzes the reasons and tries to find out the mechanism to cultivate the spirit of the university teachers in modem society. 展开更多
关键词 Universities in Medieval Europe SPIRIT university spirit spirit of university teachers
Emerson's Views on Reform
作者 LONG Yun MENG Qing-fang 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2014年第4期240-249,共10页
As the most influential representative of New England Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson has been commonly known as a man of letters and a prophet of religion. Yet, at the same time, he was also questioned by some... As the most influential representative of New England Transcendentalism, Ralph Waldo Emerson has been commonly known as a man of letters and a prophet of religion. Yet, at the same time, he was also questioned by some scholars who argued that Emerson remained aloof and indifferent to both politics and reforms. Scrutinizing the addresses, essays as well as other published writings of Emerson, we can have a better understanding of his deep thought and wisdom concerning reform, and fully realize his great influence. Based on analyzing two essential aspects of Emerson's views on reform, this paper points out that Emerson's views on reform are of historical importance; and his views can also provide realistic reference and guidance to the current social reform in China. 展开更多
A Conceptual Inquisition on Sexual Crimes
作者 Sinan Caya 《Sociology Study》 2014年第11期917-924,共8页
In this paper, the starting point comprises the general philosophy of sexuality. Despite certain differences in various cultures throughout the world and social history regarding all matters of sexuality, many converg... In this paper, the starting point comprises the general philosophy of sexuality. Despite certain differences in various cultures throughout the world and social history regarding all matters of sexuality, many converging principles of mankind are also there to take notice. In this light, in this work, the dimension of criminality in sexuality is taken into consideration. Rape seems to be the most common type of violent sexual crime. The topic of sexual offences (milder crimes) in the legal framework is further developed and debated, with references to figures of authority. Sexual harassment seems to be the mildest form or degree of offence on a scale depicting the spectrum of sexual crimes. As a matter of fact, its mere definition emerged only in contemporary times, even though its presence had been a fact of social life, throughout the ages. In this paper, while a general survey is preferred, peculiarities due to Turkey as a separate country with its own cultural history, are also alluded to inappropriate places, along the course of debates. 展开更多
Ecological Transformation of Minority Folk Dance
作者 Wang Yan 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第6期451-453,共3页
In the process of folk custom development, ecological transformation is a normal phenomenon.This article will study the minority folk dance ecology transformation based on the perspective of social historical developm... In the process of folk custom development, ecological transformation is a normal phenomenon.This article will study the minority folk dance ecology transformation based on the perspective of social historical development.The author will discuss the native pattern and variable pattern for the development of the minority folk dance and analyze the positive influence and negative influence on minority dance at this stage. To address the problems in the development, the author puts forward some countermeasures and feasible suggestions for its future development. 展开更多
关键词 minority folk dance the original form variation form
The Social-legal Construction of the Poor Childhood: Social-historical Analysis in the Discourse of Cordoba
作者 Nidia Elinor Bisig 《Sociology Study》 2011年第1期65-74,共10页
This paper intends to perform an analysis of the academic production of the National University of Cordoba from the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century that deals with the problem of the illegitimate, ... This paper intends to perform an analysis of the academic production of the National University of Cordoba from the late 19th century to the middle of the 20th century that deals with the problem of the illegitimate, abandoned, delinquent childhood, from a critical approach of the racism theory. One of the displacements this category underwent during the passed century is that it went beyond the field of race and it included women and young people. This aspect involves the discrimination of poor children that have been confined to the place of the "other". Racist characters can be traced in the discursive political practices that have created the category of childhood, being plausible to successfully perform this task by considering as the object of analysis of the theses and dissertations that discuss this subject matter in Cdrdoba. The paper will try to reconstruct the voices that, due to the sense of social belonging of the actors, refer to a certain class ideology. This provides a study of the constitution of the Argentine ruling elite, when the problem of social control, or the "social matter", was placed in the middle of all speculations. Analyzing both the characteristics of the discursive racism of the Argentine elite and the complex process of inferiorization of childhood that the discursive racism entails will allow to establish categories for an analysis of modern racism. In this way, elements to counteract the practices of domination will be presented. In order to do this, it is necessary to historicize them, reconstructing the discourses that support them and allow their continuity, since they persist in their functionality. 展开更多
关键词 Social-legal construction CHILDHOOD Cordoba ARGENTINA
Changes in Post-World War II: Italians in Rochester, N.Y.
作者 Frank A. Salamone 《History Research》 2012年第3期233-241,共9页
This article examines the major similarities and differences among Italians who migrated to Rochester, N.Y., before World War II and post-World War Ⅱ. It offers explanations on the similarities and differences among ... This article examines the major similarities and differences among Italians who migrated to Rochester, N.Y., before World War II and post-World War Ⅱ. It offers explanations on the similarities and differences among these two groups of migrants. Investigation of historical, sociological, and anthropological sources along with interviews among both populations provides abundant data bearing on the investigation. The successful completion of the research reported in this article has major bearing on the issue of migration itself, theories in history, sociology, and anthropology, and even on social psychological understanding of how choices are made and identity is formulated. 展开更多
关键词 IDENTITY MIGRATION intra-group relationships cultural ecology cultural change and stability
Ecological Transformation of Minority Folk Dance
作者 Wang Yan 《Review of Global Academics》 2014年第2期147-152,共6页
In the process of folk custom development, ecological transformation is a normal phenomenon.This article will study the minority folk dance ecology transformation based on the perspective of social historical developm... In the process of folk custom development, ecological transformation is a normal phenomenon.This article will study the minority folk dance ecology transformation based on the perspective of social historical development.The author will discuss the native pattern and variable pattern for the development of the minority folk dance and analyze the positive influence and negative influence on minority dance at this stage. To address the problems in the development, the author puts forward some countermeasures and feasible suggestions for its future development 展开更多
关键词 Minority folk dance The original form Variation form
Digging in the Garden of Eden
作者 Mary Phil Korsak 《Sociology Study》 2018年第4期171-179,共9页
The paper first presents the translation of Hebrew Genesis entitled At the Start... Genesis Made New. The new version belongs to the field of ethno-poetics. It intends to take today's listener/reader back in time by ... The paper first presents the translation of Hebrew Genesis entitled At the Start... Genesis Made New. The new version belongs to the field of ethno-poetics. It intends to take today's listener/reader back in time by capturing the characteristics of the original Hebrew and expressing them through the medium of modern English. If translations may be said to reflect archaeological layers of social history, At the Start... Genesis Made New attempts to dig down with the purpose of reaching the deepest layer: critical analysis of terminology in the Garden of Eden story provides insights into the primitive Hebrew society that invented this particular myth more than 3,000 years ago. The paper also looks at the same story as translated in the Revised Standard Version, first published as the Authorised Version or King James Bible in 1661, and The New English Bible published in 1961. Different world views characteristic of European society in recent centuries colours the understanding of the biblical text. The translations are affected in consequence. A comparison between the versions is revealing… 展开更多
关键词 YHWH Elohim man/woman ground/groundling
Researches on the teaching based on the applied linguistics
作者 Wang Li 《International English Education Research》 2015年第8期51-52,共2页
Along with the development of the times and the innovation of the society, the history and cultures are also constantly inherited under the strike of the flow of the tide over the years, forming the centuries-old cult... Along with the development of the times and the innovation of the society, the history and cultures are also constantly inherited under the strike of the flow of the tide over the years, forming the centuries-old cultures. Of course, the heritage of any culture needs a carrier, and the history and culture is no exception. Language itself is a kind of tool for the information exchange, and the communication process of the language is also accompanied by the substitution of the culture. So it can be said it is not only the category of the information exchange, but should be expanded to the cultural heritage. With the continuous changes and development of the society, people focused more on the application in the learning of the language, so as to highlight the characteristics of different cultures through the applications in different aspects. 展开更多
关键词 Applied linguistics introduction of the English culture research and analysis of the teaching
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